HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-8-5, Page 3edoetouwwwwereAmiewwwoometioseemse • THE SIGNAL GODEBICH, ONT. Thursday, August 5, 19O-3 Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain Minard's Lidseat has given t.ti.la tioa for dim /enation.. It gmckly relieves nee throat, hr.eehiti, neer. Wain, sciatica a.d wry kW of pain. An Old Reliable Remedy,J Mn. S. Fawcett. Heather* S[.. Crdlengwood,{ 0at., writes,-Miwd's I.s.mett merely .a w rid releabk',seedy. i *Mari keep, a bottle is the haeme awl have recommended it to spine a wagon ul my Irseads. to whom it gave mow rebel. 1n morn ,ares it ern used a a alae for ris'wmat,.m. Min�lr�d'ss Lininwnt 4rnouth No n.ilooria.; ■EDI¢Ale. 1)R. GEO. HEILEMANN. OSTEO PAT H, age/mien ist .too rove and children dese..es. et Ute, cluoaac and nervous d.seesee, ey .age mei sad throat. partial dearness. lumbar' aM rheumatic conditions. Adenoids remove witkwt the knife. (Alice at residence, corn,' ram bad SL 4edre.'. arrctic. At home ogle .allay.. Tlur teys and Satudays. ane seems* ate/ appoiMasent. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER. till Gede igl- All instructions by ail a efttr' $Hage ran lie promptly amad to eeedisrea 11r. LEGAL. IA G. CAMERON. K. C. BARRIS- • i ti TER, g er. nola'f pubo (Mete liel•Mea Street. Goderich. thud doer fro. Swas. Trust loads to loan at lowest taus. C. HA BAKKISTYS F -K SOLICITOR,NOtAAY PueLic:. ETC. pate-Stereuqr'..Bankt Block, Hamato. Street Gadsden. Telepsoaeee. Rad Rotate. Laos and lasursece. PROLDFOOT, KILLORAN i COOKE iARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARISE PUBLIC, ETC. OMes es the Square, setuhd tduor from Hamil ea Street. Gude:wk. Private lands to loan at lowest rates. W. Paeur►dxn, K. C., J.L. Sat ham H. J. D. Cooai ' iIHARLES GARItOW. LL. Doe BAR - (J RiST kK, sttornay, eottc.tu . etc„ oodencb. asaaar loused at lowest rated. 1 SEAGER, BARRISTER, SOL- ICITOR. 'emery' public and c000veyanc,r. t House. Loder.cb. us. M INSURANCE, LOANS ITC. • mCXILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- AM:& CO.-Farsa and isolated tetra prop art[ assured. Others -1st Connolly, Pree.. Goderich P. 0 ; *y [vans. Vie-Ptes., Beechwood P.O.; Thomas . Hay Sec. Tress., Sealorth P. 0. Directors -D. E. McGregor. R. R. No. I, See - meth: John G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; William RRiiaauaa,, li w R. No. 2, Se,iorth. John Btnne.es, Sredhaeen. Geo. McCartney. k. R. No. S. See - meth; RRobert Ferree, HarIocleMakotm Mc• :swoo, Clmton; James Lassa, bescheresd; James Caw uS7, Gockinch. _. eons. J. W. Y Gail iti; Magi.- Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, WJham Chesney, Sedsrth E. Hiocbley. Seelort h. Policy -holden can pay all raests and get char cars rece.pted at R. J. Msrrisb's Clothing Store. Clinton. R. H. Cutt's (:Grocery ' Kingston street. Goderich. Es J. H. mow ,neral Store, barbed. Brophe) Bros. lie Leading Funeral Directors] - and Embalmers Orden carefully attended to at all hours. night or day, OODERICH' A husband in love it always blind until he tinds it necetasry to_lew on his own buttons. • If a man will cr:mpliment his wife upon her youthful appearance occasionally, she will forgive the other white lies he tells. • MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. TORONTO COUPLR - Munn and Wife Praise Taillike fur the • Way It Restored Them to Spleit- EAST WAW'ANOSH. Council met on July 29th, as per ad juuromsnt, with all the members present Minutes of previa us meeting were read and approved, The treasurer's hal(•yearly statement toJune30th,shewing a balanc on hand of $2.865.45, received and filed The collet tor presented his bond, which wag accepted as satisfactory. To comply with the regulations of the Ontario High ways Act, a bylaw was read and passed, whereby the municipality becomes entitled to the Provincial subaioy payable under the.., said Act. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: George Snell. repairing grader. 