HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-6-10, Page 1IPTTON RAM $2.00 A YEAR United States addresses C M Burton 1 mug lit tiv Burton Boulevard w : The Signal Printing Co., Bed, Goderich, Ontario. • 'FARMERS A Safety Deposit Box In our local -Branch will afford your securities and valuable pa abso- lute protection against are and b , for a small amount yearly. Boxes are see 1s any time during banking hours. The Sterling Bank consider applications for loans from reliable farmers, In an open-minded fashion. If the question of capital is pfwsnttng you from undertaking conservative ecp•sslon in the matter of livestock or geld production, you will And a discussion of youtr Plans With our local Manager helpful. — - 711s STERLING OF CANADA GODERICH, ONTARIO, T•UURBDAY, June 10, 1920 LOST OR FOUND. LOST.—AA rCiR�OCHETED HANDBAG. et SIGNAL OFFICt e1a'e. Radar pleat leave LOST. -ON FRIDAY. MAY 28th, 19'20, a brown Imre', weighing about LP o lbs., from Howes London Cant , at Godericb. This Mese is branded on one (root hod. Any inform- ation regardtrg the bore will be kindly sent to the underst persons this hot pert this n ,pis well be liable prose - cut ion. Dated at Godench this tad day of June. IV20. R. C. POSTLETH WAITE, Chief of Police. Goderich. yt CARD OF THANKS. ITAKE THIS MEANSOF PUBLICLY expressing our sincere gratitude to the many friends for cher deeds of s,ndneas during my 'Weston' Illness. and for the many roes. ages of sympathy in our sad bereavement. HARRY R. STOWE. E GRATEFULLY ACKNOWL- EDGE and appeclate the kind expressions of sympathyn and beautiful floral oleogs of our many r mad relatives ist the raceat toss of my Waived son Lad our dear brother. We desire to thank the Rev. Mr. McDermott lot the service tendered. MKS. DONALD GRAHAM AND FAMILY. SIR. E. C. BELCHER WISHES TO ealepd Milbank' to neighbors. member* of fire brigade employees of tin National Sb p- baildiag Co. and others for theca assistance at the foe at hs residence last week. - FOR SALE OR RENT+ L OR SALE. -TWO AND A -HAL?' C acres of eta,Uent garden groundwell drained. Has comfortable house with goodcellar. Also number of fruit trees and stable WIII be mud ver?7 reasonably and on tai, ter.. A4o 17 l-_ sun w Autmos IMd, knows as the to.ckyaid property.The I. a good brick house on the place and several acres of bush. The land is good. mom of it could be cu'ttvated, but at present is .n pasture. There n en abundance cf water. W,I1 be priced very reasonably. T.GUN DRY, Auctioarser. FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Saks Note, will be well advised to tarn them over to this Beak for collection. The Bank will 'relieve you of all trouble istik- lag presentaltiesomil ' piyasents will be ersiili to your account pretsiptly. iaaB • Bake Notes supplied wWrottt. _• • THE CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - 315.000.000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Marl+ger. 11C t-.—...- ---- 11 OUSE FOR SALE. -FIVE-ROOMED frame house. on emit side South street. half a block below the hospital: stone foundation; water and sewer coanectwae; two Pmt., with stable and fruit trees. Can be inspected at any time. Apply to WILLIAM ANSTEY, om the premiss. n OR SALE. -NINETY ACRES. tat C V coocenioe. Goderich township los, miles south o1 Godericb well fap feared. a sin` creek and -- well, new Duo and fair house. one-balf mile from school and chinch Possession at lel April. Apply to ROBT. McALLISTER a on the prep- - s. WILLIAM NcALLISTRtheR G.dgrich. Adminiwatord the Estate. d !, ll yew an for king for a nice hoar to Yin,. l hasty them of all kinds. red brick, white brick and perience bighting and poaut to d in he lac 10R .ALE N OTICE- came. at very roaoaable My Pam es- In valuation places me in a ion yo rgui t I K lion of a mice at a right price. 