HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-29, Page 5wR
Here are a number of suggestions, timely at
this season, and we know when you consider the
prices at whicit we are offering these articles you
' 11 see that it will be distinctly to your advantage
to make your selection now.
Mosey Savers
Reg. 30c. for 25c.
White Vasaline
Reg. 15e. for ............ 10c.
--=-- Yellow Vaaaline
Reg. 10e. for 5c.
Haines' Wiltabire Oil
Reg. $1.00 for 69c.
Reg. 75c. for 65c.
Reg. 25c. for 15d.
PembaTread Easy
for 25c.
N. + L. Talcum
Vanishing Cream per.
take us care of
We have devoted a great
deal of time and study to
the needs of those who en-
joy taking pictures. Our
I line is complete at all times.
Aside from giving you the
best in cameras and films,
we can take care of your
Developing aad Prim*
in the best possible man-
ner. Our prices, too, are
below the mail order
houses .
Satisfaction guaranteed,
Aquatic Millinery, if ye.
Reg 35e fore25c
Baby Chick Food
Reg. 35e. for... .25c.
Thermos Betties sal Rite., -We can
Bathing Caps, latest crea-
tions, 25c to *1.25,
Ear Drum Protectors
Reg. 50c, for 39c.
Extra Special
Baby's Own Soap
Reg. 45e. box for 35c.
• Infant's Delight
Rig. 45c. for 3t
Seward's Baby
Reg. 15c. 3 for 25c
Hiss Dainty
Reg• 10e. straight
3 for 25e.
Bath Tablets
Colgate's six varieties
Reg fit), hos for 4$c. _
TIM x1011/
'1'burwlay site, _"1 I'k_o .i
Slaseuea Here on Monday.
• In order to give the people of Goderich
an exhibition of first-class baseball, the
local dub has engaged the Sitncues of
Toronto, one of the leading amateur
teanut of the city. fur a game at Agricul-
tural Park on Monday evening next,
(The locals will have the same team as
played at Blyth on Wednesday and won
first p,ize in the tournament. As con-
siderable expense is involved in putting
on this game, it is hoped there will be a
large attendance. The admission fee is
being kept at the regular.:figure, 25c : so
let everybody be on hand when the game
is called at 6.30 Monday evening. The
members of the 33rd Regiment band
have kindly consented to auend and
Guderieh Wins at Blyth.
the first
X t▪ Goderich he baseball�tournament �atC Blyth of eron
Wednesday. The first game to the
morning was between Wingham and
Goderich, and was won by Godench 6 to
2. In the afternoon Zurich defeated
Teeswater 5-3. It took ten innings to
decide this game. Zunch and Godench
then played off. Goderich winning 7-1.
For the morning game Wingham won the
Wieland took the held. Coopero 1 Godench
started the scoring by knocking the ball
into a tent for a home run. There was
no more scoring until the fifth. when
Aitcheaon snores for Wingham. In the
cath Goderich scored two runs on hits
by Cooper. Sweet and a double.by Bar-
low. In the seventh they put the gae
on ice with three more runs. Wming-
ham tned desperately to win the game in
the eighth, but the best they could do
was to score one run. Robinson, for
Goderich, pitched a sterling game,
making no fewer than nine of the Wtng-
ham team hit the atmosphere. He was
given excellent support by the team.
IBerlow and Cooper were the heavy
hitters, the former having four hits in hve
times up and the latter three in five,
including a home run. Aitchexm for
Wingham made some nice running catches
in left field. Telfer, Geddes and Johns
were their best betters.
Score by Innings--
' Godench...1 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0-6
Wingham..0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.2
Battenea-Gedertch, Robinson and
1 Bisset: Winebam, Morgan and Cooper.
CCderich line-up--
Wigmna ss. Miller 2b, Cooper 3b, W.
1 Bisset c, Barlow Ib. Webb cf, Carrick rf.
Robinson p, Pridham 1f.
At 3 o'clock Zurich faced Teeswater
and won in the tenth innings; score .5-3.
Teeswater filled the bases in the last of
the ninth with no one out. but they could
not squeeze out the winning run.
The final game of the tournament was
called at 6.16. Goderich won the toss and
took the field. Zunch got one run in the
first and this ended their scoring for the
the first Godench
Jergen's Peroxide Bath
Reg ID,' straight
3 for 25o.
Full Supply
Rose's Lime Juice 40c.
Welch s Grape Juice •
,mall..• .35c
Mentrierst Lime mice .... bOc.
save you money on these. as we bought before the last raise 2
f 10
o per cent.
game. In their half of
Other items not room to mention, scored two runs with two men out.
Cooper hit a' three -base drive to deep
centre. Bisset was walked and Barlow
= drove them home with a single through
Telephone 90
Next Mar's Scetelr�e The Square
121111IlU 111111111111 n11111111001111n1n11 N111nh1111111
Chir Holiday. ,
Wednesday, August 4th, will be tor.
