HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-29, Page 1C M Burton 1 aug It 65 Burton Boulevard w $2.00 A YEAR { to United States addresses ADDRESS : The Signal Printing Co., Limited, Goderich, Ontario, 'NN Y-TNIUW YSAa-NO. The Fires that Advertise are the firms that want your trade. your'business with those who think enough of it to ask for it. FARMERS The advantages of menarche' amounts by Ilk lint Bank Money Orden are threefold: 1. Theyare payablred Banke full value at any the Yukon District. Canada, except 1 It they should be loot before belad cah .ed a new ons can be obtained without delay. IL A receipt 1a given at the time of pus. chase, and when the Money Order is cashed it returns to us to remain in our Ries as a permanent receipt. Our local branch will quickly furnish you with atlas. The SThRUNGBANK OF CANADA BANKING SERVICE This Bank is more than merely a safe place in which to deposit money; it is an institution whose purpose and policy is to assist in the wise direction of the financial and business interests of its customers. Those who make full use of the ezcep- e tioaalfacilities provided by this Bank extend lie range of their business possibilities. 71A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - 515,000.000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Mar'tger. MUSIC FREDERIC T. EGENER, Mus. Bac. SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Studio next to P. J. MacEwan's Garage 1 G. M. KIDD QOAIIFIED SURVEYOR #-BRAFfSMAN ' Residence Phone 44 I NOTICE TO CUEDITsRs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. IN yea ESTATI o, JDNN T. Glory less LATE Or THE TOWNSNIe or ASIerIaLD. IN THE COUNTY Or HUecN, ta. Dt&IA SID. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant to R.S.O. chapter 121,tsectton 56 that an persons having claims against the saute of he mud John T. Griffin. deceased, who died en er about the 17th nay of November- A. D. ala are requnred to send or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Sarah Grain. adminutrati is 01 the said estate of the said deceased. on or before the slat nay 04 July. A.D. I f1' their Chr,sun and surnames, address, sad descriptions, the fun perticWua of then claims, ■ statement of their accounts and the natureof securiles,il any) held by them. Aso runtime TAME NOTICE that after such last- mentioned dete said admmisratria will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the penin enc Hid thereto. havin regard only to the claims lwhich be shallR then e notice, and that the admiastratrii0111 not be liable for the said asst., or any part thereof. to any person or person. of whom claims notice shall not have been recessed by her at the bate detach d,aenhutton. Dated the lith day of July, A. D. IWO. CHARLESGARROW, Solicitor for SARAH GR IFFIN. ' Admineelratrix. l LIME GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, July 29, 1920 FUR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE._CHARMING VILLA, residence of MRS. *4OSWELL-REID, junior Piston street, uel Victoria street, Two reception rooms, three bedrooms, bath (sot and cold), lavatory, electric light, telephone, furnace. elec- tric stove in every room. Mart buddm{{ solid brick. frame attachment, all stone foundatton- cellr, hal(-ave 1.wn. dowers. fast and vegetable ferden. verandah. Call on owner at prevent in residence. b 'OR SALE. -TWO HOUSES ON Regent street, one almost new. 115460 buys both. or will sell separatelyApply to WILLIAM V ROOMAN, Llaio 4t rj OR SALE. -FIVE ACRES O N Bayfield road, cone mule from Goderich. Or- chard 01 apples, chs mien, plums, pears and small fruit*. Good land. well drained, well fenced. Frain house and barn. good stone sett., at house) good water. Splendid opportunity for a man who wants small place. Will be offered at • barga,n(or quick sale. Apply S. CADE. R. R. 2. Coderrch. 