HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 8fi-- Thursday, June' 10, 1920.
Paper Plated 1''3`3
a, Drinking Cups
Table Cloths
"ri i8r3. Napkins, Etc.
Hammocks, Flags, Etc.
01 Course
You +Want First-class
$ Photographs. M
x 'l �rf11
We Make The
x M
]n% .(
oD , /(o F %fit LL
■ cxx • xxxX>r
1$.U.1'.1T:ON ARF!)' f.tMP.11t N.
Getterieh is Asked to Contribute 51.005
to a Splendid Cause.
The visit of the Stratford Salvation
.army luu(l to Godeech over Sunday
urktd anaploion ly the opening o 1
the jubilee campaign In r tow*
1'Itr hard of about twenty plow. a
charge of Bandmaster James 'Wilder,
played On the Num re OU Ilettllrituy
evening -and also at outdoor services
ou the Square un Huntley and wait
heard with delight by large eonere'ge-
tions. The services were ondtw•ted
by Adjutant N. R. Trkey, oa•f Toronto,
district organiser fur the jubilee (*im-
palgn. who has a marked gift of song
and *perp and made a moat 'favorable
impression upon hearers. ;i1 nluuher
of 8ilvatluu Army oflieers from other
towtut have assisted Iu the campaign
since Sunday, Including (omdbandattts
W. Nquarebrlggs, of LoYndon, and .1
Siemer, of Stratford;, Captains N.
Jones. and M. Tate, of Clinton, E.
Haynes and E. Laycock. of Wiuglwm,
and Kerhys(au, of **forth.
One thousand dol rs is the objective
for Goderich In tl campaign, which
1s a tatlon-wide ort to raise funds
for the work'whi h the Army hi doing
in the maiutt'nmt r• of children's homes,
rescue 'homes,,"women's *bolters, in
prison work, re.
A local ctD►mittee of cltlaens 1*
headed by „Iris- [tiuor Judge INekson
us eitairmap; J. G. 8. Loynes, vice-
Boils and Carbuncles
,Are Very Distressing
/t was advised to nae "MECCA" Oint-
ment for a carbuncle on my right area
I fob id it drew it out clef*. leaving my
arm perfectly well.. 1 writvrthi(( to let
yoe kndlr thewstue of MECCA"
\ . W. LAN1'ENCE8ON,
No. NI
Brhnawick Ace., Toronto, Ont
Yin IN Sulfide/ Enid
Itbi as., Sr. Joan, N.&
"It r with ptessns that 1 write b
nays. of ria green henapt I reosivad
from the nes of year arsdieins
"Aiwa -84W?', wads from /rail
Taus. ! Isar a royal ra ferer for
way years from M name Xewlycha
mad Csaafi adios. I tried everything,
manned deaf+I but sothlng
stained to help ass until I triad
"Fruit -a -fives".
After taking several bozos. I was
elegy relieved of these troubles
and have been unusually well ever
sines". Mimi ANNIE WARD.
50e. a box. 8 for $240. trial size, =3e.
At all dellen or sent postpaid by
heat -a -lives Limited. Ottawa.
ALL our Coats and Suits will be oft sale at prices much -below cost, We wish.
to clear every garment, and to make the selling quick. we have reduced.
thein much -below what they have cost us. Just note the reductions. It will be
• _ V 7
to your advantage to buy your suit or coat now.
chairmen:- W. N. Bowden. ..4eretary.
and A. .1. Cooper, treasurer. Nome of
the local women's urgauiaattons also
are assb+titag In the canvass, and the
prospect Is that Goderich will do Its
>4tare in the good work. It ,is likely
that same will he missed In (he can-
vass, and any such who wish to help
may leave their (v,ntributtonswith Mr.
ltowden. secretary of the !hoard of
Trade, or Mr. Loynes, of the Sterling
llthough the Melva, ion Army Is not
a strong force iU t, lerlch, It hs doing
a noble work for the unfortunate, the
fallen, the suffering, the helpless and
the weary In the cities and in missions
etre worst wn(1 tt* -Nada
are carefully administered for the
greatest possible lienw•tit to those im
need of esslstatw•e and titre. A dolhir
given to the rtalratio , Ariuy will do
me hundred cents' worth of work.
25c — 50c — $1.00 — $1.25
For sale by .
J. A. ('anapbei, protest.
t ct rrltnrloflrrrloflctflnxxx>tltrf7cIC
ard's Ice Cream Bricks
'The cream of all creams!
- 24 different flavors to choose from
35c. a brick ftwbegEmiontnalti
Call or 'phone for one. u10 Insist on Willard's.
- - —J( -M% I*I$'%GREES--
One onlyersey Suit, $51, for$35.
One only gown Serge Suit. $37, for $25.
One only tan Serge Suit. $65, for $45.
Navy Serge Suits, $68, for $45; $52, for $36; $55, for $38.
• Black Serge Suits, $63.50, for $43; $45, for $32.
There is a good range of suits to choose from at each
price and the qualities are the best. We will be glad to
show these suits at your convenience.
