HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 2r
2—Thurtlday, June 10. IWJOL
Thursday, Juue• 10, 10.0.
Stratford is to erect a 125.000 monu-
ment as a war memorial.
Goderich now has her summer clothes
on and is prepared to receive visitors,
A seat in the Square on,a lovely lung
day is another luxury Sir Henry Drayton
didn't tax.
Put it in your hat that Dominion Day
is to be celebrated as per usual in this
loyal town of Goderich, and get ready to
do your part to make it one grand, glori-
ous day.
In order to avoid international compli-
cations. The Signal will not express any
preference for the Presidential nomina-
tion. We don't care who it is, so long as
_-.It isn't that fire-eating, taittwistitrg.
know-nothing Hiram Johnson.
The revelations that are being made in
the Crown timber investigation make It
clear that the Province hal not been get•
ting full value for its timber resouilits.
With expenditures running away ahead.
and a big leak in the revenues, 11 is no
wonder the Provincial Treasurer could
not make ends meet.
This is the week of the Republican
convention at Chicago. and we are pre-
pared to hear of cheers lasting 'steen
hours in acclaim of some favorite son or
-sons. Did you ever notice that this big
--Cheering is always done for a fellow before
-Ape is elected—never afterwards. Who is
Cheering for Wilson just now, for in-
mtance ?
When Senator Lodge talks about
"Mr. Wilson's League and Its sacrifice
of America" he is talking nonsense.
The League gives the United States an
opportunity, in conjunction with the
other nations, of ensuring the peace of
the world. This may be a respon-
sibility the Uulted Stater does not wish
to share. but to speak of the proposal
as a "'seethe, of America" is mere
political claptrap. It is a pity that a
subject of such vast importance to the
United States and to the world cannot
be discussed In a statesmanlike manner.
If public library boards in Ontario have
been empowered to levy at will upon the
municipalities to the extent of Illy cents
per head of papu'ation,'the L'gislature
has Bane entirely too far. In some way
or other the passing of such an A:t has
escaped general notice. Public librariep
are entitled to public support. but th2
municipalities should not without their
consent be saddle 1 with w large an oblig-
ation. PA considerable proportion of
Public library patrons confine their use of
the t library to fiction, and the
town might as well be asked to
subsiiixe the moving picture theatre as to
be kvied upon for reading matter of this
type. This town of Goderich would object
strenuously to handing over 12.300 an.
nually to the puhli: library board ; but it-
is hardly likely that the board, even if it
is empowered to demand such a sum,
would exadse iN wthpnty to this extent..
The Golden Rule—"whatsoever ye
wou;d that men should do to you, do ye
even so to them"—is a rule for all life,
not one to be applied in this case and
rejected in that. In their dealings with
the question of immigration Canadians
must try to see things from the standpoint
of the immigrant or the would be
immigrant before deciding offhand on.
only 'wholesale policy of exclusion. The
,Lord of all the earth did not give Canada
to any particular set of people with the
right of keeping out others who should
wish to make their homes within its broad
limits. The resolution recently adopted
by the Methodist distract meeting perhaps
is not to be rigidly interpreted ; but we
do not like the proposal of a ban against
immigrants who speak other than the
English language. To some of the Con•
tinental peoples Canada is the land of
opportunity, and who would deny a
fellowman. no matter what his native
tongue, a chance to get away from the
deadening surroundings of some Old
World country to make a life worth while
in this new and more favored land ?
When he reaches Canadian soil he should
be surrounded with influences that would
teed to make of him a good Canadian
A (ksterieh merchant, speaking of
the disturbance to beldame occadoaed
"by tate Drayton tax measure, oaks why
the money needed cowl(' not Ise eol-
Iectel along with the to ti1pal tales.
This is a suggestion that Aewrveo more
than paastng notice. There is no
doubt that a eondderable percentage
-of the new tater will be swallowed
tai la the coat of cetleAlos. Ln addl-
The "Quality" Character o
this brand has an
International Reputation.