4t V R,ik SALE -SEVEN-ROOM RED garden.barnCOlAgo modern cpopnvenient'., IlionOP*YCHARLESGARROW. tf VOR SALE. -TWO AND A -HALF IP acres of racellent garden ground, well drained. Has comfortable house with good cellar. Also number of (runt trees and stable. Win be sold very reasonably and on easy terms. Mao 37 I s acres on Huron ry. �.fe known as the brick etc good brach on the plal'e i and several acres of bush. Tbe la s good: most of a could be cu'ttvated, but ■t t ,s in pasture. There is an abundance el water. ORM tic priced very reasonably. T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. -NINETY ACRES. ]rt concession, Goderich township. Iobr miles moth of Goderech. well fenced. asprin creek and wen. new-bai n and fair house; one -hall mile Irnm school and church. Poeaeeaion at LI ApJ. Apply to ROBT McALLISTER on the pr? . ass, or WILLIAM McALLISTER, GodencA Administrator of the Eatate. t1 NOTICE. 11 you are lot king fora nice house to buy. I ha ve them of all kinds, red brick. white Muck and drama, at very leasonable price.. My past ez penance in building and valuation piece/Arne in a ppooaw tion to be yo r guide on the .election of ■ nice horse at a rigt price. 1 have pleased others; 1 can please you. P. J RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance Phone 50 tf FOR SALL (j OR SALE. -FORD CAR FOR SALE. 1' Io het.class condition, J. W. CRAIGIE. L•ORD SEDAN WITH ALL ACCES' SORIES Is, sale. Tie urs in splendid running order. Will aacnfice for cash. Can be sees et East StreetGarage. WANTED. WANTED. -WORKING HO U S E - KEEPER to pato Toronto,. temper. Small lam,lyypaid wttpea. Apply MS. WM. PKOUDFOOT, heewsoeten ram. odor ch. Telephone 11. W ANTED. -SKILLED LATHE hand,, macbuM-hits yd tomb hands. Apply CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO„ Peterhoro, Ontario. It CLERKS WANTED. -G E N E R AL store, tuppence not nsttsapry, Apply. 'meeting salary, to R. D. MUNRO. Aubtun, tf TEACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL section No. 4. Colborne; nand -Leas pro. Isssional certificate. Duties to comsnear atter midsummer. Saler Nut to MLtpt,eccord to etperuence. ARTHUR FISHER, Secretary, .R. No. s, Goderich. LABORERS WANTED FOR FLAX PULLING AND SPREADING Highest wages paid. Apply !hS', Care National Shipbuildin�gg Co., 2t Goderich. T EACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5, Colborne. aseoad.csq patesswnal, with es pens nce preferred. Males to commence after summer holidays. Apply, stating salary, to D.C. BOGIE. Secretary, Sheppardton• i r IRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODE- lfi RICH KNITTING COMPANY tf TENDERS WANTED. 21611. MAIL CONTRACT .- E►7EALatmaNTENDERSGeneral,wkll addressed tobe ttied e Ottawa until ' NOON. on FRIDAY. the 27th DAY of AU IST, 151), for the assvevance ol! Hi.MeNety's Mails, on a proposed Contract foetow years. as imposer reek, over Auburn No.1 Reief Route, from the Post minter General's plebs• Printed lotto's contai a. to condu,one of pr_ and blank lama o4 Tender .- the Post Offices of Aubstr,q IN u the Onceol the Post Ofate; farther information act may helves be obtained at Godench, wad lar; Laasipa, CHAS a, N 'FISHER, Flsat (1rt..q f Mpec tor - ORNATE SALE --MRS. BOSWELL- I Peet °gtce Inepacto REID. JR.. will dnpoae of the entire con- I London, utile JWy. r • lIOD ge teats of her vena, on Picton , off Vuctoru street. Call 00 owner, at present in residence /RENDERS -CEMENT CONTRA Clover Honey for Sale. 5 -Ib. pails, 11.50. 10 -ib. pails, 13.00, 30-ih. pails, 19.00. Place orders now for Clover Honey. Phone Goderich Runt (Dungannon) 8 r 7, or Colborne Municipal 13b. STEWART BROS. Benmiller Nurseries, R. R. No. 4. Goderich. AAK SIDEBOARD FOR S A L E:- " Applyat SIt;NAL OFFICE. W W HiTESEWINGM 4MNES T. R. THOMPSON. British Exchange Hotel, Agent. Supply of Needles on Hand, jjIORD CAR FOR SALE.