HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 44—Thuroday, June 10, 1920. TR/ QQNAL QOMMSI08. 01?. Here is Your Chance, Think of It, Man ! Fox's Genuine All -wool Irish Serge Suits made in high- grade tailoring $42.50 NO TAY Commencing Saturday, June 12th Irish Serges are great to wear, and when you get the celebrated Fox's Serges you know you have something par- ticularly good. They are all wool, indigo dye, made by the well-known Style Craft Tailor- ing Company, makers of high- grade clothing. You get good cloth, good make and good styles. We bought these much below present value. the cloth having been bought two years We have cut down our profits and offer them to you from Saturday, lune 12 to 19 -- FOR - $42.50 uiN's.sad nit* Styles. Sizes 35 to 42. TSS THIS DUNGANNON: Thursday, June 10. While working this afternoon at Mrs. Thos. Begley's, West Wawauoah, where a bee was lasing held to repair the da wage+ done by the big wind- storm last fall, Mr. Thos. McPhee of Nile fell off the scaffolding et the baru and bad ars leg brokeu. Mr. Harry Fowler, who has been running the Queen's hotel for some mouths, Ices purchased the building from Mr. Robert lien. Messrs. Thos. Stothers, J. R. Mc- Nabb and T. G. Alleu were at Goderich yesterday ■ttendtug tit the hearing of the Telephone ('o.'.' application. The increases of rates asked for were all granted. Messrs. Ralph and Delos Diaher. Miss Maggie and Mr. Thos. Dlsber motored to Ridgeway and the Niagara Falls seetlon this week for au outing. Though ,1r. Dieser is ninety-four years of age. he enjoys slghtseetng with the best of them. Briefs.—Mrs. S. E. S•ueleraon left on Friday on a visit to Woodstock.... —Mips Ile Brown is in Goderich tidal week writing on the public school leav- ing examitmtton Mr. Hugh King, of Prosperity, is making improvements in his Isom* • Messrs. David Sproul and John 'Anderson had a day's fishing at Oolerieh this week Miss Ruby Allen, of the Sterling Bank stair, is away ou holidays Dr. Case's brother from Heiman visited him over Sunday Mrs. Reach is expected home tomorrow from Goderich hos- pital, where she has undergone an oper- ation suceeasfulty The young I•ESNiLiINEI [=1111 lSrtbbam Borsalino Hats LAWN WATER SERVICE HOURS are from to $ o'clock --A.. M. • and 5 to 10 o'clock P. M. Any person using water for lawn service other than the above hours will be liable to prosecution. and to have the service cut off. In care of fire alarm kindly shut off all taps. WATER AND LICNT COMMISSION ;:=1t=■=■=ill=/ �lll ■ TIM -041 Way Women who do waskim-the old mit are invit come in and learn how tr do it the "Time Saver" way. On these days ONLY we will sell the "Time Saver " for the regular cash price on easy_ia of $5.00 DOWN and • $IO.00 NO' INTEREST ADDED Think of the hard work you will save 1 yourself. How much easier your work will be. All your' friends who have them simply wouldn't part with then. This easy payment plan really lets the washer pay for itself as it works. Just like you would pay your servant or laundress. We have ordered and have in stock a good quantity of machines, and so can save you money if you buy during these days. Yov will positively have to pay more if you delay. Five dollars puts the machine in your home and then it pays for itself by the labor it saves. i is x A MO LIFE- BUOY TENNIS PORT ING and OUTING SHOES We are showing a range of Life - Buoy Tennis, Sporting and Outing 'Shoos that will surpass anything ire have yet offered anti to out- class any similar Ione being shown. These goods are well known tott their .mpenor wearing gnalittair - The Brown Rover, with extra heavy soles tot boys, is without exception the best on the market. and is sure to give satistactlon. The prices .are most reasonable. Let us do your Shoe Repairing and hive it done right. RHEUMATISM This 1 a , • ”aisew fagWl` you. Tighe! with Tompl•ton's Rh•umatlo CapsuIN Sole agent fur _Ooderl, It 11 C. Dun- lop. 1'hw.11., !.'hemtst and Druggist, Bedford Block. ladies are having a dauee on Friday night Maas Ethel (:len. of the Sterling Bank. Toronto. M home for a mouths holidays Miss Amber Mc- Kenzie is home from Toronto, where she passed her Business t'ollege ex• aminations successfully Two cars went to Windham today with dele- gates to the district weretlug of the Women's Institute Mr. and Mrd H. Bellamy. of Toronto, are holidaying here Principal Ross was laid up for two days this week with a severe cold and his room at the school was closed Mr: and Mrs. S. M. Wickens and children. of Hensel', were here over Sunday. !y sennamMaMMMINIIIIIIIMIM AUBFRN. . . -1. Wednesday,'Atm '9. FOR SALE.—B. C. SHINGLES AND a Quantity of sachet gam. W. T. BIDDELL. Auburn. Mr. and lira. Geo. Stranghan, of Idaho, have been visiting Mr. Straughan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Straughan, after au absence of twenty years: The village trustees are having • sidewalk put down the strews from Geo. Yungblut's to John Manning's, making an improvement. Mrs. J. Arthur and Mrs. E. Yung- blut are visiting at Clinton this week Mrs. Frank Munro left for Icer,home on Tuesday. The chopping mill is chopping on Tues- days. Thursdays and Saturdays for ■ short time while undergoing some repairs. Death of Mra. grans.—After a ling- ering illness Mrs. Wm. Evans waged to the Great Beyond! 00 Monday fore- noon. ih her thirty-third year. She leaves to mourn her bereft husband and little daughter May. agerd eight. and her aged mother and brother Nor- man at Neepawa. The funeral took place today to Ball's eewetery: The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Their Golden Wedding Day —A very pleasant event was ub-crv,sl at the hon» of Mr. Win. Ma Mi. of the Mae -Kay Farm. Carlow, on Thorsday. May 27. when his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George i Marsh of the Blase line. Hallett, cele- Ihrated their golden wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and airs. Marsh, with their eon, pert. of Auburn. had beeu invited to spend the day quietly •t the MacKay Farm, and their delight end surprise taut t.e imagined when upon their ter - rival there, after being welcomerd by their host and hostess, they were greeted by their slaughters, Mrs. H. Cowell. uL Pickford, Michigan. and Mrs. W..A. Jones. of Dungannon, also by their w,u Harry of Detroit. who. with his wife and boy, bad motored up for the oecasion. After air ex- change of greetiugs the party sat,.lown to an excellent dinner. at the close of which Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were pre- sented with a goodly number of gold coins in recognition of the happy erect, and a telegram of congratulation from their son Arthur, of Manttetf, Man.. who, on at:count- dr his wife a illness, was unable to be present, was read. Mr. and Mrli. harsh, altl,ongh-haVilia both exceeded the alloted span of three - ss -ore nal ten -,tears, are lode and hearty and hare the best wishes of the community for many mere years of weelslerl happiness. I Geo. MacVicar- orth side Square, Goderich C AS. C. LEE East side ' ' uare Goderich DEVELOPING AND -PRINTING BRING YOUR FILMS TO US FOR DE- VELOPING E- VELOPING AND PRINTING—ONE DAY SERVICE. . : : : c : • 1 \�\ FILMS TO FIT ALL CAMERAS. H. C. DUNLOP. FRAMED PICTURES SERVING TRAYS MIRRORS A choice assortment, very suitable for wedding gifts. What better present cite be given than an artistically framed picture ? Come in and look around, No obligation to buy. SMITH'S ART STORE Est St. rues IN -KINGSBRIDGE, A Noteworthy Eveat.—On Saturday. ❑y 29th, Rev. Maurice Sullivan, son of the late lir. and. Mrs. John Sullivan. wax -ordained by His I.ordahip Bishop Fallon In St. Peter's Cathedral. Lon- don. and on Sunday he celebrated his first holy mass. before a large emigre - tion. at St. Joseph's church here. Assisting him on the altar were Father O'Neil, of !;firkin$, as deacon, Father Hnssey. of Kinkont, as sub -deacon.• Father Dean, of this parish. as asslet- Ing priest, while Wilfred Garvey acted as master of ceremonies. Monsignor ()Tenger. of Loudon, and , Father Moran, of St. Augustine, were also in. the saoetuary. An impressive sermon was preaehed by Monsignor O'Connor. He dwelt on the gravity of the duties and responsibilities of the priesthood, and closed with an eloquent exhorta- tion to the newly ordained to lire up to the high staudards set by his pre- ,ieressors from Aslttield parish. After masa a purse was prevented to Father Nulliran. in behalf of the parish. by Mr. H. 1'. Hogan. and Mr. John Long read the following address : To Reverend Father Sullivan. Dear Father Sullivan : Permit us to address you this morning as you deseend from the altar after baring performed one of the most stnpPrslous mete that is given to do --namely, tela hr.ted your first hots amass; primarily to thank Almighty God for again eel- ecting front onr humble parish another priest to continue and extend His holy ministry. We •re well aware, dear Father, of the many trial. you mast hare endured, and s•crifie'ee made while following the divine call, now so happily consum- mated ; and ask you to accept this little gift, trivial in remelt, which may in *IMP way help yon to extend God's Xiniadom. We deem It aimed mnperfiuous to wish you many years of fruitful labor in the Divine serttce, who are • deo-endaat of that race of misalon- •rMs who in early aims were each • potent factor in ('hrtstlanizing Con- tinental Eureps that it earned for 1 NWV'Ve► 11 Phone 56 STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. s SATURDAYS 10 P. M. D.r'1ILLARifSON "The Scotch Store" Smart Summer Dresses Handsome French Voile Dresses of the newest designs, a good assortment. Prices ranging from $16.50 to $25.00. Silk and Georgette Dresses, a good variety -in colors of Navy, Taupe, Black, Nigger, Copen, etc. Prices ranging from $20.00 to $45.00. Children's Dresses, a splendid assort- ment in Gingham, Voile, Silk and Muslin. All sizes in stock. _ Prices from $1.25. Many are expecting to entertain friends corning on the excursion and during the holiday season. Probably extra bedding will be re- quired, so we take this opportunity of reminding you of our well - assorted stock of Sheets, Blankets, Bedspreads, Pillows, Pillowcases, Towels, Table Linen, etc., etc., all of which are marked at very keen prices, and are first-rate values. WORE CLOSES W14USDAY 1 p. rel. PLEASE SHOP EAR LY. *cOi11's Patterns. l[eOaH'r Ihondao for June now on sok—Mt.. Aso "HONE ss Millar s cote Store Ma 54 Huron County's Leading hone and Mail Order Store. their country the, proud title of the Jsland of the Saints and Scholars; and fu later times whose priests and teach- ing orders and people largely helped to spread our holy faith in the con- tinents of America and Australia. even to the uttermost -isles of the sea. whose faith failed not throw!