HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-8, Page 6SUFFERING OF THE "WHEEL RIGS"
OU NC WomEN Life mStoryti ofe,hiarehhal.. ‘1‘,11.1.0,14I•olil of
Remembers with Regret.
Thistetter Tells How It May
be Overcome—All-Mothers
Toronto, Ont. - "1 have suffered in
I was a school girl with phin in my left
growing worse each
'1* ar until I was all
run down. 1 am a
children's nurse.and
I was so bad at timed
that 1 was unfit for ,
work. 1 tried sev-
eral doctors and pa-
tent medicine. but
was only relieved for
a short time. Some
of thedoetorswanted
perform an oper-
ation. ut tny father 1.bjkcted. Finally
1 learned through my mother of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corepound,
and how tharfitful 1 am that I tried it.
an relieved from pein. and cramos,
and f I as if it has *rived my life. YlAl
41,1441er-to help other worfien.
as 1 am 1y too'gtad to recommend the
neselicirte -*-JEAN Enter, 42 Illamford
Ave. Turn to, Ont.
who e troubled an Miss Kent
was shOuld im ediately seek restoration
to health -by ta1ing Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com nd
Those who .nee special advice may
write to Lydia E. ptjham Medicine Co.
(confidential), Lynn, Nas. These let tett
will be opened, read ai answered by a
woman and held in str confidence.
The fellukeetory is from The To-
ronto Star Weekly . atel will lenitive
Godertels readers of..^ 'this' towe's
ist iistrial vie tires, thio
Wheel Rigs company It W4/1 on the
strength ••f ilarshall It. Lloyfithe relin-
e' thin 444 11 menu( icturer that Ifeideriele.
put rii4.000 into that eoncern and ha-
ll IV/41 Mil It...Willis 11111 A 1141 11 10114 1 1 111MS
.1g.p1.**.t1,. rapital. most of it Welt
n :or lost.
' (11d -time proverbs about rolling
stones_ gatheting_itounpin ristiiire ..n•••
vlsien in the light of romautie ea-
reene like Ilia! of Mereliall fluters
1.1loyil. sof M.atimilliee. Mit+.
-Jest .ier forty ,41:1-1`44 -1411 lt. . WAS
dragging •et • boys -waivin full ef soap
behind leak rind peibilifig its eoutents
.0 Terme., heck C doors! Toiley he Is
oweer of a *Whin -41011N r WA !aurae -
'lulu:: Plant akt this sold his f• "reign
' dee! right: In numerous itiv,iiiiens
tor 'ore.: -olfour ittues that aluautit.
Reared. oil' au 'citil ‘4.410 ti I'M neer
Meaford. point. Lloyd. left -1: ,t et
an 1.1 I134 age 14 Assist nisi tenter In
a. ,Iiiiighemill. Here lie intro Mein'
his first -ilieetition- iii il\shape of
eevetnendis for' houses al I barns.
141nie . - Shde from 7••••star„ poles,"
i• T1Tneefentile- otweed • L.,4.. M44 sad
spilt. atilt ‚.4,4111 the centrism ewed.
Nierolutli It. e.t tip in litednese \We a.
1 fish volteon,li. spearing ids 0..1.
I froth'. Iii 4!,'' 1:;•••rislan key imil-sel
' it frets e ii lieelieenier in e 'mils,.
- •
house' varars: A )011 /In 111.1i toot-
titeeltriti -lore ra411,rettll 'dint OtI the
,O;t1.• 1.t.r if I 110 laistressti,Toonto
:lie 111,,j.110.r hi. 11 1 41,14,,
1 ilt• 14.1 ah.•,,,t. of tit inip,rovial • !Aires
A•fleltering \off,' r..„411
NIA eielhOyei per in otilli.
to.rd 'light the Isor to
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver., and bowels
\ \
' \
Accept "California- • imp of Figi
onle-loek fur the peek California 00
oh. then you ere _sure
eat1 havini the best eel meet
oo••••••••-• • • .440 0.-.•••• - _
Ah 1 What r* liefl Your clogged Doe-
r, the air passages of
and you can breathe
aehe, drriessc-n.