1 have pleased othese; 1 can pease you. REDERIC T. EGENER, Mtn. Bac. SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN deo out to P. J. MacEwan's Garage G. M. KIDD 1 1 QUALIFIED SURVEYOR and DRAFTSMAN Residence Phone 44 mal, Moo !NANO TVNLNG. Twenty -ave years experience. Have timed 100 pianos en Goderich Can give any reference. J.W. MOORE. reedier, Vis tor la North. P.O. Boa Mk or pbooe 'D. 1m theiaramorieirrooteregoehrearhoragereuto CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Story -and -a -half frame house ; fully modern, 7 rooms, full basement,new- ly decorated throughout, garage on property. Situated on corner of South street and Elgin avenue. Immediate possession. Price 12,300. Two-story frame house, 8 rooms, sewer and toilet. 2 lots ; corner of South and Blake streets. Price 51,500. tantenitnartenentrelnarbieWartaniWOOOSISO SHINGLES - 3 Carloads—B. C. Red Cedar and N. B. White Cedar. OOFING- • - I -ply, 2 -ply and 3 -ply. -- • 1 Carload—Hydtated Lime. EMEN'T- 1 Carleed—Fresh from mill. he Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. . Box 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 P. J RYAN. Real Yeasts sad Inm,rsore. 31 Phone 50 w1Rsu. ANTED.—YOUN:.. GIRL 0 R woman. (rom7.10 a. m. to 1 p. m. daily, for rialto cooks aid bear L r cottager near ne 6Sunset BSuO�A m/ MRS ROBERTSON WANTED. -COMFORTABLY funnelled room for three weeks i n July. by geatkman and wile. Mean Mate locat,o.i. con- veniencesand peas. 1110_,C:2. SIGNAL OFFICE. WANTED AT ONCE. -A COMPET- NT maid to arils{ to general housework. Appy MRS. T. M. DAV.S North Street. /GIRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODE- lT RICH KNITTINGCOMPANY. tl I1EACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL SKCTION No. f, Colborne; second -clam professional certificate Duties to begin alter midsummer. Apply, ataetna salary. to ARTHUR FISHER. Sfc'y-TTrwurer. R. R. No. 4. Goderich. St R SALE.-REMINGTON TYPE- WRITER in good order. Address Boa 17, GNAL OFFICE. I?OR SALE.—SMALL THREE-PIECE mahogany parlor mite, almost sew. Apply THE SIGNAL. Godetwb. �t'0R SALE. -A QUANTITY OF she, nog, pulleys end belches, D.11 M. O'BRIEN. WANTED. On author MAY 31st, RHUBARB in any quantity delivtttreld a the factAry_. THE HURON CANNING ". 6c EVAP. CO. j]ORSE FOR SALE. -GOOD ROAD XL hove. GODERICH POULTRY FARM. -Io rR SALE. -ONE CHOICE IM- PROVED Yorkshire bog (reentered) read service. JOHN C. DURST. Chats R. R. 2. Colborne Municipal Phone 1119. ust PUBLIC NOTICE ional Your favorite ice cream soda is here. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. Edwards. otorwortmatriarPowoiros lir Owing to the Grey- hound Excursion there will be no dance at Menese- tung Park Tuesday. June 15th. Don't Forget Ye OWeTyme Dance Menesetung Park Hotel ;'Jae 18th, 1920 11/11131T4/10 ORCHESTRA IN ATTslXDANC1* 'Jiff &nice from Hamilton St. --god the Square from 8 p.m. MENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP 1 'eche I of Juulor the purchase of the lamer , and verandah om the Hospital property, known as -Tlea Ma,.Ms.'• Jul. 1(1DD. Chains Grounds Committee_ AUCTION SALES. - 12 REE. -ILLUSTRATED C A T A. ce LOGUJE manse tea line and oil engines; propeller*: twenty -ata manufacturers' prices also weed Mention this 'publican's'. CANADI�kl$ BOATsAND ENGINE EX. CHANGL Taroao. at t addressed to the Jos siosokod as NDON. on :al fie OH DAY d JULY. ler tow'` Majesty's N TWO DAYS' UNRESERVED AUC - 1 TIO ALE (5F ALL OF, tl4E FURNITURE AND EFFECTS \- IN THE HISTORIC POINT FARM HOTEL - -- I have -been instructed by Mr. J. T. t0 offer for sale by public auction. on •--- FRIDAY and SATURDAY. JUNE 11 sad 12, all of the household furniture and effects of the Point Farm Hotel, con- sisting of .109 bedroom petal pmtWr choirs. tables, intteea writing desks. hooica.5, diningrnom and kitchen utensils, large steel range. dishes. refrigerators, dining tables, chairs, bedding. pillows and mattresses. carpets, and an innumerable quantity of sofas. easy chairs, wal- nut tables and chairs- pictures.. etc., 2 cutters, 1 WORMY. 