HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-29, Page 44-Thuniday, July 29. 1920. SEE THE SUITS WE ARE SELLING AT $32.50 WORTH $42.50 W. C. Pridham DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHI'ARD is the .agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Order' lett with him for subscrip- tions, advertlsementPor Job print- ing will receive prtltapt attention. 'reIepllorae (Goderich Rural) r39. Thursday. July 29. Itev. 1)r. Campbell was at %%r„xeter ou 'Iues.ay taking Iain Iu the induc- tion of Iter•. Dr. Harkness as minister of the Presbyterian church there. Sim burn Savage is holidaying at W Igbta rn. 1)ungannon was represented in the Jatg crowd at Blyth on IVeduesday. Mr. and Mrs, Herb. lttutbera, Mrs. Wm. Slathers,' Miss Ella and Robert Stothers mutorel to Illueraje uu Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Art. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. %Walter i'ettwan motored to $eaforth and Blyth on Sunday, visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Andrew- Kirk at Sea - forth and Mrs. Keary ,l'ettarlau sat Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson motored to Elora on Saturday. returu• ialg on Wednesday. They made the trip With Mr. Richard Reid of Gode- rich. who went =AL) Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert-McEeuzie: Mr. Lorne McKenzie. Mrs. Fred hone, Miss Libby Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc- Nabb and Mrs. 11)r.) Campbell at- tended the Jubilee services of Knox church, Auburn, on 1Iuuday last. . Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Walkow and Mrs. Roy, of St. Maryr, visited Dun- gannon friends this week. ' Mr. Chas. Brown is the owner of a new Chevrolet car. Mrs. ( Rev., Douglas and baby left THE REAL BEAUTY BEHIND OUR JEWELRY is dependability. Models, de- signs, 'settings, etc., may be im- itated, but quality is what makes our Jewelry wear well and re- main lovely, while the meretri- cious loses its false charm in quick time. If you give Jewelry, give only the dependable kind such as we sell exclusively. E0 C. 1O mer ID)) E TSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLLR Corner East St. and Square Goderich, Ontario ou Friday to visit Mrs, Douglas' old home at London. Thos. Elliott, of Goderich. W here engaged in the rrdeconttion of the Anglican church. A number from here attender) the garden party at Crewe on Tuesday 'wetting. Mr. and Mrs. Savage and daughter, of Waahtugtou State, visited at Mr. John Savage'''. Mr. and Mrs. Herh. Stothent, Mr. John Howatt and Mins Wallace wonersl to Sea forth on Welnestay to visit Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew Kirk. Messrs. J. 11. McNabb, A. Disler, It. A. McKenzie, N. J. Treleaven and It. J. Crawford attended the "Par." at Gtslerlh Wednesday night. Miss Janie Stotberw has returner) home after spending three weeks in Muskoka. Mr. S. 11. Soothers, of Clinton. dis- trict representative of the Department of Agriculture, Is ipeudlug holidays at the old Stonier"' homestead in Ashfield. A new cement sidewalk is being put down opposite the Allen tdtx•k. . Farmers' Club Organlaed.-A Farm- ers' flub was reently organised here. for this district, with officers as fol- lows : 1'resbtWit, Isaac Currey; vice- presideut. John Campbell; secretary, Geo. Rutledge: treasprer• Herb. SWth- ers. The meetings are held In the Orange Hall. On Tuesday of this week a social gathering was held and a woweu's club was formed. Lwdlbsrt-CIuU.-A quiet wedding Tusk place at the Anglican rectory on Wednesday of this week. when Jennie Elizalieth, youngest daughter of Mrs. Henry ('b IT. laa•awe the bride of Robert James I.ex•kbart, of Auburn. The twremouy went preformed by Rev. D. 1►. I)ouglas. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart left for Toronto. on their honeymoon Trip and will proceed shortly to their home in the West. LOYAL. Wednesday, July' 28. Haying will be finished this week and there will be more hay than people expected. Fall wheat is being cut and is turning out a fairly good crop and a good sample of grain. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Varcoe, of Toronto, are visiting here. A large number from these parts attended the jubilee services of Knox church, Auburn, on Sunday. Rev A. MacMillan, D. D., of Toronto, visited among his former congregation here during the week and was present at the funeral of the late Mrs. Clark on Saturday. The annual Masonic service at Smith's Hill church will take place next Sabbath, at 3 o'clock p. m. Rev. (rapt.) Wm. Fingland, a member of Morning Star Lodge, will address the brethren. Mrs. Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young. of Wingham, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Clark. Mr. Geo. Harris of Cranford. who has had over forty colonies of bees on Frank Young's place, near the big field of sweet clover, was extracting honey all last week and found the combs well filled. It has been a good season for honey, KINTAIL. ses oMaraf Alex. -- • CLEARING SALE OP White Canvas Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps As 1 have decided to clear out all lines of leather solid Canvas Shoes, am prepared to offer you very exceptional values at prices regardless of cost. The following are a few of the many lines on sale: Women's White Canvas High -laced Shoes, high and x3.00 1„w heels, Sizes 2,4 to 7. Sale Price $2.75 t. tY Women's Mite Canvas Oxfords and Pumps, high and t3.Oo low heels. Sizes 2 to 7. Sale Price .. $2.50 and V`P Moves' White Canvas Words and Pumps. Sizes 11 a 75 to 2. Sale Price $i SI and .7 Children's White Canvas Pumps. Sizes 8 to 104, e1 - Sale Price ........... • ..................'.......... a Have also,a number of other lines poker to sizes that will be op sale, • See our window display of the above goods. REPAIRING GEO. A'lacVJCAR MacKay of the bake shore above Kin - tall died on Sunday night, aged Platy" OOP years. The des•ased was horn on the farm on which he diel. His father, the late John MacKay, was one of the enrlle,t pioneers of tins sertfon. Mr. MacKay watt not tattled, but Is nor - rived by two brothern and four sisters: Duman and Miss Lily MacKay, with whom he lived (the latter at time of writing also being very ill of pneu- monia): loll. of Ashfield: Mrs. Wm. Ross, of Sault Ste. Marie. Ont.; Mrs. Fletch'er.of Proctor, Minn.: and Mrs. Dooriald MacGregor, of Duluth. Minn. All were home for the funeral except Mrs. MacGregor. The burial surview. on Wednesday were eomlu(tel hr Rev. J. S. Hardie, and the pallbearer. were Alex. and John Dingwall. of Myth 'Olin wdlsnn, of Sea forth; Donald Mac- Gregor, of Duluth: Kenneth F. Mac- Lennan au t'hartet Stewart. The Interment was in Kintall cemetery. There w-at.a very large attendance at the funeral. the deeea,.ed having been well known and highly respected. NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH LImumiunoinoannauu uuN1a leuluummnnoumINe1niemumiuu EAST STREET GARAGE a If you want a nice, nifty Car One that you sip iN proud to'efreiset a Gray -Dort Accessories of all kinds Oils and grease at the right prices. Fresh stock of Columbia Dry Cella. We have on hand a good stock of Dominion. Michelin and K. and S. Tires and Tubes. =All kinds of Repair Work promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. =The reliable C.C.M. Bioy- eies are sold here, and we carry a full lino of Bicycle) Parts and Genuine Pordat$ Give us a trial and you will coma maim T. F. HOLLAND 'Pion. 243 Edit Street, God.ricA KINGSBRIDGE. Late Thomas Ford. -(in Monday mo Ing. Jnly 20, a .large gathering nese fed at St. Joseph's church tit' pity tholr est respects to the hate Thomas Ford. r. Ford was • of the ploneers Ashfield. He was born in Fall Tenn Opens August 30. IOTT Yonne and Charles 5ts.. Toronto. The salanea offered our graduates during the last two years have been greater than ever before. Itis no trouble for our gradu. ates to get p,u,t,0M, because rage Aga PiOe- any ra AtggD. write for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal LINENS White and Tan Linens by the yard, in single and double width. Also a line of Scarfs and Centres, best quality linen. Miss S. Noble Beath Side Span - Gederielt OODZZIOR, ONT. A MOTHER'S TRIALS. Care of Home and Children Often Causes a Breakdown. The woman at home, deep in household duties and the cares of motherhood, needs occasional help to keep her in go d health. The demands upon a mother's health are many