- STEERING 1' device. Noe -puncture Urea on rear. Two spare tubes. All Retires. One of the ben rnoton in town- See it at house, Nelson street. Fenceright. W. J. POWELL. t1 Only a few loads, left on car of lime which we were for • tunate to secure this week. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO Pbo to !9 • 1 tarts* a mi ;-teemed sassy .f:rwmetimatios ith _b_ keen taallUia r b tees annemosa ss mmd SITA. i A ON BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Wooloomb, Manager i lis being torn down and we have to din pose of immediately a half -million feet of all kinds of the finest SECONDHAND LUMBER. Also a quantity of windows, d , lathe wainscotting and baseboard, at Very reasonable prices. POINT FARM Apply to MERCANTILE SALVAGE CO., roint Farm. rR SALE. -ONE PiANO CASE OR. GAN, aitctave, goad walnut. ata snap. psig-octave.y at WALKER'SSTORE. rR Sgood conditisw. Sle, Solid rosewood ease ALE. -A SQUARE PIANO. IN WALKERS FURNITURE STORE, Amity at Ba C. SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND of McGAW STATION, Call C. A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dungannon 6r4. ae leant Treble. lea Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 13 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED, (Foot of Angleie St.) Photic el. . HONEY. i have ler sale a quantity of choice WHITE CLOVER HONEY. Address Inquiries to A. W.KURSCHENSKi. R. R. No. 2, Clinton, Ont. Colborne Municipal Phone Na 16110. • Tesders be receivedby pe tyyalmtep for cementt held`e, toot It1, nose ketdee. Fa 24, 16 conaee.ten 10, at per amble lmrdiactual cenyRs Plana may be g6ga� Loodan. Eap seen at clerk's office. Tender, son be opeosd n it Sg, Waterloo Salt. Stratford. Telephone 167. o'clock. un Township HW, August 2nd theAi• 16t ford Hotel. (:oderich, from Wedner or any tender not nese W'4(y accepted. M. A. day, SeAptember ISth, at 7.30 p. m.. to Thursday. WILSON, Clerk. 2t, 161 at 1 P. m. PUBLIC NOTICE. CIVIC HOLIDAY. To the Citizens of the Town of Goderich. WEDNESDAY, 4th of AUGUST, 1920, having been fixed by Bylaw No. 21 of 1903 as civic holiday, all citizens are requested to govern themselves accord- ingly. E. R. WIGLE, L L. KNOX. Mayor. Town Clerk. TAXES 1920. Theis: rate for 1920 is 41 mills on the dollar -three mils lower than 1919. 1 am now prepared to accept payment of 1920 taxes. Those in arrears must pay those arrears at once. No more leniency can be shown -to those in default. WM. CAMPBELL. Tax Collector. Goderich, July 22, 1920 - TOWN OF GODERICH DEBENTURES FOR SALE. Subetripl tons for the purchase 01 approiumately 116105.91 of local improvement sewer debentures of the Town or Goderich will be received by the Town Teamster from THURSDAY. JULY 72nd. to THURSDAY. AUGUST 54h.172o There are twenty bonds ranging from 1247.36(6 S70.13, due on from one to twenty years. 1 hese bond, are offered 10 the lor.l subscribers at a price to yield 6 per cert. No one person to be sold over 62500.00 of these bonds. The Int is now open to inspection at the Town Tram rer's Office, and after the filth day of Au. meet the Council will allot the bonds. No subscriptions necessarily accepted. L.L, KNOX, Town Treasurer, Goderich, Ont. W. F. CLARK. Chairman Funaoce Cor.. Goderich. Ont. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. DR. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. �/ . HAnsyamN��� �pNew s Y r yOophhrtehalt c%c `eye 9tla.rsaw amt Gaiasst t i+tltsaat• alt/• The Pavilion NOW OPEN (near HOTEL SUNSET, Goderich) DA CING -- RY NIGHT to 12 o'clock Lutz Society Orchestra . LOST OR FOUND. T `li1RISTWATCH LOST. -ON LAKE 11 Shore rood. be,ween the Point Farm and Sanford. Reward os leaving same at SIGNAL OFFICE. THE OODERICH MARKETS. Wheat, IgM bosh. Oats. per bush., 1.06 to Barley, per bush , s1.60 to Peas, per bu.h ..........r 2.5 to Buckwheat, per busk......... . 