HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-15, Page 5. T $IG`1AZ .••. OODIRIOH, ONT. T1oirot.,v .1111, 171 I9,41 K Double Your Pleasure TA,KCE A KODAK—WITH--YOU----------: _.-...._.. tltllt the-fl0e—tne'atttSl`••tasa n 'ed To , •1 ny little pleasure outings are being planned and you will be seeing many thiugs you would like to remember. Why not take a Camera with you and photograph them ? They will be a continual remembrance that will afford you. great pleasure. The photographic section of our store carries a full line of Kaiaks aad Supplies. We also attend to the Devel- oping and Panting of your negatives. Our experience covers years in thus work. • Below we list our prices : t,- r. 4. 0 -,?t44 i� Al at Developing All 8 and 8 exposure films up to and including 2 <x3 •---.----t0c roll Larger film■-_ lbc roll Film Packs„304i11( 20c Film Packs,-leggersise •.-_2& Printing i 6.1as se ea. 2$x4)( ------•4c ea. . Wert k as. 111(x:41(. 5s• ea. Y)(;cog ac aa. 3%'x5,4 :x ea. WE OV & SATISFACTION CAMPBELL DRUG STORE GODERICH Next Millar's Scotch Store The Square The Luxury'ax The Government says tailored -to -measure clothes are exempt up to $60.00 ; but\a suit built of the materials we can sho)i,` you Above that price is still economy -- more so so at $90.00. Stacks of theta at $60.00, and good ones. MARTIN the' Tailor Phone 318 t Owen Bound. His limey friend* regret 1 in the game of tag that was going on that he and his faintly wlU be leaving between the Binet brothers and a man town shortly. Mr. Johnston is • of trying to score from third base. Barlow the most popular railway ottlelale on 1 got hold of the ball just as the runrter war the Grand Trunk System. His 'flow ( going to make the plunge to tally and I touched the player with such force that he couldn't say, "He never touched me." The other one was in the visitors' ninth innings. Two Zurich men were on bases and one man out, with the score 4 to 2 in the home team's favor. A two -base hit meant two runs and the score tied and the game perhaps lost. A wicked ball was batted to right field. Carrick, who was playing this position, made a dash, can ht the ball and made a pretty throw t0 Barlow at first, retiring the man who had left that bag for second. and the game was over, with the ,care still stand- ing 4 to 2 in favor of Ghderich. Seore by innings— Goderich 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0' 1-4 Zurich ....0 '2 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0=2 The following is how they lined up: Goderich—R. Bisset 3b, Johnston std, Carrick rf. W. Bisset c, Barlow lb. Wiggins p, Webb cf, Snazel 2b, Pridham 1f. Sanderson spare. Zurich—R. Hoffman Ib, Keknw 2b. C. Hoffman p. Braun c, L. Hoffman ss. Wurm 2b, Calfas cf, Siebert It, Hess rf. Umpires—Jack Wiggins, town. Earl Cooper, Clinton. appointment is one of the good stet oils uu the syr rut. fie will remove in about ten day.. Tax Rate 41 SUM.' Tile town CuuuCU Is fixing the tax rate. for 1920 at 41 mills. This com- pares with 44 mills last year and is the first reduction in the rate for ninny years. ('ota�ratulatIons: The results of 111e Faculty of Educa- tion ext.ulhlatlune for interim high retied assistants' cwrtllleatew As. an- nounced anis tlw mows of two llndr- rtett students are In the list of success- ful ones : Miss Grace M. Pinder and Mho !tete M. Worsen. A Runaway. Lawrence's• express team run away again . W eduewlay morning of this week. and In their Course around the Square came lu eoutat•t with Mr. Jas. F. Thomsln's automobile, which waw standing in trout of his store. The oar was damaged to quite au extent, having the headlights broken, and the radiator and the fenders Lent.., The 1 r os ,.wwrsuliv t ere. unhurt. Sunday Evening Outdoor Serviees" Thr first of a series of Sunday night •.iwu-air si\vies to ire held ou Sunday nights throughout the sutuwer, in the, Park- on the mare. was held last Sun• dor. A large audience enjoyed the hearty common v singing of the Gospel hymns. A strut chorus of men led Bit. singing. Uri J. F. Reyeraft de- ilvered