HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-5-27, Page 44 Thursday, May 27, 19r20
Don't Worry
about the tax on clothing
We have plenty of
AT $30 TO $45
(There is no war tax on
suits up to 11145.)
BenVard Clothes
MR.' N. F. WIIS'ARD is the agent
for THE SIGNAL at Duug•utsoa
Orders left with nut fur sitb rlp-
tiuus, advertlsettleuts or Joh print-
ing will receive prompt attention.
Telephone (Guam -hilt Hued) r3$.
r HORSE. Apply to JOHN McNADU, D•a•
in our show windows -but if you will come inside you
will get a more intimate knowledge of what really good
clothes are considered,to be in the estimation of the
akers of
These stylish garments leave nothing to be desired in appear-
ance, material, cut, oi, finish. They are truly individual ; many
models to suit varying -personalities -Quality Clothes in every
PRICES 830 TO 843
Matter C. fl'ribani
Thursday, May 27.
Meters. 1t..1. Crawford. J. It. Me-
Nabb and Itert Treleaveu motored to
ltamiltuu int Sunday. returning on
alotwiny. They took with thew Mrs.
l'rawford, who retealnel to v'ielt her
son Vern et Hamilton.
lA los Risher leaves next week to
take a posidou in the Royal Bank at
Rev. Or. H. 11. Camltl'eli is to be
Itwkncttel Into the .charge of Erskhte
church. Ilungauuun, and the Port Al-
bert 1'17•sbyterlau church at a meeting
of the 1'n'sbytrry of Maitland to be
held in, Erskine church next Tuesday,
Julie dst, at Y:IU uclurk.
ltolet. Moore and Tlnu,. Park have
eugaged with Thos. Sandy for the sea -
set to bridge -building work.
Ford Stedman has returned from
attending `attend at Weedstiwk.
Mrs. Cdge. Widow uf thy' late Hee.
Joseph Edge, a former well-n•utewltend
pastor of North street Methodist
churthi, called un friends in tenni, un
Saturday while on her way to.. abate
relatives in the county. Site wax ate
eututsinied by '1.1 son., Mr. H. 1'en•y
Edge:. her daue'.ter. Mrs A. l3 LePaa,
unl Mr. Lehi ti atel their three children.
All are now residents o1 Toronto, Mr.
' ferry Edge being u Urarti+.•(ttg IaWyer
there. s
Office workers should
use Lifebuoy Soap
Think of the hundreds of
dusty, germ laden things you
mast touch every day 1 Think
of the danger to your skin
You need the best soap
and more -the best disin(ect-
sot You get both in
healing, soothing oiis and
grateful disinfectants ;hoe
oughly cleanse and disinfect
particularly useful for
bruises cuts, wind sores. etc
TM ..4.M a/.., t. W.Ia', u •
..f../ 111 eraMrh,.
„..,v. imam*
rnese 4%9•.
Don't let the badness of your neighbors
worry you ; they might do worse.
Senators View Great C.1Re Works
The lion. timeatos-Whlts.waa- the
t. 1 of an intereatinj -piifj 10 the
R Ac;ua Shops at Montreal re-
. In the party were Hon. Gid -
e Itoberteun• Minister of Labor;
Hewitt Rostock. leader of the
• ''ositioo in the Senate; and Sena -
,t Willoughby. Turrlff, Schaftper,
F .vter, Hennett,•, Murphy, Either.
McMoans. Watsee and -Proud -
t. and Major John Ltasaett and Mr.
aur H.nea. The object of t to
:•1 was ,to further acquaint the
. S ;iators with the great Industrial
d: talo meat In the Province of Que-
Lac. They were met at the shops by
the. Offlcials • chi ri..of. these great
W c rks.