1 two -rested surrey. dmc hanows. iron barrows This sale will take place on the lawn d the Pont Fart. commencing at 10 a. m. on 1. r iday, the 111h. andcontir.uing until everything issold Tinkle or Sala. -All sum. of 310 and under. coda and amounts over 110 to be secured by r revs, is �a/ Rural Route tae d ore. /jM.d ant.... - - ,g (vtkat fnformatioa d -� d C he men aM=111tiow ont»ct tree y. mrd Wok forma d rr stn77 h obtained 51 itu�asreaenrteed robes to the ..[,faction of the :.uc- MisPwc Oaths d lilvtb. I t RarraHaeW satin ogled t '-d�wec+ wilt be Served gullet ALMA* CHAS -C. H. FISHER. dunes the sale. _ Port Oai:e Inspector. For further particulars apply to Poet ORlceInspector's Olrice. J- T. GOLDTHORPE, THOS.GUNDRY, London. 211th M.y, Ivy St Proprietbr. Auctioneer. 1)R. F. J. R. FORSTER. ` EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic god Aural Hospital assistant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital, a►pital, _London, Fait. 53 Wisterlao St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 937. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from Wednes- day, June 1&h. 51 7.30 p. m.. to 7bwrsda,, the 17th, at I p. m. Centre Huron Liberal Association. ESE OR SALE. -ONE PIANO CAOR- GAN ill-eetavr, *NM ei-sns, Apply at WALKER'S STORE. a a lump. The ant meetsi 'ihe Ceff1 rAOR SALE,—A SQUARE PIANO. IN good condition. id rosewood case, eines Bros. New York make, Apply at WALKER'S f`URNITURESTURE, i-LL'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -TWO phaeton buggies. 2 spring wagons lone heavy mid teieffIghtc 1 pediwiesi Mit 1-2 hesepower), moving outfit lcompobed at rollers, jackscrews. cable.. ropes. chains and blocks d all descrip- tions). Cao be seen at any time at D. A. Mc- LAREN S residence. Victoria street Goderich. B. C. SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND at McGAW STATION, Call C. A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dungannon &f; or John Treble. Ire, Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED ,WOOD FOR 'SA at 13 per amide cord, delivered. THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 81. Huron Liberal -Association will be held -id Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on TUESDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1920, at 3 o'clock p. m. A good attendance of the Liberals of the Riding is desired. T_itg;CHAFs¢r MURDIE. President. JAMES L KILLORAN, Secretary. AUCTIbN SALE OF TOWN PROP- ERTY 1N THE TOWN OF GODERICH. The property of WILLIAM SKIM/NGS 4ELOISESKIMINGS will be offered for sale by public auction. at the prem,.. on Stanley street, in the town of Gode- rich., o0 SATURDAY, JUNE 19th, 192n, at 2 o'clock p. m., consisting of the following First. -Lots 173 and 221 running numbers, on the west ode of Stanley street. In the town of Goderich. On these lots there are two frame residences. The property is very centrally located one block from theSquare. At the pervert tune it io suitable for residence and gardening purpose. and .rRWId develop into valuable commercial prop- ply. Possession can be given at once. Second. -An old building on of 173, at the Horner of Kingston and Stanley streets, will be sold for the material thatNm it, the purchaser to remove the building immediately after ..le. Tress. -Ten per cent. to be paid on the day of sale red the balance within thirty days there- after. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to PROODFOOT, KILLORAN a C00%L --- Solicitors for Vendee, THOMASGUNDRY, 1t Auctioneer. VbirearliolWaPonereareionieartionienanonanietainanoni The Finns that Advertise are the firms that want your trade. Do your business with those who think enough of it to ask Eck it. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. The Children's Aid NOtiety will meet next Tuesday, lath itis.. at 4.15 p. w. at the court house. As Isis will he the last meeting for the summer, a large attendance is desired. All are welcome to mtteutl. An Apology. liw'1ng to an uuexpectet1 rush o1 ad- cerci+Ing. much local news has been crowded out this week, - including the rep,o•t of the town council meeting, obituary notices, and other articles. Tlc•se wIll appear [test week. Preparations are being advanced for the Dominion Day celebration in Goderich Get Greyhound Tickets t'pewn. and posters will be out shortly. ' Horse Tickets for the Greyhound excursion races. baseball, athletic contests, music, to Detroit may be obtained at" etc., will be among the attractions. Lawrence's up -town ticket Mace. Tbfa will he a great convenience to excur- sionists. Safety from Sanborn, -Your (int - door pleasures w111 lie warrevl if you worry about fnt•kles, tau and sunburn which so often come to the skin that 1s- not properly protected. Ve. have ('reams and lotions that will ensure a soft, clear, velvety skin In all sort+ of weuther. They are healing and sxoth- Ing and are neither greasy nor stick". Apply a little I.efori• exposure and YUU can forget your skin at.l toaplrxlott and put all of your energy and en- thusiasm Into your play. All prh•es. E R. Wigle, dntggist, Goderich. CET Y'Ot'R Greyhound Excursion Tickets FOR DETROIT AT Lawrence's Ticket Office A Unique Opportunity. Mr. Clark McAdams, editor of Wild Life, St. Louis, Mo.. says : - 1 consider Jack Miner's entertainment to be the best of its kind 1 have ever known. This is the general opinion here among friends of wild life. His motion pictures render IIeredible what would otherwise be in - of this remarkable man._ No. child who has heard,Jack Miner can ever be anything but a friend of wild life." W.S. McCrea of the C hicegoGeographical Society says : "Mr. Miner has more practical knowledge of the wild goose tlraa any man in the world-" lo North street Methodist church Monday night, June 14. - City Dalry lee cream Iu'icks always on band at 11. T. Edwards'. A New Orchestra. A new orchestra just organized, to be known as the "Menesetung," has already set a new standard of excellence not previously equalled in these parts. On their second appearance this week the music was hailed by the dancers se the best that Goderich has ever produced. It is perfectly balanced with the following instruments and players : Miss Connon, piano ; Mrs. filer, first violin ; D. Thompson, bass ' violin,; Mes<rs. Walters and Haroldand Scott. const G. McLeod. piccolo, —' Button on the saxophone— CK -MIN -E \' KINGSVILLE, ONT. 114 Tis--ST'-REET HODIST CHURCH IDAY, 14 Moving Pictures of the flight of thousands of wild geese that Stop for weeks each spring in his door - yard. The only films of their kind in the world. f _- Admission And. 15c. LECTURE A F 8.30 Under the auspices of the Epworth League. something new in God•nch.1 he orchestra is open for engagements for regular nigh•s or garden parties, etc. D Thompson is 1 -acting as secretary and those desiring dates should communicate with him at BORN. LIOTT - To Mr. and Meg:\ �Amberlty, on June 3.I9011. a DIE .fk*CAR.