A Trial Packet will bring speedy conviction
— ?
tion, there will be evasions and con- on instructions from Ottawa, Insist on
(-raiment on the'wrt of some, placing
regarding u pound sterllrng us still
✓ premium on dishonesty. The money worth the pre-war ext•hnote of
auge ro
$4.WI, instead of its actual value of
If raised by the municipal tax col-
lector—ow many mills on the dollar
In addition to the municipal taxes—
woul& be gathered with a minimum
of expense, cud aa the municipal as-
sessor Id pretty well acquainted with
the affairs of everybody "within his
Jurisdiction" the tax would be' fairly
well apportioned. It will to objected
that some people escape 'mulched tax-
ation. but this could be avoided by
the Imp mitioo• poll tax on any-
body not otherwise assessed. In any
ease, the municipal tax would not are
so unfair and uneven as the'luxuury
to;es as pow colIteted. The Bounty
rate each year is ratted through the
municipal tax collet -tion system. When
the Province levied a war tax it was
Collected In the same way. Why not
extend the system for the collection of
Federal taxes ? The one outstanding
advantage_trom the adoption of this
proposal would be the saving oflite
cost ofvast army of Federal --tag
Inspectors nit the elimination o1.. -ate
the trouble iced expense' ucrastoued to
manufacturers wholesalersand re-
tallera In the ',resent systei'-01 - 1-
$4.20 in Canadian currency at the pres-
ent time. Another regulation which
immures gently fie customs taxation
le that the duty must be {acid not only
on the actual price paid for the goods
gat the time of pnr•la.e, but on the
home uearket price in the country of
origin at the tier of shipment.4
ledi,tlehr+swA Minus the
Why Is It T
Galt lteprrtyr.
Canada Is not getting a sniff In on
low prices. Vegetables are' cheaper in
l•:uglaud than fn this tourists\ ao are
meats and sugar. And 44!! t he
mystery remaleu unsolved.
Lei -J.lw- eau 1)o It.
London Advertiser.
elleedee wags.—u•
as muffs. Mop
sissfnllratsstlh 14 mini
ideas an tows • eawi
tdeMINti M awrn°a ONDOADDa
What About the 'IGeaeben 1
Montreal Family Herald.
School w111 scion Ire out for the long
mummer holidays. When the children
re -assemble next autumn will the
teachers be there 7 lu Giese days the
uurur7 We PAY an employee Is usually
looked upon as the uwasure of his
value 0, us. Is it became, we valor
the janitor, the carpenter, the me -
climate so much more than the teacher
that these are paha a higher wage? Is
It because of the longer years of train-
ing that there others wast undergo to
fit them for their posts. or is It be-
cause. being organised, they ern force
higher wages from us ? There is
,uwther side to this question. Any
observant child, or our echo listens to
the c•uuyersatlou of his elders, knows
that a teacher is paid less than the
ern who work around the sebowl-house.
This must convey to for child a terrible
lesson on the value ot fa rt' to obtain
advantages in this world, and augurs
ill for the tlwe when that child shall
hake hie place 1n the world. It we
iabsec a higher value upon foree than
upon mentality, la there tet awwe
danger of Inaugurating a world-wide
••t:erwanism," which roust some tray
prove fatal to civilization. and bring
us tack to the rule of brute fort*?
The Trouble Man
eery N i�
Maabadsal arid sYssssael
£LP [Ofg els- -acts
Referring to the reJe•tbin by Con-
gress of the Armenian inundate The \`
1N'troit Free Press approves -it, and
suggests that Great Britain take over
the task. The same 0111 story. "Let
John do It.'' But when in the prx'es
ofm time the Rrtt11* begin to reap ho some KIDNEysmaterial Ixeuefit us n result of shoulder-'
Ihg the burden, J. B. will fie amused.
of sharpness and low down intrigue. - .
1t was every thus.
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may cahl °
in your troubles—the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Marnllton West Phone baa
Ilumbing Heating
Eave.trtughing Metal Work
Why the League Is Needed. .
louduu ( Eng.) Times.
We have always held that It Is the
plain duty of every power, mindful
of the Interests of other without as well
as of Its own security, to do every-
thing ha ata my Iwsslble to strengthen
the hands of the League of Nations.
The new gun with a rrenge of yah
miles is an added and, we believe, on
'n n5uswerabie argument for that view.
War is destined to Iseotne a mach
more hideous eaeua(-c Mall it has been
VI the prosperity and hnpptnersr of tate
world. The League of Nations must
hare ft In their power-In-tattierRfmtr
a itfary pnnlahnrent for gnJttstifinble 1
nets of aggression that no one w111 dare
to go to war except for reasons of the
most compelling nature. And for that
purpose the League mist be the,
,.tnntgest cumbinatlon of nations that
eau possibly le formed.
How importees Are Hit.
Gralu (!rowers' Guide.
