HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-12, Page 22—ThurodaT, August 12, MO.
Thuraday. August 12,
Why didn't the Russians tight like
that wilco Germany was the euseny?
The world has more respect for the
Boislieviki after their display of fight-
ing Qualities.
The next big event iu Goderich wlU
be the fall fair. unless somebody gobs
au* regsttireir a baseball tourtutruent
or *met hing.
Where is Paderewski? Why couldn't
he give the Poles a grand fortissimo
lead?. We lure always heard that his
attack -is superb.
Th; Globe, Telegram. etc. bare all
kinds of faith in Beck and the Hydro
radial schemes, but they dou't waut
any tureatigation. Why?
_ Assist 8 was the secundiumliffaat7
of the grind attack of the Canadian*
before Amiens. which led directly to
the virtorious climax of the war. •
' "Public opiuion today is created in
the couutry and not iu the city." says
The FarmersSun. Some of the city
papers are slow in yak -Ling the idea.
A liarrie paper chronicles the fie-
Tiral at that place of lauuch WIdele
came from Buffalo by way of _
Mut varlet. At lain that famous wat-
erway has demonstrated its useful -
A. wheat crop of 225,000.000 to 2.10,-
000.000 bushels for Canada this ersr
la estimated by tbe managing direeter
of the ogilrie Milling Company. This
would be an increaser of fifty 10 seventy -
Ave wallows over the yield of 1919.
D. It. Hanna. president of the Can-
adian National Railways. say* ou his
returu from a tour through the West
that the people out there are in favor
of freight rate inereaaes for the rail-
ways. A good illinstratiou of man's
faculty of seeing what he wants to
Don't Trust to Luck
When ordering Tea, but insist on
getting the reliable_.
The Tea That Never Disappoinisn
Black, Green or Mixed • Sealed Piquet* Only.
In the small places will atop.
Mr. W. 11. Kerr tuts completed frty
years as pubtisliert-of The • Itrussela
Post and now is iler -daddy" of all
Abe newspaper men of Huron, every
other liater In the county bay-
ing Oranges' hands at least onee during
the forty years. In referring to the
anniversary. the editor of The Post
mentions some compeneations for the
lapse or the years tat -OW 'of thew
is the he has bad a pretty little
town to live in. The editor of The
Signal was in Brugge's for a few min-
utes the other day—the first lame he
hall ever been iu abut town in the
summer time-- and was surprised aud
delighted to see the beautiful otreets
and the many luindsome, well -kept res-
idences with their air of 'substantial
etnufort. inlet:sets must indeed be a
good town to live in. and we do not
wonder that Editor Kerr has fouud
the years plowing swiftly over hie
head. On the other hind, imagine
what it would be like to llve forty
years In some places; you know—in a
place like—well, say, like Clinton
We hear that the local war veterans
are Viking a lively interest in the dev-
elopment* of the stritute-bettrent Pol-
and and tbe Darlsheriki. which direst -
ens to bring ou 'soother general war.
If' Canadian bares are celibate1 for
overseas mervive. Goderich will be well
repreaeuted, many of the Dien being
more than willing to don the khaki
told him of the possibilities of Goderich
and he told me he had been to Godench
on two occasions and had wondered why
passenger boats did not call at what
seemed to him the gateway to Ontano's
best county. He asked me if I knew the
reason. I told him of an interview 1 had
had last year with the Northern Navigation
Company at Sarnia re the prospects for
such a venture and that these people had
informed me that the chief reason was
that Goderich harbor was not the best in
the world to get into when a stormy sea
was on. Apart from that. they believed
the traffic would not be heavy enough to
warrant it. I told my friend trait my
personal idea was that if some steamship
enterprise would make a stab at it, even
under present harbor conditions. and run
a combination passenger express and
medium-size freight vessel into the port
of Goderich. it would be profitable, and
mighty profitable at that. I did not tell
my friend so. but I do intend to take
this matter up with the Canadian Pacific
Railway in the immediate future. In
fact. am arranging a date now to meet the
industrial commissioner and when we do
meet I hope to obtain some concrete
information as to what assistance this
corporation is ready to lend to Goderich—
rather give to Goderich—towards
trta! and commercial promotion, and as
to what steps, if any, they are prepared
to take towards better rail and water
transportation should a couple of big
industries decide to locate in Godench
t Th C P R
ween now neat spnng. e . .
has gone a long way in assisting gime
"TIP" O'NEILL DOESN'T other towns that I know of : 1 cannot see
E'ORGET GODERICIL why they will not assist Goderich. They had
a reason fur running a line ir to Goderich
in the first place ; anything that will help
Goderich will hip them. They have
been a successful corporation ; they have
the "inside dope" on big stuff, and I
have it from another pertg who knows
the C. P. R. very well that they will be
glad to put some kindling on any fire that
and on July 22 your editorial note and is lighted In Godench.
advice re the establishing of a fund to But appirently. from the manufactur-
st smaller Indust, ies desirous of iocat-
er s point ofview. one of the most serious
ing in Godench, it seems to me,
drawbacks n Goderich is the present
indeed timely.