1.90 e0 hi lour, funlly, per owl 6.75 to Mflour. patent. per cwt 7.50 10 it, per ton 49.0n to thorte, per ton 62 00 to Ay, per ton 20.4a1 t0 Straw. loo.,, per ton........... . l0 iirt to Dalry Flutter. per lb ......... 55. to Creamery Rutter, per Ih60 to .AS Egg-. fro. h, per dos .46.to .7 4 Potatoee.per bush.. . .00 to 4.30 Cattle. butcher.' choice. percwt. 11.5) to 13.00 Cattle, butchers' mertum,per cwt 10.75 to 11.60 Hope, Ilea weight, dkr ewe.... 19 25 to 1.21 Hideo. per Ib .15 u .15 bh,ett,kln.. LIN to 2.40 T11Ut,DAT. July 29. 1 5.25 to 5E33 -1 .,71 • 10 1.56 7.50 5.00 50.00 62.00 2600 11.00 Raseball SIMCOES (of Toronto) vs. GODERICH AT AGRICULTURAL ('ARK MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1920 The (fod Lich Baseball Club has secured the Simeoes of Toronto, one of the leading teams of the Senior City Amateur League. for this game, and a first -clans exhibition of baseball is assured. Game called at 8.40 p. m. sharp. Admission 0111111•111PIX9911111111111111111111111MINNINNIX ItammilimmitimmanWANTED , RASPBERRIE&- e in any quantities de- livered at the factory. The Huron Canning &Enapm Co TIM IIINML DIRENTING CO., LIMITED, CHAUTAUQUA WEEK. Some Notes on the Program Be Given In the $Ig Tent. trig being taken to remedy tin dillkulty and if possible to prevent such delays in future. Owing to further difficulty In the mechanical department of the Whet. The Signal is again seriously decayed in publication this week. Steps are The Godi rich Chautauqua Is In f awing, and large Yudlrueww h leathered .each day in the big tent u puuitt• Hotel $Imeet. The Unit entertainment war gI on Tuesday afternoon by the Ietut 1'once•rt Party, who shoo opened t program in the wetting. The "co m�}U'�ulty singing under the leaders! uC-.J1L-._Jimmie:is Waw -re- feature w roused wui•h enthusiasm. the la gathering ioinimc heartily in the sing lag of well-krn,wn airs. ltev. Father H..1. J. Watt of I,oudo England, a Ituman Cathutic priest wilt wax a chaplain In Prance and Itrlp(u In the Great 1Var, gave a mean ye address on "Winning the iNteic ✓." carried ills audience along of a til of wit it 1111 Wlink OD and d Ivered message tsIh1, was both nk•ly a uplifting. If opportunity permit T Signal will give some notes on h a lidrrsr in another issue. Un Wt'hk•glay the wuxhcal p grant was given 'hos Tttonuca (I. 511ch ter, the blind pianist of Iwiudott. un and ilism Gwendolyn A/It hlstd n',sder, Lt the afternoon Mrs. Horace 1'a sous, sts'retury' of the National ('uta of 1vutoen, lectured on "Canada 11•ormurhomori.- Mrs. 1'Ifrsons has Is. uomluat. 1 as one of the nine ('niacin W0W4'n o hr sent as delegates to It quingtu{nnlal meeting of the lute Rational 1'pun'((l of Women at Christ ono, Norway, 011 September Nth til)s year, which is the circa of Its kin ttf he hell since the Great War. Ti National t'uuw•lI of Women was firs urgatoizeol at the Chicago World's Fal and in 1!4101 twenty-six nuttiuus w'r repre•.euhrl. /tae of her most 11 porta tit topics woo the need of maternity Instil Goon supported by tl state'. She Knee `Icrrt•ral instances 1 which the lack of medical atteNlan had resulted is the death of lett til mother and the chiles,. "TIM childre of teshty are the future citizens of to morrow." That Is a saying that ha ufteu toren quoted. and there Is non Inure true. Why el Id Ytr have de- partments telling us how to combat tete Qlgas*.s of cattle and chickens while there is nothing in the way o child welfare department,' ? MM. Par motor also protested strongly- attains the prevailing moiler of dream, ax bt•in Inw.sleat, exls'nslte, and extreme. 