HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-15, Page 6•
Tln11'May. •Iudy '13, 1920.
The Finest Corn Flakes ever
made --that is our unchanging
standard. Our "waztite"pack-
age holds the oven -fresh good-
ness of Kellogg's for you---
ICetloca'• Products -Toasted Can Flakes -
Shredded Krumhlrs- Krumbled Br.n-are
made in our new modernized t.trhens •
TORONTO and always wrapped ' W..e. e
-Sold tverywkere.
Wigs -were; Spinae). McCurdy the New
'b Men.
Otte we,vly 11 The new Cabinet
sworn in •y •rd.iy .s as follows :
NI*Ne .1 It SIF:IGHGN, Prime
Minister nd! r.•r,Iy for External
HON. J. A. ('.%l lt, President of
the ('mond, and ,St stir of Immigra-
tion rind (loloRfratlo..
HON. Silt GE.JR(t' FOSTER, Min-
ister of Trade a ('ommetre.
Minister of Oh Interior.
1111N. Sot HliNitY I)RAYTON, Min-
ister f F'itanee.,`
H(.\, III:,T111'•C1.THRIB, Minister
or M.f.lia..
-- •
' HON. A. L. S1F'TI)N, Secretary of
110N. DR. IREID). Minister of Rain
ter of. Labor.
te of Marine am! Fish'•ries and Slinis-
te of Naval, herr ie.•
ON. F. B. Md'1'RDY, Minister of
• Works,
J. DOHEIt' 'Y, Minister of
Just tee.
witho tt portfolio..
SF.. ATOR I1 AINDIN, Postmaster -
11H. ', F. TI )LMiE, Minister of Agrl-
H[ til. 1t. W. WI(;Mo IIt}:, Minister iif-_�
(customs and Inland Revenue.
HON. E. K. SI'1\NEY, Mlnistec
without portfolio.
The !'rime Minister nnder the terms
let the statute will- Iw 'Secretary of
State for external affairs.
Sir loners teuighe d, In addition to
!wing Minister of the Interior. will also
he So{erfieteIdent-4 ,•neral of inlinn
Affaina. Hort. Dr. Reid will preside
Oyer thetas)._ departs ntaof Itoilways
and CMOs:
The 17eptment of Health my be
added to thorn of Hon. J. A: Calder.
Never try to kilrtime-: time isbouad,
to kill you in th long run.
Powder he the dust the gods *have
warren whereat -tit to tsttn.1 the
.yeti) -Of- See.
.e Thee Riders of the Plains
t .
4 t'
(1) A Royal Canadian Mounted''olicernan rides welL
(2) A fully equipped Mounted Policeman.
(3) A Mounted Policeman in winter uniform.
now Regina. The government hulld-
The noble traditions aid feacinat-
ing uniform of the Royal North-West
Moua(edf Police are exclusively our
own". Canada and it is fitting, In
Ata re -organization. that It should he
foamed the "(Loyal Canadian Mounted
Yeller."' The existence of tribes of
wild Indians, the quarrels of the in-
terior and the vast body of settlers
.coming In, led the late Sir John A.
Ihla.•(Mnald to tike possession of the
/real land by establishing the police
/n 1871. The elm was to have deDrb-
tnente of well armed mid dtacipjlned
men. Jo ieinualy posted throughout.
genrral posts.
Th.• final force consisted of 18 of -
S.' «0.. 201 men and 244 horses. The
troops travelled by way of Chicago
to Fargo and marched *erose the
plain* In 1874, three hundred po-
lice set out from Fort Garry for the
jetnrlton of the Ilow and Redly river
•nd s porion ens detached to FA -
mon.. n A. old trading centre, pert
Whoopop. near the present city of
waw first reached The
second r mien was an Old Man's river
and Fort NIcl.cod was established.
The '.dice found plenty of work with
the whiskey traders :end soon gained
the respeet art the settlers and even
the Indiana, for their fair treatment.
In 1874, a fort was established at
Calgary. t Colonel Jarvis with 4o
men. had charge of tort F•dmoston.
where a Hudson Ray fort had bees
ealahltahed eines FM i■ lift. Port
.amkato4*.wan war built, tw..ty+iz
pill.. fm.. F.dmnontnn 'lbw ware
4, 3 forts e•t•Mtdied by deal. la Irl,
tart was bt111a ed "MU *1 tiller"
Ings were soon erected and In 1881,
It was made the head quarter of the
farce for Canada with Commissioner
Perry In charge.
From 1874 until 1879, there was
not a mal molested or killed until
Constable Greybourne was murdered
by one of the Blood Indians. With
the disappearance of the bunnies.
there was almost famine among the
Indian. and the pollee bad a great
work In feeding many thousand,.
The Indiana killed the settlers' tattle
and so great did the evil become that
many of the settlers moved across
the boundary.
