HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-5-13, Page 7Garage Phone 83
House Phone 336
it ��
John Griffith, an old resident o( Howick
township, died on Friday. April 30th, in
his seventy-seventh )ear.
While at work sawing wood at Ethel
station, Ben. Hollinbeck was struck by a
flying piece of wood and his left arm was
Mr: and Mrs. Edward Fletcher, who
are removing to.Seaforth from Ethel,
were made the recipients of an address and
a purse from their friends.
Robert Webster, of Lucknow is moving
to South Huron, having purchased John
McNaughton's farm of 240 acres on the
Bayfield road in Stanley, for $15,000.
Mrs. William Somerville died suddenly
on Sunday, May 2nd, at her home in
Usborne township. She was in her sixty-
fourth year and is su:vived by her hus-
A lantern upsetting in the mow resulted
in the loss of the barn belonging to Fred
Mahood in Howick. Besides implements
and some cattle, Ii00 bushels of oats and
200 bushels of wheat were destroyed.
'there wits 12,000 insurance. but the loss
above this amount will be heavy.
We are the agents for the Chevrolet Autos. Call or send us
word and we will demonstrate to fou.
This is th• Garage to save money on all Accessories, Oils,
Gasoline and Dry Cells.
We have them in all mals, at lowest prices.
is up -to -dale with good mai-haws, quick service and satin
faction guaranteed on all makes of can
New tires, new tope. Have been overhauled and are iu
good condition.
We handle genuine. Ford parts.
Agent for the Willard3tOr` —gee Beam • ' .
Re�afir Department.
Childhood Constipation.
Rev. J. K.' Hogg NUM the officiating
clergyman. .Lir. and Mrs. 31air %111
Wale tln'Ir house et 411e111uIc, a twee
the gruutu le employed with the G.T.11.
W. G. Huy of LolkIUf, a returned
moldier, jaw lea slvl the Graben House
anal will take plesessfou shortly.
Jane .tun Falconer. widow of the
late Iticharel Brigham 01111 a former
reideut ut Clinton, diel at 14,101111 11111
May 1st at the age of .IKhtythre
)141r1. The remains were brought to
Clinton for Iutt•rI .IIt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. t'rbh and )IlaeJutw
left last week for Coelrrara•, where they
intend making their home lit future.
Mr. l'rlch has liken up a grant .of
Government land fu the vh•f111ty of
Cochrane from wbie•II he etpe is to cat
a •qusutltc of pulpwood.
Miss Sarah Ann Beacom died in the
Clinton hospital on May 14t. She had
undergone an operation successfully when
pneumonia set in, with fatal result. The
deceased was a daughter of the late lames
Beacom of Goderich township. She is
survived by three sisters and three broth-
ers: Mrs. J. Sterling. Miss L'lzzie Beacom
and Rubert and David Beacom of Pick-
ford, Mich.: Mrs. Nelson Yeo,of Toronto,
and John T. Beacom, of Goderich town- I
ship. The funeral took place to the
Bayfield cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGiII left last
week for their horne at Saskatoon. after t11 q'herbs, n, ,tor interment.
spending the winter months here. it was
Anderson is survivedby two daue�
almost ten Yeses since they had previously M. :111M. Belden. of Winnipeg.
Constipation u one of the most tom- visited Blyth. Mrs. la.we%ry-. 111 Lindsay, alai one w
mon ailments of childhood and the child The town band is being re•organilted Harry. rrI 3[inuru{r+lls•
sufleei ng from it cannot thrive. To keep f� tne season. Mr. T. J. titKhsl�.itss __lyqu [ibm s•gr[ y uhl+l have
the children well the bowels must be kept been appointed leader. agaht lawn woTur►Ilrryinentttlr wusio.40ugiing
regular and the stomach swat. To du
Ihta nothing can equal Baby's Own The death occurred on Thursday. And to farmers near Lower Wingiuim.
