HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 3eamalosmwmgmertmateraseres _. -.,-ehem THE STOW. minium ow. Rheumatism Stiffness. and all Pain M.asd'a Liniment h.• vixen s•tw(nrtos for three {eneeatiosa h middy ,else• none thrum. bronchi.Iiia. sciatica and any kind o4 pun. An Old Reliable Remed, • Mn. S. Fawcett. HaenJten St . Colanrvoodl Oar. orates.-MMilord's Liniment surely war old reliable nmedr 1 always keep a t$ttle is the More and Wave re,o.0 ended .t to quite • member of my kinds, to r Wow it rave, ,eat relief. In mid came .sex it asr used v a can for rkeuman.m. M in�obi Pahrd'' Kt Liniment arrnouth Nova Scotia: MEDICAL. DR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO PATH. specialist In women's and chiidrere diereses, acute. chrome and net vows disease. eyo nae De .ad )Yat, partial deafness, limbs g limbs ▪ rheumatic cwrd,tsxr. Adenoids temente without the knife. Clhce at tenderise. cor nc Velem and St. Andrew's streets. At home omn Menders, Tbtredays and Setudays, any eves 1 w avposrtasast. DENTISTRY. It Graduate Mato Useve. I. -HONOR Grsdoata Torowto Unvarwty. Graduate College of Deets' Sewgsoas. to the WO Mass Sale. OSuM.aaet INware ens wen street. (:uder.cb. AOCTWMRRR. THOMAS GUNDRY, Ayy-TioNKRR. Boa 67, Godsrliik. AA instructions by mall or eft at Signal Oa)ew will be promptly attended l0 rnidence tekpbone ria. LEGAL. gra.G.CAMERON, notary C. BARRlSe TUR, solicitor.town Dubh . (taxa tie Street, (.oderich, third door Irmo Trot loads to Men at lowest rata. Ali.. C. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, RTC. Oaice-.ter'bank, Block, Hao !too Street Oedeetea. TMeshOss a. Oral g+tats. t .reed tams_ IFROUDFOOT. KILLORAN • ManaTiot4. scLicrross, MOT PUBLIC. KT(:. Mica es the Square. second ,door kom ittr.il w s I neat. (iodsKh. Petrol* fonds se len( et lowest rota W. Peotatoov. K. C. J. L. KutOeart N. J. D. Cross. ka uta . .ale.h. Ssysf lon.d at lowed rata ', SEAGER, BAKRISTER. SOL- ICITOR. outcry, public sod 0ostsreacer. lice_ Hose. ( rich. e11-12ni IJSULAJCR, LOANS RTC. ucKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- Au ASCII CO. -Faro and isolated tows prop arghnnrod. mcer►-Jan Cosner'• hes., Godoritte P. 0; Min seem. Vice- Beachwood P.O.; Thetas t. May.. Sac -Trey. P.O. DUwcters-D. E. 'tegoc. R. R. No. tL Sea- ertb;obs G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Minim 5. R. No. 2, Snlorth, John Bennewies, a: Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. 4.Ses- wu: ltobart Ferris, Mattock. Malcolm Mc - Ewes. Custom; Jntaes Evart. Beacbwood. Jam Csssotty. GodsicS. ye,u: J. W. Yeo, Goatskin Ake. Leitch, • R. Na 1, Chilton; Wiliam CNpoey. Seakatb, ▪ Hiocblsr. Seaton h. Polis haldw• cam s pay all to and get their cards rsan ptad at R. J. a Clothing Stage, Gloom: R. H. Cott's T. ilLtagktne street. Goderich. or J. H. *Guest Store. Barfield. r► _ Milton same Ent tt never strikes twice in the -not if it bits hard enough the HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Minority Report of Hospital Committee Adopted--Sperlal Meeting of ('oun- til to Be Held at Clinton June 13 to Gleet Neo, F. C. Biggs. Following is -a- continuation of hist week's report of the proceedings of the county couucll. The good roads eomwisaluu reported that au agreement had herr wade with the county of Bruce whereby Huron county Is to maintain that portion of the boundary road east of Lackalw• and Brute county 1s to nulatsln the portion west of Luekuow, the lost of construction 81111 maintenance of both asetbns to be borne by the two emus - ties %litany. The cuwmtssion also re- ported on the read to be built to the village of Exeter and on the Grand ltcend bridge, the latter being in ennrse of construction. The purchase of two tractors from the International liar - venter ('o., for $2,219 -nue to be de- livered