HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-29, Page 6Thunalar. July 2ittlMf.
ealihq lto8►e
Hea1th Bable
Every true, mother realizes the fact that her baby's health de-
pends upon her own, that the very vitality of hoe child is lapuanod
by her own physical condition. Dow important it Li, therefore,
to guard against any derangement of the female, organs, which
induce general weakneaa, pervousaess, constant fatigue and utter
inablllty to properly care for her child. Means remember, that
Lydia ll. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has brought health cad
strength to thousands of such mothers. •
1(Itchell, tad.—"Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Ceaponad helped mall
o much during the time I was looking forward to the osmtaa of my We
one that I am recommending it to other expectant meshipra, Before
it. some days 1 suffered with AeursIaZtaso badly that 1 bought I could
lire, but atter taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhalm's Vegetable Com-
pound I was entire?y relieved of neuralgia, I had gained In strength mad
wan able to go around and do all my housework. My bay whoa T moat8
old weighed 19 pounds and 1 feel better thus I hare ter a long time. I
sever had any medicine do me so muck good."—Mrs. ?Maar. MUST MAI,
Mitchell, lad.
Good health during and after maternity 1s a most lmpagMat factor to both
mother and child, and many letters ba.e been received by the Lydia L.
Piakh.'. Medicine Co., Lynn, Mica, tshiuugg of health tester*dastag•thts
trying plod by We use of. Lydia M. ri.OLD -'s V.gasahle, CompoaaiL
omegetableCou. nd
Tire howl paper at V
makes the following refer*,
r,•wocat trim that town e
Johnston. a I:alerlrh old tiny
stint.. rely .tarry wJll he a h
Preston friend,, to I04 Mr. 1
J. ohm.ton. the capable and obit
ttrund Trunk agent here. Yr. Jo
%tier ho. been promoted to Owen *lou
I Part IL—The Canada Company.
F'rnui '1'lte aaoln• t
In 1823 John Galt received an appoint-
ment from Upper Canada to art as avert
for the settlement of claims against the
Government arising out of the war of
1812. in the discharge of these duties he
was impressed by the natural resources of
the country, and his ambition to develop
it was aruused. Accordingly he was
far-seeing merchants of Guelph Imagine
a resent -day Chamber of Commerce
undenaking to finance road -building
which would benefit two counties and
three towns without any expense on their
part I
Cuald those mighty men of old but
awaken today and ser the fruit of their
handiwork, see the spreading city with
her wale, sunny streets and comfortable
homes. her ever-growing factories, her
many church spires, her immense Institu-
tions, could they awaken and find her
known the world over as the birthplace of
John McCrae arid Edward Johnson, they
would realize that they had budded better
than they knew.
Stamp No Longer Necessary.
instrumental in forming the Canada Local druggists, as well as various
retailers and the buytng public in general.
will be pleased to learn that the stamp
act on patent medicines, toilet prepara-
tions and a hundred and one articles sold
Company, cap.taltzed at L1,100,000,
which bough: up 2,5110,001: acres of land
in Upper Canada. Rough;y speaking,
ibex lands correspond to the present in the drug stores of the land has been
county of Hutun and the township of removed. The new amendment to the
Guelph, in Wellington county. Mr. Galt Special War Revenue Act went into effect
was appointed secretary of the company I on Saturday..luly iOth. and from now on
at ahtleral salary, no stamp will be ,.taxed or have to -be paid
for when a purchase of any of these
On arnirtng in Canada in 1527 he articles is made.
decided to open the colony by lourding
a city. Observe. pray, that he did not
lounu a village which might: perhaps, London Free Press: Rev. A.L G. Clarke
grow to be a city. From the hest he and Mrs. Clarke and family have taken up
their residence in the new rectory of the
(lurch of St. John the Evangelist, St.
James street Mrs. Clarke. with her
small son and daughter, arrived in the
city yesterday from Windsor. where Mrs.
Clarke was ealled by the illness of her
mother. thejate Mrs. Mills.
insisted on reterrtng to his settlement as
the city of Guelph. Being a man: 01
imagination; he made quite a little carr
many tat leuuig the lust tree. In fact, he
and nts friend Lir. Dunlop travelled until
tate at night, havtng lost their way, in
order to arrive tn,tune to fcund Guelph on
' St. George's Day. Hit descrtptioq of tar
uccas.un is interesting:
••lt with my plan to
invest our ceremony with a little mystery,
the better to make it be remtmbereu. Jo,
tntirnaung th,t the mom body oil men
were not to cc me. we walked to the brow
of the neigbbor,ni: rising ground. and Mr.
