The Signal, 1920-5-20, Page 31 • TH SIGNAL : - GODZRIafl, oWr. Thursday, May 90, 1900.-3 Stiffness It is a,tom.hing how gu.ekly Aboard • Lou. Ment r.lw .,. ,ut. o re and Woe,.. Gives Great Relief kw A. R M.lnn,. 70 1'.,tA..G ye t „t, teras. -'•M, hwtsna1. tat Mu -.d . l.e.u.“t h. Jr..• r,w �iu tr.ed.d one- - ,v sets% "� .. n >e.r r pat ❑ n r,.ew se..y 1 ew -j . ace ta. Mud. Oa _ - en nts ,y he.,ey ,fact... r. rade !r .tel l .n ,..sad rd..,d ,n.ad,aley .fur lin, .Wiw.i N. yowl .r .•r•,. water I t.s�"e .etred a tu, ,•only wee. •11 v.. de,t,p e', say u.1.t t.er.ro .vise .acct . ,on. et Na, e tpJ ...est pass dot ytu..rd' . sad reser. en 4/1 • .9 MINARD'S King of Pain LINIMENT Yessaouth Nora Scotia MEDICAL. T R. GEO. HEILEMANN, OS1E0- PATH. inert/dist m women's and chttdren' diseases. acute. cis( mc and her sou. dweasel. eye ger nose and throat, parnal dearness, lumbago rbneuaw t,e conditns. Adenoids removed ▪ the- S..--4 is- t loom• ,fie Hssreya. Thursday. and Satudays,any evening by aMssauyent DENTISTRY. pit. H. G. MACDONELL-HONOR Graduate teonto University Graduate al College of atal Surgeons. aaoearur to the lade adapt side (ltbcot corner aeeereand Nest street, (rodent b. • AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GCNURY, AucTlu'. Ek. Mea 1. GoMtch. MI instrtwtieae by tea. or dlra1�Gaice will be *n meow eowto mama= Weeeisne LEGAL. . G. LAMERON, K. C.. BARRIS- Tie k. ..., sur. rotary pubh (lake m Madtoo tin ,t.r GWu,. h thud door from Mare. 1 t u.1 ,111.414 io was at Wriest rat- a. I) C. HA 15, - Ltt. YAkk1S1 F:k, SOLICITOR, NOTAIllit YLbLIL, LTC. Oatce- Ste/ hr g'hr►• kik u1. Pawaoo Street GatlinKb. Telet,hwr as. meal Estate, Lona and Imunnce. P HUIDECO , KILLCRAN & CCOKE B ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC:, ETC. Ossa cm the :r,uare,.ewodsdoor from Rated on Street. Godersh. Prorate funds to Ilan at lowest rata. P. Pso(mt ooh, K c'.. 1, L. Ktu.osaes H. J 1) Cuuaa. 11IIARLES GARROW, LL. B., BAR. a4.RIb111,R. at wino. so/tutor, etc.. Godermb ., based at lowest rales. SEAGER. BARRISTER. SOL- l1a 1C.:11014. nougt tabic and conveyancer.Oleo-Court Novae. Godench. us.l'ln • INSURANCE LOANS ETC. McKiLLOP MUTUAL. FIRE INSUR- AycE CO -tum and twisted tows prop- eet/ insured. Oboes-Ja, CunooilY, Pres, Godench P. O. 1.s. Bvasa. Vors-Pres., Beechwood P.la;Jimmies aHaya. See.•Tren. Seaturth P.O. Directors— ll. F. I.tc4reges. k, k. No. a, Sea- erth. John G. Geieee, No. 4. Naiton; Wilhagt! Rano,, It. K. No. Z. Sealorth; John benneuiea, Brodha{en: Geo. Mctjrtner k. k. No. S, Sea - astir. Hobert 'retina Hewlett: Malcolm Mc - II wen. Clinton, James Egan. Beechwood, James Connolly, Godericb. A1enis: J. W. Yeo. Godet.ch; Alex. Leitch. R. R. No 1, C hnton. N ahem Chesney, Seafortb R H,nehky, beaturth. I'ohcr-boldeta can pay all ad at s Form, and tettheiri, r.. Cs ClintonR` H. Cuutt�s G▪ rote'', Kingston ng Grocer'', Ken non erect. Goder,ch, or J. N. Re.d's General Store. bayheid. Brophe3 Bros. tae Leading Funeral Directors sad Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. GODERICH When a man is prosperous. he at- tes hs uccess tohe hits the bumps he says it's is own hard THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL. By lan Dunrlm. Ottawa, May 17. -Looking tanned and the very picture pf health, Sir Rogert Borden is back in the capital and has already begun to gather up the loose ends of work which was awaiting him. 11 appearance are any criterion, be is tit to resume work, and persons who see him daily say he is as well as he looks. Just how far that resumption will be carried out, however, remains to be seen. When the Prime Minister went away some four months ago, he intimated that his return to office would depend upon the veteran parliamentarian, Sir George I SHE HAD SUFFERED THE LATE CHAS. F. BIELM.%N., Foster. FOR ELE1 EN 1 EARS. NW Sir George Get 11 This daddy of the Unionists has shown Only Weighed lbw Hundred Puuruls- a wonderful rejuvenation both in and out Elijah sinew' Praiaea Tanlae fur of the House during the most recent Restoring Wife's Health. absence of the chief, and, while there are other claims for tete leadership wh.ch are -As long as 1 •live 1 will praise Tanlac bound to be pressed strongly both in and for what it has done for my wire,' said out of court, there is the ever-present Eu1.ih Mitchell, Oyster Road, Joddere, danger o! a split in the ranks should the ttautax county, Nova Scotia, Canada, choice fall on someone who will not be recently. Contuiuing, Mr. Mitchell said: acceptable to all parts of the machine. ' For the past eleven years my wife Sir George has succeeded in