HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-22, Page 5s Double Your Pleasure TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU Now that the fine weather has arrived to stay, many little pleasure outings are being planned and you will be seeing many things you would like to remember. Why not take a Catuera with you and photograph theta ? They will be a continual remembrance that will afford you great pleasure. The photographic section of our store carries a full line of K.daks aid Supplies. We also attend to the Devel- oping and Printing of your negatives. Our experience covers years in this work. Below we list our prices : Developing • All 6 and S'expoeure films up to and including 2 Z3'i O roll Larger films ` Lir Film Packs, at.; --• Filar Packs, larger site 15-$d' Ile es. ;,'.'tix4y 4c ea. ---------3c ea. 3'. x t b 5c ea. .-3 ' l* z. •3c ea. `3,.x5 Y oc ea. t , WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE GODERICH Nut men Side St re The Squalid meads onext. he 28th. at wf the clubs in thehhichtn inks f rom manypetted to be present. On Wednesday evening the band of the 33rd Regiment will play at the green. upon the retest : at .k very j:.•tty wedding tttl the (lieu Adelaide ranch, ).unit home of air. James Hallows, when his sister, Mottle was united In ixuarrtage to Robert W. J. Parklw. sun, of the X-ray' Fund. tate Rev. Juiayh Perkily. Mayor \1'igle. treasurer of the X-ray la rl R . iitjdt ur kat. Promptly fuudhoop lit tuuureceip with Alexandra ate' o'clock the bride' couple took their of $.'1s o iu the l'o of a evRed l'r un plats on the lawn to the stratus of the tVorof >1k. trues l'ountrur w tithe Louie rlu welding march. played by 1r,'nsrrs. The amount now in the t rwtsnn•r's lands tui• .this fund is � Jewu C, Youirg• alive of the bride, of $4re3.t►I. This does not include the sum Goderiele Out. The bride. who was of $t95 raised by the "tag day" ou Presented lit marriage by her brutlwr. Juwes iialtuw'r. W$J bttotrrlltglY jtow[ted July Itrs lit dove oilfired taffeta. wearing ��tt Ai Attreetive f sewer debentures eent res k'rrnch hat et blue and silver and Ttte town of t;ialc•rich la offering fur carrying a bouquet of Smoot reser. gals a:n�l!1."o.ul of sewer drts`utures uud Lthe was attended by her little u1t•,•rs, is giving decal investors the that chaixe Huth enol Irene Sallowe, who made to purchase them. Thera drlwuturee t hits roils tiuh are offered at 6 per cent. and are for towhee u[ pink. Vet a varlets- of alyoulee. and run for from k bonnets is and our to twenty years. The list may be sret(jtt the town hall, where sub•srilt- Johu's 1' •sbt- tiona will he received be the treasurer. The Danseet. ' Tlw clansant helot on Wednesday afiernoun at the new Pavillon. under the attsplce•s of the General Brough Chapter of the I. O. 1). E. was an inetoulitied sut."t"s. Atswt three hun- lreet ts•rs.rus were present. and en- joyed to the limit the Root) music and refreshments. The affair was the first venture of its kind to be held at the seat* Pavillon. la which to eholdslarget gather- ings, of this kind. The General "trough Chapter wishes to take this opportunity of thanking Mr. ltuchauan for his getterersity lit giving them the use td his Pavilion BA$1LBAI.I. GOSSIP. for Wedursday afternoon's entertain - mens SMITH'S ART STORE - hi—Ville most cunning little Incense Men and Japanese Novelties — for Gifts and Bridge Prizes, very reasonable in price. Next time you want a little gift or bridge prize just come in SMITH'S ART STORE EAST STREET Pear 198 LOCAL TOPICS. dainty little flower girls In their hand - embroidered frocks o w ' e r e 1 currying baskets of sweet peas. Rev.I Thos. Wilsuu. of St. u u's res terWa church. alediclne Hat. performed the ceremony. After the wedding it 1 dainty luncheon was served. the table , dec•oratioge (wing pink and' white. These present from a distance were Mrs. Parkins. the groom's ruother: Mrs. Julia Young and son. of ltit,tiald, Alberta; Misses Fturente and Jean Young. of Goderk•h, tint.; alis Irene l.awre•mw. and Yr. Jacek Tutees', of Medicine Ifat. The bride was the recipieut of many useful gifts. tnclnd- I frig several cls quew. Mr. and Mrs. I Parkins will make their home at 