HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 5a M1 i Fy, r _ re-. ..ww•wue:vv.•anrwl.Ns uagaaswn-svri .,v +: w+.anm.n ,r.n—...._..,.. .._.. - - ... ...-... . .int. , t.. ., , i • 'v'h G' 17'° z 9 'i °xttgl , ' S1 S ,.y i'!ciry s`ro- a ' " .`7• " ,,x; ` an- aa •iati: tp,w aT ._. ' `f` X6 `:k' .EI J ^. ^'4 f ,r RAi.4. .e, `:'XATk -• u u yr z,t'tp sr lis t= 0". G or bracelet--arotlaes enthusiasm to arrive Monday evening and will take rich, on Jane 4011, with their children is Rheumatism of theCace w ea414- v, out an excursion the same evening under y 011 grandchildren and other news Uric Acid left in the blood ° 11b , v and appreciation from any the auspices of the 33rdRecirnent band. ti+battvets. The worth$ couple came g over the same road for the golden wet- by di,ordrred kidneys woman recipient. Besides its Tuesday morning at P.30 o'clock the lodges aloe the nerve Dein an emblem of unity, Greyhopnd leaves for Detroit returning ding celebration as they travelled fifty B K g p Thursday mght and leaving for Detroit yours before to toe wetidel::they were which brandies from the = j clarity, brilliance and endur- Ion the final trip Friday morning. This is I then resident, of what is now called eye over the forehead, and c = ttII•!, it has definite tangible the best nip of the year and everybody Auhurn. ,lir. aiid Mrs. wwtt received across the cheek to the who has never takenit should not miss many k1hil remembrancer and mew side of the nose. The ' value which never Rete; less but this opportunity. Thooewho,have once mages of \c•-ongrahllati-on and gond O all tends rather to grow'. See our I gone are always anxious to go again. wishes, of Iit1k h the following Is one`. cRh i the n— disordered re _.!wane and choice offerings Of C. 1. Teachrra Ask Iner'eaae. Rheumatism— diyordeted ditirth Jrtr' Oervants of s Kidney,. T)seeweisGe. le Diamonds before purchasing. At the regular weetiuK of the Col'(. the wise the same-13A,- — leglate Institute truster board last {t:hu' llfr s lonil g goad together thus .r week tlue shift snhmittel s requifst for have trod. ' Ran -1 an lavaeasae of tweutv4lve per cent' in Your Children rise a honor eta today, _DQ s mom s ava _ firsts *tb+riea..-A-*omaiktwe weW s 013 TSON-- T potutet to look into lisp matter and titheith this " sr:u • 0 1 meeting on Friday ritarit the way. Xidnpy , „w,,• report at • special long s tutth for two walk at! ow. ®'"" ii - - y AriCEiAfAY.iiR AtiD JEWELLER evening of this week. Miss t'llffort a r And yet but yrrtrrcla flown ,terra - - - --- fear glary ago received an aploolntm"•ht l ui ills .mac malt $t. sad SSquareGOdench, On'tastaff of to the staof the wimi or• ('ollegfate «. Fins JarNiaty, at # "Lary beginning at w the lldftteth Baot $:.1111► and to lie lucreaeel to $2.7110.1 ! err • goof - _ vnu sail 1wC later decided not to aCcept 1t. Miss clifford is a much valued rnem• - _ t bar of the G. C: r+ "Ching'staft and t The Goderich Orchestra delighted large her departure wuZ ,be greatly re- x Court Gederich, No. 32. Canadian Or- crowds at R-alwn and Lucknow last , gretted. der of Foresters' will attend the m,errnng week, a•d has return engagements for - ij;ere service in North street Methodist church. both places The orchestra plays at I Telepbone Appliwntloloi+ `j WHITE STAR LIN E -` on Sunday. June 13th, The brethren will A hearing was given at the court house 44 Dungannon Friday ev Atng of this week. meet a' the hall, over Horn's shoe store. - pn Wednesday morning by Mr. Francis at 10.30 o'clock. Visiting brothers will Photographer Sallows was up in