HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-12, Page 1SUBSCRIPTION RATES $ I.50 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2.00 A YEAR to United States addresses ADDagan : The Signal Printing Co., Limited, Goderich, Ontario. SEVENTY-THIRD ]'EAR -NO. 32. M Burton ad"' oils' sedBerton A. Dual FIFTY CENTS Any new subscriber in Canada may obtain The Signal for the `remainder of this year for LOc, Subscribe now and get tSf full benefit of this SPECIAl1- OFFER GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, August 12, 1920 THE SIGNAL PKINTLNG CO., LIMITED, Publishers - FARMERS Progreso on the farm as well as in indus- trial life, is materially assisted by the use of credit. The Sterling Bank wel- comes applications for credit based on a sound proposition to improve your farm or increase your profits. U you cannot purchase livestock, seed grain, vegetable and fruit seed or fruit trees locally, telephone or call upon our local Manager. He can be of assistance to you in this and other respects. WEIR IIIE S11RI1NGBANK OF CANADA �T PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Bring your certificates to this Bank and we will collect for you the initial payment of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL authorized by the Wheat Board. gas THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - S15,111000 RE..RVE FUND - - $15.111.000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. WANTED PLUMS in any quantities de- livered at the factory. The Huron Canning & Evap. Co. feareseWesseseeasnoweeseweelineWaRketeeelairteekaanielkettieeeteselsonialhateeWhatearieW SHINGLES -- ONE CAR 5x B. C. RED CEDAR ONE CAR 3x B. C. RED CEDAR Both cars arrived this week. Many have already been spoken for. Place your order at once. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. 0. Box 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 FOR 8114 OR RENT. LIILVERBARN FARM FOR SALE.. Eigt.ty.igbt acrea•goodclay land. six and a -hall miles from Goderich, Ontano,uo good county road. Two -wort dwelling house, very comlort. able. web built, good repair, eight rooms. bath and W. C. pressure water system and but water heating. Good barn (1.150), metal sides and roof, concrete stable below. Driving shed. hen house. frame barn and shed. This is • 'intoner oppor- tunny foe getting • good farm with • lake frontage. Apply (Quen-u DERMOT McEVOY, It R. R. No. 2. Goderich, Ont. TO RENT. Building and part of property known as COLBORNE HOTEL PROPERTY. Necessary alterations will be made to meet the requirements of any use the building may be wanted for. THE GODERICH AMUSEMENT CO., Ltd. Phone 47. Box 18. 'OR SALE. -SEVEN -ROOM RED (ride cottage, modern Convenience,, Lawn garden, barn Apply CHARLES (ARROW. ti L'OR SALE. -TWO AND A -HAL}' acres of excellent garden `round• well drained. H.. comfortable house with good cellar. Also number of irun trees and stable. Will be sold very reasonably and on can terms. Also S7 1.2 acres on Huron road. knowa as the brickyard property. There as a good brick house on the place and several acres of bush. The land is good; most of it could be cuhivted, but at present as in pasture. There is an abundance cf water. Wall be priced very reasonably. T. GUN DR Y. Aectioneer. FOR SALE. -NINETY ACRES. 1st concession. Goderich township lour miles south of Goderich. well fenced, a sprIng creek and well. new tou n and fou house; one -hall mile from school and" church. Possession at 1st April. Apply to ROBT. McALLISTER on the Pam - lass. or WILLIAM MCALLISTbtre . Goderich, Administrator of the Estate tl NOTICE. 11 you are locking fora nice house to buy. I have them of all kinds. red trick, white bock and FOR SALE FOR SALE. -FORD CAR FOR SALE. In Brat class coodetion. J. W. CRAIGIE. yOR SALE. -A SUARE PIANO. IN good condition. Solid rosewood case, nes Bros. New York make. Apply at WALKER'S Bros., New Sydney Basic Slag Fertilizer. Will have a car of Sydney Basic Slag Fertiliser tatter parr of this month at McGaw Station, in time fur fall wheat seeding. Top drew your land this fall! for next year's hay and root crops Farmers wanting this good Fertiliser will kindly leave their orders with JOHN C. DURST, Clinton R. R. 2. (Phone 1119, Colborne Municipal). PUBLIC NOTICE. er PUBLIC NOTICE. BYLAW NO. 4, of 1915, of the TOWN- SHIP OF COLBORNE-MAY _s. 191,. Whereas it rt expedient o prohibit all entreats from rennin, at large an this Township. