HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-5-13, Page 31
Thursday, May 13, 1920..-3
It beg maniac how
gurkly Muurd'. Lief.
meat "Bose. tug -
Dem and iarnaner..
Gives Great
te.. A . Caw., T6
Pot R„ . t,..�my.pp, R, .
l•d M -ad , L tone ,.
eN,"nd,..1. a,
rut rwdt. I ..nde el
rag gr M kw rM.,..-
t.m. ad 05 ..e that
r. p.w ,,e.t reset."
❑ ❑
M" F,.d ',ammo; a.. 71r. Turned. nu. —
"1 .ea..N ,en emelt .n► ,1... rf 1r. uM
am r.s..a :ragelea1, alter W., velar-.,
p wt maggot Ism, op r. (Ace
.r.. ww ta.-,r.d,t to Mol. L,u..t are
rM ...obi psi* Mort Mead ..,i ,,L,, r.
tam a.•
BY tan Dune's*.
KMg of PDM
Yarmouth Aloe. Silty
PATH. epeculne 01 .omen's and children'
Camases, acute, chronic and Daltons diseases, eye
ieose and throat. partial dearness, lumbago
rheumatic condition.. Adenods removed
.inset the knife ()Noe at rrudence. corner
Nits.. and St. Andrew'.etreeta. At home othce
Monday.. Thursday. a.1 latudays,..y evening
by appointment
Gradu.t. Toronto Uruverwty. Graduate
College or Dental Surgeons.
S.scceeeor to the late Mass Sale. Oa♦ceseeroet
Seam" and Meat meet, (alders h.
eft a
t tekpbo.e 11a.
R, Goderick. All nwtrucutats by sail or
eaiOese lata 1.e pros,ptly attended to
• TER, gar. nary pubis . Oise
Stress. teoderib, thud door hew
Iftenera. Trust I 'okra at bent rali
ruin. • edit:.
Ola-Sltrhr.g: Bank' It 5, llaaaltosi Street
(te/erk'k. TeleOtomss.
Baal Estate. Loom and
Oise on the Square. ..coral ,dun 0
.. Street. Goner M h.
Plicate funds to loan at lastest rates.
w,Faouoaxn, K C., J. L K
H- J. U. COMM.
ii.kyttsi ER, sttornay, .041utor, etc., Gtlderich
loaned .t lowest rates.
• ILITOK. outcry. puss and conveyancer.
Oise -Court Howe, Godertch. ut-12m
Ottawa. May 10 -The man from Tem-
iakaming, Angus 'McDonald, has made s
hit 'kn his first real move in the Howie.
Mr. McDonald gives every appearance of
being a , man with the courage of his
convictions, and one who is not to be
awed by Ministers or others who may
perhaps know the political game better
than he, When he does not like a thing'
the Honer has come tid expect him to say
so, and to say It to a way which will not
be mistaken.
Begot his first chance when the Senate
bill to amend the Industrial Disputes
Act came before the Ccmmons. There
was an amending clause in it which pro-
vided that a board should not be granted
unless the request was backed by the
majority of the unipn. Mr. McDonald
did not like that. He said it was taking
away the right of the tndivndual work.,
and el the small gr up of workers. A
body ul men working�on a mine property
in the centre of a camp, for instance,
could not ask fora conciliation board
unless they were sup'lorted by the major-
ity of union men in that camp. He
therefore moved an amendment to the
slinister's bill whist made necessary the
majority vote of tt)e ern affected, arta
the Government accRRpted his amendment.
McDoeiatd is piain-spoken and know
how to address his II House. He made a
good impression on his first effort in the
Green CLamt.er atd los further words
will be looked forward to whenever they
Progress lbw.
Gillis Mill in the committee stage.