night, yoer cote
Get asmall
from your
tie of this
Apply Cream in Nostrils Ti
Open t p Alr Panama&
trite °pee right -
your head are cle
freely. No nitwit
mucous discharge,
struggling for breath
or (eternises gone _
Don't stay stilted up
bottle of Ely's. Cream Ila
drugrifitsnow. .Apply a I
fragrant. antiseptic cream in,,your nos-
trils, let it penetrate through every,air
pseaffp (.1 the head; soothe ad heal
the swollen. inflamed mucous me nine,
giving you instant relief. .,xes
Ely'a _, in
Rahn is just what every cold ancree-
tarrh sufferer has been seekbig. 41*
just splendid.
less laxative Or physie'for the . little
e tord.igh. liv.gf. Land howehe
love 4,1 teste. rtill DRINK MORE WATER
direet*tin fee Phi dose on eacli
tie Give it, *withou fear.
Muggier! 'You nine eny
Use the Old-time Sage Tea and
Sulphur and Nobody.
\ Will know.
Gray hair, `however handsome, de-
ride* Afttainehtg age. - Mt knew
the advantages 'of a youthful appear -
Tour heir Is your chnrm. it
m• akes or mars the face. When It
fades. turns gray and looks streaked.
just a few applications of Rage Tea -
and Jitephur enhances its appearance
a hundred -fold. • \
lKither prepare the rect. at home or
get from any' drug ato e a bottle of
alryeth'ai Sage and flitlphur Com-
poutd," "kWh merely the old-time
recipe Improved by the eddition of
e thrr intredients. Thousands of folka
rcenremend this ready-to-uW prepare,
tion;lbecaliee it darken. the hair beau-
tifuV. besides, no one can possibly
tell. as it darkens so naturally and
Tou moisten a Pennies Or enft
trii,h with It, drawing this through
the hair, taking one small- atrainut
a time. Hy morning the graynoir
disapoemrs; after another applIcation
or two. ftti gstural color Is restored
And It heconfes thick, Wow and lime
. trolls, and eon appear years younger.
isWveth's Sage and Sulphur Com-
pound is a delightful toilet requisate.
It le nct Intended for the cure. miti-
gation or prevention of disease.
Eat leis meat and take Salts for Back.
ache or Bladder trouble -
Neutralizes acids
tree sera in meat excites the klciners,
they became overworked; get sluggish,
ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The
11 rvir becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri-
tated. and you may be obliged to seek re-
lief two or three times during the night.
When the kidoeys clog you must help
theuteflualt offethe body's urinous wan*
'or you'll bs real sick person shortly.
At first yonteel a dull misery in the kid-
ney remen, you suffer from barieschs,
sick headache, dimities*, stomach gets
sour, tongue coated and ynu feel rheu-
matic twinges when the weather is bed.
Eat less meal, drink lots of water;
also get. from any ph armaeiqt four ounces -
of Jed Salta; take a tablespoonful
in a glans of water before breakfast
for a few days andyour kidneys will
then act fine. This farrfoun salts is made
from. the acid of grapes an•I lemon juice.
combined with lithia, and bas been UAWd
for generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity.
also to neutralize the acids in urine, ea
it no longer is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
,Tad Salta is inexpensive, cannot hie
jurc; makes a delightful effervescent
titbit -water drink which everyone should
take nevi and then to keep the kidney�
clean and active. Drugeista here say
they eell Iota of Jed Salto to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble.
Girls! Your hair needs a little "flandcrine"—that's ail I When
it becomes lifelese, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
'pears, or your hair falls out, a 35 -cent bottle of delightful,
'oependable "flanderine" from any store, will save your hair,
also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick ha,k, too.
