HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-15, Page 44 • 4 -Thursday, July 15 1f.rA a --1 TU SIGNAL GODUMICB, OUT. -_- tier eieoalpanid them on their return ,■■„s■, ,1[■■Jilt■ • DUNGANNON. trip to 1.1 Mrs. - - -- d 1 ll i 1 on Holiday Goods es ML N. F. N HYARD isthe agent for THa SIGNAL at Dungannon. Order* left 'kith bins tor subscrip- tions, adverttse:yenta or job print- - „•D - , ing will receive prompt attention. ANDTelepboue (Goderich Rural) r39. warm Weathert AOA\NON. Thursday, July 15. Mr. Murrayaturr{uguAlur, u[ fort l'ut- loroe. who Ives Iden visiting his sister. Mrs. Harry Cowan, near Blyth. stent a few days tills week with hie cousin. Wearabies Miss Hazel Augustine. The Misses Rae and Edith Stothers motored to Toronto ou Sunday, return - lug last night. Mr. Bishop. of the Sterling Bank. has Wool or Cotton Bathing Suits isenRtchwvalred from Dttugannou to i. Boys' Sad Mens Wool Jerseys So- ciety Ynns heldmiPtiEHg onele Bibleurch lSo- Palm Beach Trousers evening. Mr. Oswald Smith. agent of the Society. gave an address illustrated Tesler' Combination Underwear with lantern views. the coll1e rate elected i for the coming year are : Sit sad tide Hosiery - le rer-"SteN I D Mr. Jus• le alellough : secretary -tress - Soft Collars urer, Mr. Wm. Molt. The Misses Sue and Lou Treleaven, cif Iuckuow, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven. Dr. Case is driving a new five -pas- , ',enter Ford car which he received last int slhttgm. Under the ausplees of the Women's Institute au illustrated lecture will Ids given In Dungannon by a repres'ut- atier of-'tbe Navy League on Thursday evening, July 2nd. Over one hundred slides will be shown. There will be Ito charge for admission Mrs. John Me•Nevin and two suns. LEEBURN. Donald and Alrx., of London. are vault- ing the lady's sister -In -Jaw, Mrs. Ed. Fowler. The Dungannon Orange Lodge cele- brated at Winghaw on the Twelfth. ROMP of our people accompanied them and others went to Goderich for the day. Mrs. Bedell. who (rad been visiting her daughter. Mrs. (Rev.' Oempbell. returned to her home at Toronto on Friday. Mrs. It. Davidson spent a tow days 1n Goderich this week. Engineer Rogers of Mitchel and several of the West Wawenush tgwn- %hip authorities were in the village surveviug for the drain which is to be run through a portion of the tillage. Yr. Robert Gibson and fatuity, of Sault • Ste. Marie, are rlsiting his mother. Mr.. Janes Gibson, of Pros - pertly. Mr. and Mrs. Mow•hruy and Mr. and lire. Thos. Staylie motored to Kitchener ou Saturday. returning Suuday. Miss Andwr_MrKtnzie left for routo un Saturday. Mr. Geo. ('ase left for He Friday t° visit his uncle. Mrs. N.. F'. {Vhyard and turned home on Saturday m ,l.ihs_vixit to the West Remember the I'reeb Negligee Shirts Straw Hats Silk Caps Etc. Walter C. Pridham PHONE 61 u' Int•:RICH ■ ■ / n ■ ■ iliim ■ 13>ll tMILLER. Tuesday. July 13. The members' of the BeumilIer and a number u( visiting brethren •t - waded public worship at the Beuwiller Methodist church ou Sunday erening, July 4th. Rev. H. F..\Kennedy.-chap- lalu of the Lodge. prerlebel' from the hest 1. Peter. chap. verse 17 : Honor all men, _Wye the brotherbooel. fur find. honor the ng." Solos were sung very aeeeptab by Mfrs Winnie Vanbtone and Y H. F. Kennedy. The pew Methodist hymn took wlU lea orad for the tient [awe by the eon - motions of ltenmiller circuit next Sunday. A cordial invitethtn is ex- tended to every family to be present next Sunday 'at the serek*. Benmiller 7 p. m., Zion 2.30 p. m. and Bethel 11 o'clock. Yr. Lorne Moore and his newly wedded bride are spending their boney- toon with the groom's relatives .and friends of this place. 