HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-29, Page 6se
$ Mtn:4414N. April 20, 19).
Ku.% vrtos AKM
A SsfiltaSill
Maker. for emitenied Niro and Vi'onwit
and for Rapp) Homes.
(Contributed .
'I lie appeal of the Salvation Army for
hall a million with which to carry op its
pis, uhat and particular work brings again
to riotice a strong foi cc not metely in the
spiritual lealm. but in the cruse of order
arid recanstructiOn. •
When war called every class/of the
Eninire into special service the Sal% aim
tMy .was about the only relisiuuslexte
ly prepared to take up the Widen. In
ling this we ignore 'neither the Y. M.
A nor any onus _str4-arliaation. They
had great efforts, to make before their
organization could expand to the new
task. and frequently found themselves at
a loss sot ti a tww difficulty. According to
the 'men *Ii. have eerved,' the Salvation
Army never lailed-and it did not matter,
at eithei re: camp or base. whether the
soldici same in drunk or sober, whether
he lid looney or had squandered every'
peony on unworthy objects. The IVA-
poriciples of William Both were to get
the man up bum the gutter -and his
apostolate carried out the old injunction
with new strength and vigor. ,
rite normal work of the Salvation
Army makes for contented men and
w_misii. tor happy humes. for a strong
desalt to iniprove the surroundings. for a
mighty fatty; for I he unsuccessful and
those unfitted for . he hard service of life.
The kind which the country is asked to
glys. in •'self-denial" w.11 be devoted to
rebuilding the edifice of social and religi-
ous work which has been largely neglected
during the war pretax'and to makmg-
louatmuos for further developments.
The Plan
Buy a tube of
Rexall Pearl
Tooth Paste
at the regular
price, 35c., &lid
we will give you
another tube for
CANADAS FAVOIZI1i num:, o t"
Buy a 50c. box of
and we will give
you another box
of this high-grade
• ,Linen Paper and
Envelopes for
or the
2 tubes, for .36
How Stomachs Can Be Re'
etored to Vigorous, Healthy
• • Condition..
• NA to be !united in diet, but to eat
whatever he Wass s Is the dream of
every dysp:ptic. No one can honestly
prOothe rjstore any stomach to this
• lisippy condition. because all people can -
n ig, tat the same things with equally
saiiSlactory tesults. It is literally -true
that 'soliat is on man's food as anothe r
esair's )soiSon.- But it is possible, to
• lone'op the digestive organs that a
phasing det msy be selected from articles
ot food that cause no •sliscomfort.
Whet, the 'stomach lacks tone herr :s
quicker way to rettore it than to build
the blued. Good digestion without
, red blood iw impossible, and Dr.
Vie tarnsPink Pio* offer the very best
w \4o burld up and enrich the blocd,
Pot s reason these pills are espet rally
good in stomach trouble attended by thin
Wool. and in attacks of nervous dys-
Peosia. Proof of the value of Dr.•
ham, Pick Pills in even Ike most ob-
stinate cases of stomach troubke is given
▪ by Mrs. S. Morrison, Varney. hnt.. who
so s -"I shall always feel inde t6 a
owird who adssed me to use Dr. VC erns'
l'iok Pills. I had been a sufferer ldr Efl•
winds of twelve years with stunch
trouble which resulted in a general wea
Jess of the whole system. My meal
oleays caused me great discomfort, and
at tunes I would go -hungry rather than
hedergo the suffering which followed
meals. L was constantly taking Sattle-
thaw or other recoumended for the
trouble. but without finding a cureand
often the trouble kept me in bed when I
should have been about doing my house-
work. My friend, who had had a similar
attack. came to see me and urged me to
try 1W Williams' Pink Pills. which had
, wed his I got a supply at once and
'wean taking themand soon found relief.
Hy the litnel had used eight boxes I was
• asain enioying the best of healthand
sill, a good appetite and a stomach re-
stoeselso-'oormaL Had I knownof tit.
medicine earliesiit would have saved me
years of suffering. and I urge any who
may be in a similar condition to try these
pins at once."
