HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-8, Page 3m SIGNAL d0D11111011t ONT. Thursday, July 8, 1f10- 3 Stiffness Ith lr quickly Y a mint ad& moo sad Gives \l . Mn.A.R fa1441,1 Pah A.. , . .nt'wvineb dlW „rd Mel, . *ltt Iryueh. J.rtet 1. maul.goad . rdour- ton fee a 4r dour- tOw on and .nr t . THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL By Ian Duneli Mn r,.d )ohms. R. 714. Thorold. not— ... *..d•ery ru.4 .ulnareayweml lace a.. vaar► w anonale «viewe r'ta boos. r imp's =' f" ::"t'i'ara' .. who owe Ter tester I can vont r„hout .• ••.e .V my lar. ta ..d rhet ...law M,na,d, L�,ume.t aa.e old ramal petpla 'shwa blame. a. 11.4 when re MINARD'S King of Pain LINIMENT Yarmouth Now $c tea Ottawa, July _'.--sir ItuI.ert Borden has rt'..Ig'or1. I.eaderleee, the former I'nlnnlat !Wily, now the Nation 1. Lib- eral and Conservative party, east's its eyes allow In search of a ,bepherd. That .hole., at present, appears to Ile between two 'mu. Dedhctlou brines that probability down to Due. Within a short thine, possibly a week, the Irow of the leader w111 Ile announc- ed. Retwe'e•u now and thou there will !14• muel' c,ujesetire and guesswork. Hon. Nt'wtou ‘Vesley Howell, I're-1 deut of the l'rtyy 1'ouln•il. has ale- °'Mt1ed 'to milt the !'ntou Government. HIa friend's in the tarty are pleasing hint to .tae. He 1444 proclaimed to eurrault Wel LOW :d-1'utuui4t friends 1a 4lntaHU *114 1* guided by their wishes. The pMtslbilltlas are that he will atlek with the 1411111 until another sturtu or IN's have I*..0 weather*' - 41141 then dr..l out. The elolce of a leader le the grant issue facing , •the new party. 'I'We, names are uientiontd: Hon. Arthur Metgheu, Minister of the hiterior, and Sir Tln.lulas %VII RP, former Min- ister of Fltwne...' The funnier has uany „Stimuli: —a Mi many esiemles. roma loath within .4 m1 without the (' duet wires and tr111gs are ls- 1 pelllwl on his -half. tot the otic hand. if he Ire to be leader. It slim t Is• r•nle: ohertal that hole mus at the "rums, when it was decided to ceneees ('4e meu.herw 41411 Sena- tors, 'tin. ',take a plait and telegraphs' ' vole si( their rheic,. 11:►y1 they f:4- vorp,1 Tb•lghen. I1 seems togieal that they would hate spw,ken 1,1 caucus. 1111e1 removed any' uncertain y- IIDICAL. DR. GEO. HEILEMANN. OS'1EO i/ FA1 h, gestalts, in 11( Ire r. d t#,Wrrn .IMnt s, mutt , ahrana Ka brit woe dilates. ey *or, rote s ad 111 oat, motel deafness. tombs' sed rheumenc condition. Adenoids remove without the and,. Circe at residence. cane Velma end 111. Andrew's streets. At hone odic Wanda'.. 1Funds), and 'atedayI, ar.y treats by teppetntment. £RCTIOMRRR. THOMAS GUN1 RY AUC IUNEEK. hs R. Godericb. AU instructions Mt st Sraa.IU6te .,II be promptly asides.. Itltl.h0(e 1141. Sir Thames White i;4W s Pima/Illy. ttnst x:1,400.4117, also that 'other Mh11.1Pra wished to get toot :111,4 lltteudlrl to ettalwe the eho.lig or the sewlou as 11w time for ',getting from under." The Premier, Retirement. vill pn iably total half a down or 140. 'l'11e Goverutuent's majority Is new redueesl to about 28. 441 the t'u- Midst member's, there are S►r Her- bert Awes. lirr kids/rant Kemp, Dun- lop, ltrlstol, IHeplrnrk, amt etre or two others whore a1,aPte•4.4 from the House are more worked thou tlwlr artendawy. Take away these fire or six, lout boli a dozen trau4ferrd to the !Ahern, column, which would count the ,ww4 an twice as many votes agahtst the Goveruwcut. and the majority Is nut worth attempting to -get hy" with. It i,i not hard to see ' that the Government way One night fair a situatiuu where It is Isatin :old Torii to the ly,untry, rf- 4414 rine-. of 4410 may 110 chosen as lender. The Tariff Polley. The newly -constituted party's tar-. 