The customs Antler 00 tezHMi and
ou not a few other shames of, goals
amount to more than yah per Brut., lu
the cast of importnHnn from trhnntrlea
where the currency Is seriously de-
prectakd. (loads brought Into Canada
fee m (crept Britain are taxed at rates
fat'jilgher than those set forth in the
mitosis tariff schedules. This Is _due
to 'the fief that the enstoms onclals
of the Do*Inion Gorennmeut, acting
Minh the Kidneys at t1aM
Meteor Bladder
forma nrTe
No man or woman who eats osaR
tarty eau make a =mane by A
the kidneys occasionally, says 6777•1
known authority. Meat forms nob acid
which eloga the kidney pore so
sluggishly Alter or 'train only part a
the waste and poisons from the blood,
then you get sick. Nearly all rheuma-
tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous -
new constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness,
bladder disorders oome from sluggish kid -
The moment you feel a dull ache in the
kidneys or your back hurts. or if the
urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi-
ment, irregular of passage or attended
by a sensation of scalding, Bet about four
ounces of Jad Salta from any reliable
pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in
a glass of water before ,breakfast for a
lee day' and your kidaeyy will ihsweat--
fine. This famous salts L made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice, tom -
bind with Lithia and has been used for
generation to Rush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to activity, also to MU -
trail= the acid' in urine so it no longer
causes irritation, thus ending bladder the -
Jad Salts is inexpensive and eaa-
atot injure; makes a delightful effer-
Mooent Ilthia-wester drink which all reg.
afar meat eaters should take now and
then to keep the kidneys eleaa and the
blvd pure, thereby avoiding scions kid-
ney complication&
Don't Worry
About Your Victory Bonds
Victory Bonds today are stronger than they
have ever been. The important announce-
ment of the Minister of Finance that Canada
has finished borrowing, means that there will
be no increase in the supply of these bonds.
The huge sums of money that must be invest-
ed front time to time in the highest possible
grade of security, will therefore seek invest-
ment in existing issues. This should 'neon
a greatly increased demand, and have a
strengthening effect on [Aces.
If you have money less well employed, we
reoornmend that you invest it in Victory
Loan Bonds at present price*.
Write us, and we shall be glad to furnish you
with full particulars.
Wood, Gundy & Company
Canadian Pacific Railway Builliag
G R.0
Always at your service
\rith the best goods at most
le .
'K[inulaiR1xas><xo[%><xl[1la Xs* NIXIE* rxao[>t[x% chi:
111 Very heavy and exquisite quality for
▪ coats, suits or dresses.
N Special per yard $3.50.
Silk Foulards
n in a score of neat patterns mild figures in
navy, greys, greens, etc., 3I inches wide,
at per yard $ I. so.
Natural Shantung Silk
34 inches wide, finest ani best quality,
perfectly even thread, firm weave and
will launder beautifully.
Regular 112.25 value for $I.50.
Silk and Wool Poplins
Hard wide, best quality,. in navy, greys,
green, purple, reseda.
Regular 12.25 for $1.75.
Black Satin Duelini
Magnificent se1 on of women's and
misses' Summer Gowns in silks, voiles,
ginghams, georgettes in every desirable
color. Prices have been fixed at very
attractive figures and styles are very new.
Silk Dresses range $17, $20, $25, $38
Women's Coats
Reduction prices in all Spring and Summer
Coats, tweeds and coverts' etc., now
each $16 tO $25.
Floor Rugs
Tapestry Rugs, heavy pile, British make;
good choice of patterns and colorings.
3x3 yards $111
. • �� .:...;11x3: yards 2S
8114 Tatdls:........ «•
Brusselette Seamless
Reversible Rugs ---
2'x3 yards 110 —,.
;ix3A 1! ,v -
3x4 yard. iti
4 yards wide, British make, in splendid
patterns and colorings with heavy canvas
At per square yard..
W. Acheson
* tttftsstf�jat��r
Preaches First Serowe lo Churrh of
St. John the Evangelist.
London, June 7 —1,1ev. A. L. G.
Clarke, i..Th., assumed the rectorship
of the Church of tit. John the Evan-
gelist on Sunday, rouleug from (lode.
rich to 811 the vacancy left by the
death of Rev. Canon William Craig
last I etwmlrer.
Mr. Clarke is a graduate of Huron
College, and since his ordination has
performed Ifs clerical duties In the
Diocese of Huron. His arse office was
that of rector of the ('human of the
Holy Savior at Waterloo. from wbleh
place he was transferred to Goderbeh.
For some time before being given a
parish he. was assistant curate to the
late Rev. Dean Evans Davis of tat.
lames church, South London. The in-
duction of Mr. Clarke will take piaci'
et a biter slat'. Tlw eoagregatuou will
tender him 11 reception.
"Let its heves. resolution to the cffeet-
that our work will be constructive, co-
operative and ('hrtstltke." said Mr.
Clarke, in his first warner preacher
to the congregation of the local church
on Sunday morning.
"There ought to be before nes a new
shay. However capable the past clergy
-tam been; owing to the fast of the
change comes an opportnnity for a
fresh start In all departments of the
,-hunch. We may be a little handl-
capp'iI until the feeling of trust exists
between us."
new beginning gives us an oppor-
tunity to go forward in every branch.
There Is to 1e M) thought of standing
Will. There le work to 1e done and it
is a task for all to engage in. i hnpe
we will have a conetruc•tive adminis-
"One great falling to the (Church of
England is that there Is a tendency to
leave all to the clergy and s few of bis
frietndn. We hope for co-operatIre sd-
htinlieratlon In addition to being eon-
"We must not forget tie aim. All
we do after all is alone fbr Him and
through Him. Great things are expect-
ed of thin congregation and there I. no
reason why we should not do great
work to this chinch. as we have every-
thing in our favor," sold Her. Mr.
South Side Square Telephone 46
Look at tongue 1 Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Areept ,"California" Syrup of Figs
only --1•01/4 for the name California on
the peekage, thea you ■rs sura your
child le having the beat and moat harm.
leae bgtive or Swale 'far the IlteS
stowage, liver and bowels. Children
love W d.tktm s fruity- that.. Full
direr -does far and'. flow es .ash bot -
tae. (Eve it without fear.
*Abort You taut any oasittorala."
Dr. F. R. Guest intends 'roving
Blyth about the middle of this th
and removing to Walkervill', where he
will practise his profession.
A pretty wedding took {date at the
(tome of Mr. and Mrs. George Hlrons
on Tnesday, June 1st, when their
youngest daughter, Jessie. was united
in marriage to Scott Ascent, of Brus-
sels. Rev. (leo. Telford performed the
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ament will
make their home at Rni'sets.
Mr. Boyd, of San Frenelsitt, Cali-
fornia, s resident of Rlyth over forty
]ears ago, has been visiting the herex
of his boyhood.
Thea. Wallare has disported of his
Laking Ambrosia to Mr. '.Ink, who has
been hie baker.
The dlreetors of the memorial hall
committee, who for the past year have
been Nally engaged In raising tnoney
by voluntary sntarrlptbn for the pur-
pose of erecting this hall, have at la.t
got .nAlefent hinda to warrant their
proretdlag With the erection of the
hall, and this week they let the con-
tra,'( to the local firm of eontr:arturs,
Messrs. I,,a•kerline & Flaody. The
-plans were drawn l.y Architect hur-
ray, of London.
Yonge and Charles Ste._ To,omo
Neal thrash C.rda for hg►.p.d. work.
Gas., dne..d for e„r a..dr.tse. ova .II ye Y.
UK. now. Wn.. for Canino..
, W. L. ELLIOTT. Principal
School of Commerce
Clinton and Goderich, Ontario •
Offers the following courses :
and arranger Spenal Courses for students.
The following advantages :
H'ghly qualified teaching staff
Actual business system of bookkeeping
Credential typewriting tsps
Pontoons guaranteed
Vocational Training Seise
lot th,s district be Go..mneat .s5
under otopetteon by Spiciness Ciel
For sera.. etc . wrote
B. A. M. Area...
Spring term begins Tues„ April 6:-4P
°Marie's eat esaiaas
We give thorough conraee. We
give individual Instruction. We have
Ylo summer vacation. Ntudents may
enter at any time Commence your
emirate now. We place graduates in
positions. Write for our tr•eee cat-
D. A. McLAcnr.AN. Principal
The Double Track Route
` and
Unexcelled dining car service
Sleeplig cars on night trains, and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
�fnll information from any Grand
Truax Ticket Agent, or O. E. Horn-
ialg. l (strict Passenger Agent. To-
ronto. •
G. H. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 211
Town Agents Phone
The New Decorating Store
West Street
In addition to our lines of Wall Paper. Paints,
etc., we handle all kinds of
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year. call on us and let us give you an estimate.
J. Cutbbertson
North Side West street Ooderlch, Ont.
• t• • $