Goderich civic holiday,
Flax -puller at Work.
The Vessot flax -pulling machine. manu-
lectured by the National Shipbuilding
Co., has beeh working in a field of flax on
Eldon street the last day or two, and is a
great object of interest to the citizens and
visitors from other parts.
W'erlrsirwlay Italf-bolfday for Postomee.
Postmaster Galt has received instruc-
tions for the closing of the postofFice
Wednesday afternoon of each week while
: - THE -
Model Theatre Program,
WEEK AUGUST 2nel to 7th
Stranded in Chicago, swindled,
betrayed, jailed, still he
kept -smiling.
Will Ro=om
` • Rainbow CNedy
.Marguerite Clark
Oldie Special Comedy
•• \ Lewis J.
take HaimmenNi
r A.
Swam Cams*
the general weekly half -holiday re in
effect. The wickets will I e closed on
Wednesday after the noon mail is dis-
tributed. but the office will be open for
box -holders throughout the day.
The Soldiers' Memorial.
In reply to enquiries that are being
made regarding the soldiers' memorial, it
may be said that the matter is now largely
in the hands of the committee on design,
which is making enquiries over a wide
area with a view to securing the most
useful and reliable ir: formation . The
committee is awaiting the result of cer-
tain correspondence before reporting to
the general committee. and for the mean-
time the matter rests there.
fissile -Dyer.
Ar "rile Willows." Raytleld mad.
Goderich towuship, the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews, in the
pn•setae of Immediate relatives alai
friends. on Friday. July rt. at high
noon, tine mafriage of Miss Faith
Henrietta Dyer to Mr. Andrew Hustle
was dniy iademiituMI. Rev. Harvey -
Moyer of North street Methodist
"Your Gift" or
`Making the Most of Life?'
11 On A M
"Forgetting and
7 a) P M.
Next Sunday, hint Id
'Baptist Churth
ssluday School at 9.55 a. as.
church olffr•fating. The bride. who was
given away by her brother. Mr. .1
Nilsen Dyer of Toronto, looked ehitrm-
batin a drewif of white organdie with
to mach and carried a bouquet of
(Iphelia roses. A sumptuous diener
was served in a marquee on the lawn.
After a trip by automobile Mr. anal
Mrs. /Jostle will he at home at Elm-
wnod, where the groom, who is one
of the tinders among the younger
geueratiori of farmers of (trey county,
carries oh extensn'e agrieultunl oper-
a Hon..
Farmers' Club Mole.
vwmg to the wet weather -D this first
part of the day, it was decided to postpone
the Colborne Farmers' Club picnic
arranged (or today (Thursday) at
Menesetung Park, but when it cleared off
in theafternoon the decision was reversed.
and a fairly large number gathered at the
Park. Unfortunately in the meantime
Hon. Lt. -Col. Carmichael, who had t
arrived as one of the speakers of the day, b
had left to attend to other business, and F
this was a disappointment to those who a
expected -
second. Goderich scored two agun m th
I 'aby W § and
third on hitsMiller,
Bariow. They added another in the
(fourth on hits by Robinson, Fleming and
Pridham, .•J)4 " Hoffman retired from
the mound in this innings and Mime
took his place. The sixth run was made
in the fifth on hits by Bisset and Barlow,
Their final run was scored in the sixth on l
Wiggins' walk. Miller's hit and a passed
ball. The game was called in the seventh
on accou•it of darkness. The features
were Pridham's fielding. Miller's all-
round work at second, Barlow's hitting
and Robinson's pitching and fielding. In
the fourth innings, while sliding into third,
Robinson knocked his right Shoulder out
of joint. but he gamely finished the game,
though'he'could not lift his arm above his
head. For a left-hander he had wonderful
Score by innings -
Zurich .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Goderich 2 0 2 I 1 1 x-7
The line -up -
Zurich -C. C. Hoffman lb. Kekoa 3b
and p. C. Hoffman pp. and 3b, Brown c,
T. Hoffman ss, Worm 2b�, Siebert If,
Calfas rf, Hess cf.
Goderich-Wiggins ss. hiller 2b,
Cooper 3b, Bisst c. Barlow Ib. Webb cf,
Robinson p. Fleming rf, Pridham If.
Clinton Wins the Protested Game.
On Monday evening the Goderich base-
ball team went to Clinton and played off
he protested game with the teard of that
urg. The game was to have been played
riday night. but had to be cancelled on
ccount of weather conditions.