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Coun•' cd of the Township of Colborne Chet from and after this date it Nail not be lawful for any amoral to run al large Is this mumcipaLtr, and the owner or keeper of any such animal allowing any such animal or animals to run at large in this township shall be bah* to a penalty of sot less than one dol- lar nor more than twenty dollars for each day teat such animal or animals ere allowed to go at large. Said pertaltl recoverable with costs by prosecution before any of Hie Majesty's Justices of the Peace having jurisdiction in this mune- cii,ality. . k. MCiLWAIN. SAM. BISSET. Clerk. Reeve. TAXES 1920. LOCAL TOPICS IN BKIEV. "Encouragement," at 11 a. m.. Ilppnd "Shifting Sande, or Solid Rock ?" at 7 p. m.• will be the subjects at the Baptist church next Sunday. Short services during the hot weather. Then. will Is. a special meeting of the Goderich Women's Institute ut the home of Mra. Swanson ou Monday evening, August pith, at S o:cook. .A full attrudunet is requested. ' "The Valley of the Giants." shown at the Model Theatre last evening and on again for this (Thursday) evening). is a splendid picture. Another special program is announced for next N ednesday and Thursday, featuring Clara Kimball Young. The Model Theatre is showing an excellent class of pictures, and in spite of many other attractions is holding good houses. Mr. Ww. Craig of (he Ford garage is nursing a disabled handl. which w'a t painfully injured one night last wlr•k. He was -Mukillg it ear when his hand slipper) and struck the num- ber plate, making a deep cut Io'tween the thumb and finger and severing u • of the tendons. The hand has been placed in a plaster east, anal "Hilly" will have a few weeks rest. The attenlanre at the Pavilion is increasing from week- to week. parties cumfug frtmi emit places as Kincar- dine, 1Vtughatg, Stratford. Blyth, etc., to enjoy the.duuciitg. It is announced that during August a musical program will it given each Wednesday after- noon. Your favorite ice cream soda is here None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. THE GODERICH MARKETS The tax rate for 1920 is 41 mills on the; Wh..t oar bush. dollar -three mills lower than 1919. 1 am I uLa. pe er. i 'h.. • now prepared to accept payment of 1920 Peaa, parbu..h taxes. Buckwheat, per bush% .... 3 lour. usFlour• Wool. Pe per family.o wt pay those arrears Brsri10. per Cwte • at once. Those in arrears must Sborb, 0... per (00 No more leniency can be shown to ;far• per ton craw, IOO„e, per ton . those in default. Dairy Rutter, per lb ()reamers Hurter. per lb £ee', fresh, per dot Potatoes. per bush.. ...U) to 4.50 Catls. butcher.' choice, tier cwt. II:SU l0 7.00 Cattle, butchers utediu W. NU' cwt l0. ta 41.50 Hogs, 11,, weight, per cwt 'Alf fa, 2••.fi• Hide.. per ID .... .. ... .. .10 t. .10 oh.stwlina. .... . _. . .25 to .50 TtuRwD*Y. August 12. 5cv oats6 LOS to 1 10 1.50 fo 1.75. :.51; to 1.75 1.60 to 1.55 6.75 to 7.50 7.50 to 8.00 6.00 to 50.00 e2 00 la 62.00 1115.00 to tri i.0 , • 10 00 to 12,00 5s. to 60 .60 t0 .e6 frame, at very teasonabe prices. My past es- WM. CAMPBELL perience in building and valuation places me in aTu Collector. position to be yo_r guide ,n the selection of a nice! home at a right price. 1 have pleased others; 1 1 Goderich, July 22, 1920. can please you. P. J RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance Phone SO tl FOR SALE OAK SIDEBOARD FOR Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. DR, F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospt assistant at Mooreheld's Eye Hospital sad "� Sy �Yuerloo St Square Throat Hos- pital London, s 5 A L E.- Itr d. Telephone 437. al At day` SSeeptember PSford M �. '*�„ful per, m.' o ThurWrom �. WHITESEWINGMACHINES t10141b "' m. T. R. THOMPSON, British Exchange Hotel, Agent. Supply of Needles on Hand. LORD CAR FOR SALE.