"I'll tell you what Goderich needs more
than anything else today. and that is
better water transportation facilities, -
said one of the largest manufacturers of
automobile* in thiscountry to the writer
the other day. "Goderich as a town
requires such improvement ; the farmers
in the surrounding district are in need of
it. The common citizen of Goderich and
the county will some day wake up to find
that this argument is in place." he went
To the Editor 01 The Signal.
DEAR SIR. —In the last two issues of
The Signal. my attention has been some-
what forcibly called to two separate
articles of comment. In your issue of
July IS there was an article. "An Argu-
ment for the Lakesto-Ocran Channel,"
Lakes -to -Ocean waterwa.y. The Det oit
manufacturer is tight that, with regular
boat service into (.oderich on the Lakes-
to•Ocean route, Goderich cannot help but
prosper, as where is there a town on the
propt>ed waterway map. the gateway to
such a garden as Huron county, that bids
so high as does Goderich for industrial
growth and general prosperity ?
In politics. (ho e who know me know
that 1 am a fret thinker. I have gone
through some of the most bitter cam•
patens as publicity man tor some one
silitical aspirant since I entered the
newspaper field some fourteen years ago.
Have been through several bye-elert ions
in the Canadian West that were bitterly
contested. 1 do know that. while the
present coalition Government in Canada
may have been a success towards enlisting
men for a war that simply had to be won
at any cost, this Government has surely
failed in any other angle apart from the
military. It looks as thou,th the elements
willshortly go to battle in another general
election for the Canadian Commons. To
the Canadian mind they have a peculiar
way of selecting and electing their candi-
dates for Government over here; still and
all, the electors are mighty particular in
the sifting, and so will Canada have to be
next time they go from the stretch to the
wire. Goderich and the constituency in
which it stands should be very careful in
the choice of a fearless man. who will
when elected take the floor of • he Parlia-
ment and argue till black in rhe face. if
need be. that the true interests of Gode-
rich and district be served.
Perhaps there are sone things in this
letter which your other subscribers are
interested in. If. not, they should be.
Now is the time to get Goderich on the
jaMys H. (Tie) O'NEILL,
The Flint Journal,
Flint, Michigan.
harbor facilities. I do not know exactly,
but I imagine that the present rail and
water facilities leading to and from
Godench could handle much greater,
capacity than they do at present. Perhaps
I am wrong. I do know of the freight
car scarcity, etc. I also know that so far
as the lake traffic is concerned today it is
principally confined to grain and coal.
Every time I think of the Government
cash that was thrown into Lake Huron at
St. Joseph 1 think of what that extra
amount and a little bit more on top
The manufacturer continued to slant
ght have meant to Goderich at that
queries as to the extenttime. If memory serves me right. Gode-
of shipping that;
rich at that time had a passenger boat
line every three days or thereabouts.
That was certainly better than nothing at
another question—"Would present facil-
all. And had earlier improvements been
ities be sufficient to capably handle the made to Goderich harbor and a more open
nutput of a real big industry there ? appeal been made to Huroni tea to patronize
Further, two big irdustries" He pointed I the water passenger route to greater extent
out that the greatest handicap the their travel. Goderich by this time
industries of today know is the handicap would have been reaping the golden
of transportation. He went on to say
that there is no good reason on earth
why Goderich should not be one of the
can be handled out of Godench today.
To the beaked my ability, these questions
were answated. But he came back with
We are pirates' to Nee that The
Farmer* nu. attbuugh regarded -Ark
In some degree the mouthpiece of the
Drury Government, retains its edit-
orial independence. In a resent issue
it has this paragraph:
What is the (Ontario Government
doing about reforcatation? It is
about time we were bearing something
about the fulfilment of this plank in
the Farmers' platform for Ontario. A
platform is to ride on, not to get in on.
Hon. W. L. Mackenzie K(ng opened a
pre -elm -Lion tour with an address at
Nes market on Saturday. He charged
the leeighen Government with usurping
power for which it had no mandate
from the people, and declared that
• the country was in reality in tbe con-
trol of "privileged and !epeeist inter-
ests- of which the Government was
the yis4ble representative. The lAle
end leader was accompanied by Sir
Allen Ayiesworth and Mr. Rodolphe
Lemieux. the latter bringing an en-
couraging message from the Province
of Quebec.