healing many has been in extremely poor health, near -breaks and is being strongly• urged Everything- she ate disagreed with her as the man for the job of holding together and she siWered terribly with indigestion. what is left until the people are consulted She would bloat badly with gas after every and say whether or not they will return meal and compl inti of a heavy feeling this crowd or another. ood Mutation for Increased Production. Honorable Simon Fraser Tolmie, Minis- ter of Agriculture. is one member of the his health after a stay in the South. The Cabinet who is the right man in the right only statement that he has thus far made place, judging by his love fur agriculture. When the House took up consideration of with regard to his intentions was to the his estimates he read the members a lesson effect that he was "back to work." on the merits of the humble cow which Whatever plans he may have up his had the city men gasping for breath. sleeve in regard to the future he is keep- Cows of the scrub variety and of the ing them pretty much to himself, and =15,000 kind were equally familiar to him and as he knocked the one and praised will ikely do so until towards the end of the other he gave p.enty of evidence of the month, when he may take the Union- being closely In touch with agncpllure, in iso members into his confidence and lay awerell its brawhatnches.was neeEducationtiesucceand ed, exaasmplehded, e the whole situation before them at a told the House how much more profitable party caucus. at would be to the country d the farmers Time for a Showdown. were taught to do things properly. The Now that the Premier is back in Ottawa, there is a slight tendency to demand a showdown. During the last few months Patty_ has bet:aheld together largely by a feeling of loyalty to the absent, but that gripping force has been somewhat shattered. On the surtace there as little to indicate that the Premier will not gel that a proptr education of the farmers all person, and she says she feels better in back into harness and the whole Unionist over the Dominion, which should result every way than she has in yet rs She just like her f had fornted into a lump, and she would have the worst sort of cramping pains. Sne was bothered with constipation s0 bad she had to always be taking some sort of laxative and at times suffered with intense headaches. She was so nervous the least little noise out of the ordinary would completely upset her and she would tremble all over and be- come weak after the least li'tle excite- ment, and was so restless at night she could get but little sleep. Sate had fallen off from 140 to 100 pounds. and was in such a weak condition and so badly run- down she was about as near a physical wreck as anyone ever Lets to be and live,. She would very often have to give up entirely and go to bed and at one time was confined to her bed fur four months-. "She had taken many different meds cines but none of them seemed to do her arts and agricriltuie estimates call a particle of good. Well --I • had been for $3,903,000, In addition to reading so much in the Halifax newspaRee $1.100,000 which is authorized by of the good Tanlac was doing otheis t�Iah statute. This is for experimental 1 got her some, and while she has only farms, entomology, development of the4. taken five booties tt is ,imply remar Head of the White Star Line. Whose Name Is Familiar in (.uderkh. Charles F. Bie!man, whose death is announced, was nut only one of the best- known dozens of Detroit, but was widely knoan throughout the Central Wes!. He 'was general manager of the White Star Line of steamships, and was a former president of the Detroit Board of Com- merce. He was city councilman at the time of his death, besides being the vice- president of the Federal State Bank arid a memher of many clubs. The thousands of pleasure -seekers who visit Tashmou Park every season will have occasion to remember Chas. F. 'Sidman. for it was 'through his foregght that this popular outing place was diode possible. The property of the tate Charles F. Bielman was almost -entirely lett 'to his widow, Katherine Bielman, with the exception of $1,000 to Mrs. Sophia Sphinks,$2 000 to the Little Sisters cf the Poor, and 200 shares of White Star Lute stock to Charles F. Bielman, jr., who was alsoiven his father's automobile and the mail boat bearing the sons name. -Great Lakes Weekly. '14'I gorry, I'm tired'"`said the hurl and after the ' day's work. There you go! You're tired! Here 1 be a-Etandin' over a hot stove all day. an' you're, worki in a nice, cool sewer." -Good Morning. Impossible. ad where a prominent doctor ex • s wearing tight shots will aftett girl's brains ; tt{at- dairying and similar industries, and other how it has built her up. works which the Department proper, s "She is gaining in weight and strength For gals hat have brains do not purchase for the year. Dr. Tolmie told the House every day and looks like a different tig h shoes. machine : un smoothly as ever. but behind in increased production in every section can eat anything she wants and never the scenes there are signs of hurrying and of agriculture, would be worth $.50h.519.