HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-1, Page 8R-- Tbursfny, July 1, 19219. se -maga NEW LINES OF BOXED STATIONERY In various tints and different shaped en- velopes, with and without colored bor- ders, 50c,60c, 75c and 90c, per box. Less expensiveness 30c, 25e and 35c. A fresh shipment of MERIDEN SILVER POLISH Positively the best silver polish made, 50c. per can, enough to last a family for one year. sesseW's - THE - CROCETERIA NMI N. mono sprat Only the best of all kinds of Groceries are for sale here and all are sold at the lowest -possible prices. Kiocanline Bevan and cooked 11 i1111. Pottage Hu14 and .,ic 11stns. Jellied Tongue end Meet trier. The best Back its - coo end lireakfs,t Bacon that toil try can buv. TEA'4 ANi) ('OFFER Fresh, but ter and new -laid eggs Bread 12c. a loaf CASH - MW - CARRY • --Open Evenings H. McFADYEN • TKO SIGNAL GODERICB, ONT. ('OI'NTS ('Ol'NCU-LORS • 11 -‘KE F'irat Annual 1'irnk Marked b) Pre - /mutation to Mr. aad airs. llolsaau At the June meeting of the HWi4i manly luuucil It was suggrstel ttyyti tho council bold a Ovule at ltayliel8 this year. Areordingly a majority of the members of the council, with their families and wavy friends, met at Jowett's grove, l ynehl, on Friday, June nth, mud had a right gcssl Owe to ofcjiaauloved picnic style. ThTaatber was Weal and the day one let June's best, and all present en- joyed it to the fullest. lieridrs most of the present members of the council several members of pre- vious councils were prMteut, ins•ledtng Ex -Wardens e;uveuls•k, M. l'. 1'., eau- telou and Elliott and Messrs. J. A. Fond, W. H. Lobb amid A. J. Erwin, also Councillor Major Dunlop, Mr, W. Walker and Town Clerk Knox of Gode- rich. 1 game of baseball betweeu aides ch(seu by Messrs. D ouglate and M. Elliott was well (untested, awl some brilliant plays were pulled off. Wheu the betters did dud the tali the picnic grounds were hardly big enough. A. E. Erwin, ex -Reeve of Bayfield, pitched fur loth sides and the way he twirled the sphere would do credit to a pro- feaalonal, putting the majority out in one-twe- three order un strikes. He was ably supported by Harold Weston, who did the houors of etcher for both sides. The score was a tie, 9 each. County Treasurer Lane umpired the game and gave some very close de- cisions. Lc fact, there 1s some talk of his merrier,. twtug sought for by some of the big leagues. '--- Another exciting feature of the day was a tug-of-war ts•tween sides choeets by Messrs. Neel,, Reeve of Stephen, and McNabb, lteeve of Grey. Atter two very strenuous pulls the Stephen mem- ber's (tide was declared . vk•turlous. Mr. Jas. A. Ford acted as referee with mer betted tun. Thea followed a series of races and jumping contest., conducted by ex - Warden' W. It. EIilott, In which the athletic abilities of the memlwrs were further tested. Morton Elliott. Iteeve of Stanley, having won the greater number of the events was declared the champion nthirte of the council. Mix members of the cuune11 were very much missed. These were Messrs. Reacers. oath. Clark, Mnffatt. Plum and t'urdon, taco of whoa, Messrs. l'utt dud Clark. were absent through Illness. Tie ladies, 100, hakpart in the sports and some close races were sten. A very pleasing feature of the day's prucredittgs was the preeentatiun to County Clerk 801111511 and Mrs. Hol- man of a lc•ntifully-worded address, aeumpauiel by two handsome uphol- stered chairs. The a(llre+s was read by Councillor John Laporte, Reeve of . and the pres•utation was rissole l'oun•illor Amos Tlpling of 'Mee- han'. • Mr. Holman was -taken com- pletely by surprise, but replied fe•l- Ingjy, thanking the members of (oun(•il as behalf of -himself and Mrs. Holman for the beautiful expression of tlwir gessiwill send appreeiatlon. Mr. and Mrs. llolmsn were seated in their eluting while all sang -'For Hr's a Jul Boal Fellow." A 'splendid supper ptorldel by the ladies was thbruughly enjoyed 4111 proved a fitting cliwax to a gall after- nrojn's sport, after which all left for xxxxx:cocioccomoc Willard's Ice The cream of all creams ! 24 different flavors to choose from 35c. a brick Cream Bricks Call or 'phone for one. Insist on Willard's. SOLD ONLY BY J. I -L - RUDER, PHM. B. THE NYAL OUALITY DRUG STORE 'PHONE 19 LOOLVTZKOMCCOCIMICOCX White Shoes Were never in greater dem reasons for this : than this year. There are various 1st. Because of their Comfort, in that they are light, per- fectly pliable, and easy. 2nd. Because of the wide range of Styles and shapes we are showing this season, with a distinct design or model to suit every individual taste, consequently 3r1. We can Fit you, whether your feet are lone and narrow, or ahoit and wide, we have the correct last for you, man, woman, or child, and 411i Became, of their Economy. See our goods, get our prices, and you will buy here, to your complete satisfaction. Ask your friends, they holm. REPAIRING Sharman's Shoe Store SAYED FROM ELONG MIaERY Taittrs°a -C Try >ti MRS. N. J. GORR( .,Isifts Union St., Vancouver, B.C. "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with chromic Coe. st,pation and constant Headaches. 