HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-12, Page 3Rheumatism
and all
Minani s
►u riven
lor three
t quidly relieves .ore
throat, bronch,tr. neur.
dpaw and any
An Old Reliable Remedy
S. Fsweetd. Hamdtnn Si.,St., Collirgrdl
Oat,writes.-Minard'a Liniment rarely a as
WA reliable remedy. I shays keep a bottle
is tke know and have recornmentkd ,t to
quite a number 4l my I issue, to a kin• kerns
pest rebel. In most cars n •as used r •
Owe lie rheemaur.
Mini d's�
in meat
armoutti Noon.Sottas(:
Egli,. blecialwi 0, •t • in's anti children
.awaaes, Muir. t hit DK sna Lei sout diseases, ey
ear nose sod throat, partial dealneas, lumbar
.0J rheumatic conditions. Aderotds remora ' •
the toffs. ochre at residence. bo `c roc Natures Mirror
Valera and St. Andrew's streets. Alt home tie
Woodsy).. Tbundaya and Satt.days. any eve••.
ey appotatmeot.
John Jo}'nt, N.P.P., and Other Speak-
ers at U. F. O. Picnic Approve
Premier Drury 'i Want -to -knew
Kluluss, August 5.-i Free Press
report ).- Between 4,11(X) and 5,000
people gathered at a 1'. F. 0. picnic
here today 1n expectation, of hearing
I'rewler 1►vury and H. 11. Dewart, Lib-
eral leader, Literals, l'ollser•athem
and 1'. F. O. stalwarts appeared on the
platform, and town and couutry were
well wised in the audience. Both the
1'•rewier anti Mr. Le•wart dimappuhdel
by failure t utU qd, but John Joyut,
M.I'.1'. for North Huron, contributed
the material for another "Hicks incid-
ent" by it remarkable reference to Sir
Adam Itek--a reference which a later
speaker, Mayor J. J. limiter, of Kin-
cardine, a 1.11wral. ...meta to modify.
"This In bila automobile era:" declared
Mr. Joyut, in discussing hydro radials,
'Lent not an age- for ele•trk reads.
Eighty -live per cent of electric lines
iu the Isawteru States- are in the Lauda
of receivers. and yet Sir Adam' Beek
and his ass,s•biter want tie build radials
around Tumult and Loudon to get stone
graft mut of
Mayor Hulrterk issue with fila
part of Mr. Joynt' address.
"Sir' Adaw Beek'sv rause;' he lead,
"la tint w;tth.which the w,rr1 graft has
ittri heti and count "conu,sted.
Bea V.Goderich. All instructions by mail or
an at Menai ()Lae /til be pion pay attended to
rssideac• telephone 111.
&se. Tag, soiaata. emery pubh Office
Street. Goderacb, third door from
Trust funds to lotto at twat rates.
ruisuc. ETC.
oice-Sterl,n,:Bankl Blick. Haitiltee Street
Gamma. Tdepbooe as.
Mad ablate. Loan and Icrsaraacw-
.-f IUORAN & C ()OKE
Ogee as the square. second .door fros Hared
as Street. Goder ah.
Private team to loan .t lowest rates.;.
W-Psworuur. K.C.. J. 4. Kiuoa.w
H. J. D. Coosa,
(� R/SIER,attummy.akcator.MA..
Yws7 Waned at lowest Wel.
TJ ICITOR. watery, public madeoev4•alar•
•-Court Home. Goderich. 010•17a
�l .ANCE CO. -Film and isolated tomo mop -
arty insured.
Oicers-Jes. Connolly, Pres., Goderach P. O ; 'men
j.., Ivan., Vta Pree., btechteood P.O.: Thomw -
a. May.. Sec.-Tresa., Scatorth P.O.
Proctors -D. F. McGregor, R, R. No. a. Sea sAGE Tf�, BAR Ree
.nth John G. Guest, No. 4, dalton; William
R R. No. 't, S.Villh, John kknoewaea• led
en' Geo ktcCutoeY R R No. i.Sea-
erU ober( Ferris, H w wai�arsa ■.l
When • we>
man is will
and bealthY-
. 1 there's a sparkle
?' n her OVA. a
ruse tint in her
cheeks, and abs
has rich red
blood. After
taking nature's
tonic which Pierce called
'Favorite Pre-
-�•► (} srriptioa,'.