Ash- Dagger, telephone,t expert for the Ontario fw Ism lot welcome. field itis other day taking a picture of F-ilway and Municipal Board, on an Charlie Stewart's big steer, which is now I application by the Goderich Rural Tele- e • The Abdel Theatre is keeping up its said to weigh 3,500 pounds. Mr. Stewart IPhoneCompany for permission to increase i Ailillla►1 XCl1rS10Tl reputation fur high class films and is its charges. The proposed 99 drawing large houses. Louis Benmson, a recently refused an offer of 12,000 for the increases are: ty" popular neG actor, appears rrxt Wednes- animal. I From $13 to $15 per annum for rural r day and Thursday in a Goldwyn special, party, line service : to $16 per annum for Goderialt Oh Johnny." which all movie patrons— i limited two or three -party line service, Ds ItoI afar r and from $15 to $13 per annum for iridt- W__: ;•k' will want to see. e• 'atm vidual line service. After hearing the t e a i a Imeed • ` .. ,ns er f4owne• statements - of. those interested Mr. %Rlrlt) N Ing Piles. Ito I Dagger stated that he had no hesita- tta+*. ..e .... ._— lot v s arsteel oyer• tion, in view' of the higher cost of mater- -'-"• ate- :. a c 1 • n uired. rp in- ra°wresaoase ' 1, airararlsys De. Chase's Ointment will trotlere pea at nese ars, in recommending the proposed m - r+ tw* y 1 ewers tasting ^ele- Ra a co., Llmitee 1 trcases. \With the I m he con denumber redt the - i a .... r • I dealers. Maryr si n tree It you inaction Mij phone, on the 5Y_tt . Z Toron y • pspa 04 book" M- stamp o ver Pays°, I comp' }was giving a valuable service. I °'a"" •x t Wwa4°'uu a —THE— - Elarwai-le. MOM• A quiet weilding wait irdFeta11 Hitt lYiO&I Theatre Program Saturday. Juste ,rh. at the borne of _ ir, r A .+ib$F•a r Itev. 'Cap(nlu I' F. (harcG, Turonf6;- - when he of l latavl nt the marringe of ... sfs,a wn£aFcs a .ewm x:s,. seas .r r; jteritu Alter: ekiri Idanghter . of lir. i crawl Liss. John l.ongmire._:William Let street (ioticrtc,h, to Gordoat 'fllfam11 0rM.Week June 7 to June &use toHarvissxi. H' _ = BIG STEAMER GREYHOUND S, The bride was In'croaningiT attired 1n STEEL STI her tra-relling oult of uncy aet•RP. Idle • f hell perk Ca♦ftNtable MONDAY AND TUESDAY o a coat opening neer a t was ueationec Her hat ens a dainty her West '' r lour with tar )clef W work His holy 9 r a /M j t. Low, Topics. r wilt, laud ° WILL. LEAVE C30DBR(CH fel y'^• There crountltw eontttrler In the Phone 318 Opening Postponed. FLOWER •SUNDAY VPhrp Ila! Irtr given you all the ! sq of this. rr " Owing to the non -arrival of some neon• i +rgrP.daPaM, k til• tfAlws it;trR' ir` trig' 1w14 There fifty years shall s"etu a wuwcnt' ,• ti _ Mary material for the building, theopening of the new amusement pavilion is post- , # AT PEER yro "1. + play. C_ For therse a thousand yaar. count as i— poned far a few days. It will probably r#err, ! our dry. take place towards the end of next week.— Keox CMttreY (thudsClinton. at Avhfleld Shooting Case. BAPTIST CHURCHhe choir of Knox church ,I.It441 —_ 'I'lo• There are no fresh developments in the ClintonRecorlast rod News Kingsbridge shooting affair. Inspector Record lar the following upprc,•Intice fol Miller of the Provincial detective fora was here the latter part of last week gook- MONTREAL ST., TUNE IS reference : -The members pf Knox church ehuir. ing tofu the case, but the authorities have Coderich. under the direction of lir. i . , ' nothing to report. Twelfth*ot July Celebration. h' F. T. Egruer, organist and chub- master, prevented the wu•red cantata re "Ynth': to Ontario rt t church