The game was a very good one, but the
results were the wrong way for Godench
"rooters" to enthuse over. The score
was a close repetition of the one played
at Agricultural Park with the same team
1 a week ago. Clinton scored two runs in
the first innings and four in the second.
n Goderich counting their only run in the'
fourth, the score at the end of the seven
innings played being 6 to f in favor of
Clinton. Sanderson pitched for the
s Goderick team. and had it not been for
fielding errors the result of the game
might have been different. Both teams
batted freely, but the Godench boys
always put it where a Clinton man could
take care of it. Their opponents had
better luck in gettir.g runs. Pridham. in
left field for Goderich, did some good
fielding and pas applauded by Clinton
spectators. One catch he made was a
foul fly back of third base. Running in
m his position in the field. he jumped
the air and caught the ball, amid the a
plause of the lookers-on. This game
es Clinton the credit of beating Gode-
ar ver, Mr.
Chas. McCurdy, of i the Farmers' Co.operative Co., and Mr. A. Hicks, M.P. P.
for South Huron, were present, and they.
with some local men. made up an inter
estate program of -speeches on the note
lawn after supper. A more extended
reference to the event will be made i
next week's Signal.
The Bow'fing Tournament.
on IVedne
day ye the tournament
Goden h nbowling dub was a
successful event, in spite of threatening
weather early in the day. Twenty-three
rink. took par. including teams from
Stratford, Mitchell, Seaforth, Exeter,
Wingham. Hensel! and Clinton. There
were two events. for the first one a
handsome cup being donated by the
Western Canada Flour Mills Co., to be
won three times in succession before
becoming the property of any club. For
the second event Rev. Dr. Meldrum of
Cleveland contributed generous prizes.
In the finals for the trophy, between A.
Whiteside. of Hensel' and Fred Hunt of
Goderictt, there was a keen contest, but
a couple game. In bigends gavethethe lett end visitorsmade
grand shot and scored five, but was stili
two short of tieing his opponent& The
final scat was:
Hensel!. Goderich.
W. A. McLaren R. G. Reynolds
W. 0. Goodwin Gat Ma, -Vicar
M. R Rannie pyo (,yarrow
A. Whiteside& skip -19 F. Hunt skip --i7
Besides being the custodians of the
trophy, the Hessen rink carried ftp'
fit prise, four casseroles, the Hunt
receiving the isco d mite of e
In the second event the winners were
a local rink skipped by C. Chapman, who
defeated Cashs nnk of Stratford• 17 to
10 in the
oofrkttal game . The Goderich rusk,
who gats oI pyrex, were first, Reg. Swamis:
Fred Weir, Dr, k MacDonell and C. Chip.
man (stilet The second prise, which
went to the Stratford rink. was
thermos bottles, and another
rink (C. Nairn, A. Henry, J. Brophey
Dr, Hunter, skipl, took the third e,
tour trayr
rich m all the League contests played
between the two clubs this season.
Score by innings -
Clinton._ 2 4 0 0 0 0 0--6
Goderich 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
The line•up-
Clinton-Hawkins if. Cooper p. McNeil
3b, Tasker lh, Draper as. C Cooper p
Johnston cf, Potter rf. Fulford 2b.
Godench -R. Bisset 3b, Johnston se.,
40.11Ni+l'l� _t► i��llge �1
"Zito tt,,�` ���1 llliJ�
lis � ,;IIII,i1I�'II�I,
Jii�iilH�f*1w. II"
%E regret to announce : that we are
♦� forced .1io postpone .alt' Opening
Date as previously announced for
Saturday, July 31st, until
Saturday, Aug. 7th
Due to the fact that railroad shipments
of all classes of merchandise and fixtures
have been unavoidably delayed.
Our Formal Opening will be held the
day before the Grand Opening, on
Friday, August 6th
L.I.5TEL Curanunr,Lsaanin
5 = O 122 STORES
i� ,41i1‘,„„„
Iii lhl�
it IlU•
cf. W. Bisset c. Webb lb. Miller
2b. rn_k rf. Pridham If,Sanderson p.
Umpire -Jack Wiggins and a Clinton
The Ironworkers Play Bal.
On Tuesday evening a friendly game of
ball was played at Aancultural Park
between t ea mg representing the Dominion
Road Machinery Co. and the National,
Shipbuilding Co. For a game played
mostly by men whiahad retired from the
diamond some years ago. it was a very
good one. Up to the Seventh innings the
score was all in favbr 1af the Dominion
Road, but in this innings"Bill" Barlow,
who was in the box for this aggregation,
got tired out, and the Shipbuilders
Ipounded his curves freely. storing four
runs. Among the old-timers on the teams
were noticed Dave Thompson, Con.
Stapleton and Wm. Blackford. `Seven
innings were payed. he score 'standing 8
to 4 in favor of the Dominion Roads team
at the finish.