All said and done, if G..derich harbor
must have "great big" improvetnents In
greatest waterway shipping ports on the order to get passenger service renewed—
and this seem. tots, thetremand—then
Lakes -to -the -Ocean route. if such project
Parlament of
n up and re -
on• banner county
prominent local manufacturer. I didn't caitec riuron wit a gateway that will be
Roes through, which almost undoubtedly the treaaury 0
1 tAe
it Will. Canada will have to
I had dinner the other evening with a member that the
forget to get in a word about Goderich. i one of the greatest in the new day of the
The Bruasels Post does not lite to
see buildings in the small towns dem-
oliabed be\ wrecking firms who mien
the inateriat for building purpones in
the growing cities He would like to
w e statutory power given to a council
to forbid aneh demolition "and thereby
save tbe credit of the manicipsIny."
It would bsrdly he possible to secure
Ilte passage of any such legislation.
The owner of a building who Cannot
Ilse it. or rent it, or sell it ha anybody
but the wrecker, could not *It justice
be prevented from getting something
out er it by having it demolished
before it tumble. dowo. One enema -
tire would be the empowering of the
municipality to purcbase such bund-
les.: but would the municipality care
to spen41 tansery in this way? The
beet thing to ho le to try to secure
such conditions In this pnintry that
will remove some part tit hest of the
h andlesp under which the small tows
I place/ la comparison wfth tin big
city Then tbe wrecking of bighting.
WASH day is the least wel-
come day of the week in
moat homes, though sweeping
day is not much better. litoth„
days are moat trying es Uri
Th. strata ot 'making, froategialla
mresplag fraquontly Oarsages
ILidaemo. The Mims paismal
and bre.hall. pales Is
the hobs
Kinsey Suit as itroasa&.•
the liver awakes...I to maim aad 158
bowete reguiatad by meth treatment
••• Ilidiser-Ltver
ehis favorite prescription sit the welt -
blown Ramie Book aatbar wflIawl
tali you 10 the hear re wed..
Om SU • goom, ase a boa et aU 11.11110%
Danassisa, Bat= a Ca. Ltd., Tiga&go.
Dr.0 hast:
x;011.,111‘,.1 Pit!,
--sleepless nights, constant
sneezing, streaming eyes,
wheezy breathing :—
kings relief. Put up in cap-
sules, easily swallowed. Sold by
reliable druggists for a dollar.
Ask our agents or send card for
free sample to Templeton's, 142
King St. W., Toronto. Agents,
all Toronto and Hamilton drug-
Latta Agents--Duniop's Drug ,Store.
A Cross -Country Trip by a Walkertoo
Newspaper Man.
Last week Goderich had a visit
from Mr. and Ilra. Lortie Eedy, of
1Valkerten. Mrs. Eesty 1.. s sister
of Mrs. J. 1'. Iteyeraft of the N1041111'1
street parsonage and Is herself
former Goderich girl. betug it daugh-
ter of the late itev. Jasper ao
well remembered Goderich aa a
beloved pastor of North arrive Meth -
(Abort church. Mr. Eesly is editor of
The Walkerton Telescope, IOW of "the
brightest papers published in the
county of Bruce, which bus many
good newspapers. In his paper teat
week. Mr. k:esly gives the following
readable sketeir of his trip scrum
country to Goilerich:
The Tel4eope man enjoyed a trip
livered country to Goderich on Mon-
day. Irriving by way of Teeswater.
Wingliani and Myth we passed
through as line a section as one
would wish to ere. Particularly at
tide time of year the eountryeide is a
great sight. The rolling landsoripe
intermittent hill and slate wh
makes Renee rounty w, piss lac
continues as Gtr as Goderich/ One
has to go farther south lir emit ta
wet into the .at even I I that tat
typical of isouthwestern. Ontario. A
pool July. with so web rata,
kept everything a. luorions
and Western Ontario kg Just now a
veritable Garde of Eden. Crow ere
uniformly lit -y between here and
the lake. (Mb. are magniticeut. looking
better if 'anything towanis this end
of the/ jeurney. The eorn is not up
te, the other field crope loud in Huron
motility ia deelsiedly poor, ,tht, it
With' t.; the lack of sunshine the
mouth. Rut all things ,point to
the hest all-round crop on !event airs1
the farmer and townsman can both
afford to smile at the prospeet.