on Pre rations are being advanced for the pa Twelfth July celebration in Goderich. sr 9,55 a. m. + i Tnewlity evening units tttr auvplcrN of . + w _ '^ of Rev. S. E. McKegney, M. C., of Clinton, has been secured as one of the speakers of l` Bible School. the GiriK of about of Clinton. The feu dulls nt about was was oS r s"tl it cern_^., Wis. the day- The C. P. R. will rune special with jot; ace and performance were prewar rod the prrtormraxe rrr mush rufoyet. Tlie program train from Linwood ;arrangements the G. T. R. have not been concluded, I opened with lea shrl's organ overture, EVERY GOOD TIME 1S A GOOD TIME TO Temperance Meetirsg at Seatas•th. 11 A. m. • from tfit Tell," by Prof. lagena uvl from flee opening overturn until the The annual convention of the Huron County Temperance Associatlon will be "The Victorious Springtime." last uumber the audlruee keenly eu- _ joyed every moment. Miss Katr I.yttle C air tca rr er!y KODAK '1e11•, t held at the Fust Presbyterian church, Seatath, Wednesday afternoon, lune 23. , % M. took the part of Muth; II Adelaide + Kalrn that of (irpoh, and loss Hazel 1= Mr. Egwurr Dr. A. S. Grant, of Toronto, head of the p 1= -her that of Knomt. i r*d referendum committee, will be present, tool the hurt of Ilurs: The solo parts and work in connection with the coming "The Beautiful Life of a were all well taken and the choruses The The autographic feature tells when and where ettt Hand vote will be taken up. Flower." usic also, @nil Prof. Eaeoer's organ music- was much • appre•tatel. !fists Kira ort Next week * " " ssw Woohromlrr played a plate solo very picture was taken. The :i3rd Itrgfineut lwnil, under the leadership of Itanduuastrr A. lkrott, _ sweetly at the beginning of the pro - germ rud'Mittr Gladys Redford sang w rsa<t= s+alra•i* ,.x lea+W3s6. "" ill give flea first open-air n-alr concert of w 1 on the square on W e nes- $ p. fel. 'is°YIt1;c' a pretty solo. Mrs. C. Dotp'-pt•lyddecl The the season dj} evening next rod thereafter willchoir concerts' on Thursday Young People's Meeting. at the piano during the evening. cams. awl gave the entertain - DEVELOPING AND, PRIi&INO ate' weekly The of the basal have Went for the benefit of the •Ghia' algbtn members Auxiliary. only rttepting tine prise of ---- - PftOMP1 f3L►RV ' .--- fly been Issued their new khaki uniforms and will maks theI first ap- -t, when YOU ARE INVITED. the gasoline for flea tars whtrh hrn t thrtjt, a trouttrsy greatly appreciated j pearanse on Monday night by the youug ladles. ,At the c•onclu- they play for the "moon►! t." siou of the program the (liras' A-uxil- T"` ' "rte '' Mo46y Lary eatrntrlurd the visitors to refresh - CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE At the regular meeting of the public Mus mentis m the tceture room below stairs. After necessary exprnta•s are paid the N school board on Monday evening, Sharman and Mise Le Touzel were heard girls. will have about forty dollars. - t ou le lett by the C P. R, 8000 train P " GODERICH __ . rn. w. - with reference to inaeasing the teactim' whlca will go toward -the hospital fund. .. salaries and eubaaitted a salary schedule ---- -- -- fur Toronto and on tlid _wwww _hwv - • p Nod sus Scotch 561 = t : The Square as adopted by the "salary circle" of the The vk ill visit friends of the pride at Strat- t r Ontario F,ducational Association. salaries as set f(*th in this schedule are in Goderich. turd, after which they will make their howo on the groom's fine farm on the much in advance of thsrae paid The board refereed the matter of teachers' al co- hike shore road, Colborne township. where the best vi taper of frlenje and ' safari to the school managespent neighbor.