HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-7-1, Page 34
Sti " h est;
ti% serWrimithow
quirky Mind's
meat w14ves atilt•
ars cad !areae..
Given Great
11.► A L Cater at
adtr•'Myrod Worts L .W
poo* wreir F40.d. oil
Arian k tr Arum -
rd lam no rag
a pro peat maid'
▪ G
Mn Prod J.a..to.. Br /3S, Tlondd. O.r -
'•1 to/err mothd very rorota.)Im r far toot
*Firm, re milord to try M,+uJ'• Lower. ..e
eA,.4 ha..duNy •Itr rot air.. w.,
1 pmwooed V eras n rd 01 W rowdy pad
Tl.• row 1 .. so out without r, w t, my Ir.
..d Or thor.dtt to Afraid • L,o..... Hove
..Id moral people .bo.. Drool, •al odors re
rift a.
Kbas o/ Poi i
YarmwNo►s $cella
PAtH, epecralat in at a en's and cbddrem
allbocellat par0oaadedu din,e huys
r Montane conditions. Adenoid remove
gout the knife.
CQ'ce at rtudeac come
• and St. Ardrtw's streets. At banes elk
coda's. Thursdays ar.d 5studeys; may e 01
by gpdatmtest.
sea 87, Godrkh. All instructions by au or
ere at Signal Other ala be promptly attended
rradeoce telephone
YSmlTER stur. notary pubo. Othcs
ohultoo Street. Goderkh. third door gram
Sura. 1 rust kinds to loan at lowest Pala
Osla Sr n� Mock, Hamilton* Street
:yr aeta4. Loan and laiurance.
-- --V• ile w the Square. arson .door lama Hama
�y w Goders:h.
leads to aa at beer rales.
: b
fapmsotn. K. C.. J.1.. K u.ou*H
H. J. D. Geom.
/ RISTEK, sttnnay. soliutor, etc.. l.oderich
eaea locoed at lowest rates.
L/e lt.ITOK, many' WWbhc sad conveyancer.
a -Court House. Godevicd w-1'Xse
Asa ANCk CO. -Farm and misdated tows drop
pry Wry.
Ofcer>~Jr. Garrity, Pres.. Goderich P. O.;
Jmti a•atr, Vice -Pres Hawhwood P.O.; Thome
Hayti Sac.-Tress.gestalt' P.O.
Directors -D. F. i fcGregse. R, R. tic. S. Sea -
era; lotus G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Witham
R. ob Geo. 4 SeMcCartney.
. ) B o. 1, Sea
a; Geo. R. R. too. 1, Sea -
girth; t Ferny Hariock; Malcolm Mc-
Minn. Chilton. James Evans. neechwood; James
Ceaaolly, Goderrch.
Apo: J. W. Yeo Goderrch; Alex. Leitch.
R. R. Na. 1, Clinton; WMWm Chesney. Sealortk'
a. Meanie'. S.afort h. Polrc-boldera can pay all
uts and get tbeu car. receipted at R's Clothing Stowe, Clinton; R. H. Catt�s
tCmgsout street. Godench. or J. H.
eoerer Store. Bayfield.
Brophe3 Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attaddlito
M all hours, night, ar day.
`rave aria Charles Sn.. Toronto
red OwerMet Cerra fee (wish-seMe irk.
Gat tlemee • (se we «.Asti.. Own .11 'ser.
saaw w. Wise fee C.taleeue. ,
-W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal
Following is the statallus of pupil's
ed Ndrtoala public school :....
Pupils for Entrance Irina
limmeraon Armatrmlg, Trig. Bow-
man, Natlldit Itaawlster, Verna Brown-
lee, Marguerite Chapman, Evelyn
I'urrle, Wellington 1)otaldsou, Itarbere
Duckworth, Willie Frerth, ]Lary For -
dell, Florence Grinrod, Maisel Garrick,
Charlet. Harrison, Hazel Hawkins,
Edna Hunt, Annie Huffman, Irene
Johnston, Irene James, Mule Morgan,
Isabel 31eKe.«le, Randall Marriott,
Reggie Munroe, Jean j'Inder, Edna
Randall, Ilrrgersuu !()11th. E wood
'rhow1rs,u, Olive 'Whitely.