3,ic; G. Johnston. shovel- ling gravel. 5:f; 1). Carter, same, 51.50; W. McDowell, building >emer t culvert, $72: J. Coulter. repairing culvert, concea- tions 4 and 5. 52; The Advance office, printing and advertising, tiiS•3.30; Geo. L. Sturdy, assistance on the Sturdy dram. 57; F. Carter. same. $17.80; W. J. Cole, Eroding, 511,20; W. Dunbar, grading. 511.20; J. E. Taman. grading, SIN; Geo. Coulter, grading. $10; J. Craig. grading. 130: R. H. Scott. gradire. 510; Samuel McBumey,same, 57: A.ICerneiiw,grading, 513 32; Samuel McBurney. gravelling on concession 11.5151 56: J. Snell, inspecting gravelling on concession 11.55.50; Harold Currie. gravelling on concessions 10 and 11. $100.05; Wm.Anderson. inspectingonV concessions 10 and 11. 15'5. For •ravel R. Redmond 110. N Thompson $1.35, W. Potheringill 90 rents, W. Kechnie $2.,10, C. Campbell $1,80, R. H. Scott 13.75. Next meeting of the council will be held on Monday, August 23rd. A. PORTERFIELD. Clerk. PUT IT TO TEST. e "Both my wife and 1 have put Tanlac to the test and we think i1 a splendid medicine and are glad of the opportunity of recommending it to others," said Ed- , ward Munn of 123 Row avenue, Toronto, the other day. • "For three years I was in a general :undown condition, feeling tired and languid all the time,and always getting up in the morning as worn cm: u though I had been up all fight. My stomach was ail out of order that the little 1 did eat gave me indigest • 1 and never seemed to give me sufficient ,uuruhment. Atter a meal the gas *out form and cause me great distress and k • . me in misery most of the time. I was ba. yconstipated and 1« had frequent daze spell When I attempted to stoopover 1 It It as 1 .ugh I would lath 1 wall always having hea, -hes which up- set me for my work and owards the last 1 got so weak 1 was fag d out all the time. "1 heard so many peopl tell of the wonderful results they got um taking Tarlac that I decided to gi it a trial 1 myself. 1 hadn't got far on the first bottle before I knew it was ..ing me good. My appetite improved rig ,$ along and in a short while 1 could eat a 'thing I wanted without any fear of indi tion or gas. I am no longer troubled with dicey spells or coostipatlon, and i eel slror,ger and better in every way. "When my wile saw the way Tani e was helping me. she started taking it al for she was in a badly rundown conditlion at the time. • It aas jurt as effectitt in her case as in mow and we are nave eijoying excellent health." TiTa lilac Is sold In Coolers -to by E. R. Wigle and the leading druggist in every town. COLBORNE. The municipal council of the towrship of Colborne met m the Township hall, Carlow. July 1:i. All members prevent: Reeve Young in the chair Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. on motion of Fisher and Currey. Moved t•y Mc- Neil. seconded by Roberti -`n. that the -' --- - clerk have bylaw No. 4 of 1915 :prohibit- ing the running at large of all animals) published in two issues of the toes! papers of Goderich. Carried 1. communication was received from T. Good, through his lawyer, complaining that water coming off MECCA ; OINTMENT s THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD k REMEDY FOR SORES,BL',NS SCALDS FROST -BITE BOILS CARBUNCLES ETC, SOLD EVERYWHERE 25c - 50c $1.00 - $1.25 For sale by J. A. Campbell. Druggist. MCE u10 SULPHUR OAHKENS GRAY HAIR It's Orandmothe'a Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness, ., Almost everyone knows that Bap Tea and Sulphur, property compound- ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to IS. hair when Laded, streaked or gray. Tears ago the may way to get this mixture waa to maks It at home. which la mussy and trouble- some- Nowadays. by waking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sags and Sul- phur Compound," you will get a large battle of this famous odd recipe, im- proved by the addition of other in- gredienta, et a small cost. 9 Don't stay gray! Try It! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, am it does It so naturally and evenly. Tou dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your halt• taking one small strand at a time: by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap- plication or two, your 1 -air becomes beautltully dark. glossy and attractive. .Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and e youthful appearance. It la not in- tended for the cure, mitigation or pre- vention of diaease. J IIHJIHIIIIIHHhILIHIIHtNIIIHIIIIHIIIIIHHIHIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIiIIIIINIIIHiIIIL STYLE QUALITY PRICE Egg ii = s It is our endeavor to make ea:h of these fee- tures consistent with the others in all Footwear and to give YOU entire satisfaction. - Try Hen's Boot Shop for Service. We are prepared for the holiday season with a lull line Of Travelling Goods: Trunks, Club Bags, Sutt'Csse., etc. ` �ali REPAIR DEPARTMENT In order to give better service in Shoe Repair- ing we have installed a Finishing Mec line. The best guaranteed in Repairing. ' HERN'S BOOT SHOP emmillaiNIMMIIIIIIiiiiMMINIMINIMP 1 the highway was injuring his land. The Reeve and Councillor Fiedler were ap- pothted a committee to investigate the claim. A communication was received from Chas. McPhee, through his lawyer, asking if the award of the engineer was going to be carried out. The following committee was appointed to secure legal advice and try and adjust the matter: Reeve Young and Councillor • Currey. The following accounts were paid: For road work -Wm. Sallows 522.75, J. Alton 570. Jas. Snell $31, Lee Potter $31, John Snell 132.50, J. Linfield *13. H. Brindley 526, W. Alton $26.65, G. Fulford $11.50, Jas. Watson 519.50, A. Watson $13. William Green $11.50. +U. Bogie 111.05, Wm, Vrooman 519.50, Wm. John- ston 519 50, Wm. Carey $13, E. Young 519.50, R. Cousins 149.40. James Young 5l, J Thompson 564.50, J. Tigert 517.50. John Fowler 514.80. Geo. Baxter 561.50. H. Walters 510. E. Hardy $13. G. Million 513, J. Allan 143.20, J. Kernighan $40, A. Fisher 53.25, E. Mitchell $650. E. Fisher' $10, Wm. Snyder $36.5o, P. Fisher $43, John Durst $26.50. E, Kurschenski $16.25, Wm. Stevens *13. Wm Lee $22.75. Josh Allan. $75.75. S. Young $16.257W. Watson 5100, H. Watson $66, L. Maskell 16.50. A. %'anetone $39.50. S. Vanetone $45.50, E,Hottzhousan $33.15,E. Vanstone $19.50. R McCabe 45.50. H. Walters 852 E. Allan $39,R. Allan 513, O. Walters $35.75. A. Fisher $9.75, J. Salt 116 25. E. Million $19.50, Josh Walters 826, Eli Walters $14, W. Allan $14.H. Farrand $59 50. H. Fisher $-32.50, J. Graham $35.75. J. Jenkins 513. N WaltertoS63, J. Schwanz 135, Levi Snyder 1105.85, W. Fisher 5.55.25, Wm. Eteley 51.20. F. Fisher 11 20, Wm. Hill 82.40. Geo..Ryan $3.50, W Moore $17.95, Geo. Feagan $126. H.Kerr 5182, S. Currey 895 50, W. Walters 825.35. J. Feagan 57.50, I. Currey $2080, Wm. Wagon 812. Wm. Carey $88.75. R. McMillan $26. Geo. McNeil 58: C. P. R,, rent for Fite of weigh scales at McGaw, $5. On motion of Fisher and McNeil council adjourned to August the IOth, at 2 p. m. I.l[Tli[ttlltcroN, Cleck. EXETER. John Keys of town met with an accident one day recently which might have colt him his life. He was getting out timber on Harry Horton's farm, Usborne, when a log fell against his left leg. breaking it between the ankle and knee. Jack, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moir, of Nanton, Alta.. who are visiting here. died of diphtheria after a beef illness, He is supposed to have contracted the disease on the journey from the West, Wanted Them Quirk. Mr. Parvenue -Smith was refurnishing his library, which occupatio 1 was causing him considerable anxiety. In despair he called in an expert bookseller, and after many suggestions and a final order for a complete library, he turned to his adviser and asked : "And what is the name of the fellow who writes such a lot-Shakeshitt, or something like that, isn't it ?" "Shakespeare. sir," answered the trades- man. "Yes, that's it. Get me all he's written and make a note to order anything new he may write." Concealing a smile, the bookseller sup. Rested : "And may I suggest you have them bound in morocco ?" "Bound in Morocco ?