at Exeter and one at Galerich -.also six steel wheel " ratwrn at *147 foci ami eight slip *•rapers at *14.75 each was reported. Th.. committee had waited upon the Deputy Minister of Itfghways at Turontu with referent* to leaving the following roads drslg- tuted as Provincial roomy highways : 1. County roads whie•h are etinneetiug eRIMIlli The Better Wal Never disobey Nature's warn- ing. It's far better to forestall weakness with nourishment that protects. Scott's Emulsion after mesh for child or adult, is a wonderful help in forestalling weakness. Ask for .Scott's. a,ou a ..wee. Totwto. AL 20-12 STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Saye Cream Applied in Nostril j Megevea Head -Colds at Owx. SS It your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of s cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Fly's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swol- len mucous mambraas sad you gets in- stant relief. 7 Ab ! how geld K twig. Tsar trils are open. your bead is clear, more hawking, snuffling, blowing; sore headache. dryness or stru for breath. Els Cream Bala what sufferers from bead colds •.el. Deed it's a delight. Rainc for men at remarka price Mei s T Raiaceets. The cut in the single - ed style, a loose t with buckle. Sizes to 42 at 12.45 sad, $16.45 11 n' Men's Fawa Raincoats. Made in single-breasted style, double*titched seams. Sizes 34 to 46 at $7.45 M. Robs Sem& Side Square - Gederich OPEN EVENINGS links of Provincial county roads in the villages of Exeter and Blyth. 2. The Lake Shore read from Grand iteral to Ayllwrley. 3. County road Nb. 12 from Wroxeter to Seaforth. 4., l'ouuty road No. M from tete easterly limit of the township of I'ttborne extewltng westerly to the l.oadua road, and county road No. 7 westerly to, the Lake Shore road. 5. The. Gore road Scrum the wrrtheasterty corner of the towu- ship of Ilowkk, being couuty read No. 3t. The tonwlttte also subwltt.d a long report tet the condition of the s•at- ions comity rihtds, with reonnuenthl- Omni thereon ; recommended that En- gineer i'att"rs n to authorizer) to engage tittles. assistance ; that a levy of two mills Iw made for road improve- ment purposes In llr4►, and a ',pedal levy of nue mill on the township of Ashflrld on account of the Targe ex- penditure on cOustructlou of bridges. The report wan adopted without a mend user t. It was decided that a suitable tablet be secured and placed In the hall of the court house ba memory of the late Donald I'altersoa, eonuty engineer. Hospital DepeMMea. The ease for Inc•reamed hospital ac- commodation In the county was placed before tlw (-outwit by JJiclge lfkkaon of (1ex(erich, lir. Itrdaon4 and Mr. Ml'- I..au of \\'Ingham, 11r. Gaudier of ('lin- tun, John Stewart and A. L. BuWer- land, Rev. T. 111. Brown and Dr. H. U. Ross of Seaforth. Ex -Warden J. M. Goveulock, M.P.P.. wan present on Wedneeday and spoke briefly in response to on invitation frll the 1\'ardaa. The .treasurer presented a stat • nt as. respiesfwl .lwowrng tlw expen, tire on gewal nods in the varluus • uui- elpalitirs this year to Jw litt, amounting to $20,462 Oh. A rote of thanks; was pax 1 to tbft treasurer and clerk for (Inti ug a deal on bonds by which a const •ra dolt• sav- ing 10 the county w•as MT :red. The Warden' It cowl ttee restore - mewled drat Messrs. M •loll, McNabtt, Hearers and County 'Irrk Holman represent the couneb at 'the meeting called by the Weide untario Boards of Trade to 1e he at 14,11dun June 9th. It _tam recommended that Warden _ 1 Mesons. Laporte and (lark 'ma 7iapsoary arrange - mentos for the option cif Hon. F. C. Biggs, Miulat of Public Works, at Clinton on JI •e 15th. Report adopted. It was bled that the council should atte,d to a body JO the Clinton meeting o .tune 15th. King's B hday Observed. MOTHER OF