-In Goderich. on Moest 7. Jvus ?r r- Ehaa •• wiled Ur. George S. CARRICK.-At Windsor, (Jet . June\ iiy Amain MacMatp, beloved wide of Thoma``ce/rift. In her lard year. - CARLETON. ( Clinton, on Tburad„ax Jus 1, Mn Janet i(',arelm llorrntrl, of God"! ebb aged 97 less. Qi>s11Mt1011 Pato.Y sem S.TuaD4j ene II and 12. -Unit mrved sale of furniture a ffeces of Point Far Hotel property of J. T. Col roe. SATURDAY. lune It. -Sale o town pprroper+If is the town of Goderrch proper[ of William and kk,.e Sk.m,ngs. Stanley street. \, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l'u gis 4atalogue Pros-Csnad.an Boat and ng tot hachange,Toronto . a '\ Mahogany Parlor Suite for Sak-Apply be Sei. 1 \ Typewnternalfor Sale -Boa 17, Sig{nal1 Shafting, etc , for Sale - D. M. O'Brien1 Hor•p tor Sale -Godench Poultry Farm .. 1 Tenders Wanted --H rtalGroundsCcmmlltoe 1 Teacher Wanted S. 5 No. I. Colborne 1 Handbag Lost - Leave at SignalOnke .. 1 Card of Thanks- Mrs. Donald Grahame and Famdr . ' ream Wdlard:s Ice CBticts-1• H. •1.MTor, -- ----- Phm li Cord M Thanks - Harry • W Stowe. 1 Mud WanTed - Mrs. M. Davis .. 1 Shingles and Posts for Side -W. T. Riddell. A* burn. Anneal Meeting -Centre Huron Liberal Amo- - nation... .. 1 Greyhound 'f ickete-F. F. Lawrence.i Som'... I1 Watch for Opening Dote -L. R. Steel CO. .� Girl Of Woman Wanted -Mao. Rekettwa 1 McLran Card of Thank+=g Belch.[.--- t Jack Miner North Sttreetlowest, Lea se'2 ' Juhd.eSelf denial Appeal -Salvation Army.. - a Rh.nglesetc. - W. H. McClure.. Furnished, Room Wasted -Apply BOO 19,Slg na (Whet Postponement A LARGE QUANTITY OF XXXXX British Columbia Shingles ON HAND AT McGAW STATION AND AT DUN- GANNON. Also Flour and Feed always on hand. Phone AGENT, R r 2, or W. H. Mc CLURE, 121 Goderich Rural. *IgasIwttl",ew' e ...re aTRtblame • . ember "earntak ...mrd siis.ees„eee ON Bim: OF CANADA rich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. le Yve E ar WILLIau AL.00. s, WI or ret Towyosi. ow Gavelling. ei tar COUNTY or Hugon, C aa, DeOraseo, Owing to unforeseen delay in delivery of ma- terial we regret that it will be necessary to post- pone the date of the opening of the new Pavil- ion for a few days. Nome is hereby given. pursuant to R. 5.0 rap. 421. sac. 5A, that ■11 pinions Mein. claims against the rstme of the said Welham Aldoos, deceased. who deed on the 17th day of Mar, 1t/D, aro required to lend or deliver to the mi. designed. solicitor for the Rteeuerie. on or before the lith day of June, 1920, fall particulars of their claims, ane that atter such dee mid eteculrlt wiR distribute the asseta of the decomed among the parties entitled, having regard say to claims of which sheshan then have received ttot,re, end trill aim will not he liable M any person of obese claim notice shall oat h.vu hoes. received N tbetime M such dNtribatinn. Dated th27th day of May. A. rt (0.. CHARLZSGARROW Sehdtor ler Asses Alaess, aemeuttlt_ Gdderich Amusement Corporation. Limited ine BATH of DRESS \MANY successful buifness • then and concerts now; known throughout this Do. minion began building on Mud foundations. Many of these notablyu C,cexafd Canadians have been lifelong customers of the dank of Montreal. and they have been kind enough to say that their progres has been due in part to the satisfactory banlung service they have . tainted from us. Wf sw a1•d le sans %Ir trach of et9 regrew hos boot duo m tlr pewee 03 &Os Ws re deem. d ce-eperseng pedis tiler persons ed Area for Sim upbeibea of strap pmt d de Dort.n..t Our memos mimeo to J pars d ti world Darr ,N. nate war., 1*M+ Mame Torr. tranom Yr.wr. Nws Cfaatls.0Jio fmnmm BANK OF MON'-REAL Established over 100 years Tsai A.N IN ~sr 4 3555.111353 • j/fAD esus MVO/4