- will lie tendered them. mitsdfor a report. Detroit Excursion Next Weide.' _ 4 1'tar 1T'eOd t I Next week is the week of the Grey- The golden wedding of Mr. end Yrs. z THE GIS'[' OF A DIAMOND bound excursion, to which Goderich and have been looking forward for James ttcott, of Carlow, was .gnletly Celebrated at the home of thele dansh- us 4r.we an% form—ring or necklet district months. The big steamer Greyhound is ter, 34ra- McNally, Bruce street, Glide- _ G or bracelet--arotlaes enthusiasm to arrive Monday evening and will take rich, on Jane 4011, with their children is Rheumatism of theCace w ea414- v, out an excursion the same evening under y 011 grandchildren and other news Uric Acid left in the blood ° 11b , v and appreciation from any the auspices of the 33rdRecirnent band. ti+battvets. The worth$ couple came g over the same road for the golden wet- by di,ordrred kidneys woman recipient. Besides its Tuesday morning at P.30 o'clock the lodges aloe the nerve Dein an emblem of unity, Greyhopnd leaves for Detroit returning ding celebration as they travelled fifty B K g p Thursday mght and leaving for Detroit yours before to toe wetidel::they were which brandies from the = j clarity, brilliance and endur- Ion the final trip Friday morning. This is I then resident, of what is now called eye over the forehead, and c = ttII•!, it has definite tangible the best nip of the year and everybody Auhurn. ,lir. aiid Mrs. wwtt received across the cheek to the who has never takenit should not miss many k1hil remembrancer and mew side of the nose. The ' value which never Rete; less but this opportunity. Thooewho,have once mages of \c•-ongrahllati-on and gond O all tends rather to grow'. See our I gone are always anxious to go again. wishes, of Iit1k h the following Is one`. cRh i the n— disordered re _.!wane and choice offerings Of C. 1. Teachrra Ask Iner'eaae. Rheumatism— diyordeted ditirth Jrtr' Oervants of s Kidney,. T)seeweisGe. le Diamonds before purchasing. At the regular weetiuK of the Col'(. the wise the same-13A,- — leglate Institute truster board last {t:hu' llfr s lonil g goad together thus .r week tlue shift snhmittel s requifst for have trod. ' Ran -1 an lavaeasae of tweutv4lve per cent' in Your Children rise a honor eta today, _DQ s mom s ava _ firsts *tb+riea..-A-*omaiktwe weW s 013 TSON-- T potutet to look into lisp matter and titheith this " sr:u • 0 1 meeting on Friday ritarit the way. Xidnpy , „w,,• report at • special long s tutth for two walk at! ow. ®'"" ii - - y AriCEiAfAY.iiR AtiD JEWELLER evening of this week. Miss t'llffort a r And yet but yrrtrrcla flown ,terra - - - --- fear glary ago received an aploolntm"•ht l ui ills .mac malt $t. sad SSquareGOdench, On'tastaff of to the staof the wimi or• ('ollegfate «. Fins JarNiaty, at # "Lary beginning at w the lldftteth Baot $:.1111► and to lie lucreaeel to $2.7110.1 ! err • goof - _ vnu sail 1wC later decided not to aCcept 1t. Miss clifford is a much valued rnem• - _ t bar of the G. C: r+ "Ching'staft and t The Goderich Orchestra delighted large her departure wuZ ,be greatly re- x Court Gederich, No. 32. Canadian Or- crowds at R-alwn and Lucknow last , gretted. der of Foresters' will attend the m,errnng week, a•d has return engagements for - ij;ere service in North street Methodist church. both places The orchestra plays at I Telepbone Appliwntloloi+ `j WHITE STAR LIN E -` on Sunday. June 13th, The brethren will A hearing was given