1 ou can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
thiough any dealer m medicine or by
matt postpaid at 50 cents a ben or six
lis•res Ric -$2.50 from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
This ONE CENT SALE Plan War originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. The United Drug Company are tho
largest manufacturers d buyers of 7'i:diet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes, Rubber Goods, Stationary and Drug Sundries in the .
world, and this is an ad isintplan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense. Instead of-epeslistg- money in the regular wow--
-such as FreeS'
amples etc., ' is their desire that we place full size packages, or articles, in your hands, east you an opportunity to judge the
real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. i
We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. Beware of imitations in other stores, and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity
We can not afford to charge or deliver goods during this sale. So please don't ask us to do it. These prices do not include the War Tax.
35c. tubas
Cleans and
whiteas the
teet&. prevents
clee•7 and
•weetana the
25c box
Cleans the scalp,
removes dendrite,
and I the hair
sett and Gully.
. Creams
sof tens and
the skin.
Large 60c. bottle
(Experimental Farms Note.)
Common salt (sodium hloeide) playa
an enportant part in the diet of nit st
clas'.cs of farm animals. This will be
better appreciated if we stop to consider
that. of the minerals in the fluids of the
body, salt is present in the largest
amount. Salt does not contribute di-
_ resits to the energy of the body as does
the ford consumed. but nevertheless it is
necessary in tfie proper nutrition of the
body. Besides its physioiogical action.
isti serves 14° an appetizer arid increases
the iyea'ihihty of many foods. It also
stimulates the secretion of digestive
juices. promotes d circulation of the
Rinds 01 ths body and prevents digestive
Of the co moo 1 easses of farm animals,
The Real Story
An illutitrated booklet.
telling in an interesting
way die real facts about
Ch•tario's great gold
pendticing district. will
b. soot farrow& request.
25o. jar Rikers
Peroxide Cream
60c. jar Arbutus
Peroxide Cream
60c. jar Paradis
Massage Cream
2 for .26
2/or .61
Face Powder
1.00 box
A general
50e. box of
Tangara Fabric Linen
in white and *tints, with
assorted colored borders.
2 boxes for .51
35c. boxes oi
Ulna or Kirkwood
paper aad eavelopes.
White, flesh and
60e. box Violet Duke Face
Powder, w Is,
flesh and
.4(444611y-Foir-=--ig,. g e
Powder. Puffs 4, I or • I U
. Indy hilt .
• PowderPtiffe 2for.26
-25e. Lyptynt
Lip Salve for.
10e. Writing Pads 2/ore11
150.. Linen Pada.. 2/42%16
73c. hint
extra quality
Wesbnimter Lima
paper sal eavoispes.
2 boxes for .76
uk. bes
Rosedale Liles
paper 114 eavampes.
• 2/0.31
10e. bottles Inks.. 210 .11
iSOt$lNIakL. .16
ne. mueifr4°-0, Passe la 11
15°. tube
Phpten 2 Ar el 6
254. Rexall
Violet Talcum
25c. Harmony Rose Talcum,
loll or white.. 2i0,..26
25c. Baby Talcum 2for.26
$5e. Fascinette,
Aesh or white Pr ..)1P
50e. Bouquet
Ramee Talcum 2 hr 31
Toilet Water
and Perfumes
75e. bot.VivianaToilet Water,
rose, violet, lilac 2for .76
1.00 bot. Lilac
Lotion 2 Pr 1.01
. Adhesive er, 2 for al
AdhesiA:sters 2 A1.16
35e. Plain Gauze.. 2fert311
15e. Ga"ligandage 2fr :16
shoukl be
putting on
the effect
will be
oz., 2ior.41
16 owl. 21.r.66
2k. bot. AjLa.g, ge
and C. Tablets. geOr•KoV
25e. bot. Blaud's 2/4,26
Iron Pills
_The. Epsom Salta 2firoli
15e;,araPb°rste4 2
Remember the Dates
Thursday, Frida, Saturday
MAY 6th, 7th and 8th
. 2f-.51
H. C. DUNLOP, Goderich
The 3ttiegg Drug Store
25e. box Laxative Aspirin
Cold Tablets... 2i0' .26
35c. tube Catarrheut
25e. box Rexall
• CoM\Tablete Lfor .4
1.25 bot. Celery and boo
Tonic 2 Of 1
25c. box Carbolio
75e, bot. Eau de Quinine
Ha'Tonic. 2ior .76
alve 21°1..26
25c. boX Little
50c. box /4;,,rve is ri
liblets LI". j
25c. box H he Powders
or Wafers...-. . 2fiir
1.00 bot. Rexall - 1 01
Tonic Bitters. "' •
25o. box Stomach
and Liver Pills 2for.26
1.00 bot. Rheumatic Coen -
pound 2i°1.O1
box. Clairol:ad Zinc
ntment 2.1" .26
50e2 box Reza Dyspepsia
Tablet4 2 for .51
25e. bot. Revolt 4i) ate
Corn Solvent Z. /0/' .40
25c. bot. Rexall
Grippe Pills f°r 26
50c. box Real!,__ g g
Kidney Pills 00 A
1.00 bot. Jayne's es mt
.....Ecsems Lotion L/01. leUl
600. Analgesic
Balm 21".61
35c. bot. Extract et
Wild Strawberry 441".36
50c. bot. Antiseptic
Healing Oil....