Tablets. 1 hey are a mild but thorough ; 29th, of Miss Jane Mains, after an i8• 1;e ....tree Finley hall two ealvl•s severely
laxative; are absolutely sate and never mess of many months. The deceased was t,,, -i, u few days ago. and 1111 the pre"-
fail to relieveconstipation and indigestion, born in Hullett in 1862 and spent her .1,t ,M -erasion a herd Is•Iunging to Isen-
tolds and simp'e fevers. Concerning them entire life in this neighborhood. Her home $1111 i'ruikshank wait attacker]. I Ow of
Mrs. Jules Fauquereau. Nommingue, had been ,in Blyth for tee last thirty the cattle in its flight ran into a fence
Quebec. writes: "My baby was terribly years. Two sisters and one brother sur- rod was injured. Ilii,-. Fields' IurKc
constipated and suffered -day and night: vive her: Mrs. Roland Cook, of B1 th; hent Naw arse+ ultalkcd. tlith r
was advised to pve him ribby s O,wru Mrs. John Cowan, of Montana. and ad towards
Tablets and from the first they helped Mains, of Hullett. ulght the leuder'of the d1,Ks dogs -was su
him and now at the age of boy."
tel killed.. The animal I,eIw as W
months he is a big, healthy. happy boy•' mated.
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers EARLY SYMPTOMS
I au d the iiN is rs of the other dugs had
en Kerr, of Turtilarry, it is
or by mail at 25 cents a box from the thew titre up list once. It i$ auu!n11a•1.11
Sr Williams Medicine Cg.. BrockvUk. OFBLOODLESSNESS' that unless they tart• 011 its yevl action
Ont. wen ter tairatraa.iaa-t Ilse -.wners.
J. Livingstone appeared la'fur• 3leyer
1;11n10v on Monday and wit: Yloed $�'i
atat costs for 'Teed illa Ili$ .'el'.
\V,,rshrp is acting since the et'slguution
of Magistrate .1 A. Morton.
The/pasty. May M, 14'-4
frequently follows the neglect of
an Injury. Germs and dust get into
the wound, It begins to fester, blond-
polsoning sets In, and sometimes
the Ions 961 limb is the result.
Safeguard yourself against such
a possibility by applying Zam-Huk
at on,'e. This antiseptic halm de-
♦stroys all germs and prevents fee -
tering and blood -poisoning. Then
the healing essences promote the
growth of new tissue and It Is not
long before the wound 1s com-
pletely healed.
Zam-Hut should be kept handy
In every home. omce, store and fac-
tory for cuts. scratches. burns,
scalds and bruises. it Is equally
good for eezema. rashes, boils and
ulcers All dealers, 60c. box.
• tWe
have;up-to-the minute styles in Spring and Summer
Suits and Top Coats.
The place to -get that Shirt you have been wanting, M
in fact, anything that goes to mane the
. (: Semi -steady Tailors and Gents' Furnishers ••
LI'(KNt►W. Shown by PallorloE�e Faitate
D. Matthew Blake, M. P., came from and Lips—How to Obtain
Ottawa a few days ago to make a short New Blood.
visit with his mother and other relatives
and also assisted in a surgical operation Anaemia, or lack of blood, is so gradual
on his nephew. Blake Alton. of Ashfield. in its approach that it is often well de-
ruralJohn route No. 3. the ma recentlyce on veloped before the patient is suftciently
entedwith a Lurse o f was . alarmed to consult a doctor or take proper
pre by some fa purse of money made treatment to restore the blood to a healthy
- ' t)p by of those who take mail along � coition.
tet route. The presentation was made at The earliest symptom of anaemia isI lhrllwTtywTa> 1,f 1st- work It.gfwnitl
the f acda. trill, where a pray a I � of color, especially in the lips, gums Knight. eft FiUll1)r• at1 Miss . iteetorkt
out.and speeches and music was carried and membranes lining the eyelids. rhea itowcllffe, duuirltter 1 Mr. and Mrs.
out.. , 4 comes shortness of breath on slight exer- t[at road
-- Mr. Mrs. J. G. Andersoe have tion, such as going upstairs. palpitation tea+nth, were united *sirib/te a
{ ret rem Winnipeg. - , of the heart, increased pallor of the face 1 it trth. hr lel t -- C. irria to a
j J. G. Armstrong had his right arm and lips. It this thinning of the blood is After the honeymoon tel She young
1 fractured white cranking his fir one not corrected it will proceed rapidly until
couple will make their !Mina to the
--{evening last week. a complete breakdown in health follows, residence oft 311$11 street ncentl) Pthe
The Clarkson family of Paramount when there may be disorders of the n' id.' a Hn Mei l'axu.
before their removal to Lucknow were stomach. headaches and backaches, diz-hoed fel _ J"hli 4.* of 14w Angeles.