EIGHTEEN NA'N 11' WAS A GODSEND. "Front Now On Tanlse Will Be My Fancily Medicine," Says n Mrs. Guenter: "Well, this h certainly a coincidence'. ' for the very moment you were ct,mng.1n 1 was pouring into the kitchen sink/all the costly medicines that h•_d bee pre-' scribed Ica me," said Mrs. Sulumon . Grenier, when the special Tanlac repret l sentative, who had called at her residence, 1443 Logan street, Montreal, the other day to ascertain the (acts. "Tinlac is the only thing 1 found during my Brew years of 111 -health," added Mrs. Grenier, "that has "Mot me any good. 1 just consider it a godsend to' suffering humanity. For at least two' weeks to every month 1 had frightful; headaches and would get so dizzy it was difficult fir me tcewalk• Many a time' after meals led almost unbearable' cramping pains,O1 my stomach, and, at - times, 1 was sgbvercome with heart pal- I pitation that I had to sit down. 1 had no appetite and sometimes got so dizzy' that thinks turned dark and had the ; appearance of a veil of smoke before my , eyes.1 order to get relief from these attacklll had to take to bathe my head with ' e water. I was constipated the worst kind, had very painful neuralgia in j my neck. and did not feel strong enough , to ,attend to my household duties. 11 Id only sleep part of the night and y condition was so distres;aing that life ardl; seemed worth living. • i "But 1 began taking Tanlac about three weeks ago and am just so glad to see how wonderfully my health is being ree*tored•,that 1 want to tell everybody about Tanlac. Thine no more headaches or dizzy spells and since I am able to digest my food proper y my heart palpita- tions have disappeared. My appetite is just fine and 1 ani rating meats- even pork -and anything else 1 want without t the least trouble afterwards. I am no longer constipated, that weak, tired feel-; ing has also lett me, and now that my suffering has been relieved i am buitdinz 1 up in Weight right along, - I have already gained fhte pounds and feel stronger and better t n 1 have since my trc.ubles started th yearaago. 1 am the mother of eighteen children and from this time; on 1 expect Tanlae to be my family ; medicine. It if so good that 1 want to make this statement and help others who need it like 1 did 1.o know about it." I Tenho: is sold in (:aleewb by E. IL I Wigle and the leading druggist in every town. At t1 • opening o the afternooneomwittee be empowered to purchase u ,cession n Thursday nue SEM. 111e lanai when the opportunity presents comae rose and sing , the National itself. Twelve air, - 111 14111I hell Mr'n Anti n in humor of clic IK'Mg's related for two years by the iuspeec•tor hint day. and keeper for the slim of *100 iwr e county property cot inittee re- yrur. Thr report was adopted with an a ted upon the vartcros (•ouuty build- 'Amettlment that rete inspector Jw in- t get and made a number of recoup structetj.4n act in conjunction with tfw rrutations, including one that the out- itrevees in investigating the eircum- 1,le of the court. house Is. printer(. stances of applicants for adwisbon. At the ('Jlildren's Shelter the ,omwit- The gaol roads tommlaabw suit - tee found four children, who appeared witted a eupplem.otary report. "So to be happy ail contented and well action" was rerremlu ewi'I regarding los,kerl after. Hrport adopter(. the violin of Kenneth 1). MacLennan The serial comnittcr• rerowmcndecl\for *11.75 for damage,* to his ear. beat the rew.lutl.,n from the emody of {Miler retotnnw' .Iatt nes w-rre : That Renfrew regarding the protection of the resolution nubnuttwl by the l'Itat- sheep. Ignitis and deer Iw endorsed ; learn Chamber of Cotutuere with rt. - that 191,tetion le token with reference fcrehte•e• to permanent highways be to the r•nolutiot free' the county of adopted : that rod