The Signal, 1920-5-27, Page 3Stiffness
h is asioni.h,ng hoar
qo.. Wyo
Mrd • 1-444-
snt e lit,[. ld-
arr and lament...
Gives Great
Mr. Ind lokastr, tris I)1,
-1 WIMPSveryrata •ilk „ws �T,.hew. Oat a .-
man am shit d to try M,+ud . 4a,)we,.4, a 1..r
itamdutely altar hr., •rsw.ta/sa
Txs sear I a• Awa . h.. eet„dv Misr
tad Pre W credit vat
wow. a, ,cit
w�'e J11 fa%as abut M,wN , and tnMn en
King' of Pahl
Yarmou0 Nova Scorns
DR. GEO. HEiLEMANN, 05'1'F.p-
PAl 1t, spec oho to women's and children'
diseases, acute, ctuon,c and nervous diseases, rye
ear, our and throatpartial cleaner, lumbago
sacleaner, rheumatic tundrtiuos. Adenoids removed
without the emir. 4Nh<e at residence, corner
Nelson and St. Andrea'. streets. At home office
Mondays. Thursdays and Satudays, any evening
to appointment
!lifer tern
rGraduate Toronto University. Graduate
oral College of Dental Surgeons.
Successor to the tale Mane Sale. Mess corset
Square sod west street. t.uderrh.
Hes 67, Gederich. All instructions by mail sr
eft at SeenalOere •al Ie ptumpily attended to
reorder/ telephone 116.
• TER, solicitor, notary pubic . (Mace
illssa Street, crudest. thud dour Iron
111, Trust toads to loan at lowest rats.
- tr
(Nike-Sud,n{.'Bank Blot k.HaauteeStress
asderira. Tells roe aa.
President Somers h. Optimistic un
t'aamide's Outlook.
Toronto, May 14. -Another increase in
dividend, bringing the rate from 7 to S
per cent., was announced at the annual
netting of the Sterling Bank of Canada
in this city yesterday. A year ago an-
nouncement was made of an advance from
6 to 7 per cent. Though the shareholders
present heard with satisfaction Of the
bank's prospe!tus year, they were
tamely less pleated at the comments on
the general situation in Canada by !teal -
dent G. T. Somers. who said.
"While there is a good deal of talk and
general unrest, l have no frtr as to the
future prosperity of this country. There
is a gtxd and comfortable living to be
made here for everyone. I believe we
have a sound and tontented population,
whose judgment in the end will lead them
to safe conclusions and govern their acts
wisely. What we need most now, which
1 empties zed before the war, is increased
population of a desirable Pyle to develop
our r;sources and increase our produc-
No Merger fur Sterling.
In informal remarks at the (lose of the
meeting President Somers said that the
Sterling Bank was not going to be ab-
sorbed or sold, but was going to retain its
identity, and that: r -o matter what is
heard to the contrary, there is nothingjn
any rumor in that effect.
The reference to the increased dividend
in the pro trident's rt marks was as follows :
alauleel Out -aur r hareheldeee ere
entitled to further consideration, and it
has been decided to increase the -dividend
ori the capital stock by one per cent.,
mating etelt per cent., to date from
May 1, 1920.
Year's Large Espatsslon,
A good increase in profits is shown by
the annual statement. Profits for the
year endue; April 40 were $251,346, as
Apply Cream in Nostrils ' b
OpenUp _Air Passages.
lb Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos-
trils open right up, the air passages of
your head are clear and you can breaths
Yfreely. No more hawking, entrains,
mucous discharge, headache, drynew-ie
struggling for breath at night, your cold
or eatahh1is gone.
Don't'stay)stuffed up! Cef a small
bottle of Elys_Cmm Balm from your i
druggist:nowI' 'Apply a little of this
MC! On the `tauare, acondedoot Ircm 1bmJ
on Street, (Goriersh.
Private luods to loon et lowest 'rates.
W. ieetrorunn, Y. C, - I L. KILLOaA,.
H.1, D. Clots.
/ Roel ER, attorney, solicitor. etc..rah
flasaar loaned at lowest rate.
ICITUN, nooery.pu bloc sad conveyancer.
t House. /.aderrcb. 41s-321.
-Yarm and isolated town prop.
arty insured.
(M6 craw -J/. Cw,toffy. Pre•., Goderich P. 0 ;
J• Evan, Vre-PM-, lleechwrod P. U.; Tboaw
C.Hay.. Sec. -Press., Sea latch P.U.
Dirrrlofl- v. r. t6$ ferule., it, R (662. i.gem
orth. John (, (era t. No. 4, 'Walton; William
Rion, H. R No. I. Se*lath ; ))u'an Bennewtee,
Brodbsgen, C,t4. Mtt'armer.-it. 1t. No. r.3ea-
ortb. NutxrtFem •, otk; Malcolm Mc-
Ewen. Ll,nnm, James kH,iiot Beechwood; James
Con no, i y, (,oder,(b.
Agents. J. W. Yen, (.oder ih; Ales. Leitch.
R. R. No, I. Clinton, W ahem Chaney, i ealorta;
B H,nthley, Sealori h. Policy -holders can pay all
payments and get their cards rectyned ■t R.I.
Mar,ah'1�C:elru�t1h4i�na Shote. Cithonr.,1t. H. Cunt s
Greeerrr-• a"eea.. Ir,draJh.-as-. J. M.
Reld'aGeneral Sone, hayheiel.
rophe3 Eros.
lne Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
ail henna!, night or day.
fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos-
trils, let it penetrate through every air
passage of ,the head; soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane,
giving you instant relief. Fly's Cream
Balm is just what every eold and ca-
tarrh sufferer has beep seeking. It's
just sptesdid.
for men at a
`remarkable price
FRIEND'S .tt)V1'E.
Toronto Wonsan Kewtored is H.11141
by Taking Tanlae-Dellghtsi
to Recommend It.
Although it is more than a year now
since Mrs. Elsie Mayor, of 11 Mallon
avenue, Toronto, Ont., Canada, realized
the wunderlul powergof Tanlac, she still
finds pleasure in praising it, for she says
it was the means of restoring her to health
when she was in an extremely weak and
rundown condition. in the course of
conversation with the Tanlac representa-
tive at Tamblyn's drug store' Mrs.
Mavrr said:
"When l look back on those two years
of suffering and ill -health, 1 realize what
a boon Tanlac has been to me. 1 was in
an e.tremely rundown condition. My
appetite was feeble, and although not
troubled with indigestion 1 had to sat
sparingly or my liver would get out of
order. I was continually having such
frightful headaches tha/3'simply had to
give up and lie down. 1 had severe pains
to my back, especially whenever I went to
stoop over. l hardly knew how to get
through the day and my sleep was ao
broken that 1 would rise in the morning
feeling tired and heavy.
"It was a friend of mine who advised
me to try Tanlac, and as she herself had
tried it with excellent results. I decided to
take her advice and 1 am very thankful I
did. In a very short time I knew the
medicine was doing me good, for my
appetite picked up wonderfully and I felt
so much better and stror.ger. By the time
i had got through the second bottle all my
aches and pains had disappeated and I
have been well ever since. I can sleep
fine, eat well and am so much stronger
that I can do all housework with
perfect rase. it itov a ear now at
r. -stepped tatting an t Tarot so
delighted with what it d !crepe that i
take pleasure in recomme ing it."'
Tattler: 1s sold In (.ode -ch by E. 11.
WIKle nod the kiadlggdrruggist In
every town.
compared /with 8213,632 in the previous
year and $1186,120 in 1918. The distribu-
tion of dividends amounted to $*41,883, as
compared with 173.146, the increase being
due to the dividend having been 'raisitd
from 6 to 7 per cent, Other appropriation,
varied little from the previous year, ex.
cent that the amount transferred t
contingent account for depreciation of
ascus. etc;,. was 870,000, as compared
with SO n
i ,(100 i the previous p e sous year. The
reserve fund was augmented by 150.000.
and now amounts to 1450.000, or about
one•third of the paid-up capital. The
balance of profits carried forward was
842,942, as against 840,909. Assets made
a Targe increase, jumping from 119.430.-
884 to 126,375,867, and there was an
increase of about 11,000,000 in deposits
and of about 82,000,000 in current loans
in Canada.
The follow* are some of the more
important item , is the statement, with
comparisons - ---
MORONS, to the 610'i'uwlug relatives h1 this their
hour of deep adlictlu4 and trial.
Bsposlted In Trla'Itt Memorial Chureh,
Exeter, on Ykterta Day,
Exeter, May 24.'-d'olurs Of the
oversews Itattaliun, 4'. E. F.. were de-
posited this afteruisln with lulprr.IJve
t•rrt•utlnly lu Trlrltt Memorial church
herr. Among the officers in attendants.
were (:en. )I. A. Pallet, 41. 0. l'., Major
W. T. Lawh'as, A. A. G., of Loudon,
null ht. -Col. 11. B. 4'otul.e, 1,J.-('ol. 11.
'1'. Ranee, 1.1 -Col. J. W. Shaw, Major
11. C. Dunlop, Major M. U. Mr:Taggart,
Major W. J. HenuulII, n1141 Rev. ('apt.
N. E. M*Kegis•y. M. 4'.
The color party wits esv)rtel to the
church Exeter end Crediton batsds
e11111111MMI, the colors being borne by
('upt. I. Iietherington, M. ('., and Capt.
If. McLean, M. 4'. The edifice was
crowded, and a great tu,uiy •wire un-
able to gaits admission. According to
ancient tradition the officer cuwmaud-
ing knocked three times tau the door of
the church with his sword, and was
outwitted lay the churchwardens, who
escorted the colors up the rhaucel steps,
Where the Bishop of 11011111 received
thew front I.t.-4-'oI. 4'uw1s• nod placed
thew upon the rotuwuuiuu *aide. Ali
rose while. the first terse of the Na-
tional Autbctu w'us sung, and the're-
after special prayer, were Offepel.
Bishop Williams in h mer t re
ferreol to the high idt•uls it( the Jtrftish
F:mpire•. In ell fen III: the•\ wnr. - She
64,s141 for presematimi of tr th, liberty
nod justice, slid thought It 4.t to
die than break her mord to smaller na-
tions. His Iarlmhlp spoke of is r mag-
lrraveey or t4 I'
especially those. of the hist, who ..
taken part with their fellows in m ny
ballles of the war. He said tl d
courage and lwt0µ•centi e' were al
necessary at the present time to crush
things that were raising their 11141114,
III h as 1101r411e•visnl, Is't1 missionary
and militant, and l'au-Gerwuuisu{,
which had 1aa111ffrlted itself in .:ere
litany in the tle'slrt' to obtaitaa larger
attok riding ariuy.
There were two r,•as)114 for deposit-
ing of the colors in this churl'h. Ills
larlshlp said, aMee'as__that • the
'14IOrs had originally been presented by
Soldiers,' Ahl of Eisler. '-Btf(T-
smd wait In view of the flue response
w e by the :111 ell, e
1, '+tis �chur h in Can -
during the war. .Uthotigh but
enth of the 1''titlnt!en, nue corm
' enlisted was all Anglien0,
ore the reeessi)wal hyw11 a
I Military fiats was 'presented to, the
i Iwreua of hate Lieut. Itoylarel Alibi
1 Walter, Of , hprtle township: who was
killed In set h11R the -battle of Arris.
Major Lnw'I - rt the citation, whlt•h
set forth as fo ,w•
The Late James Brtsee. 'There de-
parted this lite to his eternal! rest, early
1111 Friday morning: April :itnh, an old
resident of West Wewuutish in the per -
N4110 of 311. James Brame, who lived to
the ripe old age of ninety-one ,rears.
Dearth was causer' by arterio sclerosis.
That de•vasrl Was barn lis the (snotty
of Ferulaltagh. (rebind, near the town
of Pedigo. In the year 1162!1. Hr was
of seven brother, four lacing older,
namely, Thomas. 1Glllhuw, John and
Andrew, and two y titer, French' and
Robert, and (W(l staters, IsalwIla and
Mnrgnr•t.. They all tame • out with
their parents to Canada- with the ex-
ception of 4V1111ura, win) never left his
native h111,1, a tai they '644(1el In the
township of 111a11shard, near Wood -
haul, then called Fish Creek., iu Perth
coutoty. After residing 111 }Ialuslwnl
Sir years 311. Bruce came to Horns
county, where him ohk'st brother kelt[
a to cry in Ginierich at that titue.
In the year IMSS he settled 1111 the t tat
halt of lot '23, [Vest Wawannish, co
tainIng, 118► nerve, o0 w-hIeli he con -
ti sl ao .'mid.., without any break,
until he diel. a Iserjo1 of sixty -live
years. Iii that ieawe, year 4 Ltiwil he
was married to MLargar4't Edgar, whom
he survived hy three years, six wuuths
alul twelve days. 'There was a family
of nine, six boys 81111 three girls : John,
Flank and Sarah. on the huweste•ad:
Ihrt-1d. Thomas and 31aggie, at Duo.
114,111, 491111it*ba : Richard, on a place. of
his limn about half a mile (roto the uhf
west..,",1 tall 44-whom-
W4).$4 �
Ilius, : Andrew, who tiled .tune :hsh,
1.\41. ajts'I elghte'n years, - anti Mary,
a little girl of rive years. who died iu
1v7i(. The 1114.11 4461,. When 111 the
prime of his puking manhood, was en-
dowed by Divine Providence to an 1111•
usual degree with n 4tr,ing and power-
( ('0084itutiott and great physical
at titch.. as were. his 1a41wuts anal
brothers also, and the lived Ili a ripe
old a e. His flat her diel forty-five
years. o. aged ninety-three, and his
Iltrr diel lite years later, need
eighty -sl- His Molest brother,
Thomas, 'd eti---in 34!42, ages •-eighty--
ltet' his utter 6vllihnu, who never
left Ireland. het Ili Jule. 11114, over
ninety- yea's f age', and his brother
Andrew diet It \,ltdy, 11114, age I ninety
years. Ilia brat Frolic's • diel iti
114)4, aged serest}' -Iwo yews. Ills
brother John was tljte only *1114' of the
family' yvho did 1111 five to old Lige,
dying a y4llllg Man. from . pleurisy,
shortly -after -film ,u'rlval. In 1x411,_-1(1
I'1* Balis -31T. Htue' s eldest sister,
Mrs. Crawford, 111e1 many year ago,
bnt the writer is unable to give the
date. All of these Mr. Itrut•e survived
with the .It.rptjolt 'Of -Iola youngest
brother. Itn!iert,' who lives on the $th
coni:2461 Of - Itlanshard, five 11111e6
from:the town -et -St. )Lugs, and what.
though closely alg4ruachhtg his
eightieth rear,-hiaffil hale and hearty,
ahal Was pve?eptt at the funeral, and
also his vuungest sister, Mrs. Hackney,
Wiwi stilt n11rv'Ive•,4 him, in her sixty-
s'is0ul year. She lives in the town-
ilp ref Hibbert, a few Mlles trow-
I. 'ter. Fehr was nimble, thrungh the
runt• situs or olds act', to be present at
rhe ra4...31r. 1A'nt•e hnd a long
w,j11nrn\of sixty -live year,* in Wawa-
uush, e.mlug herr whets it was 1111 u
wilderness. and enduring all tin. hard -
dr and prl?-:(tioss of olone'r J11t;.
Tiail a law elrc'Ie-of aepudnhlnlrs
( never made nanny a 10110ra, am he
n very quiei, inoffensive, and
11iah , mini, of a retiring disposition,
tat lid npi'ighl in all his dealings,
n/ Wit*
wets liked aunt ye4prtel by
1 who S 'tv him, or had any d,:11111gs
blur. ls• interment took place In
ung,nuiots 'tsw'tery on Sunday, May
, of Nile, -int
rice sat the bonne at1t1.
htngton, .roiu, Mills,
rd' Johnston and
Thursday, May, 27, ,140i-3
"I always buy tools
bearingthe GOLDMEDAL
trade mark"
In the
Profits $ 19i,34e
Don* d. paid K, nig
Contingent account 711 40
Witt ten off premises, 2e•,osi
w ar and Goiter. event
t a stn 26.4'251
Reset ye_ ......
fat lxq
Halaaee forward 42.043
Note circulating r.. ... 1,•2� 3ffr
Deposita 17,4711,031
Liabilo tes10 puhiit.... '•24.17-W,Ws;
Oom,mon and Provincial
securities ..... . 6.613,012
Total quick asset 17,3G3,wp
Current batt it Canada.. 6, 476, 1.11
Total mew 26,375,667
tr 213,932
1,216,3 an
17, 746,389
For t•o: mplco*1. gallantry and de-
rntho, to duty tlj' t►�xratluus
east of Arra. fen, tt to 29th of
August, 19114. W company
cuwmauhder atul.. wet'o 1 _ la tu8101
had become (aanalties Le ti - cow-
11ki1nd of the ('*ntroit 1y. a 11a141 11111
wen with skill and Jud •iatt. 'hep
the tnmpa113' w -aa held ti by he. y
utnehiue-gnu and shell lire,. he lye
sonallyrerouwdtered the Bron d. beim
1•enitim,*Il In the open in ( 1 n so,
and by his energy, ('nurage s 1 in-
itiativ; p114(n•d his eomlany in st-
liofl from which they were able to tl-
tlune the ndcen46',
11,*• olli,ves who went down fro
(Soderich to atte11d the ceremony were
• For Colds, Catarrh or Influenza
Men's Tweed Raincoats, The
coat is cut in the single
breasted style, a loose
belt with buckle. Sizes
34 to 42 at
$12.45 and .$16845
Men's Fawn Raincoats. Made
in single-breasted style.
double -stitched seams.
Sizes 34 to -46 -at - •�
When a man is prosperous. he at-
tributes his success to his oem ability;
when he hits the bumps, he says it's hard
M. Robins
South Side Square - Goderick\
• Do you feel weak and mtegoat to cher
work ahe,ui of yon? Tey you still cough
• little, or dors your 114614 bother you[
Are you pale? Is your blood thin and
watery? (letter put your body Into
shape. Build strong
An old. reliable *34004 -'hake? and
herbal took. made from wild runts and
barks, Is Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical
Discovery. This -nature remedy^emesis-
In tablet or liquid form. it will bnlld up
your Mxfy and protect you from dis-
ease germs whleh•lurk everywhere. One
of the active ingredients of thin tem-
perance alterative and tonic Is wild
cherry bark with stlllingia, which 1. so
good for the lungs and for cough,;
also Oregon grape root, blood root.,
Mont rva(t, Queen's rook -all skilfully
combined In the Medical Discovery.
These roots have a direct action on the
stomach, Improving digestion and assimi-
lation. These. herbal extracts In the
"Discovery" old In blood -making and
are best for scrofula- Ili Improvieg the
)blood they fortify the 66dy against an
attack of grip or colds.
Catarrh should be treated, first, yl a
b disease, with this slterstive, Then
In dltlon, the nosh should be wished
datl with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
}Jen 10c for trial pkg. of Medical Dls-
cnreryT�ablate or Catarrh Tablets to Dr.
Pierce's aboratory. Hridreburg, Ont.
Go to Hern's Boot Shop
for satisfactiOn in Footwear.
Go to Hern's fot Trunks
Club Bags, Suitcases and other
travailing goods.
Go to Hern's to get your boots repaired.
Mr. Jack Hall does it and does it right.
1. Of Course g
You Want First-class §
II Photographs.
1 We Make Them
Major 11, C. Dunlop, ('apt_ A. _ F.
Rtttron,. > apt. 1.-1101- erfugton,TST,
and ('apt. T. 11. Rundle.
H• AL('ltlIW.--The follewlt.g frotu
The Echo, of Drayton, North Dakota
refers to a former remittent of . ltulle
rich w11*1 will Im' n'nleuls•rel by mama
family, with Major Jam. Thomson
Benjamin Wilson and the llnaa(llon
family of Nile ail left Ilene for North
Dakota at the SHIM. f 11111 to the year
1!481 :
Mrs, John 1Lalerow•, sr., died at ie•r
Mane• at R},i�pwemwUnt, N. In.. on Sun-
th(,LnlornJit'.r _Mex. 2nd, IWO, at 4 a.m.,
axis] seventy-seven years; and -. els
The deeased had not Isrn well for
the last wet•k, but the end mint. un-
expectedly, Mrs, Ila l(4')06 s lnatde11
name wyy ,J':Ilzn1Wt11 3101161011. :the
was the youngest daaghtrr af-V414tiam
and Barbara Managua and WO horn 111
lihetlalwl, 1slawis, ae•utlu11.1, rn, Novetsl-
Iser 7t_., 1842. 1 h1 N"reuila•r 1464.
nine WIll marrlel to .huhu Halcrow and
of th{s 111111111 WPM horn •Ip'eu e11l11
.acne all of w'h,nm are yet 1111pp exiept
W1111am, who died In childhood. 11r.
HMI •Mrs. Ihllerow moved to North
Uakota from GMerkh. ('nuarhe, in
3Larc11 11441. nod were arming the
441 .diol*.- waists •pp' -411744 her MTS.
I„und 1111e II :11.4 a member sit -the M1e'tln-
Ui.a rhnrt•h from childhood; (he Ioyel
the i-loii •h 11,,11 was a most dpvotel
,od faithful member up to the time
of her "death. The !tittle was truly
0)4. rule of lier,latth wed preen.... and
in its pages mhe found her sweetest
comfort anal Inspiration. Iier's watt a
strong and noble Christian vim ra.•ter,
her Immo. instincta were at ra mg, friend
Pirtle W/116 to her 11 181 01Ie,
and she renked among um all no One
Of 111011.8 true gentlewomen. She ist
gone from our bight, brit Iscrense life
and love are stronger than 11171 11 !the
lit *till our own. for her angel spirit
will he ever neor.
held rattan the home on Tuesday. May
VII ter, the pamtor, offklating. assisted
by Itev. Alton Itirchenough of Mt.
Thomas, a former minor end friend
of the family. The choir Nang with
(loop feeling her fa earl te hymns.
There was sa largo nttmlwr of friends
present from all over l'enthina county
•nd many from Grand Yorke. 'The
of beautiful roees. end [Mee and nearly
ben t wreathe from a host of
friends. end relatives Interment woo.
Mode M the Bowestnont cemetery stet
the remain,. were laid to resit teerid•
her hurthand
The children who survive. their
I I. %loom, John. Halelrow, mai. Deli
Tisdale, Mrs. J. M. dhInglee. Robert
tiskrow. Mr*. A. Ilvalfrato and Mrs
John H. r'noley. The drowse sympathy
of tho entire coinnianitr is extended
Tools always
give satisfaction.
Made of finest
materials and
put together by competent
workmen, they last a lifetime
with prop4X care.
You'll like;GotD MEDAL"
Tools and other lines, because
of their superior quality. Ask
for them by name.
1 Sensible Farmers
insist Upon "Gold
Medal" Harvest
charge of the se
sero c-1dc. ___Till:
Fluk,•r. Joseph Wa
Ela 111,1 Phelan, Ed
a fill l'Pw' F,•ag:111.
There are probably a lot of g
in the world who do not look the par,`
A man occasionally complains r
lack of memory, but never of his lack
1 ,Good behavior may be rather -old*
fashi� ned, but one never heard of its
aman n
into trouble.
g ttu le.
For Sale at
test -Glassy Hardware Stores
The trouble with good advice is that
few of us recognize it when we hear it.
Never judge the taxes a man pays hy
the size of the diamond he weary in
his shirt front.
A polished mirror casts reflections. hut
dished man doesn't. That's the dif-
f nee.
"That's the Bike I
Want, Dad" •
"It's one like Bob Ha Zing's.
"Ile isn't a bit strong than I am, Dad.
But he can always trim rrir, no matter how
hard I strain,_ My cheap old bike doesn't run
as easy as his C.C.M.
"This is the third season for his C.C.M., too,
and it runs just like new." -
"Is that so, Jimmy?"
"Yes, there's good stuff in the C.C.M., Dad."
"It's a beauty to look at, Jimmy."
"Sure. And the swell nickelling and bright ---
melting won't wear off."
"When Bob's C.C.M. gets dusty he wipes heir
off and she looks just like new."
"Oh, well, Jir;m'-, I see your heart's set on a
C.C.M. If you'll promise to study hard and pass
into the next room, I it give you a C.C.M. Bicycle "
C.C.M. Bicycles arc the pride of the boys. Thep
have earned their good reputation by standing up
under the extra strain and wear that sturdy, active`,
lads are bound to give a bicycle.
The C.C.M. has the new lfercufes Positive ,Drive
Brake -the Coaster Brake without a side arm.
Ask the C.C.M. dealer to shd�w you *1.2 18 -inch
curved bar model -the bicycle '•.the boy won't
Happy Boys
and Girls
S your child healthy? Li
A he or she up to stan-
dard weight, of good color,
with plenty of rich; red
blood to nourish the grow-
ing tissues?
For children who are thin.
pale. anaemic, under weight,
nervous. restless, sleepless, Dr.
Chases' Nerve Food is ef tlros I
greatest benefit imaginable.
Being mild and gentle in ae- 1
tien, and yet wonderfully pat-
ent as a restoratiee, it sown
naked; the blood rich and bell&
up the feeble nerves.
Thi• trade mark is
ow the fewer. of every
C Bicycle.
Canada Cycle &
MotOr Co., Limited
Montreal Toronto
Winnipeg, Vancouver
We are dealers for C.C.M.
Bicycles. Give us a call.
Save Your Shoes ---Buy a Bicycle
If yon are interested in Bicycles, we can show yon the very lest
value on the market- The Cleveland. Also Bicycle Acce.s.sories.