HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-8, Page 7Beat selected leaf—
Skillfully manufactured—Delicious flavor—
Ever fresh and lasting
••— GODZ1.10$ OJT.
est daughter ofo Mr. and Mrs. Francis',
Graham of that city. Was united in mar.
riage to Freitag J. Bok, sun of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Bok u( Masham. The newly -
wedded couple will reside at London,
The residence of James Fox, druggist
has been purchased by Walter A. Lowry.
Mr. Fox and family may remove to
Toronto. The business in Brussels will
be retained, however, and will be under
charge 'of Mr. Fux and his son Stewart,
I alternately.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thoms-in.
Brussels, on June 29th, when their sister,
Margaret Sttwart hlacLauchlin, was
united in marriage to Ambrose R. Z late,
of St. Catharines, the ceremony being
conducted by Rev. A. J. Mann. After t
trip up the Great Lakes the young coupla-
will make their home at St Catharines,
where Mr. Za fe is manager of a branch
ot the R,va Bank.
Loral Agents—Dunlop'. Drug Store. I,
At an open meeting of the Western
—*sleepless nights, constant
sneezing, streaming eyes,
wheezy breathing :—
/ .•
July A. 19•2n
• •
e •
• •
• Summer Suits! •
• •
• •
brings relief. PIA up in cap-
sules, easily swallowed. Sold by • •
reliable druggists for a dollar. •
Ask our agents or sencicanl for •
free sample to Templeton's, 1411
King St. W., Toronto. Agents, i gh
Toronto and Hamilton drug-
gists. as ' •
Star Lodge, No. 149, I. U. 0. F.. at which ••••..--.
a large company was present, veterans' fli
jewels were presented to eight of the Phelan. of lily th. The ceremony was ger-
brethren: W. H. Kerr, A.' Mc(..uire, W.C,firmed by the bride's cousin. Rev. Father ,\
Smith, S. Wilton. R. G. Wilson (London), (Nlajor) McCarthy. of *tsatford. Mr.
D. C. Rosa. R. Johnston (Toronto) and and Mrs. Phelan left on the afternoon
W. A. Grewar. A musical program was L,
othertrainon the rs.trip a and
t Saginaw, hagtiriae tar'n
, rNeltiucrh.. and
given and Past Provincial Noble Grand
Coupland, of St. Marys. gave a tine r.aside at High -
address. The marriage took place in St. Joseph's
church Monday morning. Juneln. of A Oil •
Minnie. daughter of the late James Rey -1
maids and ot Mrs. Reynolds of Hullett
township. and Mr. Thomas Connor. o
Mothers who keep a box of Baby's ()Ng' Kitchener. 1 he ceremony was the solemn
Tablets in the house may (eel that the high Masi. Reg. Father Hogan being
' lives of their little ones are reasonably celebrant of the mass, tt, v. Father Moran i
safe during the hot weather. Stomach °f 91, Angustine;deaccn, and Rev. Father
Save the Children.
1 'J. H Cantelom gho I,a I been accitunt- troubles. cholera infantum and diarrhoea McRae of Goderich, sub deacon. 1 he
Made to Your Order
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
• • -\ - •
•••e•••••• •••••••••••••••
l• ant in -the Moign,s- Bank at gnsal the carry,..off thousands of little ones egery bride wore a tandtotneswedding gown of •
A memoi,a1 tablet in hn=Sergeant hand to give promptly. Baby's Own terns. The hrlde-smaid n Nliss
;Mist Yew'. has been transfeir- to Lick- summer. in mina cases c ' bronze crepe de chine and carried
. now.. . mother does nct have a safe medicide at a bouquet •of Ophelia ruses and
' T bl t relieve these troubles. or if Riven • Annie McDonald of Goderich. cousin
1 church., their ceming on:
nc ally to the welt child w'll prevent t e ri e,
ets are- -
, Percy barnsoss. whu was Ari
— ThavnernInaced-inklae-Ceenit44441-114410-1--C smn •-• isr,,—,-irockui_blue guile with --black lilt arid
anteed by aygovernment analyst t carried red roses. Little- Nliss Tootsie
last ,, absolutely harmless even to the new0r$ and Master ReYnolds, niece and
Mrs 'GeorgClark died Wednesday ot
nephew tif the hnrie. were. flower -girl and
week at the !untie of her s,
babe, They are especially good in summer
I Jacob Ziegler. 13th ctingession of Crey. in
becau.e they regulate the bowels and keep g:ge. Mr. E. Reynolds of Wingham was
J It Reynolds played
bet se :eitlY-141`11h -the stomach sweet and pure. Tney are
• he .eddn •4c and NIrs Leo %%Kitty
Mrs. John Dougherty,12th c hy medicine dealers or hy mail at
AI t mediatels
ceasen beglast. fail. died at tli Mane of cine co Br k lie Ont.
cent's a box from the Dr. Wifliarns Medi- , of Goderich Ir. rnus m
I after the ceremony Mr:add Mrs. O'Con- =—
,j ( jr,y t)tt% mhin. WK(Se husband . Ade- '
her daughter, 'Mrs. -Da . achan. of nor left bv motor (or Stratford, taking =
0 i that town' 'pon June.” She was in.: 1 the train from there' for a honeymotn. a-
, ___ .._-
CLINTON. : trip. On their return they will reside in , -='7,-
At Si. Bo 4 clinch. Zurich. on Misp.. B F. Ward and M. A. Stone, Kitchener. ' Among thoSe from a distance
} her eighty -t h year.