11a Eleventh street. ate ktine Hat. and will lie at home to their friends after aeptemter 1st. Hoggarth--Spars. St. Peter's church Tuesday mornnfg was the scene of a'quiet wedding Miss Ernesta Amelia Sparr• daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John d in matrimony Nelson y toMr. Ha old J. Hogga Hoggarth, sem of Mr. and Mrs Robert Hoggarth• Wiggins' Twisters Puzzle Crediton. I The Goderich baseball team had some trouble getting to Crediton on Friday. Leaving town in Swans' motor 'bus, they gut as tat as Baytield when some thing went wrong and the car became I y. am did leave e The A mass was bride celebrated ras married in I till llaatte in the afterrnoon andtwere duet to her travelling suit of navy blue. The \ play at 6.30 they had no time to watt for bridesmaid was Miss Elizabeth Farr and , the 'bus to be repaired, and so they hired the groom was supported by Mr. William wo autos at Bayfield and proceeded on Farr. After the wedding repast at the their way, arriving at d e Crediton t o abohe ut 7 home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. !o'clock. They wentll Hoggarth lett on a trip to Niagara Falls. I field and the game of seven innings was Toronto and other cities and on their I layed before dark. Th s was making return will reside inGodericn. At Toronto good time and the following,account of a reception was held fof'the ba dh aucouplet; at the residence of Mn. Hogg Mrs. William Dillon. The Fall Falr. Preparations are under way tor the Godrnch fall fair. to be held September 8, 9 and b). Milk Test. Dr. hunter, M. O. H • reports the results of the examination of milk from dairies supplying Goderich. under date of July 15: Butterfat percentage—LeliaMaskell. 4 : Bissett, 3.70 ; Oke. 3.50 ; McManus. 3.40: Fisher, 3.40. B.wling Tournament. The'. awn bowling club has arrangedfor a tournament to commence Wed - ti.derib Boys in Auto Aedde■t. A pi}t3' of young Goderich.boys had an experience on Sunhat' which they will not want to repeat and which 'tight easily have resulted much more senously than it did. The boys—Fred Price. Arthur Curry. Stanley Wilson, Wm. Mountain rid Russell Young—were driving to the game will show the reason Gotlendi went to bat 'ret was "nothing doing" in the wa hy: d there of run - getting. Creditors also tailed to shore to their try in this innings. In the skcond I time up Goderich was again ban ed, while Crediton, with two men out, scot on a rather wild throw from short to t home plate. In the third innings Godenc opened up on Pitcher 0 Neil in the dol - lowing manner: With two men gone.', -Teddy-Johnston made a two-basedrive. a Wingham in a car own ee, and about I followed with hits by Carsick, W. isset, father. Mr. St. Georg when the cat 1 Barlow and Webb. and when the picnic' two miles north of Blyth,I ended t;udench had five runs on the tally - was going at a pretty good speed• K `sheet. Another was added in the fourth. I "turned turtle,'' and the boys were all I mut went to hest on a hit, stole second, , injured more or less seriously• a broken went to third on an overthrow and scored arm a broken collarbone and broken nbs on a passed ball by the catcher. This', being among the list of casualties. The. ended the scoring on both sides—total 6 to: car. an Overland was badly wrecked. 1 in favor of Godench. Help was rent out to the scene of Those who went from town to see the accident and after receiving game say n was well worth the trip to see attention at Blyth the boys were brotiOt the way w i;gins hai the Crediton players'. ich. a battered -looking lot. the at his mercy and the good support he gots ■■■■■■■■scum ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 I THE UST SERMONS ■ ■ ■ ■ = of two series i ■ ■ ■ WHAT accident tmay result in a stricter en twee- Thursday, July 22, 1920.— 5 LNSEIIJSIMEM I�'L_-tL1t B JULY 3lst rand Opening Sale R. Steel Company, Limited 5c to $1.00 Store Don't forget the date of our .