a short. g pping (lostlel mew eagle Rev. Y. 1'. •Dermal of Knox (hunch will give the dress next Suu- day evening. St. tCfeerge's Garden Thr garden party wide of tit. (:rurxr s' 1.1111r01 from. Thursday last to F to the rale 011 Thursday. gaud attendau.e at the re ou Friday and an interesting program was given. The :. S. Hardy, Mrs. Hardy a Dora were pr rat and the 1I of making so.,u u1tlan•e with the n occupants of the rectory was a plea ant feature of the occasion. W. T. Petiolus Aute Damaged. Exeter Times : A Chevrolet es belonging to Mr. W. T. Fellow, of 0 riot, was badly damaged by ere Thursday of last week and mare visiting Mr. W. A. Hulkw•Ill. o t.rwp. and the auto was in Mr. 1 Merlll's tarn. Smoky was seen iss ng from the Tarn and investigation lowed that the car was ou fire. The Car was run out of the barn and t)f.' fire .extlu- gplshed by turning on w ter from some hose' that was on the place. The.flre started by a short ci •tilt in the start- Mr�and Mrs. Harry Knight, (>< Toronto, Id (nit caber.. Tax wi ng of the car was k h Mrs.Knight's destroyed together ith the Instrument the ausedees s deferred Fr ay. owing re waw 11 to uunds euslcal r.'a•D, Rev. arid litter .. Iss u r stint ity FII.HTIhaG FLIES AND OTHER INSECTS.— es and --other insects-- ale -slot. -only annoying but in many cases they imperil health. We have everything needed for fighting flies. mosquitoes, ants, roaches and other pests. We also have an effec- tive lotion that's sure death to insects that bother your cows. horses and other domestic animals. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Godench. Sunday Concert et Pavillon. Following is theAprogrum to Is• giren by the Lutz Seel ,y orchestra at the l'uvlliou on Sunday attermrou and evening next : Light ('avedry—Ysreh, Basket of Roses -=Selected, Perfume of the Violet —false. Ttla' Sunny Sou it—Selection. The !tills• of St. Mary's—Xylophone Solo, Expectancy—Novelette, Rpariates —Sele•tLd, The Marines—March; God Save the King. OBITUARY. '4'AcTPi.E —The news was received t week of the death or Mr. A. T. oats, which lecurrel at Spokane. 'asliingtun. on July 1st. at the age of rty-rave years. ".hick.” as be wee lo wn here. was bo in G.oderir•h. a en .ern Of -Mrs. Stueet of town and r wiy brother of His. A D. Mclean. It is escaped destruction. slfr. Petit, was fifteen years or more since be went wept. He leave( a widow and three children. 1. R. STEEL CO. 1.IM111.Il Sc to $1.00 Store Grand Opening Sale July 31st, 1920, 9 a.m. Get the little tow a nice Toy at a Special Bargain price. Our TOY DEPT. will be complete, with a toll and varied line of all kinds of Toys. Come early for choloe on our tteENINU DAY. CHEW1:. Garden Party.—I'uder the auspices of t'r.•we Meaux! tat churcla a garden party will 1a' held un July "7th at the home of Mr: trim M,•uury. Those take ing part in the program will include the Blackstone orrchestra. I:oalerieh, aunt the Gibson' orchestra. Stratford, with/Angina by Mr. John Signory -and Mi.•ss Mae Memiry, of ('rewe. Master Herba lirgl.•v, of Hamilton. and the Misses Gibson; of Stratford. and read- ings by ltev, Mr. Walden. Dungannon. Ad?Iressw will be given by clergymen of the distrl(t. Tom serred from R to N u'cls•k. Admission— adults children 2tir. KINI:S1UtID(:E. A Geed Man Gone.—In the death of John I.uug uu $UIIILly. July ith, 14 1 1 Ashfield has Is', n,c:illed upon to mourn the loss of one of Its foremost pioneers. Mr. Long ;was a plun.wr in the ,true sem a o�the word. Burn in the town- ship sl r sereoty-sue rears ago. he eoutinu.d to live h••re ever since. He I was aJilg tatter in the furmatiou of the Panty history of tie.vminnnity amt right all to his deafly was always actively interested iu all moral and so dal opu'stiults of the t�.y. His 'pin- ion on 11111 suIJe'rt was r,-stw*ti'al and his advice was often sought. Mr. l.attlii s , most striking eI1&racterlstic, b,w-ever. wise that of fearlessly defend- ing what he believe( to be right. but in a' manner that. instead of makhag enemies for him won him many warm friends. One sister. M1ss Irving. alone survives. his three brothers h:it•int prede•.'a..el him : Michael In 1DOH att., 'William and Patrick al•nut nee end six years ago. Theme_ 1lky Your favorite Ice cream soda is here. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. PERSONAL MENTION. • r Leighton S. Walker. eller son of Mr. au.d Mr. Wesley Walker. has gone to Wa� offieeP of tydrr Itrns.: furniture manor' Goes to Owen Sound. wr' t' take a prsitlun in the LOCAL TOPICS. facturerp, .rightou oras a leader among the /'timate Destitute students and will. le' greatly missed among the Alex. Mrt ll. M. JohnRom, son of Mr. A Johnston of to . and G. T. It. agent are mg a wee with d the prstrnmentx the foot - Mr. , Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Martin. Inlaid au r boards, ald tlte,4uwer part of the wiwl Miss Florence Mooney gnd Mr. D: shield. The damage will amount' to 11400ney are spending a few days at Tor - about two hundred dollars. A f onto before leaving for a two months' trip esr••••••svirvaialtsfenewia• minutes mere Hud the ear and bun to British Columbia and the Western • • would haye been destroyed. •Stater. WHAT Water Liam Ce�•badon Mr. and Mrs Nelson I'm and daughter, • ef• la n/l • jinx and t 1 ow 11 (''Ills l�•J'i ilt..1 II -7• 1 7Muo OFFICC HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1a72 'FHI's owner of a bank account enjoys the respect of his acquaintances. Opportunity conies to the man who is prepared to take advantage of it. If you are thought to have a good balance iu the bank. opportunities will be brought to you which would otherwise pass you hy. BANK OFHAMILTON Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay, Manager I� li Opinions of Great Men "No matter what may be the object of your solloitude be In cured . whether you are thinking of the maintenance of your general health, or of comfort and competence in your old age. or o1 the interests of your wife and children when sou way be young no more, or of provision for your boy when be reacbes tuature ate; or of the marriage and Wed- ding portion of your little daughter. wbom one day you hope to be a blusbtpg bride ; no sat objeht is, be Insured."—s1HA I)ICKENu, PRESENT DOLLAR VALUE HITS YOty1 RANCE ([ail the attached coupon and receive facts about Insurance most suitable to your needs Please send to Mr Address full particulars of your MUTUAL LITE Aest•IANCg W. OF married CANADA policy best suited for a single mean �1 I ani already carrying iI insuraIICC. yrs. To T. R. HARRISON I\.111%\11: t\Ir BOND 111N1k1:K VI/ 4-.1 �1rrs1• I.od,rirl,. Phan always taken an active interest in the affairs or the community. To h1s sis- ter sad other relatives the sympathy' of the community is sincerely given. .t very large cotrc,tllr.e gathered at St. Joseph's ,hunch 0n Tuesday, the 11th. to attend the fuo•r1a1 .'mhos, whli•h were c Ilicted by flee. W. A. 1k'an. e 11.1 the remains were consigned .10 earth with the tribute of the heartfelt sorrow of a-p•upie %the had _known end hail host as 111.111 of lousiness', kfOli- nes+ and truth. Stay he rest lm Wire. at Preston h many - years. has re-_ poling p1'itph•. t ceic,•d n w,ijJ u rrited promotion. fay. trig Prier e-rint.ferred -to-LMav'lk yyruud ••1st ly'1i'-'iwany Goderich /feuds will Ise pleased to note this mark of .ppre- Model Theatre PROGRAM For Weak July 19 to 24 ciation of his long t'rn9ces with the c:. T/R. A newspaper despatch frwu Pre -fon says : re: M. Johnston. agent for the G.T.H. "fir the past seventeen years, has re- _ retard the appointment of a_:1i1t at Monday and Tuesday A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. DOROTHY DALTON Raincoats IN "Lady of Red Butte" also CENTURY COMEDY "Adam and Eve A La Mode - Wednesday and Thursday Special "Exploits of the Raider Meewe" Authentic piotures of the sinking of Allied ehlps by Genian Cruser "Moewe" until she wee captured by the British Fleet lase GOLDWYN SPECIAL Eminent Authurs Production artners of the Night" Friday and Saturday SELZNiCK PICTURE" CONSTANCE TALMAGE IN "My Lady's Name" sip SUPREME COMEDY for men at a remarkable price Men's Tweed Raincoats. The coat is cut in the single- breasted style, a loose belt with buckle. Sizes 34 to 42 at $12.45 and $16.45 Mea's Fawn Raincoats. Made in single-breasted style. double -stitched, seams. Sizes 34 to 46 at $7.45 M. Robins South Site Sqsare — G•iaricit OPEN 1''.VENINGS At the meeting of the wut light ,�uue mission on Thurslll��c ave the /eugiueer gave an ewfimatcl of ser- rop- the de- in - H. rty, :agree to pay ,ervi(e (charge on fl een hursep'uwer et est for a peri( of i five' years' fro date of installs ion. whether the A.'rvk•.