• The party were escorted through
the works, apt ndiag odor two hours
to in' poet only a portion of this
—heat plant. First they visited the
irnrnen,e +ocornotive works and the
ertanizauon and details were ex-
plained. Then they saw the salvage
p'..nt that turns what waa formerly
wasted and lost material into a valu-
- able asset_ They also inspected
the passenger and freight car works,
the offices, ambulance and dining
' L411s. It was a splendid edueat:on
-in Canadian industrial development,
and the Senators expressed their as-
tonishment at the size of the works
ant their efficient dtganizaton. They
al, agreed that our leg staors should
aeize every opportunity tot tamiliar-
Le themselves with Canada's indua-
trial Lite.
'The party was present when the
great works Moiled for noon and tt
was • wonderful eight to see the
\thousands of employees streaming
but of the works. �e conception
of the Immensity of this enterprise
ran be grasped .from the statistics
fi;rnished. The area of the works 1e
2'tO acres, and number of em loyee.e
:• b with an annual pay-roll�ofVIZ=
7su,u00,•, As distinctive railway 'hops
fAngles largest In r -
the Works are the a ._
Korth America, in fact, in the world.
Woatlerful Efficiency.
Senator Gideon Robertson, Mtnla-
ter of Libor, was deeply interested.
He said of the visit: "It Is eleven
years since I have been here and
the development is simply amazing.
1 am glad I carne. I had no appre-
ciation of the immensity of the en-
terprise. What most impressed me
was the wonderful efficiency of the
emtloyeea. _.. I_ never saw an idle
roan sod 1 believe each was striving
to give a fair day's work. I am glad
the relationship between the com-
pany and its employees 1s of aucb a
cordial character." v
lion. Hewitt Bostock also was
deeply interested and appreciative of
this Industrial development and said:
'One thinks of the Canadian Paci-
fic Railway as a great tteriepditi=
Con company with represent*Uves
in all the Important centres of the
world, but cannot resdize until they
visit the Angus .bops, the amount
of co-ordination and management re-
quired to keep the rolling stock. and
the system generally, up to date and
in an etfiolent stats of repair. Whilst
tbese 'bops are the principal oboes
of the railway they are by no means
the only shop. where repairs are
made. On entering the locomotive
building the first thing to attract
the attention of the party was the
big crane of 60 tons transporting
the completed boiler of an engine to
Its place. to be placed into the bogey
carriage- We realised that every
effort had been made to instal the
\ last reachiaes for handling the ma-
terial quickly and ee000micallr• The
cutting of the metal to done by acety-
lene gas jets, the welding by elec-
tricity. All through the shops the
machines are worked by cempresssd
sir wherever feasible, and the nodse
i in the lotaomaltve shop is deafening.
!Saivage System.
"(one of the most noticeable things
is the way in wbich the .crap 1s
worked ap Into something useful. In
ogle oate the wheel of the hand
brake of a freight ear was bating
made aa as the wheel of a wheel -
barrio. 011 Oise 1. triode tato the
1rassaw rt of farm gates. sboeing
nal e
it Geed7 detail. aid
wile& Ms bele ieaendtsl la tt
stress est .ds 1 */ W UM(MC .- -
Among, the Machines at the Angus Shops.
leiiit•Ybt'ue-ls anon:Wein
vx f, ... ... •s,l�
The aharttholders of the great Cana-
dian railway may rest content that
their money is in sate hands and
that if the present reasonable return
upon their investment.le- titef main-
tained to -the futile • it wttl lint be
through any fault of the present
management _
"You cannot, however, perfect your
machinery, fall 'to reckon with the
human element and in that regard
what most roused my admiration wan
the splendid spirit of loyalty shown
by alt officials of whatever grade
towards the company. With such
a spirit emanating with such a
magnificent organization, and with
the driving force possessed by the
Young and vigorous president. the
continued progress of the company Is
assured and the glories of its past
will be far outahone by tbe magnifi-
cent triumphs of the future."
Impressed by Employees.
