HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-5-20, Page 8-toll' slate" s/igsug r k'. "141.1111Trolcr"r17 R Thor -slay. May "II, 1!1''(1. - VONA .1.. .4., For the 24th of May ! PICNIC SUPPLIES Paper plates, paper napkins, paper bible cloths, Lily drink- ing cups tic pkg. Boxes con- taining complete picnic sets 35c. Automobile Road Maps of 41'esteru Ontario. 4 ne- cessity for every motorist. Price' 25e, If you prefer to spend your holiday with a good beg, A•e have a new shipment of Pop- ular Novels to sell at $1.00. New String Wall Papers. GO TO CHVRCH T_ SVNDAY, MAY 2S Domain's the 11.4.044111 game on Victoria Its hire Grace Mona* its home from CHURCH NOVO. e lice. x. x. !tartly. of ItldgwMwn. has been appointed rector of Ot. (lenge s church, to succeed MS. A. 1.. 1. ('larks, who gee's to London shortly. Next Sunday .at Victoria Ktreret Methodist ehurcOcwIll he Flower Sun- Qay. Morning subject : "flow Christ Math. Friends." Evening : "The Story of the Book of Esther." The Vt'otuau's Alax Hilary of tit. George's church held at se5•ia1 Itt the , parish hall 011 Friday evening which was Wall attended anal welch euJOvUd. .\n exeelleut umsiea1 program was presented. Inst Sunday was Ladies' Aid rally day an Victoria street church. In the evening the Ladies' Aid attended the service in a body and the pastor. Rev. J. F. Hewett. look for his subject, "Women's Work in the Church of Today." A solo by Mr. McDut.ald was greatly enjoyed. 1)ivtuie worship in KI tc church nest xahim lia `uu.rning anal erenhtg cow thwttvl by the minister. Titles of ser- nlilti.: 11 a. m.: -The sacrifice of ymist• ' 7 p. w.t "TI(1. 1':111 t.. arr- s)tip." Sabbath school and Itilds cle'w's at :t (o'clock. The churches of Goderich are making ' Sunday, May. 23rd,, ' Go to Church Sun - :day." It your inclination draws you to the. Baptist churfh you will be interested in knowing \that - the morning theme is 'The", -Practical Teaching I of Revelation." and the evening sub• )ect. "An lavitetionrto,(he Previously invited." Sunda--acigipl at 3 attd young people's meeting at 8 o k. • Ilio Lordship 1tisltop 1)acid \Villiama of Moran leaves on .1 line :144.11. J iiglanil In et,rnal the 1:aa119'411 e'o [crena• of the Anglican church throughout the world, to he held hl Lambeth Addis- its July.. 'l'Iw I.iahops ■fid 'an•ltlrl.hops t• Anglican ehurrh `dhe world 11 • • 1 DfIZO• • t I �Jec rlci<ir •1 - Wvvr- - `i1 I -I 1111 t _r OP" CITY CONVENIENCES FOR COUNTRY HOMES A :ompiete modern hatlr- ore, electric tlacuum Cleaner, e tris lion• brigbt-jT is iu eve room of the house and in a ``parts of the barn, -in fact all y. comforts and con- Peniences may be yOtit3 when you install Delco -Light. if "rite for CctlaloeHe ROBERT WILSON IN.AI.I HAMILTON STREET GODERICH Go to Church Sunday, May 23rd OWES NER LIFE TO "FRUIT-A-TIVf3" Alter Years of 3t•fferine with Dye- NYsia. this Fruit Medicine Gate Relief MLLE ANTOINETTE BOUCHER 917 Dorton 8t., Moatrea1. "I am writ in; to tell you that low air Isle to 'Fruit•$ -tires' for this remedy relieved me thea T had abandoned t11hope ofever recovering ntyheal�h. + I :offered terribly with Dyspepsia. I j had it for years and all the medicines I took did not do me any good. 1 read something- about 'Fruit -ie tires' being good for all Stomach 1 Troubles and Disorders of Digestion so 1 tried them. After finishing a few boxes, 1 was tutirelr+eleved of the Dyspepsia -and my general health neer win INC lu attendance. 