I >Maited upon by a large number of friends a rules and fainting ompt sway
is. The most to increase and l'alifurnia, i$ visiting his father went
and neighbors and presented with an effective and pr other relstivri, in this district. He
address and a number of hartdsorwe ta. enrich the blood at a time like this to had Iw'eu away front lseter for ct. H -
• • through the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink had years.'
SEAFORTH. Pills. These pills have restored to good
health thousands of weak, anaemic The draft occurred at London -u
' Miss Isabelle Cummings. a former Seas people, among them Mise Mae Johnston, April 'Seth of, a of rw ims* Ex t.'r Etta
forth girl. has been appointed to the of Port Arthur, Ont., who says”Be. woryau, Ju the 1
•1 important position of secretary of the tween the ages of sixteen and eighteen 1 Welsh. wife of .Jahn RatiMMuv. She
' Department of Agriculture for the Prov- worked in a telephone office, and it was was in her twenty-fifth year and leaves.
ince of Saskatchewan. it is said she is very trying to the nerves and health. 'J •besides her husband. thaw small
the first woman in Canada to be appointed became bloodless. and so pale that friend$$ children.
to such a positron. Miss Cummings often said 1 looked consumptive. One J. A. Mai -donate( 'ter several years
eat to Regina from Seaforth twelve night I had to be taken home from the act•ttihutaut at the Exeter brunch of
y ars ago and has been in the Provincial office, and a doctor was called in who told the Rank of l'onnmere, and bitterly
nail service for eleven years. me 1 must not go back for a time. Some- Malinger et - 4'r1•ditoa. hies Is•t•u t rsi►w
Risbert Johnston and Miss Johnston times I would faint. and to walk upstairs'-fi'rrvtt to Lusltl•urti. Sssk. Ihdore his
are leaving for Hamilton. where they will would leave mer touttterlly breathllg ess. y As ' departure
I pa ture Ii Iwai prow-wed
un a ite'nf his old
with -
reside 1(i (oldest Mr.idntsJohnstonSehas been old amt aypp%
one lot t e oldest residents of Seatorth. one of my girl friends. whose mother had trll•uds, who un•r at the home of T. H.
One of he most serious fires that have used lh. Williams' ink Pills with great, Newell for taut purpose.
visited orth in some years occurred benefit. advised rive te try these. 1 took 4
he pills very faithfully for some time.
here on e l today morning he last week, ith the result that they restored me to , S('HOOL REPORTS.
when tete lar brick mill of the Canadian go d health, and now when anyone tells
the'FlaMine ass sited, int the east end of I the that they feel weak or rundown I I S sittgjs the rrpp(L{or S. 5. No.
the town vas Su completely destroyed by 'always recommend Qr. Williams' P5 LL, Ashfield and Colborn ,fur the month
fire, The a is supposed to have origin- Pills as I feel so thankful fur the tIs are graded as to the
Med from spark from the smokestack oft The pups
__ a__ aswhich was by the they gave tneo .'' number of slaty obtained_ One white
.,w,:...e .--. ' -- - u you have a -- - symptoms - _n subjects
out at the side the' building to dry. In Miss • Johnstont[Ir t "d1 signifies perfect nal to five
described by each day. 'One red star is .eq
a few seconds th fire was loads by the building up the blood with Dr. act ones. Those marked • have missed
mai ;ince belt th ugh the loading shoot Williams' Pink Pills. Eat pour- white ones.
Jr. \'.—airked Eby 2 r. 3 w:
$offs ;;i s. an it
and almost imine- fishing food, exercise a little in the open , se fY• Aa elector '.— r ce lw. Sr. IV. B
i (Batas the whole b tiding was a mass air daily and watch the color return to —Laura Graham2 r, 3 w; Bertha Foster
o[ Hemet. and men ma th r esca le. the- cheeks and lips. You can run -no risk int 2 ow: Kee -So -Foster 3 w 1 er "ClarenceaFo
1 fore of the made t it escaper Be giving Dr Williams' Pink Pills a trial, as 13rnneit 1 r, 1 . $ter 2 r. V ; an 4
t fore an alarm was turned yn the fim had they can not injure the mat delicate''$ B< Instt r, 1 Eby 'S r, 3 V J , n 4 w.