'On Saturday, June h, all the.Spring Coats will be on '
sale. '- There are coats h re that will appeal to you at prices
that are below cost.•
- r
Alice blue Serge Coat, $48.75; for $35.
• Sand Serge Coat, -$42, for $30.
BIue;Silvertone, $41.25, for $30.
One blue Sport Coat, $40: for $28. one dark tweed, $28, for $18.. Dark fawn tricotine. 038.50, for $26. _
grey valour, $40.50, for $29. Fawn gaberdine, $48, for $35. One covert cloth, 043.75, for $32.. . One covert
cloth, $39, for $32
These coats are all this season's styles and\lt will pay you to buy your coat now while the prices are so low.
In Hamilton v. ('ole ('aa—Verdlet le
an Asheeld I)kpute.
The 1'ouuty court 1: Lying held this
week, Judge Itickson presiding. .
The first case miss (;lazier v. Dever-
eaux. the plaintiff. Mrs. Jiery Ann i
(;lazier. a willow residing in Ashaeld,
sn111g Jowolt Devereaux for damages
for the hose of a taw. - . -The - pia intoe
and the defendant live on sdjolning
farms. and it Wats claimed that the de- i
fondant neglertel repairing rhe line
feuee and ate plaintiff's row wandered_
through and was impounded deed by the
defendant. lowing to unreel ill -treat -
went by the defettelaut the cow devel-
oped lockjaw and had to Is. slaughtered.
It was _claimed _also that the def.'nd
ant's cattle had repeatedly come oo
plaintiff's laud and. injured the crops
and further that, the defendant's dog
had killer) fifteen of her tytrbvys and
downs. Plaintiff claimed $3(10 and
costs. The defence put In A general
denial of the charges and ,also a
(aamter claim for (damages by reason
of plaintiff's cattle trespassing on de-
fendant's lauds and destroying crops.
1- l'. IMne,'y for plaintiff; Charles
(;arrow for defendant.
This case was eommeneel at 3
o'clock Tuesday afternoon +1,11 was not
concluded until 2.l5 Wednesday after-
noon, when the jury retired. Jird$-
uwnt was fur plaintiff for r and
Hanttlton•v. ('ole occupied the rest
of Wednesday afternoon and Thursday
morning. James M. Hamilton. of t1e
lath concession of (1salork•h township,
was the plaintiff, and %'m. LI. Pole,
thresher, of Clinton. .the defendant.
('ole was engageI I.y Hiewilton last fall
to thresh his wheat and oats and the
men lis setit- W (lo elle job, plaintiff
elaimet, did It so unskilfully and care-
lessly that one-third of the grain was
host. W. 1'roudfeot, K. ('., and H. J..D.
('(oke for plaintiff: J. 31. fiest (Kea -
forth) for defendant. The jury re-
tire) at 1 o'clock this afternoon and at
4.T.' came out for further instructions,
*vine - hero --tenable - to iree. ffts
Hottor went them back to see„Af they -I
caul put reach a verdict. At ' -a few
minutes s to 7 o'clock this evening they
again reported failure to 'agree off,a
verdict 511(1 were disehargeol. This
may mecca a new trial.
In the meantime the Court proceeded
wkh the criminal ease In which Joseph
Else•uhoffer, of iirussels, Is charged
with defrauding the -Haran County
Flax Mills.
10 'PHONE 19
MCOCC ,,fi�tt rc
Avoid the Luxury Tax
These are not a luxury, but a hot -weather necessity,
therefore you can combine
We now have the nicest assortment of White Footwear
'ever shown in Goderich - Watch our windows for the
splendid showing of
Pumps, Oxfords and High -cut
Canvas Shoes imp
in fashionable styles and lasts, the celebrated
FLEET -FOOT Running and Tennis Shoes,
SMART -STEP Bowling and Outing Shoes,
in fact, the:very best of every style of coot inexpensive
footwear. -
R„arga:wAatAr..+egsn^„a ,ter+•,,.
by the most up-to-date methods and guarantee com-
plete satisfaction.
We:solicit a trial, and the continuance of your patron-
age is assured.
A Tie Game et fvedlten.
The Goderich baseball team went to
Crediton on Wednesday to play the team
of that burg a scheduled game and after
a hard battle of seven innings, when,
owing to darkness, the game had to be
called. the score stood even stepben--t;
*11. Levis and Bisset were in the points
for Goderich and had it not been for some
bad fielding by other players would have
won the game. Dr. Edpr Swans went
into the box for Goderich in the sixth and
his "pills" were effective with the Cred-
iton player& blots and Weir, the lame
battery that worked for Crediton here,
were in the setae positions for this
Bert McGrath fire Goderich ani Frank
Kerr for Crediton were the umpir( a
Bassiall Niles.
The game which is scheduled for next
Monday et Canton between Goderjdt and
the team of that town has been poitponed
until a future date, on act+ount of the
moonlight excursion here that night.
Don't forget the game next Wsdneadsy
evening between Clinton end Goderich at
Agricultural Park.
doing when these There w Minemeet on the field of sport.
Remember the band ffeoaligbt ate.
sion on Monday evening.
That delicious msde,in-(;hderl'b is
cram of Blackstone', makes we Mande
every day. .