- STEERING 1' device. Non -puncture tares on rear. Two spare tubes. A11 fixtures. One of the best motors in town. See it at house. Nelson street. Price night. urs, POWELL- tl • POINT FARM is being torn down and we have to-dJ• pox of immediately a half -million feet of all kinds of the finest SECONDHAND LUMBER. Also a quantity of windows, doors, lath, wainscoeting and baseboard, at very reasonable prices. Apply to MERCANTILE SALVAGE CO., Point Farm. 1...waratatare MAIL CONTRACT. `^t EALED TENDERS, addressed to the 1) Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until NOOi4r se FRIDAY. the 17th DAY of SEP• -TIMBER,- 1910, for tbecoevvee,yonce of HisMajesty's Mails, on a Cantrart for you? 5tae', sit times per mi. over Goderich No 5 Rural Route, from the a, lMma.ter General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may beaten and blank form. of Tender may be obtained at the Poet Unites of Godench. Sheppsrdton, Holmesville. Auburn, Saltford. sad et the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Poet Dimes Inspector. Poet Ola inspector's Once, London, 6th August. 1920. Frapty stOR SALE. -ONE PIANO CASE OR- GAN six -octave, solid walnut, ata snap. ppty at WALKER'S STORE. en Canadian Wheat Board Participation Certificates THE Canadian Wheat Board will 11 make ea interna p.yreat of NS a..t. pot F.ttakel agaia.t wheat v.- pr.a.ated by its participation e.rtili- '(I t.s. payments k.gianiag Aerate 1920. pra•..tatias e4 ais.e. Pee i- ---- - Cestiisasaa at wry of war los will be glad se lull( sass papassum • UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager B. C. SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND at McGAW STATION. Call C. A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dungannon 6,4. or John Treble. era. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE At S3 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 6N, HONEY. I have for sale a quantity of choice WHITE CLOVER HONEY. Address inquiries to A. W. KURSCHENSKI, R. R. No. 2. Clinton. Ont. Colborne Municipal Phone No. 1618. WANTsu. WANTED. -AN ASSISTANT MATRON for the Huron County House of Refuge at Clinton. duties to begin 1st Scoter*, bey. Applications, persensl prel�ened. received by JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector. Clinton. 2t LERKS WANTED. -G E N E R A L store. experience not necessary. Apply. ting salary. to R. D.MUNRO.Aebssa, tf TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5. Colborne; second clew professional, wits eirperience preferred Dube. to Commence after 'usenet AM y ppply, stating salary, to D.C. BOGIE. Secretary. Sheppe rdton. _IRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODS u RICH KNITTING COMPANY. (J St The Pavilion NOW OPEN (near HOTEL SUNSET, Gaferich) DANCING EVERY NIGHT 8.30 to 12 o'clock Lads Seventy Orchestra oWelhalkelaniekegesasieweiresiewaserse CEMENT Please now that The National Cement Company have ceased operations. AL "Natloi111" 11114.1611 must be In by AUGUST 21st, 1920 After that data. no credit will he allowed. The Goderich Planing Mills Plume 47 Rot 111. Don't Let It Worry You. Thehot weather. we mean. Try a cooling drink at Colborne's ice cream parlor. LOST OR FOUND. LOST. -ON WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON. on Square. Kingston street or Smith street. agold bar pin web enagln. Valued as a keepsake. Fonder please return to ,'caner at J A HARRISON'S, Victoria street and Britannia road. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. John Elliott, of London, spent th iweek -end in town. Mrs. Athol 111cQuarrie has returned t her home at Toronto. Mr. Wm. Sparr has been home fro Toronto for two weeks' holidays. Mr. Eli Symonds and son Norris, o Brantford, are holidaying in town. Mr. Melville Anderson, of Ottawa, is spending a few days visiting friends in town. Miss Margaret Paltridge is spending her holidays with relatives at Norwood, Ont. Miss Audrey Crawford, of Toronto, is the guest of her friend, Miss Laura Watson. Mr. and Mrs. tValter Buchanan and family, of Toronto, are visiting in town for a few weeks. Miss L. M. Sml:h, of Toronto, is spending two weeks' holidays with her sister, Urs. John A. Harrison. Miss Dorothy Nicholls, of London. who has been visiting her cousin. Leona Web- ster, East street, returned home on Mon day. 1 town. "Greg" Is engaged extensively sassin the fruit trade and is slatting