HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-15, Page 8i • t R Thursday, July 1'. 1!M(1. THE SIQNAL taE•OD2RICH, ONT. 1 FOR HOT DAYS 600D, INTERESTING SUMMER READING in convenient size h.s.k.,, spec Tally priced AT 50 CENTS A COPY FOR KIDDIES Sand Shovels sad Toy Palls 15c. and 20c. Rubber Balls, - 10e. to 50c. TOYS, DOLLS, CANES and PICTBRE BOOKS • °A""" °aleh"R'T'a TORTUR[O BY TERRIBL[ ECZEMA Lodges of South Huron Held .%malas , Parade in tiuderieh—large crowd in TON n— Swelters Itenottaee 1 Hose Rule tett Jrelaal. ; The TNelfth of July was ....le/muted in (:olerich In old-fashluuwl The South (Huron tentage Lodges held their animal parade here and were joined by a unull•vr of outside Lodges, jwenty-one lodger appearing in the procession. 'Three special trains ar- rived duriug the wuruiug, tw1 by Greed Trunk. ttulu Luuua l'ralwants 2111(4 Seaford'. and one by 1'. 1'. 1t. from I:uelph, The nbly11tUols wutur ear, which I. becoming the great medium oft transportation.' swelled the crime] In, dorm to large proplrtie.1111; 111111 the; Senate thenigh,lslt the atteruuou pre-( seated n very Ila4•Jy ,tame. The Speeches. :tiler the prewession speeches, were given from the bandstand in the Square, ('minty Vader Armitage pre. sideug. Mayor Wigle welconwel We visitors to 111e to(a 444444 Rev. .1. E. Milt uley Kaye a brief addre... McKeguey, M. e., a referllll of the Gnat War, gave a eery add`Shiny peoplal, he said. had an i'r introits idea of the mission of ()range'. 1. Their sial war lint 40 enI- tivate 1111 rd of 14uwan t'atholieS, rt to stand fe the preservation of civil and ratjglon. liberty. The mauuer In which ltouwtr'atholics chose to wor- ship ova,. a ma r between thenlwetves and their C,41, w ere llrangeme'n die- puted with the Ito u l'atholle rhurrh ova., when that 1•hu Devalue a poll Oval institution. 4lrai omen believtid'. in the British Empire. the greaten( empire the world hail r • *ern.. and/ - the greatest lesson Britain' d ought the world was that of fr 0411 and i IAM'riy. The history of hum.. free -1 d,riil a., known today comments with Magna (*Merril, a Britiell 44.$•11.: nt. It .ca. Britain that fuilglit the g t plover of Spain. I iter Great liritai and William of Orange hail defeated the sch.•11i.' of F11111'-,', laid 411e virtorlea Of Ih•rry and the Itoyue had slaved the I Y The Groceteria NORTH ST. AND SQUARE Telephone 356 A Fu it Lioe of the Best Groceries of all kluds, at the lowest prices Pinny Flour, Wheatlet and Rolled Oats Fresh Currants, Cherries, Rasp- berries and other Fruits 'Baron, Cooked Ham, Meat hoof, etc. New -laid Eggs and first class Butter Fresh Bread daily, 12c a loaf CASH AND CARRY H. McFADYEN • OPEN EVENINGS thd1sn.d Thee Years Until She Triad "FRUIT -A -TI V ES" Boils and Carbuncles DAME PCTLA LAMAltA( -Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q. "I think it my duty to tell you how touch you r-mr.hciue has dune for nee. I suffered jiff three yews with terrible Eczema I consulted seven) doeturs and they did not do me any pool. Then, I used one biz of 'Soothe - Salty' and two boles of 'irailo-fieri and my hands are now clear. The pain 14 gone and there has been no return. I think it is a marvellous eure because tie other medicine did me any goo.( and 1 tried all the 'remedies I ever heard of, without benefit until .I used Snout••Solute and 'Fruits -gives.' 