%%Ingham is quite a busy -looking
town. not much changed in appear-
atwe the past few years. While the
frame business blocks on Its main
street do not compere very favorably
with Walkerton's subotantial 'leek
"stores. the smooth cement pavement
gives the main street, a neat up-to-
date appeursince that thin town would
do well to emulate and which we
hope will be au Accomplished feet
here if ten years' talk is to count fur
At Myth. a trim little village, we
'saw the beginning of a $23A1100 mem-
orial ball. The red premised brick is
on the ground and when completed
Myth will have a ',uniting that will
be not only a memorial to the fallen
heroes of that town but a perpetual
monument to the petriiitiam soil pub -
1e0 .le -tit -Me
Goderich. Mounted on a circular
plateau overlooking the lake. is
most beautifully situated. Ha lay-
out, with nice wide istreets, radiat-
ing like the ;woken of ti wheel from
the central public issuers.equals env -
thing its Ciamoln. Thia, with RA
spacious well -kept lawny, and stately
residences a nd public parks'. IDgkem
it one of the moat beautiful towns+ in
the Dominion. The puddle square is
a beautiful park which will hold sev-
eral thousand people on the Well-
siOn of any public gal-Mng. Thew
is also the west side port and every
street leading to the waterfront has a
lung bench or two overlooking the
hike. where paioseraby can sit in the
shade and enjoy it good view of the
lake front and catch a cool breeze
thew summer stays. Goderich con-
tinues to be an important summer re-
sort. The Hotel Sunset at the top
of the hill orerlooking the lake bsovell
patronized. There are many sumlner
cottages along the lake rebore. but
there in no wide sandy beach that can
be compered to Southampton or even
l'ort Elgin. Goderich was dinap-
pointed in not landing the big steel
plant which promoters claimed was
going to locate there last year. but
• citizens have not trod faith in the
industrial future of Goderich and are
Justly proud of their town.
A distinguishing feature of Gorier-
Ifil 144 Its well -kept roadways.itis
street. are wide -end smooth. Wheth-
er the nature of the road material
or gravel that ix available luta any-
thing to do with it or not we (Ithaca
say. The fact his that In Goderich and
In the surrounding townships as well
a standard of road escellence is main-
tained that le beyond anything in
this diatriet. On the return Journey
the roads continued good as far as
Lueknow, but it was not until we
reached W'(llveron street near the
hospital that • good old-fanhlooed
jolt ---the drat we had all day --re-
minded us that we were indeed home
at lest.
Are Yon Getting 6%
If your savings are not earning
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Victory Loan Bonds not only
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Wood, Gundy_& Company
• Canadias Pacific Railway Solidleg
XXX XX X $11111011111111X1EXIIIIINXXXXilififill ,
Summer Silks and Voiles Reduced
Selling all summer goods at very much below
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• color. Neat patterns. Regular $2.50, at ei cti
per yard. Lidli
• Shantung Raw Silks, 34 inches wide, in rose, $2.00
slice, uatural and white. Regular $2.50, for
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VNies—Plain fine Voiles in pink, blues. or-
chid. white, etc. 42 in. wide, at WOO and 'PA",
Linoleums7-Britisfi Linoleums, 4 yards wide, heavy
beautiful quality in floral and block patterns. $1 50
New and grand value, at per square yard •
Clearing of Imported Rags
3 it 3 yards $18 3 x 3t• yards $2S
3 x 4 yards $28
2 x 3 yards. $10 3 x 3,I• yards $18
3 x 4 yards
lip lour
When waIllebraml.
initamelea wish
morn if* mg smelt •••••••
ghsema se mho m asedlo.
gem Mom& mast. ter ERMAN
maws wv sawn • sews
ammo eir esserre
eallINISe Term Comoneneers July fith.
arwavvono. ONT..
This the school which has el-
periemed instructors. gives thorough
courses and assists gradugtes to
high-grede positions. The demand
upon us for trained help exceeds the
number graduating. Commence
your course with us at opening of
summer term on July 5th. Get our
free catalogue.
D. A. SicLACHLAN. Prioripal.
Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"—that's all! When
it becomes lifeless, thin oc loses its lustre, when ugly dandruff
appears, or your hair falli out, a 33 -cent bottle of delightful.
dependable "Danderine" from any store, still save your hair,
also double it's beauty. Try "Danderine" and sees
Machine Repair Work ---
We are prepared to do bine repair work of all kinds
ptly and at reasonable -
We have installed an A Ji 1 1, • 011171T.
and farmers and others having br en casting can bring them
to us and have them made as good as new by t is process.
• Tale Can tor a Life Lee.
"Asked the boo for a raise yesterday.
Told hips I found it hard to keep my
head above water, that I was being
swamped with billa and was in danger of
going under if he did not come to my
"Whet did he eay
"Told rix It was a buyinema he was
nsamenc nct a life ening station."
-School of Commerce
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
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Highly Qualified Teachiag Staff
Actual Business System of Bookkeeping
Credestial Typewriting Tests
Positious Guaranteed
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for this district, by Govern/tent appointment, and under in-
spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-eetsbliahnient Department.
For Terms, etc., write
R. F. WAD, M. A. STON11.
11. A., M. AM... Caen. Speriallsk
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Mese 1911. Mutes
School Opens Wednesday, September 1st, 1920