11rt•en,e of wagrestored. the shsr•nrt' of the -Bishop during the mummer months all confirmations in this diocese have been pottpittted. and will he held early to the fall. Come to Church" !Muddy will he ahservel ht North- street Methodist-- rhumb ethotl,irlipr('It tlw follows --('1asrles,and Mis- sion Ivan d at 111 1? I s -k. At the same Moir the M 'u's Chili will «tiscnss •xhould people In debt give to the church or to the Lord's work 7 \Ir. W. C. I'ridham will Intn0111ee the tapir•.. The latstor's morning thetye W111 Its rhe tt'Intrt-h, toric hone:," a patriot', 1 me. •'t:..4 and Our Empire.- will w fe evening subject. .\ weleetnlr to 1 lasted people and sltnt•ins on re- •st o the pastor will l.o taken tri. th Iluk w•rrk-- in cars. 11 •li:ts chant, tin Huron sea in Goole ieli definite (1.. rhe men)le gallon 'are e,. 415.11 :15 110 of their resp' donations they el 1 n entertaMullein of e convent ion rani 4) •1.5 (;1•4113:1..., want, Mrs. W. St. Patrick',. ward, Mrs. for St. Iturid's ward• Mr4. anal Miss Wakefield, anal or St. Aildrew's ward, Mry. 1'41111101 an- isr Bingham. teen fnnnd necessary to slate of the eonvetuhet ..f rr, w•hiiI, was to he heti )u Maty _scth. ami the t• II he uniln11u.ral later? . a . at. George's enng1•e- ue ell to e•omul ' attu bre With the .e,11%1'11.•r• Te arils, as fn what , kt' town r.l' the n legate's to the For St. *mita: for I' stile be: Muris.0 THE GODERICM MARKETS. TMURIOAT. May n, wheat, per bu.h II gal le $11.25 nyeats per bush.r:ee 5. 144 It 1107. per bush ........>: 1.40to1.74' It Fla per bush Eel to 245 W l Buck what, per bush.. . r 1.10 to I.., slink P leer, (musty. per owl .5.80 to A I. leer, pst.N, per cwt n.75 to on rite I, Ilru., per hon -I hors.', per ton ..... ... ... H..y, per We tit rew, Iowa*, per loll . ...: ' train, Hatter. perit. 1 Creamers Butte,. per Ib gegs.fre.h, Per dor. .... THE COLBORNE STORE I -Thank the great fruit medicine, 'Fntit-a-tives', for this wonderful relief." MIM NTOth rTE DO•E(BER. Ma. a bos.9 Fitt i:'L•IP:,1h �t alt dealers or sent postpaid be Pe tit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Qat NAL 1tENTIOSf. M. J. Buchanan returned on Monday frnin a week's- visit-1o.Chicago. Mrs. \ixj?vr. of Toledo. (Hilo, tisitel her father. A. M. Pnitey, for a few days this wee 1:, 1.. i. .. desk.. Las, leen rMufiuea to i is home this week With a severe cold. hie C.-wPascoe has returned alter sbending a few days at Orillia, bringing with hint hitt wife.and family. who are now occupying a house • on Lighthouse street. Mr. And Mr.. W. _Frank Saunders have reNeriwti to town after spending two years 'et Toronto. and Mr. Saunters I' again. at his old apart in the office of the t;.tlerich 1lrgap Co. . North Huron Liberal Meeting' \ The anneal meeting of the• North Huron 1 Federal a Liberal .\ss..l•iuiinu went tie held at Win/shim it Tuesday next, May 5th. AU Liberals are in- vited to attend, A Ms fitillese, The )1.51x1 Theatre was (arks! to toned on Thnrsdav evening last. a_ benefit. was -given for the Sol• MrmoriaL Fund.' to addition -to sfas•htl program was ts.W to 44.50 gh•eu. clndiug; a Evet-al !Mill by )lisa r`°9° to 563ep drit'antt SVatwits. piping anti darning nr,n to,O tyn family. ninl %(nitgrt by Wilful "Harry Lander -'- who took the bonne by eri.h Orchestra playel evening and added of tb.. peoctoc-manee.. il .cotuetly awl a -t'Irme of the F•ilirards wag of -he eons - era for their 8110 Mrs. ring tfiit+ 1 (I) ei .tri to 1e.0D t, the • 51 to .65 lilslrrich's seta. •7bt1.1.411e Evans, to l *rnrm. The G. Potatoe.,per bush 1.50 Calle, butchers' choice, p rread. 11.141lo 1_.00 th,vm¢hnitr the. Ualt.le, ba r1.• r- u,t-uuen,t'er cwt 10.7.'10 11 '0 ' nate tt 1„ the .Iks't• Hog-, 11,e weight. per ewt.2 . 19_. to 19:. • Hider,, -'r Ib 1' in .1t The plrtlirewIlyiut bbeep.k1114, 1.4)10 2 (0 I pin htreslue iiia, y filo. -- -s fele+err.• Mt': H. ' T. -- �-aluarmn11.-awaI-.'.n-4 ' Mit t,4. thnnke.l the fa•rfor I'1 tet 1ti the elitertliinm.•u 1.mlrler for her kluiht'ss its 15hu•ilt for tisk M..taeritll Fors 1 t f YOU MUST WEAR Oxfordei a' I'nlllps to be strictly up -td -nate with that new dress or snit. Nothing 'could be snore becoming titan our smart. stylish and now very popular LOW-CUT FOOTWEAR CALL, AND FRE Olin LadF rowKKttid Oxfords, in black or $4.50 to $9.75 Ladies' Patent Oxfords, high or low heels, with Vanity Plate, Goodyear Welt Soles, Turn Soles $5. 00 to $9,50 and McKay Stitched •W • SOMETHING NEW and pronounced by critical buyers as "extremely pretty,' is a PATENT 2-I:YLLCT TIC, PRICED AT R8.3O Kid and Calf Oxfords, in black and brown , also' the new Scotch Brogue', in Oxfords and Balmorais for men. Slippers for the misses, girla and infants. A shoe to fit every foot and every party - , SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W. RLQ. SHARMAPd s • 1�) A OitIT1 .1R1. • Sur rtuy% Miry Mn NI15•ss_ .patiently 15irne, (*Mlles Moroi suddenly passer! to Ills eternal Petit '-tl--Iil6-fii.rmer:-flhott+eerrr rets: t4.ltk'ril•I,, The +14-9491.9.91 wee. lawret 1B Choleric!' lint w'a+ widely 'known -and highly r. 1..'ted througi.ont the sin, ronn,illlg country, where he half It e:'n engaged in btshs'ss for over thirty ear... Hr le eve. 144 mourn hi. h.., a s.rrrntviig wi.low and 4imlly : \Ir.. -Ihrltotr: Mre. Yonne. `1tre 1 f ir. , Erma• nitriP. bt1.', iisF•th's hospital., \nils '1graduateinn•se, \fi'r.;r ti,wpit4111 117)41. 11 - T'.', sit 'hMto,•. :ill of whom 3.14e esiilstrhrtiet, of attending hia fnnoral., ite.l'iiem high mass was sung al St. 1'etar't church Wednesday morn- ing l.y Iter. 11•, titan, Kingsbridge, aril iter. 'Ii A. McRae. 1',I', Inter- rui•n.Aw:.s made in ('olliortne (*meter,. -COLBORNE.. COLBORNE FARMERS' CLUB. -The Col- borne Farmers' Club held its regular MEASUREGRAPH WAYS watchful, for the improvement of our store service, we beg to advise our patrons that we have installed the onderful machine known as the Measureg ph -a ma- chine that not only measures go s accurately but at. the same time computes t e cost..- There- fore in ce of the usual un oidable delay in figuring cost e mater' i bought, the ma- chineRg chine show instantaneous) , both the number of yards m ured and _ e total cost, so that besides gupirdi our cu omers against, receiving shot measure, it prote s them from being over- charged. While the Measuregr ph has been in use in the large stores for the past three years • d is regarded as essential equipment in the selling of piece a, the Colborne Stare, as ever striving to- wards efficient service, has just installed the machine. Come in and see it. Our salespeople will be glad to show you the machine explain the working of this wonderful instru- ment. It is to found in the Staple Department. t. 1 e'f ,S we a ter Coats We are ah 'ng a wonderful range of Sweaters anct Pullovers in every wanted shade. These come in/ both ladies' and 4nisses' sizes. Never have we shown . much a range as authe present time. It will be a pleasure to show these garments to you. They will be found in the Ready-to-wear Department on the second floor. Voile Dresses Have you seen this wonderful range) ` If not, we invite you to inspect this very select range of colored Voile Dresser -They are made from English voile, which means the cloth and color is the best. This range has been -greatly admired and a great number of. dresses have been selected. It will be wise to inspect - this range at once so as to be ready for the real warm days, and also that you will have first pick of the stock. Any tirne It convenient Tor you to inspect this line it will be a pleasure to show them. ■ Curtain Materials' Housecleaning days mean (iter. tain days. Do you need n tains in any of your rooms this season ? If so, we would be glad to show the many curtains we have in stock and the large range of ma- terials by the yard. Qur is complete at the present time, in Madras, Scrims, Ecru and White. a Dress Goods on Sale - "- 1- Startiag Friday, May 21st, and con- tinuing for one week, we will have o y gale every piece of.- wool dress g m stock. Our stock comprises eioths suitable t,I for dresses, suits. skirts, •blouses and i children's dresses, in colors of black. brown, -navy blue, sand and reindeer shades. -Assts and black hind • white checks. -• The cloths represented are Serge*, Jerseys, -lour. g mains and suits, Tricotines,- etc.. EIe ' piece will be on sale. Now is the time 'to buy your Spring garments at a saving in price. They will be on display in our windows and on the counters, with tickets on them marking the reductions. ••• • Serge Dresses on Sale All our Serge Dresses will be on display in the Ready-to-wear Department on Friday morning at re- duced prices. They will continue on sale for one week at prices very mu.:h below the ordinary selling prices. These dresses are mostly navy blue. They are trimmed -. braid and buttons ' some are with trammed with em- broidery in contrasting color. Made in onepiece ef- fects or coat dresses. They are all new this season At the reduced price they will range from $14.95 up. Hosiery and Gloves• These are two -_lines that atenberaYs lane- We argoWe specialize in both these lines. Your wants can easily be supplied here. GO TO ' CHURCH SUNDAY MAY 23rd ' J. H. COLBORNE & CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY e • • LOYAL. Wedn eaday, bury 1A. Mrs. Roberts, of Detroit, is visiting her father, Mr. Fletcher Millers. of the stlt t•wn•twslon- Mr . George ('nrIcikld has returned from IW'troit, the are sorry to may she Is staler the d.s•tur'a care. Kilt WP hate• %III• will soon be able to ie• about. • A1•BI'ILN. \Ve.lrwet«hty, May M. 1111 everalnt of the fturernl of the late P. I1 \mine,, am N•elra'srlay, 211th Hist., meeting inthe Temperance Hall, Be.gIt. 14 Muir"'% $tort• will Ile fuels! ou miller, on May 6th. A special feature of \t,rualay, Tnesdny and Wednesday of the program was an address by Nev. H.F i nest week. Kennedy, of Benmiller. He spoke on the ideal rural life, emphasizing some things which would make life on the farm better and more enjoyable, st1;h as Hydro - The toueert In the hall under the Intsphew 4)1 the Methodist congregation woo w•eit nttn'trrlel and The audience electric, autos, conirttunity half, and nen" pl'Hse.1 with the gull programa better educatinnal cyatem for the rt•ndetstl. country.. He described how one hall was Anotlser Sad (:'vent. --Tire new. of run in the village of Brownsville. Ont. in the death of Nr.. I)nvtd _Al•khnr.t nn It was a library and different farms of `tahhath naMrniug was a ah.w•k to the amusement. This hall neat the centre of the community around it. There was considerable disrua'inn on communications recei'•ed from the U. F. 0. The next meeting will he hell on Thursday. May 271h. it is expected that there will be a discussion nn the tariff, aside from the regular business that night. 