1 is the lore of toeing dreamed in style that to -H.6a wsuar' of a great deal of th., crinin today. tilt, ettggesrted a ,tanlurellzution of draw for g•hool office and 'frer•t wear as a means of eliminating this condition. In the evening 4Itarlex 4'ruwfurd t:orst gate a talk on birds, with huitatious of bird ' rings which wen• simply wonderful. ]Mir. Ifur',t ie a atuetrut of nature, aNd Ise elioultrly of bird life, and he talks of his bird (rhombi with un Intimate knowledge which is remarkable. His skid) in Intitating the tarinns birds Is unique and amazing. and after hearth hint It is nut at all surprItng to lee told that he fueled UM Aird. theme's es with him gong! SIM thine. -He dei not hetlete•that "the-birdscan 'talk to Otte Ynothet-alley tui! eke reaerM Ing faculties -but they feel, acid feel acutely, and their various nester express festr, Joy, hated. curiosity., annoyance, lore, rage alai other feel- ings. It was an address well calcu- lated to urollr. a new interest in the little feathered ging+tors ooh: h help so much tP snake, a happy wo-111. Today I Thursday) IE.. Mlldrel ler, ('lemrtke (cousin of "Mark Twain") givers per lecture 0n Hawaii. The 1'hautauRltia will o,.ntinue until Mupdaly evening next, an out- standing feature ts•Ing the piny -Noth- ing but the Truth," on Saturday night. The ,condor Chautauqua Is being conducted throt1Khout the- week under the capable guidance of Miss Lu- cille Kulse•ly, a charming young lady. u11 ate 1} ten lou he 111. tip Melt 1X MISS CI EMENS TO RETURN. Martz 'T ialaln'a ('ousin to Give an .Id - Sunday Evening on tete Great Hunlorint. �jio owed that Mr. Chas, - r wee has for the past three years brought rite Chautuqua to Goderich, has arranged a for Mise Clemens and her Hawaiian cour- t , pany to return to Goderich and give a , concert on Sunday night after church service at the Chautauqua tent Alter the concert Miss Clemens will give as address en Mark Twain which sill be very interesting to both young and old. A collection will be taken and the proceeds will go to the educie ton of the orphans of the soldiers who so nobly gave tbetf lives in the great war. Last year the collectiost was over 1135. Thin year It should be 1200, in consideration of such a very worthy cause. - t.. The Daughters 'of the Empire o1 tie - Dominion e of Canada have pledged them- selves to give 1200,000 and the Godench r• branches have obligated themselves re Critelli helping this great work. So let everybody acs help them by donating liberally neat .n Sunday night. n le of d M r. re 11- 1 N• n e n Ir- e f 5 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Athol J1cQuarrie, of Toronto, it visiting friends in town. Mr. D. Millar has returned (r(trn a holiday trip down the St. Lawrence as far at Quetec. Mr, Ernest Clark. of Masher, Ontariot visited at the old home for a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shephard and three children, of Paris, Ont., have baaa visiting their relatives in town. Mrs. J. C. Robertson and Mr. H. Grant Robertson. of Toronto, spent a few days with their relatives In town during aha week. Mr, and Mrs. James L. Kil)eran ass away on a two weeks' trip down the St. Lawrence and Saguenay and for a visit M Quebec and Montreal, Mr. and Mrs' Frank Gurske, c•1 Port Huron, motored to Goderich un Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. X. li rchiae. They were accompanied on their ,Hurn by Miss Mary Blotchier and Mr. Fri ens BaeChler. • gift AUCTION SALES. 1L XECUTORS' SALE OF A VALU- L ABLE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH. The Eteoutoes of the Patel, of the late William Blake will %ell by public auction, ■t the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th. at 2 o'clock sharp: A welt•huilt frame 1 1.2.story dwelling, %ousted on corner of Park and Albert street., together with tots running numbers 559 and.