111 platform3s already been tuft - The hu lined: TIs that it will catch both Liberal and l'ouservatire totes, but tlutt plitforll was well knowv to H'elglir• Bte•hamin, !lacteal' and the others who now threaten to leave the party. before they ,made their 11a't•I$1uu. The nunslgawithin of 411e Iwo wings of the party looks more like fusion than ,sset thou, and the chancre are that stutterer l.ineral- Unlonist4 shay with the bandwagon will be simply ,1 walluw'el up in the entity. The u.•it 4W days. we'ks *tut mouths w•I be full of intro -ming de- velopment , ,' aha .ardor has wound up. if not exactly lar a Mtge of glary, at leriet 111 a flurry of P7rcitemeet. For the last few Brays• there 1,114 Isr11 ev(deu- c,4 of ",.....net him; doing." It alas geti•rally asswirtetl, *moue those in 1 troch with the podltl'n1 situation.I (haat whru the Hlouw• prm.roguell.. 141r' Hobert (tor11+•u would announce a ill( decision ro sever his cwulleti.,, with I ;wilt -teal life•There.. were_ b1ub1..{ DID NOT TBINK IT WAS POSSIBLE. !lily Parrett Couldn't Believe Iledl- eine l'ould IID What Tanlac Did For Her. "For four months before taking Tarlac I was inmost an absolute .reek, but now 1 am well and 4tronllaga4u,"sa44 miss Mal le Parent, of 1307 Sure D.me street East, Mistreat. when seen by the Tanlac representative at her home recently. 'For a long while 1 have suffered from indigestion. After eating I had the sensation of a big lump in the pot al my stomach arid I would be seised with such spells of nervous coughing that 1 could not retain my food and wou d almost suffocate. 1 had spells of dizziness wben pay eye -fight became so affected that 1 seemed to be standing ina cloud of smoke. My circulation was very poor and when- ever 1 went out in.the cold my fingers would become numbed and as white and cold as marble. 1 finally lost all desire or10011a possibl)rbe. 1 had to sit or he down most of the day and was almost afraid to cross the room by mysell for tear l would' (all. My joints used'to get so stiff that I was afraid 1 should lo -e the use of them alto- gether. At night when I did have a chance for a little rest my sleep was disturbed by the most dreadful night• mares. "It was father who read in the papers the remarkable way Tanlac was helping people and one day he brought a bottle for me.. 1 never would have believed. it possible for a medicine to do shat Tanlachas done for me. Why. very soon1 had a surprisingly big appetite and could eat meals that I never thought I should ever touch. 1 sem found that I coufl digest my food perfecta). 100 longer suffered from the cold when going out and my sleep at night is as restful) as .a child's. I never thought I should be s4 strong as 1 am today, .and instead of d' Issuing to bnaaueffsaa I am able C4 work t4Ir TIII04als 11 ite 1141* at*t he 0111 aro /sour back. lie d 1 out attend the • caucus, On Hid then by mit,« land. in the mdgrt abate tads - aUeodad to slum he a t lea t 4114 ce (111' Ilfrr 1r that if a st lug. par • -was welt what risnai ,ed LEGAL. G. CAMERON. K. C. BARRIS- T�" t, ee4rutmr. nous y puha . Ubp toe Street (.odmal., thud door from 1 rum lunar to Was at 404141,1 retia. D C. HAI'S, 11. BARRISI ER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Oboe- Steel.ne� Hantr Bkake Hamilton bused Gsdm,ch. 