HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-8, Page 8Thursday. July h. 1!1ltl. Special Line of Glass Vases Flower Baskets etc. Vases from 50e to S2.50 Glass Baskets $1. is $2.50 Creams and Sugars $2.50 and $ 3.00 Dainty little Butter Dishes $1.25 Salts and Peppers 65c a pair The Groceteria COR. NORTH ST. AND SQUARE Telephone 356 Everything here to make the housekeeper's work easy on the 12th Canned Soups Olives and Catsup.; Jelled Tongue, Cooked Ham, t'resawd Bee(, Bologna and Bacon Fresh Butter, Cheese and Biscuits .!arm, Canned and Fresh. Fruits of all kinds. ),Lanaial The best Teas and Coffee t.b Can be bought -- Fresh..Bread every day. 191 a loaf CASH AND CARRY H. McFADYEN OPEN EVENINGS 1_7 i J� TIW TOWN CO1 N('R, Sawed Limit fur Motor Cara under ('on,ideration.. '('he regular fleeting of the town commit was held on Friday evening. with the Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve alai ('uwa;111orN Dunlop, Mostly and Flight present. ' A letter from the county clerk stated Gist the xnwunt required this year for general county purposes was *5,40tl.we and for goal roads ,$2,N45.20 -total. The requisition from the pun If. whoa hoards is *17,300 and from the Collegiate 1pstitute hard $7.34)0. Applications for building permits are rat-ivt'd tram aro. Watson, TIN.i. is'gg and John Myers and were re- ferred to the, ere committee. A letter fro the Western Oil Refill- ing Co., tit. Catharines, stated that the shipment of read oil had Igen delayed by the switchmen's strike and it was ditgeall to say .just when the ear fur this town wpuW bo going forward; The clerk is to communicate further with the Company to set•ure more definite information as to the shipment. A letter was received froni Mrs. W. .1. Morrow stating that the residents at the owner of Waterloo street and Ilritiidnli ro.od-were wlllhyt to pay the .cost, $23, for the 4/14 of tarvta. It was de•e•idtal that) this . portion of Britannia renal be oll(d. letter from, the,.Ontario itnliwu} note Municipal Board, with regard to interest un the bonds with the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, stated that a copy of the town's ono 111(111 lea t inn Ian li'e'u for•wardtvl 11 I t he - Toronto General Trusts Corporation and all - that future emuniiliikati"tm in this matter be sent direct to the ('or - 1 ration. The council was out satis- tie•d with the hoard's "passing tit• Jack" in this fashion and instructed the clerk no ....wmunieete further. .t deputation in behalf of the i_'th of July i-i'le'bratiou was heard in sop - THE GREAT HOUSENOLA REMEDY SORES, BURNS SCALDS, F R ST- -BITES 80)15 CARBUNCLES ETC - SOLD EVERYWHER 25c -50c-$1.00-$1.25 For sale by J. A. Campbell, Druggist. )fir Ni` !lard's Ice Cream Bricks 35c. a brick Call or 'phone for one. Insist on Willard's. THE NYAL QUALITY DRUG STORE 'PHONE 19 The cream of all creams ! 24 different flavors to choose from SOLD ONLY BY J. H. LAUDER, PHM. WHITE SHOES Were never in greater demand than this year. There are various reasons for this 1st. Because of their Comfort, in that they are light, per- fectly pliable, and easy. 2nd. Because of the wide range of Styles and shapes we are showing this season, with a distinct design or model to suit every individual taste, consequently .\ . 3rd. We can Fit you, whether your feet are long and narrow, or shoat and wide, we have the correct last for you, man, woman, or child, and 4th. Because of their Economy. llee`osr goods, get &r pnoes ii►oa you will -hi -1Y here, to yewtr complete satisfaction. Ask your friends, they know. REPAIRING Sharman's Shoe Store W. REG. SHARMAN • TT • TSE RIO AIL - OODERIOE, .ONT. OPERATION WAS NOT NECESSARY Restored Her le Perfect Health 153 Pssasesw A, , Mormaut.. "Yoe these yes, ! Pilfered `reed fair r the lbw pert of my body, via eweilieg or bloating. I saw a specialst who amid I mast undergo ata operation. I ttuttfreed. , ! heard oboist esin-44Jws1 a1 dsadd to pry U. The first box gave groat relief; and I eoetinued the treament. Now my heath is excellent -I am free of pain -end I give "Fruit -a -fives" ay warmest thanks". Mme. F. GAREAU. 50o. a box, 6 for V.50, trial size las. Mall dealers or sent postpaid to. Trete-tives Limited. Ottars_ port of it twpuest that the council tle- pokit a guarantee with the railway for special trains on ,the celebration day The eowla'il, however, could not ere' Ito way clear to :act as rerluested. A joint report from the titian* and l•t'metery :and {arks committees, recbw- lueuding that POO be paid to the Aldous estate for the stable at the cem- etery. was plweunsi and adopted. no. cemetery ail parks commit tee reported 111 favor of shingling the roof of tit• pavii-ion at Hairlor Park at an estimated weds[ of abut *250, the cost to be paid tint of the accrued interest of the Charles Blake bequest. Thr finance committee passed on a large manlier of *meows. The puWc worl(s committee-rlbcom- mence'el that in nes dunce with the re - on of Engineer .le moon, the sewer. 