Progress is slow when a bill has to be
piloted through the House by a Minister
whose thoughts run more to financing
railway purchases, and who has to pop
out every rxlw and- then to consult the
Labor Ministerlwho gazes down helplessly
froni-a seat in the gallery.
fader the ruling of the Speaker. Senator
Robertson. Minister of Labor, has n0
more chance of getting within the sacred
precincts of the Parliamentary lobbies
than has any mete newspaper man. 1
has its drawbacks, this having a Minister
who is not of the common clay, as it ora
AbicEceloscrane and re Mated towo p[O¢a
w insured.
tGera-Jas. Conooly. Pres., Godertch P. o.:
a-. vacs, Vsss-P oa-,Bmttwood P.O.; Thome
IL ye. Sec.-Treas., Sealant P: O.
Directors -D. F. McGregor, K. R. No.:, Sea-
tlrtk• John 'i. Gree.. No. 4, Balton; William
sled . R. No. a, Seatorth. John Beonewtes,
ten: Gee.McCrtney. . R. No. t, See -
Robert ver aJ
Clmta:ltxens, Beechwood; mes
Conly' Godereh. ersh: Ales. Leitch.
AaeA o 1, an n; William Chesney. Seatwth:
R. it NNilp . S ton:
E. HtiitS a. Sedorth. cards
holden can pay all
ppaeymenta.ard {{et their crds recopied at R. J.
a.orrwe'e bothing Store, Clinton; R. H. Cutt's
Grocery, Kt ton street. Goderich. oe J. H.
Reda Genera \Wife, Baylirld.
1 Pro
Was All Run Down Alter "Flu" -
In Perfect Health Shire
'raking Tadao,
According to the tesuniony of the
multiplied thousands who 1 a ve used it.
there is nothing more intlf�orating than
Tanlac to persons suflenng Irom Inc
after-effects of grippe. influenza, pneu-
monia, typhoid fever and bronchial
troubles, or who are in a tuudown con-
dition from any cause.
Among the many hundreds of New
Brunswick peop e who have realized the
powers of the medicine is Mrs. Agnea
Hanwood, residing at 61 Marsh Road, St.
John. In relating her remarkable expen-
ence with Tanlac, :t1r•. Hanwood states
that she has not only gotten rid of all the
after-effects of influenza, but tnat she has
tem gained t eenty pounds In weight.
Were is her statement:
I "1( anyone who reads this statement is
iivafenng from the effects lel the 'flu,' 1
I want to advise them to try Tanlac, for
that is the medicine that gave me back
my health and built me up so wonderfully
alter everything else failed to help me. I
had three attacks of influenza and was
' down in bed from December, 1918. to
April. 1919. 1 was sq weak I simply could
not walk: my appetite was gorse and 1
was so sick at the stomach all the time
that 1 could scarcely. retain a thing. My
nerves were so completely shattered that
the closing of adoor or just any little ndise
would upset me. 1 had fearful headaches.
with the worst kind of dizzy spells, and
my condition was mast serous and
c (stressing.
-One day my husband got after me to
s trjlsn sa ins that other people were
getting g Irom it, soTBegi taking it
and the very first bottle did me a world
of good. My appetite soon returned. 1 got
so I could eat without having that
nauseated feeling, and then 1 commenced
to get back my lost wt ight and strength.
I ha 'e taken six bottles of Tanlac now
and my headaches. as well as all my
other miserab'e feelings, are gone. I have
also gained twenty pounds in weight and
ant feeling str, nger ani' better 'hart 1
had for years, even before 1 had the
'flu.' So now that 1 have tried Tanlac
1 can conscientiously recommend if 'to
others who are waiting for something to
relieve their suffering and build them up.
It is the only thing that ever helped me
and I believe it will help anyone in a
t i rundown condition like I was."
Taulae is weld in Gtalrrlch by
Wigie _anal the leading druggist In
• ereryttuw y.