1 had pains 10.5 dwrs is the Each aad sides of she body. I tried various remedies without relief, and then put myself under a doctor's dare aad be advised me to have an operation. 1 refused. Then, I started taking 'Flit-a- tives' ; and from the outset, I felt better, and dim nwediciae has eswpleteiy relieved me of all my misery sod suffenng. My weight was only 143 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. r 111411fres of psis and headaches and the terrible Constipation ; and what saved me from misery is the splendid fruit medicine, 'Fruit -a -tiles' " MRS. M. J. GORSE. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.30, trial else Me. At all dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit -di -bees Limited Ottawa, Out home feeling that thLs should by all weans he established as an annual event. The following Is the address to Mr. and Mrs. Holman aecowpanying the presentation Ooderlch, June 23th, 1920. To Geo. W. Hillman. F,sq., i'oeuty'l'lerk of Huron County. Dear Sir, -We, the euemlers of the county council of the county of Huron. desire to extend 18 yourself and Mrs. Holman - our sincere congratulations aqd heartiest hest wishes for a long and happy married life. Ln our intercourse with you we hare always found you to be affable and courteous in your demeanor and active and ',elutes in discharging the duties of your office. When your country called sect '414 not hesitate to offer your some to fight and die if need le in the cause of truth and liberty. . We would therefore ask yoe to ac- cept this slight token of our esteem, not for Its intrinsic value. but merely as a work of our esteem of you as a 11/11 11 and as an offker of tie banner county of the Province of Outerio. Signori on behalf of the county coun- cil of the county of Huron. G. ('. PETTY. Warden. AMON TiI'LiN(i. JOHN LAPORTih. JOSEPH HACKlTr. M. ARMHTItONG. KiNGSBRiDGE. Daltsw-- McCarthy- Ht. Joseph's church on Wrdnewlay, June 23rd, was the selene of • very pretty event when Ensue Nth Me('arthy, youngest daughter of Mr. Florence Mct'arthy, was united In marriage to Mr. Louie Dalton. Tice youthful bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming In a gown of white georgette with natio trimmings. She wore the bridal veli• with wreath of orange hlonsossw, and carried a bouquet of bridal rosea and malDenhalr terra. Her deter, Miss Catherine McCarthy, In a gown of retell pink georgette with hat to match, was bridesmaid, while Mr. Charles Mc- Carthy acted as hest, man. After the dinner, which was given •t the home of the bride, the happy couple left by motor for Ooderirh, where they took till train for London. Detroit and other points., the bride travelling In ■ navy blue Nutt with hrnld trimmings and white tramp.rent het. The young couple were the recipient* of many beautiful gift.., showing the eateemi In which they are held. You need Penslar Tread Easy now. it's best for tired, aching feet. In Utter cans, 25c. Campbell's Drug Store. Service This is the Optical Ser- vice Station of Goderich. All your optical wants will be carefully and promptly. attended to here. if you are having any symp- toms of eye trouble, we can give you the most scientific examina- tion, with the most up-to-date equipment A. L. COLE . Eyesight Specialist Optometrist Optician Board of Trade Headquarters Masonic Temple, West St. Near the Post Office, W. REG. SHARMAN OODERICH, - ONT. !"• Store Hosiery. We have at the present time an exceptionally large range of Hosiery in white, black and colors, for children and women. At all times our Hosiery stock is well aisorted, as we specialize in this line. Oi s Ladies' Lisle Hose, in white, black ort' colors, at COc, PSc, 95c and $1.25 a pair. Ladies' Silk Fibre Hose at $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $1.75. In white, black and colors. Ladies' Pure Silk Hosiery at $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 a pair. In white, black and colors. Children's Lisle Hose. in white, black and colors, in all sizes, ranging in price from 50cg10 $1.00 a pair. Children's Sox, in plain white or, with pink, blue n tan tope, also plain tan, at 35c, 3t3c, 45e,.55o a pair. Boys' heavy Cotton Stockings, in all sizes, in black. From 30c to 85c a pair. - A Special in Lilies' Whits aoa Black Stockings Pure Silk Stockings, in all sizes, from 84 to 10, in black and white only. Regular $2.50. For $1.98. Underwear Watasa's Underwear is well hews Watson's -Underwear gives satisfaction because it is made to tot, out