•" roared the newly -made Croesus. "No. Certainly not. I want the confounded things at City Dalry lee cream bricks alive ye on hand at 11. T. Edwards'. A (K)I/ERICH ('OI'PLE HO ORE!) Presfnnites Show Their Appreciation sf Mr and Nrs. Donald Johnston The l're+tent 1•rogres, reports, the following sendof to Hr. 1F. H. John *ton (wan of (Ir. ami Mrs. Ahoy Johnston of floslerlch•1 and \Ir•. Johnston (daughter of Mrs. Webster of (Iosh•rleh.) Mr. and Mrs. John *ton are going to Owen Sound, where i(F Johnston will Ise (I.1ea3: 'teetif : fe rowel] reception was tendered to Mr. end airs. 14. M. Johnston In the sch000l room of the Irre•sh)-terinn chore' on Titnrwlay peening by the 141d1.-.' .Ud and the limned of ming era. The whole affair 110.I been kept dark from Mr. and Mrs. John11trin- and when they aro-feed and sew the IMneulhdl� laden tables they w•nmter ed what ions np. They were not kept waiting long When most of the santlwk'hes and cake had disappeared Rer. J. It. Johnston krnge and In q few words drew attention to the feet TEMPERANCE FOLK DISAPPOINTED Resent Action of Ottawa Government in Postponing Referendum ' Me - Campaign flans t part and Money Lugs Involved. Toronto, July 31. -"The postponement of the referendum will be a grew injustice to the Ontario Referendum Committee, which, acting in good faith and on a definite undelstanding with the Government, has its organization already set up in every county and city in this Province, has signed contracts fur adver- tising space in all the dailies and weeklies of the Province, and has billboard space also contracted for lied the necessary pesters and literature arranged, all for tJie date fixed, namely. October 25," said Rev. Dr. A.S. Grant. "11 the date should be changed all this would be lost and be a waste of money. Besides, it is a great injustice to the temperance people of, this Province in leaving the doors open td the flooding of the Province with liquor from outside. and prolonging the- present intol. arable condition c f things. "Ontario should not be treated differ- ently from the other Provinces, which through their Legislatures have\pplied for the taking of the vote on the gttestlon of importation. "!J the voters' bets for Ontario hav\e to be revised we are nbt offering any ohjec- tion, but we think the cold bits ought be as lair for one party aft for the other, nd being of such recent date might very eft serve as an expression of the will of people on this quertiogof importation, thus save both the Government and pie of the Province large expend. 1 time and money. we do demand that tete Govern. an the iture ,me9t 6 date on the same nner as the other Provinces, and have the•Ontario voters' lists pre- pared so t t the vote .can be taken a. formerly err ged, on October 25, 1920." Rap f the Government, "It's not a v promising beginning for a new Governm tin respect to advanced 1elislation," sai Rev. Dr. Chown, superintendent of the Methodist Church, last night. "I am ery sorry to hear it. It will occasion a eat deal of disap- pointment. Everythl. • in the campaign was going forward nic , and now plans will be all upset." / 1'r,•,dun for Owen Sound, where he has igen apiaofltted e1.T.R. agent, nus surrounded by the Mosinee,, wen and ioowler% at the 1141W ling green lust night and preseuted with a howler's doh l.ag which was Maden with moue)'. shortly after M (. chuck all the bowl - lug •games Wt'le guspeiul(rl and air. Juluiston, wlio was bowling at the time, was eallel from the green to an- swer the phone. On arriving at the OHIO 1i.tt he was surrounded 1,y hts many friends and informed that he were not wanted on the telephone but there was something better