�Tf1�M1 r ..seer •a dise•eite
ma. • gum digesston is weak er
saris ell1RAbestir els iasis and w
iia new ea r new apodies
114minnt to wilewliedilvo. Int
Ekeeside hap Ilgusive wanhit a a Delos ileal
Mel We stsarr • Iswt u
NA11w/ M l Dor
Brophe3 Bros
lite Leading •
Funeral Directors
sad Lmbalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at. all hours, night or day.
in Round Mashers.
Motorist (arrested for speeding) -"A
fine morning,isn't it. Judge
Jude-"I'r is. Ten dollars, to be
aincoats �.
for en ata
remar , able price
aimed at O. R. Gould, the Nations -
gressive member for Assiniboia. who had
told the House that he had signed an
agreement whereby he would resign on
the demand of seventy-five per cent. of
his electors. Government supporters
raised their hands in holy horror at the
mere thought of a man agreeing to resign
his seat under any circumstances. This
left a man with a string on his actions,
they argued, and therefore he could not
do the best for the people of Canada as a
whole. because he would have to watch
the interests of his people at home in
everything, lest he should draw dowel
their displeasure.
Dr. Michael Clark, from the N. P.
b:nehes. threw his hat in the ring with an
announcement that he would feel ashamed
to hang on if any reasonable number over
half of his electors wanted him to quit. It
was i hiefly a matter of the recall, and
Dr. Clark warned the Government that
there was such:tithing as recalling a whole
Government. He really did not blame
the present Government supporters for
being afraid of the recall.
After the usual amount of cross -Wring
between the Government and Opposition
benches, Hon. Hugh Guthrie said the
amendment was really aimed at secret
agre menta. It had been argued that
they were no more than pre-election
pledges, but there was the fact that
election p'edges must be given publicity to
attract the voters. He was not very sure
that Mr. Tweedie'a amendment would
quite fill the hill and he suggested to Mr.
Tweedie that after tele full discussion he
had provoked it would be wise to wit h•
draw the amendment. In this Mr.
Tweedie acquiesced. but first he had a
lot to say to Dr. Clark and a lot more to
say at him. The doctor from Red Deer
had got under Mr. Tweedie's hide. there
was no doubt of that, and it took about
Ralf an hour for the tatter to say what he,
could think of Dr. Clark.
Aimed at Secret Agreements.
A little incident which just about illus-
trates the genial "Red Michael's" met hods
in such a case arose when Mr.Tweedie said
'Jr. Clark had accpeed him of chang-
ing his mind like chain lightning. Dr.
Clark rose to a point of order. He had
not said chain. but forked lightning. and
did not want words put into his mouth.
However, if Mr. Tweedie preferred chain
lightning he was willing to make the
1 hen Mr. Tweedie wanted to withdraw
his amendment, but it wis very evident
that its defeat was retain. W. H. White
(Victoria. Alta.) protested that the Cal-
• gary member onlfwanted to withdraw it
Ito save defeat, and be demanded a vote.
The result was that the amendment was
drowned and r a storm of "noes" in an
oral vote.
Ind this has been made 16M, duds' The Eranelthie
the debate on this bill.
The Franchise Bill is still dragging. Half 9 day was spent in fighting out
Occasionally there is a spurt. but for the the clause in the Franchise B(lt in regard
most part it is a case of shelving the con- • to disfranchis •mens of women who had
tento,us clauses until a later date and' become British subjects by the natural -
passing those which can be taken at a ization of their husbands. There was a
gulp. strong fight on this lam W. U. Euler and
Discussing the Recall. others, but the clause was still under fire
when the house rose at 8 on Thursda
night and Hon. Hugh Guthrie left the
city f r a few days.
T. \l. M. Tweedie. a corpulent lawyer
from West Calgary, raised a hvely
racket in the discussion on this bill when
he introduced an amendment- which
aimed to disqualify every one who had dared
to sign an agreement with • anyone in
which he agreed to resign his seat on de-
mand if certain things hapoened or cer-
tain ether things did not happen: in other
words, if he failed to toe the scratch to
the liking of any number of the people at
Chiefly of cclarse. the amendment was
Ma's Tweed eats. The
coat is cuti since
breasted style, a lows -
belt with buckle. Sires
34 to 42 at
$12.45 and $16.4
Men's Fawn Raincoats. Mane
in single-breasted style,
double -stitched seams.
