HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-22, Page 6r• i- YtiMI1IM•J. Jule 22. 1f N1. • WAZTW Children dance with joy at sight of a full, plump, WAXTITE package of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes -they know what crackly, crispy, richness it contains. Give them heaping bowls -with milk or cream, or fruit and cream -always fresh and tempting in the familiar WAXTITE package. L•app's Pwdeers-Toested Caw li1aMr-atrsedsd IfrawM- -ICombled arm-Sre mad. In our new modernised kitchens at T RONTO sad .twee, wrapped"Waatits"-Sold Er.r7wbare 54:10CXXXXXXXX20CXXXXXKIC .TOWN COMM •YMMtR ASTH MA - HAY FEVER -sleepless nights, constant sneezing, streaming eyes, wheezy breathing RAZ -MAH brings relief. Put up in cap- sules, easily swallowed. Sold by reliable druggists for • dollar. Ask our agent3 or send card for fres sample to Templeton's, 142 Yong St. W., Toronto. A4:ents, all Toronto and Hamilton drug- gists- w proposal for assisting a particular i ndnitry. The Board of Trade. which was c'on- trrring7ltt (lie courtrtl"liitbi* matter, - NS be Informed of mfr. Garrow's opinion. The 19i. Tax Levy. The finance committer snbmltted the estimates for the year and recom- mended a rate of .11541 mills on the dollar for general purposes (including 4l. W. S. Railway iutcri'xt I : 22 mills for public and separate school pur- poses, and :iii mills for l'ollegiate In- stitute purpose's -fit total of 41 mills. ' discount of 2 Int cent. on taxes paid by tk'tober 1st. au', addition of 2 per cent. on taxes noted by lkr•emb•r 15th. and an adllitioti,of :e per cert. on taxes not paid by January lst, 1921, were recommended). The estimate. for the year are as follows : E-X111.xD1Tl'F\.9- Salaries t $ 4,7011.(221 Printing awl advertising 7311.110 Fire department 1,41220.00 Law costs 44221.122) Public works 14,51111.04.1 Agricultural Park repairs 1.5111.101 Charity _2210-(N1 Asylum path uta' L".MLla; Grants 3,122 221.1 M' )tank interest 3,211(1.1441 Electdons 12:.1221 1'u rks 42:1,01 t'emt'tery (t2,i.01 Ihthlic school, including dr- ' be'nture Separate schtml 4'otle'giatt Institute Board of ` health Insurance , Market Ik•lm'nture accbunt Sinking fund\arrears (). W. N. R. ititere,t County rate County hipfhira's Street lighting Town water Discount on tax48 Interest on county 'rates Miseerlane.us Bunk overdraft -School of Commerce - Clinton and Coderich, Ont. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES : Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Courses for students. Ttt6 FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES : Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Teats Positions ,Gaarasteed Vocational Training School for this district, by Government appointment. and under in- spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department:, For Terms, etc , write R. F. WARD, H. A. STONE, R. A., N. AtMs., Com. Specialist, Principal Vice -Principal Phone 1911, (linton School Opens Wednesday, September 1st, 1920 DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND �GNIFIGE1�T STEAMERS 3 ina-Si=AMDigIM - "sere of QR" - -crrr or SUFTALO. PUFFAL airy. Mss 11;11"1:1.o oa. 15th -CLEVELAND tow. tm.VA .4r, 5,00 1. M. i a.s,.0n f 1e.r Cu.atawn - 1.00 r 14. aloe. corms .740 A. Y. f 5TAnwan TOM l Amu B„nAo. - 7:(n A. u. Q...aa1Y.a at C)ev.t..d tog Cads, r.rt, rwi.-B.,. reran., 0.tr.ct sad .the. ,sicca. 1Waeed Ydt.