4 ^'The annual meeting of the Nile • breach Bible Society will be held oat if nide", evetning of this week at lite itllt Zion Methodist churl -h. com- iaencing at ' o'clock. Mr. Milne A. Smith w•111 give an illustrate] lecture en the colporteur work of the Bible Sas defy. iee Cream SselaL-An Ile cream Nevis' will be held at North Zion church on Wednesday evening. July 21st. erm- went•ing at 7 o'clock. ler cream and cake wilt be servel at the tables. Re- freshments of various kinds will be.. served alms from a (doth. The follow- ing persone Will take part In an excel lent program which will be given iti the ehnreh: Mr. Hugh 1Vilw,u• a noted leader in song: .1 mixed quartette from Victoria street church, Godi rieh: 'feet•. F. J. Reycraft. Mrs. Hutchison. of Goderich, who *lit recite: the Smith Brothers. of Detroit : Itatrumental \musk- by aurae of the friends from Nlle. testifies " talent. Adwlsstnn ,t t - v t Tavistock friends. W. T. Riddell e received word Monday that her mother at Lloyd- winster, :flask.. bud taken a relator and left at ouoe to to with her. Mrs. Elwin Munro and children started on thbdr homeward journey ou Monday. Mr. James Webster is sporting u new Ford cur. Diamond. Jubilee.- The diamond Jubilee of Knox church, Auburn, is to be observed uu Sunday and Monday, .duly 25th. and 26th. On Sunday ser - %ices will Iw held at 10.30 a. m. and 7.311 p. m. and will le conducted by Rev. Alex. MacMillan. D. D., of To- ronto. Special music will he furnished ley tile' choir, assisted by Miss Gladys Topping of London. Ou Monday even- ing supper will be serted from 5 to 5 p. m.. after which a program will le rarritd out on the manse grounds. Musical sele•ttons will le given by Mr. Doherty. Mr. Harvey MrGe• and Sikes Topping, soloists, and. the Clinton Kiltle band 1Iueiuding the bagpipes). and addresses will le given by Rev. I)r. MacMillan. Rev. J. 1.. Small. Rev. J. It. Mann. Rev. Andrew Laing and Rev. Geo. Telford. At 5 o'ehx'k a base- ball match will be playtd tetweeen the u iiit4t"7f11911n'R `see -iit(v-lttyrtr-terr Scouts. The admissiou on Monday will Dae .73c, children 3.'k. Titis will he a unique oecailon and a large gathering le extorted. G(1DERICH TOWNSHIP. At the June meeting of the Country Women's t'lub interesting readings were given by Mrs. McEvoy, Mrs. Hass. Mrs. hell and Mrs. Andrews. Miss Elliott rendered two delightful sdus. The next meweting will Ie at the home of Mrs. Blair, Thursday. July '222nd, at 2.31) p. m. r, L.R.STEEL CO. Grand Opening Sale JULY 31st, 1920, 9 a.m. See our tine amsortment of Pic- turaa. Frames and Mirrors. and convince yoarself of the real bargains to be obtained in our '41.-, PICTURES, FRAMES and MIRRORS DEPT. Tuesday, July 13. The went her ha( betO CPI -1 favor- able for the forwera. Haying is very well advanced. Mr. James Chisholm has completed the cement foundation for a shed which hr, has been erecting on the Stewart farm and Is also startiug a foundation for the barn on the Andrews farm. Mr. Percy Stewart has finished his kitchen, which adds much to the ■p- pearanee of his home. Miss Lillian L*,titenslayer. of To- ronto. is stendi her eacattou at her To - hone herr/ - 1 'RT ALBERT. / Wednesday. July 14. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Gray and Mr. itndM Jas. McKenzie motored to Wood • eek this week. M s Viola Hoy has returned to her Rothe herr atter speuding a few mouth* CI ton. Wog . M. tlesM aR the Village. eras the g t of ILlrm Mamie Warrener, Goderich, for the week -end. . Mr. and Mr,.. Geo. 114'Kenzlr and children. of Port Albert, and Mr. Gordon Peeress') motorist In the latter's ear to W inglwm for the twelfth of July celebration held there. Mr. Thomas Dleksou and family In- tend moving to their new farm this week or next. Rev. W. It. Hawkins. of Myth. spent a clay with his relatives in the village this week. A number of the people from around here attended the big celebration at Goderich on Monday. (lar village merchant Intends serving Ice cream in cones Saturday ,eve•ning. July 17th. 