Form III.
Sr. III. to Jr. 1V.-Jaraes Austay,
Gladys Alibi, Meldrum Cutt, Vera
Copp Laureta Doak, I.ttrtle Evans,
Fred Grigg. Tum Grey, Pauline Hun -
fairy, Helen Johnston, Harry John-
ston, Ethel Msllough, Donald Marlyn,
Ansa McLclja, Pella Iten(Im L, James
Ruddock, Margaret ltedditt, Isabel
Raltxw, Elide Winter, Beatrice Weigh.
Jr. 111. _to Sr. 111. -Melvin Bell.
Merrill Baker, Iioldle l'orudeld, Mabel
Doak, Eva Grinned.' Harvey Griffith,
John Gantry, Gerald Hogarth, Bert
Dom* Pauline McEwen, Mary Mac-
Kay, Floreaor Mt•Vittte, Rosa Mathle-
ao1, Clayton Nivlus, Jack 'tktikeltl,
Dorothy Steep, Gordon Webb, Allan
Jr. 111. to Sr. 'III.-WIIIIe Black,
}i wI Iisrwielia--Metrisne- Challenger.
11'illie.Gm rrick, Viola Gibson, Wilfred
1luggarth, Walter Hamilton, Myrtle
Johnston, Helen 141ud,'Ileraliline Me -
Eu oII, Edna Me•Nittie, Erelyu Me-
IhHm1d, Jean M*-Ixan. Catherine
M4rty11, Fred Pascoe, Jahn Sproule,
Norman Wilson.
Sr. III. to Jr. IV. -Jack Atlrtn Ber-
t m Barwick. Merle Bell, *Wle
lir alley, 14.115 Currie, Norhle 4)uui.lp.
or . lir Furden, John Graham, Jas.
(:sass . Edith number. Joe 1,t.grldge,
Jews sthleann. Delight Mid •1e, EI -
wool N his, Sybil 1'ro.tor, Marguerite
Sproule, Vinulfrvcl Shepherd, 4'l:n•t•ute
Welsh, 1'e a Young.
Mom 3.
Sr. 11. to
honors). is
(bone Taylor. I
1)rennait, 1Ioa
4 bomb. Jerrie Iiia
entity. ouch r:,tulry,
111. -Tarlton WVorsMl
Jewell' ()amara1.
ice Walker, 'Uekn
MacKay, Lola
Kenneth Mae-
. !'lair Twec411e
Toronto Matti Had l• Give Up His
Work Because of Rheumatism In
Legs and Hips.
"Yes, sir, I have thrown my cane away
and 1 am now as active as ever and it's
all because of the good Tanlac did me,'b
said '!John Nichols, retired farmer and
timb.rman, living at 634 Rhodes av nese.
Toronto. Ont.. Canada, a few days ago.
"Three years ago rheumatism got the
best of me and I gave up all work and
came here to Toronto to live and saeett a 1
could find something that would restore
MY health. but iny search was in vain
until 1 got hold of Tanlac. All my joints
were stiff and they pained me so bad I
could hardly get around at all, and when
1 was able to Walk I could not make it
Without my cane. The rheumatism was
worst in my left let and hip and at times
the pains in my hip and knee were so
severe that trey nearly doubled me up
It was agony lex me to fly to an down
and get up out of my chair. In (act, 1
was au badly crippled up 1 was almort
helpless. My stomach got out of order.
and my appetite left me and when 1 did
eat a little something 1 had to pay for It
in suffering. My strength left me and I
began to lose In weight and I felt weak
and good-for-nothing all the time.
