HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-5, Page 5THZ SIGNAL GODUIOH, ONT. UuuuIIUX01IIIUUnuuuoIDUUXXUUUUufIII KODAK TAK4 ADVANTAGE OF OUR SUMMER SALE Here are a number of suggestions, timely at this season, and we know when you consider the prices at which we are offering these articles you will see that it will be distinctly to your advantage to make your selection now. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUG. 6, 7 DRUG DEPARTMENT Money Savers Nerviline Reg. 300. for 25c. White Vaaaline Reg. 15e. for 10c. Yellow Vaseline [leg. 10c. for Sc Haines' Wiltshire Oil Reg. $1.00' for 69c Zenoleum Reg. 75c. for . 65e. N. & L. Talcum Reg. 25e. for 15c, Peaslar Tread Rosy 25c. Vanishing Cream Reg. 35c. for 25e. Baby Chick Food Reg. 35cfor 25c. Let, Iss take ,care of ' YOUR SUMMER CAMERA NEEDS. We have devoted a great deal of time and study to the needs of those who en- joy taking pictures. Onr line is complete at all times. Aside from giving you the best in cameras and films. we can take care of your Developing and Printing in the best possible man- ner. Our prices, too, are below the mail order houses'. Satisfaction guaranteed. Aquatic Millinery, if yen Bathing Caps, crea- tions, 25c to $1,25, Ear Drum Protectors Reg. 50c, for 39c. SOAP DEPARTMENT Extra Special Baby's Own Soap Reg. 45c. box fur 36c. Infant's Delight Reg. 45e. for 36c. Seward's Baby Reg. 15c. 3 for 26c Miss Dainty' Reg. 10c straight 3 for *5c. Bath Tablets 19olgate's six varieties Reg. 60c. box for 45c. Jergen's Peroxide Barth Reg. 10e straight 3 for 25o. Pull Supply Rose's Lime Juioe 40c. Welch's Grape Juioe small, 36c. Large ... 70c. Montserrat Lime Juice60c. Betties ret Kits. -We can save you money on these, as we bought before the last raise of 10 per cent. CHOCOLATES -SPECIAL -REGULAR 70c, FOR 59c Other items not room to mention. CAMPBELL'S DRUG Telaphose 90 IUIUIII LOCAL TOPICS. May Erect Theatre. The Goderich Amusement Company has purchased the Colborne hotel prop- erty. on Hamilton street, from Mrs. Mc- Leod. and may erect a theatre on the site. In the meantime the property is bong OQere for rent. " Panty Ikess Ra1L Mrs. W. H, Hutchinson is arranging for another fancy dress ball. to be held at Hotel Sunset on Thursday. August 19th. The procceds are to go to the funds of Alexandra hospital. it is hoped the friends of the hospital will join in making Model Theatre PROGRAM For Weak Aust. •th to 14th Monday and Tuesday A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ENID BENNETT IN `The Haunted Bedroom' CENTURY COMEDY is "Browu's Busy Day feet u rleM The Century Wonder Dog Wednesday and Thursday Parasseuat Artcraft Special WALLACE REID _ 171 _. "The Valley, of the Giants 'THE PENSLAR STORE" Next MiWr's Scotch Stare STORE PERSONAL MENTION. I LETTERS FROM CHINA. Mrs. W. G. MacEwan has returned' - from a visit to Winnipeg.• Miss Nora Hurley. of Sarnia, Is visiting Hiss Elisabeth N'ilsun'a Joun,ey to • i. at the old home. St. David's scree[. Mount Osaei Mr. George Hurd, accountant of the Some int,lfseltng letters have recently Union Bank, is holidaying at his home at been receives) by Mrs. J. F. Reycraft from Erin. her sister, Sebes Elizabeth Wilson, in Mrs. Black. of Toronto, is visiting her China. In one she tells of the arrival o sister, Mrs.lDr.) Emmerson, North street. a trunk from Goderich containing many Mr. and Mrs. John Duff a child, icings to replace articles which she lost of Toronto. are znakiug a liolidate visit*bat tbehtiatonwhich she y'asgoingtothe in town. mise►oo field was wrecked. She sends her thanks to alt the fronds. who conta,buted Your favorite ice cream soda is here to the tilling of th* trunk. and remarks, None but the purest flavors used. H. T. "1 am still wondering how one trunk Edwards. could contain so much." Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Spading and children, of Norwich, are visiting in town this week. Miss Grace Rols'rt:.ou leas rrtunarl from a two months visit to :truttorl friends N■r••si••••••■•a•=1 A lemon in Trust I er w r _ "Fsith'Lg.! est . _ • w 1 I •• • a • a • ■ a a ■ "•The Master's Mind'' W Parcels going to her had been delayed • ■ by fighting between the Ssechwanese and • 7 p.m- s Yunnaneser soldiers. and she continues : Just now Chungking is rather a storm j centre and traiffic by river somewhat • dangerous. There is little danger for us. as there a no ar.ti•loreign sentiment. • Mrs. Samuel William Laird. of Buffalo. Yunnan is the province south of us. Its • s N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas omas name means "south of the clouds" -which w is Baptist Chu rah Gundry, of town.rather a rub at cloudy Seechwan. 'there e• .1Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hume, of I hila - is aquarrel between the two Provinces and e Montreal Street • a • • • fig htl breaks out usually every summer. • d Iph Pa are visiting the-- parents and 1Te a)ft • e a' mission hospitals are being opened si a • friends in tion • Gertrude Miley, of the for wounded soldiers and Dr. Liljestrand staff of TIw Siigurl, is attending Iwliday$ has gone out to do Red Cross work. It is a Next Sunday with friends at Leamington. Miss Elizabeth Campbell has re- turned from Hamilton. where she was cutting Mr. and lint. F. G. Eagle. Rev. Canon Seager, D. D., of Toronto, with his wife and family is here on his annual holiday visit to his native town. Mr. Charles Lacey. cit Chicago, Illinois, spent the past week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lacey. Oxford street. Mrs. John Galbraith and Miss Rhea Galbraith. of Tara. are noting with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes McClure. Mr. Wm. Lane. county treasurer, is away on a holiday trtp to Vanuotivu, B. C., where his eldest son. Mr. W. Stewart Lane. is practising law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pridham. of Toronto. were week -end visitors in town last week and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pridham, Nelson street. Mr. and Mn E. Hanna and son, of Toronto. were in town on Tuesday and are spending the remainder of the week visiting relatives and friends in Ashfield. Rev. A. E. 1'lw.enson. Mrs. Thomson Mol three children. of WatlaciMurg. _ am Y, town for the mouth of August =' and are o'cupytug a house near lb• lake. bad for business --no export or import a trade is possible and a tot has been levied w on all the shopkeepers to pay the soldiers. There are troublous times ahead for poor old 1 hina before she learns to govern herself. WW1 Mad) Christian Teething. Mr. Hamermale last week was telling about a young Chinese who came to him. He was educated abroad in England and Germany, but said that while he w31 in Misses Jennie and Rose Tebbutt. of Clinton. spent the weekend in town. calling an their friends. They were goats of Mrs. A. Davidson, Colborne street. Mr. and. Mrs. Oliver llr,ru and :wo children. of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. John line... town Mr. Harold Williams Is huuw• from Toronto for holiday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Reid. of aToronto. arrived in town on Sunday by motor. and intend visiting for a few The square = creeMr. ksrend Mrs. at the hoeJ. ofPridbamMrs. Reid. 's parents, F. m this event a grand success, as well as a pleasant social occasion. Hurn lodge's Ptenie. The *nuual (hldG•Iluws' piemle will Ise held at Hayfield ore Wedueslay of next week 1'he members of Huron Iaodge are phuu•ing 0. have a good (hay's re'reatiou. and as this event is 11s11:lily 0111• Of 1111. 111,tst iroptiati' &ffa1M of the aeasm there will doubtless, be a Inrge gatiw•rlug. t'pper Scheel Exaaninatioaa. The results of the upper school examin- ations have been announced by the De- partment of Edncation. and the following are the names of the succes'ful candidates from Goderich Collegiate Institute : M. H. Baker, Math. 111.. French III.: H. McD. Clutton, Eng. 111., Chem. 111.; French I11.; E. E. Goldthorpe. Part 11, J. A. Hume, Eng. Iii.. Hist. III.. Phys. III.; B. J. Johnston. Part i.; E.M. iamb, Part I.; M.J. MacEwan, Part I. (honors). J. A. Marshall. Ens. I11.. Math. IIi ; Phys. III., Chem. I11., French 1.: E. Wallace. Part L. Eng. 1.. Math. 111., Biol. I11.; E. M. Wilson, Part 1. Ray Rumball to London. A promotion has tome to Mr. Hay !tumb:i11, who