'Come early anel stay late." and enjoy the refreshmentei while they lust. 0 rt re- er a two erilun garden party on July 30. A • 1 e time is ex- pelled A malicious atte night recently a premises adjol' gate and feta and set on the fire much da t was made one Mr. John Hasty's ng the village. The were soaked with oil re. A neighbor notked 1 exttuguieind 11 before age Irks dune. AUBURN. SALE -LIME. B.C. SHINGLES And • Quantity of &actor poen. '(Y. T. 0111.1,.. Ambers. \ Wednesday, July. 1•l. Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Jackxou. of fort Doren are spending their h.dlid•lys a the ill/MP of the, former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson. I \Mr. Will Taylor sports a Ford Par. Geo. Yungblut bad a tutrn-raising on The 1) nge celebration at Whigham Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Shields ha. the was well tRendeb from the surronnd- toutntrt and everything was in good ing eonntry, 1411:11,.., 1. Maxx G 'IPP Ailstiv. of I.l+hiwel, is .{ great many took in the Orange holiday!. eg et Mr. J. H. Rutherford't. (.440.: a holt Fog` 1°400 NEVER FORGET Yoe are were to need some handy remedyfor Sunburn. Insect Stings, orn Scratches, Sore Places. Zam-Buk has bee* proved to be the beat. Take a boa with ran. 50. 1,... as oeesaa ..J As. 7AM -BUK be much tough meat to cut, plentyaof sugar for your tea, and light cake )o abundance to grace the daintut as/ot this plate. We rejoice not only as Sunday. school classes but as a church. that you are not removing from out Midst but wilt stilt occupy your old position in our church life and work. Signed oo behalf of the classes. Ruler Youte, Pres. of C. E. D. J. R. VARCOE. Pres of U. W. ST. HELENS. Tuesday. July 13. -The Joynt sawmill cloud on Friday after a forty-five days run. putting out over 400110 feet of lumber. ,t..t 11..AK'a. Ml'Itl'HY.-The news of Mr. Con- way Murphy's sudden death ou Sunday morning was rearived with surprise and regret. as he was thought to be recovering from the illness which had laid him aside from his duties the last two mootha.rly Sunday morning hr got up and ent to the hack door of the house. where he wax found by his wife a few minutes later, lying dead. Death wax due to failure of the heart. which had been affected duriug his illness. Mr. Conway was a native of Gananoque sal had lived in Gode- rich about twenty years. being em- ployed with Mr. A. al. Polley and Mr. Thum. Swart,* and on the town ]other tone. He had been pollee sergeant for tbe last two years. Reside% hie wife, M. leaves two souls : Ism. of Lon- don, and John, at home. The funeral hook place Tuesday afte•rtwou. Iter. S. S. Hardy officiating. and Messrs. T. Swans, R. C. l'oetlethwaite, George lk'arow. Oliver Johnston. It. Phelan and Adam Thompson acting as pall- bearers. The interment was iu Mait- land cemetery, Thott present from nut of town were Mr. and Mrs. Inert Murphy of Loudon; Mrs. Pollock of Port Huron and Mrs: Smith of Kande. Mich.. sisters of Mrs. Murphy. and Mrs. Sweets, from California. a uier: Messrs. D. R. Marshall and E. len- ruche of Stratford and J. 11. Scott of Mitchell. BRECKENRID GE. -A familiar j figure has been removed by the death of Mr. James Breckenridge, which o' - (lured on Saturday evening at his home on the hayfield , road. Mr. Breckenridge had been in feeble health for tome years. rut was able to be *Idiot town up to the day of him death. While at the table rating