• m it h such way in the ng+r10 theble lack
of system. You can get these pills through
sal that the firemen, owingto lite lack of
Frank \'r POInallany dealer in medicine, or by mail at. 50I
1 r. Sr. 'L—et—Je n'2 r, 1 n Elmer Graham
an Ledoor 4 r; "Alma
cents a bete or six boxes for 12.50 froth Johnstone I r, 4 w. Jr. L—Lloyd Brindly
the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock. 1. r, 4 w: `Clayton Foster 1 r, 2 w. Sr.
vine, Ont. Pr, --Roy Eby 3 r, 3 w; Teddie \'ronman
3 r: Mabel Foster 2 r, 3 w; Ruth Foster
2 r: Jr. Pr.—Richard Cousins. A. M.
KNIIITEL, Teacher.
Save -F iel and Food—
Itnla•rr .111tkins, a pioneer of this Ab-
trict. diel sip Turnb•rry 011 Saturday
in his eighth•
IwIel 011 311111111
1,1- wit. \Ctn.
12.' to Wiugham 7metery.
t year. The funeral was
is from the residence 11f
tt Jenkins, cuuertsiun
Branches at Montreal, OtfaA,
Winnipeg, Caelgarl, Port Arthur -is -SU
To Ladies!
This Is a result of the lackof
the ordlaary red corpec"
le• in e
blood. The too frequent n"Rl' t
of this complaint. especially in the
case of growing glrle Md )oung
wotnee. Is trangbt with the great-
est danger.
Poorness of the Blood
must lead to weakness of the body.
General Debility and such a run
down condition that thesufferer
falls a prey to almost any D
disease — especially Influenza.
Colds and La,OrlDpe-
Fainting, Palpitation
general disturbance of the bodily
functions. headacheshysteria. Pale
ad sallow complexion, pallor of
thee (estrum and Itpa, pnrinees un-
der the eyes and earw u urmur
are generally aaoc
It.Ja Le:niL-
w oheals-
Is Omit
Y anter
teals Mr
ise7 ars
la weal,
a great
Hacking: Heart and
Nerve Remedy
Is the most reliable medteine to
use it will bring back the reel
cheeks and restore Vitality
Visor. Do not be dlscsonly a
oursill oed and
do not worry for YoeIn
wove. Place your confidence et
Backings Heart and ese tock that Remedy
for it Jahappiness of good bate the t the DD macb desire.
held* that Yoe se price
8111 a few bO2bosontO'aay.old b1
Lee a bot. 6 for $2.60• elaby
all dodders or b7 mall, Do
Hackings i.iwttted, i.1stewel.
Jumpy Nerves!
If you get startled easily or
,.lump" or "scare" at the least
little thing. it means that your
Nerve Force is weakened_ and
spent. .I►
Your !Waves control every Men-
tal and Physical ocss thhatt takes
place within you—if to the
Nerves were cut leading
Heart that organ would *ever beat
again. Without the Nerves you
could never See, Taste, Smell or
Hear again for It Is upon the
Nerves that every sense depends.
If you wish to build up and
strengtben the body you meet put
new life into the millions of nerve
fibres that lead to the Heart, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Liver
and the other organs.
yb7 taking hisyou
can quite easily
do six loos treatment of Haekings
Heart said Nerve (tweedy. It will
take sway • (bat tired feeling,"
banish those pains in the bead,
Increase your appetite, hely you
W sleep better, sat batter sad live
longer. few dollars le eom-
What o a we offer
In• n
to your health,
for your
yen s p )flackrelga remedy Heart and
Illness In Hacking'$ to Health
Nerve remedy. The road
ad Happlae'"• is yours 1f yon will
but believe
on wi11 hangs you from
at. This wooderfal
Weak.iNervosa or Anaee to pre''
e ms to orae tall of lafe. Vitality
and Anirmation. it will bring back
the Roses to your Cbeeks by In-
creasing circulation
and purifying
the blood. Better get a few boxes,
sew, when you think of it. bet be
a tor
Hackings. Pries Sec a
sun is
or $2.60. Sold by all deal-
ere or by mall, postpaid. Haek•
lags Limited, Listowel, Ont.