'The line -up -
Good Roads -Rivers. Wright. Staple-'
i ton. Barlow, Wilson. Young. Blackford,
1 Firr, Kay
N. S. Co. -Anderson, Lockridge And -
mean. Thompson, Johnston. Griffin,
-Duckworth. Marshall, Hutchinson. , ..
Umpire -Harold Murney.
Camping and Canoe Creasing.
Young men who have only two or three
weeks' vacation cannot .pend their holi-
days to better advantage than on a
cruising and camping trip in God's out-of-
doors. A territory that is full of attrac-
tions for,a trip of this kind is Algonquin
Park, 283 miles west of Montreal. 178
m les west of Ottawa and 200 miles north
of Toronto. Splendid fishing, lovely
'cenery, easy portages, good opportunities
for the amateur photographer -wild life
abounds. Two thousand feet above the
evel of the sea. Most healthy district in
Eastern Canada. All the requisites for
he camper may be had at reasonable
prices at the"Highland Inn" general store
t Algonquin Park station, including
provisions and fishing tackle, tents,
canoes, cooking utensils rented at reason -
After Sickness
when the body is tiieatama{
tho hest restorative lass
stili aasisnsamd teomwest
V the tevrite nutrient sers ea-
stiad by Ibyidetaa as •
means of re-•atabtb►ltd
stows" Seetes slaw
muadshok v aia*�aL pip
able rates. Ask any Grand Trunk agent
for illustrated descriptive publication
telling you all about it, or apply to C. E.
Horning, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
onto, Ont.
A Valuable ('arge.
('ort l'nlhorne..Iuly ..'* ---The 4M•iimrr
4'on,•stoga, In charge of ('apt. D. P.
Sfc('arthy, passed Imre this evening
carrying the most valuable csrgn car-
rled In years through the canal, and
valued at R?'2.131 0. Tlw some wits
sugar, loaded at Montreal, and to Is•
discharged err ('hieago.
rept. Mt('arthy is a well-known
Goderich mariner.
That delicious made-in-Goderich ice
cream of Blackstone's makes new friends
every day.
Miss Grace Thema& who recently re-
turned from Taranto, has taken a position
as stenographer in the office of Mr. T. R.
Patterson, county engineer,
Dont Ignore Economy.
eap Clothes are extrava-
ga t. We build Clothes
that last because of their
- �V Pi4j�
We guarante , them -that's enough.
MARTIN (he Tailor
Phone 318
Constipation Generates
comes, what
Samoan? The °olona get clogged
with carte material, which le ex-
tremely poiwrinooa, the blood ciroela-
don comes la sufficiently close con-
tact with the wwe'te to take srp these
Poisons by adbworpt.lon and to d idtrtb.
ate them throughout Abe body. The
result is --the Liver becomes Slug-
gish. you become dull and heavy,
Blllouwosaa asserts ttseK. then you
have Headache, Kidney and Bladder
Trouble, Indigestion, Appendicitis,
and more evils besides.
Kidney and Liver Pills
are highly recommended for
and its Evil Results
They ars purely vegetable, do not
Gripe, Purge or Irritate, and bring
isnot by producing a ieaitby rntdb
atm d the Stomach. Liver, Ktdreyw
wed Bowels.
Ne onnernr what medk`fne you are
teeing for a laative it might be just
w well to change oft to Hacking'&
TGs redbieation of (cascara, Pep-
eppernrint, Maysiipkt and the other
Ve>gwtabie Drugs rtvetadned In these
gtllr w1N predate rwwaMa to be nn-
egraNlaa by any etheiw. They wort
bessiee►it to Digestive Okrareer., ter
Daas ea the stomach. ter epaani.ets
P.Ma la the $Miwacb and Boweta,
awl for Dyspepsia and Indigsatic-s.
Boy a haw bare*. tanm yinor dealer
today. but be abaslutel;• sure veu
get Meeklne's
Harking's Iterardlas are mold is tiod--
Harvest Help Excursions
Plus halt -cent pp�er mile beyond.
August-9th,-Tlth, (6th and !Stk.
stations Toronto to Scotia Jct. inclu-
sive ; also all stations on Depot Har-
bor, Midland, Penetang and Mlaford
August Othand 16th, from all stations
in the 1 minces of Ontario and Que-
bec ; Pe, broke, Golden Lake, Upter-
grove, T .-onto and east.
Angus. Ilth and 18th, from all
stations in Ontario, Toronto and west.
For further particulars apply to any
Grand Trunk ticket agent or C. E.
Horning, District Passenger Agent,
Toronto, Ont.
G. If. Lauder, Ptatlnn Agent, phone 20
Town A ants Phone 8.
Dad i'sKid
will soon be a "Grown
Up." These sweet mem-
ories are best recorded in a
photograph, Bring them
to the Kiddies' Studio.
WriefeeineWs al
,self by J. A. Campbell, Dr'sggist.
f lta$ `CrxE,C=I it