lois supper on Saturday evening he wax taken with an attack of heart failure and pumas! away in a few minutes. Mr. Breckenridge was righty yeah( of age and spent almost sixty years of his life In Genlerteh. Born at (reena•k, Sentland. February 10111. iMM) (the day Quern Victoria wax marrled), be came to. Canada and to Goderich when a young man in his early twenties. For many years( he was in mercantile life. particularly for a tong period in eon- \ttec'tinn with the grocery business of the late Henry Horton. He was mar- ried in 1463 to Grace Wilson of the Huron road, who survives him, with two sods and three daughters. The {'of sons are Robert{., New Haver Gunn., and Andrew M., of l'hleugo; and the daughters, Mrs. J. F. Clarke anti m + Jees Edward. 04 Pasadena, California, and Mrs. Cuthbert Hutcltlu- *on. of Grey township. In 1913 Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge eelebrat.-d their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Hreekenridge wee a Presbyterian and some going by arta and • targe crowd going by the 4'. 1'. R. apeclaL A young eon arrived at the home of Dr. It. C. Weir on July 5th to dada parental protn•tion and assist the 1 toa•tur in his busy lifework. The Auburn Rifle flub teals organize) on Saturday night all' meeting held in the library, with Alfred Rollinson as o :t pts in. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gravenstein and children spent Sunday at Listowel vielting h r relatives. es Mr. and )Drs. C. Mogh, of Tat-ista•k, .pmt Sunday with her mother. Mrs. F;. Ynnglotttr. die. and Ito..... 1'ungltlut. of Tavls- hx k, spent Stntday with . his sister. Mlr-...laolob {Vn nee. Miss Katie 'Wag- NERVOUS MOTHERS G`aleb/red with endless rounds of duty. the tired. nervous mother generally finds in Scott's Emulsion tonic -help of rarest value. A litds of Scotts alter mewls kr a few days would do a world of good. Try III 4s,182 a awns. Toronto. Oat. ta-en tory He brother, M Mr. end . sou and Ve a few days Barbour, vel Miss Mar, fee a few w at Detroit, i Mrs. H. all Itor'with bor Murray aisI ( Mr. 14. i.n (Jratntnn. were flea, Mrftnt Mr. Melwan . Keins(s, Is vixitiiig Iwr W. L. McPherson. te. R. .1. Woods, with Wil- , Motored to Erin to spend with their daughter. Mrs. o reftirned with the•tn. a Literal and n reader of The Signal his longlife In GestP rich. I)urn in b'ft on 'titunlav throughout r holidays with friend( The funeral took phwe on Tuesday when and Ingersoll. affernooe to alaltlauel cemetery. Rev. rmay. of 1.11,•in. Is ti kis- R.. C. !Ileltermid, pastor of Knox lsterls, Mei4damees Stuart, chnreh, rundneting the srrvlees. and weron. Mr. E. C. Beadier singing a hymn. gford and family, of Thr pallbearers were Meows. Junes I[acVlctnr. Ie uJ Sturdy.'lu 9 irk -send visitors at Mr. d nd Mr. t'oulber Improving ver r mP nR y A lecture, ant hlbitJou' :will auspices of the public• hall• St. 1 of July 21. Ati taken to defray weteome. City Dairy leer c eam bricks always on band at H. T. wards'. t l% D nosh m R picture etre given under t Navy League to th elms, on the eVeill ig ver eolleetinn'vill be {lenses. Everybody CAR W. PRESENTA71014.-T - members of the C. E. D. andathe U. W. classes met at tbe home of A. r. and rs. Victor Young Tuesday evening of I week and pre- sented them with an ad • ess and a cabinet of silver, and a heautifu cake plate from the junior girl: class, of which Mrs. Young was the teacher. 