'Fruit-a-tives' cooled the blood and removed the cause of the disease, and 'Soothe -Salva' completed the cure." Dame PETER LAMARRE (file), . a boz, 6 for $1.50, trial sire 25e. dealers or sent postpaid by Lives Limited, Ottawa, Oot. re. Britain *(most alone Napoleon. and after the e had taken in the re - tar of Britain today it ever Md before." an (orange lodge there was devotion t the British Em- pire, but wherever the , oaten Catholic church lead power and i uene.', As in Ireland. 411 Australia and '■ Quebec, there Itritalu's hands were t lister Will Not -Speaking of the frith dnesri eepeuket• dist/arise. amid cheers, Cha the people of Ulster wo*Ad never anh to a I'arliaw.'ut in 1)nblln.' "Ir.•lan is on the verge, .rf civil war. We are :ring to stand by the old flag. null by'. our brethren in Ireland. We An` not sfreld of all the dogans and snicks in Deland." ICheere.l The *meeker .;forged the Roman ('athulle priesthood with responsibility for the "bloodshed treachety and treason' going on in ire- hanil; they Pn11111 atop It. he laid. The speaker ala,, Asante d the people of the United State* for "pouring money into the kande of Irishmen" And Also for their ''we won the war" attitude. " i.et them mind their own Inkiness," et- , el:dwserl the mpeeker. He believed 1.14d George would keep his word, and Lloyd George lied erid (hat Dieter would fret be roereed. "And if there ie to be relight, there arc it goal many thourwnds Of toe here who will he in it." (Cheer*,, Mr. David Reece*, of (1lnton, was introdueei ail the oldest tlrsngeman on the ground*. Ninety-four y,rtrs of age and seventy-three en Orangeman wars the record given of him by the clitir- mall. The venerable Orangeman wan Itrltiah E fought ague Are Very Distressing elorlotl* parteveraver 'the... xhitee. brighter th Wherever there wt I wail advised to use "MECCA" Oint- ment Cora carbuncle on my right arm I toned it drew it out clean, leaving my mews] well: I wri mews] tblsto le know the ate of "MECCA.". y 11 W. LAN VENCESON. Ave., Toronto. Oat 25c -50c-51.00-51.25 For .ale by J. A. Campbell, Druggist. -- - tr��r t�nflcsflrsflrlrinr1R1f11rfltrfla)la tflctflrttfltrflrrflrsflr rflr \ x%111 d's Ice Cream Bricks e cream of all creams ! 24 differ i t flavors to choose from Call or ASc. a brick 'phone for one J SOLD ONLY BY H. LAU DER, PHM. B. YAL. OUAUTY DRU STORE 'PHONE_ i9 insist on Willard's. 1rf1e II dlrtflextfSlat1rxXXXsflgtf1[1(11sf1tffdrat1r>T1rrf1rxorf1 X Addresses were given by Rev. W. B. Moulton, formerly of (Tinton ; Rev. Wm. 'owe, of Woodstock ; Rev. If F. Kennedy, of Beomiller; Res'. K. Mc - (:own, of I.newn, and Iter. A. A. Tramper, of Exeter. It,'v. Mr. Lowe had sameehing to say on the Irish situation. If there were a man present who was a i'rstestent anti who would say be believed Ireland should have home rude he was talking without knowledge "What they want,' hes drelar.d, "is !tome rule. (nod help Ireland when she gets home rate. -Wires-Ireland +a separated. then she emotes under the thumb of the Roma* hlerarehy.'• Rev. Mr. Kennedy ales devoted a @•w MPutenews to the Irish question, deride. THE COLBORNE BT ORE - WE SPECIALIZE IN HOSIERY No matter what style of Hose or what color, they may be bought at this store. We tarry a very large range in all qualities from cotton, lisle. fibre -silk to pure silk. These lines come in many qual- ities and the prices range froth 50e to $4.75. A special in pure silk at 51.98. Every size in black and white in pure silk, regular 82 50, for 81.98. 