of the best yarns procurable. Our stock ie comprised of nothing but Watson's lines. Ladies' tine Lisle Vests, from 45c to $1.25 &garment. Ladies' Comhinstions, from $1.25 to $2.75 a garment. Chi'dren's Vests. in either short or no eternise, at 30c and 35e a garment. ,_ Children's Drawers, in all sizes, at 55c a gamiest, Curtains A3 we have not the room tq,display Curtains and Curtain Materials, we have decided t0 discontinue this line and to clear them quickly they are on sale at exactly 25 per cent. off. A large range of Curtains in lace and marquisette, $4 yards long, in crown and white, ranging in price frostt•$ices) jo' .8.60, - are now 25 per cent. less than these prices. Curtain Materials will also be cleared at the same reduction, 25 -per cent. off on all Curtain Materials. These scrims, nets and laces come in white ecru and cream and range in price from 25e to *1.25 a yard. • to -'.4Y W Children's Dresses. A large range of Children's Dresses from 2 years size to 16 yeah St 26 per lent. off. These garments are all new this sea - tion and cowe in Ginghame and Prints in the season's Latest creations and the best patterns. All sizes tore nted and the trimmings on each garment ars very attract These garments will be on display in our windows mod in our ready to wear department on the second floor. . Ladies' House Dresses A very large range of Ladies' House Dresses in all sizes from 34 to 44 at $2.50 up These Dresses will be on sale Saturday, July 3rd in our new ready to wear department and on display in our windows. Ladies' White Skirts A very large assortment of Ladies' and Misses' White Skirts in all sizes from 22 to 36 waist measure. These -Skirts ooabe in Pique, Gabardine and Rapp acd are prettily trimmed witk but- tons. Ask to see these attructies and useful garments. Bathing Suits .r Ladies' one piece Bathing Suite in Nary, Paddy drew.. and Brown, trimmed with Orange and Green, in pure wool et $7.60 each. . Cottons ' HORROCKSES COTTONS on sale. As you know HOR- ROCKSES is the recoguized standard fat White Cottons. We hive a large stock at present and for one week every piece of HORROCKSES Cotton will be on sale. There is no dressing in HOR$OCKSES Cottons. They are free from filling. Regular 65c Codes for 49c. Regular 55c Cotton for 43c.- Also 3c.Also other lines to choose from. Voile Dresses An exceptionally large range of Ladies' Voile Drestsee In' tint season's latest creations and the best and newest patterns that have been produced. They are made from ENGLISH Toile - which means they are fast is to color. W, want roc to see this wonderful range which is on display in our ready bo wear department. - J. H. COLBORNE & CO. �tt� 13f 4. i -r 4. . Your favorite ice cream soda is here. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. A Triplicate Charge Slip. Men•hants who require a triplicate (charge slip to comply with the "luxury tax" rewnlatJons should call up The Signal, which ran Supply the eorrect thing made by the largest counter (•beck book firm in the country. ACBi'RN. Wednesday, Jure 30. POR SALE -LIME. B. C. SHINGLES and a Quantity of anchor pees. W. T. RIDDELL. Auburn. ,Mr. Frank Mtnrdy hes completed painting the, Auburn bridge. Mr. It. Melrose had a nephew from the cell Mod arrive to visit him on Tito oiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munro ..peet a few days at Stratford this week. I'. F. 0. Pteeie.-Thr 1'. F. el. plenk• on Saturday drew a hirer crowd 51141 11 gtssl time 1. reported by them who were peewees. Miring 11,. afternoon Miss King's clams and 11e Westfield junior baseball Mems played, resulting In ■ win for the Auburn loyn by the sere 11.9. In the evening R'eretfield mentor taseball team ■rid ('erten, played, resulting In favor of Westfield, 111-1. Malr-Doyl.,-The marriage of MINN Zella A. Doj.lc, younger danitlte'r of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle of anlniru, tt William A. Mair, of Mullett, took plisse on Thursday. June 24, nt1 Knox Prewbyterisn enamor. Outwit'!" The winsome bride looked charming In a grey etlk deem with silver late trim- mings, with Milan hat and white fox fur. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia rimae and wore the groom's gift, ■ rope of pearl... After the ceremony the weel- dltig party returned to the hrldee'a home, where a buffet luncheon was served. The happy couple left for a short honeymoon trip to Detroit via (;rand Rend, the bride travelling In • navy blue verge suit with hat to match. The good wlwhert of a Nowt of friends go with them to their Dew hone on the groom's, farm. The bride will he greatly mimed by a wide CIr -Ie of frl'n(IM In our village, as her sunny dlspnaltlon and happy face bare won het a very warm spot in our hearts. Thla esteem waw given a practical vent where a mese et nights pr.vleta to her marriage she was called upon by the ghee and pretended with • Mather term.? and Mhoany table. i i THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY 4. 