1 he address was ! as follows : To Mr. and Mrs. Victor oung. Dear Victor and Bessie, Dame Rumor has so often led us astray \with wild and foolish will-o'-the-wisp tale!, that we have become very wary about springing sur -1 prises tfntil we are sure and certain that Cupid hits shot his arrow straight and the parson is about to tie a solid knot. This time, however, the little old lady was rather dilatory in announcing the fait to us. hence the reason you did not sea us heretofore, as. Sunday school classes. but tonight we have come laden down with -best wishes for many happy years of married life and, to show 1 ou we bear you no ill -will for linking our classes more closely together. we ask you to accept these gifts, trusting there will not BRING YOUR FILMS TO US FOR DE- VELOPiNG AND PRINTING --ONE DAY SERVICE. : : : } : : : • : : : FILMS TO FIT ALL CAMtRAS. H. C. DUNLOP. Wm-._ Running -•1_ _ Win. Waite and L (twen. The two tains and Mrs. Hutt-h- i/won were. house for the funeral. CAMERON.The death occurred on Monday morning last of a much re- CZE Ton are not experiment - Ing when you use Ur. Chase's l o°P menu for Eesema and Skin Irrita- tions. It relieve, at ones and gradu- al!] heals the skin. Sample ons DT. Chase's Otnimeat tree 0 you meunoa this paper and send 2c. stamp for postage. We. a Dot • all dealers or gdmanaos, Bates a Co., Umteg, Toronto t StiCE L.R. STEEL CO. 1.IMITFD) Grand Opening Sale July 31st, 1920, 9 a.m. o zur HOSIERY DEPT. von will find • full range of all kind*, stria and colors, in men's, women'* and children', footwear, gee our prf'e* and compare our qualities before buying else- where. u Phone 56 M I LLAR u 50N 11llP (1 "The Scotch Store" .0 STORE HOURS; 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. t SATUROAYS 10 P. M. Btr. JULY, A MONTH OF SPECIALS Clearance of Infants' Bonnets Fifty only Infants' Bonnets, --smartest styes some slightly soiled. Values up to $1.00. Out they go at 25e each. Clearance of Long Silk and Lisle Gloves Here is a snap -I00 pairs long Silk and Lisle Gloves in Black, Tan and Grey, (no Whites), 51.25 to 52.25 a pair. Women's Silk Poplin Dresses Six only Women's Silk Poplin Dresses, in brown, navy. black and taupe. Newest styles. Regular $20, -for $13.50. Handsome Tinsel Voiles Just received a small shipment of lovely Tinsel Voiles, the latest novel- ty. in colors of Navy, White, 'Pink .. and Sky. 40 in. wide. $2.93 a yd. Women's White Skirts, $2.50 Ten only Women's White Wash Skirts, good quality material, trimmed pockets and pearl buttons. Clearing 52.50 each. Clearance of Women's Simmer Coats Only a few %omen s Black Sum- mer Coats left, every one this season's. In Taffeta. Moire, and Silk Repp. Coats that were previously priced from $25.00 to $45.00, now $17.50 to 527.50. Women's House Dresses at $3.50 each Exceptionally large range of Wo- men's House Dresses, in extra quality Percales, light and dark shades, extra well made. sizes 36 to 46- Special at 53.50 each. White Wash Goods are most Popular Plain White Voiles, 75c, $1.00, 51.23 and 51.50 per yd. Novelty White Voiles, 75c, 51.00, 51.25 to $2.50 per yd. White Gabardines. 51.23 . and $1.50 per yd. White Piques, 75c, 51.00 sued 51.25 per yd. White Repps, 60c, 75c. 51.00 and 51.25 per yd. White Nearlinen. special. 51.00 per yd. White Handkerchief Linens, 51.00 to 52.50 per yd. 1 r MONARCH FLOSS AND MONARCH DOWN -,Immense stock of these well-known yarns now in stock. Every wanted color. Monarch Fioss, 35c per 1 -oz. ball. Monarch Down, 60e per 2 -oz. ball. McCall Pattern; are the sure way to cut the H. C. L. : . MO and Telephone Department a1 syys at your service . f PHONE Si Millars. Scotch Store . PHONE 54 swereweeseranessesosesosowsoseseaesowear st)eeted citizen of fioderl.h. in the per- 1 then fur the past twenty-two years. , The funeral took place on Welitew- son of Alexaudtr D. Guwerru. Deputy Sheriff of the county of Baron, at the t age of seventy-six years. Mr. ('um- eron's fatal illness began in January. 