{:r44rAdellijra there's elasti-
c, :::..tt , city in every
- movement and
. apnea in bar
r, }Yfi1' step- Love
comes to every
woman who has bounding hsnith-but when
ath•s pallid, dull eyed, languid. she
bee so mogueUsm nor does ebe •pp••l 10
sq mom
- GODnioi. 03'!.
J. B. McUoual 1, of Tiverton, Warden rams Y1NE NOW
ut Brute (omits, {resided In an able .14'TEK TWO 1EAR.S.
manner. and speakers In 'Whitton to
•1...... already meutlwred were: H. H •Stomach Trouble Gorse, Quebec Man
Halbert )4.1'.. ex-pr•afdent of the U. tan Eat Atything Set dirties
F t r • ekmator'2 J liounetly, of Brum; !
Alex. McWhlunt•L M.P.P., \feat Bruce, Him Now.
It just feels fine to be a well man
r' If hfldoss • Falconer, of Culross:
so grateful for what Tanlac has dune for
Huron. me that 1 want to mike a statement
Mr. llnllw•at referred to a charge about it," said Daniel John Landry of 312
which hr said had been brought against
his by Bruce 11ew•spupora, to the 0.11
St. Philippe afresh Quebec. recently.
411141 Ite't•IM $tout, of Klw•ard101 : Math- I „
r ' a air atter two years of suffering, and I'm
McNab of Greruock. and Rutile of g
guess I've get myself to blame for
feet that Ile ball favurd the increased my illness, because.'it was the excessive
sessional iidemuity at Ottawa. l Chewing of tobacco that caused my stomach
"On the contrary, I /puke uguiuet 1t," . trouble, and so brought on my other
be declared. ailments too. It started with chronic
"How did you vote?" demanded a indigestion. Always after my meals 1
coke from the audience.. would feel a hard, heavy lump right here
"That is what Mclkrtald, of Chemley,� in the pit of my stomach. and 1 would
asked me ley telegram after the vote bloat up with gas fit to burst. Later I
was taken," raid Mr. Hulbert. "I will lost all desire for food, and even the
answer you and him together. That i demty dishes that my wife would prepare
rut. Was 1101 moiled. Reference to � for me did not tempt me to rat enough to
Hansard will bear me out. Team and keep up my strength. 1 used to be badly
nays were taken hurt no vote recorded." ' constipated, and itadd such dizzy spells
that many a time 1
street and lean up aga
house to keep from fa
Referring to Premier Meighen'a get
together" speech at Portage la Prair-
ie, Mr. Helbert said that what t'urutda
needed was it brotherhood of d'art- sleep was very disturbed
111111411 citizenship. pass the night rolling and t
"There le, " hr maid, "tat much rsoe one side of the bed to the oth
and creel basins -rot in this country. I got thoroughly weak and rondo
It Etas started already. and you will complexion was a yellowish green,
hear a great deal more of it before looked liked a ghost of my former se
the next election." "But Tanlac has made a wonder
The (Range Sentinel. be said, had change in me. I've now got an appetit
referred to him an a -renegades" and like a wolf, and eat anything that is put
there would be a great deal more of before me. All signs of my stomach
trtfeu..the tamp({,iittn seas troubles are gone, for I digest my food
• tfameM o[ and never have any
1,r11, aril such agitators sort of distress afterwards. I am no
ad to stop in the
st the side of a
ng over. My
nd 1 would
sing from
At last
n. My
nd I
over.. Men were. fanning the without difficulty.
metal pass
should lee (resist into oblivion.longer constipated. and never have those
"They am sbnwing Premier Drury diziy spells now. 1 get sound. restful
in the wafter of Hydro." said Mr: sleep every night and get up every mnrn-
'n•mlrr Drury is not a- ing feeling full of life and energy. I've
(mute n.
gaited hydro development. The very got a good healthy color into my cheeks.