No. :Al, running Oxford favoring an hs•reastd width of rust through Wroxeter ani Howk•k, hw sleighs: that In aecorlaaee with rile put on the Provincial (Aunty road sys- rsooluttun from the eouuty of Victoria tem • cleat the claim of Kenneth Far - fines im)wswd by police magimtrates Ise rlsh for d 3.nges for injnAe• suatalrwsl hander) to the county Instead of to the on the SaltforO road be laid over for l'nrnIw.e. Adopted. furtlwr inlVest igation: that grants from The executive committee rerom- giiod rands funis tie nude as follow•, mended that the applbeatlona of the (lintel'. *all►: Seaforth, $830; Gale- gaokr, turnkey and caretaker of tem rich. *1.2111. Adopted. (court house• for increases of salary tie The Hospital Diseuasloa. not granter(: and that the peslhur's license fee paid last year by It. W. Monroe of Hrlgrave he refunded, an Ile was unable to take advantage of It owing to Illness In his home. Adoptetl. The erlueatim' committee again re- commended "no acttou" 1n the matter �rrf the proposed now w•hool fuslec•torate. jAdopterl. The house of refuge committee re- ported With- 7117eretwo to property ownedby' some of the inmate's. Ie tes. The in -irate subm•rlytbti, or 1pth, impactor Baa seen atrucled to 1 am"'"' 'tenet M lite girth-; 1. an order from the judge -transferring hoT ,' minority until be mode tre�rtywae del=tit effect to the county Ow property In (Icxlertch owned by William and Eloise ftklmingi. that a material Ifwrexat be nude to It was decided that paying inmate's the a I grants to the hospitals: should Puy $3.:111 a week in future for that inch hospital give the county eouw•il a full report of re -elpts and board and care. The committee re- commended that more land be put, re - expenditures each year, aaei that the chased for the Home, and that the 'Inane! gewnt to each M►apital 1* 1n The special committee appointed to report^ upon the hospital question sub- mitted ,t majority and a minority re- port „ The awl jority rt reeom- Menderl that a grant ne exceeding $m.4.1110 tie wade to each pnb c hospital (not to exe•trsl five In nu sur) for construction and equipment , before this grant be paid each hoxpita b.strd 144 he required to raise try ' - Of an act -ardency with service Tendered to the i community in which it \ta Athens!. The council went Into \ ommittte of Women of Canada • the whole 011 the reports, with 1►r. ('lark in the chair, and the question -Iw.as thoroughly discusser(. Messrs. Mc- ._(a11A .sad-Wa111s moved all n'inteMl- y ss _ est that Y grant of 515,9111 be made a �,- w ea mon than to one hospttal in the c onllty, providing -xis 1'rwsenp I the town whete surrh hospital be !cleated was run-down and an nervous )b.1 I give an wtutval..nt. For srolr mown could not even stay or other, the amendment w•115 not 11111. la the bow alone and tbt' committee spent s long time is the da�ery-tanW and trying to deride in what manlier a vote medicine I beard a( -*horrid he token. The fact of a minor- ' but gat no result Ity report ss-cnwd to roam* the mem• Opo of my Mends Mars, 'some of whom thought It should sdvrsd me to take be eontldered as an amendment to the 'Pavorit. PraseriP• majority report. After many conflk•t- ffaaaaqq esW that R Ing opinions had Inesiven on the wwty cote me, )tad g it did. Altar taking four bottles I felt Rh. a new woman and N le also lbs very bast medicine for a wornsa bringing up a fsmi3�� I will recom- mend 'Favorite, Preen ription' to arty one suffering Uke I card,"-.UBB. JOi3CsP1k BEAUDRY, R. R. a ' WZAK AND NERVOUS TOManbrrg, Ont. --1 found De Pisree'e Parrawila PnweripMoe a ezneliert ssedisa Ilse Ike ailments of worms ml had become way weak sad nervous. I j� bud misw� obis sirs i boom taking the Fawh o Pswssipbiow and It proved moat beneMdal. k ss .ompi.te ly reMeesd was to book& that I Mee newer Iced asy aMura elf this slm.wl. Ida advise the um of ?rwe4w Prwbb os' M women sub smear obi wrsaso1P twaA• M" -MRs. GEO. wwl�a,.1A (!