at the court house 44 Dungannon Friday ev Atng of this week. meet a' the hall, over Horn's shoe store. - pn Wednesday morning by Mr. Francis at 10.30 o'clock. Visiting brothers will Photographer Sallows was up in Ash- Dagger, telephone,t expert for the Ontario fw Ism lot welcome. field itis other day taking a picture of F-ilway and Municipal Board, on an Charlie Stewart's big steer, which is now I application by the Goderich Rural Tele- e • The Abdel Theatre is keeping up its said to weigh 3,500 pounds. Mr. Stewart IPhoneCompany for permission to increase i Ailillla►1 XCl1rS10Tl reputation fur high class films and is its charges. The proposed 99 drawing large houses. Louis Benmson, a recently refused an offer of 12,000 for the increases are: ty" popular neG actor, appears rrxt Wednes- animal. I From $13 to $15 per annum for rural r day and Thursday in a Goldwyn special, party, line service : to $16 per annum for Goderialt Oh Johnny." which all movie patrons— i limited two or three -party line service, Ds ItoI afar r and from $15 to $13 per annum for iridt- W__: ;•k' will want to see. e• 'atm vidual line service. After hearing the t e a i a Imeed • ` .. ,ns er f4owne• statements - of. those interested Mr. %Rlrlt) N Ing Piles. Ito I Dagger stated that he had no hesita- tta+*. ..e .... ._— lot v s arsteel oyer• tion, in view' of the higher cost of mater- -'-"• ate- :. a c 1 • n uired. rp in- ra°wresaoase ' 1, airararlsys De. Chase's Ointment will trotlere pea at nese ars, in recommending the proposed m - r+ tw* y 1 ewers tasting ^ele- Ra a co., Llmitee 1 trcases. \With the I m he con denumber redt the - i a .... r • I dealers. Maryr si n tree It you inaction Mij phone, on the 5Y_tt . Z Toron y • pspa 04 book" M- stamp o ver Pays°, I comp' }was giving a valuable service. I °'a"" •x t Wwa4°'uu a —THE— - Elarwai-le. MOM• A quiet weilding wait irdFeta11 Hitt lYiO&I Theatre Program Saturday. Juste ,rh. at the borne of _ ir, r A .+ib$F•a r Itev. 'Cap(nlu I' F. (harcG, Turonf6;- - when he of l latavl nt the marringe of ... sfs,a wn£aFcs a .ewm x:s,. seas .r r; jteritu Alter: ekiri Idanghter . of lir. i crawl Liss. John l.ongmire._:William Let street (ioticrtc,h, to Gordoat 'fllfam11 0rM.Week June 7 to June &use toHarvissxi. H' _ = BIG STEAMER GREYHOUND S, The bride was In'croaningiT attired 1n STEEL STI her tra-relling oult of uncy aet•RP. Idle • f hell perk Ca♦ftNtable MONDAY AND TUESDAY o a coat opening neer a t was ueationec Her hat ens a dainty her West '' r K .p,rr statfsleh, safe, speedy av r a your pride hi goo(! Qt t ie roa,'!f. on Street corpage of Frenchwas `of ° WILL. LEAVE C30DBR(CH : «-« A f3oWvyn Piotdfe in XTTYr" ee' /- mtsage tattgnet war of sweet rt rinses and illyohappy *spy. Atter the lett for Phone 318 . K Q ^ :. v isg' i+a. IX Tremont rpt happy ronplP all conveniencesEr #tM( Tot•ntxe, -Muskoka. wtiern -they will i +rgrP.daPaM, k til• tfAlws it;trR' ir` trig' 1w14 Tuesdaysjune 15th,9.30 a. : .#rMe., ALSOreside• for the stammer. Tine gtfta were - + °'•aaA'sna'°'oacafa ,,aaa r?:rr• , _ v+eawr+e"^°r•F +r« nuwcro"o and C000Y. s w I 11091211kt2i. Famous Jack Miter Is Comhsg. Ca Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m. Detroit 6 p.m., E.T. J1DY1lIN':T1t89 OF RUTH. The Korth t(trePt hpwnrth fMg1M Returning, IpTes Detroit Thursday, June 17th, ^ FOR SALE is to-be-eoagratulated'on providing the nil.