Early last year, the potbs fore*
bad fallen to about 600 men as the
result of drafts for the lar$..
theatres of war. Enlistments slues
have brought It up and included 1s
Dominion Police Force. Op vadoat
were extended to Include British Os -
tumble and various E•stmra pre-
vinoss. The latest pert to be estab-
lished la Barnard Harbor on Corona -
tins Gulf. This copper mine dlstrtet
t* important becatur of large deve-
lopment* Hershel Island, rowdies
the Arctic board, Is the moot north-
erly patrol.
The sir ship and airplane may he
used In the long patrol of Caaada's
Northern Hie terlend. The furthest
patrol could be covered In 16 hours
and It took the Klondyke gold seek-
ers elgbter*w zaonthe
His Royal H187.nest., the Prince of
Wales Is now honorary mmrnsadeot
of the torte which will he brought
b • strangtll,of 2.600 men. The
- •f toe force are usual', sass et
'superior odiecatl... Obey have al-
ways been of great physique. Par-
tition modem. unequalled scouts, ac-
customed to kard*klps and rough
Sue aad •ettooled l• all the arts of
diplomany. It has boot truly sold
Mat "there Is as. thing on this
planet longer than the equator acrd
that 1s re arm of Reit,... Ju.tee,
amid the tn..atd police an the MOM
wig ewlerw It' -C. G.
I rr
. 1.
Kev. 1'. M. l'am'bs(( and Mrs. Camp-
bell l'eletbrate the Anniversary.
l'her following fr The Christian
(:uarell•n of this week refers to 11
former pastor of North street Metho-
dist chars(. nod will lie read wi11.
Interest by those who remember how
and his gifted wife :
1'aMPIIEI,I.-W I1,1,IAM11.- Married
in the First Methodist ehuret'. Mt.
Thomas,. un June .Sud, 1x[11, by Rev.
William Ames, the Rev. Thomas M.
Campbell to M.ertha, daughter of
Thomas Willlaws. Esq).f 141. Timmer.
Th. bride was ,e.ttenrtt by tier sister,
Miss"f:li..0 Williams. n:Kl 31line Rally
l'ampls ll, the sister of the gruo..
while M.Msrs. .bloc CatupIwil ,anal 4'.
the gri uw lit the 't(y-
fug" oICe11. 'I'M• ceremo11y took pia_(•\•
at six u•: lee:: In the morning, and atter
a sphend:d fife iktort the happy couple
left on a shite: trip. Int their return,
they will ,settle at 4)uunville, where
Rev. Mr. Campbell -has lawn station,1
by the (conference, 41s first appoint-
ment after his ordination.
Such, -In substance, was the revel
that appeared In the press of an in-
teresting event (bit occurred half a
century since. On Tpe•ah ty evening.
Jane :clad, 1!rh0, a 11umlo•r of relatives
'aatl immediate friends assembled at the
hoose of Mr. 31111 Mrs. l'awplell, 1-Ngi.
Ring street west!Toronto, to celebrate
the golden jubilee Of this interesting
event. The worthy couple are enjoy-
ing the sunset days Of life. and have
the great pleasure of looking back upon
a mlNaterial life of great stores... Mr.
('ampIwlI's ministry was entirely spent
in The l'rovloe of Ontario, where lie
ministered to the congregations of
Merrltton, Windsor, Saruba, 1:oderich,
Owen Sountl'1.St. Marra, IeIsldsay,
ton, ('gni ,I.11turd, Saul Tra'uton. In
all these chun•hew, lig ministry re-
sulted h1 great good, while Mrs. Camp-
bell prove4l herself it tower of strength
and a 11o1.1e helper in every depart-
tuent of the church's work. Mr. Camp-
bell's exeeptire ability witr4 early
resoegnized and honer.(. All Ore Wheels
of au an.ttal Conference were'srapfed
by him. and w;tre great ability. Fail-
ing health444*.'.,i* .' ld him to seek super-
1nuuattoi futlhe move, tl.'11 yel rs since.
led. takiwz np .his reshlc•n^e hi To-
ronto, he said 21rs. ('aw;a.•l1 Ideutfticd
themselves with I'ark,ale church,
where trey have enjoyed the confidence
soil esteem of the whole .(sulci. 'Dur -
Ing the evenin.g.brief addresses were
made by Rev. W. 11..f:ralcam, itev. A.