■t Nladl.e twewwa B.Rab ud LI...Ime aro good to tem es oar et�.n. A.Y pe. I1*.l ..w,t w American £. Meat far t,ekw. vie C B Liao. hoer Te riot Miler Men naM-n..10 Lome Tripp, with der. rotor, limn, ler ems mot eae..dke IT/ Ia. wheelbase. aro mots. Goland l.o a.k f~w oar pacale chart of The Great 24.page pevW .ad deviptt.. booklet frree�•• cwt or menial at ,Tk. O...i.id & 8 als. Trwrit.Cw�tter r FARE o 63 1 &lldlsr Gerrow's ()pinion on Pro- posed roposed Iadu trial B) law. The regular m'vting of the town nnmcil was held on Friday evening. A petition for a -.ewer on ('ambri3 road from Wolfe street to Nelson street. signed he ('babes Muir and others, was re'ferre'd to the public works eommittee for a report. Applications from I). A. Mc'J.aren and- Norman MacAulay for building permits were read and granted. Mr. cl.aren wishes to wake improvements Iadhling at the corner of Bruce 1 Victoria streets. and Mr. alae- t(lay is putting a cement foundation u,i1..r his dwelling on l'ilsnn street. The application of the Kell Tek - phone Co. for permission to place two pules and wires on Cameron street, north from Raglan street. was refer - led to the public works committee. No A4trYerity for Bylaw. A litter from Mr. Chilies (.,arrow, town xull,itor. with reference to the proposed Industrial hyl,iw. whereby the emmeil might be authorized to issue debentures in the sum of 823,12201 to be used subsequently as te council for the time being 'night seta tit in lug holostrl's, gave it as his opinion that snclt; a bylaw would not M' in accordance with the Municipal Act. Ile believed that even if such a bylaw were passed -and there was no pro- vision rovision so far ns he was aware fpr snhmitti,,g a bylaw of this nature -- it would «'pip Tee hetessary for the rate- payers to tat as upon the detail's of any FANNING MILL SIEVES AND SCREENS maaufaclured to order for any make of mill for cleaning any kind of grain or mewl. 'With snitablr 'feeing and screening properly arranged In nearly any ordinary fanning mill. *reds and grain of any kind can Is, as thonn,ghly cleaned as is po*slide to clean them. When ordering slcces nr *earns he very ear'fnl to give the !Part .Ize needed, and what they are required to do Sieving and screening sold hj the square fest if desired. ON fawning mill frames rewired. Complete Dew Sieves and dereeMil awls to order. Mall orders c,irefally attendal to. 1'� GODERICH MERCANTILE CO LIMITED, GOi►ERICH. Owing tt4 location and facilitlea for msnufacturittg, 1 have d'ap•ferred my fanning mill aupply huelnees to the above Arm. 1. W. ARMBTRONO. BWOOS headache spits s �i n expec'tud �!. met When tar condition of &or a s eted, Whams= was b bsltloline chronic and ream ibli two Or thrill woks, wile Nuevo sick b�ssll• acbes- fb tall lot nett osier " t� �e sae and it b slag opo. Oboos•• w_p- ver Ttp• t mesa std innate! settvtty .f . s 1Bi Cemm�srss, fndlrmleta, salsa, Ieea�.ae, 222U0. mm (testi say derasj .* as els Meth the tta..a the metiad.e. dna Br a Saab • ma a Mn. V •ate eh remesseL rasa. R Oa.. 141. Dr. (_: hasE t�.- Pali 't, iI%l i Ili, south pler Just above the water at the bathing beach to be used am aaalstant'e to bathers. TIu',w reports were all adopted. Other Business. 0n complaint from the Iarrple of the kw,lItty that the swings In Victoria Turk were a !mistime on Sunday, it was ordered that they be locked from Saturday night to Monday morning. Mr. ileo. Stewart has volunteered to attend 10 thew, The finance committee was naked to take up the matter of the collection of the amount still owing the town ou the Kensington Furniture Co. luau, and the clerk was also instructed to write all the factories in arrears in their payments ou luaus urging an immediate, s'tlirmrut. It was derided to purehaw' the east part of lot I2024 from Mr. M. Bates, for $673. Tide property is lu the rear of the town hall; fronlitlg