HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-8, Page 1–vBSCIUyrio llAIIS $ I.50 A YEAR (payable in advance) $2.00 A YEAR to Unitea States addresses ( Auukaaa : The Signal Printing Co., i( Lltalied. Goderich, Ontario. HR1' T1 -THIRD \"[SAa—Ne, t!. • . '\ Barton 1 aux 19 06 Gorton Boulevard w FA.RMERs Fanners who find It inconvenient to come to town regularly may open a Savings account in any of our branches and make deposits and withdrawals by moll. M1 money transactions are made by registered mall: Other Service features of value to our farmer clients are the selling of money order, the rent. hag 'or safety deposit boxes, furnishing the_—.- latest market reports, obtaining quick action in the purchase and sale of securities. Our Managers are always ready to discuss the the matter of credit for the improvement and development of your farm. ThE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA SECURITY A Savings Bank Amt not only provides an assurance Sr the • present, but guarantees youtlnty in the future. FOA To, ss a is to'selcceed— OF CO PAiD-UP CAPITAL RFJERVE FUND $I 5,000,000 $ 15.000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Man;ger. 1 FREDERIC T.\$O*it Mos, Rae\ SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Studio next to P. J. MacEwan's Garage t ranee 4 G. Jump 1 QUALIFIED SURVEYOR ad DRAFTSMAN I Residence Phone 44 I I.. ...1 PUBLIC NOTICE. your* mpwleoce. Hen toned lull Lanese gny reference J.W. ro�uVictoria Street North. P.O.lam�or;o s. 11 .-.1. R. FORSTER. L EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late Home 5rpsa New York Deihthalmic sad Aetna H • assistant at afoaeeaeld'a 1•, HLA` and g w Square Throat Hos- London. starfomi St. S„ Stratford. Telephone ar7. At Bedford Hotel, Godench. from Wednes- day. September Mk at 7.1u a es.. to Thursday. the lath. at 1 D. m LOST OR FOUND. 7.08T. --BUNCH OF KEYS, ON 14 Dominion Day. Return toTHIS OFFICE. II REWARD FOR THE RETURN V a( a diataend-_white, two cants -lost b o : snag. between Harbor Park and Squ re. street lad South sstarseei by gay or of E n avenue. Finder please return to DR. JUNIOR LEE. British Eschanee Hotel. SHINGLES - 3 Carloads—B. C. Red Cedar and N. B. White Cedar. ROOFING— -ply, 2 -ply and 3 -ply. LIME- I Carload—Hydrated Lime. CEMENT— Carload—Fresh from mill. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 18 \GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 .,f r - our — mammas g mesa W esss.o.roe WaTMembusses Imm- s�t>srwaysawholly/airy tatw ..e sot .s u: sats donee mayba ed y sellwanel- leds. ear me yM la et mos . rg et $174ASKINIS UNION BANK p CANADA o• GODERICH,THURSDAY, July 8, 1920 Foot ItAi.� Olt 11i11T. _ - rnt roR SALE. -SEVEN -ROOM RED + brick cottage• modern conveniences,lawn. garden, barn. Apply CHARLES GAR ROW. tl I�R SALE'—TWO BARNS FOR f wk -i,, ood erudition, make Half -mile roes Kinaa ``e. Terms easy for quick sale. Apply to G. RAYNE. Kingsbridge. Phone 12 r 11. Dungannon. tf L OR SALE. -TWO AND A -HALL' acres of excellent garden `round. well drained. Has comfortable house rob good cellar. Also number of fruit trees and stable. Will be sold very reasonably lad we easy terms. Also 37 1.2 scree On Huron rood. known as the back and property. There is a good brick se on the place and several acres of bush. The land a good, most of ,t could be cu'lceated. but at present w ,n pasture. There yrereasonabl)"�ose e( pia. will be priced T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. L'OR SALE. —NINETY ACRES. lit south a� klwel Goderich histownship. d asp. ng lour reek•miles well new bun and lair house. one-half mile Iron school sod church. Possession at 1st April. Apply 1..,. orto ROST. WILLIAM McALLISTER Godon the erie n, Administrator of the Estate. aa NOTICE. theyou aalllk locking da nice r ck. wni to Mr k~and frame, at very ieasonabk picas. My past ea penrnce ,n building and valuation places owe in a position to be yo r guide in the selection of • nice