Sizes 34 to 46 at
Pimples and Eruptions
Mean Bad Blood
People who have impure or impover.
jailed blood should be careful to take
only a temperance remedy made of
wild roots and barks, such as Doctor
Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery is
and has been for nearly 50 years.
Ingredients printed on wrapper.
The first day you start to take this
reliable medicine, impure germs and
accumulations begin to separate in the
blood and are then lapelled through
the eliminative organs.
In place of the impurities, the ar-
teries and veins gradually get fresh
vitalized blood and the action of this
ood blood on the skin means that
pies, boils, carbuncles, ecsetna;
r , acne and many skin blemishes
wil disappear. Then you must te-
mem, r that when the blood is right,
the liv stomach, bowels and kidney$
become • earthy, active and vigorous
and yon ill have no more trouble
with indi . ion, backache, headache.
Get Docto "erce's Golden Medical
Discovery to -day at any medicine deal-
ers, in tablet or liquid form, or send
10c' for trial package to Dr. Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel, Buggalo, N. Y. or
_hl(t.neh Laboit�ory,.Bridgeburg,Ont.
� •I( few years ago
1 was fa a sort Biel run-down condi-
ilon id DMR try In need of a tonie-
A friend who.was being helped by Dr.
Pleree'e Gelddb Medkal Discovery ad -
'geed we to try It, too, It helped me from
1 the very start and eventually restored
me to perfect health. I feel In a position
to praise the 'Golden Medical Discovery'
very highly and take pleasure in recom-
mending It to all those who are at all
nervous, weak or run - down.' - Mag.
Bonita PraTaox.
Smith Side Square - - Graiseki:
Attractive Spring Footwear
(hir Spring Foolw•eer comprises a showing of
the latest design•• from the beat makers. You
will find lair prlee5 Right. consistent with Quality.
We Incite your Intepor'tinn.
women's Pumpps tblonlals and ()stools',
ranging from $t:75 to $1414.
Women's Fine High Bootie from H•M to $15.1111.
For Men's Fine (toots and (►xfords we here
the most tip -to -date In style, gn'llt7 end price.
Remember this la where poll get Quality in
Repair Work.
/ ht r llpgaR -ie-�
Of Course
You Want First-class
111 Photographs. ■
We Madre Them
Gen. McLean Raines a Storm.
An interesting situation has arisen in
the special committee on pensions. Brig. -
Gen. H. H. McLean (Royal, N. S) was
understood to MINE Stated on Monday
morning that the majordy of Canadian
privates had married girls from the ser-
vant clans. Then on Tuesday morning
the committee took up the matter in
private session and Gen. McLean issued a
contrary statement. As a result of this
Col. Cy. Peck, V. C.. and Col. R. C.
Cooper resigned in disgust and several
other committee members threatened to
do the same. After a long fight it came
down to a question of the stenographer's
The matter was latobrought up in the
House. but in the absence of Col. Peck it
was held over for a day or so. In the
meantime Cot. McLean is at St. John, far
from the fires which are raging for him
here. and veterans' organizations from
one end of Canada to the other are de•
manding that he leave the committee.
The bill extending the time for import-
ation. sale and manufacture of oleomar-
garine went through this week. The ex-
tension is for a year in each instance.
Sir Robert Returning.
The budget is to be down this week:
that is the promise. Sir Robert Borden
is not home yet, but will be soon, accord-
ing to the stories being wafted here on the
south winds. There is the usual rumor
of his immediate retirement, to he suc-
ceeded by Sir George Foster. as the only
man to hold the party together till the
stormy seas are braved a'd the country -
in the opinion of l'nion Government -
can stand the shock of another election.
