HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-1, Page 5SIN Q1'LL AODUIOH. C11T. "e.4 e+ Thursday. July 1, 1920. -:S .64 a ti r.' EVERY, GOOD TIME 1S A GOOD TIME TO KODAK The autographic feature tells whoa and where each picture was taken. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING r&OMPT SERVICE. etiowsioNewNeocsiesewsirsirsowNewsreloseNessosowelaienesseesesoisososesow CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE GODERICH Ned UIat'e Scotch State ills $ e ■•)t1lt11111#■ WATER RATES Pay in Advance and save the big discount. 1 per cent. will be al- lowed off all water rates for the next three months ending September 30th, if paid on or before July lat. Chequ ,made payable to J. B. KELLY, Collector. Lawn service hours from 7 to 8 o'clock A. M. and 5 to 10 o'clock P. M. only. WATER AND LICHT COMMISSION GODERICH. ONT. =1t[ -1[ iiEJllt�llillEl[ IW 11 AliMMINIMEME • —THE- 1Model Theatre Program FOR \Wnk July "5 to Judy 10 'ARl. A tiwl■sss Change. 'as/0•11‘ hie oonfdc ta .-conn Mr. 1tP$nd tai nMr, oprietorto is Ores y possession. Mr, Robbins had conducted the business for about five years. He has not decided his plans for the future. but will remain in Goderich for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Colborne are well-known reudepts of Goderich and will doubtless secure a fair share of busi- aess. Ts Be a Provincial Highway. /announcement is made that theOntario Government is to take over the Stratford to Goderich road July 2nd as a Provincial highway. The main road from Stratford to New Hamburg a, alio to be taken over, making a straight stretch of about silty miles. Mr. Archk Tom. son of Mr. J. E. Tom. public schobl inspector of Goderich.• is to be the engineer in charge of the highway, and is opening his office at Stratford. Proparatloup for tie Twelfth. The C. P. R. hes agreed to ruff r. kpertal train from Guelph on July 12th and the Orangehlen of the Royal city will Join in the esiuth Huron dewou- atratlow in Goderlrh. The G. T. R. is to run two speciate. one from Luean ('rowing and this other from Seaforth. A big crowd is expected In town. On Sunday morning. July 11th. the local Orangemen w111 attend service at the Baptist church and will (w ad - dreamed by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Mc- Cauley. Weg=R.bl■aea. A pretty wedding took place at the hone of the bride's mother. Mrs. J. W. Robinson. 388 Roncesvalles avenue. Tor. onto. on Thursday evening. June 24. e►hen Louise. daughter of the late Rev. J. W. Robinson. formerly of Goderich, was married to Mr. Alexander Savigny Laing. son of Mr. and the late Mn. Laing of Montreal. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. E. Hunter of Lambeth. brother-in-law of the bride. Mr. and Mn Laing will be at home after September 1. The High fickest Entrance. The high school entrance examination was belt Monday. Tuesday and Wednes- day. am at Goderidt was in charge of Principal Hume and -Inspector Tom. There were eighty candidates writing— five from Goderich township, twenty -ton from Colborne, fifty-one from the town (seven from the Separate school, twelve from Central and thirty-two from Vic- toria). The papers have been very fair and perfectly free from any catchy ques- tions, and on the whole somewhat less difficult even than last year. MURRAY.—The death of Joseph Murray on Sunday, June 20. removed a well-known resident of Goderich. Mr. Murray was a native of Godench and spent a great part of his life in this town. of late years conducting a restau- rant on Kingston street. He was in his fifty-sixth year and is survived by a wife and two children. a sen andia daughter. The fiance took place on Vednesday afternoon of last week to MIdt(and ceme- tery. the funeral being conducted by Mr. James, of Toronto, a member of the Brethren. The pallbearers were a brother. Mr. George Murray, and three nephews, Mr. Creak Murray and Messrs. Louis and Enslow Aitken. Mr. Geo.-ge Murray is now the only surviving member of the late William Murray's family of eight. ••.