tome at a right price. I have pleased others, I can please you. P. J RYAN. p�'� �g� - Real Estate and Insurance ---Tr-`----- E R Phone bei ST. PETER'S SCHOOL Following are the results of the promotion examinations at St. Peter's school. Godedch: ttames in order of merit: nom Junior 4th to Sr. 4th—Joseph Farr, Ernest Jeffery. From Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th -Honors -Willard Geromette, Willis Tobin, Norman Ryan. Passed -Michael Stafford, Aileen Beech - ler, Eileen McKay, Isabel Lynn. From Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3 d -Margaret Rivers and Mary Tobin obtained 80 per ant., which entitles than to fourth clam standing. Pawed -Rita Plante, Georp Farr, Mane Gravelle, Teddy Griffin. James O'Neill, Vincent Geromette, Terrence Hussey Esther Farr, Frons 2nd to Jr. 3rd -Honors • -Bessie Tobin, Mary Andrews, Teresa Webb. Passed -Martina Hussey, Made- line Jeffery. Lynn, Marvin Lannon, Willie O'Neill, rry Howell. From Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd rrie O'Neill, Clarence Lannon, Billy ton, Teddie Baeohler. From Pt. I1. to, 2nd -Honors -Lawrence Geromette. Irene Jeffery Passed -Teddy Plante, Mary McKay, Mary Basnell, Harry Phalin, Helen Frage. Dora Ken- nedy. From Part 1. to'.pt. Ii, -Teddy Lynn, Billy Webh, Irene Kennedy, Florence Andrews, Edward effery, Billy Bala �. Reggie K. Walter 1 FOR SALE R SALE.—TEN BARRED R hens amid roosters, yeas -old, 0. A.C. stn our Ancona roosters. ooe year old, sniper R. MCDONALD. Dunlop (R. R.s, Gode,icb6 The Colborne armers' Clu will have cars of SM.f,, CEMENT, CLAY TILE. FLOC AND FEED to dispose of at McGaw during July. Parties desiring any of above write or telephone order to Is. H. WALTEES, Benmiller, or - J. 4, R'!NiGHAN, Manager. POiNT FARM is being torn down and we have to dis `pose of imrmrdiately a half -million fee of all kinds of the finest SECONDHAND LUMBER. Also a quantity of windows, doors, lath, wainscotting and baseboard, at very noble prices. Apply to ROC Retention Not 1nfuen ed Age or Length of Time, led: - Reports Visiting Expert. Rupture is not a tear or a breach in b the abdominal wall as commonly sup- posed, but it is a stretching or dilation of % a natural opening. J.Y. Egan, of Toronto, the long-established rupture specialist, R will visit Goderieh, Bedford Hotel, Wednes- day � and da -s only, day and nigght) ('Unto n' taitte July 21-22. 23-24. �� Hotel,July The "Curatrus." rhe new surgical in- vention, as now used and prepared to order, will not only retain rupture per- fectly, affording immediate and complete comfort, but is intended to assist nature in her work in the shortest time known. These new surgical appliances have received highest approval wherever t shown and are designed in accordance with the principles laid down by the world's text -book authorities on this subject, producing results without harmful ready-made hard pad and old-fashioned steel spring brumes. Mr. Egan has testimonials from our own section for inspection. If, interested, call ; he will give youfree ntion and examin- ation of Now is the time to make yourself safe lad comfortabk for your daily work. Note dates, ask at hotel office for his aim* room --tar this notice out nor' ter future reference. 2t MERCANTILE SALVAGE (D,, Point Farm. la SALE. -ONE PIANO CASE OR- GAN, six.octave, aurid walnut, at a snap. Apply at WALKER'S STORE. WOR SALE, -A SOU ARE PIANO, IN L. good cond,tios. Sows rosewood case. Hennes Bros. New Yost i!noaake Apply ■t WALKER'S Bros, New U CSHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND at McGAW STATION. Call C. A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dungannon are. or John Treble, ar6. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 03 per single coed, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 81. A LARGE QUANTITY OF XXXXX British Columbia Shingles ON HAM) AT )44LiAW STATION AND --fit -DUN- GANNON. Also Flour and Feed always on hand. Phone AGENT, R r 2, or W. H. Mc CLURE, 121 Goderich Rural. WARTED. TENT WANTED AT ONCE, BOX 1 157. Dederick. 11EACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 6, Colborne: seaood-clans professional, with esperismice preferred. Duties is commence after summer holidays. Apqpplfy, stellar salary, to D.C. BOGIE. Secretary. Sr,eppardton. TENDERS WANTED for painting roof sod all woodwork outside, ea cept that which was painted last aummr, on the NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH Teuders to he in by Trickle! p. n., 'THURSDAY. JULY lath, Isaa. All infersatioa canoe had from 1. P. BROWN, Church Street. iRLS WANTED.—APPLY GODE- ST RICH KNITTING COMPANY. tf ,On and after July ]Koh the fee for reglstcr'd letters will he In cents. The Pootn5kY Department /deform that all valuable articles he re'glsterel as the only mean of tracing should any ar- ticle Ito lost. Mr. John Bowler returns to Detroit eo own. F. Woolcomb, Manager 'pent several days in town the pest week. Goderich BranchMr. and Mrs. R. S. Craigia, of Detroit. Mr. and Mt. W.C. Fish. of Rochester, mending. N. Y., have bele endhag a week in Soma. Saturday after a holiday visit in t *algae The Pavilion NOW OPEN (near HLTELSuNSET. Goderich) DANCING EVERY ? IGHT 8.30 to 1 Lutz Society Orchestra Iona The Fins that Advertise are the firma that want your trade. Do your business with those who think enough of it to ask for it. THE SIGNAL PRLNTING CO., LIMITED, Ptti"atssss. UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL WINDOWS AT WESTFIELD. In memory of William Per. Buchanan -- Hill 70, June 8, 1917, Clarke Ivan Wightman- Paesebenisek, October 28, 1917, Russell F`rseeks Woods- Cambral, October 1, 1918. Sunday, July 4, was a great day at the Weeatfield Methexllst 'hur'h, for it was the stay of the towelling of the (.1 windows erctel by the row natality to the memory of William Buchanan, Ivan I1•lghtma11 and Russell W(xal,t, Tile windows are wagultleent spe"t- weua of art, the three constituting one memorial. The left window represents the Horn 1'hrlat victorious over death, awl the text W '1 am tlw rtwurrctlun and the life." The window ou the• right depicts the angel of fire Rwturrection. the type of those who have suffe're'd and overcome. The inscription is most fitting : 'Thew' are they that Imre come out of great tribulation." in the (entre, set as 1t were In Mho glorions l hrlstian explanation of the mystery f suffering, death and liuwortallty, is splendid picture In gloss of a Can- al n soldier standing amid the poppies of • Flanders battlefield, supporting the flag of Canada. The head 1s hared. the fdptur,•s of the Kate are full of chartMtr exprwaslre of file worts of the inia'Ptptlnn, '•i have fought a good tight." In the panel lwuemth are the names of ,thee fallen with dates and Sues* who they fell. The serrh•i\ole'ned with -!Fall In," wfurolel by Mr. Freak Munch, upon which twenty de more returned 144 11 - took rears at the leen r esrrvel for Iwo (soundel the Is the «latish for awl for thaws' he large hugs WAS a leftist. Ire tate,, of Ugh. calls le who In the ewlug rer- dhers entered an front which had them. lir. Match "last lost," which w. the (ltugregatiuu to ri appointed to draw asidee covering the windows. 1 moment as the last linger that moat Inns/WA of all diel awisy, and the le') thl-01)04 every available sow_ church stolid au instant lunger 1 the noble mark of art and then ently took`tWulr wwtr. hey. A. R. Junes, rd Blenheim, fo erly a pastor of the (-laurel', awl pe *malty acluelutel with the dead heroees, delivered the addrea, lie war eminently Atter for his amass—tont task. Rev. It. J. M('eormick, of Blyth, and Har. Win. Vineland. of Auburn, as- slsAed In live sen -foe, of whkb i' pastor. Rev. A. 1.. Milken, was In general chargee. The Hrotherhoxel Choir of over twent y vole", under the ltadernhlp of Mr. Maitland Henry- furnished the tnud(al program: and probably their work was the ou(atandllig feature of the