and severe. Her own health trials and her children's welfare enact heavy tolls, while hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to weaken her constitution. No wonder that the woman at home is often India- ckaches and nervousness. Too many through weakness, headaches,I women have grown to accept these visit- ations as a part of the lot of motherhood. But many and vaned as her health troubles are, the cause is simple and relief at hand. When well, it is the woman's good blood that keeps her well ; when ill she must make her blood rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of it. There is one way to get this good blood so oece'ssary to perfect health. and that is through the use of Dr. Williams' Stink Pills. These pills make new blood, and through their use thousands of weak, ailing wives and mothers have been made bright, cheerful and strong. If you are ailing, easily tired or depressed, it is a duty you owe yourself and your family to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a (air trial. What this medicine has done for others it will surely do (or you You can get Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills through any dealer in medicine oe by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $250 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. county Kerry, Ireland, In 1St\ and /�''ben nine years of age ,',unse to Can- /lila, residing first at Tucker mien mad 1 then nettling at Lrnesville. Hide left Aspfetd thirteen years ago ande spent hire last years among his sen. and daughter. iu Bemerton. Washington. where he pawed powerfully away on Sunday, July 1Sth. Solemn high mass was celebrated In St. Juaph's church, Kingsbridge, with Father Ford, sou of the awwaeed, as celebrant. Father Hogan, of Clinton, deacon, and Fatlxer iteau, of leingsbrldge, subdeacon. Jlonetignor O'Connor, V. G. was prey' ent iu the sanctuary during mass and afterwarb deli ere) a (4410 1111g s•r- moa on "Death and after Death the Judgment." Speaking of the dw•.-ted. Monsignor O'Connor said, '•1 believe by Thomas Ford's past life, by the win he has given to the Catholic chmeh, that when he fa Judged before God he will . not be found wanting when answering how he has used his in- tellect to kuuw Goo, his will to serve Him and his•heart to love Him." titer the mass the holy was interred in St. Joseph's cemetery. The µtlltwarers were: John Bowler, Joseph ri'Inughlin• Hugh Murchison, Patrick Hogan. I•hilip Hogan and Robert Howard. There are left to mourn him s•yeu sum. : Ether Ford. of %Vou.Islee. Ont.; Ih•ni>. Michael, Patrick, Joseph., Wlflie.° and John, all of Reinert on. amt -three daughters : Aunts and Katie. of Bemer- ton, and Mrs. Michael Hogan. of Ash- field. Mr. Ford's wife, Julia Griffin, sister of Mr. Joseph Grithn of Gode- rich, prole/cermet him about thirty years. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the family. -May lila soul rest in peace 1 Cholera Intantum. Cholera In(antum is one of the fatal ailments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months. and unless prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own.Tablets are an ideal medicine in warding off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent the dreaded summer complaints. They are an absolute safe medicine, being guaranteed to con- tain neither opiates nor narcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot pos- sibly do harm -they always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2.5 cents a box from the Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHURCH NOTES. "Your Gift," or "Making the Mat of, 1 • www► Phone 56 ti�Mr 44 fa' D•r'1ILLAR&SON "The Scotch Store" eit STORE HOURS i b A. M. TO b P. M. t SATURDAYS 10 P. M. Phone 56 .IWMI► Of Special Interest to Our Visitors Our well -know, Yarn Department is much appreciated by all our visitors, who thoroughly enjoy the splendid assort- ment to be had at our store and the lovely garments they can make while on their vacation. Baldwin's Bee Hive Scotch Fingerings Of special interest is our splendid show- ing of these well-known Old CotlMry Finger- ings for Sweater Coats, Underskirts and Hose, for men, women and children, in black, white, pink, blue and assorted heather mixtures. Per skein 39c. Dr. Jaeger's Camel Hair Wool An exceptionally nice quality Camel Hair Wool for making the very nicest of garments. Natural shade. 