fact that Sir Adam Beek dews not and 1 tell you I'm as well and happy as
wanti a-iavealIYstloi_w_oul make can be. Yes, sir, Tanlac has been a
oar anxious to go op- with it?' I wonderful benefit to me, and 1 strongty
Referring to the hostility found liy recommend it to all who suffer as 1 did."
some it) exiot between the cities and Tatllae is sold in (lode, ach by E. n -
rural districts, ,Mr. Halbert said: "It Wigle and the leading druggist
is nut your Ileal town merchants who every town.
take such high prime from you. It im : t
the men who arc Iwtween the usuu- I IN REPLY TO MR. NtKEh\E]'.
faetnrer laid the merchant.
"Some people predict that the next
Governrnent ut uttaawa will bre a To the Editor of the Signal.
Farmer Gorermin'rrt. Well, 1 don't j Sir, -1 read In the last issue of The
waif to raw it but there should he a I Signal Mr, McKe'gney's reply to my
few more of us down there, and th re letter.
will Ise. Wil Just want enough. f I Again. Mr. Me-Kegney, i am forced
era to rap -those fellows frying to remind you that the catholic church
their own t." I is not a "political inatltntiou" end try
Mr. Joss
aea(l that the hydro power
as you may you cine( prove that it Is.
whinged not only to the cities. hut to '•he Public School History duets not
the country, affil It was lett fair that
retortion that the Armada sum hiesactt
the rural parts about(' pay.$rsi to $70 by the Pups. Just because Lord How -
per horsepower *len cities joy only •rel of Eff ttgham, who was Due of the
112 to 414. It whs impossible to chief factors in England's vk'tory over
start factories In
s on this 11
drawing the youngthe eltiea. This 'Mould
Tate to tot possible
at least bean equalized
They want to build hydm
'aid the speaker. "and i don
to alai, but what 1 wait to les
wmany farmers between N1
and G,ttltrlch have the power at
able for ordinary purpmees. The
'.5 lid Ira hydro pmawer _U rJ .4Or
cession and side road"
ylr. Joynt totnme•nilyd Premier
Untended for last week.)
Mr. and Mts. George Patterson, of
Toronto, are wetting with Mr. and Mrs.
C. Robertson.
Mr. Victor Brookes. of Toronto. is
spendmg his holiday. with Mr. and Mrs.
A. W11son,
Maas Ruth Young, of Stratford, spent
the week -end with her parents here.
Air. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and family,
01 Cochrane, who have been visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson kir the Past two
weeks, have returned to their home.
The young people of Smith's Hill held a
picric at Grand fiend on Wednesday
afternoon. about forty-five being present.
All report a very enjoyable afternoon.
The Carlow baseball team paid a visit
to the Goderich township team on
Tuesday evening and played a game un
Mr. JamesMcMillan's grounc.s. the result
being in favor of Goderich township.
Mr. Robert Wilson. of Flint, Mich.,
spent the week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Wilson.Mr, Wm. Clayton left on Tuesday on a
trip to Manitoba.
Mr. Richard Levy and Miss Gladys
Levy. have been visiting friends in this
community before going to their new home
at Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs Smith. of Toronto,
motored up and spent the week -end with
Lt. -Col. \'arcue and returned to Toronto
on Monday.
Mr. Chas. Varcoe left on Monday to
esume his work in Toronip after ,.pen
e past two weeks with h' ?arena"
an• Mrs. John Varcoe.
1 tow sot and Spain, 'wets a Bowan l'atholi(•, you
co tt, aril that Ix HOW wish to insinuate that he acted as
.Jn lir doral/ a he did In (tela -nee OT the orderer -of the
uN l- �1 -.VOLS.. Boman Catholics were alredtel
of their allegiance to (Imam Elizabeth
tisk., on sound mairero$.
bJec't 1. They were required, if they wish-
ed to hold an (utee, to hike en loth
ackuowlelghug torr Queen as supreme
if.aR head nt the church.
2. The people were required) to at-
\tenl English church serenest' every
1(nnthy ander penalty atlty of imprisonment.
3. Time whotesule massacre of the
was gpdtug Jaallitm.