25c. Red Cedar 2for .26
is the best
took for •
tired, rue
deem aervmas
system and
Pear afferlic
A goal
Win( aad
Woks for pear &spy e• -•I•7
law L Gibm G.
7114-6 lag st loan Rik
namely horsescattle, sheep and swine.
the last have the leost neel of salt. This
isj in all probability due to the difference
in diet. that of swine usually consisting
largely af grain. whereas other el wee,4
consume large quantities of roughage in
which less salt is found. Too larg
quantities of salt derange the stomach
and Mamie of wine, cawing gases.
diarrhoea, ocinvidsions and piralysia.
often mak ing in death. Never.help
Pits alessaid have recess tonit. III• best
means ot providing it ben g to keep before
them al all times. la a covered receptacle
if oidelnons a mixture 1 wit. charcoal,
eirslaked lime, bone meal and v• rind ashes
or soft coal cinders.
For sheep salt is very necessery. Keep-
ing it bere them at all times is here
again the molt advisable coursefor an
irregular supply induces scouring. The
salt fends to keep the sheep in a good
state of health and they are better able to
ward off attacks of disease or internal
p washes. Furthermore. shell fed plenty
nI s ilt shear a better quality and heavier
&KV than do those receiving no ult.
In the case of cows. owing to their
much larger stet and the fact that they
are giving daily terve arem,nte of milk
which coot ernsid t law melta heavier
ration of salt is needed. For cowl being
fed in the stable up to 2.5 ounces per day
is recommended. While rows giving a
heavy flow of milk require an abundance
of salt, at the same time the dry, preg-
nant cows should not he overlooked as
their requirements are even greeter.
Cattle on pasture treually require lees malt
than those indoors and the amount neces.
nary varies with the nature of the soil and
vegetstion. On Mit account it II advis-
able to hive. grimly before them at all
times. Either rock salt or els und salt
may be wed, but iit either case it should
be placed in aremeptamI. in which it will
be sheltered from the ra'n or notch of it
will be lost. Young growing animals
usually require a larger percentage of salt
than &a mature animals.
Stories are no ex ion in the matter
of salt requirement. ere spin it should
be regularly . A flake of rock
salt in the corner of the manger where the
horse cis get It at will is the best meats
of ,prostsion. Horses at heavy work ro
quire more than those that are idle at at
light work. An allowance of two ounces
P5? day is gen rally recommended.
Gan. W. Mum.
Asst. DJeninion Animal Husbandman.
Sometimes a man goes in the right
direction *on he folloos his inclination.
A tied f•asse.
Am mg the paseengers on board a ship
crossing the Atlantic recently was s rnan
who stuttered. One day he hurried to
the captain. 'S -.-.-i re' -he stuttered
"f3h, I can't be botlwred'" said the
caMain, smelly. "Go to armee* else."
The min tried to speak to everyone on
board, but no one would wait to hear
what he had to my.
At laet he came to the captain again.
-Look here." amid the cap ain. "I can
te 1 you what to do when you want to say
anything; Yon should tint it• •
Soddenly. in a tragic voice. the man
began to ting:
"Should auld acquaintance b- forgot. and
never brought to mind ?
The bloornin' cook's fell ove board and is
twenty miles behind ' aiwa
• _
"(thee • dare to faahion."
"filo r
V ep. Wore her E. oder netAt re.
gardiewe of the Ml.'
"The n an who never m
never matte anythine '
ori Mated t ui retruirk
manit y.
P5 a mistak•
is chap who
a friend to
Mama 1.10.0•411•100.••40,1