sass of the large centres of the North is e the Interests of business. Enquirers were pleated to learn that lila mothes o i and brothers, who are at Couaat, Florida, are lu good health. m +- That delicious made-jn-Goderich ice f ,cream of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. . Jirs,'C. 1,,. James. of sitult Ate. Marie, with her sous lVm. and John are re- newing old acquaintances ice ' end around Gealcrirh. Mrs. James was formerly ('lana Tewsiey of ('arlow, She has for the past tour years been a member of the faculty of Sault Ste. Marie High School: to which place she will return to restful*. tea(•h(ng the beginning of the i September semester. IA1111Ieshor / correspondence of Ittyth ' standard : (1n Saturday. July 31st, about sixty of the Lear connection held a family re -union at Gcaterkrh, all !wing_ present except Mr. Eldred Holmes of Dresden. Although the day was ('001, 'all, enjoyed the spirts. Those present from a distance nen,: Mrs. John Lyon - and three ehlldre'n, Elva, Mantle and lkiruttay. of Brandon, Man., Miss Maude (.you. of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs, E. Dever and children, Donald and Jean. of Toronto. Mrs. Eldred Hulloes, of Z*iwt14416 and Mr. land Nlrs. A. )'. Kerslake and little Dor- othy. of }Neter. Dr. Simpson, wife_ and little daughter, returned missionaries. are spending a few w.reks in Goderich. and are staying at "The Lakeside.' • • Mr. Wm. Thompson, chief of the fire brigade, is at Alexandra hospital. where an operation for appendicitis w'as per- formed on Tuesday, Dr. W.F. Clark is at Tororto this week attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Veterinary Association at the College on University avenue. Mrs. Helen Marshall, Miss McMillan and Miss Helen Sutherland, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Will Shaw, of Detroit, are guests at "The Lakeside." Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Rumball, (f Toronto, who have been visiting the former's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rumball. East street. returned to the caty last week. Mr. H. .1..1).-l'uoke'w Mewl! \are pietised to tee him ant again atter -tit severe Illness. His shadow is consider- ably less than It used to be, but It will, we hope quickly grow larger again. Mrs. C. Hilton Turvey. of Philadelphia. Pa., was the guest of her cousin' Mrs. John L. Aitken, for a few days and left on Thursday last with Mr. Scott Aitken for Hood River, Oregon, where she will 'Hake her home in future, Mitt Etlrieunn Watson left lits week for -Watertown, N. Y., where an aunt resides and where she will It Joined later by other wemlt•rs ;of the tilmily here. Miss Watson lois Is•eu rte of Gealerich's favorite vocalists 1 her departure is regretted In a e circle. M Scott Aitken left on Thursday on his ret n to Hood River, Oregon, ilfter a visit of versa weeks with his parents. Mr. and o rs. John L. Aitken. Mr. Aitken thoroughly enjoyed his visit to bis native town after an absence of fourteap years and says it wih not be so long before he comes again. Mr. and Mrs D. MacDonald have eturned from a trip down the St. Law- ence River. They Were accompanied to ontreal by their sorialn-law and daugh- ter, Dr. and Mrs. Arth Newton-Bradv, Dr. Newton•Bradv going n to London, England, while Mrs. Ne on -Brady re- turned to Goderich for a fu her visit of two months at her old home. Mr. Gregor. McLean, of C1eerwater, Florida,_ 1! !pending a few drips re- -Yew-int e- newin -friendships in his old 'home LOST. -ON SATURDAY NIGHT. A r pocketbook oontatmn sum0l money. Finder r pleaseleave.ISIGNALOFFICE. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MRS. A. SMITH will sell by public auction, at her resideace,SI" David's street. Goderich. on SATURDAY: *VOUST 14th, commencing at 2.30 oclock sharp: Two dresserslone maple, top walnut), 1 wash- stand. 1 Hon bed. 2 bedsteads, 1 couch, 4 small tables. 1 dropleal tabte, 1 dimngroom table 6 chain, &rockers. 1 leather chair. 1 solid oak side- board, I writing desk, 1 hall rack, pictures. 1 Crown Brilliant hater. 