Mrs. P. A. roltmrne and child re -
tented beset Wednesday, algbt after
flak to Mrs. Csleorae g Pk MOW
7Mta `,
A special line of Sweater Coats at $4. Every
color is represented in this lot and mark' styles are
shown. They are all Pullover Sweaters, the stylethat
is being worn exclusively this season.
A special line of House Dresses, in sizes 34 to 44,
in many patterns, well made and trimmed, at *2.25.
Another special at 53.25. These, dresses come
from size 34 to size 44, full size and nicely trimmed
at. $3.25.
This season we have in stock a wonderful
line of Curtains and Curtain Nets. A com-
plete new line to choose from.
Marquisette Curtains, with heavy lace edges
and wide insertion set in along the side and end.
These range in price from 34.50 to 35.
Curtain Nets, with lace,edge and insertion
set in the side, from 5k to 81.50 a Tari.
Our hosiery stock is complete in silk, lisle
and cotton.
All colors are represented and all sizes.
Silk hosiery ranging from !k to $4.50 a pair.
All cobra in lisle at $5c a pair.
Children's lisle stockings in black, brown
and white. -
• 4
home et Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hunt and Walter
returned last week from Florence, South
Mrs. S. A. Irwin, ref Ripley, spent the
pant week with her niece, Mrs. McNally.
Bruce street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 3, Rumball have re-
turned from Toronto after visiting their
son, Mr. C. J. RumbaU
Metiers. J. W. and Harry Barlow, of
Toronto, spent the weekend 1n town
on a visit to their brother, Mr. W. W.
Mr. Scott McNally spent the past two
weeks at his borne here. He left this
week for Flint, Mich., where he intends
taking a position.
Mr. Fred Robinson, Dorothy Robin-
son and Mr. Will Bright, of Neaforth,
wen. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Davie over Sunday.
Anyone who finds it impossible to at tend
at Victoria Opera House this (Thursday)
evening to see "Colder Hair and the Three
Bears' should not miss the second per-
formance. on Friday evening. it is a
very pretty std lttterestifgentertsirment.
The fire brigade was called out again on
Friday afternoon for a Are, in the roof of
the Belcher residence on Newgate street,
the second visit to the same place is two
days, the fire evidently being from the
same aux, a spark from a neighboring
chimney. Mr. Belcher and. family have
moved to less aching quarters in the
brick house at the corner of Cambria road
and Brock street.
At the May sleeting of the Coup,[ry
Women's Club all officers of the Club
were re-elected for another year. Ten
dollars was donated for prizes at the
er.hool fair. The next meeting Will be at
home of Mn, Ras, Thursday, June
17th, at 4.30 p. m. .
The (kderk'h Township Farmers
Club is planning for a picnic to be held
shortly on the lake shore at Mr.
rI aftel's. Baseball matches and other
attractions will make an entertaining
program.. Everybody shonld plan to
come along and bring a basket.
lee Cream $sehl—The Ladles Alt
Nociety of Taylor's Corner purposes
holding an lee efeam snetel at the home
of Mrs. Itobt. Thimpson, Huron road,
on Friday evening; June fifth. Straw-
berries and other refreshments will he
served at a booth; there will also be
homemade sandy and a fancywork
table. Tea served from 0 hill o'clock.
A goal program has heeen attPFed.
Admissio —adult, 36c, children
spent the week -end as the geest of
Miss Anna MacKenzie.
Mina Annie McMurchy 1a visiting at
Mrs. Clark, of lit. Helens, vbalted
relatives here last week.
Rain 'McDonald his a new Ford ear.
Miss Marie Finlayeon,+of Lorne, \
viedted her uncle, Mr. Ubas. §tewart,
on Snnday.
Mks Itewle . Ma('kenste, of Wants,
spent the week-endat her bome beer.
Mem. M. Bernard and MM Tena
Kempton motored from »etrelt ani
are •faith$ at tate Meme of Mr. Wm.
Kempton. -
Meas Has genas 1, Ooasrlalb,
Loudon CeOagi to laatitaete
Destroyed by Fire.
Loudon, Ont., April 23, 1940. --
London ratepayers will have to
maks up a low oVapproxintabily
$44%oo0 as a resulttoC the destruc-
tion by lire Int nit oftboLoodon
Collegiate institute.
Experts on building figures ex-
pressed the opinion today that k .
would take 5800000 to replace the
building end egsiprnent.
The total insurance on building'
and equipment was only 010.000.
Adjust your Fire Insurance
to present day values.
Do it now
T. R. Harrison
WNW away
001)1111C11.( `
Government Bonds for sale
*""— THE -
Men ST. AM Tat INMI .
The Best and Freshest
of alt kindest the lowest prices
A large stock of Canned Fruits
and Jams and Marmalades. All
the fresh Frosts and Vegetables.
Rverything too make w�tsh-
Noy-ruby, Arrow.'Wondln d alit
the good smpp,
Beano, Plo-rile Haan, Cooked
JsMrd Tongue and Meat
Palm -Olive /kap 10e a sake
Kellogg's Oona Flakeelle a pk'g
Fresh Bread diff Ise a loaf.