- Ojenin.jSaieT Grand The time is drawing near when you will have ,the opportunity to attend one of the greatest sales that was ever eld in Goderich or vicinity. Pricesastonish you will be announced in r; Paces that will the Papers next week \i'atch for them. Goods will be sold away below cost at this sale, in tend our Grand In order to make olt worth your share lofte to these[ wonderful values yours heu d order for you g make an effort to be here at SaturdayMorning, July 31st 9 o cock sharp We will have for your approval and inspection Formal Opening A the day Before the Opening Sale which will enable you to see the merchandise which will be sold on our Opening Day, and to definity locate each item that will be sold. We will have the leading Orchestra to entertain you while on your tourof inspection. Candy and Souvenirs will be given away free to the ladies and children at our Formal Opening from his teammates. Had it not been ac en respecting the drying o(! men of the laws respe g for the excusable error mentioned above ee,jji automobiles. he would have a shutout game to his l� Hon. u,{'.L Carmichael Coining. credit. Miller. at second base. proved Word has just h. hreceived oineial now that that that he tll hebe as gots rounded a great help to nto condi- n ■ C Hun, Peter Hmlth, the u surer. wilt not be able toattend !ikon. He was signed up at the first of the but couple of weeks ago. H al has a so- s •I will be the affect .n my life if 'a am "filled with the Spirit ?" 11 a.m. ■ Model Theatre PROGRAM ■ "The Man Who Did the • a ■ .■ some the Cornc Farmer; Club pl, sit' at 1 season but had been out of town until a the nin t ng Park next Tl rsd iv mutation as a pitcher. In this contest he had eight chances at second base and accepted them all, one of these being a hard batted ball over his head. Miller couldn't reach it with his gloved hand but nailed it with his ungloved one and hung on. At another stage in the game he got a man at first base by a perfect throw while lying on the ground. But as all the boys played good ball perhaps we should not specialize. but we think Signal rea lers I sit like to know how the games are won or L� lost. If the home nine car. keep up the I stride they have shown in the last two the heapames hey befo before yet eason s over. top of ' r [rel Score by innings— picnic, but those .coming art' Goderich _ 0 0 5 1 0 0 0—ti to sirp'ly the ,te.eeeesary dishes and I Crediton 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 ea ti'nde es. A cordial Inv (tation is ex- The following is how they lined up: tendevl t.• the general public to attend Goderich—R. Bisset :lb. Johnston ss. the pi: tilt.. Carrick rf. W. Bisset c. Darlow lb. p,l -goes. Webb 11, Wiggins p, Snazel cf, Millet 2b.1 The Melk•tue Hut News of July f► Crediton—Watson ss. B. Fahner lb, K. tzar the following account of the wed- Fahner cf. H. Fahner c. O'Neil p. Hedden ding of alis. Startle gallows. formerly I rf, Bradley If. Holtzman 2b, Motz 3b. of Colborne township. whir«• many I Umpires—Jack Wiggins and a man friends Here will Juin in felicitations 1 rom Ailsa Craig. For Week July B. to 31 I ■ Monday and Tuesday • Meoese u iu a • another Cabinet Minister. Hou. Lt. -Cul. Carmichael. will be present and will address the gathering. I.t_a'ol. Car- michael le a member of the I'rovttk'iul Hydro-elrrtrio t`omtnl$don and may steak regarding Hydro affairs. which are Interesting to farmers and towns- people alike these days. Other speak- ers to Iw present are Mr. Andrew Hicks. M. P. 1'.. South Huron. and )dr. )'has. Mti'unly, the chief live stock salt -swan of the Farmers Co-openttive Co. There will he a program of sports. including a baseball match between t;IMierich township and Carlow teams. The t'itNb wilTu'tl�bot 1''1t -for then a I Next Thing" 1 • 7 p.m. • ■ • ■ ■ A GOLDWYN PICTURE ■ • LOUIS BENISON Baptist Chuech Montreal Street Here He Is Again ■ IN ■ ■ "Misfit Earl" ■ also ■ CENTURY COMEDY ® ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ "Naughty Lions and the Wild Men" s. Wednesday and Thursday coL ICTURE , MABEL YN PNORMAND "UP STAIRS" A CAPITAL COMEDY 'Two Dollars Please' Featuring Capital Beauties 11 Friday ami Saturday *UNiCE PICTURE ELSIE JANIS 114 "A Regular Girl., DEME COMEDY e ■ ■ ■ Next Sunday July 25th ■ r ■ YOU ARE INVITED saanow ■song■■■■ori■■■■■■■■■ RiCH BENEFITS There is not a six[& mum why you should delay roma the benefits of deli, notated Scott's Emulsion Far better than alcoholic