'telephone nd 1w Estate, Loans and Insurance. PROLDFOO1 KILLORAIM & CC'OKE . souCIToks." JIJOTAtUd§ * PUBLIC. ETC. ��oag�as tkr1pore. **send,duot bola nodal 1.' reru4 14a'.see d that tt�h�ej� Malrssl.Godmlcb. h*s 1141 1(141*' for Nyti-elf' $S nivel* loads to be* at lowest raw Hfue. t,Nrt+th•r out u the two wings 4 there need not 1 (o find u leader. Aartue•11. and a pin form laid drown w'titrtl. 4t 1s Ili, 111'}• w•i14 satisfy With 1.II*i'al Steil 4',l vvatirewings: further. (he Prime (('Is `.114..11 Im•rr•.,s1•11' aJsa114001 their minds .!!4111 t rran►Jt rue( 'able. The resign. tInu Miid*:4•r nrries with it tions of the members of The most 1Jkely thing cabinet wilt be lassoed oidium rattlie . than by the \ Introduc- tion, of ..)gym n•_ gaatert*t. BI Iwmier (ken has bsen.\sloke* it, pt it most., await ' tills the 1'uluulst port a 1.•1141thy 4wm1r• The party hasher* f nl'te 41's *71114('7 JI*'tP ' ha VP Wfore today. n Is Merit - the 4'rlwr the rssigna- ( nhIu,t. that the Ill front W. Paroarro r. ti.. C.. - J.L. 1UttosAII H.J. D. Copia. New Skidoo Likely CHARLES GARROW LL. B BAR - (J KIS1 RR, anurn+y solicitor. etc., l.oianrcb. �sssy lwasd at lowest rates. t The poslelbWtit. 01 4111 elertlo tIiI fall are being disc(1s,ba*1 , Kerb sly. 0 disco u , +•t IArr. ,•r In N 1 l Glsr 1 4 Kr I I after an4ssmmw•Ia4t his s(1'{Isaluaui..ra• t SEALER, BAR itIS7 ER, SOL then 4w''h-4kn'11'41 the Mew. \Hitt. twv 1C/TUR, outcrppubhc andconveymlat. tltelesa. the writer ha* aasat1 nut111 oder __= 111* opinion. previously expn+wleml Cont Hoare. G ab. ,sn "m in the very reeelt events to "11.1 INSURAIICR. LOAIt8 STC. 'brae Idle'. s, that t nor, \wu,*l 1111 re a .change to ',peak lwfori� am.. other session. 'the Guvt•runtent 'm.•J..rtty will\ be further re1uee11 W41'11 ID' xV1'ar11i- ren fo .• •ts o A. h..lala u14tmw lbw t inter Minister Without portfolio., will\ apply f .r a salt 1111wn141 the Liberally. So alai wwill W. A. Bu"iuinati (T.c bridge' and meters] others. These MCKILI.OP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- Di al townprop- erty O and isolated ANCie.(:O.-Panna Dt d era Insured. �ers-Jp- Connolly, Pm., Godersch P. 0 ; ass Lvaa. Vice -Pres., beechwood P. U.; Thomas III- Halm. Sec.-Tress.,Sealath P.U. Directors–D. Y. .tcGtega, R, R. No. a• Sea- tinb; John G. Grieve. Nu. 4, W alt0n; Welham La R R. No. 2._ 'catwth; John Bennewlea• Brod en: Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. S. Sea- setb; Obert Fern Harlrak; Malcolm 111e - an+, Clinton; Jamn�vane, Beechwood; James Cowaoliy, Goiter lc h. Aaen4*: J. W. Yeo, Goderich; A4es. Leitch, 1Z. R No. 1, Clinton; W dh■m Chesney, Sealorth' a Hinckley. Swink th. Parlay -holders can pay all yne4l• and set the.. cards rece.peed at R. J. army, Konionises saes Clinton: (.odel.c� min J IH. 'Genera Store. Bsyhod. phe3 Bros. lite Leading Funeral Direttorl and Embalmers Orders carefully a nded to at all boors, nlgbt or day. OODERiOH Yon Can't Blaine Abr. Prospective Bridegroom (in furnitur atop)—"Three prices make me give up all thought of marriage. I now realize it'll be cheaper to let her sue me for breach of promise." See our select stock of Ladies' Whitewear with the new pointed effects. Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. / Remember that we have re- moved to a new stand on the south side of Square. Give us a call. Miss S. Noble South Side Square –r "tills loose omit 'tile a tens• oti ,�o- minion IMy was looked forwardwto Tunlae a odd In (;.wle:ach by 1'. R. for a Iona time, Nletithers professed d i WJy;I*. and . ehel 'leading druggist io tins:- they know sue bine 'af'Sir Role ov ry town ert's intentions: tliat as announce- ment of his Me)1em.'nt whidd take tww by .rurprlrr. They wafttel hits to day and (May tImught he iia4 go - lug tl, 110 so._ but it world have ` been per• holly fatal within a reason hie ti . To have mine against the 41 - rice of Ills physienuni wouhl in a moll:\/11i4y 114 VP (114114111 71117 KIr Hat w' 4'),1114 t.. 144.nth \ goof h yea. to almost f robust H T11e Ilio gtv41 hlnl IiIteltt'y other sisters. I can now take my share of attending to the younger r,nes. Many of my relatives and friends .have tried Tanlac and are all enthusiastic 1 about it. No one who has not used it can have an idea what a remarkable medicine it 441 " their 11111111S 4101011 while the closing was good.Masses far the Sinners. J.a14ctut gave rather an amusing schedule hl explaining how 11e Mend- ed to distribute the extra $1,500 which received. eceived. The P1111114.11/1of 1.apral- rle and Napl•rvllle were to receive $31w1 each: the agrleultur l sowlelles another stated summand thou there Was telt dollars keit which wee "to lie paid over to have masses raid for Ole sinners in the house of l'utu- mons and Senate." 1111 second thought, Nits. l,auctot admitted that pt'tllwblr the whole Amu of $1.:100 would out ((N for ''rough masses 10 n4114'11111,, crowd. tn Board of ('omeree Matters. '1'h,• Board of 4'umworee Isunhshell proved to be rather a "did tead art ." 1tt- stic:a ging a whole evening. which Was to have been replete. with herr .11t.ieks 414 the Government for its handling. or mishandling. of the situation in regard to profiteering. the debate might almost have lama; ye slimmed up in the haeknel pliraw• which declares that '.4 pleasant eve- lihig was had,. . 11ou. Mackenzie King read James Nl11rd/h•k's list of' 4hln'44' alagainst the Goverrlw(ut 11111' declared thew the most damning that eo111,1 ' lucre 11.11 brought .a( 41((4st nay •admiuis- t•atoEither I. tier the thoveruml'nt must hold au .110-e•*tiguti,u of the- whole' matter. :end prove Murdock 'Tight or wrong, 1,r I1 wast restunder ' lo' sus- picion of these , runnel's ham,.trod rml tin•ref-ore--at1atiswl'rit/44', 'flit" 4 ,,4'erumeut. however, 0.IS In- 1•t1w•d . to 11,/ neither, Its 141101:1,110.114eelarel there wits not a s4se4 charge *hien conal be Invest h stel and that If such spe,•ittl'- chug. were wade, an Investigation won 1*' •W(,'.ileeh Fnrtlrr, it w•as 1 111101 11:1I for 4 4V.l'hwl•Ilt d (rs baler In appointing amt 1111.11447 s (4111,swpu•nt 11.10/1111/o his were not Chir eahle to those whoappointedhim('4lairnlau of the board. rd. The (4(4(0sition •firebrands were held .off. Instead iia helm: allowed to rush forth in numbers :mad vent their wrath. 114• S1140:1011 IS (lint they were told that hr 410111g /.1 111141'. w011111 114• del/13-.111g prorogation, and. turtw•r. that by allow'llg the evening to pass w•ithont too man7 fireworks they would tor helping 14t4,, iloverllrert11 along if its: inhaleIon mus r), ter the Hoard of (',imulercr• Kilda gracefully fist of e':f*t•uee. Neither the (-hare., our' the result of' theul/)w*re very t'r,ngrtlwentilry to the uduliui14trllloo asmite' Ha t4 111d, se, here is bad +I' 1141111111111W in the mouths of the 1111[- 111117P consumers who mut pay the shot` where• '41,e Heard of ('onluw•nr was 111111111e Ill prevent' lultatluu art prices. a would tarry on -- and thea •Isnot•,' ills return !roily. Ilea he lull been apparently' i41 11th. but Iherp were evbden- .ese who 11.44w an him daily hent*•#. r essrs. Not he was not the Esdsraew Related Through. ' ire of earlier Jaye.' _' 'lire-lnl Tress Of Hie Ta4T Wtv"k- of w• And OH' (*mule)- .w111 the sr, 1.,ii.was of 1111• usual order. 