HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 7le SOUTH ST., GODERICH CH EV ROLE We are the agents for the Chevrolet Autos. Call or send u" word and we will demonstrate to you. This is the Garage to save mosey oe all Accessories, Oils, Gasoline and Dry Cells. GODS:RI0$ ONT. "' esuu,l[rs. It. Huston, Mrs. ren. (freer, [[[(( Mrs. J. E. Agnew; organist, Mrs. J. E. : 0000000.00.000000.00.00. Agnew ; Journal secretary, Mrs. Wtu. L/avlso i - flower committee. Mrs. R Mai•t'twries ; toll tors, \lr+. Win. River*, Mrs. Ee'Irstuti. for interment. Mn. Patterson was for many years a resident of Went Wawanoih, going West a few years ago to live with her daughter. EXETER. The marriage took place at the Main street parsonage on Wednesday morning, June 2nd, of Miss Laurette Brown, daughter of Mr and Mrs, Seth Brown. of Osborne, to Ro(aud Klieafeldt, son of Mt. and Mrs. John Klienfeldt, of Hibbert. Rev. Dr. Medd performed the ceremony. The young couple will reside on the groom's (arm to Hibbert. At the home of the bnde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May, on Wednesday. June 2nd, their only daughter, Florence Alma. was united in marnage to John Melvin Suuthcott, editor of The Exeter Time's. Rev. M. J. Wilson performed the ceremony in the presence of about fifty guests. The young couple lett for Ottawa and Montreal on their wedding trip, and on their return will reside in Exeter. BRUSSfL8. Brussels is to have a sports day on July 28. The death is reported of Mrs. E. K. Grundy. Of Cleveland. Ohio. fi rtuerly a well-known resident o( Brussels. Miss Madge Donaldson has resigned her position on the staff of the Brussels telephone central and has gone to Listo- wel, where she has taken s position in the postoffice. Miss Stella Gerry. prior to her departure for Winnipeg, was given a farewell by her II friends and presented with a cabinet of 11 J'AIi1(TV AND Dimmer II silver. At V1'innipeg Miss Gerry is to Wlltvll avana II mrd H. R. Allingham. tormerh of the Wm. Wolper of Sea forth has sold his fine farm on the Kippen road to James Nolan of Seaforth for the sum of $14.500. T. Neelands. formerly publisher of The 1Observer at Hensail, intends to open up a book and stationery store in that village. Ed. Lowry, of Wroteter. las purchased the Grand Central feed and sale stables at Listorel, and has removed to that town. Gordon Rintoul, of the township of Morris has gone to Northern Ontario to spend the summer in home mansion work. John MacArthur, a former well-known 1 resident of Hensall. in which place he Gamed on a private bank for some years. died last week at London. -Jessie Ellen Ferguson. wale of William Hyde. died on May 2tith at the home of bet father in Usb.,rne township. She was in her thirty-third gear and leaves, besides her parents and her husband, a young son and daughter. On Tuesday, June 1st, the wedding took place at St. Columban church of Annie; youngest daughter of W'. McKay, and Joseph Murray. both of McKillop, in which township the young couple will TIRES AND TUBES` V e have them in all makes at lowest' prim, = ar " OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT _T is up-to-date with good mechanics, quick service and satis- faction guaranteed ouAalt makes of cars. FOR SALE CHEAP ---TWO FORDS New tires, new tops. Have been overhauled and are iu good condition. S We handle genuine Ford parts.. rt' A COMPLETE LINE OF CHEVROLET PARTS Agent for the Willard Storage Battery AUTOS FOR HIRE W. McCLUSKEY. Repair Department.` e. rl Anderson. son of Mr. and Mrs J . Anderson. 5th line of Morris. has left the West to engage in home mien • - and social service work in con- nection .th the Presbyterian church. Hia first locat • • will be at Castor, Alberta. Henry con. one of the early settlers; of East Waw , , died on Friday, May '8. aged seven •five years. He was ill onlysa few days, • 'ng suddenly stricken with paralysis. e is survived by his wife. six daughters • three sons. The wedding took ' lace at. the Metho- dist parsonage, Ethe on Wednesday. May 26, of Miss Mabel 'ard and Francis Smitb. both of Grey town ip. Rev. F. S. Okell officiating. Mr. an• Mrs. Smith will make their home in Grey ownship. On Thursday, May 27, John of McKillop, and Miss Sadie C. Grey. were united in marriage a church manse,- McKillop, by Rev. Ferguson. The ',newly -married co will make their home on the 17th conc- sion of Grey. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dins - dale. Hensall, on May 29th. the marriage! took place of their daughter. Alda A . to 1251 Staples, Rev. Father W. Edward Weber, son of iley. oos Joseph Weber, formerly of Dublin, DA. celebrated his first solemn high naps at le Si.James' church. having recently rfRived ordination. Miss Jessie Anderson Harter, second ughter of Mr. and Mrs. U.L. Anderson. Chicago. and formerly of Seaforth, at the home of her parents on May of blood -poisoning. Mrs. Harter Standard Bank. Brussels. and now man- ager of a branch of the same flank at Travers. Alberta. Rev. Henry Smith and Mrs. Smith. who have removted from Brussels to Port Rowan, where the reverend gentleman will be rector of the Anglican church, were waited upon prior to their de- parture and presented with a goad wateb and chain for Mr. -Smith tied awe l -filled purse for Mrs. Smith. 1tobert ltarIM,ur, sou of Archie llar- Ituur, arrived fit town with his English bride it 'Tuesday night of last week. He is the last Lueknaw soldier to re turn from overseas. 'There war a large crowd, laceompauiel by the town baud, at the station to glee hint a royal wel eowe. Mr. sad Mrs. Barbour were escorted to his father's home by toe reception committer and au iuf,irmal reentiou l•as held and the returned soldier was presented with an address and a purse of money on behalf of the toenspeople. Mr. I$aris,ur had the misfortune to be totally blinded while in France. He will, at the last batik. of Mons and Just orae hour before right- ing ceased. and sixteen hours iwtore the anuistiev was signed, lie was wounded by a stay bullet. which cut atcrerss both eyes. leaning him blind On returning to England and being treated in a hospital he was educated at St. Ihuisrads school, where be les riled to types rite. knit and perform poultry farming. He was warded about two alas ago to a young Eng- lish worse. Apart from his blindness he is in excellent health. Mrs. 11aar- boor was presented with a handsome bouquet of flowers. We have up -to -the minute styles in Spring and Summer Suits and Top Coats. rrgliW 'M f -i 7 'Vita The place to get that Shirt you have been wanting, in fact, anything that goes to make the `WELL- DRESSED MAN' • • ONE aOl•RNALISI"S • McLEAN BROS. HAPPY POSITION. • THE SQUARE yew in this district have not heard of the Khan—or Mr. R. K. Kernighan— whose poems and prose contributions have made him known in every newspaper office in the Land. Tiring of the life of the city journalist, about twenty- _ the years ago e the Khan settled down on 011111lIIIIUUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllhIIII111111N11111HIINhIIIIIIIIIIID1111111111111111.1 the family homestead in Beverly township and from,that quiet retreat has da•ly sent his copy to a Toronto newspaper. This = was only" k sideline, however. The big GET WEDDING STATIONERY AT THE SIGNAL received most of his attention. A punt 's mother, a of re - CBT OUT OF BBD, markable intellittgence and a love for world politics died in her eighty-fifth year. The 250 acres, 100 of which are Manitoba Lady states That Dodd's covered with the best of hardwoods, fall Kidney Pills Helped Her. into the Khan's hands, along with some money in the bank. "Now I'm indepen- Fraaerwood, Man., June 7 :Special.)