awaiting ham. ]Ir. Thomas Hepburn then coque (crwned and read an address in Which It stater) how sorry the citizens were to loose Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and the family. and what was Preston's loss wit's Owen Ronud's gain. The address spoke in the high - tering of he wally good thing, he Clone sit ow be twe•ame a eltixeu of 1'lweton, i we sixteen. years 350. At the popper time air. R. 11. Park- er made the prtwntation. Mr. Jejliet- rettn. although taken very much My surprise, tu;tde a moat replyin which he referred to the pleasant years tooth he and Urs.. Jodi/option had silent In Preston. Ile .stated that when he reached ifs new tithe of labor, ho mat- ter law lunch work Ile had to per- form. be would Meyer . forget his many Preston friends. Mr. Johnston was then asked to op- en the bag and In nn duieg he fairly staggered w114111 he s11w that the bag w'a a ttlleel tl the Krim with hills and Ito immediately naked for a hacker to lonok after his wintry. Mr. Joiniston expects to leave for Oweu Round the latter )tart of this ;rook and he and his family leaw stop with the wish of every Oil- 7 lt!- Nett that he will Meet with an abnuti- anep of sne,.'ss and that he mud his `,fatuity well like their new home. • e ... 4dw w wafts r moa tem ate Whig awe Purity Itsell- Above di other,- baby's a, meet took ate M Sunlight Soap is air r sear t. ems - barmen a w rr5t s...... 01 the ems .td .heel a deme..e e.esrss etiolate miasma LIVES ■a0'rHltU - LIMITED rososre 'ca B DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND 3 12IAGNIF!CENT STEAMERS 3 Thi (:reit ship "5FLANDBEE" - "CITY OF F]IIE" - `CTTY OF BUFFALO" Berea... BUFFALO-sDaily, May 1st to Nov. 15th -CLEVELAND Caere avnat.e 1 a,0o P. ►t. Lards Lease CuvatAwa - 9.00 P N. Amo days,* -e 730 A. M. ( $ranoA.0 TLCs t Arne et -'Paw . 7 90 A- M. C.m..et,oe. at Cleveland far Ceder Peat, Ped -in -Ray, Toledo. rNtren and ether Nits. Raikod Caskets reeding between a.11.i. and Care:end ere fund for transpa too;. on on our ee. .toaa. Ask m rear deka Meant v Aeeieea L Arnett for to. stn C ! 11 L,n.. Kos Tosrot Auto. wean Ret..- 510.S lard 1 np. with 2 Mye rmvn lmat, Iw eve mot asewmag 1.7 la. wheelbase. amot.f ally adored ae,tw.ul poria e4trt of The Great 11bp " SEEA,141141e3" amt on stomp% al Ore rent*. Also ask for our 1• -res petunia and dYraptiee Wald./ fees. Tia Cl v.t.a4 A Buffalo Trmssit .d f Ivo sit C(*0 UUii++1■y The Groot ShIp "1IEAII1i* ss -J. Itareelliad mea featly p....0 54�f ..Island woo ereItyheiTld`, Slimpisa .novelty,. 15 p.as..gma FARE $463 uld treat this Province as to the 'hick the vote is to be taken in that Mr. and MEM. JO, on were abont to learr I'yerstoa, He taller! ou 1)r. J. Seott Hogg to act . s spokes- man for the Ladd' A : which needless to soy, he did in . most acceptable manner. At' the oil rt tine lime srnnt•l.Mly brought forth a large II old Irintbiowe flour plass lamp which was ofte•ially declared to belong he•1Mefortlh to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Though it came 1111 It complete xttrtrrise to them Mr. Johnston in a brief speech thankel his friends and rot -workers to the (Moire for the expr.•.olon of good -will and also for the kfndupss shown 'them over a great many years. Short and appreciative nddresse-r followed from Sir. Thos. 1 Hepburn on behalf of tilt' session.• from Mr. W. J. Irving, who anereds (Ir. .lnhnston as elmirwan of the J, - !Hoard of managers, t from Mr. It. A. afetaliltray, -11i i predecessor as elm ir- man, atul from Mr. C. Ramsay. representing the choir. Excellent solos were given respectively by Sligo, \\'osadheutl and Mr. Rulit•rtou. Throughout the nee thought Will dolui1mn1,-the our lagging interest and zeal uuulif(-ote'c1 by the recipient's in the work of the i'hureh, 51r. John- ston especially 1u his ettp.et•ky as chairman of tits' beard and .Mrs. Johnson. as y member of the 'Attlee' Atteorne-oter.:*.es-oliesooliatiolao bored hen+, the former enuring to Preston' . in 11514 es 0..T.1{, agent. There were general 711141 genuine ex- pressions of regret at losing them, while all rsctgnlzerl the feet that in going, to ((wen Round, Mr. Johnston airs receiving a well merited bnsfnei,ft promotion. The evening e•ont'ludel with the singing of "Itlt'et Is• the tie that hinds," "Auld iatng Syne,' and the National Anthem..