Two Notable Canadians
Two notehle Caned:an& were made honorary
.umbers of the Canadian Institute of Civil Engineers
W the annual meeting of the lasetute recently held
in Montreal. Lord Shaughnessy. the Chairman of the
Comedian Pacific Railway. and Sir Joho Keenedy,
the dean of Cataada'sengineering profession. Al-
though Lord Shaughnessy la not a profeaslonal en-
gtneer, and therefore could not become a regular
member of the Instleite, he was made an honorary
member, in view of his distinguished career as the
bead of the Canadian Pacific R,ailway. In wt eh p0,! -
lion for many years he has been. Intimatel: connect-
ed with engineering. and probablYs. employed mere
engineers than any man in Canada. 'he
For the presentation there wee mite• moat
dletingtrtsbed zatherines of en:: neers aeon • ' '-
real in a long t!me. The presentation we- . • •
Mr Walter J. Francis, the retiring president tee
Inetituteeend ac the two veteran Creediane recoved
their badges- they were greeted with prolonged ap-
A singular honor was bestowed upon them. with
the presentation, of solid gold badges of the Inentute.
,whieh were exact iepkicas of that presented to the
Prince of Wales. When the Prinee was in Montreal
Isiet year he ronsenteel to become an honorary mem-
bet of the Engineer**. Institute, and in honor of the
. eventpeepecial had_ge w struck. pgraved with the
cresteof the Institute tail the •Prinee's name on
bade Since then ten More of these gold badges
bave struck from thti sain. die. and ten hon-
orary mnrs' Planed 'and pres-ented with these
golden reseekeloweatettnif Peineetteitedvn
Shauthnetiey atid,Sfr John,Kennrtiv will find thom-
selves Intfig:1!iittifilitel company such as their own
attainmerts arrent.
The ten p MIL.ar_earica_cit_the JrOlden hider et
honorary men ership ln the. _to -nerving !melee •
eniversity. Verily a. galaxy of distineuished me*
with whom even such citizens as Lord Shaugtnesay '.
and Sir John Kennedy may well feel 'honored to be
Prolotied applause greeted the two new htlE191'.. .
ary members as Preeldent Walter 4. Fraassie pinned -
the golden bodged rn their lapels. a note of pathos
being added by the fact .that Sir John Kennedy
will never see his. his eyeeteht -.having completely
tailed him during the past' nitinher of years.
. The applause was reared ,u 0a, Lord Shawls- o
net's,' rove to rep;y. The CI:airman of tka Cenedlear
Pa- fie raid that althotiA-Eo cou'Al notviahn the
1 oner of heing an enginee.4 hilt way yNkr. as
Prmiident of the C. P. R. Ited hrcii-Olt hint ht4o
yyry intimate relattosts with that prat:elem.- .,,..
"I- have, Probet,ty terg;0--eg more eng.,nEers or .....,
var'oun itirarn il.....n irr' man In C:nada" said 'His
ler-leil'is, "pd I have &heal! 11..d • the hlelvest •
r, 7 't Pr' t» Metric -Ts of the pi'ofe.isien. and -
never found them, brittk their trust. In' engineer -
Mg matters I always repent entirely upon their ,
expert advice, and the Careedien Pacific was never
the loser for it Of eouree there were mistakes.
made during the C. veers, but • both were Jointly
the P. R. eirl net Mks the blame
un to the unglneere. bet w. no, te 'work to profit
by any mistakes made -and there Werf-hot many.*
In conclurion Lord Shautrenessy made brief ree
Terence to the eneroachment of years, which ICA .
Leo:I-hi a new President to the Canadian Paclic,
Mr. tl. W. --Beatty. -Ile fate -Hart-kr-a* ,.. obatetiry-
he would not have many yearn to wear the golden
badge of his honorary mentbership of the En' -neer -
Ing Institute. but that. h, tf•ott'al always 'treasure
thi4eith ride:anti a warns aratitude for the honor
upthr--ertre--- -4 , -- -
811' John Kennedy. who ei't rith his ol4 friend.
Lord Shies:Or-so/. also r•:•de a hrier response:
H. snolie of he tennorrane of the engineering pro.'
terser*, e.eeee.^441.4y.*-04. tiptoftidirig-41-41- Pecan add
detc!ep'n-: -retirtry rach As ihe Dneen'en. In fact
h.... entutidered,that the prol--lis et Cart -ria end Lists r .
Ede- neement of the en:int...ler; e,-orr-,e'.en 'we•••• nn •
tee:rote' lime- As Dr:.n e f . the 7s•Afeiitdon he re-:
eree el ei.e v"-itof the Prone. of. \tales fehe late
Xing I'd"rionil to iTanelten 111,1(01. when the Print',
had stertei the .ftre hurl -ere teteop 1*' Cansde. end he,
at a )mthe engineer, et ts,e szn.e eeea.-.:cn had the
or nt startine the iiceor.d
terar'retry„....letect_ACIZI1 _hearty et:teem'
Lertl traanghneseY and Str 'John tlennedy.
