The Signal, 1920-5-20, Page 6ti '
11:ty Ill. t
Of Interest to Childless
Toronto, Ontario. -"I suffered for a
hug time from a female weakuniiiatia
flitansation, and a terrible he
awed by that condition. One y one
of your booklets was left at my door, and
I read hew other women with troubles
like mine bad been made well, so 1 got a
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and a package of Sanative
Wash, and it helped me wonderfully,
and I now have the finest little baby boy
that any mother could want. I want to
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compoiand to any woman who has
female tosubles." - _Joezi"u LA
SRLLA, '178 Shaw Street, Toronto, On-
tario, Canada.
The experience of Motherhood is a
trying one to most women and marks
distinctly an epoch in their lives. Not
one woman in a hundred is prepared or
undentrands how to properly care for
bereelf. Every womati at this time
should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, a most valuable
tonic and invigorator of the female
In many homes once childless there
are mow children because of the fact
that Lydia E. Pinkham'is Vegetable
Compound makes women nor m a 1,
healthy end strong, and this good old
fashioned root and herb remedy con-
-tabus as sateoticifor Vier -an&
I . A Flails llonor,—At Ike revue,
I monthly meeting of the Leeburn aux-
iliary of ihe ',V. M. P1. the swreitoos,
Miro Hetet' Clark. wri. preseuteil with
ti life errliriville Va1lW411
at $27..11111, ilotidield by Mr-. Keith Miro
tourvivii. of Nibra 14.•olia4. ill
Mrs. 1.1111.911. Mims Clark
ails take,' by aurprhai. 11111 expre,oaet
hor gra think. to .I vs. Hamilton. o in,
smote the preeintation. for the Immo
...inferred 1111011 Mks Clark has
been a we'respimill Ile rt. it MI
"Ir I Ile a II :V II i:1 ry
sine., il organimition teroity-rottr•oreire
ago the 27th of"May anti it wart verf
tilting that $111slaarillql la.:11111(1111y
remembered tiit (11r1111.r girl frleml.
111111 th:11 we 1 will honor.'
The meeting' %Ode riLlpllasbLed 1p UP'
priownee of Mrs. Mr. 1 Larkitt :Sea -
fort it.
• f;(110431,1CII TOWNsIIIP.
Turielay. May
The liwttire w.i.'annivinveil
be giilwal 111 Uniwili titi, ralt Ly Rev. Sir.
Moffat of Millf.teik dirt .11,iy. :Oats kite
been postpaurel.
lies Lillian Edward. of rtorbeich.
glen, sititaity will Mr. WWI Mr.. A. It;
A meeting of the Lillie.Stoi-iety
of Taylor'. Curlier will I.e held at the
Ammo ut Mrs. tttV Ukt uu,
iii',tttii Ility ?with. aelwiek p. a.
address and PreeenlatIon.-..A eery
leveret art evening wt. mi. -tit 111 tlw home
of Mtnoel Mr, H. t'lLitulier.. Ilitia
road. Alay 1:Ith. whet,
heir friends gib! neighbors g
tiarether prior to their departure to
tioileri. It. Tit,. following italtIt.'" tt 1,
n•ail by lir. rhas. White4 : •
nattier mad was able to Malik a garage
Limier its own gas. Mr. Hunt's family,
who were riding with him at the time,
were all thrown out of the tor, but
1'4,111111litre, eseapeil set:Ione injuries.
IConditions of Thin Blood that
• Could Be Corrected Easily DBITUARY.
SHIELDS. -There departed this life in
Are Stealing the Health and to eternal rest, on April 23rd, M a r y
Energy of Many Men and Shtelds, wife of the late James Shields,
Women, and Boys and Girls. wwahs°11;.):,redneineeGodasedher over er 01 township eighty six
hfty years. She
years ago. After her marriage she settled
in Ashfield township, where she resided
til i about fifteen years ago. when she came
to live in Godrrich with her daughter,
Anaemia, which iterally means blood •
I - • 1 .1 the tr t evaient
. , Mrs. (Capt. I William Baxter. She was a
,roubles of the present day. It tieglecteo kind and loving motter whom her children
it is apt to develop 'into pernicious anae- loved and honored. She is survived by
Mid. k•ne of *he IlitIlit boPolo at rh*ea+e*. five sons and one daughter : Mrs. Richard
While anaemia attimsmen awl boys. it Baxter. of Sandwich . John and Hugh
114 muttt
i,:dendi vah!,ernitsians ritoansug iyiiii..u.reirgy.;!;1:maanild wortri.tlittav ,and Llavid.