• The Lawn Bowlers, Tee. Mr. 1)otale iJoluagon. Bran.( Trunk agent, who le about to leave POISON LIKE UNTO VENOM OF SNAKES Psidesoor H. Strum, M. I)., of the Royal Cb.,ity Hospital, says, "The mune for an attack of gout, rheumltanm, lumbago is supplied by the increase of uric acid fa the blood serum, the result of various ammo, the most frequent of which is renal. Before an attack, one widen srm.tlms from be.d- era., wuralgla, twinges d pain Ikea and there.': When yob kldnpyrs feel hike hump, of kid, when the heck hurts or the unne is cloudy, full of sediment, or you have rheu- matic pains or lumbairo, gout, sialic.: o'taro at your nearest drug store "Anuria' (wadi -uric -.did). This is the dMeovery M rhe Pierce of 'rise Invalids' Holisl Buffalo, N. Y. An- uric" le an antidote for this one acid obtain- ing and dissolves uric acid in the body much as eat melee dissolve* attar. 'Anuric will trate tato the joint* and mrr,Ms, and dissolve the p.ironoua aeeumul.tions. It will stamp out trains. Montreal, Qin.!-"1 rannot praise IH. Pierce'* Anurle (an$i-uric-arid) enough for what it has dense for ane. For three months 1 wit under the doctor's earn and got no hotter. 1 wee always mnplalning a nit kidneys. I did bot know what to do. t read about Anurie and made up my mind so try it. r have Wk.e tan hews wad Inst rornptale soy moan. I have gained ie weight sell un .101 Raining. My appe55 ig great and slam but corn* to me. That is what the Asnnie Tablets have dons far mei i do truly raeommend there to threes who are wi1.rint the way 1 did. The Wiles we oddity good; though not expurive, tow to buy, but hard to beat." -T, A. BROWN. SW Dtlee6estp, Rt. W. send in awes to Dr. Pierre's tavediee Neut. Buffalo, N. Y. for trial paekys c► G'INADIiN PACIFIC FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Going -115 to WINNIPEG. 3,i cent pr elle rnStipl to destination, "Fare Returning" -$28 fres WINNIPEG. 3i tat per nude starting pint to Ifinorpod. GOING DATES AUGUST S, From and From AUGUST 111. yrom Pr AUGUST 11g Trn+ and Froma AUGUST 15.. 'From T[RRITORY Stations in Ontario. Smith's Tails to and including Toronto on Loke Ontario Shore 1•.. end Haedock•Peterboro UDC. St .ions lUngston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. Statlyneon Toronto -Sudbury dlreet line, between Toronto and Perry Sound inclu.iva om Statioyy\\ee Drano.l to Port McNicoll and Burketon, to Bobcaygeon, iaetnites. , StationSouth and Wesor t of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Winds. Ont. Owen S nd. Walkerton, Tenwster, Wingb.mt seem, Listowel. Oodatiah. St. Mm•F'% Part Bur'wea, sad St. Thomas Branches. Stations Toronto mod North to Bolton. inclusive. SPEOIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO Pall particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD, District Pe..eoger Arent. Toronto. i STABILITY OF THE COMP Y ENSURES STABILITY IN THE PRODU T'WFN1'YFIVE years of growing bigger, keeping in daily touch rubber markets, having the opinions of tire experts the world over on our product• - &en it not stand to reason we can the better serve you It u as .1 you were bu o l,.mtJon, Paris, Kew York, smuhaneoualy,•when you holy a Dunlop Tw ia cord Construetiora--Trernon,- `Ribbed.' Fabric ConstruMIory-'Tracnor.-- -Sproul: -A.l, md,' •Gipps,• •Phis• Wee As tin ..limbos se - Nnlop,- you ren Feel the (o n oat, Sae the Ws/a, and Sere the Saar. -. 'REGULAR GREY," -EXTRA HEAVY SERVICE GREY. -.n1 "BRITISH DUNLOP RED- TUBES DUNLOF ACCESSORIES Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Had Offs. sad Factories . TORONTO V •0 4