Venetia are R. H. the P
Dem, the n ace of Dee-e.hire
-Gen-oal IT II eto !?1,1•0 ,11' r,
preceded the Dille. el Devreethire as Creesteor c.....-
eral. 11-1-heeeral 'lli7 Peres. ,hreel, r•har. ede
he fame en reie ay wnrk „wit l'Itehenee On e
Serielrin `. l- Gon-ce ,A•ixit4tel rreeley. F c \ere.
London Er hlene. the Earl nf .lte.- een iinri"lo- ex-
Govere ':-.7,e1Mrr.' Dr. Frenk_ - -- ef IthrlilT:
EndLereltY, klide Dr. W. Hodgson Mil:. cf Toion'o
e of Wets, TT'
r tit
Toronto, tt•
plops. tii
at • -led Y4411110.
It111.1111 111111. 1M11,1
leee. NIc.kle.
isl 'lite store. lids tiii
-1.-..ette. ht. bly,t4
tlie rity. It wits a me when Julia
wee. soiree. a lei rtI it anif•ft SIF
rt....1111er Ittt,t11t4WW 1i1Stie Eaoree
the tor Fortune.
*t11)1 Ills Lest Money he 1 light n
st.e•k •4111 1/. Itern.whie a
hey'. wegeit set OW 40 4: tier
- - -
BUYIPAL0o4-.Dally. May let to Nov. 15th -CLEVELAND
Uwe SPWALo ow..? P. *4. !Asia, • Law CtiseLmai . 0-00 P
Arrive C ISO A. M. STAND/AD TIM* AMP* 111111•Aw - 710*.
Coaneotieree el Clooelead for Cedar Point, Pet-irs-Rer, Toledo, D.0..t gsfale. Relarend
tweet* madman tote/men the elo and leverand ars good ur tranenurtas s, on oar Warner& Aek
year demi &reel or Amurusen Laws. Agant for tsket• •.a C 11 L.V. Now Tuwee Auto-
reobik Sete -COM Round erfth days r.turr, halt, forte...el exceeding 1:7 in. storNaoe.
beeutrfully colored eeetsreel puss*. Arra of The Greet St .p bk.En1•141,14X sent so ‚.004( 404
g•• rent. A k for cs -Pait• ;materiel and drip 1.0 hai4014A ffr4.
11. Clematood & Buffalo
( Ireeke
ono Great .
.sexAmttis 1.
langeeriiid sent easily
gareetoger tttAT'in r entailed
wafers uf Sloop*,
eopority. 1Soblineenrogent.
1 •
Eking your tread -worn tuts to us
and IM us retread them fur you ant
get an extra 2.000 to 3,000extra
('ut of tires that are practically
worthless. or let us reline your tore,
which will stretiethin it 50 per cent.
\ Tires repaired in the proper time by
sur prowess will PaY histecit reining.
t us eialltill* yolr tires. II we
. iitot save your buying a new t week
o oil a pretty bad 041C.
`o Tires, Tuhei, Accesooies.
11 1 WaKon St;
u.• °PRnd
tv '....,
lofting a Owe. of ground he %toured ''*"..51"11. "Ille• instead or Ilainfilint_ orlm.
in option .ni the ylor.tichie
lt he *4)151 111" 141.$,..:V: 1 111• price of lily oval., paid
at a profit of 411:10. •Witli tide money In" fin Liberellih-
he deemed a real estate iitliee and '4 r. l•lord ims Mayor 4.f M•• -
when he disidcd to pull out ii( Wintil- lounio'h. for terms. fie inrnelln....f
- he. took %vial JAW/ $1 5.15N). ••,1 111:4 11) 1111 1/rOV Plan 14110 political
- Lloyd's next eerelS was es a l'olteti /1"ver4n"."! "tat ... 4 -Milirti--- an
lisA1/61J, ..12011. that pe 4ggligegL_ "1:171,1PUPV" 1.1ovii. a i4tue that rlisic
re' I* her:one'. an eme
John 1.. Meikle store
reset. on the ennier of
• south 44, 4'01-
o ho hod at Of
44 ii-ga-i4c -re
to Port AeZnm%,..busis.