Is. Your Mouth Tender?
Are Your Gulnhs Sre ort •
Are Your Teeth •
If so, you have "Riggs" Disease, pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth. and
Riggs Remedy for Riggs Disease
Why when you can easily treat yourself u, the nk nf,nrthodand{
privacy of your own home by this sure, safe and Da
which will give yo'.i immediate relief ? Write
144 Carlton Street, Toronto, Out. I )
PYorrhso Specialists
fire protection in the outskirts of the
town, could do little with it, and hi half -
Ian -hour nothing but the bare walla. re-
mained. The brigade, however,` 'did
succeed in saving the engine room, which
was separated from the main building by
a fireproof wall. For some months the
mill has been running. day and night.
employing thirty-five men in the day time
and some twenty at night. and there was
still about two months' work ahead to
finish last year's crop. While the property
was fully insured the indirect loss to the
Company will be a heavy one. as the mill
was a modern one in every respect and it
is difficult to obtain new machinery at
the present time. it is understood, how-
ever, that the Company will rebuild in
tim- to handle the new crop. as they have
contracted for a large acreage in this
vicinity, which they are now seeding. and
are anx`.ous lvobtain still more land from
the farmers.
At the home of Mr. and, Mrs. It. A.
Hell. on Wednesday. May 11th. their
only daughter, Jean, was united In {%ptulxtfon of 22*►•
marriage to viol ?Antis of Allewtd*I1,
,1111 of 1;ir,rgt' Slide of the Huron road. rn Has
oink 'Iptk iiphtbtoiig of ha �•tIt.' Wia1nge111 f Has
11,1'. year. which is an ftwrt'aee of 110
acres over laid year.
Mrs. Neil McLauchlin had the misfor-
tune to fall while going down the cellar
steps at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
R. Thomson, and broke her right arm
near the shoulder.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Petrie and da
Miss Margaret. have left for In
Alberta, where they will make their r
for a time with a eon, David, who has a
farm there.
Information from Ottawa is that the
new postofftce building which Brussels
his for smebti expecting ThHGoverrt nmentBids
shirt of funds. The
AMMeteor Iletean bug returned his
roll for the year, 1t MI111WM a total
aeeestn11•nt of $1,042xet1 and n total
��i�weaned.ess sod anti
Scott's E�midsios
the world - fuser wit -fled,
is the ttiim'al mew ef t m1-
ScoHi dyes or four *nee
dole, Was •rte—tea
dries inatamaraise
satisfaction out o
1 it
tins GO1D )ffithltoot _____
First -Class materials and skilled
J_ �
workmanship, coupled with perfect
41 igis / balance, make "GOLD MEDAL''
'e III - Tools best for every farmer.
I Ease of motion and ma
' eft—! ! work are the rule when you
"GOLD MEDAL" Tools, beat
-y rll�ll) / • 'E ► 1 of their right construction.
Mise Isabel :MacDougall, who has
graduated from llnI'•o'a University.
IS Melton. expe''ts to leave title summer
for Smyrna, Turkey, to engage ht utl"
efonary work.
At elle Presbyterian mantle on Werl-
riewlsy. May :db, it,,. Itr. 1'errle
Malted to marriage Miss Vera Elisabeth
IMrldson and 1;Purge W. l'0e1'trt,
both of town. The happf l
make their home ht Whtgham.
Richard Anderson, a former well-
known resident of WIngham, died at
the home of his daughter, Nes. Lowery,
at Lindsey, on May 1st, aged elghty-
twe years. The remain* were brought
"AlMlif L�
`3►Dry i
For Salle at First -Class Hardware Stores ;
Ask your neighbor how he likes r'
the "GOLD MEDAL" line. Heavy
duty tools should all be as good an
"GOLD MEDAL" quality.
All Sensible Farmers Insist 1
Harvest Tools
• r
• r