maim or medicines, eery deep of Scaslt's eon 1.111116011th end bather beak Clinton Hoes it Again. Clinton baseball team again downed the ;home team at Agricultural Park on Wed- 1 needay night before a good crowd oft spectators. Clinton has proved itself the Goderich team's -jinx- this season. having won all the games scheduled between the t esu contenders. A protested game has been ordered to be played over, which will be pulled off tomorrow (Friday) night at Clinton. In the game on Wednesday evening there was nothing in the way of sense- ; tional playing on either side. The trouble Iwith Goderich's representatives was they ' could not place Cooper's curves safely I game to play on the home grounds rough. Clinton had a batting game here in August. The The hours for INSPECTION will from Friday, an to 9 p.m. Friday I 2to5p.m. Evening, July 0th No goods will be sold ail this day We will have for your convenience an up-to-date Rest Room where you can meet your friends and make yourself at home at all times. When making your appointments just say, "Meet Me at Steel's Rest Room." Don't forgeto have the next week's papers in and goods that will 1 e sold on the time to look over the wonderful prices Grand Opening Day, Saturday, July 31st, 1920, at 9 o'clock sharp L. R. STEEL COMPANY,Limited The Bi�c•to $1.00 Store GODERICH, ONTARIO OBBEIERSiEig Crediton has a locals have six orseven games to play away from home. Wm. Bisset wrenched his knee while at practice on Monday night. The injury did not affect his effectiveness behind the bat in the game, but he had to have bstitute run the bases for him. v. ef., i . streak in the first and second innings, in 4 which they scored five runs, all they got in the seven innings played. Godench went out in quick succession up to the seventh innings. when they tallied their only run, the final ,core being S to 1 in Clinton's favor. Wiggins complained of A. L. COLE o�rrlofA OI'TOMETIMT BOARD OF TRADE HEADQUARTERS, MLBONIC 'I;RXPLE EYES TESTED AND WORK GUARANTEED tvill/OXEN OF ALL STTLEN &ND KIN Auto FILL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR EVERT REQUIREMENT 1) GIVE US A CALL a tore arm before the game started, but I e A number of the Zurich Ola era were at good oer the first two ng of some he pitched good ball. The fielding of some members I the game at Crediton on Friday night he team was ala° a little ori color. and seemed much pleased at Creditor's the same tree tat the heads getting tmen of the Goderich team as they received the week previous. In passing through Zurich on the way home the Zurich players gave the home team a good teed of Limburger cheese and summer sausage. Left Fielder Carrick, of the Goderich team. was out of the game on Wednesday evening. having met with an accident at the Western Canada Flour Mills, where he isi stn Bing Injured. He was missed his rib being the team. Ernest Bell ("Pacer") an old-time ball player. was at the game and was warmly welcomed by his friends. Ernest used to be able to pitch a good game of bell. buthe wearond his for is the gone, t he ortColborne me avelaran� of the late war.located.e he is now He is also a OI t some of the misplays costing runs. We sla.uld not be surpnsed. in case Wiggins takes a notion so pitch at Clinton on Friday night, if he should win his game. Score by innings— Clinton_-........3 2 0 0 0 0 0-5 Goderich 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 The Zine -up— McNeil Clinton—Hawkins if, Cooper Q, 3b, Tasker l� Draper sac, ( [tet rf, Fulford c. 2b. 1Y joGiderin c. Goderich lf. i gi Bisset BissJohnston. 1rlor Snazel n. Wiggins �isl' ID. Webb c , ilk* 2b, Pridham If. Sanderson spare. Umpire—)ask Wiggles. Notes. The Goderich team intends to make a big ei/ort to take the silver at Blyth on the 28th of July• • I t3odericb has only erne more League MOM t.. r%U IEe C. ISO lits THE NECK ADORNED With ere of our exquisite, extra long necklaces is more to he admire,) than a Aare neck. no mutter how well formed and modelled. Dainty - jewelry of this kind-neekia, tw, hrneelets, earrings, brooches. and ewrutll pins—add to woman's natural charm. • ERTSON TSON WATQHMAKER AND JEWELLER (',oderich, Ontario Corner East St, and Square e