has been local ra triter for the (tell Telephone (n for a num- ber of years. He has !wen appointed Metric, traffic chief. with headquarter,. at London. and has already taken over the duties of 11141 yew' position. lie will be ve citsige, of nearly one hut)- , dress °Mees. fruit) ' Winebsur to toren I Sound. Mrs. Itnmball end child will remove to Loudon later. flode•rieh will be eery sorry to low much an estimable eonple as Mr. and Mrs. Ruin - hall. The Gocteelrli ;Muerte now in the cap- able steable hands of Miss MacDonald, who has been with the Hell Company for many years. /ChM picture surnames saythfad be lea ever made. CHARLIE CHAPLIN _ 1R "The Vagabond" Friday and Saturday A SELZNICK, PICTURE EUGENE O' BRIEN ealed Hearts" Is August 8th •• • • • ' Bniht Brief,Helpful Thursday, Angltst 5. 19On --I r • YOU ARE INVITER iTo • r W those countries he did not pay' much at- soe o••asow•ssla••s■as••ses m tention to Christianity : but since he --. returned to China he cannot help seeing the difference and he has begun to ask. why ' Why the ignorance and poverty and sutlenng here: He etas decided to stildy Chnstian teacbing as a possible solution. It is men like that China needs so much to be the leaders of the people. The Journey to Mt. Ousel. A letter written from Mt. Omei has since been r eceived, of which the following It a part: We left Chengtu on Wednesday about' noon and had a weary journey of three and a -half dais. We came by boat to Kiating. The boat was roofed with bamboo mats. The roofed part was from fifteen to eighteen feet long and eight to ten feet high. In front four rowers stood and behind was the captain with a long sweep whi:h acted as a rudder. We had our own coolie, a coolie from the school for the children. two teachers who dwelt in one end of the roofed part screened from us by in oil sheet. In all there were about twelve Chinese on board. and we five. Most of our baggage was stowed (Continued o❑ pug,. rel Mr. &lid Mrs. G. MoutaiclM• Williams. Mild two children. of Layton. 1111it. are visiting at the Lome of Mr and - Mrs. G,o. William>, St. Viuc,rot street age of forty-eight years. Mr. Young Mr. Williams is g-is'ral manager of had been suffering from Bright's di.- the Dayton -Wright divi'i.,u of genie_..._ ilINONIa-NI: THE B\ND+ ease, but this summer seemed to be ersl Motors Muakoki- this Year. Prospects are gratif,ing this year-fec 6 auccessful summer season in Muskoka, and those who were disappointed last season in securing accommodation should --- analy early and make their reservations at one of the many hotels available. or illustrated literature /n-ith list of hotel, rates. maps, etc. adply to any Grand Trunk agent or write to C. E. Horning. D. P. A.. Toronto, Ont. FROM LONDON, ENGLAND Beautiful Copies of the Old Masters, in lovely hand -color- ed Prints. These colors are so soft and mellow they look like old tapestries. You can have them framed to order in Antique Gold, Old Mahogany or Walnut, at a reasonable price. Smith's Art Stora East It. Phone 1.8 1 regaining his strength and was able to resume hie work for a week. The recovery was only temporary, and he gradually sank until the era'. He was born at t(rueedeld. lu this comity. and lived at t4eaforth for some years before coming with bis family to Goderich ten years ago. He had been an employee of the Goderk-h (organ e:,mpauy anise eomtug to town. He leaves a widow and a family of nine children. --three boys and six girls. Harold. the Meet boy. was killed in France in August 1918. while serving with the overseas eanadian tonne. Funeral Mersin,' were eomtueted on Wednewtay afternoon' by Rev. J. F. l(ay. raft alai ltev. J. E. Ford. the In - torment M'Ing In Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers were •'six fellow workmen of the demised in the ot- tau far tory The funeral proesieloo was heeded Ity the :Bird Itegiluent lapid, Mr. Young having been for retire a memlwr of that organization. IH,eron• the remains of the Bead of the family had been removed from the house death paid another visit. Niles Nellie. Young. sister M the 1kw'e,sesl Mr. Young. passing away Wednewlay morning. Miss