'an Elgin tv. • at the corner it Water- loo, street and the se •er on Nelson street at corner of !'let rla atrot•t be closed to divert sewage. - The sps•1:I1 committee -re ed that the solicitor hail been lmtervi tel w•i�i reference to the proposed lulu Mal by - taw but had not yet ',Omit s1 his opinion on the legal point. invole These reports were adopted. A cowtnuuication was received- fm tlie:_rrtoi4w4.14--/!opeirrtigeitt of --Vn hI. Ttlghways, notifying the eswMdl tha the 1)Plartme•ut wins depositing in the comity registrar's office a preliminary' route plan showing the location of the read within the 'minty which is to he 1a•quirwl as it Provincial higpway. and, that such highway shall he ow•ted in the Crown 11 aand ander the evmtrol of the 1how rtiueut of Highways frow 12 o'clock noon on duly Jon, 19 '31. Thi. -t•onrwunl.wtiett wear -went to t public works committees for due et►n- sideration. ('ouM Lille Noscr brought up the mat- terr of the driving of motor ears by ynl.ug people. awl eke martyr of a speed limit was also ei.enss.rl and was re- ferred to the special committee. ltyltws Nos. I4. 15, lei and 17 were less/4i. ------- --- NO. 14 is the omni bylaw to aothbr- ize the borrowing of ncau•y to meet the half -yearly interest. 3;(.7:,0, on the On- tario %Ve•st Shore It;tilwav blonds. No. 13 eontirtus the r.eeut iucrwise in the town clerk's salary. Nus. lit and 17 are sewer eonstrnc- tion bylaws, for sewers on Regent street. from Cambridge to Oxforei. and on Elgin ■veulue, from Wellwtley • to Essex. •. This eoncluded the husintmw sat the me'eting...----- THE NEWCOMERS IN CANADA. Must Ile Given Proper i.eadership, Says Lr. loons. In ruuaectinn_. with. the Coderirh- Summer School, Rev. ('olio Young. I1.i)„ gave an atitlresa ht Knox e'hnrt•h on Wednesday evening on the subject "Work among Non -Anglo-Saxons." 1)r. Young Is in charge of this work for the Presbyterian church In Canada, and partly because lie is a Colborne tok•uship "old boy," and isiper'fally 1W- 1.14 11X0 les speaks with force and clear- ness on a subject with which perhaps no other person ix more competent to deal, he was heard with great Interest. Rev. 11r. Fletcher, of Thames Bond. presided. 111 his hntrodut'tory remarks =1r: Young spoke of Canada's war record. which hail trade the name.ot Canada kuowea throughout the world. A new tuition wax being built here, and the peoples of all the world were making their contributions to the making. Skttehtng the rapid growth of popula- tion In Canada, the speaker said that of the there million people who had come to Canada's shores in recent years over one -titled, or 1,100.000, came from eon-English-apeaking lands. Th e y (Nolle from thirty-eight countries, and ono could go Into a small tows In the West mud hear fotirtten or fifteen languages spoken. Many of these people had come to except. oppres- sion of autocracy In church and state In their native lands . The largest number of theme new- eome'rx were from the Ukraine, In Rim- . tltertInk in Pets. 400,000 Ukrain- ians had come to Canada and liurp' minutes nf• them had settled in the three Prairie I'rovinet. They were not afraid of hard. rough work, and they had gone into the wooded lands of the northern parts of Manitoba. Saskatchewan .hN Alberta --lands olden the native (7altmdians would not •uwkrtake-ft► *clear ilntd today they isomexstil the finest agricultural laud or the three Provinces. The Inde- pendent 1Mtlkholoors, the I'kralninns and the Mennonites were fine farmers 3CIPINCOUGILS THE COLBORNE STORE WE SPECIALIZE IN HOSIERY No matter what style of Hose or what color, they may be bought at this store. We carry a very large range in ah qualities from cotton, hale, fibre -silk to pure silk. These linescome in many qual- ities and the prices range from 50c to $4.75. .:,a A special in pure silk at 51.98. Every size in black and white in pure silk, regular $2.50, for $1.98. $ifor 11I-.ace98.Hose are very fashionable. A special at $1.98 in all sizes in black and white. Regular � �Children's white Hose in sizes up to 7',, at 19c a pair. About 100 pairs. Come early for " this 'r,ta�� "" , Children's Sox in all sizes and in several qualities from 35c to 50c a pair. Coats and Suits - We have a few Coats and Suits in stock and they have been reduced in price to make room for the Fall Coats, which will soon be in stock. These garments are all this season's make and are up to date in every respect. It will be a pleasure to show these garments and you will be surprised at the values. i Ginghams A very large assortment of Ginghams in all the latest patterns and color combinations. They Iare all 27 -in. wide and range in price from 35c to 65e a yd. Summer Voile Dresses - Everyone is surprised at the wonderful range of Summer Dresses which we are showing. Every size is represented in the assortment and the range of patterns and colors is wonderful. We are show- ing no two dresses alike, which makes the line very exclusive. Voile Dresses ranging in price from 112.00 to 130.00 each. Underwear - Watson's is a well-known brand and it is this line that we are carrying. Every wanted style is shown in ladies', misses' and children's, also com- binations in ladies'. __CORSETS Goddess Corsets are leaders in front -laced