HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-5-20, Page 5---Developing and Printing CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE THE PENSLAP. ST;iFl Nest dtillar's Scotch Store Phone 90 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY KAT lard. - SensibleVJewellery i Perhaps you never thought of it just that • way. Some kiwis of je `ellerv, we admit. .eent quite silly and supertlnousand. still people wear them. 'RI 'to the w'ell'gt;otlnied ratan .Y 'woman. Take ill6 scarf pin and ring design. for eke (pie, neat. not gaudy. -but qui a the right thiug. SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS E. C. ROI:;ER SO V WATCHMAKER`.T ) miser Bast 3t. and Square -- eodetik1: . 1:1: I GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 23rd T»t AMU COME TO CHURCH Sunday, May 23 Don't Say Our Service is Not Worth While at the Little GODERICB, ONT. airy'. o I t tie i t the 'Women's rttttlhtto four moturd from Stratford to Gotte- o f \\'e-: H,:. i Wi..•yr.tr i• autonomist 'Arlt' to -the home ut Miss 1. leerier, as fpllow•s : Ktiitrll, Julie 17: Itt. 1 Mirk.. !Jule ls: $t. Augustine. June 19: Dungannon. June 21: Galerieh, .lune ; 1Aatitudolrro, .jou;• :N..: Itlyth. Julie 24.: A'inghrm, June 251. Th' uut- sI11,' speaker fur these meetings will h Mrs. 11.11. Prawyer, of Churchill, Ont. Organ Herbal. On Sunday evening text Mr. F.. .T. Egener will give the seventeenth "after Service organ recital" at Knox church. This Will be devoted to English can. posers. PROGRAM. 1. Concert Overture in C Minot Alfred Hollins Largo., George Ftedenc Heads' 3. An Elizabethan Idy. .. . T. Tertius Noble 4. Gtaatul Dance from the Indent1 �I MUSIC of Henry V1lh Sir ArthurWtvar s. Corunatu,n Prat March, .,,. :.....:Godfrey Baker -Deas. At tut. Peter's church. •C.rlerl'hr on • May 1111,, the marriage was solemnized of Iota. dhughter ot'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dean , to Mr. William Raker of town. Thr b,•ideswaiti was Miss Catherine Baptist Church l lauiga n. . Str41tf. 1I of cousin the bride: um r. Jas. Dean, of Detroit. waoi gIo44I.tman. The happy 'maple Montreal Street left oil the f. P. 1t. train for a trip to '1'..r. Ito and An their return will make, their hone 10'(;odertek. COME AND SEE 11 a.m. "The Practical Teach- ing of Revelation." "An Invitation to the Previously Invited." Bible School at 3 p.m. Judgment Gored, In (.;lees ('ase: Jmlglneut w.1s given today by Judge Dicks.n 111 the ('..untr Court efts of ' green v. Brawn. in which the plattttlff was \\'lingua Mull. Green. of ('dlhi ne 'Manta 1'etlr Green. en. also teat ;rill 7 p.m. 1 n A► .3(e - Wage' toWlls11111, 414141 the de James Green -and J.'..aie' ot ('ullatriets . ex•ut,ri of t testamly4ut of flit to .f o Hardy. The plaintiff $iert 111 as farm help In 1916 and 1017 Muir, the Tate Johu A. -N1clf udgm4nt was in plaintiff's furor H.11l and cost,. er and Light Comaaisslon. the regular meeting of the water on Thursday list Young People's Meeting at 8 tit • LOCAL TOPICS. .%t tlw Harbor. ' Tht• steamer Home Smith arrived 4)11 i Fti1L•.y with 2451!MMI 141,41141. of Wheat and oats far the elevator. and the :Matthews• arrived .the following this with _IW14MM8 1111+h41s .d Wheat for the t lour \!ills. The 1larti:ul arrived t..liy with 26.0110 b1,-h.•Is' of Wiest ,rad mal•• for the efevatur. Iluminion Day ('eiebratien. Worship Mayor \Vigor is cultism 111.1ic meeting for the Purpose. of .king preparations for the, eetetWa- ,i,4, .t(--Dontiui.ut-- itaF _1n. i tMtetitb: I Ili, Meeting will la held at tint town ,nnctLrhaLdsr on Thursday evening _of twat week: auto it is hoped there will I.i•. a large attend ince 'of 'those infer- Exeter Times ! %'zea 1''..• t ..s;- i PI to. • I , IT1 .7.1...1u1. td•• _ . y- a 1." . r 'a. Nl 1' .,illi, 1 /Per' 1're".""i'••I 1" the lea-( asetuhou - ueT*b yid l.r t\'.etters: floc 1art'r b.. at ('amp itor.leh. afar of tb.. 1' ,iL 1 hi- 4,1.. in ll'.ul. e. w 111 1 .rive th.'Ir1 ea.- 1.1\tall.•1•. of 1''1 ••h:,., t.!..1 mill, um., -h! A his ly. where a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and ND.- I,. king wilt reside al Owen Souls'. Verse Goderteb Hoy 4 Getting Ahead The 1':setting News, biscuit :1te..dlarie, 'Mich.. lots the following reference to a former G.tlerielt boy : "Willard S. 1141(1artntd, 349 west Sprues.