",""I heard so ninny people right here in
Toronto praising Tanlac and so many
people were making statements about it
that 1 decided to give it a. trial. My
appetite came right back and in a short
lime 1 could eat anything 1 wanted with-
out *uttering any t ad effects and my lost
weight and strength returned. By the
time I had finished my third bottle I
threw my cane away. couldn't tell 1 had
ever had rheumatism in my life and was
feeling as spry as a boy. 1 hat teas nearly
three years ago and 1 have enjoyed the
very best of health from then until just a
short time ago. My appetite got a little
week and my skomach didn't seem just
right and knowing well that 1 ccu d
depend on Tanlac to set me right 1 have
come here today to get another bottle.
Tanlac has proved one of the grtatell
blessings of my life and 1 gi% e it all the
Credit for the fine health 1 have enjoyed
for the past three years."
Tautac is sold in Goderich by F.. R.
Wigle and the leading druggist Ip
every town.
Marie Thomas, Anustnom,
',Nulls Armstrong, Law's. Velma
Brownlee, Angeline Jardine, Jack
Wend. 5' -
To Sr. ,11..-6.sdrey i'ea. hec,
tbj Clark, Li111an Shephard. .lack
Ernest- i4.arhey, \Nellie Ma!•
Stewart Knight,- Annie White,
Carter, Evelyn Witten,, Audi
An Open .Secret
The secret of buoyant, vigor-
ous health, is a will-nquiahed
Ibody. It is pu open secret that
Scott's Emulsion
iis of wonderful help to those
who are run-down in vitality
from ady cause. Try ift
amt. a Dower Tomato. Ont. 15-a
for men at a
remarkable price
Mea's Tweed Raincoats. The
coat is cut in the single-
breasted style, a loge
belt with buckle. Sixes
34 to 42 at
$12.45 and $16.45
Mea's Fawn Raincoats. Made
in single-breasted style,
double -stitched seams.
Sizes 34 to 46 at
M. Robins
Sowed Side Square - Goderic6
The season has arrived for
White Footwear!
We have a large assortment of Wenaon's White
Pumps, Colonials sad Oxfords, with low au2
high heels.
Also for misses and children we have White
Canvas Oxfords, Slippers and High 8110ea..
White Canvas Oxfords and Jligh Boots, in
Welts & McKay's, for men.
Lot us supply yea with your white goods.
To Jr./1.-Ian 3[neHxttlr, !:rare
Murray, 'RR•ginald Newcombe, 1Vlllett
Ilarrison, Dews no'i'ret•lous. Eno Mil-
ton, Donald Morison. Della Murrey.
_Billy Paltridge, Fred (Wain.- Edward
Bissett. Evelyn Black.
Divislos VI. '
Kr. Ii. to Jr. 111. -Jean Andrews
1 honors I, Iler! rude Young 1 honors 1,
Herlwrt Graham l honors 1, )fob Black
(honors I, Myrtle Hell I honors I and
Edith! Wird ( honors) equal, Frank
'towra, Carl ('lark, Ernest Barker,
Vena Armstrong. Edgar "Sete -
mini. Roy Walter, Emmerson
Bishop, Billy Hates, Sterner Ervine,
Jr. IL to Nr. II.-Sialda Milton
(honors), Keith Morison. Ethel ('ook.
('hriittt'na Marty n. Gertrude lamliv,
Walter Newcombe, Hilda James. Doris
Chapman. Olive Young, Ida Wihou.
Violet ('lark, Flo Mar -Do old, Irene
Hacking, Robert ('arrick.
Koen 7.
Sr. I. to Jr. II. -Elaine Grass
(honors), Marguerite McDonald (hon-
ol'a), Lucile Mncl)onald (honors),
('hdrlotte Johnson Ihonors). Roy Arm-
strong (honors 1, Lorene (crass (hon-
ors 1, Joe Ta }tor l h))nore Harold
Doak, Nellie Bannister, Lawrence Vole,
Edith I'riddle, Norval Anderson, Elsie
Rix, Beatrice Fordan, Jack McFarlane.