Middle Aged
Women would take :'s'arning from such
sy.upruuia as heat fiabheri, alsortness of breath,
excessive nervousness, irritability, and the
blues- which indicate the-, approach of the
inevitable "Change " that Domes to all women
nearing middle age. We have published vol-
umes .of proof that Lydia R. Yinkhani s Vege-
table Compound is the greatest aid romen own-
have during this trying period.
Read About These Two Women:
Fremont, O.-" I was passing through the critical period
et, life, bolus forty -eta yeah of age and had all the symp-
tom& Incident to that change -heat flashes, nervousness,
sad was to a general run-down condition, eo it was hard
for me to do my work. Lydia E. Piukbam's Vegetable
Co.upo ad wu recommended to me as the beat remedy
for ruy troubles, which it suety proved to be. 1 feel bet-
ter and stronger in every way truce taking` 1t, and the an-
noying symptoms have disappeared."-Jdra. 11. GODnax,
B25 Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio.
trbana, Ill.-" During Change of Life, in addition to
Its annoying symptoms 1 had an attack of grippe which
lasted all winter and lett me In a weakened condition. I
felt at time. that 1 ou never be well again. 1 read of
Lydia E. ?Mukham's eget. • Compound and what It did
for women passing through th 'bang• of Lite, w I told
my doctor 1. would try 1t. I soon began to gain in strength
and the aonoying symptoms disappeared and your Vege-
table Compound has made me well. strong woman w 1
do all my own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia E.
Plnkbam•s Vegetable Compound too highly to women
paring through the Change of Life." - Mrs. Yawns,
$,rine, 1.116 South Orchade Street, tisane, 111.
Women Everywhere Depend Upon
Lydia E. Pin 5 ams
Vegetable Cotnp�und
Hunting a House.
After trying in vain for months to ge
a house, Brown set out one day with a
find -a -house -or die look on his face. Ile
wandered about all day without being
successful, till at last his steps led him to
the river.
"Ah !'' he said in utter despair, "how
tempting it looks !" He • was almost in-
clined to plunge in and end it all. -
Ail of a sudden ht' heard a splash and.
looking around, he saw his friend Green
struggling in the %tater. Without attempt-
ing to save him he rushed off to the local
heave agent.
"Quick 1" he gasped, "Green has fallen
in the river. Can I have his house A'
"Softy." said the house agent. "I've
already let it to the, man who pushed him
A novel industry which promises
rapid expansion and great popularity
1s no less than the development of a
SUDatitute for the nuc,-'ileht but
somewhat costly oyster. This Is the
sea mussel, found In vast quan-
tities along the low tide mark of the
Atlantic coast, chiefly in New Bruns-
wick. The Dominion Government.'
with the co-operation of scientists, .,
has conducted experiments to tbI5
end In Western University labora-
tories and It Is now claimed that
mussels ran be produced commer-
cially and sold profitably at 15 cents
per quart. as compared with the $1.00
per quart around which oyster prices:
The mussel is by no means a new
article of diet to the people of Can-
ada. and besides being used exten-
sively In coast towns has found its
way to the tables of Inland cities in
Central Canada. Its delicacy of
flavor and high food value have b
much advertised since the estabit -
ment of government investigation
and experiment. and deserve to
much better known. There Is ye
much to be tlone in the line of re-
search to ascertain conditions under
which production would he most
rapid and profitable, and to this
end the Council of Industrial and
scientiflc'Research 1a devoting Its ef-
A survey of the mussel beds of the
8L Croix River, which constitute■
the boundary between New Bruns-
wick and Maine. has occupied the at-
tention of a scientist of the council
for three years now. and 1t la ex-
lpected that this summer will see the
satisfactory conclusion of the re-
fsearch. it 1a believed that the beth
of mussels are practically unlimited,
and the work occupying those ea -
gaged Is merely the hest conditions
of development It has also been
determined that mussels become
sweeter and more palatable the far-
ther north they are found, and In
this regard Canada hes a distinct
advantage over the mussel beds to
the south of the Dominion. Those
of the Hudson's Bay make particu-
larly excellent eating,
The sea mussel cannot be produc-
ed In fresh waters so that there is
no possibility of developing an In-
dustry In the Great Lakes. It le
believed that there are possibilities,
however. for, the development of
fresh -water Mims there and the Do-
minion Government at the instigation
of the Ontario Fishermen's Assoe1 .'