I'. Addison, and Rev. I)r. Y g. A
tray of gold c s, the gift of the chfl-
lren and relnuie•s, w•aa presented by
"I Wo
THD3 emetic
NB answered b
aleft d whom
blind lama of
ihn _s orDr.
sempemmosa. b7
ukem, gloom/ for
foterm, do remlo.
aae.B--tYass aero s
tenon *Ski tell of
Is seder to avo4
lion or sem* form
well to gel baa ht
setabW .1 at No
Rev. Mr. Gotham. while other gifts,
Including a Imudse,we handbag for Mr'.
ereuipIi•I1, from the ladies 1Ltjkdale
Methodist church. testified TO the love
the•rishwl for these devoted serventa of
'!'here ore six surviving children:
Airs. 1 I(cv. t W. H. Graham. of Strat-
ford : Miss Edith, a missionary 1n
Japan: Mix (leve. Honey, at Sugar 11111
farm, Darlington tow114111p: -1. 21., *n
electrical engineer in Glendale. Ohlo.
111141 Mlsa Addle uud Mr. M. 1), at home.
One won:.rove years since, was called
houw to the letter laud. Of the or-
rlgttal party. beside the bride and
groom, the only one present lit the
gathering waw Mrs. Howell (row 2ll....
Emily l ttwptwll1, the bridesmaid. '111
aekm.wlerlging the geooI wishes and
gifts of those present: Mr. ars( Mrs.
lymldell spoke must feelingly. Light
refreshments were served, anti at it.
early hour the party broke tip, each
ere exprrralnethe wish that years ally
y' t le given to this honored couple to
euj.ey- the memory of a beautiful mar-
tfedi ,life.
r0 Its "Ta s on Education" The
Tort/into Globe hl(shes the following
from the University of Wisconsin Press
Itulletin and cummt.04, thereon :
"More lower 10 tpe I friends of
the country press--IIpw 1 tl.r time to
rally arouud year home pa rs and do
1 everything possible to Ins a their
weathering the pr•selit slttsr♦th The
ci,mwu,ity wit( t a newslatpe bi no
place in which to live."
There els a great truth (n `1 1..
sonuie!. The basher's work is shite
1Linked up with the work of the nettle
one cannot foil to lullu.•sn.• tile
other. 111 wavy eas's the teacher
takes a re..1 interest fu the loci) paper,
,pod from Owe to time oaks+,, r'ontri-
butlons of news au.1 articles and sug-
ge•stfo11m to the editor. 1)ti the other
hand, the paler gibes plenty of spate
to school news, :lid gladly chronicles
anything of interest to the pupils and
their hoiues. `hare time•,i the teiteher
115111111174 ❑ stIliere-ilh)tea attitude Tu the
11.4 41 41414 'p or role of complete in-
diftercuce. but this, surely, l.. not
common. Teachers everywhere should
study their responsibilities as citizen,.
and one avenue for their community
spirit Is the promotion of the welfare
of the Mini..,paper. especially at this
time when the struggle for expwren•e
on *.'mint of the scarcity 'and the
prise of t'i'er is sr intense.
A Regular stunt.
Ferguson -"I've just been reading that
the aviators today can do anything a
bird can do. Yes. sir, they've got the
thing down so fine that there isn't a bird
alive that has anything on them."
Fitzgerald-"Zatso ? Well. when you
Ste an aviator fast asleep hanging on to a
branch of a tree with one loot, then I'll
come and take a look."
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
M oasts • bz..lft
atblaseas. Sar a
Dr Chas
alive fn
DARkEI sur wNR
Bring Back its Color and twits.
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Rode.
Commis garde sags brewed tate a
heavy lea•, with sulphur sad •IeobN
addsd, bill tuts gray, streaked tied
faded halt beautifully dark and lux-
uriant MMus the sage Tea and W-
ither Welts at hem. though, 1•
troublesome. As easter way la to get
tM ready -teras pasaratio. Improved
by the addition of other lagredieet*
a large bottle, at little cent. at drug
eters& knew. as 'Mystic• gage •.d
Sulfber Cbm►eilad," tats avoldlog a
let eR mesa
Willie gray, fade4.a•ir 1• net sinful,
we all &tare to retain our youthful
atwramise *.& attrsettess as By
darkenlwg your Smile with Wy.th'•
Sage and edphur bnwpeunQ, .o one
cal tell, bemuse 1t Otos it so natural-
ly. es musty Toe Lunt dampen •
nt•nags or soft brut& with a and Irate8htn threegh your hair. 'tatting on•
.mea .,rand at a uiwa; by maritime
all gw y hales have dlsasteared. After
amt�er appllnetten err tame your hair
bse•awm heautlhrley dark, Tanta, .*ft
•.& Iuzurlant and ler •*ar altars
yseug.r Wyeth'p rte •fid Sulphur
Oe4ateuN la a d.11gbefel IMO mint -
alto ft Is not intended for the sun,
mlgltatloa or pi -avenues of Messes
-4 , ,
hep} 'California" Syrup of rigs
only -foot for the •able Califon* a
the package, thee you are sure roar
child 1. baring the beat sad most ken -
has laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its delicious fruity taste. lull
directions for child's does as each bot-
tle. 'live it without fear.