1lit k in the court s !1 when lie was sflt wnr house and WWI almost ,uffa'utel by 1 Besides a widow he leaves a family day isftereton front his millions., rf three : Mrs. A. H. {Nilson, of Fort William : Mrs. Margaret MacDonald. of Lneknow, and Mr. Donald Cameron. if Calgary; abet fonr Meters and three orothers : Mrs. Wm. Monk, of WIng- tam; Mrs. John Donkte:- of .Moffat; airs. John Hinglenten, of Morrtaton ]Drs. Tena Jefferson, of St. Augoatlae; Mr. Colin Cameron, of Victoria, B. C.: Mr. Pete Cameron, of A4detone, Mafi.; Mr. Dan Cameron, of Wlstonsln, U. S. fniina-si from the fumes*. and though for a time he teethed to rechder the improvement only 1 temporary. i orary. He became tdslfr'st in Starch last and suffered intense pain until near the laxt• Nr. Cameron was born at Puelinch. Wellington county. February 15th, lk44. Shortly after hie birth hie father and mother wove,) 10 West {Vawanoeh, In thin cdnnty, settling on lot 15, con. 12. but left him with his grandfather at l'uslinch until he was mix years of age, when he joined them in Wawa - 110.11. His early life in the -new IomP was ane of hardships. like that of all the pioneers. The first haeme had no doors. windows. or chimney. and the tire was hunt nn the earth floor In the centre of the rout, with the smoke lead to n hole In the roof. No land wan clearest and the only roads at first were the beaten, blitzed trail's, bat later these were widened are °ten eould be used on the Journey for groceries, etc. The nearest rewu for supplies to the early days was (Salerlch, al it eam the first to have it railway. Mr. Cam- eron used often to tell of the time his father was chased by a big black hear and all that saved his lite was his dog which would tease the bear on este side while his father would take a step or two nearer home. Ile else almost IVO it "limiter experience when one night 1e and his niotler were nut look- It,g for the crows and he COMP across it cull which looked like a pretty little dog and was about to touch it when the old beer gave n warning growl. He famed for yearn on 111a father's' homestead after growing np. and later learned the atonPntason trade. The latter he followed mostly near t.nck- now and ((t. Helens. In 154141 he mar - Hell Catherine ' Mcheren, of neer Milton. Absent twenty-four years ago he moved to Goderich and worked for Saar time on the rebuilding of the river breakwater and later he became Deputy Sheriff, holding the latter poet - The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may call in your troubles -the Plumber. We know our business and are here to terve you. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Meewlne. West Phone las Plumbing Heating Itavestreugbinge Metal Work Tr, lilt a .. l a 1 ►:-.. ' *, .• er, ,ser Cedar street, where Ai service was con - dieted by Bev. It. V." Mrferwld. The Interment was In Greenhill cemetery, Lw -know, where the burial service was r lusted by Bev. H. McCallum. The pallbearer* were Sherif Reyrle Tldnnas (Sundry, R. Phehan. James) 3Ie- inotelet,. Thomas Baird and lstttC r ° Jx r It. At l,ucknuw there suss a large gathering at the graveside of Mr. Cameron's old neiglels°•1 and friends in that Section. LIFE -BUOY TENNIS PORTING and { OUTING S -HOES We are showing • range of Life - Thirty Tennis, Sporting and Opting Shoes that will surpass anything we have yet offered and to ont- class any similar line being shown. These goods are well known for their superior wearing gnalitleu. The Brown Rover, with extra heavy *edea for boys, Is without exception the be on the market, and is mare to give aatfmtaotlon. The prices are most rea*onehle. Let se do your Shoe Repairing and have It dune right. Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich