HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-5-27, Page 22-Thurrday, May 27. 1920.
Thursday, May, Tr, 1800
No Seed Potatoes Avaltarle-Ptak
Facilities to Be Improved.
Aintmg the eotlimunity tions pasw•(1
idea at the regular .meeting of the
lutea eouueil. betel last Friday even-
ing. were the following:
From the secretary Of the Woman's
Auxiliary of the G. W. V. A.. asking
permission to ere(•t a refreshment booth
and tent on the Square ou the 12th
of July. Referred to spw(•tal etom-
w tt her.
From Autos Stewart anal other resi-
dents of Ott. Andrew's ward. asking
relief from the overdue of water. Re-
ferred to pnlblie works committer to
secure a report ou the matter from
Engineer Johnson on his [text .visit to
From C. W. Worse!' anti 11. R.
Murray. applying for use of pasturage
at the exhibition grounds for their
cows. Granted,
From Mrs. James Hamilton. eallhig
aIt(•ution to the danger to pdestria
from uneven plates in the eemeut walks
mud suggesting that repairs le made
1pp4ore any tones are broken. lteferre•(I
to public works (rowwittee with power
to art.
From W. Lannon. asking fpr a
perugt for the shingling of a portion
of the Union hotel. Iteferred to fire
Councillor Knight spoke of some 01 -
Earnet' on the walk along the river
breakwater. and also of the dumping
of refuse into the Intrlor from the
elevator. He thought it very Strange
• of Trade. • who 'w•nnted the • harbor
deepened. should allow this wart of.
thin.. Resides. it was not good for
• the health of the town..
t onmdlior Hubiher moved, .'e otld4d
by_ Councillor Knight. that tlw eleviit(
Have You Ever Thought of
This? -That a Cup of
5 551
properly infused, is one of Nature's greater
blessings as a harmless stimulating Mbeveraga,
should n,• '.11 rid• i oat. It was n very 1
dangerous pia 1.1.. and if nothing were
dome an nt•,•ident erect happen any
day. The Nerve and lk•puty Reeve
were asked fit have t ,' unitter taken
up at the June session of the bounty
e,ntnell. the piww of road fu queution
toeing a link iu Hie county road system.
A bylaw to amend the sewer con-
struction bylaws. by increasing the
rate of iuAerest on detention's from
51^1 to d peer cent., was given its first
reading and the council adjourned.
•Wednesday. a lay 211.
Miss M. Murray left for Toronto on
Tuesday to spend a couple id weeks*
visiting friends there.
Miss Ethel Robinson was a visitor
at Mrs. J. It. Rutherford's fur the.
week -end.
Mr. Taylor, of (bustawe. spent the
lath visiting tit Mr. '.V. W-t•I.ster's,
Miss M. Carnet -on, Miss W. Ruther-
ford. and the Misses Nina and Wluni-
foal Woods were home for the 2411*.
Ilia. Robinson Woods went to Lon-
don on Friday to visit her sister* Mrs.
Metra If.
Mrs. Jas. Harbour and Etw(iod spent
Mrs. parlour's sister. Mrs. Webster.
Miss Mariou t;lll's. of Lucknow,
was a visitor with her uncle, M"r. Ed.
Thum, over the 24th.
-Miss Gladys Welds spent last week
with friends at Berrie. _
• Mclrtltghlln spent her holiday
at Wlneh:alu,_•
Women's Institute Officers.- The
people be notified to discontinue the
prartl(e, or the (•outwit.woUld take the
• matter up with the anthoritfrs at
Ot I a was Ca rrie d.
Another motion was passed that
Harbor Inspector Johnston Ie asked
to'have the obstructionist on the river
bretikwater removed.
Mr.- E. H. Wood was heard regard -
Ing the (v)uditirut attached by the (
ell to the renew -a1 of his poolroom
it( -use, namely, that no gautlling W-
allowed ou the premises. Mr. 'tweed'
tits:hired that he did not elbow gambling
in any shape or form. and he thonght
the mention of gambling iii (14ue011m
with the license was unfair to him,
elgi w•tally as lits neme.tvea-tire
a 4,te mentioned. HMI would hive
to infer that there hall IMV•11 gatubling
in his place. \
M tyro' Wigle said it ted not been
Juno -Riad to (•amt any- rettr•.•tioaa uprfn.
)1r. Wood. There-ichd been -tin tire
pression among the people not only 4JI
town hut in the country that gambling
hail leen going on in the )sadrw.ws.
and the matter had Bair brought to
his attention by the Ministerial Astir.
1.111 1011. It gas I1101.ded to have the
(,, 1..al
.sawe.r ttnlL I tu..th�rlt(w
ythe liens• of the otter laolnom when
should t'oure up for • eousfde•rntIon.
H ' Worship declared that the..c ountil
weals very glad that Mr. Wood, was in
p`. [•oat t fon to state that no itanibiliig
was go g nn iii his place and carne
w'wnhl he,allutcwl.
11r. «'( 1 was evidently :s:ath(1'itvl
with tlw M vor'>i PxplauaHLu.
eaatmittee Re
The pudic 'w• kr* iommittee ree om-
Amended that the tork at Agricultural
Park Iw prisr'odi'd •Uh at 01_100; that
the Barrett 1 tiupeu\ be re4110st,41 to
forward the ear of tar al, in a steam -
heated ear, on fir slot the 1.t of
• ---fate; tltat--ap$iewti..n.. f.-reettinier- .
. at the exhibition grounds graut(rl
t6.. ,sane t..!..1 at. baa
Annual meeting of the Ott. Helentf Wo -
wen's 1ustihlte was la•ld in Hte hall
on May _'tth. The following onkers
wen• rle,•ttrl : I'rt•sldeut, Mrs. Archie
.andersnl; vkw-presitleut, Mrs. B.
Naylor: second vire-president, Mrs. It.
J. Woods: wr•retary•treasurer, Mra. R.
K. stiller: district repseN•ntativet.
. 1�t tit
('AU.IF'ORNIA-ITS PKE- It'XiIIxxxxx'>`xxxxxxxxxxxx'>�'cx
'Written Iw TIN Signal-)
Tule natural situation of this State,
lying o•1 the wester, side of the great
Republic, and also the commercial
facilities of the great Pacific Ocean render
it the most desirable place for home and
commercial life to be obtained in any
part of this wide world. The State is by
nature divided into two great valleys by
ranges of mountains -the Coast valley
and the San Joaquin, containing the
rfhest soil that is to be found in any
part of the known world. These moun-
tains with their towering •peaks, the
highest being coverechnn winter by the ,
snow beautiful, are sufficient to excite
the admiration of residents and tourists, 1Vc
and cause them to exclaim, how beau- 'gffe
tiful and awe-inspiring are these wonderful ,
monuments of nature.
These large valleys are again subdivided $
into smaller ones, each having its several ■
to x x
■ IIx
■ x
■ x
cities and towns. some larger and more
Mrs. Geo. Wells, Mrs. W. It. Ferrier. ' prominent than others. The city of
Wee )1. Itutherfunl; program estu- Sacramento is the capital of the State,
wlttee. Mrs. 1). Todd. Mrs. Wallace i and we find tete the legislative buildings,
Miller, Misses A. McKenzie, M. Mur- both extensive and beautiful in architec-
r(y, F. Anderson, E. McPherson: i ture. This city also has for one of its x
twg:mists. Mrs. W. It. Ferrier, Mrs. I public buildings the spacious and cern
rranstou : auditors. Mrs. W. 1. Miller, I}mending residence of the Governor of the x
Mrs. 1). Todd. State, the present incumbent beiog
Governor Stephens.
The two la•gest cities in the State are
San Francisco, to the north. with Its 1
Sometimes a man is loved for the ene-
mies he has made, but more often for tie
money he has inherited.
or heaviness after meals are
most annoying manifestations
of aciddyspep•ia.
pleasant to take, neutralise
acidity digestion. and help restore
RAMS or acmes canninces
• beautiful view both when in bloom and
The, Sterling Bank of Canada ahludurmg the season of frwtaga ft is
impossible in gavmg a hurried g nee at
each valley and their productions';o do
Statement of the Result of the Business of the Bank for the year I justice to them, as a volume might I*
Ending 30th of April, 1920. - l.written upon each and then not exits ,
PROFIT AND' LOSS ACCOUNT. (,he present and future possibilities
Balance of Profit and Losse 30th A).rlli 1119 $ 40,909.37 these rich valleys.
Profits for the year ending 30th April. 1120, after deducting charges of• In passing from valley to valley we are
management. rebate of Interest, rte. 251.34
6.49 charmed with the beautifdl scenery. and
''Making a total of1292.264 45 .as we glide over the cement -paved high -
teeming thousands of inhabitants. its
beautiful parks, magnificent public
buildings, and harbors for worldwide
ihip;,i g. mai ing it a prominent cog in the
industrial and commercial machinery of
the world. and the city of Los Angeles,
located in the southern part of this
wonderful State and keeping pace with
ber twin sister in the north. This city is
a termjnus for all Eastern railways. and in
winter is the great Mecca for Eastern
tourists, being located so conveniently
(q the alactd waterint_thePeasgcean.
the shores of which are studded by
World -famed resorts, such as Long Beach,
Santa Monica, Venice, and a host of
others. where the most fastidious may
enjoy the healthful and invigorating
timate of summer and winter. •
- The writer has been touring this. State
frim thenorth totbesouth,beginningwith
the rich and.fertile valley of Santa Clara.
This valley is very largely, planted with
apricots, prunes. etc.. presenting a most
ways in a magnificent towing car• we are
Natural Shantung Silk
34 inches wide, finest and best quality,.
perfectly even thread, firm weave and.
will launder beautifully.
Regular $2.25 value fol $I.50.
Silk and Wool Poplins
Hard wide, best quality, in navy, g'I'eys,
green, purple, reseda. •
Regular $2.25 for $I.75.
Black Satin Duchess
Very heavy and exquisite quality
coats, suits or dresses.
Special per yard $3.50.
Silk Foulards
in a score of neat patterns and figures in
navy, greys, greens, etc., 36 inches wide,
at per yard $I.50.
Women's Coat
Reduction prices in all Spring and Summer
Coats, tweeds and coverts, etc., now
each $16 tO $25.
Floor Rags
Tapestry Rugs, heavy pile, British make;
good choice of patterns and colorings.
3x3 yards :1$
3x31 yards 2.5
3x4 yards.. 23
BruJaelette Seamless
Reversible Rugs --
2x3 yards jl$
:1x31 yards 1!
3x4 yards 2S'
Magnificent selection of women's and
Xmisses' Sumner Gbwns_in silks. v
, giughams, georgettes in every desirable
X - color. Prices have been fixed at very
attractive figures and styles are verynew.
Silks -Dresses range $27, $20, $25, WIT
4 yards wide, British make, in splendid
patterus and colotiags with heavy canvas
At per ..
Wo Acheson Son
ixx xaixxxl xl imorXwasX'amuseraX
Ratl.Rva FUND. compelled to exclaim, why_should not bbs -- - �
trrit.Jl ,t?22=-JAdanre brought 1 getant .._.. , its9,trit0.00 pie of California be happy and ton !Horley will buy practically every[ cin;;,
pill 30, 19J0-Tr.*n.d,ar.-.I from Pront'aed Loss Account 50.900.00 Just how tt is you
tented when living under such favorable except a few details like health. happiness., had to tell it tibia fate ?
14sn,000. too and prosperous conditions ? The wnter and self respect. - Oilman hat llasi•esa Cams
• would not be doing justice to this State The world needs more men 7110 bate
the Bank In circulationf 1 290 337 00 did he not make note of its education- opinions -not mere symptoms.
Notes of
Deposita not bearing laterea $ 4,109,o:1.72 institutions. These halls otlearning: fr
DeposirovamPittir (wurem-Hwetailwg•-iweeee.1 Seemed- 70- tttealwblic schools up to the large umverg
date of statement) 12.666.999.67
sr,. cm 021.39 Ines, Occup% a first and protmnent place
Balances due to other Ranks in Canada 5.600...00.00 with any State or country in the world.
'Due to Dominion Government
257.66: 2a i• The churches through-ut the State are
AeeePaseee under Lettere of Credit - - - 1,041.2: ' of a very high order. and while the chug
Ton I:Itntlitles to the Puplle ( [24.629,098.94 edifices are not as pretentious as some
(`apf cal Stork paid- n0 1L229.570.04 Eastern pulpits
Rearn•e ebnd -d_ 450,000.(0 [fled with men of amJicy% and the w'or-
Dividendl'p� L3. ,pa ble ]sen May 21,51.63 1 shippers are given td�lbdrfts and ever
Balance of Trent slid Loss A, -count carried forward .. 42,942.56 ' - ready to give the glad, hand of welcome
1 1,746,750• i7 ' to strangers The pec le of California
realize that m ordertt0 have good Clhzen-
ASSETS. $26.375.167.77 slip, they must fay a •foundation Tor the I•
Current .Coln held by the Itank ., 1 111,019.20 public and Sunday school and in the
Dominion Notes "held. 2,411,291.20 churcheslthroughout the Sta e,
I) po.if with the.Mlnister •for thee' purpose of the Clrcula'- The writer wishes to sa that tt If
Pates of other Banks( lion Fund 869211. Sit 0
259.9[ t.43 impossible in this common ion to do
_orliC-mber Musk*
772,272.01 ustice to thethat
Balances due by other (tanks In Canada 1,14!,62 1 great • • 1
Balances `due 'by Hanks and Banking Correspondents - - now. and in the future o! this te. but ,
. .elsewhere than In Canada 261.358,12 - would like to say that there are a umber
. -------- of beautiful cities in Southern Cali senna, I
Dominion and Protiinclat Government 8Feurltlee not eft -
e t -lint market -value
Cana -Ilan Municipal ltectirittee„and British. Foreign and
Colonial Publft Securities other than Canadian.
Itailwag- (►wd-ether Howda.--l.alrnt(tcwa- amt Sto.k.---wee--
exceeding market value
Call and ith+11•t (not e2eeeding thirty drays) Loans In
2.004.745.27 but none more so and with a bra hter
1413,942.27 ' future than the city of Glendale. ' his
beautiful city, situated a few miles fr•m
3.275.465.36 the great metropolis of Los Angeles. 's
39'.312.119 - ndw and mill continue to • be one of't
most beautiful of Southern California
T51,341.1a cities. Qf its clean and well -pay -• streets,
Brand Boulevard and Broad(rfy will
compare favorably ttittr the beet in
cities The people, are proud of their
city, as js evidenced by the beautiful
homes and well kept lawns.' The petiole
in the commercial and industrial life of
the city are wide awake and believe the
present will develop into a greater future.
The -Writer If1t3 beLsh a resident of tbti
City: for some months. and intends to
make it his future' home, and may be
found any time at hotel Gray which
place is under the management of Mr,
John Levy and family, M.E. V
The Rnitnee t•ennmittpe• report etl that
'atlls•rtne_ltptes for damages fru
feet ire roadway had been egretrl
- and rtr•nuuueodwl that the cem-
perp•tnity fund 1e• .invested In
tory bonds of 1!i:;4.
lure -e itt.1 rt*-r.mm
Of IsbtIt Ort& and remit
as a *plied for at a pSs'vipu.s meeting.
l'h water, lIgiit-_and harbor egrn_
IIIIlOe '00lmeutk'd that the itpplk•a-
tiou of time. Lynn •for the ase of the
utile at w harbor freight shed be
granted. at if lei Ysfi-k1:i n mnitflr
that a dange l ,u. -."No !lathing Here,"
be played in the mast cupspi(•Ipals
place at the m oh of the river, and
that a life-pr(•ser ler les p0rcluls,.l and
plated where tioilidl, mast tarwsssry
The (wmetery an( darks committee
recommended that k small- rustic
pat'iliou he ereetevl in\ tow park op-
posite the Jail. and on tile. town lot at
Lighthouse I'oiut, eons_ netts' that
n flagpole niap he erecftec ; so that a
fe•w inexpensive seats be plat 1 in the
park opposite the Jail: that a doub1P
stvhig Is' erected in Victoria Park, alai
t11a11 1111• woollen haste of the contain in
Victoria Park Ire repair's!.
The special committee recommended
that.tlle application of the Daughters
of the Empie for permission to hold
a tag daft ou the 12th of .luly be
grouted. on condition that the funds
obtained he donated to the Xray Hind
of the hospital ; that the :L7rd Regi-
ment land be requested to meet the
Greyhound excursion from Detroit on
Its arrival here; that g Iit•t•ns• Is'
(rented to J(wepli Fisher on the same
conditions as last year; that the mute
ell ancone the resolution Huhmttted by
the Hydro Uniform Hate Association
asking the •Provincial (iovernment fur
legislation providing for uniform power
rates. The committee reported that It
was almost Imposts -Dile to secure towed
potatoes, the Government having none
to supply. The matter would stili be
kept in mind, however.
TheSP reports* were all adoptal.
A motion proposed by ('ouncillor
Humber. that no careallowed to be
parked In the ('ourt H se [Square,
was Adopted.
BMUId RiftEllOVO Daager.
Councillor Mower ttuoaght the project
of wklenlng the Mattlaud bridge hill
( *Rada un Sona., 1'eD4n01re* and 'Mocks
tither Cynenc • l.oaa.rnJ Discounts In Consols (len
rebate of interest e• - 5,476,424.
nee -rib.. Legates lentinnerer4 ba+- perm *rivet tree) - LSO' 02
• Lank Premises. at not more than cost, less amounts
written off • 401.292.64
-l.tabllttles of Customers. under Letters of Credit, as per
coutra ' 5.041.27
her Assets not included In the foregoing 130,503.79
-. a $ a:el-.057.71
r; T 4,.M t':RF. Pr•11vnt. A 11 1' I.KEI(.
Toronto, Aprlt :nth. 19:0. 1;.-n,•ral Manager.
Thi* *Ineement haw Leen duly touched by eo.•p•ring .11 enlrl.. .itis the . hook. at
the I hie! Office, and e•.rtin.d from the Branch.., and In my opinion is pro-
perly drawn up .. aI to ..hibit • e.rrge slew .t the condition .4 the Honk
l ash and %rear/tie. have been eh.rk.d at the Chief Once *4 Seth April. 'sta. 1
a* well a* at another Ile. daring the year, .w required by Net -lion 51 of the Rork Art.
1 h... obtained all the Information and esplSn*tlomh required. and .m of th-
opinion that the tram.t•tkm* of the Bank, which have come ander my null., here
been within the powers of the B.nk,
J. J. ROBSON. 1..1.A.. Auditor.
Yong, and Charles Ste. Teter. .,
noted 1he.u1Mul Ce.teda ter heck-gt.d. .wk,
Creat dwe.ad 1o, w. ar.sutee. Oere .n eget.
Eau. err. Wrote ler Catalogue.
W. J ELLI )Tr. Pnnelee'
of Commerce
Crista aad Goderick, Oetari•
Offers the following courses :
Stec iAL
and arranges Sgec.al Courses lot students.
'The following adh antages .
H Oily qualified teaching staff
Actual business system of bookkeeptna
Credential typewriting tests
Positrons guaranteed
Vocational Training Sehsdt .
la*tau d,atnct. be C.orsopmar spears
seder ...spec tio., by %IMO* Gv,I 11e+w
Fee tw...8 taco., este -- -----
Spring term leglne Tues.. April 6, '20
-rssaTFARO. ONT.
We give thorough eotlraea. We
give individual instruction. We have
no summer vacation. Students may
enter at any tome Commence your
(morale now. We place graduates in
positions. Write for our free cat-
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
The Double Track Route
14 l w'rctl -
fnexcelled dining car service
.. Bleeping card on night trains, and
parlor ears on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn -
ng. District Passenger Agent, To-
G. R. 'nation Agent, phone ?la
Town Ag is Phone
Banker will Tell You
if you ask him, that next to Victory Bonds,
there is no better investment than Provincial
Government or Municipal Bonds, The securi-
ty is of the highest grade, and the interest
ranges as high as 7%.
If you have money that is not earning as much
af. you think it might, you would be well ad-
vised to consider buying these bonds. You
can get them in atrio'unts of $100 and upwards,
and we will deliver the bonds to your local
bank for inspection prior to payment, free of
charge to you.
We suggest that you write us and get a list
of them.
.-..,,.-. •-,74
The Trouble Man
it's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Always at your service
with the beat goods at most
reasonable prices.
Canadian Paolo Railway Building
Hamilton Street Phenol S
Plumbing Heating
Raveetroughing Metal Work
E.$fWkre Tallsg4nN
The .New Decorating Store
West Street
In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints,
etc., we handle all kinds of
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year, call on us and let us igive you an estimate.
J. Cuthbertson
North Side West Street Ooderich, Ont.
1h are Very Large or
Very Small
Old . P. rain H9t.s onded
with feathe - or tulle, "broad
and droopin: - of brim, vie
with wide • s. ting, tri -
corner cap lift toques and
British Admiral ffects with
•pi one side, orfle erstri -.-
ng the crown ori ins'
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston St.
- Goderich
Yong, and Charles Ste. Teter. .,
noted 1he.u1Mul Ce.teda ter heck-gt.d. .wk,
Creat dwe.ad 1o, w. ar.sutee. Oere .n eget.
Eau. err. Wrote ler Catalogue.
W. J ELLI )Tr. Pnnelee'
of Commerce
Crista aad Goderick, Oetari•
Offers the following courses :
Stec iAL
and arranges Sgec.al Courses lot students.
'The following adh antages .
H Oily qualified teaching staff
Actual business system of bookkeeptna
Credential typewriting tests
Positrons guaranteed
Vocational Training Sehsdt .
la*tau d,atnct. be C.orsopmar spears
seder ...spec tio., by %IMO* Gv,I 11e+w
Fee tw...8 taco., este -- -----
Spring term leglne Tues.. April 6, '20
-rssaTFARO. ONT.
We give thorough eotlraea. We
give individual instruction. We have
no summer vacation. Students may
enter at any tome Commence your
(morale now. We place graduates in
positions. Write for our free cat-
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
The Double Track Route
14 l w'rctl -
fnexcelled dining car service
.. Bleeping card on night trains, and
parlor ears on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn -
ng. District Passenger Agent, To-
G. R. 'nation Agent, phone ?la
Town Ag is Phone
Banker will Tell You
if you ask him, that next to Victory Bonds,
there is no better investment than Provincial
Government or Municipal Bonds, The securi-
ty is of the highest grade, and the interest
ranges as high as 7%.
If you have money that is not earning as much
af. you think it might, you would be well ad-
vised to consider buying these bonds. You
can get them in atrio'unts of $100 and upwards,
and we will deliver the bonds to your local
bank for inspection prior to payment, free of
charge to you.
We suggest that you write us and get a list
of them.
.-..,,.-. •-,74
The Trouble Man
it's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Always at your service
with the beat goods at most
reasonable prices.
Canadian Paolo Railway Building
Hamilton Street Phenol S
Plumbing Heating
Raveetroughing Metal Work
E.$fWkre Tallsg4nN
The .New Decorating Store
West Street
In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints,
etc., we handle all kinds of
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year, call on us and let us igive you an estimate.
J. Cuthbertson
North Side West Street Ooderich, Ont.