— dent for life.' he exclaimed while in the That Dodd's Kidney Pills are the standard sanctum Thursday. "Going back to the remedy for all kidney troubles was per- Bright Lights of the city ?" he was asked. haps never better demonstrated than in -Not if Beverly swamp knows me. No. the case of Miss Annie Forlonski, of this sir, 1 stick to Rushbottom farm. As for i puce. -Let her tell her story in her own those hundred acres of woodland. I'lt treat !E_ words. them like a father." And then in another "My back was sore. and my body was burst. "Why, 1 had a portable sawmill SO SORE SHE COULD NOT days hJ lady so sore I could not get out of bed. My, owner offer me 52,000 for trees that would bladder also bothered me, and I had not be missed, and I could mark them urinary troubles. Three boxes of Dodd's I myself for slaughter. The timber was Kidney Piils helped me." I wanted for caskets Would I murder That all Miss Forlonski's i,Is were.; those trees to help bury people ? I'm not caused by the kidneys is evidenced by that sort of a Bluebeard. They stay to the fact that she found the relief she was. keep up the average. And talking about looking for in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They trees, I have 500 massive maples. But I are a kidney remedy. Thousands of could not get the help to tap them ; SO Canadian worsen claim that they owe there's no sugar coming from me this El: their health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. IIyear.. = KINGSTON STREET, GODEftICM you haven't tried them ask your neigh- Newspaper friends throughout Canada bors about Dodd'; teidiley Pills. will •tion. Gait` Reporseran on his happy' LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIUIUIIUIIIIIIAIIIIII11111111111111DIDiNIIIWINIIIIIIIIIIIIJ NEWEST IDEAS IN - SUMMER MILLINERY We are showing Leghorns, Milans and many differ- ent styles in Maline Hats. MISS M.=.R. MAcVICAR SEA F'uLLTH. J. M. Govenlock, M.P,P.. has returned home from Toronto, the Legislature having completed its first session. Rev. lCol) John Pringle. moderator of the Presbyterian Gena., Assembly. preached at the anniversary services of the First Presbyterian church here. Fred Simmons, of Hibbert township. thewast rty-four years of age and a widow. ceremony being performed by Rev. A E. Mn. (,. • rge Dick of Hensall is a sister. Doan. On their return from the wedding' trip Mr. and Mrs. Simmons will make their I Very s t • .sen was the death of Jacob home at Hensall. Mr. Simmons is a war Israel, who cropped dead in the home ilei, veteran, having served overseas with the his daught Mrs. Wm. Cudmore. on, 181st Botta ion. Monday even' • of last week. Mr. Israel hived here for arty forty years before WINGHAM. going to Walker. le fourteen years ago, E. P. Reynolds. of Hamilton, hat taken' and recently he an Mrs. Israel returned charge as manager for the Bell Telephone' to Seaforth, intendipg to make their home here again. \e deceased was seventy years of age. - On. here. succeeding L. F. Binkley, who goes to Springfield. Acnes Ingles, wife of David Patterson. died at her home at Griswold, Man.. on May 24th. in her eighty-fourth year. CI,INTON.• Mr. and Mars. A. B. Stephenson are nounce the engagement of their daughter, James Patterson of this town is a son. Grace Alice. tv Gordon Livermore of The remains were_ brought to Wingham London, the marriage to take place about - the middle of June. • Seem hammed will them up fast an time shad you'll mere kms tie jab to •o spiv. wide Beaver Bond Is doing away with is ,d hair plaster k 1s up old rlittgy wall paper as w15 ,callings and giving yens an Ideas surface for painting and dsawsdea flkaaa at the "sues eves. thea\ Dawes b teamed w1A the teaswsi i+rD t D ar which pe ole west. • A ✓ od so bead er te-brlld, mein 1 e nlarge ask es baw yes ea poi 110 BEST TREATMENT FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE When the Blood does not circulate freely through the Velem you have High Hood Prexetrre and the Is but a Symptom or Dame other disease or trouble. There Is usually Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Nervus Troubles, Hardening of the Arteries or Brain Trouble. There 1s a l eye the danger of a - - ruptureb( a Blood Vessel and es the Heart. the Blood Vessele and the Kidneys are all associated with HIgb Blood Preisu a the best and mot satisfactory, treatment is Hacking's Heart and Nered Remedy and Hocking's Kidney and Liver Pills. This treatment w411 reduce the Blood Pressure Illi removing the came and