••I tote the women felt sorry
me Issmit. 1 was so •,raall:' said
4,10x.4-4e-tt -44.tervkaver.
**They tem t enough temp to' lent
I heal Ih4lO WIWI.. 1 k11/1 14*
145*'',JIM.. II 111 11 ,1,, th,sl1gIIt 1 11311 101111
to insurance. fine flay lie stood "rin-k ,in4 l'' whhTr Ile P-`,SPTIO' UT
Watehttle IW., ,t.. -t, WI Islet weigh Resin l.""n". 1. ^
emote!' for emit a Job rine he meant- . The iiiittereEetert.
*dyke_ Ile 1.1.,r_iihnl.that '.110 Ind II W dr.
1 11/41,* EV1.111,41 A Nee 1*. a nil 1t;* a iciest _
that CII a.... ,,t id. inhor in two, temperance Orator -"When the rich.
a blit f'ksip I t 114 alioman was in hell -fire. what did he risk for ?
/lentil !). he
ufludure his new 1111Vekt
thin, I,nt httblIy WA.. he meter way
hefore a disahtems fire cleaned him
Witliont nimbi be iieeepted a po-
tion 71. 11 shoe salesman.
he invention Of a wire wee vita
line for maltliM, dour 'and table
the I 'White Manufacturing Co.,
Of .M1 ea twills._ roots on Illak 113K
.bahy eft •iniCtle. A later invent lou
to Ariake I syringe end mann-moo
this reeopt -4.1'nl'fbrit lie was tilde.
to buy .011 11 prettier and change'
HIP 1111 1111. of the firm io the Lloyd
Maimfactiitifer t The sale of his
patent rights lu to ben reunifies put.
the eoneenTOrTiiin d basis.
I It her successful n vent Ions fol-
lowed. nnil fifteen ari• ego the
1,1oyd plant it 145 remove to Menem -
thee. MIrh.. where it Is nitv *entre.
11 was here that Mr. 1.1o) brought
out a new lime*. nhd- notehl .ry for
ma k frig steel tithing. The ati Jaw -
inanition er Pittsburg turned own
the 1 11V1.111 1011 tI4 -crazy. hut tl.
4)1)151 the Inventor many tlionnende
drillers for using his method.
Mr. Lleyits most famous discovery
is been to weave wk-ker lathy cer-
riage*. Ali III V,`11,14,11 t'. -111P11 110 re-
fereed $1,1010,1501. foul for tI*, 5 'Ping -
Mein, Australian. New 'Zeeland end
Iteitisli rights of which he received
The new I.1•011 Intim enn weave n
lathy earring,. In any desired sheep
pr contovir in fifteen minutes. Pm -
• Indy It took it hand weever 4541 1.11-
1Tre day to perform the Fame work.
Now. one 11.010 110P. the work of thirty
weavers. Tice mttput of the plant 1174S
1/14.11 m•reased by 000 per rent. and
the, number .of employee* only 25 per
ei-nr. The floor spare of the plant hes
not keen added to, Mit a great new
factory has Mien erte-ted for the weav-
ing of wicker furniture.
Speeking of hie early etrugglesi in
Toronto, Mr. Lloyd said :
"I was too Miry In thole-. days In
'eke In very lasting Improodons of
my phyeleiti serrourellnge. I cell re
call but little (Weil of Toronto NA I
knew it then. The town wee a good
one and live for its mhos. I doubt very
e melt If 1 should he able to reeegnixe
‚.'noir lino My of trebly with the To-
ronto of no/ boyhood mtritegles. I al -
w.47' toned the people rery generous
This was particularly true of tbe
until the.millenium.