FJmfrs. Ont.: -"I hews very kind twa-
in( for Dr. Pieroe'a Favorite A o iptioa
for it ooee saved my mother's � When
going through middle sae her health f
vary fast; she suffered with peia in her bead
sad backache. in fact, she had pains and
-aches .11 through her body. 4be loot weight,
Wes vary wrvous, would become diary and
setimes faint and fall wherever she 'thawed
to b.. This neemwitated our watching her
. a the time, we dared not leave her alone.
She was es miserable ea one could be and
live. Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prseiip • n
was recommended to ler. She took a
bottles and wee completely restored to
g ood health." -MRS. B. E UFTRE.
GROVE, Boy 223.
•nock. Malcolm Mc- - oma
ata,e:, Clinton; James Evans, Beechwood; James
AN g 6
Csolly. Goderrcb.
Aareu. J W. Yeo. Goderach; Alex. Leitch.
R. R. No. 1. Clanton: N alum Chesney. Sedorth;
B. Htocbley Seafor lb. Pobcy-holders can pay all
//s•rments and get their cards ',teamed at R. J. K
arorrish's Clothing .Store, Clinton; k. H. Cutt'a � i $
Grocery, Kttr meet. 6edwishr-es--J•-ii
lReeid's Genera Store, Bayatld. -
Brophe) Bros.
lye Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carefully attended' to
at all hours, night or day.
The reason some men don't teach their
wives to drive the car is because they
want to have a car to drive themselves
Drury for his foresight in ordering an egney, L uw ufntkl you
investigation of the hydro radial pro -
turn your history upside down whets
Jets slid reared the Toronto and ..f t rum w re reading It. Stephen Ir11gtun
Easternt ll /hemp. 1 •
wax a IonianCatholicand was the
"A few' of those big gime want I's.iu;x c rye to till the'Iseaney that
build this r, std." he saki!. "sidle -o l wag left o he death of he Ar•hhish-
farwer' milk by lamplight. I say it up td ('ante try. The history did not
is a steal and a sandal that remtda record Ute fa that Langton was
�ullt to p41ntllel threw *milting estrangedfrom\tile Popepu account of
es. We sari no hydro radial lines his aetivitie' in\regatrd to the Magna
rz rpt where they are ladlt 'Petted. ('laxtta. lint the ing who world mit
sue as along tine *Imre of lake Huron. allow Stephen Lan tpn as Archbishop'lout t twotam Ul\fest Slwm." of Canterbury to enter -England. and
}l Ma. or Hunter off Ki Kinear line saidacted who pillaged motmstrtIppt and exiled
he Incl cel PremierDruryhad uting i mnnka, ora excommun este' by the
/lately appointing the Inrelatigating
commission and that it was,wise that
there should be a Premier not easily
"1 have always option -ea yuTro n
"lural still do Hydro
power is not }'rt fully (leech .
plower item alone is big enough with-
out going into nadltts yet. Radials
are' not needednow, In most ttaw'A,"
Gideon Ruffle. RseVe of Huron. also
referred to the hydro,radial question
:and suggested (amt (tie hydro take
hold of the Ontario hest Shore Dill',now defunct, where a radial is needed
as trolly as anywhere.
A letter was rad from H. H. Dew -
art expressing regret at inability to
lee present.
Rev. Geo. Kerney, of Berrie Meth-
odist circuit, has_ btkdlnrgr of the
xrnaugements for •tine''jknic. and de-
partments of the Berrie church con-
ducted booths on the grounds.
Mr. chordExplains.
Mr. Joynt has since matte a retnIe-
Ibm or esplaDation of his remarkp
about "graft" in his seth as above
reported. He Mil 1n an interview
with a preset representative:
have no notes of mspeech, y speh, but
so far ax this' reference Le contented
1 want to make an apology. and you
e-tnitnt make it tear strong My Idea.
WAS that the radial from Toronto to
Buwntuncillc would be a propowiti0n
that would he detrimental to the
country end that we would have to fin-
ales.It, end 11 W011111 be a hieing gnmc
in view of the other threw roads.