•••el•••a■■••••••••••ea ■ MONDAY AND TUESDAY A Paramount picture Shirley Mason in "FINAL etosE-trper ALSO Last Episode of ADVENTURPA OP RUTH. "The Key of Victory" —e— WEDN'Y AND THURSDAY A Goldwyn Picture Tom Moore in "TOBY'S BOW" ALSO Capital Colitedy "BIRDS of a FEATHER" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Lewis J. Schmidt presents Olive Thomas In "OUT YONDER" ALSO `tSUP+REME" COMEDY. WHAT ; ▪ Is the Work of the Holy . • • ■ • • Spirit P ■ 11 a.m. • • ■ ■ THE MAN E ■ ■ • • 1 Big for Him 7 p.m. • • • Whose Name Was too :_ a ■ w ■ • AA ■ ■ Bible School at 9:55.11.111. • - People's Meeting at 8 p. m. _ ■ • • • Young ■ 1 • ■ ■ a ■ • to the Baptist Church = Montreal Street COME young p ' weans. NextSu r..': y's .eritcea in North street Methodist church wilt be as follows: Classes and Men's Club1st 10 a m. The Club topif will be: "What special work mid purl glob do to help the church ?" Mr. A. M Robertson will open the dis- cussion. In the evening the pastor will continue the general theme of -Modern Substitutes for Evangelical Christianity." His theme will be: "Theosophy and New Thought." • - Vfietoria Street Methodist Church. Su qday. July 4th—Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning service. 11 a. m, subject: "The Nature and Purpose M the Miracles of Jesus." Evening service. 7 p. m., sub- ject: "Why I Believe the Bibk." Excel- lent music under the leadership of Mr. Barker at all regular services. The prayer service on Tuesday evening of tbjg week in Victoria street church took ie ortriof_� seats service. There was a large attindance and the singing was very enjoyable and helpful.' Arrangements are being completed far tbe serving of meals on July 12th by the members of Victoria street Methodist church. Aeeideen to Mr. D. McMurehy. Mr. D.Mc Murchy hada fall last Friday morning while engaged in painting at Mt. Frank Adams' house on St. David's street. He felt himself becoming faint while some feet up the ladder and does not know exactly what happened, but he fell to the ground and sustained injuries which at first were regarded very seriously. He is now improving. however. and will likely be out again before long. Mr. McMurchy is not as young as he used to be. and as good men are scarce he will nave to be more careful of himse f in future. Goderkh's War Trophy. the 77 m.m. gun allotted to Goderich by the War Trophies Committee at Ottawa arrived this week and formed an interesting feature of the Dominion Hay parade. It is a field gun captured from the Germans. and bearing the date 1917, presumably the year it was made. It is in good condition, showing only a few marks of battle. The barrel is about nine feet long and takes a projectile about 3 1-4 inches in diameter. At present the gun is at the town hall and there is some discussion as to where it should be placed permanently—at the Harbor Park, on the Square. in Victoria Park, or at one of the street intersections Residence Propertiee Sold at Auetlos►v' The residents• property at the corner of Cambria road and Brock street. belonging to tbe estate- Of Cynthia Chailen. late of Simone, Ont., was sold at auction on Saturday last, Me. E. 1'. leeleher leinng the pun•haser, t $1,8511, This was formerly the resp ice of the John Aelieiu.n family and in • very desirable property and St . Belcher is to he runxratnlatwt upon- tis pnn-hase. Tlie Skituinim props yon Stanley street. Including two Ma. taco frame houses and an old b f1d11yt on one of auction uu June • ■ • 1 • ■ ■ • • • ■ ■ ■ • Next Sunday • ■ ■ • I. ■■••et...i■smo048MSO mli'll JULY 4th \Sae our select stock of Lathes' Whitewear with the new pointed effects. Ladies' CaDars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. Remember that we have re- moved to a new sj,and on the sonth side of Square. Give us a call. Miss S. Noble South fide Swoon — Godoriek LZSSONAL KEIITIIOl1. Clark is about again after a severe ilinesi. •home from Windsor Miss Robertson ► for tbe summer holiday... spending a Miss Dorothy Reycraft �► ., month with friends at Leadtingto., MIsa .Iselen Strang is home fir_ Ne ork for a month's va.atiuu. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Smith, of Chicago, are visiting et the old home. South street. Miss Ida Hogg of Toronto. is visit - tag the Misses Robertson. Victoria street. Mr. Chas. Inkster is home from Tor- onto on a holiday visit. Mrs Patrick Finn. of Detroit. is spend- ing the summer in town. Mr. John Macara, of Ottawa. is visiting his sister, Miss Macara. Drs. Mabee and MacDonell were at Hamilton last week Weeding a dental clinic. M• s. Geo. Webb. ok,Mt. Brydges. was the guest of Mrs. J. F. Reycratt the past week. Mr. E. Downing and daughter. Mrs. W. D. Coq. of Leamington. arse visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bowler have gone to Detroit and will spend the summer months there. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Heat, of New York, and Mr. and Mus. Joseph Heck, of Toronto, are in town for a holiday. Mr. H. J. D. Cooke. who has been confined to his booze by Wines, is reported to be improving. Miss Louise Healy. of Windsor, visited at tbe home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Healy. Hincks street. Mr. Alex. Vaughan. 01 Bloomington, IU., is visiting his coolie, the Misses Vaughan. East street. MisslHeten Carty. who is taking a cower in nursing at Boston, Mass.. is home for three weeks' boli da ys. the ham. was 'sold a 111th to Mr. James Herrick, -whose hid K'as $1,v00. Mr. Garrick has had the old handing torn down and wilt make ot:ier improvements In the rt y. FATAL SHOOTING ACCIDENT. Mr. F. A. Humber arrived from Detroit today by auto. accompanied by his son. Frank, or.. and daughter. Miss Helen. Mr. and Mrs. T.- C. Trethewey. of Guelph. are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. S. Vara*, Carlow. Mr. A. Innes is int n loday visit- ing his wile and young daattter while his boat. the steamer Valcartier, is at Buffalo. Mrs. T. A. Helpenny, of Weeniest Boulevard. Toronto. is visiting Miss J. J. Adams and Mrs. L. Donaldson, Hincks street. Mn. Chit Lane and children, of De- troit. are pending several weeks in town andare,at the home of County Treasurer Lane./ Mi! and Mrs. Lorne MacLennan. of Windsor, were visiting their old homes in Ashfield the past week. and left on Tues- day by motor on their return to Windsor. Rev. Dr. Dickie, Mrs. Dickie anci Miss Margaret, of Montreal. area this morning to spend the summer at .their cottage at Meresetung Park. Mr. Harold Murney. who broke his leg a few weeks ago playing baseball, is out again with crutches and expects to be able to throw away the supports in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson and famft' lucre returned to town. Mr. Huh•iflnsan has jnrt returned from Europe, where lir. had leen on a busi- ness trip Attlee enrly in the year. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shipley of Clinton announce the engagement of their daughter. M. E. Pretoria,to Mr. Lloyd W. Curren, Oshawa, soof Mrs. E. Currell of Goderich. The marriage will take place about the middle of July. Shot Intended for a Horse Kills a Man in Grey Township. Tuesday afternoon of last week John Louttit, lot 35. concession 12. Grey, and his neighbor James E. McD maid under- took to shoot a horse belonging to the former, intending to take the hide off and bury the animal. On arriving at the place the former, holding the horse by the halter, strayed to deliver the fatal missile from a large revolver, but at the report of the firearm the animal feared and Louttit says the halter shank caught around the pistol, thereby misdirecting the aim, and a second shot lodged in McDonald's thigh. The wound bled profusely and before the man could be got to his home he passed away. Coroner Kennedy, Wingham, was ap- prised and came to the scene, but on ascertaining the facts did not think an inquest was necessary and gave an order for burial. Mr. McDonald was forty-one years of age. a bachelor, his mother keep- ing house for him. It was an un'ortunate affair, but purely accidental. The funeral took place Friday afternoon. CHURCH! NOTES. The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper will be observed is Knox church on Sunday morning. Subject of the sermon. 7 m.: "After Communion.- Sunday school at 3 o'clock. The second q■estion—"What is the work of the Holy Spirit i' and the second New Testament character—"The Man Whose Nave Was luso Big for � Hire"— willbe the tA1mss at the Baptist.churrh at 11 a. as and 7 p.m A recent visitor in town was Mrs Maetzger, of Seattle, Wash., who will be remembered by many as Miss Anna Mc- Kay,si resideat of Goderich some yeira ago. Mrs. Maetzger came up on the Greyhound from Detroit. where she wee visiting her mother, and while in town was the guest of Mrs. Walter Hern. Mr. Fred Shannon. of Ottawa, spent a few days ihia week visitiug his mother, Mrs. W, D. Shannon. Pred was up et 11111111111111UNION111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111W IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIMIIAAIUIIIUIIHIIL This Is Your Store ! I R STEEL COMPANY Watch for the date of our Grand Opening Sale E tilt. -•tatjonlasel power. Catral or=...,, multiplied ou`let, an or=aaifa• tion of this kind has at theft finger tips, we will be able to offer for your approval, at prices ranging from Sc to $1.00, tall classes of !merchandise at from 10 to 25 per cost. loss Gin our competitors. -t`e simple elimination of the middle- man in having our goods ship- ped direct to our stores from the manufacturers. the wonderful ',buying L. R. As secs as our preseat loca- tion which we have is Gods - rich opposite the Court House, ail (Willits 15an sow of tie Squard' which is iiia tele* retttodello, and decorated at lir41 present time, you will to able to take advantage of the wonderful bargains which will be offered for sale is our up-to-date d• - nests. Every persesaI.---� glad household necessity that ea• be retailed fres So to 51.00 will be offered at prices that will knock the "high" out of the "high "oast of living." Steel -Co., 1 Limited y • \ - ` 5c to $1.00 Stores Will be located in all the principal cities and towns in the Dominion of Canada - 111111 UUHIIl11101lIHIIIIIIIIIIImHIHIIIIiI111111 IIUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIUUIiIIIHIIIIIIII ts 9 London taking part in a bowling tourney, and his rink carried off one of the prizes. Mrs. Robert Henry. Mix -Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Henry. of Windsor, have arrived for the season. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lymburner left 1- this week for Wroxeter, where Mr. Lym- burner will have charge of the Methodist congregation, hating been appointed to this work at the recent meeting of the London Conference. Miss Lottie Polley, who has been' teaching at Neustadt for the past• year, arrived home on Thursday ,:of last week, and left on Tuesday last Id take charge of the office of the Toledo Nickel Plating •' Co.. Toledo, Ohio, for her brother-in-law, Mr. W. Major. Mrs. W. G. MacEwan left last Thurs- day for Sarnia, %here the was joined by her sister. Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Toronto, and together they are taking the boat ttip up the Great Lakes to Fort William. and thence will goo Winnipeg. to spend the summer with ttjitir sister; Mrs. McCarten. The LIiXU-ry Tax! The Government says tailored-to-ineasute clothes are exempt up to $60,00 ; but a suit built of the materials we can show you above that price is still economy - niorL so_at_ $90.00. Stacks of_3hem at l$N0,0o, and good ones. MARTIN the Tailor Phone 318 _House to Let en West street Waterand all conveniences FOR SALE M SCCA OJNTMCNT ,iii SOLD EVERYWHERE ; A QUANTITY OP ar Fence Posts AND Anchor Posta Counter Check Books at "The Sign tpeconcocapcmc EAST STREET GARAGE' IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING g: BUYING A NEW CAR, LET US SI-IO`N YOU THE GRAY -DORY Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries and Cc umbia Dry Cells. Tires and Accessories of all kinds at pric-1 tL will save you money. Ou. .ock is complete. 26c — 60e — $1.e0— $1.45 neo twit M .. '.: ' " ... i a. (:=a..4. Dr•m:le. ROBERT WILSON OENUIN' FORD PARTS .FREE AIR. HAMILTON STREET war GODERICH T. F. HOLLAND =k