Having fie fixed fentlillien to he-.
come a soap baron. young pedlar
nest milled at tootton, to cheap
il•feelry. , With OUP Ilf 1114 Alsip !MAPS.
fir it platform and arrilial.With it tray
•if glittering near genes and trinkets.
he startled Yong.. 1411, 441111 lite phi -
"W1.11, sir. 11 W11 • 11 great 1.111•1 er11411
(1PC111 1'141 Mr. 1.14.y51. end 1114 t •
.1.1.1111.11 10 i Ina 1. l,:1 nothing in
Ills t1111101014'111 amazingly stievenefttl
1.,1 veer lute given him the se M4.
11P-11 nfl-/IIIIVII-ti)1.•.11itit, piy0114
that he esperieneed when he awoke
the flown -town 011111P11 forty years it ,
"yelling like blue niiirili•r -to tirade
his own plirese--atell linsoeiten
tsI earrings like hot waffle...
'I saved iffle-flf my 0111 soap buten
beeline, I wan 50' 5111111 tlint I had to
•stem! on einnelleng in order to, be
hoard," explained.
"Ill never forget that first day In
the 'Jewelry Inisinees. My small figure.
high-pitchee voice flutelike the stage
fright, end queer aialie MOOD attests -Mil
a crowd. Before *eying a word I
pulled out my hendkerellief anti 'per-
formed •i few gimp* tricks. I prom -
10111 to ,Io HIP greatest trick ever
known after 1 hatriiirld * few Meese
of Jewelry, but we all forgot about
the (anions trick, long before 1 wee
through selling. I had a speelel line
of alleged poetry for my goods, and
one plirese that I mall Wall : '11 ren
present thin 10 pen. TPA Ilf•fle She will
never trete Dim for another feller "
when tiiixinege In the city showed
slum. of slackening, the young owe-
eitent,,lieught a horse and brw, and
cn flied the good work itito the conn -
try 'lintel, Is tither lines of member',
dine were grittily/illy added and the
it Welling itinerary finally tended the
pettier at Port Arthur. Here he lwe
CAMP mall earriet ith n train of
dogs A11,1 A oleigh No a sII Then
he trailed hie weteh for it re limed
ticket to Winnipeg. Arriving there
without funds leseeerted an a welter
In an hotel. Acting on a tip con -
Did he ask for whiskey ' No He asked
orwarer. Wtiatttbertliat-sttorr
Voice-"lt shows where the teetctakrs
Phi'osophy of a blockhead: "If you
wouel look mortice you must never
Constipation Cured
By Christian Science
Seventy five people out of one
hundred can be cured by Christian
Science methods, which proves tke
great power of the Mind 01,14r the
Digestive Apparatus and the fre-
quency of Nervousness as a cause of
When these methods foil
Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills
are recommended. They are purely
vegetable and do not Gripe or Ir-
ritate; many people have found them
excellent for Headache, Dizziness,
Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of
Appetite, Indigestion. Gas on the
liltomach, and many other write that
are due tek Cementation.
Where there la Extreme Nervous-
ness and you are "all non down" and
"tire safely" 11 -would to Just as well
to take ,
Hacking's 'Heart and Nerve Remedy
along with Abes.e P111S. This com-
bination goon well together and res-
ide:ores the good boatel) of your
younger days The Ileart action be-
comes ist-irmal, the Nerves take on
new lAife, Power and Vigor and the
"human machine" becomes full of
"pep" and ettality.
' If yon are tired ef sickness and
have WM the Power. Ability and
Nerve Inwea to de your deify work
and your Nerves are all Shattered
Jim give these two Remedies a trial
and we will prialtIvety guarantee
renotte. Oo bo nine dealer
to -day and ask ?or Heekingia, ard do
not take any other kind few tf yem'
yon will be fooled eight at the
start and you will not mot tAre meet,
that we guarantee. Heaktni'ai Lkslt
liarking'to Reatedlee are osid Golle,
rich by J. A. Cooleolk HnHISIE
The Western -Fair
Sept.11th to 18th
Johnny j. Jones Exposition on the Midway.
Auto Poly, Music, Fireworks. Two Special -Events
" Daily. Exhibits of all kinds. -
General Admission ,:;0c. Children X.- ,4„,1 SI.O0
Ail information feel* the heel 1
A miperstitious individuataaYn it is a
bad sign to v rite another man's name on
a note.
House to Let
on West street
Water and all conveniences
Cedar Fence Posts
Anchor Posts
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