• street, who for the last several tmlutits has lawn attending the tinted Ntetes ShippiI,g tt.atrd school at De- troit. returns{ to this.t•hy today bring- ing with. Ido lila third mate's papers, entitling him to will on any ttrau or towstwbee vessel 1'eg{aarilloss of tonnage. Mr. Jlcllartald ha+ ,.111..11• the Great Lakes awl tw',lul for some time and Is Itroud . of lobs wuct ess at the t raining school." ' Mr. Mcl)lurnitd Is the slid of Mr. alit Mrs. Norman Mi.Dtarmtd, formerly residents of ills town, now .tf Sault Ste. Merle. Ile is only tw-euty-thr.r• years of age and is to be i•ougratuhUtvl upon his Suel'ess. We understand he expects a tall - to sail o11 an 04.4111 steamer a• s41u11 all the matt gi1.•stton Is sett1.r1. Doctors Need \lore Money. The d.t•tors have joined the crowd who are advent mg wages. The Huron ( out►ty Medical Assot•ialiuu mel at M{utnn last week and amwig other. things deeldtal that they would Wive to al%au.k their f.w►. Tllrr.• has been wort teeny^ no change In their charges since (afore the war. unit as the tips* of living is adorning rather than lessening. while the. cost of drugs. and otter materials iereanary to their work has i114rt•use4 'enormously. they feel that it is only fair that they should receive more for their .crakes. as well as...Albers. to enable them to work to 111. last advantage for -the good of all. Sii hereafter as Other consultation will t $Dai to Shoo; day visite in town applications for Plectrk light service were resrivell from the following r.si- denty of Saltford : (:eo. fowler. %V.'.1. Symonds. Wm. Dow, 14. Turrelland Wm. J. Mcl.eau. These, and a Mon - lar of applications from town rtwideuts. were. i' "''l by the 'umulisshw, 1t was (Welded e0 engage a third matt at the power plant, 11111 no• appinment was mane. A payment of $24100 -to the 1'roviteial . ('omwtsslml oat pt,wer arrc..r: was pa)sld. The Hospital ('ansae. Altlg.lgh the c•auvess for the new sLem.• of mrmisrshlp 1a the hu•+pital association Is not completed, about two. 1 Iced memberships. at $.' each. lave been mecum!. and the member,. of the traded are hopeful- that . (lie desired nnlulicr_N'ttL ' obtained. ,1 1'..1111011. trrasnrer of. the board, has r,r•,•ii-t'.r- applications for mrmlarsllip from the folluw•hlg 1p Giros out of I..wir show- iltg their hel lfil interest in 'the•-1n,s- pttsl project-: Mus. tlti: 14. Miter. Mho.. Hernia Trainer. Miss 1.. M. Trainer, .it (•hazy. N. Y.; Mr. O. H. Fleming anti Mr-. 1'l'miug. of Windsor: Mr. .1. A. Ifnnt and Mrs. Bunt, 111 Lundin. tacking -Reading• vera quiet but pretty wedding took place at Stratford, at the tonne of Rev. Mr. ito1Wes, on Thesllay. May 11111. when 7gT.v1 Bertha J{radtng. orf 1nrrts- ton, was joined In wedlock to Mr. Ih'm� 1x411 !Asking. of I iw.•n Sound. The yyonug coaph' were Attended by lass tnez 1'nrtrr. of lk'drrirh, it 4 -Mer Ernest Taylor: of On -en Smoot. After the no -enemy Thr wedding party w'en11 .40, friends of Nibs. l'orter's, where a 1 delightful 11111'11 WAS served, then -the 111 lult•llig a-fTttlift -ePteltratinit^f4 the aatlonal halid.ry. Women's Institute lie tits*. ' The list or nievti11s to It'..held nude Kidney Pills are x is imitated, shape of the me- Dodd's tions are Dodds ita. of Dodd's - legion. _ _ The the outside coating an pills are imitated and the n Kidney Pills is imitated. Im 'dangerous: The oris nal is safe. Kidney Pills hare a. reputation. tors have none or they wouldn't im Scethey trade_0j the reputation of Dod Kidney}' Tills. rio got be deceived. is onfv one r,or-ryS. Dcdd'e, is original. Dodd. i , the name ful about - .111111111111111.1111111•11&. I „""4•0".04.0.4404 -THE - e. he Thursday. May 20. ON 5 -,y xxcxsxxxxxxxxxasaxcxsgcxxxo EAST STREET GARAGE IF YOU WANT A NICE, NIFTY CAR One that you will be proud to drive, get a GRAY -DORY Accessories of all kinds Oils and Greases at the right prices Fresh stock of Columbia Dry Cells we hate on hand a good stock of Dominion, Michelin and K. & S. Tires andTubes All kinds of Repair Work Promptly Attended to • and satisfaction guaranteed. The ''Reliable:C. C. M. Bicycles are sold here, and we have a full line of Bicycle Acces- sories always on hand. Genuine Ford parts. ----Give us a trial and you will come again T. F. HOLLAND GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY MAY 23rd. KXXXxx xxxxxxXX are etivan•01I m $1..'