on Newgate street. The clerk wax Instructed to mend to Mrs. Murphy au expression of the council's sympathy in flue death of her !Instates!, the lute Police Sergeant The tax collector was asked to pre-. went to the next meeting a list of all taxes in arrears. The question of a refund on Mr. John Wiggins' ipso ue tax for 1915 was :eferetl to the Hanna* committer. Bylaw No. 19, to levy the taxes for i!r_N(, and bylaw's 20 to 25, providing for the issue of sewer debentures. were passed, and the bylaw to nictitate the parking of cars on the Square was introduct'd and given one reading. 1'he council then a41Pouruel. 17.500.00 1.11441() 7,500.0o ::01.01 3(441.114) 2(IMO 27,15)3.19 'yM1.IM1 7,5(221.1221 5.4426,)4 2,.`443.20 4.1112.44 3,407.07 (150.01 2122).01 2.:,111.77 311,011.0) $136,041.35 RECEIPTS. Cash from 1910 \ $ 511.53 Taxes nn('011ectcl Lr1,151.x11 l'emrtrry 5:01.01 Idcruses 400.01 Finem Dog tutees 110.IM) Local improvement assewtment' 2,11R.Or, Sewer rental \ 450.0) National tihipbwtiding co. - '4006.OIt National Shipl lding Co. 2,'12I 014 Kensington FI iture Cu. 1, 1.1Mt (loderich tirgtin Co. 8,3:11: Railway tax }tents Galerieh Mfg. CO, 2422111. Gcslerleh Mercantile Co. 1,(MM1.00 Refund on 191)3 street lighting 1,0(111.17 ('ash from water dept. 1,000.00 Taxes : Public ata) separate schools it R mills 18,R00.1)i Collegiate institute, 32 mills R.255.00 (lenezal, Si 2:1',() mills _ _. 57.25712 (Total taxes fB4,SB8.84), 25.00 GRIMM NEVER LEE OER NUR GET CRAY Mr Kept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea • and Sulphur. THE health of your skim is too int rt - sat for 7ut1 be careless about the soup you uss. Keep the skin clear sed smooth sod prevent skin troubles by mesa It is the bast of all soaps - Yet it is mors than • el it disinfests too 7Y eerie* t. LWMro w e ,Wu .ffits Nebo - M ,usher. -.dr 41(as wsldb alb► Always at your service with the best goods at most reasonable prices. J. J. McEWEN Sash Side Square Telephone 46 Whoa you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done „so naturally. so evenly. Preparing this mirtnre, though, at home 1• mummy and troubles moms. At I1tt1• cost you can buy at any drug store the ready -to -use prep- aration. improved by the addition of other Ingr•dl•ota'eatled "Wyeth's Baas and Sulphur Compound." Ton just dampen • Sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hale, taking one small strand at • time. By morning all grey hair disappears, and. after another appllcatton or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark- ened. glossy and luxuriant • Gray, faded hair, though no 41. - grace. is • sign of old age, and ea we all desire • youthful and attractive �pearanoe, get busy at once with th's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready - to -nos preparation is • delightful toi- let requisite and not a medicine. It la not intended for the cure, mitiga- tion or prevention of disease. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE House to t on West street Waterandall convolving., Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels FOR SALE A QUANTITY OP Cedar Fence Posts AND Posts / eseseereeefeefaWeivernaisoveasehsveveee Raincoats for men at a remarkable price Mei s Tweed Raiac.ats. The coat is cut in the single- breasted style, a loose belt with buckle. Sizes 34 to 42 at $12.45 and $16.45 Mei s Fame Raincoats. Made in single-breasted style. double -slit' seams. Sizes 34 to at $7.45 \ OBERT WILSON HAMILTON STREET 711 M. Robins Solidi Site Square - ('+.tier -tel 8136,041.3.1 Committee Reports. The nuance committee further re- ported that a settlement of