Senator W. H. Bennett, Ontarlq
was astonished at the great industry
built up, and said:
"The visit of the party was most
Interesting and profitable. That the
company was building such mam-
moth locomotives was the moat im-
pressive recollection of the trtp,
while in quite another direction eke
evidences of thorough and business
acumen, In economic management,
were manifest in the ntilixation of
what would be considered as swap
by converting the name into use-
ful parts for new work. The em-
ployment of the great force of
9,000 men, at the Angus Shops was
an evidence of the most striking hind
of the part played by the company,
not only in the transportation in-
terests of Canada, but In 1t. Indus-
trial lire. The party are under deep
obligations for Seaater White's klsA-
new in giving them the trip."
Senator Turrtfl. Saskatchewan,
said: "I thought I had some con-
ception of the C.P.R. efficiency Aad
magnitude, but no one can property
understand it until be seas dose
worts. Wdat Impreoed sae was the
tine eppearaace of the employees. I
never taw a more intelligent body of
Senator Jahn testier was eenatty
appredattve. Ire was newel im'reese
ed with the salvage department '1
now know," he said. 'why the C. P.
R. is a racemes. There Is no waste
on the system."
Mr. W. F. Wanklya, rageeoealag
President Beatty, met the party at
the weeks and on their raters to the
Windsor Street Stales Mr. Oraat
tgall cataveyed to ties pszty tae alp•
predation of the vow tee their
stilet .
men who worked in the fore
serving at the front, but for may
others who had not worked for the
company before, the policy of be
management being to give a prefer-
ence to the returned soldier.
"At tete e:mmen
some of the shops were given up to
making ammunition and were the
first to turn out brass shell cases for
the Imperial Munitions Board, a num-
ber of women being -employed for
this work, but as soon as it was pos-
bie to get the supply of ammunition
elsewhere the transfer' (0 repair
work was made as quickly as poe-
ai'ble, as large arrears of work had
to be overtaken.
"The whole tone of the shops and
tbe way that the work was being
carried on -bespoke a good under-
standing and eti-Openttion between
the men and the management. One
would go a long way before seeing a
more active body of men than those
who came off work at noon, largely
due, no doubt, to the provision of
ample athletic grounds and good ven-
tilation throughont the works."
Elimination of Waste.
Benator George Fowler, of New
Brunswick. said :
"Personally, I had no idea of the
magnitude of the shops nor of
their perfection from the industrial
standpoint The pride which I, as
an Intense Canadian. have always
taken in having in our country the
greatest transportation system In the
world was considerably increased
when this visit convinced me that
its organlzatein was about as near
perfection as the inherent shortcom-
ings of frail bumanity can reach.
The most modern machinery, the
most expert mechanics, with superb
organization can accomplish won-
ders, • statement proved by the work
performed at the Angus Shops. We
saw ander the same roof the repairs
to en Insignificant car hinge, and the
building of it magnificent engine such
as Stephenson In bis greatest videos
never dreamed of, an engine wetgh-
tng one hundred and seventy -ave
tons and capable of hauling • train
of loaded can over it mile In length.
So perfectly has the automatic prin-
cipie been developed to many of the
machines In tide wort* that they al-
most seem to be sentient things and
tapable of the expression of more
Intelligent thought than that vone-
ttmes .zbtbttsd by even a Judge upon
the bew�
'Another feature that drank me
was the aleglet perfect elimination of
t believe
r Il
management he
spe• eneetly
old adage /tat' f Devil'
i V •
j1�1_ar and. at lbe
"The Scotch Store"
STORE HU•VRS t 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M, t SATURDAYS 10 P. M.
THE time is ripe to prepare for the warm weather; it is coming, as
the last few days have testified ; so fur the next six days we are
making a special showing of
Ladies' and Misses' Summer -weight Underwear
VE.STS-in a variety of makes, very fine' ,,,pbbed. Sleeveless, short sleeves,
long sleeves; high and V-shaped neck and cumf3l► cut : all sizes, including out sizes.