Mother! You must say `California.'
Taira1• p fiif •f halts 1t Dost(
harts MAW bstw-Belalt
its et wetlr.
Wa ars • nation of steal eaters and
war Mond is Idled with aria acid. Says •
w•l1.4aown authority, wire warns no to
be ee.ntaatly on guard against kidaq
The kldaeys do their Mtan.t to fres
the bleed' el this irritating amid, but
beams week from the overwork; they
get shoe&; the eliminative tissues dog
and the the wast* is retained in aka
bleed ter poises the entire system.
Mau pour ktdasy. Me sad feel lits
imps of testi, and you bare stinging
Was in the bank or the urine is cloudy,
fall of sediment or the bladder is irri-
table, Wiglag you to seek relief durieg
the night; what re Yaws severe head -
seise. osseous and diary spells sleepless
uses, •mid •tas•eh err in ben
w eather, got from your pbarmacise about
bat enema* of Jad Hage; take a
ful is • glass of water before
k e•eh morning mad is a Mw
days your kids ys wilI *d I. This
haasu• oats Fs made from the mid et
AZp*s and lens. jai.. esblb'ned with
f: sag ba* tow u.sd for gee•ratfi*m
M g.A am stimulate dogged kids).
M awtealka* the amid& in erne es it is
as Lager a .Duro. of Irritati.., tk.t
enotiog and d Meddler disorders.
Bails is 1iv. and cries.
W ere; snakes s deligli4fu1 .Rewe(....,
UNbi•-wader drink, anti .shady .sa MAk.
a mistake by Was. • Uw* o*.*d...lb
is hasp the kidney* elms •ai • b
This Mark
on Harvest Tools
A Small Thing to Look For
But a Big Thing to Find
Half the job hes in havingthe
right tool. If it's a Hay ork,
you want a fork that feels right.
bas the right spring and balance,
the sterling good quality that
makes the work go faster and
All Sensible Farmers Insist Upon
"GOLD MEDAL" Harvest Tools
With GOLD MEDAL Tools. you know you can de-
pend on good hard service. No wasting time because
of poor, disetive tools, in haying time. whew the
moments are precious.
Buy tools with the Gold Medal Label -and get good
steel, right temper. tough hickory, proper fit and
heft. 4
`-=-- - - For Sale by
All Furst -class Hardware Dealers
ITi• C.+.t Syi.'•UZAt4Wi[--"CITY 01 OW* - "ATI' Of IUyvALO•'
BVFPAL4-,,D•fly. May 1st to Nov. 15th -CLEVELAND
tam bTT ,.110 P. M, I Ar..Sarre Lam CAWS/LAM. • *4.00 r tL
Arrive C -1 7.30 A. M.4r� k�en�o.�.... Ten 1 Arm,.. ,•
e-,TAo - - 1.10 A.Y.
Commodore .4 C1...1..4 kr Collor hbt,FLfr-a1r D0.+,.rd •law" t+. *AMA
mora. Mama.n hta1. r CloMMI w soot for tromolorloOm on wManso.. Ai
row Wks moot or Ammer [apron Asset tor ants Tr C ■ two. Now TQM ♦...
[.m4 Tn.�wfta 1 Mr, rwavo 1tm1I, to vers not a.mdrr err `wkaal....
L -�: Alm ink f F-pys �W MINS TM °Wm Ship Swum. � � rm•lrt .i
,Tota C=.1.-
manufactured to order for any make of mill for cleaning any kind
of grain or seed. With suitable 'dewing and screening properly
arranged in nearly any ordinary fanning mill, seeds and grain of
Soy kind can be an thoroughly cleaned as be possible to clean them.
When ordering siev,s or screens due very careful to gore the
exact size needed, ■nd whet they are required to do.
Sieving nod screening sold by the square foot 1f desired. Old
farming .1111 frames rewired. l'smple4e New sieves and mimeos -
made to order.
blah orders carefully attendrsi to. -- \
Owing to location and facilities for manufacturing, I have
transferred my fanning mill supply business to the above firm.
opportnultln were females more An old lady noted for her exceptlona1
would embraee them. gifts as a gossip was conversing with a
member of the ficulty of a near-ly
House to Let
on West street
Water and all conveniences
A Qt-.LNTiTY or
Cedar Fence Posts
1k1113 -
Anchor Pods r
•••••••••••40% APtiWtolinitoOts0WWWW•Antli
coJleae_&an who la intereatd In
matters anciologlcal, when he chanced
to ninerre, rather tritely, "After ail,
Iles. Mngglna, one-half of the world,
you know. doesn't know how the other
halt Ilveet," •Yea," 'rid Mrs. Mugging,
"and Isn't It provoking 7 "-Harper's
Always at your service
with the best goods at moat
reasonable prices.