Prl.+r having shown the site selectedfor
the town, a targe maple tiee was chosen—
on which, taalug, an axe from one 01 tilt
woodmerr, 1 struck the lust stroke. 1j
me at least the moment was imptesuve—
and the silence o1 the ;+duds, that echoed
to the sound. was as to tite s gh of the
solemn genius of the wilderness uepartutg Grandmother kept her hair beau
forever. fully darkened. glossy and attractive
"The Ihoctor followed.rlle, then. if 1 with a brew of sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whomever her hair took on that duN,
on, tint..
to the
Mr. 11.
If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens
so Naturally Nobody
01 recollect tweedy, Mi.' Newt ante Itis
Id woodmen hnisheo the work. the tree
tell with a crash of accumulating thunder,
as if ancient nature were alarmed at
the entrance of social man into her inno-
)cent solitudgs, with his sorrows, ars follies
faded or streaked appearance, this sim
p1e mlrturs was applied With wonder.
ful effect By asking at any drttg
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound." you will get a Targe bot-
antPr xp seat to leave here In about two tie of this old-time recipe, unproved
w.prk,t. The step is a tlistint•t and tine and his crones. • ` • The name was by the addition of other ingredients. all
promotion and on this all will iron- cti n in compliment to the Royai lam- ready to ase. at very little costa This
h because 1 thought it auspicious simple mixture can be depended upon
1, and because 1 could not recollect to restore natural color and beauty to
ad ever been before *.sed in ail the, be'
's dominions.' A alwe11-bnown downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyetb'e Sagege and
s some objection in England Sulphur Compound now because
Guelph, as the directors darkens no naturally and eventy
named for Lord Godench. nobody can teU It has been applied—
Galt refused to alter his it's so easy to use, too. You .impb
rcame the difficulty by dnlab a comb or sobrush and
founding anutht settlement on Lake drawatIt through your Aalrft, taking one
strand at a time. By morning las
Huron and calking t Godrnch. These is grayisbalr disappears; atter another
a tradition that til town plans of the appllcatlon or two. 11 is restored to its
two places were interchahged, but there natural color and looks glom*. soft
is htt.e evidence to bear this out. and beautiful. This preparation la a
Guelph's first five streets. which con- dellgbtful toilet requisite. It Is not 1a -
verged at the (:es oi the Canada Com- tended for the cin», mltlaation or pre, -
pany, follow the general contour of the aunelon of tllaaass.
river and hills. Strangers frequently _
complain of the resulting confusion, but BArx
by it the city is redeemedgt.ufrom the monotony of straight, unimaginativeI.ESSMEAT8AcK
streets which lie at inial right angles
and regular. uninteresting intervals.
John Galt had a theory that a colony is
valuable to the Empire in direct ratio to.
the contentedness and prosperity of the
settlers. Accordingly he spent the con•
pany's money liberally in building roads,
offices and public buildings. thus provid-
ing work for new settlers and giving them
the best living conditions then possible.
i 1 W by was there not a Galt at Kapuskas-
j mg ?) The steady increase in land values
eventually justified this expenditure. but
at the time the directors of the cornpany
1 thought it extravagant and hot their
confidence in Galt's business ability.
Unfortunately he also it cdrred the ennui y
of Sir Peregrine Maitland, the Litutenant•
Governor of the Province. Ow'ing to the
consequent difficulties of his position, he
resigned in 1829 and returned to Eo 1. nd
and his literary work.
Shortly after Galt's return to England
the Canada Company wished to dissolve
and resell the lands to the Government.
But John Galt had such confidence in the
hnanctal soundness of the settlement that
on his representations the Government
accepted the company's offer without
bargairing. This made the directors
realize the true value of their investment,
and they finally decided not to se'l.
The remainder of John Galt's life was
spent in England and Scotland, where
his literary work scarcely sufficed to keep
him out of debt. He died atter a long
illness at Greenock on April 11. 1839, at
the age of sixty. A monument to his
memory is erected there.
A delightful book, full of the romance
and Color of early pioneer days, the
Days of the Canada Company," gives
pen -picture of John Galt that is not easily
"Galt was a fresh -colored, splendid -
looking man, almost six foot four. with a
frame in proportion , not a talkative man,
but when questioned, clear and courteous
in his replies. The massive frame and
general leatures have been faithfully
reproduced in his descendants, the black
hair and keen eyes, straight nose and
curving upper hp over a hnelyrounded
chin, all being familiar.?
"Sanguine to excess, of untiring indus-
try, open, generous and unsuspicious.
endowed with remarkable energy and
alent, unselhsh. unaffected and sincere,
true to his attachments and pure -minded
in purpose, is the character written 01
John Galt by the one who knew him best.
"A good man and almost a great, was
this humorous Scottish novelist, whose
life was so pathetic. A writer in The
National Observer says the story of his
life is the tale of a man of boundless
ehergy, of considerable ambition and of
business capacity, ruined by an imagin-
ation t1 at minimised difficulties and
painted the future as he would have it,
qualities these that make the Empire."
