HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-5, Page 6— r 1-•1•11177prwrweirPNIO.."1"1"," ner"maar
What would You
do with it?
kart:14,, ,scr,
If you owned this Company, what would you aim to
do with it?
You would want to give good service to your patrons—
To pay good wages and provide agreeable working
conditions for your employees—possibly make pro-
vision also for their old age—
And to pay fair return to investons who had put 4 4-1/
their money into the business—such a return as would
attract other investors so that you would be certain to
obtain necessary new money for extending the system.
This is just what we are aiming at—no more; no lessi
These things cannot be done on oar present revenues.
That is why we are asking for a readjustment our
rates for s
21147WaFt 4,1*
1 .tilith
away below decks, but when our cots MISER110 HER
I itleil from
were set up and the children's "purgais"
spread we hadn't a square meth of space.
e kept my chair upbove and when the Says this Woman Un
rain curtains acre down it made a very
hewed by Lydia E. pin
useful retreat.
Hot ' My dear peeple, you don't know Vegetable Compound. •
the meaning of the word. Hist and
crowded and dirty—we were all that and Owen Sound, Ont.— "1 suffered for
tem ears with female organic trouble,
neuralgia and indi-
gestion, and was
weak and had such
bad pains 1 could
hardly walk or stand
up at times. When
1 would sweep 1
would have to go and
lie down. 1 could
1 not sleep at night,
and would wander
half the brae. I tried
around the hou•e
li. everything but node -
Dr. Smith, who was waiting for them. ''.' me any good. and the last doe -
Friday and handed the children ov to Int
tor I had told me be never expected
met to be on my fest again or able to do
We went up to the W. M. 5. home, where ' one of your
we were wslex need by Miss Levan • • daY's • work. One daY
little bOcituswas left at my door and my
and Miss Hall. We found our carriers
laisband said 'I'' should try a bottle of
'here ready to start out the next morning.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn -
We had supper'and were called on by Mr.
pound. I thank God I did, for it cured
Coin -
and Mrs. R yrie and Mr, and Mrs. Earl me, and 1 am now well and strong. 1
of our mission. Mrs. 13artu was Just
think there is no remedy like the Vege-
recovering from cholera. After a hot table Compound for anyone who has my
bath we went to bed and were wakened troubles, and have recommended it to
at 4 to start on the last stage of our
• It was pleasant travelling at that hour
ia the morning. but by noon the heat was
enitic. About 2 o'clock we were in
Omei Hsieu, the coy at the foot of the
mountain. The men set us down while
they ate. The Chinese crowded around
r chairs aid I thought my last moment
h,4 come. However. we survived. The __ ._ _ _ ....... . .
rodff soon became too steep and narrow ....11 file cd,„ pt winghain,
for our chairs ;end from 1 to ti we cljmbed ''''
Mr. and Mrs. Chewier Ritchie. of Ste -
upward, ever upward. We were soaked tenit, are visiting at the home of Mr.
with perspiration and there were. times welt Twamiev.
when 1 felt I could simply not go any "
Miss Charlotte Potter returned to her
farStohmeretimes we caught glimpses of the,
Percy Finnigan's. -
home at Nile after spending a few days at
plain below, but although the sen was
Mrs. Tate. of the West. is speeding a
shming there all :bout was fog and nem .
few riays with her Sister. M's. Blake._
and finally' we could ser lot e but the road
Miss Violet Kilpateiek le 'mei chAg a
ahead. It didn't seem to me that any -
few days with frit rds in G. &rich.
thicg could be worth a climb like thA.
The garden party held on John Nlenary's
We found Mrs. Beaton visiting to wel-
lawn last Tuesday ivening was a deckled
come us and we like our new home very
much. Muriel is five and Margery four. asucacesoods. prloat rwaams at. beasaenutilotuyledevbeny inagvaerndy
Mr. Beaton at present is in Chengtu.
large crowd. The proceeds amounted to
we have had wind and ram all day. I am • '
During the night a storm came up and .,50.
. _
actually almost cola. though I have my '7 --
sweater on. I did not tell you that there .
the Canadian. the American and the Clistipation Generates'
were five boats in our flotilla. ar,d we flew ,
French flags. \Mrs. Muir, her own three
children and t*o Canadian school boys
occupied our t. the Y. W. C. A. girls
and Miss Ross her. Madame Jouvelet
(the French drat() wife, with her little 'happens? The Oolons get clogged
baby another. and he cows and calves on ' with waste tehtereei. which le el -
the fifth boat. I dont know what flag
the cow flew. We had two Chine* on tisensely porsonotes. the blood circula-
our boat as military escorts. They elon comes in suMciently does con-
cbanod every 90 often. Some of them tact with the vraete to bake tm tbese
you could recognize zs military because Poisons by absorption sod to diettrib-
they wore puttees. One's costume con- rte them throughout the body The
fisted of khaki kuttees and a pair of relish is—the Liver becomes Slug -
white trousers. However. there were two wish. you 'become dull and heavy.
for one stage whp ware rartndee belts Binougrege easel -to rs.eif. then you
of the boat under the shade of a big blue have Headache, Kidney and Bladder
and carried guns. They sat at the front
umbrella and slept most of the time. Trouble, indigestioe, Appendicitis,
and more frth, besides.