• is used or no . A number of applications for el "tris alit w'rvi -e were pawed. iefler from the - enernl Sulpply co. quote( a, prier of $15110 oq an ,automatic avtutrol chlorinating e'gIulp- meut\complte and installed. 1 iwas de•Ided to ask the Provincial Boa�t�t1 of Health oiilalitics Ma tits. A motion $17 9.50 as the cost of installing a or of flfu•eu horsepower to the rty• of the Goderich Flax 1'... at south end of Eldon street. It wa: eldel that eke servlet should stalled oh' ednditlon/that Mr. W Hut,iitn eu. as ownFr of the pro of Toronto, have been visiting in town • Has Been the Elperience of I Those Who Have Depended on s the Leading of the Holy Spirit ? 11 a.m. • • ■ vicinity. •• Mrs. A. G. Nisbet and Master Carey, r left last week to spend several months in • the West. - a Miss Mona Kidd, of Toledo, Ohio, is • hohdaying•at the parental home. N xth • street. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kidd and two sons, 0 .,of Montreal. have been making a holiday tot visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a Kidd. Mr. Eugene Kidd is home from Detroit for holidays. The Misses Mattie and Ricca.Cousins. et of Winnipeg. are spending holidays in s town. at Mr. and Mrs. M.1'. Monroe, of Redfield. South Dakota, are visiting in town at the a home of Mr. Monroe's brother. Mr. David • Monroe. They will go from here to L Toronto, Montreal and Quebec, returning � home in six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gagnon. of Chap- i . Ont.. were the- gueste at Wsr_and Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst for a few days. . John D. Stewart, of East street or the !tames of soave Muui- with up-to-date ehlorlmtftiitg as ikiss' intrueti Lie_ employ hake auy risk at any wtitfuu while war ug Mrs.Jo has returned home after visaing with friends at Thamesville and Detroit, BASEBALL' GOSSIP. accompanied by her sister. Miss Mary. of —. Detroit. .again Defeated it Clinton. Mrs. J. N. McKendrick and Mies Mc- KeedrIA, or Galt: ore Hitting Mends In town. Ma,t.'r WyrIlle Millar, of Toledo, 0.. is visiting Itis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. U: Millar. Miss Ilab•I foss of New York City. they re 1101 1411141,041/4,0n- any for the town: Friday last the Goderich ba-eball team ,uttered another defeat at the hands of Clinton tlalltossers, on the Clinton ,Hounds. t;odench started off like win- ners, making three runs in the first time up and shutting out their opponents : but Is s ndln July aud August ar the as the game went on our boys "couNdn t- 1w E _. stand prosperity" and at the close the VIM,' or e . score stood Clinton 13. Goderich 5, Leeis 1 • Tool• worked for Goderich and pitched good, Miss try Elliott bas returned homy ball. but his support was not up to the from the West after spending .11 mark and this was one of the reasons the iltouths %lotting ber brothersat t game was lost. g't This Is the Kist!Just to celebrate the Glorious Twelfth the Goderich team decided it was time they were showing their colors if they wanted to be recognised as a ball team. Whether it was houdooism or hard luck, before this date their victories wore wide apart. However. all this will be forgotten if the team will continue the Lima of ball well - they put up on Monday. It was played game on both sides. The pi ins of Zurich was about perfect, and •it as only by putting up good ball all the t me that Goderich succeeded in holding them down. The match was .played in the afternoon, commencing