Jr. I. to Sr. i. -Audrey Shin .(hon-
ors), Harry Bloomfield (honors), iiillie
Thomas (bouora), Adele Brocklebank
"My back
Is So Bad"
PAINS in the small of tete
back, lumbago, rheuma-
tism, pains in the Baba all tall
of defective kidneys.
Potions are betas lett I. the
blood which Canoe palate and acksl ,
The kidneys. liver sad bowels
meet be aroused to ammo. by ssenh
Meakmeat as Dr. ClIbmWs RUMP.
Misr iglba
lbws 1. Om Ibis Sr MIS
• .MTi. �aa� (t Ars
woo antMUM..--MeSi
anewi ti7�
Oa le a Om* II calm) a We. as
•• lkwwa. ease a ., IM.
KIitIit'l) 1 1%(I) i';I i •
•4 houhrs I, Hefty Iar1.leg 1 honors l . Lily
Bates, Gertrude Evans, Kathleen Mout-
Cass l' to+Jr. 1. -Margaret Black,
Robert Weston. Willie Barker. Peter
Young, Donald IIaggin. Mae Erchn•.
NV 11.4011 McGulrt•, Jessie McKay.
('lass It to ('-Ma'rion Curry, (lell'and
WW'alters, Joe (trInley, Edna Knight,
Evi'lyu Hamilton, .Ally 14audersrw.
Plass A to It-Viett:a Carrick, Harold
(I Horton, ('harem., Aneat rung. Cis re
Ervlite, Itaywunn 1henna u, Irene Juhu-
From Sr. 1. 0. Jr. 11.-- Billy Thom-
son (houuriJ, Harry Allan 4la)norsl.
Deur Hutchinson (Honors), Retirees
�leKeuzie (honors), 1 Nro115 J4cIl I hon-
otw), Wesley Randall, Lhlaa Morgan.
Billy Proctor, Irene R4aimheld, Mil-
dred Wilson. - Annieganders, Eva
Young, Edith 1.IIn119', Itasll Laws.
t4eulor ('Iaa,e-F'reyl MacHattle, stag
ley Taylor, Dorothy %%'alters.
Junior Clam -Fred Iaawls (1 1,
Haney Johtudtou, !ruby BrtJldley, lau
MacKay, Edna Il,s.th.
Fourth ('Ices- Irene Fry, Mabel
Brownlee, Dorothy- Thowpsoi4 Nona
NacLeos1, Evelyn 1)reunau, Madge
'Cburvh, Willa Hoggarth, liebe1 1•:d-
d ('lass-Itnd1 Worsen, Lorne
Clark, Leonel ('lark. Ira. Young, Edgar
311.1longle, Howard Ltsldrrook, Thur -
low Melonald, Ed1th 4'ornneld, Ruarrll
Seeowl (Ism-- Maurice 1'erklus,
Grace Mason.
First ('lass-Jawes Taylor, 011ie
Room -9.
Kindergartenl. to
Primary tM,
Frank A114•11, Billy Bannister, \'era
Blacken, Fred Inivim, Arnold Ioak.
Elsie Drew,. 1'.•w•I Garrick, Irwin
6atiley, Duleie 4.;nvs, Mill's 3.uwi,y.
N'illlain Macaulay, • Leonard Sini-
1)r141d, Kenneth Mari)htruth'. Jean
Morgan. Irene 4't•4lnw. ('lay ton Std-
uwou, WW'lllie 1W'ilsuu. lsal,eIla Tule.
Kindergarten to K. Prluutr'-Dgr-
lotby Re11, Beatrice 4'awpls•Il, ('atherhne
('uleluugh, Finery t',aok, Marjorie Three.
Thelma Fry, Marten Haggett, Dorothy
Henderson. I)orbi Wilton. Baby haws,I
Iorothy MclSon(Id.�3/IIil I McKay.
James Itettditt. Mari, Sturdy, Jean
Weslouer, Margaret Tritons.
Loris Woollcombe and Rub* Kilpatrick
Win Adamson Scholarships.