This morning Mrs. Beaton and I went
heard that Ler baby was sick with a cold. Hacking'S
over to call on Madameclouvelet, having
and flannel. The child is two and a half Kidney and Liver Pills
We tock vapo-cresolene, camphorated oil
months old arid seems to have bronchitis. are highly recommended for
itrnen.c h. andshne . Tho are re y
She hadn't a ;stitch of wool on or near
him. I don't know what nationality she
is: eet She
Russian fluently and understands Ger-
man. but she k
seemed quite helpless. Tt:e baby was (kips, PirEti or Irritate, and being
ssleepine_and Mn. Beaton erten ed a robot by producing a healtby oondi-
aspecfaks 1 En
"wsgi:Inshh.aCli'Fht-- . and its Evil Results
vegetable. do not
we rubbed him with campfiorated nil. put tionand of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
on a bit of flannel and a little knitted .
shirt, ard promised to send down ca'o nel No matter what medle'ne you are
taking tor a laxative it might be just
as well to ebange off to Hacking's.
The cembinstion of Cascara, Pep-
permint. Mayapple and the other
Vegetable Drugs contained in these
pills will produce reunite to be un-
equalled by ar.y others. They work
beautHul in Digestive Disorders, for
- Gas on the Stomach, for Spasmodic
Pains in the Stomach and Bowels,
wad for Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Buy a New Semen trmn your dealer
to -day. but be airsotutety euro you
rid) by J. A. Campbell. Druggist.
ncH a.: iciti ne am'
:dies are sold in tiod-
than some. NS hen the fire as put on
at the beck of the boat to coo* the men's
rice we nearly died with the heat and
smoke We.had our meals cocked on a
cunning little mud stove in which the
"boys" used charcoal, We spread our
tablecloth arc, t wo *Wires. crowded our
food on it and ate with comparatively
good appetiteb. Each mormeg at 4 a. m.
the boat started and we were soon glad to
get up. We tied up somewhere each
fright. The river •_;ot elenor and prettier
as we went along. but it was hard to
think of anything but the heat.
We reached Kiating about 5-o'cl k•on
Bring your trtad worn tires to us
and let us retrea them for you and
get an extra 2,000\!o 3,000 extra mil'
age out of tires at are practically
worthle-s, or let retina your tire,
which will strength n it 50 per cent.
Tires repaired in ttle proper time by
our process will pay biggest returns.
Let us examine you tires. If we
cannot save your bayinE a new tire, it
will be a pretty bad one. 1. •
Tires, Tubes, Acceirries. ,
HIFSHR"a"ton St.
Make a Start.
A pessimist and an optimist werecl
cussing life from their different view-
-I really believe," said the former,
"that I could make a better world llikY-
self. •
"Well." returned the optimist, "that's
what we are here for. Now let us get to
work and do it."
Success never comes
conquest DeterrnM
obstacle asille
my neighbors. You canpublish my letter
for the benefit of those I can't reach."
—Mrs. HENRY A. !Inseam -L., 1767 7tA
Ave., East, Owen Sound, Ont.
If you have any symptom aboutwhich
you would like toNnow write to the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Maam,
for helpful advice given free of charge.
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man an whom you may call
in your tidublee—the Plumber.
We know our business and
ate bere to serve you.
Always at your service
with the best goods at moat
reasonable prices.
Hamilton throat Nom In
Sonik Side Square Telephone 46
Harvest Help, Excursions
Plus half•cent per mile beyond.
August 9th, nth, 16th and Iflth
stations Toronto to Scotia Jct. inclti-
sive. ; also aU stations on Depot Har- 1
bor. Midland. Penetang and Nleaford
August 9th and 16th. from all stations
in the Provinces of Ontario and Que-
bec , Pembroke. Golden Lake, Upter-
grove, Toronto and east
August 11th and Itith, from all
stations in Ontario, Toronto and west.
For further particulars apply to any
Grand Trunk ticket agent or C. E.
Horning. District Passenger Agent,
Toronto, Ont.
G. H. Lauder. Station Agent. Ishonc:.N
Town Agents Phone h.