• suffer any bad after-effects. Her nerves scurrying to take advantage of this or 748 to the country. Phis was estimated are getting in fine ccnditicn and she can that situation, and all this leads many 'to on the basis of so many more bushels of sleep as peaceful as a child all nicht long. think that other things are on the tapes, grain or potatoes, so many more pounds She never comp'ains of a pain of any t The return of the Premier has not of beef, pork or mutton. and so many kind any more and has not had a headache poured oil on the turbulent seas of gossip. eggs which could be produced under since she started taking Tenlac. i gas Rather it has "riled" them anew and better cond tions than thoee now in badly worried over her condition. and 1 Expert A there are all manner of guesses as to vogue.- cannot tell you how thankful we both are what will happen and who will be the An Increase of fifty bushels per acre in for the good Tanlac has done her," ' The curate prided him leader should Sir Robert step aside mud Canada's tato yield would mean more T,minc IS sold in Gtalrrich etc E. R. torical powers.He was hand the reins of office to another. In the A este of Energy. • Mr. Bats-" show your wile your house." • Meek-Nadi She knows." ought to brace up and is running things at t isn't necessary. than $38, 000 to the country, while tet hope of holding together all the present the additional increase of five or ten adherents, it is thought by many that Sir bushels of wheat, oats or barley would Robert may stick until the end of the bring that total to $233,211,082 for session. or. if he goes, then the mantle- potaloesand grain. may fall temporarily op the shoulders of OVER -ACIDITY .! obs Omni r upset maw a Nights mei. II Prem memsebbriesid- dieembed. glee M se blase KI4IOIDS on the eoago. slue retains and or lay n.kea►mg coop- The purity steel gsodner of Llwe1i pwarasld by scorT & Books tahaJW OV SCOTT'S Raf Jl Raincoats for men ata ' ;/ remarkable price MN's Tweed Raincoats. The coat is cut in the single- breasted style, .a loose belt with buckle._ Sizes 34to42 at $12.45 and $16.45 Wigle and theleading druggist to every (ul. u. Improvement of seed, cultivation, ler- r tihzers-all had their value to the coun- try, said Dr. Tolmie, who also impressed upon the House the value of proper gration. Men should be induce) to come to Canada who would make good as farmers, but this country did not want more of the snap -box orator type. There was less unrest among the farmers than in any other clan in Canada. said the Minister, but there was need for stabliz- t I anion of the industry. The House was duly impresssd by the battalionaf figures hurled at it, and accepted the estimates of what improved conditions would mean to the farmers of Canada. Thr Budget This Week. The budget is promised for Tuesday From time to{� time Sir George Faster has I whispered tette the badger would be down on this or that day. A short time ago he announced that rt would be down Mon- day, day, having been held back a few days to give Sir Robert the opportunity of casting his eye over it. Then he ode what he said would be the final statement in this ee. f on his orescribing the downward path of the sin and used the metaphor of a ship drifting and going to pieces on the rocks. A sailor in the audience was deeply interested. "The waves dash over her!" bellowed egard, and told the House that Tuesday the curate. -Her sails are Spices -H-er next was the great day.. From then on, yards are gone ! Her masts are shivered and for three weeks or so to come, it it, Her helm is useless ! She is driving r T,t: ,*ems no ,I+ope•. Can nabs dot tj . ?" � 1 he tailor rose`iticavahis seat,her his eyesAwrild with excitement. "Let go the anchor. 