of Northern Wis-
imt, Shields. of Ashfield : Harry, of Dunlop ;
hoillielZratileo:r‘tilLe*trin' s•sigkrsro. s
fht.'llhisIdtrouknblowe l herlour years. The funeral took place
'n"."' -. Mrs. Wil
' liam Baxter predeceared
which makes its approach so gradually 1 from her home, Lighthouse street, on Sun -
and so itealthi4 - that it • is often tar 1day afternoon, April 25th,, to Maitland
advanced before the nature 01 the trouble' cemetery and was largely attended bv
nuttood; _ ."01O general symptcm of ; Goderich people arti a large number of
aerma is pallor. I'm chtrits graduaNY . her old neighbors of Aafie.ld. Rev. James
olio to lot/ and the lip; become Pole Hamilton had charge of tte services at
hite: WO tho ices of , color tnere the hr me and graveside. The pallbeartrs
a tinder cy to`fat gut, a palpitation were five grandsons ard one nephew: Will.
bear t J-tt ble,ttitiso:s6 after Bert. Percy and Frank Shields, Alfred
e rtion, with occational.headachet Baxter and Thomas Danby.
the Jre •sevete case* fafr.fing spells
frecuentie OCC:Ir - o
In ordinary anaemic coodilloot includ' I HOWE'S WT LONI)ON CIRCUS.
ing the arm m that affects young girls \ -
in their 'teen. Dr, Wil tams' Pink Pills —
of th
' sli
Moneler Attraction Which Will Draw
are an m remottd. Fresh air.
sunlight and Oohing trod will do the the Creates to Gederieh.
rest. Any .Woro n or girl taking Dr ,
Prominent ameng the circus numbers
W 11 tams' l'irk 's can tel by the
which will be seen here on Friday.. May
recnese ol lips that the pills
ale mellott her him d ich and red 2Sth, when Howe's Great London Circus
peehamimees. are
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Fiat
only -Osie for the name California on
' . the package, then you ere sure your
chit 1 L. having the best and most hann-
-_-_lees laxative or physic for the little
atomaeb, liver and bowels. Children
love its delicioes fruity taste. Full
direetiont for child's doe, on each bot-
tle lire it without fear
Mother: You must say "California."
The Arai:time mire and women must
guard ociastantly against Kidney trouble,
bemuse we eat too much and all our food
is rich. Our blond is tiled with aria
acid which the kidneytiarlike to filter
amt, they weakos from ameweeesk, bosoms.
Sluggish ; tbs eliminative tissues clog and
the result Is kidney trouble, bladder
w knetis and . general decline in health.
*When your kidneys feel like lumps of
lead; your back hurlA or the urine is
cloudy. full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three times
daring the night; if you suffer with sick
lieadoehe or dizzy, nerrous spells, acid
obnmach, or you have rheumatism when
Ise weather is bad, get frown your phar-
maciat about four ounces of Jitii Salt.;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act tine.
This famous salts is made frown the amid
of grapes and lemon juice, oombined with
lithia, and haa been used for generations
bo flush and 'stimulate clogged kidneys;
to neetralins tlih soils in the urine so it
so longer is a source of irritation, thus
ending Madder disorders.
Jed Salts is inerpensive; cannot in-
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lath ia water beverage, and belongs in
every home, because nobody can make IA
a mistake hy having a good kidney flush-
lag any time. Otte of. thr 1.-irtoitc h
We. yhtur fritwiiiis
here iwjetiiiii;
11114 1.011 ‚4',,11 y1.11 11 re1••
..1•V111" .1•1111r 11/111S1 1 111 \\ 11:i 11. .1.
11..14:111141r.. Ind Wo tyww.1 at' 115..
rani y torin.
-thy e--iki
1111U1U1IITrrY- Ws* -ill:a Vt.
r yowl wjilliwg'
ill la..!“01-1.1y wiite eire
:if frietel.. 1111.1 ilial wiisi
114111, of pillt, oli.149y net i.•.1r
of lie Mb mill' hipwrinese it: your :we
\Vt• Wish Biwa ,,e 311114•:-1••
or 'stet. stair iti 111..1.•
14.1,1" 114414 alisilals. tkri -
riins ask. yrnt. 34,114.11'11,11lills•rs. tes sir 'slit
tibia .1thaird sueL Mr -
ether., tIteorrrtuteli:rir at. at 1,1ight
tiiki•ti of the odiauit i.;to arelts't,f.