tion is conducting a series of experi-
ments which will probably result in
interesting developments.
- Recruit - "Shall I
feet. sir :?" .-
Lieutenant (sarcastically
fellow, did you ever hear of
with your hands ?"
Recruit -Yes, sir: clocks do it."
time with my
. � I
••My dear
rking time
Send u; the newt from your community
and be on the map. There are two things,
an editor enjoys, faithful correspondence
an 1 earn new.. It is hear( -breaking t 1
receive a\nice budget o snappy items just
rs •.you are hurrying t i get the form;
loeid up, in time to catch the mails. (all
by.'pbone if too late to send by mail.
A Union Man.
Two Irishmen met and fell into con-
%%rsation on the street one day. It went
something like this:
Reilly -"Pat was drowned yesterday."
Fiispetrick--"Couldn't he swim r
Reilly -••Yes. but he was a union man
He swam for eight hours and then quit.'.
His Rsperienee.
Sweeping his long hair hack with an
imprewsive gesture, the visitor faced the
proprietor of the film studio. according to
a current story. "i would like to secure
a place in your moving -picture company,"
he said.
"You are an actor ?" asked the film
"Had any experience acting without
audiences ?'
A flicker of radixes shone in the visit-
or's eyes as he replied, "Acting without
audiences is what brought me herr."
R. Tait
Electrical Contractor
Wiring of ,all kinds up to -date
for Telephones, Burglar Marna.
Police Patrol and Pire Alarm
Private Resltenees and PnvineIM
Places -a specialty.
All Work Gnarantecd.
Electric Irons, Toasters 0,111..
Fans. Vacnnm Cleaner's Waahfug
Machines, FlashMghts a n A '
Batteries of all kinds always on
Ring up 02 or 19a and have no
give yon an estimate on your
wiring. it will be done ght.
Robt. Tait
West Street_ Next Pouoffse
Phone► Shap 11. House I11
perhaps You Need
Don't Know It
If you are a workingman you
need a bicycle. It will save you
long waits and tiresome rides in
jammed street cars.
If you are a carpenter you can
carry your kit from job to job and
save valuable time. A collector can
collect a very much larger amount
of money.
Witlri bicycle you can make
double, often triple, the number of
business calls in a day. You can
call on out-of-the-way prospects off
the car lines.
Hundreds of teachers and thou-
sands of pupils ride lireireiss
school. -
The bicycle solves the emergency de-
livery problem of the grocer, butcher,
druggist and other merchants. It is the
cheapest form of quick transportation.
Bicycling time. Saves car fare.
Saves expensive shoe leather. Saves
Do you need • bicycle? • '
If you do. you'll want one that you
can depend on.
C. C. M. Bicycles are famous for
easy -running and long service. They are
built to stay out of the repair shop.
And the new Hercules Positive Drive
Brake -the Coaster Brat c without a
side arm -is included without extra
CCM Bicycles
90% Made in Canada —
100% Value
Canada Cycle & Motor Co., limited
Mistreat, Teeonte, Wl .J,,.ug, VeMieasv.r
n.,g tr.deatk r
teamed mg the .e d e..ry
C C 51. tareT<}-
We are dealers for C.C.M.
OOORSCHBicycles. Give us a call,
Save Your Shoes ---Buy a Bicycle
if you are interested in Bicycles, we can show sou the very hest
value on the market The Cleveland. Also Bicecle Accessories.