► persecution. famine and the sword, \ Hoping to be remembered sometimes when you offer tip the holy sacrifice and asking the blessing of the. newly ordained. (tipped in behalf of the congrl ation.) bather Sullivan repfle$Te a—ror .words, saying bow utterly futile it was for him to strive to clothe his grati- tude in words. but that we must rather take it as an utispot�en feet. He then gave his blessing to the parlshlone The newly ordained with the visltinl priests and the cheer relatives were given dinner et the hothie of lila uncle. Mr. Jos. Dalton, On Monday evening a' well -attended reception was held for Father Sullivan. by the friends, at the parish hall. Several musical numbers and readings and a drill were rendered, all of which were -excellent. A few wonis were addresserl to the assembley1 parish- ioners by Fathers ilarris. of ('hep- stowe, Me(ardell, of Dublin. Moran, of St. Angsutine. and Snllicart. A rote of thanks was tendered Father Dean for the part he played In making the event a success. Theevening closed with a lunch served by the f rfe nde. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. GODEiti('H TOWNSHIP. Thursday. June 10, The Bethel Methodist Sunday school will bold a garden party on the lawn of Mr. Cox on the evening of June 23rd. Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mrs. Jas. John- ston we -e in Toronto this week attending the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Johnston. Sr. HEi.ENS. Tuesday, June S. Rev. W. A. Amos. of Palmerston. will oeupy the pulpit In ('alvin chnrch for two Sundays. The Presbyterian church people in- tend holding their garden party on June la. Particulars next week. Weeided--in t'hriat church. St. Helens, on Jane 2nd. a quiet wedding took plain when Lieut. George Laths, and Mrs. E. Wilcox, of Somerset. Eng- land, were married by Rev. Mr. Eerleeton. After the ceremony the happy couple motored to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. iorts, where • dainty dinner was ,erred. flpeslal Meeting of W. se's Institute. —The June neetlag of the At. Helena Women's Institute will be held on the 4 FIIjE REPAIRING Bring your tread -worn tires to us and let us retread them for you and get an extra 2.000 to 3,000 extra mile- age out of tires that are practically worthless. or let us reline your tire, which will strengthen it 50 per cent. Tires repaired in the proper time by Our process will pay biggest returns. Let us examine your tires. 1f we --Cannot save -your buying a new tire, it will be a pretty bad one. Tires, Tubes, Accessories. Handllon St.. H• J. 'BIER GODERiCH afternoon of Friday. the lath. at 2.:10 oclock, on the lawn of lira. W. J. Hnmpltref--- Mrs. R. Sawyer, of Churchill. Ont.. alit address' the meet - 0M. A musical program also will he prepared and refreshments will he serve!!. Ladies will kindly bring sattda'lches -11111 cake. A general in- vitatioh is extended: everybody is w .broths? Coselag\ and GoIng.—Mr.. Geo. M. Rols'rte a A Mr. John McQuillan at- tendee! the AAtiglbmu convention held nt Hanover nn Vedu('adldy Miss W. Stuart, of Mt,ntreal. is a visitor at Mr. A. Andersson'', Mr. Duncan McDonald and Mr. D. 1'. McDonald attended the funeral of their cousin, Miss Jean llcl'herson. of Crieff, on See our select stock of Ladies' Whitewear wit!) the new pointed effects. Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. Remember that we have re- moved to a new stand on the south side of Square. Give us a call. Miss S. Noble &id Sits Siren — Gdsriett 9 Wednesday Mies Margaret Me - Kenzie, of Lucknow, spent the week- end with her friend, Miss M. Irwin.. ..Mr. Wm, Stein, from the West. spent a few days with hie Aster, Mrs. Jas. Ihtrclon, last week Mrs. T. Todd, of Wingham, anti Mra. Moore- head, of Brampton, are %letters with Mr. aid Mrs. Frank Told. R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds up -to -slats for Telephones, Burglar Alarms, Polies Patrol and Fire Alarm Systems. ;Private Residences alar Business Places --a specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Eleastrlc trout. Toasters, (drilla. Fans, Vacuum Cleaner*, Washing Machine*. Flashlights a n d Batteries of all Ideas always on hand. Ring up at or HIS sad have nal give as estlaaaft on your whin& atm jsa flea gat. Rai Tilt Wee boss t•s .14M; ttest.H.cs Phonsorltao a, tetra.. 111