Sigaret- 1i:dull trli•wof. a twit
isetetitis ire Mrs. .1. S.limed wix.-yrro-tv":"-
it short tittle .ii
vtiire f
eirreerrly oeoret•
[SI erner.
. gays. titfare , 1 began
NI:tarns Pink Pi Is 1 felt
%kook of my former self.
thin and wateiy; I sutler
, and dizzy • pens. arid had
the use of Da.. and features by the LaDare Warner trio,
Ise a ,:umulere marvelous bicycle riders ; Stoles' & De
ty blond w„ Onso trio, in one ol the foremost and
from faint C-Icverest skating acts in the world ;
headaches Mankin and DeRue. famous aerial con-
tortionisttO Ben Hassan Troupe of seven
: atmost evrry da). 1 was !Ail clottor's
wonderful Arabiao acrobats; the great
medicine, but- it we. not helpin me and
Dryden in a most astounding exhibition
twati3thfems oand vraitqs mit-xtt,uracierh isms yaot foot
juggling. and Coy Herndon in
to civ' --up work. After reading an feats with rolling hops which baffle de-
; ado, rioement of Dr: Wi: innf Pink PIO.; SC
Thereareover 300 recognized perform-
, one day I-Ye:sided to give the
pi" a trial' ers. embracing a galaxy of stars.
' taking ;to, tom, 1 'tit that I was on the
Hue's Great London Circus payroll and benehtied. and cir;irtied their use
tit 1 was oced hea!te. The Ott). corne from almost. every country on
lolly restto
• certainty did wont( rat for me. and ; theThefit'b'eper:
formances presented in the
rprtczo?p(rn,rnese ifffr t her:: twoorahmigm.hiso.."pink
arena. which seats comfortably 10,000
persons. are presented an three rings, on
tratiiadnuapot.hey , two elevated stages, an aerial enclave and
, on the hippodrome track.
• reason an mealuab e remedy
norm fo'm d or dela-tent The opening number serves to introduce,
i 1
cmatiam. neutalgsa, after- the entire performing personnel in a
101 pageant entitled "A-rnericatiwiat--
lebe"7141111- --rfort"p,-TreteTor 1 r epoch in moving panorama pageantry.
aed cannot....juThe
At 10 o'clock on the day of exhibition
'Pills is
this one
are !or th
in diseases
mood. al
Mr. sad vvt risotto! jia o
fitting ilignnwr and after refre-innent.
%tele mut After stritibir
itith it till its. 111.1.1 ligi
ar.y bairolui tutu
the great street, parade will traverse the
mist •te dealer i
syst ni You can 'el Dr.
st iiroamo Perk rause aro, n, principal streets of the town, leaving the
meilmjne. or by snail eoceota a boa co., show grcunds at 9 o'clock.
set +w xes forOTIM.Efor: he Dr: WtlIcarnt I 1
Medic•rie Co . Brioi.vOie. Ont. • The interior t the r bouwwww
belay report. thel
:Job Isam 1:i tiv
Ninth' - -44a-rettatete.. tinKe
i'levelanal A Buffalo Tranelo...._
company ie now operating a daily
steamer genie.- lietueen elevetanil anal
The earn'. moist weather thiat week
is bringing vegetation along rapidly
and the town Is beginning to swoullne
it swimmer appearance. Early fruit r-
1.1„ ins ate already out.
•TeHows like we, who drive most aDik. time every day, and who '
mum keep down operating come to maks a profit, .ee tbe big advan-
cer col Imperial Polarise and Imperial Premier Gasoline. The rnore
you use the car the more highly you
will thick of Imperial products.'
Imperial Polarise Pays Because It Saves
ANY rtsotorist, who keeps a record of his car expenses, can quickly
satisfy himself that Imperial Polarine pays because it saves—
because it saves not only gasoline, new piston -rings, spark plugs and
other repairs, but also depreciation.
Imperial Polarine makes a good car better, keeps the motor in perfect
tune, thoroughly lubricated against excessive wear and break -downs.