driving out the Poisons' from the system. Ws are firmly con- vinced that the treatment Will re- duoe the blood pressure below the danger mark end thus `tree your mind from the oonotant worry et death. People wbo bw►s been ailing for Years should net expert a oorrrpist.e cure In a few day., one should take at least stz boxes of HsokInt'e Heart and Nerve Remedy and three boxes of the- Kidney sad hear Pills. Se sure to get Heaking'st ilf year dealer does not bops thein, be wW be Mad to trot them for yeti Mrs. Welker. formerly ot Peet Slgts. now Keine In PIIaA. Michigan. sayer ''Ilse nslabbotw ere perfectly raenatsbed es see me aettiltt &Met MO mea. i essarlbeho any pond heated to the ynMalabt time et Hartthte's Heart and *woe t%mMy and tled17 reecon mead It se an my Moeda." The engagement is announced of EOse, daughter of Henry Livermore. Clinton, to Gorda Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman. of Toronto. the mar- riage to take place in Toronto the middle of June. Miss Marion K. McCamus. daughter of Rev. D N. and Mrs. McCamus, has successfully passed tits honor course in chemistry and mineralogy at the Univers- ity of Toronto and graduated last week. An old resident of Clinton, in the person of Samuel Wilson, passed away on May 31st. in his seventy-fourth year. Mr. Wilson had been a re,ident of Clinton since 1872. and was a tinsmith by trade. Miss Washington received word early la^t week of the death -of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Tremeer, of Medicine Hat, Alberta. The deceased and her husband before going West were residents of the township of Hullett. Her husband and three dagghters survive. The remains were brought here for interment. W. J. Holland, postoffice inspector of Vancouver. B. C.. has been visiting his brothers. George and Charles H. Holland. and other friends in this vicinity. it is thirty years since Mt. holland left his father's home in Goderich township to seek his fortune in British Columbia. I.i'('KNOW. The Lucknow stores lave commenced the weekly Thursday half -holiday. Before removing 'to i.ueknow, Ktnart F.. Rottertww mus riven a hearty metal - off by his neighbors a1 Paramount. who me livered at the home of Mr. end Mrs. hones latrnthers and presented Mr. Robertson with a gold watch and fnh ■tel a eompllmen tary address. At the annnal meeting of the •Luck - now Wnmen't institute, the following officers were sleeted : President. Mrs. R. T. Philltps ; vice-president. Mrs. John Hutton: ePewnd vice-preshleat, Mrs. Tennant : serre er', Mts. 1), C. Mellon -sr district director, Mrs: K. A. `1ollan ; directors, Wes, 1). (irdawt, Mrs. K. A. (Milan, Mus. Toot Altea. "We salesmen wbo make our caps regardless of roads or weather, realise fully the importance of goal fuel and guod lubricants— and we know that we ttxn get lnaperiel PuLrane and Imperil Premier Gasoline everywhere alai that if we use these erodes Is exclusively we mayy forget more than ball the usual motor troubles /ALL motorists, especially those who use their cars for business ji purposes, must have steady service. They seori learn that correct lubrication is vitally important toun terrupted service and that Imperial Polarise gives adequate thorough lubrication. Imperial Polarine keeps the engine running $snbothly and quietly by + establishing and maintaining a perfect piston4o-cylinder seal, which holds all the power of the fuel charge behind tht3,piston. Imperial Polarine thoroughly lubricates and cu.1 ipps every rubbing surface with a wear -resisting oil film. When used exclusively break - ,downs -are infrequent, depreciationsw low, fuel costs reduced. - • One of.thethree grade. described below is specially suited to you - -motor. Look for 'the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations where von buy your oil and learn which grade to use. Ili, rial Polarine is sold in one and four -gallon sealed cans, steel 19* 1. on kegs, steel halfblarrela and barrels, by dealers everywhere, \ set (Wit sad= ksdy) Alsdhen b i be (Erna tun ledy) A GRADS SPECIALLY S ITL ro rows MOTOR