"it wait the last thing in my mind.
however. that Sir Adam Beck was go-
ing to get anything mut 0f it. He is
Just a' liable to an error in Judg-
ment Aa anybody, and 1 have a right to
Pxpas my opinion that It would not.
pity. 1 think that he la a man above
that. 1 do not think be knows.'every-
thing in the world, and f Jot took
the ground that it was not wise for
him to push thin- project."
body can TeiL
You can turn gray. faded hale beau-
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
attht If you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's
Owe and Sulphur Compound" at any
drug more. Millions of bottles of Me
told famous Sags Tea Recipe, Improved
By the addluon of other ingredients.
are sold annually. says a well-known
druggist here, because it darkens the
hair so naturally and evenly that no
one can tell it has been applied.
Thosewhose hair is turning gray or
becoming faded have a surprise await-
ing them. because after enc or two
applications the fete hair vanishes
and your locks become luxuriantly
dark and beautiful
Tile L the age of South. Oray-
haired, unattractive folly aren't
wanted around. eo get busy with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
to -night and you'll be delighted with
your dark, handsome hair and your
youthful appearance within a few
days • to
Tata preparatloll is a toilet requisite
and la not Intended for the cure, mitJ-
gation or P Bon of disease.
it is our endeavor to rnake^'ea:h of these fea-
tures consistent with the others in all Footwear and to
give YOU entire satisfaction.
Try Here's Boot Shop for Service.
IlE We are prepared for the holiday season with a
full lineeof Travelling Goods: Trunks, Club Bags,
Stmt Cases, etc. '
IIn order to give better servile in Shoe Repair-
ing we have installed a Finishing Machine. The best
Iguaranteed in Repairing.
HI�AlI1NrAl11 �
'here The) Draw the Line.
'1 he ho I man was • musing mood.
"People u efts t huteis art ((Leer, '
he said. "1 e . re just as honest and
honorable as other people. l suppose,
but they • nk °thing o1 taking things
away fleet hotels the silver Irom the
taole,Soap and towe (tom the bedrooms.
ttipre prohibition ca they are becom-
_ victitns themselves •1 thieves. We
find it impossible to pr ct our guests
from having their liquor sto from them
by our htlp. But they don' complain.
We know :hey are cross ab tut _ , ething,
but they won't tell us what it is.
"There is this to be said, hoever,
about guests and emuloyees alike. ey
have a tine regard, amounting to al
veneration, for things sacred. Now,
never knewin all my hotel experience one
solitary instance of a guest or employte
stealing a Gideon Bible."
x �
Poor. TII (' ureh of ErtAhlnil s found-
ation is In
y connected with any-
thing retail n to the Magna (;harts.
was theafoinaler of the English
Church? Henry 1'111. We a know
e•a,..t w"uc.i.a he fouui . "The
lawless pursuit of that King hi kr
to every person who mads the hist
of Henry 5111.'s reign. Why, Mr. 31
Kepley, did ,Henry break away from
the CatholicChurch? Just because the
Sovereign Pontiff wunld•not consent to
Henry's marrying and divorcing wive((
at his will, Mr. McKegtws, please
take a Public School History and read
carefully iu chapter VI., Hervey \'Ill.'s
reign, beginning un page 117.
"W1h•n Belgium lsokic1 to ('artnda
for help, Protestant Ontario Hushed to
her aid," 1'114er this heading, Mr. Me-
Kegney, you do not mention The thotrs-
auuda of Catholic lads from "Proteeetant"
Ontario who bled in Flanders 8eides.
The French-1'1'11adians 114Ire been abus-
ed. and threatened with disfntn(1hi'tP-
ment. No wonder, then, that they,
who had been refused Canadian eft 1z-
.nship, balked when they were celled
Upon to, die for that country. After
the Government lifteed the banns from
Quebec what 1'rovitwe yielded ora
generously of the flower of her man-
hood to the Gnat Carse? The men of
('tato imitated in r.'gimentm of their
own mel: the catholic Iris* regiments
organized at the first call tree dim -
handed and settt,isii through the itrl-
tish army under the nine of being
British. net Irish regiment'.