1 three burner coal oil stove(Perfectionl.l small Quebec heater.l kitchen range tin good condition). kitchen table and kitchen utensils. sealers. lawn melee,, garde** tool/, 1 rug, carpets, eight-day clock, dishes. a lamps, 12 electric light bulbs. and numerous other article. Everything will be sold. There will be no re- serve, as the family is leaving Godse ich. T. GUN DR Y. Auctioneer. EXECUTORS' SALE OF A VALLI- ABLE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS 11.4 T1IE TOWN OF CODER ICH. The Executors of the estate of the late William Blake will sell by public auction, at the premises. on SATURDAY AUGUST 140. et 2 o'clock sharp. A well.buill frame 1 I -:story dwelling, situated on Corner of Park and Albert streets• together with lots running numbers '.59 minded*, each con- taining quarter of an acre. The house is in good .condition, and has always been rented to good tenants. TRIM% --Temper cent. of purchase' money to he Paid On day ofsale; balance in thhty days. The property will be sold subject to a Pegs r red bid JOHN SCHWANZ. L SNYDER', C. OKE, T. CUNDRY. Executors. Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS. w RS. JAMES YOUNG AND FAMILY leiN to express their sincere thank& to the manv friends and neighbors. also to the hand, for the kindness shown them during their recent slid bereavement. City Dalry ice cream bricks always on band at 11. T. Edwards'. AUBURN. Rec. W. H. Geddes, of Allsa ('raig, will give an illustrated lecture on Korea at Oie I'replhyterlan church, Auburn, o Sunday ercning at 7.80 it 1. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. GUNDKi'S SALE REGISTER. SATURDAY, August 14.-Executors'sale of house d two lots, property of the estate of the late Iiyw5lake, at the premises, corner Park and I rt streets. Godmc h, at 2 o'clock sharp. SArURDA Y. Aug. 14.-Auc t ion sale ofi househesd furnnurr, property of Mn. A. Smith, at her rpt - dence.Sl, David s street. Gore/ch. et 2 5 o clock sharp. BORN. MUTCH.-In Alesandra Marine and General hospital. (Indere-h. on•August •. to Mr and Mrs 1.. Elwin Mutch, a dau1ht,i iEtorle Hope Meldetta). RILEY.-In God.ricp on Thursday, August 6, to Mr and Mrs. Frank Riley, a son. DIED. ROME -At Ase Lake. Muskoka, on August 1 Mrs James Rome. aged 94 years. IN MEMORLUIL THOMPSON.- Stan is memory o1 W filum ?hagp.snl son we Wlilt.tn Thoseesen, Wait, ' street. Godeetch. who was drowsed at Fort William. August 10, 1917 -Sale i n the arm, 01 Jesyg" -Father, and Uncle and Aunt IMr. and Mn. Cordate). NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Mall Contract-Poslofice Department 1 Card of Thanks -Mrs. J. Young .. ... ... 1 Auction Sale -Mrs. A. Smith. ... . .... 1 Land for Sale -Dermot McEvoy. 1 Cement -9 he Goderieh Planing MJtsCo. Pin Lost -Leave at 1.A. Harrison's.... . , 1 Assistant Matron Wanted -John Torrance. 1 PUBLIC MEETING k *boot Sections Nos. 2, 4 and 7, Township of Colborne A meeting of the ratepayers of these seri Ione will lie held In SIH No. 2, BENMILLER FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST t• at It o'cloek; for the purpose of more fully discussing tide question of tvmaoll- dating the above named ar•'tions. A fall attendance Is replies* ed, Rs it is expe'cte'd, that a rote will he taken one week later to deride the question. A '500,000,000 BANK in This Town - Bank Montreal t in this town has all the strength and all the facilities of i the entire Bank of Montreal �` /V you are dealing with ow Branch Manager you are deal- ` witib the •aeaponoble representative of a bank with resources m coons of Five Hundred Million Dollars with world wide banking coons tions and services and with more than a century of experience and knowledge Ott the banking and commercial needs of Canada and her people. wn OUR orpnizatian is such that our Head Office is in inti- ) este touch with every IOCa1 condition throughout the 1 t Dominion and we understand )that what the small and large 4. manufacturer, miner, merchant or farmer in each neighborhood. J needs in the way of banking service. Tat(lr our 'Axel Manager into your cow jiderre std let IN. tareperate tenth jos the maws of yew bawnma Our e►-..acktrtg - fat -dribs will thee become ova for yew. dee via asseiw eaiasiel hearer Mare••( remota ASM Sttarneaat Mar Yeast Clime mil he Noma BANK OF MONTREAL •----'- .--&na la a0 imp_Hrae Gores is Coeds bels, Da anrismas M al benches pass Oisasi licorrum •ai