Following is the list of 1:. 1'. I.
prowotions, 114110111Hs and s•holarships.
Tee promotions are based on the• av4'r-
age of the four , term examinations.
Crass A includes those who 'have wade
40 per cent. In each subject and (8) per
cent. of total; Crass It, those who have
made'ti0 per cent. of total but less than
40 per eent. 91 11 subject, and such must
supplvnent In September in the sub-
jects indicated after their ranges;
('laws (j, Ibose• who have 014)44' nut less
than 5.5 Or cent. of total; ('lass I),
those who 'are imaged. on their year's
work, being` prevented writing.
P11010 1041 10 Fetal 111.
cis ss A.
Honors -Edith itelularUR4.4, Elsie
Reinhart 79.2, It, Martin 79.1.
Pass -T. Anderson 72, L. Cooke 71.7,
M. Reyeraft 70.1. A. Stafford 67.6, J.
Iteevers I5.6, H. Fowler 6:11.6, H. Bell
(10.2, T. ('ntt MIL Dougherty 62.1,
E. Doak 62.1, P. Due worth 60.
B. Hunter (arlth.) 772.9. J. McLeod
(arith.J 6t.E, v. Lyathitruer-rgeog.)
('Hemi C. - (Ranked)
O. Finnigan (spell.). Dalton
larith.), W. Baker, (1. f)(trh•kland
tlarith., Fr., lat.), H. Collin n (mei.
-Class 1).
L. Hern. M. Graham. 11. Howrie.
To Commercial Form.
('bias A.
Honor. -M. MarKay 74.
1Veloster 74, 3I. Johnat
(11,3, 1. lirow oleo 61.3.
('lass 8.'
A. Pewter (arlth.) flit, Is Wallis
(arlth.)-65.:1. '
Class C. (Itsnked.l
t%. Sanderson (tomtits. 1, 31 A.s -"'-(*Ma. ). 1'. O'Neill.
('lass 1),
('1? 414)1 44 110 ys.
• I'r'ornoltons to Form [n. R.
('lass A.
Honotg=t). Worlleomhe 76.4.
I'aaa- IW. Clark 60.8, O. [iowra (40.5.
- --class H.
L. Brown (arith.) 6:1.7, J. ('Mike
(i41111) fit, J. Wallace (alg.) 62.9.
(lass 1).
'1114' pronation of H. Cooper is ander
The promotion of threw writing 011
the iower School NorrtaI Entnuur
Will be decided 011 results of that ex-
Promotion l PW III.• A.
("bias A.
A. Nairn 74.S, T. McCarty 70:4, M.
Dalton 64.5. E. Driver 65.4, NI. Pent-
land 6.1.:4, I. Young 64.:1.
('lass It.
F. Ralthh), (Fr.) 64.1, J. Haintcr
(alit., pity's. 1 61.9, fl. Allen (wig.) 61.2,
II. Galt lalg.) (81.9.
('lass C. IR,anked.)
F. }ongherty, M. J. lee (nig.). If.
l'orter (gram.), F. lieevers, .1. F.
.narrow (ale.. gloom.), E. .McCremtb
(an4'. history), It. Bradford (sae.
history, Fr., hat.).
('lase D, (Ranker..)
M. Rerycraft, O. ('napper ('. Mr•Keruie,
(1. Murray, E.
Snell, i.. Thede, lit.
Dougherty. •
Comtoerriat i 1pkomaa.
Ilam -A IMdxlnhiig Diplom).
( Itankcd ea to total.)
Theresa Nfunninga, honors In book-
keeping, stenography and typewrltlng:
IClhrn Munnirag•, honors in bookkeap-
Ing and demography; Marie McIntosh.
honors In typewriting; (tatlarrtne �i.
1.cwIs; Worthy Rack. honors In ryplr►-
writing; Mande Smith. bowies In
bookkeeping. -
('lass B (laving to complete one
ss4hjeet for [)Ipffrn*).