Young. who was its her fifty-uinth nor. heel lived with her brother for many years and had I1441 til the Mst two years. The funeral take* plats. tomorrow (Fri- dayafternoon to Ba'rd's cemetery. Briwrfield Much sympathy in felt with the family ice the trouble that has come upon them. Burned at Garage Fire. Councillor C. H. Humber Is laid up at his home as the result of *mere burns received at a lire in bis gar- age on Tuesday ,evening. Mr. Hum - leer was putting some gasoline in his car. pouring It from a pit-ber with one hand while he held It lantern with the other. The fumes took err and In * filet` the garter% is frame saner. Lure. was in a bfhts. With some help that quickly arrived the ear was got ntrt, but Mr. Humber was severely bnrnel on the fare, hands, arm* and other parts. The fire brigade was exl- Imo oat and atrhnngh by (his flat the ern was blaring high R was quickly got under control A Diable Be eaveesl,k. After an Illness of nine months Mr, James IT. Young, Stantcy street. pew. *ed away Monday morning, at the Do alaYsa•ss Ms tlla♦ sat leis e astrs �! M ,p,l =aft 'frog ■ }w iiss.,MOP Mpay Rev. H. D. Moyer. Mrs. Moyer and Miss Helen are holidaying at their sum- mer home at Kingsville. In the pastor's absence the services at North street Methodist church are in the hinds of Rev. J. E. Ford. Mrs. F. T. Egener and sons have re- turned home from their holiday visit to Waterloo. Mr. Egener has gone to Seattle. Washington. where he Is taking charge of an organ for a few weeks, having leave of absence from has organ in Knox church for two months. Mrs. Frank Johnston has as her house guests at her home on Mill road. Mrs. P. S. Richardson, Mrs. Joseph Bernier, Mrs. Lewis MacHenry and Mira Helen MacHenry, of Detroit. and Mrs. Anna Charlesworth. Miss Alice Charlesworth and Mr. Garfield Cbarlesworth, of Flint. Mich. Clinton News -Record : Mr. J. W. Moore, who moved from here to Goderieh Iaat year. is contemplating a return to Clinton. having been offered the ma anent of the tuning department in the piano factory. Clinton friends will heartily welcome Mr. and Mrs Moore back to town. Inks at Hassan. China. Mr .1. 41. Lethbridge. M.P.P., of Glenna.. has received a ,vhlegram all-. houcirlg the death of his daughter. Mise Sadie Lethbridge. at Heinen. Chita„ where she had been engaged In the mission work of the i reatiytrr(an eburrh for sic years. 1t was sot known that Miss Lethbridge had been 111 and the news war a great shoek to tier family. The young lady was known in GaMrk•h, her brother, Mr. (krn'ge irethbridge. having kern or - gimlet of Knpx church soler years ■ go. sYww CHURCH NOTR8. Since the inception ,.f the present 3ird Regiment Band Association, which has been in eriisience a little mots than a year, difficulty has been exper- ienced in "ltnaneine" the band, and at the present Juncture, when it Is found that new instrumenla are , eireentie neioled, and old instruments require repairs. the evmoutiee has derided 10 take the public into its cohtldence and trust to the general toe -operation of the townsProple fu` s solution of the prubiem. ' - The Association 'vas eery fortunate last year Ili securing bile es-rsicas in Mr. A. J. Scutt, formerly bandniast of lir 1iAst &1%-erM'as' Battaltmt .ami recognized as nne of the most r,,pah riles in the professlnn. `With pati,. penemereene„- Mr, 1e ,tt has trainee' "A Lemon in Trust" or "Faith's Test' (11 a. m.) and "The Master's Mind" (at 7 p. m.) will he the themes at the Baptist church next Lord's Day. Rev. H. E. Tbornioe, B. A., of St. Thomas,,will occupy the pulpit of Knox cburch next Sunday. The subject of the morning disc - urse frill be : "Tranatormed by the Holding. and of the evening, "The Name that Saves." On Tuesday evening. at 8 p. m., a lecture, on the work o) Christian miseinns in Korea will be given at Knox church by Rev. W. H. Geddes, of Ailsa Craig, illus- trated by lantern slides secured by Rev. A. E. Armstrong. foreign mission stere tary, on his visit there recently. Mi. (battle Murderer. of Detroit, Is wishing frienwbi in town. - Mr. Reit Cott. organist uhf Central I'rewl.yterian church.. exalt. Is spend - lug hnlhMys at his hons- here. Master Gerakl Elder. of Tillson burg, Is visiting st the some or his gramlmother. Mrs. Rnet. Pfl,ler, 'rete David's street. Mho Hanna. of London, is the inset of Mrs. Geo. illIMamn, et. Vin- cent Wont. Mr. and Hix, T.