- rtunit, D teen of (loderlch Its nest 0000 `w 1 p.m. Detroit Time WEDN Y Alan THURSDAY - of Itesring Mr. Jack Miner of Kings odds, who will give an address In the A Goldwyn spldal x thatch audltorlum next Monda,y{ pt. $3 Round Trip; $2 One Wagy e aoai Louis BenniSon `A vANTM OT Ria moving pictures ern ntfegotlted: .r IZ his humor and pathos Irresistible, mod INCLUDING WAR TAX trlgwiixlsweaa ti _ ire 'w everyone leaves him lecture fming, ssprom° +nr^* - xer NNiMW OH 1 JOHNNY'". Cedar Fence Poets r • ismed hPnr citizen t nt to res As e sols boat trip from Goderich t• Detroit thin aeasN. "• .rr...._. prtwsad hlmarlf to the lerhtret err h! fries&, and Moa big, wonderful Detroit again. 1 IWO and .• ,,w..+ - took him by the hand and with fear_ iew AND dlmmel eyes thanker! him for the flop tVa a gyIlion people wad growing so fast in population amts Itgsl$$ IS Cha IiQ address ; "Mr. !finer, I will never see * """ "` "•""` '.,"°: r - ' , thtr dash of a hird'a wing again with- that it is destined to become the world's largest and greatWft. r 1 F = *e x FFtt err t1i ^ "The Heart •f the U. S. A.,' *"'"°°"'"•cr """*' f Anchor Poste out thinking of God." The ohlldreu " ssit Delrat. • ''' "'THE FLOORVALKBR" rest, a rpM•Ial hereat from hlr sd- dreeea and pw•lal proviOlon Is lr ssIng made that all who deaire may attend. Bud Moonlight Out of Goderich FRIIiAY Ane SATURDAY s yogis--MeWNnaey. i" A owed picto Fast the inion and L1eMase mansci - O Y EVENING, JUNE 14th " 5 18ast street, on ftatnrday, Jeer lath, the A, ,c° nA marriage of Alez., ymaetgrsf win of the WBERT ' W v ■N lair $'apt. and Ethel. and 11ira. Risirllong er AT 8.30 • a La` a .. a++ry t'olhornP. and T+.thPl. younger danghtrr ; ' ,a .arr fsq,• •"'!"'"'" "'°'"""" •r> h b "PICCADILLY JIM" nt Mr. wed Mrs. John fi(cWhlnnry of waw performed by Rrv. J. M IAMILTON STRiC1CT ALSO Ffamlltnn, R. A. The hrMe watt moan Orchestra for Dancing to Steamer's Ball Room. 3jii lex "t "SUPREME" COMEDY. Mromingly attired In hand-emrrroidrret Ripon beautiful Lake Huron, SOe. ,sem• q$r gc• «afF OODERICME sand+nlnrwl aatln with hat to match •^ and Porssme bouquet of maMPnhalr ferns and pint sweet p. The happy ram • k' ^^ lop 'iPF^ f _ . Tlnirsdasy, June 10. 1110,--R WAT CH FOR OUR '7 n a tic , s a4.-, -A 3a '" rl 2 4 ir i at'w'i° uiA' `AFQa4i`Yeu i+irawaaw.4'an., sau {!r + r a A mom = aka GRAND OPENING DATE The High Cost of Living will soon be = 0 a thing of the Past The most wonderful values will be offered for your approval on our Opening Day, in the follow- ing Departments _ fJ Dry Goods, Hosiery, Ladies' Wear, Infants' and Children's Wear, Cents' Furnishings, Ribbons and Laces, Millinery, Stationery, Hardware, Enamel Ware, Aluminum Ware,'rin Ware, Wire Goods, Wooden Ware, Toys, Pictures and = it rors, Cobbler Supplies, Paints, Brushes, Crockery, Glass- ware, Candy, Notions, and Toilet Articles. i' More for the Money at Less Coat Thi. >a, emCCi CA ANY illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr w ' f A Martin Garr6ent imu imw- WKeeps your confidencc in its design and \ mechanical worth, and retains in. its appearance, because --__ your pride hi goo(! Qt t ie roa,'!f. MARTIN the Tailor '_ G RA-YmeDORT M Phone 318 EAST STRF.,'ET GARAG IF YOU - ARE—CONSIDERING -' ' BUYING A NEW CAR, LET V SHOW YOU THE G RA-YmeDORT kww Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries F% and Columbia Dry Cells. { .fcj i +rgrP.daPaM, k til• tfAlws it;trR' ir` trig' 1w14 I i Tires and Accessories of all kinHsr,.` i fE ss a at prices that will save y011 money. i a Our stock is complete. 4 GENUINE FORD PARTS FREE AIR. 1. » 3•° +c.•. r I v aW,- .• T. F.ss H trrO L LAN D r cirlirX f sser.YfMM!? • ! !'!"'r•"_ " " e3yilll.dfi . !?.eta Ri fs!!`.,._,.rs .:...r_a..., c. - _- ,.a_..:a.r aa s..r