'ye lubber !" be shouted. anticipated, there Will be talk cn top of other talk. The members on the front benches. together with those farther back, will want to say their say on the budget. The Liberals whisper confid en - rally that there will likely be splits in the Government ranks. ani Government,'' supporters aver that the Liberals from I`•, Ontario are not in accord with the views' o. those from Quebec. Mackenzie King has a difi'icu t task ahead. The platform laid down by the National Progressive patty presages a ow -tariff amendment from Mr. Crerar or one of his follower!, and the Liberal 1 platf ,rm as laid down is sufficiently like that of the farmers to create an interesting I s matron. Apart from any danger of a split within his own ranks, and there have been prominent Liberals going here and there ' about the cr-nittry preparing the people 1. Purity ! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guarantee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertifement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials -for the soap boiler -for the expert chemists -for the girls, even who wrap and pack Sunlight. Insist on •• the Soap you ask fore --- -- for a move toward "mild protection," whatever that may mean. King faces the n danger t 1 alienating the farmers' affec- tions, if such things exist for him, and BY. Da. VALENTIN& More. disrupting a near -union between the two • sections now in Opposition. Whatever • the outcome, there will be oceans of talk, for the great and wouldbe great :rust all advance their views on such a subject, Strong Wome flea's Fawn Raincoats. Made in single-breasted style, double -stitched seams. Sizes 34 to 46 at $7.45 M. Robins South Side Square - Goderkti (yPEN. EVENINGS Go to Church Sunday, May 23 Go to Hs Boot Shop for utiafaefn in Footwear. Go to Hern's for Trunks Club Bags, Suitcases and other travelling goods Go to Hern's to get your boots repaired. Mr. Jack Hall does it and does it right. AAP HERN'S BOOT SHOPz Women and men too -are just as strong and healthy as their blood. Vigor and health come with good blood. Without good red blood a woman has a weak heart and poor nerves. ' In the spring is the best time to take stock of one's eonditioei. If the blood is thin and watery, face pale or pimply, if one is tired and listless, generally weak. a Spring Tonic should be taken. An old- fashioned herbal remedy that was used by nearly everybody 50 years ago is still safe and sane because it contains no alcohol or narcotic. It is made of roots and herbs and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If druggists do not keep it in tablet form, send 50 cents for a vial to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo. N. Y. liMCXXXXXXXXX Of Course - You Want First-class. 1 Photographs. fl We Make Them J. T. FELL ■sl to 1 Franehlse Not ]•et Settled. in the meantime the Franchise Batt not likely to be disposed of. It has'nos reached the stage where comparatively few contention s clauses r. main to be disposed of. The lists clause, on which the Liberals are staging a healthy fight, was before the committee for some time, and the net result ori Wednesday nh was an evidence of blocking tactics which. appeared when the Minister sought to hurry the clause through. There are several amendmentscertain, in this clau$s and there is no hope of passing it on Monday afternoon, which will be the only free time before the budget is brought down. Liberal members from this or that section of the country urged the Govern- ment to accept the system as it worked in their districts, but Hon. Hugh Guthrie held firm. Mackenzie King suggested a conference between the Minister and the Liberals, when an attempt would be made to fit the clause to the needs of the various Provinces. That conference is to be held before the bill comes up again. Much Wotit Vet to fan -Dines' - There is yet a lot of work ahead of the Commons. In addition to the budgo debate, which will last anywhere from that we, ks to a month, there are most of the estimates to be put through. and also whafev.•r legislation may he based on the report of the special committee nn pen- sions. The order pater already contains a lot of legislation. se me of it important, in i he form of res- lutions on which bills will later be based. so there is work ahead to keep the legislators busy Inc porno time. 