*train Testify ANNOUNCEMENT. The season has arrived for White Footwear ! We have a large assortment of semen's White Paws, Cobeish sad Words, with low and high heels. Also for mimesas' and children we have White Canvas Oxfords, Slippers and High Shoes. White Canvas Oxfords attd High Roots, in Welts & McKay's, for men. Let us supply you with your white gseds. ERN'S BOOT SHOP Dr. • PSusse', Drtitlys TILL.IIpiM b mods of body's alippa pat Writ eslrosk woe, incisors root. Moe not and A''/s grope rent. Be. Pisces know, whin tea .ret !nada 11414 asanald aeditaeK rise whisker sod sas,hlr ware Maj riam, cad so be ba always bravo this out of his esssdilw. Wasson wits take tW ahsdard cmedyr know s14oa in Die P1s.ee'a iMeo4M fk __. tesha tbsv w notologa alio woaes's bootie on goad shot drwgi jw. oeotpwf.w r liquid ow tabist alas question of pravrtnre, the l' inn ruled that the vote ghmdd he on the majority report. This was rejected by 18 to 7. The Minority report was then put to Is vote and wee adopter) by 15 to 9. The amendment by Messrs. NM, Sold. and Wallis was withdrawn. On the Warden's remiming the chair the yeas and nays were demanded by lir. Toting on the majority report and the vote was as folhms : Yes- Heavera, bark, Currie, Elston, Grieve, Mitchell, Ttitling, Yosing--M. Nay - Armstrong, IMtg, !softens', Elliott. Hackett, Lep.rte, McNabh, MeQnaid, Maurer, Miller, Moffatt, Nee+, Plum, Portion, Kschardson. Spot ton, Treewar- tha. \\'elk's, Webb -19. Mr. Crich. who was absent when the vote wale taken, voted for the majority report 1n committer•. Tlw eouneil eon( litild the session on Friday morning. The report of the flnaneve committee, tar'Iuding a rvommendettion that the general ronnty rate this year he three aml eight -tenth milia, waft adopted. The road and bridge committee re- ported, recommending that the atten- tion of the engineer he drawn to tier Min bridges at the southern end of the e•ounty. The commit d/NAed to allow the treasurer and the ederk a varetion,,the clerk to be seting treasurer while the treasure. is Iwlldaying, and the treas- urer try w acting clerk while the clerk is awMy. 11. was declehrl teat a 'special meet- ing of tis council to hail at l'llutou on Jute 15th, at 1 o'clock p. W. This Is chit day 011 which the Minister of l'ublic Works la to vtstt Clinton. The following bylaws were given three readings and finally pixie(! : Bylaw No. 5, to equalize the attstss- wrut'. ltylaw No. 0, ameutllug bylaw No. 7 of 1917 by providing that grants may be made to towns and villages within the towtty' to be applied In improving streets which are extensions of or forw 0 outwetb us between 14ot t ter of comity i, ads, Bylaw Nu. 7, to appropriate the s11w of $165,000 fur construction work on (ituuty highway's and $41,411) for 11111 ill - tenuity'. mud repair of reads during the present y'e•111'. Bylaw No. it, to raise the stun of *)%5,t02.WP for County roads expendi- ture by a levy of two wills on the dollar on the tsivalized aasesswe•uts, and to levy an additloual nttr ,,f one will on the tuwusldp of Ashnrld for extra e•xpe•udilure in said township on the building of bridge's. The amount', levied on the various municipalities by tltja bylaw are as follows Ashflrlel t'2 mills, $5,913.130 ; extra mill, *3,.11Mttitp polo 40 1°11e/rue 3144 01) (oth'rkh township 4417 :'Ji (; ray 5715 00Hay 4x14 4M) Hawick (17)41 144) Hllliett I 1143 4M) Morris , r 4!14:1 410 Mm-KiIlup 5357 140 $tacky • 4370 10 Stephen '5477 414) I'slycnw 4x35 4141 Tue•kennulth 414LMt 4141 %%'ext Waw•alamll 3927 *40 Tin nlwrry '3214) 4p East l%aw.nosh '4'44) 4r) Itruseela "45-1221 }i'2 4M) May1M•Id w: fat Itlyth .;41 4141 l:alericle town 24; 311 ('llutuu 