about 3.30, and one of the largest crowds seen at Agricul- tural Park in many years, when a tease - ball game was the only attraction, was present. This put new heart into the home team and some of the players were heard to say during the contest that it would be a disgrace-toMeebefore such a crowd of supporters. "Jimmy Wiggins made his first appearance in the tars this season and the manner in which he put them over was viewed with .'elight by home "fans" and Stith dismay by Zurich "rooters." in the nine inning' played he struck out nine men• and used good judgment in sizing up the batting abilities ofitach man. He was ably sup- ported behind the bat by "Bill" Bisset. who got everything there was to get We are not in the habit of mentioning the good or bad plays of individuals on the team, hut besides the two above men- tioned there were two plays that deserve Lists(anmore. Miss Mary Tom, w1R/ bas peered snw- cessfllly her third -year examinetion In inedisiht' at the l'afteeitty'iSt TOMMY. gpvi%1 ig the summer vacation at her home herr` The Mikes Beryl and firma Mon- teith, of I'otiissalnat have leen %letting .11Ls__xnd- Ing a month t"Lsit- iv this part of The Mean Cheat Who Became Geeer3us 4 0 ii 0 Young People's Meeting. 8 p.m • 7 p.m. et the hawse Leckie and an•,' tug their •r,4ut1 Ontario. Mrs. LbMe Kant of St. L.o111s, 110.. and Mr. I.ohls Wild nd sister. Miss Aunt' S'1141, of North i kota, are visit- ing their mother and list s, Gloucester Terrace: stud afro their sister and broths■ lu Stanley and Iia tach town - Mho( M. •Itutwertson. of Mega Fair, is spending her va,entlOn with 1' sis• ter. Mrs. E. Fisher, at ('arlow. She has Just returned from i1, motor through New York State le comps. with ?(r. and Mrs. L.. J. Ro1..11$0n: e,1 Nbagaa' Falls. N. Y.. risithie merry plerr. til intere"t and ape .,iotas' time In Watkins glen and the ,sur- rounding mon nt,,inous regions, Mr. H. Earl Elliott. after several years ou the staff of 1'pper t'ntad,r college. Toronto, has lakttn a position in the °Akrs of the Steel Company of ('ands at Hamilton. Ile enjoyed id - work at it. 1.. c..• bin sees hotter pros-; pert of adraneenlent In his new (,owl- 1 ties, and. as he is Die type of anung man obo Pm-veeylsl we expwl•t to herrn df 'his stesidy and•suhstantlnl enterers. Mr. Filing aloha a brief holiday et the special mention. The first was when parental home in town hsforr,,Rning to Barlow ran in from nrst hese and forted Jtamilton. 0 ENof a An vita, -ow ties Services • • \at the • it • Baptist Churc'h • Montreal Street •• • Next Sunday • • • a • • N.a•••sessmo3F•3Jts5100051 * 1. R. STEEL CO ■ 1.1►IITEII Grand Opening Sale July 31st, 1920, 9 a.m. Our NOTION DEPT. will be a real friend to the Indut- trtous Mls:, or Mrs. Every wo- man knows the necewnty of having -each Items as Needles. Pins, Tape, Dome fasteners,' Thread, Belting, Buttons etc„- _ etc., on hind at all these. Title Dept. will he complete on our OPENING DAY and it w111 pay you t0 give 1t a call. / Real Chi is something Which e pie of good taste deligI in. We want yon to come in and enjoy loohiug ov- er utlr English China whether yon intend buy- ing or not - Wedwood, Minton, Royal Doulton, Aynsley, Shelly, and the old Willow. Smith's tri Store East St. Phone 198 i _Counter Check Books at "The Signal" July 18th 5xxxxxzcxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EAST STREET GARAGE ♦ r • • r t M ' �,,a+ .= `zar. arts - K. ... ' ._.�, 4a� 1 .• .roti' AUM r f. ..a.. GILT AN Electric Vacuum Cleaner a.d maks your boau'work am and unitary. Cat out the drstiry. They sr* est .spatia ad tin lied on Cornet. G. a ik. \HYDRO STORE • NATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION a88ta1CK A • IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING BUYING A NEW CAR, LET USSHOW YOU [HE GRAY -DORY Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Columbia Dry Celts. Tires and Accessories of all kinds at prices that will save you money. Our stock is complete. GENUINE FORD PARTS FREE AIR. T. F. HOLLAND bxxxxxxxxxxnxxXXXXXXXXXXXX