1 L Do not faggot ane her dat with itehln BI Ina, or Yeotre�, ins P11es. No sergleaI epees be. chases Oletanwfll rendseeti ism M on.'e and M certainly rnr*ew. e. a Dot; all deatera, or Filnianerm. Ateann. a Co, i.Iroll o•mm11nutitp 34 re Lts•khart was 111 only n fete .lays of Wenn', pra'nmonln. xhe was in her thirtyfifrh year and leaves her hn'hsmf,. two daughters' and two anon. The funry$1 taken plate on \Veltle.0ay efternnon\to Inion Cem- etery. We ectelsd OUT sympathy to the la'reared family In the lotus of a loving wife end mother. Death o1 Frank Muco. -Mien regret wIII be felt Its his old friends at the netts of the death of Frank R. Munro, eldest son of Mrs. D. b. Munro of thin village, *rhich took place at Vatw•onver. It 1'., on Tuesday of this week. The ile•eaaNed. who had gore to Vancouver Toronto. Asmp'e Ant risme 11 goo men /41,41 Te' In the hots• of better hgltb, was In tn. rim* anti emboss le. stamp topay pw"tr•e. hl5opitsl there foe shout all weeks. A • week agi, Ile took a turn for the worse anal panned iIwti as shine 'tatel. The holy is being brought to his mother'', home hew. -. and the funeral will take pinee nn Wednesday of tiext week. The interment u ill he at Goderleh. BENMiL.LER. \\'1t111.•cda y, MH y 19. The \-other', t1ay seethes held at Permitter nn Nlnalrit- 11I St w'na very mmp'it.t fel, gaffe a barge number of Isvgde• ittten.iinq 11c•r. H 1 Kennedy and Mr. (ie,rge Beata alteudeal til• Methodist (Hattie. mooting at Niafnrth on Tttnslay and Wednesday ay of Ihi. week. 111 r':, I' will Iced to Ik'n Iter on Moult ay 1•venfnq next, May nth. 11 I* expected the largest gathering the rflMge Ila• ever entertained will is' on hand that evening to do jietice to the big supper the ladipg art'prrpeHint aral to enjoy the eceelle•nl program to tip gireli in the McO110111 f church. Fames -is' ('Int is IMaeuaa the Tariff. Thr next regular meeting of the COI - borne Farmers' ('hu) is to he held at Ile: miller nn Thnrwtay erening, May 27t1, when the tariff will he llisetismed by Mill,. Helen ',Stewart. Mr. Wm. Young and Mr. (1. 1.. ).amt. Mr. Hugh stics owe a • 30111814COILIOHIS e 11111 will spra k on the progress of 11• fannersargot Ili/At lou aIII' a ',port far the past sic months' hnshless will 1" given by the auditors. '19i• (llclslim of the profits will' also) he made and It in hope) all the members will 1w present. as well H4 the 1,1111'- generally. OOVERNMZNT BONDS Bought and Sold A GENERAL INSURANCE BUS INESS TRANSACTED "Be a Mutualist" in The Mutual life Assur- ancejCo. of ranada PHONE 116 T. R Harrison WuS'T trTaF.il' OODCRICN, The Groceteria Cor. North St. and Square We have a full line of the best Groceries that can be bought for CASH, and we are selling them to you at the lowest possible prices. Fresh Cooked Meat$, Ham, Jellied Tongue, Veal Loaf etc., coming in several times each week. Kincardine Bacons, Hans, etc. PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK Fresh Frits and Vegetables of all kinds. Fresh Bread 12e. a haf. CASH AND CARRY H. McFADICAN Go to Charts Sunday, May 23rd ) 1