Tuesday of ,1jtweek, Nliss Nlartina of the Clinton School 0: Cornmerce, left i who were present fbr the wedding were , -.--
I Regie:-. (taught of Mrs. .lreptl ftegier, last. week for Ocean Grove. N. J.. where , Misses Jeesie and Anne N1cDonald and
---1-44lie-Goshen li e. wassinisedinm riage MISS Ward's [pother has a cottage for the I Mrs. W bitty. Goderigh. and Misses Mar- =.=.
' garet and Josie-Connori of Detroit. The s'S
--Why Live with Cracked Walls and Ceilings
When They're Easily_ Covorcd Up
Beaver Board will cover them up for all dm and you'll never have die
job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the doom
of falling plaster it is covering up old dingy wall paper on walla sag
ceilings and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decorating.
fibm of the spruce tree.. Each panel la
treated with the patented &white pro-
em which prevents warping.• Intl
need to build or re -build, restos* ft
enlarge ask us how you will profit *
using Beaver Board.
Mrs. Islaxime D'nomle f Blake. ,Tbe.
Mr. anti Mrs. IV. Eagleson and family ,lbride was the recipient of many handsome .—
to Edmund 1. I nonne. son ,-1 . r. and summer.
ceremony was per
St roeder. •
A wedding took p
30, Olive Nlyrtle, da
Mrs. Wm. -Sims,
Gordon Hunter. son o
Simon tinnier._ oL_Vitb
t3aker performed- the
young couple will reside
farm in Usborre.
. i —
visiting Mts. Eagleson s father, lames .
ce at the `,1etbodist , Stevens of town. Mr. Eag:eson's parents I .t Triplicate Charge Slip.
n Wednesday,4tme; at Bayfield and other friends in this ,
hter of Sir. and ' vicinity. It is several years since they Mi:rell.iiirs who insptire n tripitr•ute
ing the bride of ' visited in Ontario. Charge :44) to comply with the 'itigiwy
- Mr. and ' Mrs. Wednesday morning of last week, at i tax" mpg10M. should can tip The
no. Rev. C. W. St. Joseph's church. the marriage was ' Signal. %Vlach ' can supply the cornsl
enlon7:7-The solemnizedKof Miss Mary. daughter off tirtne---mrtde- .ty--the-
ormed by Rev. Father of Aberdeen. South Dakota. have bren
. ii•mm.
the greeee's Mr. and Mrs. John Carbert, to James cheek took `firm in the enuntry.
The unveiling of the sold smemorii.I1
erected by the township of Stanley in1
honor of its sons who fell in the great war I
took place at Varna on June 2dth.. Reeve
Elliott prided and Col. '(ombe of
Clinton gave an address in which he
sketched the great engagements which
the Canadians took part. Rev. (Capt.)
M,-Kegney. of Clinton, performed the
ded,cation and gave an address. Addresses
were given also by Capt. Turi of Toronto,
representing the G. W. V. A., Rev. .
Aitkintof • Kipnen, Rev. A. Macfarlane of
Bayfield, and Rev. Mr. Weston of Varna ,
Mr. Wethey has been ge-engaged as
principal n( the Exeter High School at a
alary of 12.200.
Magistrate Sanders imposed a fine of \
$10 and costs on Clarence Kestle for \
reckless motor driving and gave -warning
that in future cases $50 would be the tine.
W. A. Gregory, of North Battleford,
Sask.. and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Oakes, of
Chicago, have been visiting at the home
of Mrs. T. Gregory.
Dr Claire Jory Wond, son of Mr. aid
. Frank Woodof-Exeter, was married
at Shelburne on June 19th to Mary Enid,
daughter of Dr. J. C. and Mrs. Frank.
The young couple will reside at Illyth.
• Miss Lily M. Carr, who hes returned
to Toronto after spending holidays -at her
home here. has been appointed superin-
tendent (.1 Italian mission work at
Montreal. her duties to commence in
Dr. Guest has gone to Walkerville
where he will practise his profession.Dr
Calder. of Wingham. has leased the office
rnserly o cupied by,Dr. Guest and will
visit Blyth once a week.
kt the annual meeting of the subscrib-
ers of Blyth Telephone Co. Dr. W. J.