19.00 per lb. Paton's Heather Fingering Specially adapted for heavy sweaters and boys' stockings is thts heavy quality Scotch Heather Fingering. In rich heather shades, 13.95 per lb. Angora Wools These wools make the most charming articles and are in much demand for trim- mings. Grey and black in stock, white ex- pected daily. 11.00 per ball. Monarch Floss and Monarch Down These two well-known brands need no introduction. They are the ideal wools for fancy knitting. Almost every shade in stock. Monarch Floss 35c per ball. Monarch Down ilk per ball. Baldwin's Ivorine Yarn Baldwin's Ivorine Yarn, the wool with the silk thread, so nice for children's dainty garments. In white, pink and blue, 45c per ball. Bee Hive Andalusian Wool in black and white, 65c per packet. Monarch Knitting Books -the very latest in knitting. 25c per iN OUR KNIT Women's Pullovers, from -- $2:75 Immense variety in women's pure all - wool Pullovers, in every style, in plain colors and all imaginable color combinations that are most attractive. Al no time of the sea- son will our stock be more complete than now GOODS SECT ON Women's , eater' Coats In Sweater Coats we are showing an ex- ceedingly smart lot of all pure wool, in al colors, in plain and Tuxedo styles, Some with belts ; others have sashes. They are priced from 17.50 to 120.00 each. Boys navy and cardinal Pullover. All sizes in stock. From 52.25. Hee our special clearing values in all our Ready-to-wear Garments. NemoCorsets D. & A. Corsets P. C. Corsets McCall's Patterns -all the newest styles are in stock. PHONE Iii (V1i114riSco tASore The leading Pismo Mail Order Stere. Satisfaction gasr.atsal. PHONE Si 1860-1921 Life," (11 a. m ) and "Forgetting and Remembering" (7 p.m 1 will be the themes at the Baptist church next Sunday, Au- gust lst. Bible school at 9.55 a. m. The August quarterly meeting of North Street Methodist church will be held next Sunday. The fellowship service will be held at 10 o'clock. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated at 11. There will be reception o' members and the administra- tion of the rite of baptism. The Men's Club will discuss "What use should we make of our failures in life ?" It will be introduced by Mr. J. W. Moore. There will be a song service in the evening, the general theme of which will be the hymns of Whittier and their message to our times. Judgment for Plaintiff. Judgment has been given by his Honor Judge Dickson in Keating vs. Lukes. an Action in the County Court of Huron. The plaintiff, a builder in Seaforth, sued for 12.50.02 for work done and material supplied in repairs to the flu elevator building of the defendants at Seaforth. The defendants, who are Sax mill owners, disputed payment on the ground that the Paroid roofing should not have been put on sheeting which wu said to be defective, and counterclaimed for 1300 damages for loss of the roofing. The plaintiff con- tended the roofing and sheeting were supplied by the defendants and that he carried out their orders and denied neg- ligence and claimed even if the roof leaked to be entitled to his account. Judgment was given (or the plaintiff for the full amount of his claim, 1250.02, and coats, and dismissing the defendant,' counter- claim with costs, J. L. Killoran for plain- tiff, J. C. Makin*, K. C. (Stratford). for defendants. Fifteen days' stay. Mr. John Macara and Miss Macara. of Ottawa, are among the summer visitors is town and are guests of the farmer's rater, Miss Macara, Flt. Vincent street. Mr. Marar'a is a Goderiets Grammar School "old hoy,•' of a clam which is distmmiahed in the annals of the old ached for the number of itst►ewtbers who have taken prominent places in the life of Nee country. Knox Church, Auburn, Celebrates Its "Diamond Jubilee" The congregation of Knox church, luhnrn. ewbebratcrl their "diamond Jubilee on July 2.ith and 211th. On the Sabbath, Rev. Alex. , Mite - Milian, D. D.. of Toronto, pr•avlied in the morning from I)euf. 8-2: "And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God IPd thee," aril in the