- (1. Atewart, of Brantford. sprat the weekend at thelf nM lwrmr. B.rslaer- Wrte.Ae•r1rrgg aad Miss Ingle, of Toma- to. M,ra. Fred A. T9agle alai these toys and Mks Nellie Nagle, et Hamilton, are Noting at the r ldener of Me Wm Campbell. Mr. D. Regi', of To- w/aro was here on Aueday. --_THE- Hgdro Store GODERI.CH The heat of summer makes all household tasks more difficult. Buy an Electric Wash- ing Machine We have three, makes and at different prices The "Thor" The "Trojan" and the "Kribs" CALL AND SEs! WASHERS IN STOCK a number of young bandsmen uptii he Is note -able to molter a hand of twen- ty-three players that 15 a credit to the Mon. ' Th. expenses of runing •pa hand, iJke all other kinds of expeasea. have b,•, mount -Ina, and outside 41 ,the grant soled by the town cuup'il and ib.' pi• ceeds of the eireyew,und "moonlight' excursiun there it no fund TOT the re- plleeing or repairing of tostrument At- to; present time . several nr% In strumegts are abodutely necessary one ham. One bertfo0a, tic Il el an � a snare drum), and ioslfumentt at pre** nt en use ro•quir' overhauling. New music also shnuhl be purchass. - The bandsmen, who, as 11 well known. are dependent upon their dally earnings,. hate apt recrisrd anythine this i,eaa,ih for their te•n•tces In the weekb outdoor concerts. Last year the fund- nn hated were eutnowrft to pay the senior members 50r mesh awl Me Junior members Vie earl' for each of the weekly er.n'erts, hut this yea? $ ere are no funds from which to make even this metiers. allowance. And right herr it Inn be mentioned that tleretererstoseogentle to order to bele icings slung. voluntarily reduced hie salary of s:i10 to *401). ft is handy neesssary to dwell upon the benefits to the town of a gond bawl. We believe (-tat the people d (inderish fully- realize these benefits and, 'then caviled upon. 'till see that neemaary support is available. after a careful seney of the sltua- sion the committee finds that a auto of at least MOO is heeded at once for the maintenance of the band on any- thing Ifke a proper footing, and with the ohjart of Instituting a canvass for the raising 4.1 this amount the sono-' miltet sake for asgenerrwl meeting of the townspeople at lir town enunell ebambrr err Monday evening next, ai ! n'ltsek aherp. YY'ill everyone-1ntereste4 In the hand !stet Nis should noses every eltison) kindly make a pellet et beteg nn haul flex► timedaq "ening? Mr. Roes Itobertnon, of New York, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rolrrrt*on, Who were early residehts of Ktne•er- eline. ha* signified We Intention of mak- ing it lame donation to the Kincardine hospital In honor of the memory of hi.• mother. He hue sent the hospital board a cheque for $1,1100, "no amount." The Better Way Never disobey Nature's wow bK k's be bettor is f a(enta` rinaluar with •alttldi dot • m - Scott's Bahia attar toasts. tar (Shed or admit is stafilme :.. WI* ier S air • ..... tslree ask era LAMPS, IRONS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND t %star awl Light Commassl'l 414 i R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinelis mote -date for Telephones, Burglar Alarms, Pelice Patrol and Fire Alarm Systems. ;Private Resid.oces and Bu !Stems Places -a specialty. All Work Gnarenteed. Electric irons, l'naaters. Grins. Fang, Vacuum Cleaners. Washing Machines, Irlashiiglits a o d Batteries of all kinds alweys on hand. Ring up 52 or 193 aad have OR give you an estim$t" on ' Out wiring. It will be doe .' Roby. Trit West Street : Nest Peetoffice Monet -Shoo S. Howse 191 Big Clearing Sale at M. Robins Starts Saturday, August 7th For Two Weeks Cling, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, etc. Genuine Bargains WATCH OUR WINDOWS We are not men- tioning prices, but come and see for yourself Special Clearing jines_in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S -SHOES at less than cost price t I►t;,„ OA - •e