It provides an unbreakable oil Mot which lubricates eery friction
surface --makes a perfect piston -ring seal and saves wear on mov-
ing parts,
What grade is best suited for your ow? Do -you Trnowr-tnalrfor-- --t-- -
the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations, on display wiser-
Atver,frImperial Polarine is sold, and learn the grade specifiedr-use this
grade exclusively and get the utmost service.
Four -gallon and gallon steel can., steel half -barrels and barrels, also
steel 1254 -gallon kegs—for sale by dealers everywhere. Buy in large
containers to save nioney.
, _ .__ _____._.. ---_ - -Look hei.e.- Sii) the !MO:
, Ne \ i $tiIiulny :et Vietoria street of tho 1,:teir to the to off
II" list Onirci, will I"' 11',""r sn"' yoi cf.! Vase safety mo'clies ?-
1(17. `Month* solde'l " -II.'" riort'll don t tett' at all."
of iste oienree.° rootrioo -n,.. si"t•" "Wegl, nta'am." said jh.
at-thr. -of Esther - , tauvely. "writ scout , on tave sa
nt mistreat 1
tiler. "do
'hy. they!
'1.4 • • ;
41 1.1 kilt to –Aee
the ffitr."
Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"—that's all! When
it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre, when ugly dandry'T
appears, or ,,your hair falls out, a 35 -cent bottle of delightful
dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair,
Oa &At* It' a beauty. Try "Danderine" and see!
W tio :HAW '
ittitinbige. widow of ib.' late.
11. died here on extroolay In
itt '711, yvvt. ,Tha‘ dere...ell Was liOrli
Iti Pontisy Iva Ma, 1..8.. :liming to
r rolls when ir •eliiirl lord void -
1 - r' ' riftPrldl YrWrs.11101) neiving
W !mit 1111 wOele Otbas
'iv fin& of !tor wiwwitiv.• When
111W11.1.11 )o•irit of age sive was m irried
4, 11 .M .. -,i#, Irian joollisteneed her
4,:trty-eighe-•yrooromm-o-ittre lea erre to
memo her lire+ a family of ele. two.
I 111 01,11 114 dwell 1. ha% lug died. Tbe
' tf41rnhitii,.Tiii : :qrs. T. I. Joh!). of
trinalioaii Mr.. T. itioefiegst mimosa%
NI, ••,.. . Meaford
Robert, Unr•raha 1 4 ult tiwis town : Gent y..
. odor of Iii,,ley pros., itnil
rank..4vvr.-to litof this toe n.
Ijiy. 'ow r sod by rue
, fiat .111 44,171417 last 1. 4001141 bY
lellw driver- for tio: molls Of flirt!'
t• 11 Me • ir '11114. et • •r Ottlf jitter
11,14 .1. when 3 ear MI Ily MY/ HMO
strip 41 by A iiiidee eat/ tt.utli
.114115 h 11-1 P.4 tit ICiwww-n•-•1
wy Mr. 1 . 'vine iedn front %%towels
tw rn end 'lie :.pie I 'tmi 55141,111111
n •1r ei,i,e0 El 11111e
(Edmos (Mei= heavy beds) (Era hussy body)
Pox. E•I - Iteat - 1.iht - Lubrication
Branclie ii .111 Cities
Built in Canada by ',killed Cancdian Workers and Canadian Capital
Gnet yon, stze ilteValite
IF you wt to judge motor car values. examine the
cars—cornpare them. -You can see the value in
the Gray -Dort. You can see where we have used
more costly construction ---made big improvements.
And you know the price is only $1465 (plus war tax).
Our dealers tell us that Gray -Dort value is creat-
ing a shortage of card. _We would advise you to
see the Gray -Dort dealtr now• . -•
The Gray:Dort 5-piaaaonger touring car la $4465 1 o.b. Chatham. (war tax
extra.) Ma 2-pamenger roadster is the same. 11. Gray-Dele3mocial.
with estra equipment and beautifully finished. la 1150 vitro T. vend -
aril. The Gray -Dort Ace the most beautiful light car of to -day. is
5255 extra ea the sesadard.
GRAY-DORT MOTOPI S. LIMITED - Chatluala. Ontario.
T. F. HOLLAND G;;;;;;;,;. Go;;Gri;
jig is
11111111111111111111114i ,
IIt7-4,1111111ria Poorl
.75 11