service apart from the unveilingItapIf. The quartette (*Rectally wax very appmpriate mind was rendered in most effective .tyle. Thedreoratlona revealed real artistic deafen ■ud great remora recto' near; In ex• petition. There w'em('I to be nothing lacking to make the ,xsasann what It wale intended to be -a fitting tribute to the supreme sacrifice of three of our finest young men. Spray now to prevent blight on your potatoes. Spraying is a prey Add ■ little parks green or arsenate of lead for the bnga and make the one/ spraying do for two purpooes. Ask uA about It -We will gladly give you t e Information. E. R. Wtgke, dru Onderleh. Remember w -e will o I7 Beyer's h'nglfah Paris Green nd (1raasFttl Arsenate of Lead. Machine Repair Work --- We are prepared to do machine repair work of all kin promptly and at reasonable prices. We have insta:led an ACETYLENE WELDING OUTFIT, and farmers and others having broken castings can bring them to us and have them made as good as new by this process. WORKS AT 0ODERICH HARBOR • DOTY ENGINEERINfi COMPANY WANTED Cherries and Raspberries in any quantities de- livered at the factory. The Huron Canning Evap. Co. GODEKI('H SIMMER SCHOOL The (lullerlcb Summer St'laoul, under ' the auspleta of the I'reeabyterbtu Sytxxl of Hamilton are! Landon, is In aeaslou at Kama church this week and will con- clude with interesting servb-en on Sun- day. Bev. D. H. 1)ruwwuud, 11.1)., of 51. Paul's churvh, Hamilton, will oc- cupy the pulpit 1u the morning awl Rev. l'rof. A. A. Scutt, of !adore, 1wlla, in the evening. The following have registered : William McKenzie, Paisley. Mabel E. Hacking, Mary McIntosh. Motherwell. Margaret E. Habkirk, Mary I. Hog. Barth. Hertel!. Miss Edith Mogridge, Auburn. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Aitken, Miss Flora McDonald, Miss M. Kirkpatrick, Park- hill. Diss Pearl Caldwell, Dungannon. Mins Nellie McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs, John T. prion, Toronto. Freida Wiley, Watford. Iso Winnie Brown, Mia Edna NIcln- roy7Kerwood. Mus Alice M. Trott, Miss Edith N, Beattie, Mt. Brydges. Miss Ethel McDonald, Woodham. Miss Margaret Moodie, Exeter. Miss Harriet McGeary, St. Thomas. Miss Nellie Doig, Mildmay. Barbara C. Inglis, Clifford. Dr. D. R. Drummond, Mrs. and Mi Drummond, Miss Stowell, Hamilton, David H. Carr, St. Thomas. Jean J. Easton, Brantford. Miss Beatrice Thompson. W. M. S representative, Rev. C. A. Meyers, M. A., Toronto. Rev. Prof. A. A. Scott, Indote, India. Rev. W. A. McTaggart, Toronto. Miss A. Nairn, Miss Wiggins, Knox church Sabbath school. Mrs. McDonald, W.M.S. Knox church. Miss Inglis, Arthur Circle. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Colborne township. Rev. -W. H. Burgess, Miss Stalker, Miss Cain, Walkerton. Mesa. Tape, Goderich. Edward Surridge, Tiverton. Rev. James McCrea, Turnerville. Jean Allison. Myra Morgan, Henrik' Rev. G. Telford, Blyth, Miss Miss Ht:ofdon, orton, LeeburnUodericb,, Miss Dunbar, Kamaack, Seek, W. N. Meikle, 0odaicke , Fl Rev. Colin Metal": D. D.. Thames Road. Alexander Young, Carlow, R. S. Aloin, Goderich. Mrs. Easton, Brantford. Mrs. H. 1. Strang, Goderich. ss • CHURCH NGTES, Services at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday as follows : Sunday school, 10 a. m. Public service, 11 a. in.. Rev, Prof. A. A. Scott, lately returned nn India, wi each. Evening service, 7 at m., s "Respectable Sins of R to ple'" • Orange Order will worshipat the Bapt1 C�httssfyccb nett Sunday Morning at 11 o'cinck. / The evening theme will be: "The Rich an Who Had Neither Health nor Money.," Bible school at 9.56 a. m.. young e's meeting at 8 p. m., and. on Wed y at 8 p. m., prayer and praise. The sep1vices in Knox church next Sun- day will/be yea, ally attractive both to thedele4ates b1 the Summer School and to the general public. The special preachers fort day Will be as follows: 11 a. m., Rev. R. Drummond, D.D., of St. Paul's chs Hamilton:7 p.m., Rev. Prof. A.A. B. D., of Inlore College, India. ay school at 3 o'clock he classes and Men's Club of North eet Methodist church will meet next y at 10 a. m. The Club will discus/ Id our church be more widely ad- tised, and how ?