* . each cor• tanning quarter of an sere. The house is on gond condition, and has always been rented to tad tenant. 1 tRNA. --Ten per cent. of purchase: money to be paid on day Mule. balance in thirty days. The property will be .old subject to a reserved bid. JOHN SCHWAN/, SNYDER, C. OKE. Executor.. T. GUNDRY., Auctioneer. UCTION SALE OF NEARLY NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AN RNiSHINGS. MR. CHARLES ROBERTS will sell byppuuhlie auctloa, st Mr. John M11041111.11rn residence, Cabru on road. Oodteleti; o - ---- SATURDAY. AUGUST 7th, , commencing at /o'clock sharp. the Idloare One dining table and a chairs. 1 buffet, 1 coo*. 1 Singer swing machine. 1 osk centre table* 1 combunal,on writing desk and bookcase, 1 sorties and armchair, 2 dressers t bedstepds. mattress andsprtngal kitchen tetteandchairs.ycuphoerdt I brae burer, 1- coal range inset pipes% 1 gasoline posewlthoven, I seal oral heater. 0 washing ma - 1 : dosnn Ateb.rola and recrrds. try rug, linoleum, 1 limn endow shades. torturers I ob., 1 womb boiler. kitchen u41 Urs. and of her articles d without any reserve,.. for the West The hermit - sr and U in etrelIent toot. THOS.GUND$Y, Auctioneer. I c ht ne and w 1 velvet r mower Inn electric eh utensils. ono nu Everythia Mr. Robert . ure is prat dittos. Taws.- C one's is the place to get that of chocolates IThe Lsdies' Aid of Victoria treet> church will hold a sale of home co. king, aprons, toweisandother useful art, I s alga serve tea in the store on Kingstc. ,treat (lately occupied by C. M Roberts., 1. on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, August 7th, City Dairy ice cream pricks nlwa,Fa on hand at H. T. Edwards'. Keep Wed n ick the garden partyAugust 11th, Para eundertthauspices ofSt tPeterr's thuraoh- Particulars next week. Homemade Candy. ('ulis,rne's {s headquarters for home- made candy. ly the purest of in- gredit•nts uurd - its making Try same. SO MUCH DEPENDS UPON loon DIGESTION. -Everything epends upon digestion -your strength, a rgy, mental power. Imper,ect digestion ins the weakening of Tl7e mhole system, Such symptoms as slight distress and, that depressed feeling soon after eating !Mould be heeded. Standard Dyspepsia Cure will relieve indigestion before It becdrses chronic. It will quickly restore the digestive organs to, perfect action. Aa agreeable remedy for all forms of indiges- tion. Price 50c. Sold by E. R. Wigle, Goderich. GUNDKl'S SALE REGISTER, SATURDAY. August 7. -Sale of hot,.. tined furnit- ure end furnishings, property of Charles Roberta, at John Marriott s residence, Cambru road Goderoh, at t o'clock sharp. SATURDAY. August .14.- Eaec W M.' Sale of Agmen and ton lots, property. of the estate of the late wdlum Bloke, at the pretenses. corner Patk. end 1 Albert streets, Godes eh, at 2 o'clock sharp. BORN. 10HNSTON.-ats a, Ont , nn 1•th, tMt, Hap. Mrs. H.AI R. EJohnston, m daught7Zoer tMay Margaret), EWENS -In Codenih.nee July 5, ,.to Dr, and Mrs. R. C Earns. a daughter. .I GUEST.- At Winnipeg, 1., Mr and Mrs. FI 'B. Guest, • son I Henry Hrweonl. DiED. EWENS - In C,odrnch, nn July 10. Mary Mar - 161st, mlant daughter of Ur. awd M,s, h c. wen.. CARMEDY.-At Seattle, Wash., Jay_ 11, Iy Mrs. J. E. Comedy (Ella Mc ►gnr). dough. ter Of the late Copt 0 W McGregor, and niece of Miss Mclniosh of town NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Farm Laborers W ■nttd-C. P. R. Pogo I Wnat watch Lost -Leave at Signal (Office ,1 PnvsteSal1-Mrs. Boswell, Recd. It . 4 S,mcoe es. Gedwch-Bnsehall Cheb . g Ford Sedan la Sale -Raft Street Garage ,. ,i Workinewoman Wanted -Mrs. Wm I•roodityet 1 Coot Holliday -Town l Gndereh Men Wanted -Canadian General akctfksG,. Pet,rboro.. .. Eteruter. Sale - T Gundry. .. Fried Car for Sok-1 w. Craig% Aisne. SaIg--Ch... Roberts ..1 . 1 h.1