Prices ranging from 35C to 95C each.
DRAWERS—finely woven ribbed, umbrella style, lace -trimmed, long, and
knee legs; open and closed, including the well-known makes of Watson and the Ox-
ford. Prices ranging from 60c to 95C.
COMBINATIONS' -A good range of finely woven, in various cuts, long.
short, and no sleeves. Prices ranging from 75C to $2.00.
Lisle and Silk Hose
They will match the suit or frock, or, if desired, the Summer shoes ; a plentiful
variety of shades in principal colors, comprising browns and tan, various shades of
grey from light to dark, black and white.
Ladies' Silk Hose—Reinforced Lisle top and double sole. Shades- nigger,
tan, black, white, pearl, taupe, sand. navy, myt le. Prices from $I to S3.5o a pair.
Ladies' Lisle Hose—Extra fine make and really first-rate value. in colors
black, white, nigger, -tan. sand, piiiir supe. Palm Banff, navy, ley and putt. _
Prices ranging from 39C to 85C a pair.
Outline or ttgl9e.lyd Lrtli-lal0u
pro%el of by Hydro Tamer Int
Hale .tan. and by the 1 F. 0. •
The followtpg\ outline et sugteeted
ProvInetat legislation, fir the applica-
tion of a uniform, Pate fur llydreeELee-
tri . -Power reeive1'ed j�te- mstitielp'll4
in the Pntvince 0t Ostprio lea- receiv-
ed the approval of th't tint.- Hydra,
Pouter teniform Rale A .itciatit.n and
(in by the - ve tee
C. F: 0.., who are now - i'LttiWc the
twitter before the various Clube of
their -%s-..eiation, with s.e' 1 'A"p••+
fret final suceew. : •
1 -'rhe Prrn%ocial tiovernment.
pae4ng the necessary, legi.I•Uon, t
l hie iter .the ty�dro-Electric' 3yetent
from the mnmcipaliUee and make it a
I'rutinrial instllutiOn; and in. future
leveb'i' end aihninioter 11* affairs on
f!t. line. ;f a treneral policy to be. d.-
' !ermined by the Provincial 6(.4 '61 -
:lint -ill <.t untarto. .
2-Solept a eyelwl of charging a
i-Uniterin Rale f.rr all power snpplted
to- niunicipabties througtsSut 11.e
vyte:, of ontari». Rale sugF• abed 1„
{ start with, $18.50 per..ti. p.)
Specials for the Children
White Pique Hats, very durable and comfortable. easily Iaundered. Price 50c
to $i.11.
White Poplin Bonnets, very daintily trimmed and good quality. Price $I.25.
Boys'. White Tams, gold -lettered round the band. Prioe $ 1.00.
Boys' and Girls' Dark Tweed Hats in various colors. Price $1.00.
Boys' and Girls Black and White Check Hats, with white grown. Price $'hind.
- A splendidassortmtnt of little kiddies' Dresses in white lawn, silt and voile.
Also a good variety of Gingham Dresses, trimmed with contrasting colors in self -
shade. Children's Rompers for all ages. Kiddies' Coats in pique and cashmere. Al
Reefer Coats made of gto uitlity navy serge, well made in sizes 4 to 8. Prices
$6.50 to SI 1.50: .
WE -Si
illar's Scotch Store
e Leading Phone and Mail Order Store
3-Rrore.•d . 1, ;adjust the preeent
r•itee"tber3ett to tii,. municipalities icy *Wattmere.in, and r. ducing. the rale -fair
�'•te in .rye. annually, by one-nrtir
part et . the, difft•rence' between the
tee nl fate+ 444.1-14e adepiest 1;itifer'ut
!Kite say ets.:re per h. p.', ae that a
• •'mplete adju-furs nt may be effected
during a period of live years.