styles. Once worn always worn. They come in all sizes and in many qualities. They range in price from $2.50 up. D. & A. Corsets are always leaders in value. workmanship and durability. We carry a very, large range of these garments, ranging in price from 11.25 to $6.00 a pair. J. H. COLBORNE & CO THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY ap- pearance pearance of that country and today were reaping the reward of their toil in magnificent crops. Ur. Young told some Of the (►W World history of the I'kniiu' ns. Fur centuries they had kept hack he Tar- tar hordes ala else would hal over- run Europe. They bad develo 1 a great educational system, but when a hundred years ago they were ten- quereml ,and their land taken over by the Muscovite Government the school,[. had Men eM+trl and the (!reek church had lien imposed upon the people. They had not forgotten their history. however, roil uo people were more noxious in -title new country to seize the opportunity of giving their children an edaeetlon. The Ukrainian ehlldren were attending the ech.ots of the West in greet numhers and were making sot ' hing progress. There were twice ate many 'r!Atdrrn-ot_rmtr-ttrtttWtr birth as of British birth in Saskatchewan. and In twenty years they would ite l'Ithfen, exercising the franchise and would rrmtrol many constituencies with their votes. How Important it was that they should he taught that the foundation of British life is the Gospel of Chrbtt ! If they were not so taught, the Old World difficulties would remain and the Balkan situa- tion would hes reproduced in our West- ern country. An attempt had !Weil made ly some of the leaders of the t kr:alnian people i8 F.tn►dlsh a nnflorml ehnn•h aid n shot system of their own and to keep them a separate people. -These plans• however, were not making progress. That 1'krainians, said 1►r. Young, ere intensely religious, and the Protestant -hirers of ('ands had not given them the leadership they should have. The Innxt Ilrgellf need was of Christian school te'ac'hers to go into the northern parts of the three Prairie Provinces' to be lenders In the various communities. It was through the children the people oust be saved. There was a need, tot, of Christian farmers to go and take up land among these people and show them how to live; and there was a need of yonng men to go among them as misslolarit's of the Gospel. n and they_brd chaR the whole LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. • The catalpas in the Square are in bloom and are particularly beautiful this year. The Great War Veterans' rooms. corner North street and the Square, will be open July 12th as rest rooms for ladies and children, and all are invited to make use of them. The Thursday evening band concert on the Square is much appreciated by the town,peopte and by visitor!.. Seats in the Square are at a premium while the bapd is playing. The Wednesday half -holiday this week was wet and cold. The weather man might have more consideration for the holiday-makers : but the farmers need the rain and there is a Farmers' Govern- ment in control now At the meeting of the board of health on Monday the secretary reported that the collection of garbage had been com- menced with eleven places to collect from. The collection is made twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. ic Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds up-to-date for Telephones, Burglar Alarms, Police Patrol and Fire Alarm Systems. rt'rivato Residences and Business Plaices -a specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Electric Irons, Toasters. Geula, Fans• Vacn toners, Washing Machines, aa6lights a n d Batteries of all ds always on band. \.i Ring up 62 or 193 and have ua give you an estimate on your wiring. It will bo done gbt. Robt. Tait West Street Nest Posofhu Phones -Shop 32, Howe 193 aansmnmma The Symbolism of the Solitaire When he places on your finger a solitaire diamond it means you are the one somas among mil- lions for him. The diamond signifies purity, rarity, value, permanency, the enduring qual- ities of head, heart and band. Our store is headquarters for Diamonds. E. Go ROBERTSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Corner East St. and Square Goderich, Ontario NEW ISSUE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 6'1. COLD BONDS Due 15th June, 1930. Price 1100 and Accrued Interest T. R. Harrison PHONE 3I WENT mutt.? QODLRiCN. General Insurance Busi- ness Transacted. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES : Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course ,and arranges Special Courses for students. THE Fo1.1.oWING ADVANTAGES : Highly Qualified Teachieg Stag nctuat Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests IF'cisitions Guaranteed Vocational Training School , for this district, by Goverameot appointment, and under lai apection by Soldiers' Civil Ile-establisbmeat Department. " For Terms, etc , write . _.-..__. 13. P'. WARD, M. A. 87EN11, R. A-, M. Aceta., Cao. Specialist, Medal Viae-Priedpal Phone Ue, Clinton School Opens Wednesday, Septembs`e Tat, MOO