Bessie Davidson, speed teat In
Thuriday, Jnly 1, 19x9. -S
Health and Happiness
Women of today seem to listen to every call of duty come
the supreme one that tells them to guard their health. home
duties, church duties, war activities, and the hundred -and -one
calls for charitable enterprises soon lead women to oval:do.
Nervousness, headaches, backaches and female troubles are the
inevitable result
-�. i s 7j►
Philadelphia, 1'a.-" I was very weals, al-
Lway tired, my back ached, and I felt wieldy
mod of the time. I went to a doeem and he
said I had nervous indigestion, which, added
to my week condition, kept me worry most
of the time -and he mid If I could stop
that, I could not get welL I heard so much
about Lydia E. Ptnkham'e Vegetable Com-
pound my husband wanted me to try 11. I
took 1t fora week and felt a little better. I
kept 1t up for three months, and I feel tine
and can eat anything now without dtatress
or nervousnsaa. Health and happiness?
Yea, 1 have both pow." -Mrs. J. Wor mL[ta.
3543 North Taylor Street, Phlla4elphta, Pa.
The majority of women nowadays
overdo, there are so many demands
upon their time and strength ; the result
is invariablya weakened, run-down
nervous conition with headaches, back-
ache, irritability and depression -and
soon more serious ailments develop
Avoid them by taking in time
Lgdia E
-Vegetable Coot
writing; Mildred Stokes, speed test in •• ala •••••sae••
typewrltlhg; Doris Woollcombe, *peed
test in stenography.
The Adamson Memorial SehdafsWM.I
Form II.
Dark WVo,lleombe 70.6.
Form Iii.
Roby Kilpatrick Kilpattrick 86.6.
Students' reports will be obtained sat
the hone of the principal, J. 1'. HUMIE
Lenton, Ont., September 11th to 18th,
Never in the history of ;he Western
Fair has there been such a rush for space
of all kinds for the exhibition as this year.
The management take this as an indication
that the exhibition is becoming more
popular each year, and that exhibitors
are getting more benefit from it than
ever before. Every effort prss,ble is being
made to make the exhibition what It
ought to be -one of great value to all who
attend not only to spend a day of amuse-
ment but profit' as well. Ample provision
is made forparking automobiles and there
will be plenty of room for everybody.
All information may be secured by writing
the secretary. A.M. Hunt, G:neral Office,
London. Ont.
Wasted Strategy.
Lady -"I've just met your little boy
and girl, Mr. Brown. What charming,
intelligent little dears they are."
Mr. Brown (the grocer) -"Thank you,
ma'am" -pause -"but I can't let you
have more than your ration of sugar."-
Pearson's Weekly. �l�� a • • • • • • • jab
Always at your service
with the best goods at most
reasonable prices.
s..4iSide Square Telephone 46
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom lou may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Hamilton Street Phone lag
Plumbing Heating
Eavestroughing Metal Wolk
- - -
Plain Facts about lVfillc Routes
A team of horses costs about $400, double harness
100, a wagon $75, making a total of *676. A Ford
Truck costa $750 at Ford, Ont.
Government experiments have proved that the cost
of feeding a horse is 8.7 cents per working hour, or
17.4 cents per team per hour. One team, if collecting
milk, could not cover more than 30 miles a day.
The cost for twelve hours would be $2.09, or about
seven cents a mile. The coat for gas and oil for a
Ford Truck is only 4X cents a mile. The Ford Truck
soon pays for itself in the reduced cost of operation.
A Ford Truck will cover at least 60 miles a day col-
lecting milk or 250 miles on long hauls. It enables you
to operate at a lower cost per mile and to cover twice
as much territory as with horses.
Ford Ome-Ten Truck (Chassis only) 671101. e. b. Ford, Oat. •
Use only Genuine Ford Parts
685 Canadian Dealers and over
2,300 Service Garages supply
Genuine Ford Parts and
prompt repair service.
P. J. Mwaw, Dealer, Goderich, Ont.