1 too. repent my statement that
wherever the Roman (catholic church
has tamer wild influence them true
loyalty is found to Klug end country,
1 don't think 1 need say anything abut
taw 140-1-4411ed murder r,f Britfah Intend-
ers In Irelit nil. as ant sensible person
will know that it is untrue.
Mr. McKt-gtacy, yon know well that
the Catholic priest' Have never tanglst
Catholic children to hate the Ilrltish
F'mpir'. 1 ask you to withdraw or
give some illustrations of your base
insinuation, m ,rim will be known arc
a toward throughout the whole com-
Australia voted voluntary enlistment.
Her nien hadn't been given w ehatwer
to enlist before entiveription wan being
forced upon them. If you had your
(hobs. 0f enll.tmort or tonsc'ripNMn,
whish ctonld you take? 1 am Imre It
wouldn't he. ennseriptIon.
wish to say that 1 did not "pur-
posely mt,nnkrstand" your 12th of
,duly oration. Any pronnn who hear)
your speech oh that (hay undetrsttmst
p•rfetly well what von meant.
Thanking you for thin melee. \(r.
Editor, 1 remit In,
M. 1.t►NG.
King•bridee, Augest 0. 19215.
A Right Choice
Nearly everyone arrives at e
point where there 1. Deed for
a tonic- restorative.
Scott's Emulsion
Jo the choice of tails of thou-
sands because it &SS boos
to the whole system and
restores mien!:.
.How About 1t, Steve?
K incarchne Review.
Stephen Stothers, of Clinton, accom-
panied by his wife, passed through Kin-
cardine on Thursday last on their way to
Lion's Head, where he was to join Mr.
Mackay, of Walkerton. in some Depart-
mental work in connection with their
respective counties. Huron and Bruce, in
the interests of agriculture. On returning
on Sunday evening Mr. Stothers informed
us that while in the north country he had
occasion to visit in the district in which
Miller Lake is situated. We have fished
off the dock, listened to Bob Ross, Jim
Malcolm. R. J. Stewart and Judge Klein
telling of the wonderful catches in that
country, but we had to take off our hat
to Stothers upon his return. We do not
like to question the veracity of any man
holding a prominent public position, but
the fish stories told require the O. K. of
Phil Forbes before they down with us.
Phil's reputation on fish or other stories
has never been questioned. and if he says
their catch is what they say it was we
will accept the statement.
Following is a list of the school fairs to
be held this year in Huron county, with
the date of each :
Dashwood -Thursday, Sept. 9.
Crediton -Friday. Sept. 10.
Corrie -Thursday, Sept. M.
Ethel -Friday, Sept. 17.
Porter's Hill -Saturday. Sept. 18.
Colborne -Monday, Sept. 20.
McKillop -Tuesday, Sept. 21.
Clinton -Wednesday, Sept. 22.
-Wednesday, Sept. 29.
Walton- hursday, Sept. 30.
Wroxeter -Monday, Oct. 4.
Belgrave-Tuesday. Oct. 5.
Bluevale-Friday,' Oct. 8.
Thursday, August 12, 1920-11
Curtain washing now
made very easy
It used to be a tedious business, didn't it? But
now -we have a way that means very little work -
takes verylittle time -and really no great skill. Thanks
to LUX. This way your curtains take on a fresh
newness, the colors are brightened -the craggiest
and limpest curtain becomes a thing of beauty.
All due to the satiny. foamy lather of
purest. surest and gentlest of all cleansers.
The trashing of curtains is described in "Thi Card
of Dainty Clothes". Let us send you a copy now.
TI ,
Children dance with joy t sight of a full, plump,
WAXTITE package -Kellogg's. Toasted Corn
Flakes -they know w at crackly, crispy, richness
it contains. Give the heaping bowls -with milk
or cream, or fruit and cream -always fresh
tempting in the funiliar WAXTITE package.
Kelbrges Products -Toasted Corn Flakes -Shredded Kean -Jain
-Erambled Itraa-are made In nor new modernlaed kitchens at
TORONTO turd always wrapped "Waxtats"-Sold Everywhere