'The chief Government whip talks of getting home by the end of June - here's hoping PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH TsIH Hew To Opoa Nos- tril. sad Fad Herod- o1Jg. Yon feel Ane in a few momenta Yoar told in head or catarrh will be goes. Your clogged nostrils will epee. The aft pismire of icier bead will clear and you eau breaths freely.No more dull - sena headache; no wking, snnIisig, mucous disobarges er dryness; no strtsg' gling Inc breath at night. a Tell your druggist you want a Ma battle of Ely's Crean Balm. • Apply a Henle of this fragrant, antiseptic, enami in year nostrils, let It prmetrwtw through ge every air passaof the head ; moths sad heal tea swollen, inflamed memos a ethraea, and relief Domes instantly e it he lest what every *MA and eatarrls 'wf seer Hoed& Dont May Muffed -up sad miserable. R Stomach Disorders There are no remedies- or med- ictnea.so effective for the treatment for the various Stomach Disorders as Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills. This we know, from the exper:enc. we have had from these preparations and from the know- ledge we have ot the action and medicinal effect of the different drugs and herbs fist Into eke ocrmrww on of tthese twrotgo'woodertul roamedfeS. The Appetite May be either exag- gerated. peverted, dimkniehed or en- tirely lost, Lbws preparations will resume tt. The °audkton may be either Acute or Chronic or the Nerves supplying the Stomach may be defscttve or there may be Gas on the Stomach due to Fermentation or Decomposition of Foods; no matter what the trouble may be this treat- ment will tone up the organs of the entire syahem and bring back tie giorkins good bealth that yon so mach desire. Pain after Eating, Vomiting. Grad- ual Loss of Flesh and Strength. Dyspepsia and Anaemia are some of the Symptoms of Stomseit Disorders that quk'kly dieapprar when you use Hacking's. in order to reffect a cure. however, patience 1s as essential as the right remedy and anyone who has been ailing for any length of time. should not ex'pec't to be erred In a few demo. Roy 6 boxes of Hack- ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy and 3 of Hacking's Kidney and Liver P ills and give them a good trial. Re auto to get Hackings. R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds up to date for Teleuhones, Horglar Alarms, Police Patrol and Firs. Alarms Systems. Prlvato HrAid••ncesand P,usinr'ss Places -a specialty. All Work Gurr nteod. Electric rrrma. Toaster. (irllit. Fans. Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines, PlasheIghte a n d Batteries of all kinds always on hand. Ring rip M1 or 193 and have ns give you an estimate on yonr wiring. it will be done ght. Robt. Tait Wes Street : Nest Poetofftee -" " Phones -Shop 12, House 191 VISIERass LIVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO ss Cori !- "What time does the tie come in here. Mr. Fisherman "Why, you young rascal, 've told you three or four times already. five fifty- five." Little Max-"1'es. 1 know. but do so like to see your whiskers waggle. Mr. Fisherman, when you say 'five five.' " Hopeless. -When 1 grow up, and marry. mother. *III 1 have a husband like papa :"' "1 hope so, dear," said mother. "And If 1 don't marry, will 1 be like Aunt Sue 7" "1 hope so." •'Graciou, "' said the girl as she turned away. "w hat a he I'm in !" C. C. M. Prices Only Half Those of Twenty -Five Years Ago Twenty-five years ago $100 to $isQ was paid will- -- igigirfar a bicycle. . ose days, riders took pride in their mounts. They carefully examined specifications and equip- ment before buying. Then came the slump! People became careless. Any kind of a bicycle was thought good enough. Price - cheapness -vas the main consideration. The Bicycle of Quality Has Come Back To -day the bicycle -the bicycle of quality - has come back. Riders are again taking pride in their mounts and showing discrimination in their buying. They ate demanding bicycles built of the high - eat grade materials, - a11 parts accurately made. • They are demanding 'bearings that will not only •. run perfectly when new, but that will confine', tie run easily. They are insisting .s -bi- cycles that are not - only easy and comfortable to ride, but with a quality of materials that assures safe- ty in riding. They are demanding bi- cycles that will retain the bright lustre of the show- room product. In other words, Canadian riders are insisting on C. C. M. Bicycles - the Standard of Canada -used and sought for by Bicycle Riders in all overseas Bri- tish possessions. , C. C. M. Bicycles are sold at prices consistent with C. C. M. quality. To pay leas is to risk - disappointment. ( RED BIRD—MASSEY—PERFECT Cu V EGA ND—COW MBIA 90% Made in Canada -100•"e Value Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Limited WESTON, ONTARIO Msatreat Twist.) Wiripeg Vsseaswe Bicycles== We are dealers for C.C.M. Bicycles. Give us a call. EAST STREET GARAGE OoDE R IC H Save Your Shoes ---Buy a Bicycle 1f you are interested in Bicycles, we can show yon the very hest valise on the market - The Cleveland. Also Bicycle Accessories, C C. LEE. GODERICH