1 ace Hose are very fashionable. A special at $1:98 in all sizes in black and white. Regular 82.35, for $1.98. Children's white Hose in sizes up to 7';, at 19c a pair About 100 pairs. Come early for this bargain. Children's Sox in all sizes and in several qualities from She to 50c o pair. Coats and Suits— We have a few Coats and Suits in stock and I they have been reduced in price to make room for I the Fall Coats, which will soon be in stock. These garments are all this season's make and are up to 1 date in every respect. It will be a pleasure to show these garments and you will be surprised at the values. Ginghams-- A very large atsbortment of Ginghams in all the latest patterns and color combinations. They are all 27 -in. wide and range in price from 35c to 65c a yd. Summer Voile Dresses— Everyone is surprised at the wonderful range of S-timmer Dresses which we are showing. Every size is represented in the assortment and the range of patterns and colors is wonderful. We are show- ing no two dresses alike, which makes the line very exclusive. ,1 Voile Dresses ranging in price from $12.00 to $30.00 each. Underwear Watson's is a well-known brand and it is this line that we are carrying. Every wanted style is shown in ladies', misses' and children's, also com- binations in ladies'. • CORSETS Goddess Corsets are leaders in front -laced styles. Once worn always worn. They come in all sizes and in many qualities. They range in price from $2.50 up. D. & A. Corsets are always leaders in value, workmanship and durability. We carry a very large range of these garments, ranging in price from $1.25 to $6.00 a pair. J. H. COLBORNE & CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY ing himself read \tat die If neceeslery for the cause of .41 and religious liberty. Rev. Kr. 1' mper Spoke for the Rihle In the *sloop* TU. Prize-wi The prizes of the flay w • e awarded se follows : For the largest lodge on • rede— Mnrphy No. 710, (1intnn (102 s" ngl. Itest -d reseed lode e—Walton. bodge coming greatest did ti Guelph. Resit .banner—RAyneld No. 24. (test eft And dnlm hand—Clinton. (test titer—W iNon Armstrong. of Goshen Line Iodate. $tsnley. Beat drummer—R. Wel,/ter, Varlet Tnelert 1) .,uaemsrt 1 Clinton. Notes, 1t was a gonad warm :ley. aid an enormous quantity of ice cresta pts consumed. ' The gnsr'ntee on the Lucien train was not covered by the receipts and the guarantor» expect to hive to make up A small amount. The Square is •an ideal plaee for a retehratiou. with the park in the centre Ana wide roadway all around. 1t \as* ging uptown after the lodges d left in the evening, but thous =t01R down to the Pavilion .found a t crowd there. The dant, lag Soar Ailed to eapaeity through• ext the eve est the visitors thoroughly enjoying the good music and the floe floor. the church ar 1 p. m. On aeeeonnt nf' the picnic the Wednesday night prayer Kerrier will Ise merged to the League on Tuesday night. Rev. J. F:. Ford will give the address. R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of ail kim4A up to -date for i'eleohoses. Burglar Alarms. Police ',Patrol and F+re Alarm Systems. ;Private Item aceeaed Business, Places—a apecla All Work Guarantated. Electric Irons. Toasters. Gills. Fans, Vacuum Cleaners, Wa*hiag Machine'', Fiaahllghte a a.d Batteries of all kinds always on Ring up It2 or 193 and have nu give you an estimate on your wiring. It will be dose ght. ELLIOTT WHITE SHOES Wore never in greater demand than this+ year. There are various season. for this let lleaauto of their Comfort, in.tbat they are Tight, icer feetly pliable, and eaey. 2nd. Because of the wide range of Styles and shapes we are • showing this season. with s distinct design or model to suit every indii'idual tante, conacquently 3rd. Wei can Fit you, whether your feet are long and narrow, or slit and wide, we have the correct kat for you, man, woman, or child, and tth Because of