4. ,1- '4. 4. t 4- 4- .4- • -. s- s . c . -t' 4- HOW GODERICH(�� CELEBRATED. Continued from page 1. The morning parade had many good features. Miss Marlon Lee and her girl chums had a Hever thing 1■ their representation of "dehool Days." The takioff on the (ioderlch Amusement Ibrporation way funny. The Goderich Mereantile Co., "(:e(leric•h's Baby In- dustry," had an artistic float, showing its varions linea of manufacture; It wee got up very hurriedly, but won the first prize without question. The (ter - man gun receive) this week from Ottawa was seen 117 most people for the fir..t time as it appeared In the parade, drawn by the handsome teams of greys, the leaders ridden by Veter- ans J. Murray and Mat Claremont, while Veterans J. H. McKay std Roy Black were on the grin. It Was a great day for the kiddie.. We doLibt If any town In Canada gives the youngsters a better time on Do- minion krminion Day. than Goderich does every year The baby show appears to he more popular year by year. There was ■ great lineup of tittle cherubs thin morning. "The mysterious Miss Green" was reported early in the day to have 1*en Identified, but ofil•iel confirmation of the report 1.1 lacking. Slim Reynolds of the hell telephone exlllange was the lagy. 'Tom" Pritchard was "the deleterious" Mr. Brown," and he went home at the close of the day's prc>r•errf- Inge withont hsving been identified. The people heartily enjoyed the box - Ing In barrel.. and other medal events In the afternoon. This Is a good feature that should not be neglected In future years. In spite of the big crowd at the after- noon sports, the ttrtauews of the day are somewhat behind. la et year, the admlwsion fee wan f10 rents, and the redaction this year to 31S cents made a conslderattle difference. When it is (onwideyed that the morning and even- ing programs are given without charge to tpe public, and that a thousand or more children are admitted free to the Park In the afternoon, it must 1s• ad. mitred that the charge of J& I. a email an. Se cover all the expenses of the day. 1f the town haw to make np a (Ilfiett of taro or three hundred dollars. It will be money well apewt in giving the people a day that all could enjoy. This is the eighty-sixth amllverwary of the *birth el Me. WNltem (Muspbell. Godse-kb'■ refwran asaesmor, tax col- lector anil municipal expert. Mr. t7aialhr!11 waa hens July lat. INK, and haw eyed Ia Ged.reh ever since he wee IMP -weary of Mire kora pal F4141;; • .}e ably any .other man living, 1144(1 u 1. only by resume of a lwnevotent provi- dence, or the forbearance of the Grits --whk•bevrv.way you look at it -Hurt he has bees allowed to stay so long. Today he is showing with pride a beautiful gold watch which 15 ■ birth- day gift frena his family, and we eft hope he will he able to wear 11 for year.. to Come. Another July lust man is W. W. Bar- low, (captain of the Goderich harebell team. "Hill" was given a third name when he waa too young to resist. "Do- minion" (In recognition of his birth- day) (wing added to WIIIJam Wallace, or Weary Willie, or whatever those two W's stand for • hut when he ar- rivert,at zearweof discretion 1M decided that flue Initials were enough for Mm and he dropped the D. The subject of these brief remarks has two eetsumtng ambitions In life : one ha to indm•e the people of Goderich to allow • proper appreciation of baseball, the other is to heat Zurich. In spite of the preaeneo of hundred( of automobiles In town, there were no accidents of consequence during the day. e NEW ISSUE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 66!. COLD BONDS Due 15th June, 1530. Price 1100 and Accrued Interest T. R Harrison PHONE 114 wie'r INTRz6T OODCR1CB- eNIIMMIS R. Tait . Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds up-to-date for Teleuhpses, Burglar Alarms, Police Patrol and Fire Alarm System■. ;Private Realdesees and Budaesa Places -a specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Electric Tram Toaster,. Orilla. Fans, Vaonom Cleaners, Waeking Machines, Flashlights a ■ A Batteries of all Mimes - always era, hand. • Ring ■p fit or lilt and ham ua give yon an estimate ea your wiring. It will be Acne ght Robt. -Tait Were Sweet I -t Neat PeNsafies • 6 - -!'"'.."4 • Nessa N w r General Insurance Busi- ness Transacted. 'lb "sr' lirlest-else• Job Wink tilloid Jab Departtiese . 'ft 7� ENGLISH PRINTS NAND COLORED Scenes of Old Village Churches and Country inns Rural Scene of Sussex Lanes and Thatched Cot- tages Rheims Cathedral, beau- tifully colored interior of "The Rose Window ;" also the exterior. You can select your own subject and have it framed suitably at small cost. SIMS ART STORE Pros i 1 0