Mine, John Ellis and John Fingland
were appointed as members of the board
of commissioners Lr the current year.
Whileout shooting with two companions
a Young son of Dan. Nash. Hawn -he's
met with a serious rrushap. While he
was exploring the working of the rifle it
dischirged unexpectedly and the bullet
struck him in the left foot. The ankle
bone wait sorhetvhst stratttred and the
bullet lodged in *e foot, whence it was
extracted the next lac. It g ill he some
time before the' young led will t,e able to
use the foot.
John McCluskc:y, of McKillop, -met
with what might have been a very serious
accident on Main street last week. He
was at the Royal hotel corner waiting for
a load of logs to pans so that he could cross
the street. When the wagon passed he
stepped out behind it and right in front
of a car coming round the corner. He
was knocked down and run over by the
car, but fortunately it was going slowly
and was a befit one. He was able to pick
himself up, but will likely feel theeffecs
of the accident forsworn, days.
Miss Whyte, until recently nn the
Wingham High School staff, has ace* pted
a position on the staff of the North Bay
Collegiate Institute.
The marriage took pace on Wednesday
of last week of Miss Ruby ()live Kerr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, of
I Wingham, to J. F. McCallum of Milton.
The marriage took place 'on Thtn—ZZ
June 17, at Penticton. B. C., of Burville
Dayton Griffin, of Winghern. and Miss
Gladys Guernsey, daughter of, Mr. and
Mn. Herbert Guernsey. Penticton. The
young couple will reside at Penticton.
In St. Mary's church. London, on Julie
17th, Miss Lillian Irene Graham, young -
Many an old homestead has been revived
(with this knotless, crackle's manufactured
lumber. Room after room has been made
over—one at a time if you please—with-
out MUSS or litter.
Slaver Board 'is real lumber. It is built
alp into larze panels from the strong, pure
TheGoderich Planing Mills, La
P. 0. Box 18 Goderich. Ontario Phone 47
$3.75 s•-
These attare selected from
our regul stock rind show
pretty colo combiriations and
up-to-date st
MISS1V1. R. mAoticAR
ffill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111i RA
The Way to the Wes
7. Lvo. TORONTO (Union Station)
9.15 P.M.
Sun. Mon.W.d. Fr1,—01nasilan National all the way.
Toot. Thurs. Sat.—Vla NT.. T. & Ooehras• therms G. N. Ric
Tinketa and full Informatims from t Canadian National
liallerays' *gnat.
•r Sonora! Passenger ospartinest. Toronto.
Iladerstrlal Department Toreat• .id Vflanlaug "all 'welsh full oartlsalata
ermaesIseg lead le trommia Gaeasla imasisme Me form&g Eh, elluir porpoom.
Canadian National Railwaqs
It is Dangerous to Use Counterfeit
Y allowing your garage man to use imitation parts in
repairing your car you not only invite repeated re s air
bills and more serious breakdowns you actually en n -
but ger your own life and the lives of others.
\ connection withlhe steerhtg control -are liable to
serious nature.
-You Risk Your Life When you Use
Imitation Spindles
in a receht test the tensile strength
of the genuine Ford Vin'adium
Steel tindlWriirtri was found-to-ber-
over 100% more than that of the pounds per square inch, and
counterfeit machine steel part. an elasti • limit of 200,000 pounds.
The anns were submitted to shock,. Every gc tuine Ford spring Is tested
and the counterfeit arm broke in thc fa,tory. Front springs are
— - at_ulling force equivalent subjected to a pressure of ,850
to 11,425 pounds applied to a cross section. pounds:tittle fatigue test the avers:Olen-
The same pulling force applied to a corres- uine spring will stand 60.000 strokes belore
ponding cross section of a genuine Ford breaking. Rear springs are subjected taNa
spindle arm did not even change its original pressure of 2000 pounds and the average
size or shape. In order to separate the genuine genuine spring will absorb 40,000 strokes
spindle arm it was necessary to apply a pulling before breaking.
force of 25,000 pounds.
Imitation springs are generally made of car -
The spindle arm is one of the vital parts en- bon steel having a tensile strength of only
tering into the control of a car, and by using 130,000 pounds per square inch and an elastic
spurious parts in such places, Ford owners are limit of only 115;000 pounds. In ordinary
risking lives and property. service they sow flatten out.
You are merely. protecting yourself and avoidins; re] latedrepair bills when --
you demand genuine Ford parts5
use accidents of a ver
Genu t Ford Springs versus
ImitatiU Springs
Genuine Ford fron nd rear springs
are made of Vanadium spring steel
having a tensile strength of 210,000_
Only Genuine -1W Parts Van be rue with Safety
Look for
the Sign
P. J. MacEwan, Dealer, Goderich, Ont.
40 •