F. rani
set wit]
to the
The I
bare el
aterand all conveniences
Wben Constipation comes, what
and cough medicine with full directions
for both. It w s s great walk through
wind And rain and knud, but 1 had my
new raincoat, rubbets and an old hat and
skirt, so that 1 didn't plied.
Our teachers stayed demo in Kiating
and wiil likely come up tomorrow. I am
not in a hurry for them, for we have
several things to do before we'll be really
set t led.
Everyone thinks w* have done OM to
come from ChengthWactically alone
after being such a short time in China. I
found no difficulty ip making one under-
stand anything 1 wonted along the way,
and ot no time did 1 feel any fear except
wheri our boat ran into another in a
rapids one night and we broke an oar.
NI a 11 y slimmer tourists are now
heading for the Urea 1 LAW, and
rt I. -111H rty te ;Ale Erie, with Re
fleet of magnificent peseenger 'steam-
er+. As usual, the Saturday day-
light tripe from Buffalo to Cleveland
:ire prbrIng very attractive to many
travellers. Thr great Alp, 'hem+
bee,- the largest , and moat enetly
steamer on Inland waters of elm
Vl'oriti. leaves Buffalo every Saturday
et DIM a. ni. 444141 arrive,' Cievetind
7.00 • evening 14 the same day. The
relight reervIers of the C.& It. Line is the
*me as heretofore, namely : attune
ere leave Buffalo I hilly at 9.00 n. m
altI arrive (levels lad 7.30 following
nto hr. All Moen] eta Iola rd
1 Daddy's _Kid .
will soon be a "Grown is
x Up." These sweet mem- il
X oriole are beat recorded In s
photogritpb. Briug them
to the KiddiesStudio.
'A N Trrir or
Cedar Fnce Posts
Anchor Pasts
TUESDAY, Aug. 3,
A number from around here have at-
tended the Chautauqua. It offers a very
interesting and instructive program, both
afternoon and evening.
Mr. Matthews, of Point Farm, is ship-
ping a carload of lunaber to London.
Mr. Elmer LAutensleyer, of West Lorne,
motored tin for the week -end.
The Horton folks held their impost
picnic last Wednesday. It us 5 ((teat
Miis Lillian LautenslaYff bIeft for
We are all glad to see that Lock Cook
is around again after his recent attack of
acute indigestion.
(1) U. 1'. 0.8. Montcalm arriving at Iliontreal, having on board horse 5 and pur.ies fcr
Prince of Wales' Stock Ranch near Ca/gary, Alta. •
(2) Prince
'IR RSV. tie avid of On C. Po Of a MontrA1M. won her arrival Montreal. Me. Hugh Finnigan spent a iew days ealella &Ms
• #
Monsoa•, Aut, 2.
Miss Lily MK:timid returned home
of Wales' ponies for his Canadian ranch. A Dartmoor pony and her f...1 .,out Saturday after sperutiog a few days with
Mies Bessie Mallough. of Tee vaster.
Wu* you wake np with backselii and
dull misery in the kidney region it glia -
orally means you have been eating too
much meat, says a suall-known authority.
Meat forms uric acid which overworks
the kidneys in their effort to altar it
from the blood and they become &sit or
paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys
get sluggish and ekg you must relieve
ahem, llka you relieve your towels; re-
moving all the body's menus waste.
else you have Imakaribe, sick headachs.
diary spells: year atotneoili sour*
is (naiad, and whoa the weather i:se;
you hews rheumatic) twinges. The urine
As eked), full of mallannt.shannels sites
get sore, water walla sad you are
to seek relief two of Ibis times=
the night.
Zither consult a geed. retable Ph**
etas et owe or gen tram your phoneme&
about four iseares et Jad Halts; take
• tablespoon/ad In a glees oil water
before breakfast lora few days sad year
kidneys will them sat Jinn This Imam
sells is made ins ths amid al
and lames jabs emblasd with
and has bass mat tor amisrathms be
sad stlisitata sluggish Idlin%
ate eantraitas ad& elea adwe asi It
as leapt intuit*, Glas was Nide*
Jad bake Is a lib me* he midst
mast eaters. it to twiasammIve, aniX
isture and settee a dell~
The New Decorating Store
:;771:0::= West Street ' n.±--
In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, 1!"ats,'
etc., we handle all kinds of ..* v , 013 - mivii• pie 'r
. -G‚4LASS -
:. ,
w 4'144 BEVELLED GLASS --." MIRRORS, etc.
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year, caH on us and let us give you an estimate.
J. Cuthbertson ,
North Side West Street Ooderich. Ont.
, 0
••Y 4I
..491194o;=, 49r.:99,fr.01E,614019.4P71;!!
1 '
*4, 0,-16 i-• 411.1 '
. ,gri',197r
'"i**16. •