1* due, 11.' was a leader Millionsof 4101111111 of esliutates Wali III the part', in the Mouse *nil In the honied- thr),nith with but little 14o- coulttry. Ii\ the Commons Le. low- the. 'flet Ulla/-'Ir•s whfrh :the- I:uv- urwl head n td shoulders above thins"! eminent Insisted ill putting through afro worked With him. More than all: tit,., Hoose W1.111 through. and the 7114411e nrorl o! 11114 ethers stood on the rioter pala•r until Mr. Government of a the ' last moment.ail were then waw 6311 Ili Maks shay ruthlessly- ,4 t1+T 44:,Mee t111',algfle saea1Kh111 (hey 111:1.4' 1.,' ell. 1,111 for n yt of hie (Iwo 4'ulition, the present they are as (thud as Ilio ter- pinna 'I 5.r type - to tell of h i' mer- its'the stress Of OPV TO d' :� COME i w 1T,h• " III as hP rinse st. 411.' 10111 (IP . ia1 Ilter,•sts w"r• never rnusilt•re. : Ida -every at"• tion anti-ltlonitld woos for 1'1111341.1. .\t times,' Sir It.ds•I< ui.lc have Me14 4w1rel froto his Jndglw•rtls I,y thus)• srbuud Ido; for he was riot n 111/11(1- 1.111 II 111 Nle ,i,•ns41 th:lt 1110 word is geni•relly 1114.41.' r,n,*Il,. ilii 1lnnor )1iO4 Its the most nnhh• (it her tear 'lie Ir,'Id tin. 1 the e,lte heal/! 1 belligerent hat before the .t our. and the Ie There a writers), than rl(ve to .hemi-.. Atter a hearty meal, you'll avoid that stuffy feeling if you chew a stick of Further debatt',on the 'anadl n N\'h41at Hoard- imrftt4lt. forth the an- nomnrmOnt that the b. i'II (4.1,1(14 shortly,vay an per rent. oar the parr- rieiewtiun 1i,ktts, 1'I 's would 4.' '•41(4.11 111 at least .Ill "i4s per bushel ' and wont(' be pit 411 1,11 or :fitter Jilly 1:.. The 1.1114was amended 141., third NERVOUS TROUBLES proverbial Ilforua hl, 'The isfwa1MM1' diet tlist9l•hye'i!\ its fi- nal reading. ns 4114 the 'Rev -emit. Act to peril*':1nr til' luxury taxa' nl; Other benefits: to teeth. breath. appetite, nerves. That's a good deal to get for 5 cents! Sealed Tiitht—Kept Right ft11C � • r a�•• —The FiavorLasts=- to m:tie11 1n fool. (11.111 .\ngnst \\1:i• • -191. Mr.. 4'r1l'ar urged Ihar If the Government were going to oleeitr u -1 cbo.*0 es -hang. 11 world 111 Mb .-- fort. the opening of the emit year leo that there 1vnn14 nut 1101111 114' 1Ile mixup through Open 'buying hiding al- lowed for a few .Isles rule. J,A,. Broil.. a n,ill.'r tr,:ns 411110ln - • 1111) r1'...14µ,?+: fuel control vested In . _thought the fat niers ono 'profit - Senate amendments to various b Is were 014 P11 rora'n rrenee: the rani dlau Wheat Board hill v.'a.' given H mr4 ?UL the inward or it'ilw•uc 1'uwmissiou• ret rim 11sr c. u•', snl•r\1.houldlear'. "r. tisk inspection hill, Civil !terrify twit' lo ill t .1 hiii i+ of the A Returned Soldier Tells HOW•,1.t Mnrn.17.,lif4gwrd+ h4Hlo:f jn.14 r'+ salary Ila ltra.■" reF fie+► a11gent(1.'1'b in w •rat' ;w*.. ,reuw•s: Tr.yd, -act ; .1('11 loss 1 i* , .Irv41"I 11. h,4w' He Regained Health and wry i .• retirement : 0oersub4crlption Strength. 1,f scar h.oe. NM 11/1717.1.1. 