.11 to $'20M); night vlslts 111 'p.m. t s a.m.) to half as much alter• thou- Au,-vlaita. For ••ouutry Visits there. will i , xddv4l to these fere 7 N• to $1110 a mile one way. A normal confinement i11 town will laid:11II11 to $251.00, while in the country mileage as above will to added. Anesthetics for dental work will now 'cost from $11.1.4) to $111.10 an1T fou ii,l other rases sumo b, $'=•;.IMI. Other firm are wlraneed prupurtionutt•Iy. mut 11113' uiodk'tnrs- or weir appliances supplied H111 emit extra. Mr. ',Vin. Prendergast. It A., of IW Norma! School. Toronto. visited ib hrotper- 1 -taw Mr. James J. Kitlorata, Manua twrote. . Mir Mrs. "+fico\ R'ipen's. St. Vincent' street. las neturucd from a Threea months' visit to British. t•nlahia. Her (laughter,- law. Mrs. (i. 1N. Wil- Iwms. and child a, of Dayton, Ohio. with .her during a portion of her . to it -the Chest:\ -_- - 4 In Martin you find that exclusive patterns. superb colors and unique textures go hand in hand with the est tailoring,best trinir and- guaran- tee' &vice. -- -. KIDNEY_ PI odel Theatre Program; FOR I ltieltiMay 24th to 29th • MOND.\ 1 :11141 '11 ISD:11 SPECIAL HOI.1I %1 �Ra TT(•T111N The .•1111-1 :11111,4,1 1'k1ure "BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY Are you tir.4T mf «1 fl1;afir Me Ir....! Is )t Then 41c this 1' Sixteen u• of WHti Amin -tat- ' minute• Iu 't ,111 Story. 1:rt•at. .g Sled Ito r and lhog Fight I Scenes .11c1 - lid Hy 11c1-rally taken Ile,. • t1, 1'ir"1'' - Also FPiSODF 9 OF GO TO HUR SUNDAY, WAY 23rd Birthday Wedding I Anniversary Cards Sympathy Coratulation I Announcement Post Cards, Folders ' Nom, and' Booklets t t.1Tv WHITE ST ;717IIl11T Annual Excursi Goderich to Detrol -AND RETURN The largest and most artistic' lines are to be had at 4 - SMITH'S - SMITH'S ART STORE East Si. ' Antra MS i1 • °Rila0a," Go to Church Sunday, May 23rd' • ,.Or .tow: - - 'Is= LF B'° STEAMER GREYH' UND "ADVENTURES OF RUTH" Prices for this Special: NIon. Matinee'---('hildren 13e, Adults 15c $:venings-('hildren Zit', Adults tet' Nee pay war tax. Hedripping from t1 -.e stream and rtoptoeJ lc *ward atc st 1e her Suddenly en seen mDolores chasm ing the ro,'ils a great bear rose, g tN g iirl snuggled behind it. NEVER A FILM LIKE- THIS Story of Dolores, the swinlnlillg gitl of tCanadian wlesti W110 tltSe love Of e:tsta (heals makes them her friend's and protectors from men of prey ND VILLAINY A TALE OF LOVE \ " to God •� � Country �iaekits "Gnat 1101 ke•epmg " ily Jas Oliver Curwlood Adapted from the stop• of "�C.t1'i, the \Calm•. PRICES' MONDAY, 24th, 3 p.m. -Children 15c.. Adults 25c. 3 MATINEE. Adults 40c. We pay War Tax. EVENING Children 25c., GotoChurch Sunday, May 23 LE OODErcii,ti Staunch, Saf Speedy and Comfortable E VE OODEKI�frlf WILL Tuesday,June 1 Sth,9. 3 a.m. WEDNESI)A'%' and THt'RSDA1 tern R. DeMille's Production " FOR BETTER OR WORSE " STARRING , sllfott Dexter and Gloria Swanson Supported hy 'RAYMOND HAI.TON., TIIEOI41R14 ROBERTS, WANT►% HAWLF:1 Also Capitol Comedy "HE DID AND HE DIDN'T',' AND BUY - Pure Drugs Medicines, etc. and the best of Toilet Articles at - Dunlop's Drug Store FRIDAY and c TTI RDA1 Vdsniek Picture ALICE BRADY in " WORLD TO LIVE IN " - AlliO COMED1 111111111.111111111111111111. on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday Arriving sort Huron 2 p.m. Detroit 6 p.m., E.T. Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday,, ti ei7thr 1 p.m. Detroit Time $3 Round Trip; $2 One Way INCLUDING WAR TAA The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit your friends, and see big, wonderful Detroit again. Now more than a million people and growing so fast in population and riches that it is destined to become the world's largest and greatest city. "Dynamic Detroit." " The Hurt of the U. S. A." Band Moonlight Out of Goderich MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 14th AT 8.30 Orchestra for Dancing in Steamer's Ball Room. hours on beautiful Lake Huron, 50c.