1:Nita MO Exeter 1070 4U Wlntghsm 14417 ':f) }ironies :a4) ?ICI Seafortil 151111 111) \V'rimer 3110 411 ltylaw No. 9, authorizing the Warden awl treasurer to Morrow monies to meet current expenditures. . .ltylaw No. 111, appointing Rev. S. E. McKegney of ('ilnton as rlu.plalu irf the Comity Hunt.. ltylaw No. 11, ratifying an agree - went with the county of ltnu•t' for jotut coustrut'lbon anti maintenance of the 1a lary road : Huron county to construct and maintain that portion along the uortheru boundary of East and West Wawancnoh and Turulerry, and /truce county to cunstnIct anti nes MN 111 the Ashfield Iwnutda ry road. Bylaw No. 12. waking grunt,' to town, under the - (Ontario Highways Act as follows : Clititou, Pt00; Ser - forth, M4.11; Goder(cb, *124141. The grant to 4:alrrielt in for the improve- ment of the Hayfield road from the southerly limit of the twrpwrrtlus t Britannia sad. ltylaw Nu. i:i, levying a rate of :t 8-19 mills on the various w ' •ilr:aliti.•., to raise the total sum of $101,5115.32 fo genual county- purposes. After singing Gal Save'. the King thin (outwit adjourned. Reason Enough. "Why did you strike the telegraph operator ?" asked the magistrate of the man who was summoned for assault. "Well, air, 1 gives him a telegram to send to my gal, an' he starts readin' it. So, of course, i ups and gives him oar_"- London Tit- Bits. - In Spring. In spring when bluebirds sing At windows where they know Some one will love to have them wing And pour their melodies - it is like life at best, Whose windows face the seas Waiting for the bluebird Love, Se breast ... 1s full of harmonics. Thursday, June 10, 1920.-3 • The flavor lasts -and the electrically - sealed package brings WRIGLEYS to you with ON !IS goodness Perfect- ly preser_ _----___-- Here's to teeth, appetite, V d gestion ! 1 Sealed Tight- KePt Right ! JUICY -FRUIT ate wI V(; 4t M All SPEARM/NT "•• PERFECT GUM -1111. Lo don, _Ontario eflrts and Sciences Summer School July 5th to Auust lath FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar Could Net S ,beep Mr. Earnest Clark, OMeer, 338 King St., limn sfwy Ott-, writes: �. "For three years I suffered from ner:'vVianeas and slesF. lowness. I believe my COm. tion was brought about by overwork. I had frequent headaches, neuralgic pains and . twitching of nerves and muscles. I had indigestion, was short of breath and tired. I commenced a tread went of Dr. Chase's Nerves Feed, and seven boxes of Usti medicine cured me of all mg, symptoms. I am nbw feeling one hundred per cent. better than I was, and have to thank Dr. C'hase's Nerve Food fair the good health I am now as. *Wine De. C1n1'a laces loos, MI anis a ere% e for tiff an seater% se saaaaas- haMs • OR. LL, Tomato. j). f. � 1 1(l(i The Long Blue Chimney which :applies lob dan, white -tip- ped ee.hiag flame. Here's The Reason -the Long Blare Chimney which supplies cheap, instant, speedy, clean ,cooking heat whenever needed. It has wolf for the New Perfection Oil Cook Stove the appreciation of hundreds of thousands of housewives. With the Long $lue New Perfection Chimney, every drop of fuel goes into cooking heat -not into overheating the kitchen. The flame is applied directly under -the utensils. There is no smoke or odors and pots and pans are not blackened. High, medium or low, fhe flame is always visible. It can be adjusted to give the heat desired and stay's set. A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove and a New Perfection Oven and WarmingCabinet form the best combination for year round cooking. Te New Perfection gives you were satisfaction• in the kitchen awl more time out of it. Sold by good dealers 'everywhere. Ask for demonstration of the Long Blue Chimney or write for New Perfection Booklet. Mads in Canada Comer 14055 OPMICI AND FACTORY SARNiA - ONTARIO