Guelph, the city, of Galt's hopes, has
long since bHM a city in fact. and has
I nearly a hundred years of history to her
credtt. Tales of the early days make
interesting reading. but through all her
annals runs the thought that ss the city
itself is founded on rock, en is her
prosperity founded pn the integrity and
public spirit gl the pioneer An instance
of this was he building n( a diagonal
road to Elmira and Conestoga in mrd, r to
hying rime of the trade of that rich farm -
,ng district tb the city. This was not
done by the Province, but by a few of the
. ;ireful* hint. it is seventeen years ily.
dere Td Johnston took charge here. in it
In that ti the tinniness of' the Grand that i
Trhnk 1u 'restore has levee -Reed at the K
I.•artt tourfo 1. But the Increased There
busine s lois 11 a handled to tileentire to the na
satisfaction of the local community wished the
sad the ever ea ale. energetic and However. M
tsoptilar Donald Lail preserved through choice, and o`goodIt all the bast of `good feeling both
Inward 111U1SPIt roil lins company. 'The
promotion is well sorbet and while
regretting to lose him. Congratulations
it-ttt he extenthtt nn the welt deserved
recognition by the Company of faith-
ful service. iioth Mr. anal ]ire. 'John-
ston have made marry friends in a
social way wh• will greatly miss theta
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles—the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Hamilton Street Phone 138
1'iumhing Heating
Havestroughing Me Work,
Always at your service
with the best goods at most
reasonable prices.
South Side Square Telephone 46
House to'Let
on West street
aterand all convenience]
for men at a
remarkable price
Mes's Tweed Raincoats. The
coat is cut in the single-
breasted style, a loose
belt with buckle. Sizes.
34 to 42 at
$12.45 and $16.45
Men's Fawn Raincoats. Made
,in single-breasted style,
double -stitched seams.
'Sizes 34to46 at
Motorola are impute n, i .a ps above Dtsnlow Ttrta thaw days b.raw t><Iapba,l� ata
sanding the ck«r serum,.
amm.Qteelr up Dunlap Wave with the other.—ti unlow is "limb.
wwwChecli up the Ga deoewnp an ether. Dunlop Tues we wad-- p M Low,
c.e tarotrn'r rye "CANIS h'. The Enghel, Formula." Al..4w. m.,.0111111 says: 'werid-Rede
1.apsmsry of Dunlop Netursip Make' Dunlop Unbeatable ,n Gawk'
When you bar • -Donis( yogi get mere than • mete tine - you get tlr ' Me.t I ovisa Titre
to Alt Motordoio.
IlttnIo Cord Time are at.ao-b4 in - Traen_nn - and - Ribbed - Duabs rebate, Th
- rsrao..' .. 7OR.a1." - R*8.d • C1.ppe.. - P1un
UY'IWV °VIM W s .'a GRLA I EST b .. O A • 'i
►hd/a ..aJ F....w TORONTO a.aaim as o. hang Qts
lake s `lam of Sato to flnmh
U D,ladder bothers yoltDrtltk
lots of water.
dews kidney trouble stoat
some form eventually 07
giber, says a well-known authority, be.
Ramie the aria acid in seat excites the
kidneys, they beoome overworked ; get
sluggish; e3og up and muse all sorts d
ttletrenti, particularly backache and min'
try in the kidney region; rheumatic twin-
ges. severs beadaebea, avid stomach, eon-
* ipoeio4 torpid liver, sleeplessness,
Bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your bask hurts or kid-
n eys area% acting right, or if bladder
bathers you. get about four ounces of
Wad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water.
before breakfast for a few day. •a 10
kidneys will then act Sae. This famous
malts is made free: the acid of grapes
sad lemon juke, eombiaed with 11181a,
ttatd baa been wed for generations to
dash clogged kidneys cad stimulate them
to norma! activity; also to neutralize the
aside in the urine so it no longer irri-
tates, thus ending bladder disorder&
Jed Salts cannot injure anyone;
imams a dalightful effervesosnt Ut8fa-
u utter drink whish rattle* of men and
take now and then to keep the
and urinary organs clean,
Aiding serious kidney, distea
South Side Square — Galeria
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels -- -
Accept "California" Syrup of
only—look for the name California'
the package, then you are .are yaw
And M having the best and most harm-
less laxative or peyote for the little
stomaeb, liver and bowels. Children
ive its delirious fruity taste. Pon
tlfrwc..ono for ehIM'a doom ea each bot-
obtie. Dive it without fear.
Mot/wet ?ori slat my `Oailferala.'
S€RVICE • • • • • • •• • •
The New Decorating Store
West Street
in addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints,
etc., we handle all kinds of
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year. call an us and let us give you an estimate.
J. Cuthbertson
North Side West Street Ooderkh, Ont.