111111 the hr emu,. war 41x all got 111e1r final Nervous troubles of all kinds, particul- lstso then• erre the dies• outst,iidiug age-. ill the last 11'4 .Ines. Theo any nervous debtlny, murk ti lrnuatkable also of the . mirk: t"Ktiuutes. trauritxmatron m the patient. '1 change retard of the 11m•hate, 111111 hi- ps both physical and mental. I, he sufferer delimit• lows weigh and strength, and frequently T1.1. ,w IiiI 11'14, 11s mslt;l(, were becomes urn kble and faUJt•hndtng. hal through ill the hist mina I. hours Troubles that were unmet uwrti off with- y;riift`Tiirniigh a mini - !Tern and out any difficulty assum� exaggerated r proportions. Other yynlptoms of this 01(.14,eeri41 Nmklvlz1, King nmt.rl t„ 1„ 4 nervous condition are poor headaches,. exll:.ustion alter lltl I and frequently distress after meals The came of this debility is ge starved nerves. The blood, which, gives-. the. nervutts-.agptem its food and power to work elhcie$tfy, has become thiel and weak, and until the blood regains its tune and streagt h there can be no lmprovefllent in the condition of the nerves, In .alines of this kind Dr.' Williams Pink -rills It be found the vety best medicine. They make rich, red blood which feeds and strengthens the starved nerves, and in this way restdres the sufferer to full health and strength. Proof of this is found in the case of Mr. Fred Sander, London, Ont., who says: "While on service with the Imperial fences in Africa i comple fly lost my health through continual hard- ship and shock. I was sent back to the base hospital suffering. so the doctor said, from st,vons debility. After spending some time in the hospital 1 was invalid:d back to England as unfit for further service. After spending a long time in Netley hospital, 1 was given my discharge, but was still a weak and nervous ora ck, absolutely unfit for work, 1 had neither the *trength nor ambition to do anything. in London 1 doctored for three or four months with a civilian doctor. who finally advised a change of climate. 1 was terribly nervous, suffered from sleeplessness, smothering and sinking spells. and pains in the heart; my hands and fret were always cold and clammy. At this time 1 decided to come to Canada, and shortly after reaching this country was advised to try Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills. After 1 had taken the pills for snore weeks 1 found myself im- proving. I continued taking the pills for several months with the result that they folly restored my heakh. My nerves are noirsas steady as a rock ; my'appetite the best, nd my eyes and skin. which had turned ellowish, are dear and healthy - looking. feel like a new man in every way, and for anything. 1 have since recommended the pills to several friends, and know of leveret cases where they were beneficial id the influenza epidemic. T am of the opinion that timid any of my returned soldier`, comrades use Ili. Williams' Pink Pills tote 'shell shock, they would be a great help to You can get Dr. Wills ' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine pr by mail. poet paid, at 60 cents a box, or six boxes to 02.80. from tax Dr. Williams Medicine In the hoed la worth half a dream w Co.. Brockvillew:, Ont. the other fellow's bust, and therefore J OunhIunllnfthIIIIiumuInnnnlilllinnnnnnnnllh miimIHunllimmuiii ! STYLE e�ni,,nn QUALITY PRICE a� sns,ti, It is our endeavor to make ea;.h of these fea- tures consistent with the others in all Footwear and to give YOU entire satisfaction. Try Herds Boot Shop for Service. We are prepared for the holiday season with a full line of Travelling Goods: Trunks, Club Bags, Suit Cases, etc. ing we guaran REPAIR DEPARTMENT in order to give better service in Shoe Repair- ve installed a Finishing Machine. The beat in Repairing. 