their Economy. See our goods, get our' prices, and you will buy hers, to your complete satirfartion. Ask your friends, they know. REPAIRING • Sharman's Shoe Store W. REG SHARMAN Yonne and Charles Su.. Taunt. ,...a e* w.dl..1i Carla. P. k,d• etd..wk, Great duwe.d for our aed.et.. Once all rear. apt.. n... W r« be Cualaew. w 1 ELLIOTT, Pr.ndp I L.R.STEEL CO. I.1N11 #i) Grand Opening Sale JULY :1st, 1020, 0 a.11i, Our MUSLIINWEAR DEPT. will anserine you when yon Nee the wooderfnl values we shall eller you in Ibis Masa of merchan- dise on nor OPRMINO DAT. fon can't atom to tome Mals sp- pnrtnsttt of wowing your Me wear at • mosey swiss prior. • • CHURCH NOTES. ----- Divine worship at Knox church next 4shfutth morning and evening will b' ('nndnetd by the minister. SIMS -et of the sermons "TSP Religion of Joy ;" 7 p. in.. ".t Full Program." Sahhiith school Ane teen age Bible cheeses at 3 o'clock. The morning question at the. Baptist church nest Sunday will Ile, "What hat been the experience of thinte who have depended on the leading of the Holy Hplrit'" The evening theme will he, "The Steen l'b sit Who 11,e,,me Genwrons." Bible school at 9.35 a. m. and 1t. Y. 1'. 1'. at M p. m. The nervier.. next Humbly in Victoria start Methodist chnr•h will be eon - defied nr fellows : Mun(1ny ',school at 10 0.l. Morning Servile ■ 1 11 .i clock ; *fillroeit P Model I'reyer." Evening FnOII..' On Tuesday 'welting of next week 4101,xsyer w'rvl.' will hake the farm at / laeilyr vending an evening at home. The Hisses and Men's net, at North .tree( Mefho4ist church will meet nett Sanday w at 10 o'c•I/S•k. The ('Inti torte` mains in, "What is your ileal a worth -while life,' •' Mr. Howard gberfarare will lead. 1'nhlie worship at.tl a. m and 7 p. m The pater will take for his ereiing theme, "lipirltnaliewn." This I. the fourth ,uhjua•t In a series of mentions on "Modern Hnhstltnlea for Evangelical 4'hristlanIty " Niirfh street 14,fhed1at chinch will hold Its annual rnngregatdonul pl'nic at Mienew'htni Park next Wealne...ley Afternoon Members who are not go- ing with their awn a nvrraor may leave their h..ketw at the church and they will he taken over for them. The 'first rnuveyanre for the perk will Ienve Robt. Tait Wena Street Neat Postoffice ` Phones—Shop 92, Hone I11 I L R. STEEL CO. Grand Opening Sale July 3181,1920, 9 a.m. Come to our MUSIC DEPT. and hoar all the latest le Re- cord*. We aha11 have a large aNNnrt meat to select from on our OPEN IRO DAT et • ,t I own. r, Q ,,1�.M.Af; e ..141/414'‘.34111e:.iw+W...Aabatett a _■'ewe.".—'a, The Symbolism __._.of the Solitaire Co 9) When be places on your finger a solitaire diamond it means you are the one woman among mil- lions for him. The diamond signifies purity, rarity, value, permanency, the enduring qual- ities of heal, heart and hand. Our store is headquarters for Diamonds. O /10) ERTSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Cerner East St. and Square Godericb, Ontario hool -f- ommerce- linton and Goderich, Ont. OFFERS T Business Secretari ' Teachers' and arranges S FOLLOWING COURSES : • Stenographic Civil Service ining Course Courses for student*. THE FOLLOWING A»VANTAOHS ,jlighly Qualified Teaching staff Actual Business System of Boo Seeping Credential Typewrite Tests Petitio steed Vocational Training School for this district. by Ooverensent appointment- and under spectfon by Soldiers' Civil Re establishment Department. Pot Terms, etc , write R. F. WARD, R. A., M. Amts., Principal Phone 1199, Clinton M. A. STONE, Cans. Specialist, vire-PrInPlOwl School Opens Wedneesily, September 1st, 1920 • .t