Mrs. Catherine Kates' claim for damages hall been settled at $25, and that *1(22) had been credited to the account of the Keusiogtori Furniture Co., for an old boiler sold from the factory site. The committee reported arrange- ments with the Bank of Montreal for it credit of *13,111221r sewer cmnstrn'- dem work. In 5 tett from the man- ager of the Bank it oras stated that in vk'w of the general and serere re- strictions of credit adopted by the 11s0114 in the 1,atinnal„Ink'fett, and in nccird*nee with the view* Of the Iko- tnlnion. (lnvernment, unless work Is allsolittely necessary it would be ad - %liable to postpone it nntll financial coalitions are easier. The interest rate world he It per cent. The ,Amoral COM III i1iPC re'commend's., that .signs statute that the speed limit Is ten miles per heour be plseecl at the town limit. on Huron road, 1tsy2eld road nod Sallford hill. The committee reported with regret the death of Police Sergeant Murphy. The cemetery and parks committer recommendcl that "'m. R. Henderson, acting sexton rat Maitland cemetery, le, paid at the rate of $7111 per annum from July 5th atilt that the matter of a permanent appointment he left over for further evonshleretinn. The com- mittee reported that swings had leen erected at Victoria Park and the Iu,ellion at Harbor Park had leen r'- 411110'41. The public works emnmittee made the following reommclnlatlmns ! That the staple at the rear of the town hall Is, re- roofed and repaired; that the order wltb the Western 1)11 Kenning ten. for a ear of Mad nil he cancelled, as the nil would not he herr until August : that the town employees work- ing on the public works and et the perks and cemetery he )n*nred under the Workmen's Compensation Act ; that sewers on Regent street and Elgin a remit. a* passer) be cnostnrc•ted. The Ore committee recommender that hnlhlinst permits be foamed to (leo. l'st- ,nn. Thomas Legg and John Myers. The water, light and hartwlr enm- Mit tee reported that abort oar hundred feet of secondhand rape had 'wen pro - ,ural without ('bergs. from the N'e*0 ern Canada Flour Mille and was being atlecbed along the south side of the a re.% ♦ GODERICH OPEN EVENINGS Ac'eept "California" Syrup of pits only -look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm- iese laxative or physic for the little atemaeb, tiger .ad bowels. Children hove its delicious fruity taste. lull diraations for child's dose on each bot- tle. ales it without fear. ifrAlseri Yon merit say "Q.ff(Irni•." IBHHR1USE SALTSFHIINEYS O tt tar Mei if [Bostic MI itis iMf sr UAW Mein Was nig w t. ]<sr Ur UMat foo. forgot qct 11V W ad tt s, Bat ala-outo- sad sad r • tasaisnd „y de toli a faekaebe dull Weary in the r�•'F Nos 411 halm Isl as r ls., W lag ascan ' jj like a 411 M wrier s ye asd will ' net dna. TIM ▪ is made from the .did at Crand Mama Lias, mabird we. and Is Unsling to Boob Aoand and etiaw3te thaw to normal It also .entrmliw *Oa midst ✓ ilia viae so It' no longer irritates. M.s medias bladder disstds, Sad Oahe mans a 1iiss► harmbw; iama.alwt fol "Mr drink whisk 8obosM oohs aloe end then to keep ems. (Mn *midis/ swims r w11.8.m hasp hos of Jadliable he Mlle ovesarmys lope ▪ (ytiillo, BRING YOUR FILMS TO OS FOR DE- VELOPING AND PRINTI-O$E.DAY SERVICE. : : : : • : : \ FILMS TO FIT A CAM61t se• H. C. D- NLOP. The NewDecorating Store West Street In addition to our lines of Sall Paper. Paints, etc., wkinda of ASS - r �4 fl. `fit Lp' ATE GLASS �1>> LLlp,tio(SS MIRRORS, etc. If you are thinking of doing any decorating this year, call on us and let us Rive you an estimate. Cuthbertson North Side West Street Ooderich, Ont. •