evening from Phil. 3-13; "'teaching forth unto those things which are before." At the morning eerrdce. he was assisted by Itev. Geo. Telford, M. A., of Blyth, who conveyed M the congregation the con- gratulations of the l'reahytery of Huron, and by Rev. (Capt.) Wm. F'Ingland, M. A., a recent gradeste 111 theology, whom the congregation has given to the Christian ministry. Special music was furnished by the choir, axsbted by Liss Medias Top- ping of London. Dr. MacMillan eame to Althorn end Smith'. Hill as pastor when he was a very young man, aixl it wile s greet pleasure for those Who knew him no well in the earlier days to hear his robe again. Tho church wits peeked with Pager Ilntelle's, at ball sereleert, and many were turned away who could not end "entrant- . Dr. Mac- Millan presented the congregation with a beautifully -hound. Targe -type Book d fraise for the pulpit. it is now sixty men' rdnci' the Heat elders. Mesar. Joeepla 1Mhle and John Jackson, were orliirrel. Thw congregation then wnrahlpptd In the old Ing srhnol. and the village was known as Manchester. The first minister was Rev. Arch. Currie, who was Inducted In mon a* the pastor of Itlyth. Rums ehareh, Mullett, and Manchester. The first ehurch, hetllt of brick, was erected during his pnstor- •te. The preaernt white brick church was built In 1904 at an approximate salt of 17.000. The comfortable, np- tudate, red-hrlck mesas was ere -ted In 101* for 11,209. Of thle amount Smith's 11111 paid 11700. All this property is p•aetietally free of debt. FANNING MILL SIEVES AND SCREENS manufacture) to order for any make of mill for clean) of grain or seed. With suitable sieving and screeningg any properly arranged arranged In nearly any ordinary fanning mill, weds and rain of any kind can be as thoroughly cleaned as is grain of When ordering sieves or screw possible tolclean them Slact else needed, ai ithey a i1red careful to Ki Siesing and screed rs! to do. ng soW by the guar! test If desired. Olid farming mill frames rewired. Complete new dove, sad made to order. Mali orders carefully attended to. THE GODERICH MERCANTILE CO LIMITED, GODERi('H, Owing to location and faellitlea for manufacturing, i have transferred my fanning mill supply business to the above Arne, J. W. ARMSTRONG. The ministers who stieeemeireAcr followey1 Iter. A. ('urrle In the pas- torate of the church were iter. .1 Stewart, 1WC1-5, Her. S. Toting, 111410.77, ROT. J. Pritchard, 1$7$.)(6: Rev. A. MacMillan, 1r04.01 ; Rer. Robert Hen - /lemon. P492-1001 :Rev. .1. i,. Small, 11102-04; Rev. J. R. Mann. 1905-12; Rer. A. Laing, 11(12-17, and the present minister, Rev. It. J. Imes, R. A., whose induction took plsee In 1917. in addition to bearing Its fair ahem of other church work. Knox has sent Mbia Fingl•nd, B. A., a daughter of Mr. John Vineland. a member eV the present .P..Ion. to Koren, as Ita rep- resentative on the foreign field. A .octal gathering w.* hely) in the manse grounds nn Monday evening, when friends from many parts, after years of separation, met again. Refreshments were served • in the basement by the ladies of the eon- gregatIon. Addresse. were moven by three former minister., Rev. Alex. MarMlll*n, 1) ll.. Rev J. i.. Smelt, It, A., of Heapeler, and Rev. J. R. Mann, it. A., of St. Mary., and grswtinga fmm itmIth'* 11111 wore conveyed by Mr. Rnd. Tonne, Capt. Fin/gland ate) Rev. Geo. Telford alto gave short addresses. Mr. Harvey McGee sang a number of Scottish songs, and grout (taker of Itlyth eonirlbnted a Scout song. The Clinton Klltle Rand, with !bagpipe., played many ntrmberp during the evening, The pro/seeds of the diamond J»- hllee were about LIDO and ■ Ane spirit of hope end expectation was mani- fested. The pastor, Rev. R. J. Rots, ami his peoplf. have every reason to he enc•nu rage) s. they go forward to the work of the totare. Mrs. Smith. of Port Hope, is taking charge of the Children's Shelter while Mies Bentlej is taking her holiday.. Mr. and Mrs. Heddon. of Guelph. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sharman during the week. Your favorite ice cream soda is here. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. The Misses Forbes, of Detroit,ars visiting in Ooderkh and are M "Lake- side. 5 t 'e .e