1 s petite, effort, rally 1,R a lliillluu or wl: the IlMelons were III111y and erten, lint the anemias'. all 7 iitrriesi.944, tlanjoritle•s ill most t'i{ct-rrrl*4t1 fear' ' t 4' 4 -2.14 'n,m,I 111* ame•ulftneut'4 ntlol rotes tiler. o1 were Ulna' or 1e�� a matter of r'.riu The m I.I1,Prn441 k'd' 4ierfedly well their ef- forts wotthi Ise -frmltleee. but as it teat - ter of sra1,rd they tllurwi In 111111-1.111111-1.IIs• e%1,'uditure for military, naval. PHs”. azul artier 14Ntatrt111etual-. Then, also, the 444posl fro' I,'nder *antral til radio a fr.,lu $.441.1111C1,11119n to E511.IN111,1N N1 the ' n pproprlltt 1,411 for *ending i1 mlulst,r plenttwde11tdary to \\'a*hingto14. Ile elefnnel tont it wars aft itgms-'ssnry t"1( *•nditnr, at this title. Weld Cole which might Inr,dre 11 44 1'111114, 111 * o 11rt, 1 /1144110a.. IN 11- 411e•s 44 1411 1114 4'nited State... anti with t:relit Britain. Itis am4fldtuenk l,4 the estimate was mad*' as a pretest. HERN',S BOOT StIOP ever. re,4'vd bot .little not We '111e tuttuter ,4f m'our-fns 110 slide . losses through .•14 trading 1)114 Gall f* provided for in the follow er amendment to the bill : 4,"Shuttld Mord be appointed under this art ;Ifni}' trailing in the whe.lt crop of llr_?i has t•,.mnteuced. the (ward about hate,twnrer ff udJtlst and makepac- ntealt4 from the (nods evf time hoard 4 Tlt 1-ispe't 10 Aetna- 7oTiii+i s llRhlrp rs- ir( r•asen of the bringing hullo effect of this net, l'mv.vid,d that heron. payments are Made 'su11. n4J11stuam•nts 41111 p:l w41ut1 shall h1 llmprr'ed by tlme_444weri ler itn ma.lim ._ _-_ . i>- The Liberals force) several dirt-, -1141 r nta•iu+e 14111 Tit— ihilFlT"-`. n'ndttll. 11,411. W. 14, Fielding el for KilnulteneolM e-a'Itet),I.' Thio i W1114 14eg:It1y'eaTT1C 11 to S” .a1.1Pkeur!P King, for, u*4' of Provincial lista, Atealith111 • Joe :twat „n all* Awe-- ativwl by nil to is ;• \t`. 1h. Fodor. to strike out Idle Milseetliur -rr41arll- hil•nlh'tie. negati ed by Ott to (19. nod A. 1t. McMaster. to ,afnr'e pnhHrn- tlou of name of prop•IgaudHt, 114411- 11v1s1 by SO to let 'Then the hill passed. .among other things (Millie the Willi, 1114 01171.7/1111.111t pal 1111'11111411 a 1111 to hand oi•er eonh•oi air die fowl *itn*$ion to the ita1hvly Commission, It looked very much like u tense of "passing the buck." but the 4'onlnlls- Slatt Ily 11"411#11).11"411#11).7.nlr.Iga'nl1* 111" ingg4'• 44otmw,---wiw1-441-tti4 r letbilk y- TMs- poo-+ pie of Canada will not suffer 1,y the change,. Business of Session Concluded. .Nn 11.35 4411 Thnraday warning the IIII*Ila•N, of the Illouw' was' conclud- ed, NMI. ufser a cotuphliut by Mac- k,vyla King against the Government's method of rushing thr"ngh 14 palm' of m* lt,4ess at the hast mnm4tn, ('very• thing WW1 rood' for the arrival of the Governor-li.+nernI at 2.:h) the *x111111 afternoon. .(1441 F144.11,11ey nr- r1r,41 111 due s('a*Ilh, summoned the 1'onunoner* to the Red4'humbev, praised their work anet wl*hed them farewell and lomat lock. Thus 1t ended.- •---- . As M the next w•*slon none amid wifely foreenet. if a ., n IJ•tl,n Itlt•r- r1'nseems/, as se,/ w than 110/0411111.,many of the pre*ent m,mts•re have rllwt(•ed their last $4,(I(1) cheque. if the session Nimes first the CorPrn- ment's msJotlty w111 be even *malleo than H wale i14.. time, arand a dor- lett tha 1wllon Ju*t rimiest 11 dwin- dled to ore. 'then, on an miters.