i -Tem Pr. iiirial Legislature to
eta ' for _tbeL
2e:o mens of the water -powers of the
mint sell (,owmunicipalities t, on-
.y. and that th"ee be required to die-
rribute t•), user In scconlance 'with
renerat rates and r1-rulati..ne lald-
J,,.en by the
l -Thiol, in
siritahle psi
fbr the' a
shall be
Provincial i oternmeot
older to end and adopt a
t)'.• rules and regulation%
inistralion of the Hydro -
stem that a* far astbssitttr
from ,neinece.da .ieP
s and teettniralteies,, tfi
d practical, and -best filled do,
ne require-mes l of ft', P....iMv
th.• ne•••1s of the people. men hat -
_expertence and a knowledge of
muuleipai a.lniinistration he brought
into coneultati'on in forming any pol-
icy and rubel and regulations that may
bp pot in f'.rre for this purpose.
7 -That the tlovernmi nt appoint a
permaneet ProvingAT-1Tvifi'o=ET t1'te
of three members to.ad-,
minister the affairs along the lines of
a general policy laid down by the Pro-
vincial Government. One member of
the •Commi.sion, possibly the Chair-
man: might -well be a man of financial
a -fin tl`',' one to take epectsl Interest in
the developmeht and engineering feat-
ure* of the work, and one wtio 1* ape-
eiaUy fitted to look after the general
MJa of the people and of the enualct-
litfes. aa.t in conjunction with the
of ‘re. 40v4)10.' himself particularly M
the '`Ine ,tion of extensions and distrt-
t►uNonx . •
$--Thrt It 14 su(Reeted the' th)ri -
valoi n••nt of the Hydro -Radial Sys -
be carried on -If a1 all -with due
Paareale' ►.t the intsreitt of the whole
yw,ince, and without undue round-.
Prelim) re' preference bring hives' to
any parlieular vection or municipality
R. Tait
ducal Contractor
as a a.
meet the leoptir'•naents of the people
end is 't..nntl Uractu'al 00 10 ,10; but
run:lninr the extensions within the
imft. tt[deli teeter of power being de-
:wiifstatt,3he •neeessit3-of-in
'revising the 'general rate beyond that
.-That the Hydro-Fslectric manage
Water and Light Commission
The latest and most improved
Electric Washing
Electric washers are coming
into more general use, and
Hydro always aims to have
the best. Call and see it.
Large supply of
Electric Lamps and niece
Electric Owlets:
Always on hand.
The Hydro Store
Nerth Side Square.
We are showing a range of I.ite-
Bnoy Tennis. Spotting and Opting
Shoes that will snrpaaa anything
we have yet offered and to out -
claw any similar line being
These goods are well known for
their cope-iot. wearing gualnlee.
The Brown Rover, with extra
beset soles for boys, 1s without
exception the hest on the market,
sod Is sore to give sattetaotlnn.
The prices are most reasonable.
Let OR dooar Rhoe Repairing
and have H done right.
Geo. MacVicar
North aide Square, Ooderlch
• ' irk r
kadsi Be
!ti Great
Beautiful long strings of
Jet, Pearl, Coral, Amber, Green,
Jade and Old Rsae
Also the shifter necklaces in all
'Jost the touch you need with
the. Spring and Summer gowns.
Com* its and secure a string
Tore they are all'gone.
Steel and gold bead* for bead-
ing, also colors.
Fast St.
Wiring of alt ktnda up-to-date
for TotevhTelephones,Burglar Ad arma
Police Patrol and Fire Alaru
Yate lteeidences and'Business
Pleoga-a specialty.
All Werk Guaranteed.
Electric trona, Toaatere. Grille.
Fans. Vacnnm Cleaners, Washing
Machines, FlaahMghte a n d
Hatterjes of all kinds always on
Ring tap 22 or 193 and have us
give you an estimate on your
wiring, It will be done ght.
Robt. Tait
West Street Next Postoffwe
Phones -Shop 92, Homes 117
SERVICE • • • • • • . - - .