^ Mr. W. S. Bowden 11 open the discussion. In the evening The pastor will preach on Christian Science, this being the third in a series of sermons on 'Some Modern Substitutes for Evangelical Christianity." A cordis' welcome to all these services. AN EXPLANATION. Owing to the dlliteulty of keeping; up a full staff, The Signal has been later than usual the last few weeks and minty things have rrereosarlly been negkeeed. We are hoping to get tY staff up to normal numbers shortly. and in the meantime would ask tis kind indulgence both of suberrlbere and of patrons of the Job &rentii n departtess. .0117 Dairy lee cream bricks always on band at 11. T. Edwards'. SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERT. The Lutz Society Orchestra will give the following program at the Pavilion oa Sunday afternoon next, between 4 30 and 5 30 o'clock, and again in the evening. from 8 to 8 o'clock. The public is invited: March -The Starry Jack. Selected -At Sunset. Violin Solo -The Perfect Melody. Valle -Juno Valle. Overt ure -Lustspiel. Piano Solo -Humoresque. Selected -Bowl of Pansies. March -Vigor of Youth. God Save the King. That delicious made-in-Goderich ice cream of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. To menders of the "Make It Da Club."- if your have resolved to wake your old clothes tin, thea you'll be Iutere'tel In our stark of Iyer. Wt have Diamond, 1)yol,, Sunset anti Bit. The tow of one of these popular dyes will eitahle you to keep your garment/ fresh and new and will prolong their ieauty aro! nnefuhre,,s. Cottons. woollens, silks, feathers, linens, can be sn„esafully dyed. Ask to (tee our color cards If you are not more .f .the color desired. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Godes, rich. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolate& The dansant at the new Pavilion on Wednesday. July 21st, under the auspices of General Brough Chapter, I. 0. D. E., promises to be an enjoyable event Thep will be cards, tea and dancing. Admielloa SOc. For the Boys and GMs. Hen•',, a charter for the boys an! girls of lath town and (saintly to w1n good prizes at the t:,slerich Imhlstrlal Exhibition. (lirls aged 11 to 1'.--srrak- Ing a smock. larks ag"d 41 1n 13— dressing a (lol1. !Soya all air.'. up to 14-hulldl.g hind horses. Tin' work wast be done by the children them - :wive!. J'rizeer donated by the Golfo - Biel ,W'omeu'a institute. Your favorite ice cream sal, is here. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. Registrar Coats' rose garden res c,ne oI the chief centres of attraction in the town these days. The roses have beer: bloom- ing very luxuriantly this seasca. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Page Keg* Lost -Return to This Office 1 Fowl for Sale -R. McDonald, Daalop 1 Rupture Relic/ -J. Y. Egan a Cherries and Raspberries Wanted -Huron Caee- nine & Evap. Co ..... r Salt, etc. -Colborne Farmers' Club Hot ?-A. E. Colborne.. 5 Tender, Wanted -North Street Methodist Church .... Machine Repot" Work -Doty EltalafgN ........ ---= Diamond Lest -Dr. Junior Lee.....,., Teacher wanted- C. Bogieg D. ... TO THE WORKERS OF CANADA AS a natural consequence of the peat war, there is a certain amount of unrest in this and cher countries. but • \ in CANADA contrition: are fundamenulfy wend. The wit Canadian worker will nes linen to those who would disturb the economic syseem which is at the bash of our general if condition are fair_ keep wonting stead* and store tip some of the fruits of your labor by saving systematic- ally and depositing regularly in a savings account BANK OF MONTREAL Ew.hksh.d over 100 years iesn los it J iigsw ewwas in C.wsAa Sao , pgp,wa le s al llt.adigs TOTAL ASSETS in 'mess of $500000,000 HEAD OFFICE -MONTREAL, 1