**e rote "ReInh'at In I'ae•." FANNING MILL SIEVES YES ANDS SCREENS manufactured to order for 1111,4 wake of wi11 for eleat4tIg 'sine of grain (77'RPx'tt: W1711 S.14(111/11. Flexing and••r #'amie pruls•r1v arranged lar nearly any ordinary fanning mill, sleds and grain ,.f way kind 1•nu 11P1141 thoroughly 4lenuel ns Is possible to clean t4, .I When ordering sieves or w•re14s be, very careful to 4:144 4 . • exact ,lie 1ee1•11141, 111111 the,' 1e' ore 1 .. r,' 11111,. 10 d. Sieving and screening *old by the •muarc foot if desired. G'.1 fanning mill frames rewired. Contpiete 114.0 sir%,s and screen., evade to order. Nlail onL r. cnr"fnl!c alt„nllcll to THE GODERICH MERCANTILE CO LIMITED; (.(►1)11141('11, \ i )441141o hmc tatton and \fucillttcs foo/ mnllnfacturiag, I bath transferred buy fubuing mill supply Liu/Minnto the above firm. ', • J. W. AIIMOTltt)N(:. The Indemnity !wrens,.it41iH17 or wrongly the menths•rs hare•_ 41!!t411(Ir incrensn4l Inten11.44 r : b1•a and 'nse (•ottani members of the Press tiallcrr fought the 1 ,l'r:ase there has leen nu4•11 erid.nee .1 hard feeling* oil the part o1 some hack henehenl. Thio wax eery 1(Mle olJe4a1'nl to the Iner.'nse Itself. There was. how ever, 1.01011111•711111P feeling against an Increase at the present time. when eonnomy' wise tiring urged upon the country, and int 11 few day. afterr the returned soldiers had been told that nothing more could 114' 1111111' to- ward Inn0In41 their demands. tow:lune the ctnnitry could not afford It. e' 14,l, i,nnotot. a Liberal front !A- pr/ill-le N.pl*rrille. fought a41ni1n1 the Increa*t', ftp Maimed that 12.• sell WAS enon4111 and wanted the In- demnity In remain at thnt figure. There were others who meipport411 to his motion who dillrt entirely agree. hilt who felt that the time for e' nn Inrr,s,was not now. Among tiles who voted with Mr. 1. netnt was lion. T A. ('rerar. The vole, howe1'Pr. allowed the feeling 1 the members generally. It *tall: for the Increased Indemnity 107; against the Increase. 11. In a great many ,omen* (11. explsnaten 414 frond In th fart that this members' themselves; malls. that they are not to map the harrow many Mena times A M ' "No, 1 know nothing about music." rm"API you have to di is to jangle this cowbell." WWI 4 Rut,' suppose -I tome it at the ml U ace ?" "You can't tis taut jsis." \,4 PERFEtTi'ON 011 Cook Stoves rassw_ • T: de yr l Y I y■ •IJ/ r.:mil For Every Cooking Purposea, —for boiling, ro,tin , f, ng, ' ling, toast- ing and baking the "teW Perfoeti (fib Cook Stove" and "Oven" are the best he for the good'cook. , 4 The New PerfectiontOil Conk Stove gi you coocool kitchen -comfort in summer, and cIng satisfaction the year roilnd. No annoyaat c'e from smoke or odor—no ashes, litter or di It burns cheap, easy -to -get coal oil: The "Long Blue New Perfection" chimney turns every drop of fuel into useful heat. The !Veva Perfection Brass Burner is as longlasting es kkisffi efficient. Every part of the New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is well -made and well finished. "Made in Canada" there is aro high exchange rate to figure in the coat, so when you hey a "New Perfec- tion" you get the best stove at the best price. Sok! by good dealers everywhere. Ask for a demon- stration of the "I.oligg Blue Chimney' or write for free New Perfection lookiet. Made in Canada The "Long Bleu Ck:,* y'4* with :he solid bran hears, lh.it jirds Ih4 it.•.dy intense whim•11 Sd flame. PERFEcii vE COMPANY 110111 OVIBC1 AND FACTc)av SARNIA e ONTARIO rt• i. •