HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-29, Page 4d Thursday. 4pr11 NI, 19911. ' ece•••••000:0 DUNGANNON. MK, N. F. W'HYARU is the agent for THE SIGNAL at 1)ungann►a. (Inlers left with him for sulna•rlp- tions, advertisements or job print - Ina will remove prompt attention. Telephone I (lodrrh•h Mural i r39. I I • 1 Thursday, Apra 20. John Howitt l.roursing some broken rills. Mr. James M,Illougli returuwt'teday from his visit to Teeswatt•r. Vert Modell has rented Rory Mc- Donald's house and moved into it this week. Mr. A. 1►sher is tearing down the old venting will. _it having outlived its usefulness. A few of the 1. O. D. F. members attended perch' with the Luckuow brethren on Sunday last. TES 8IGI9AL of West AVawKuosh. The funeral took pial* this afternoon to 1hungaunuu cemetery.. the seihiree being in charge of Rev. J. S. Ha' nIIr of ',whitish and ttev. G. Gog1m of Nue hirer. Geld Hotel at paisley. -Thr Paisley Adronste say .° of former l)uugalloon nealdents. Mr. and Mr.. J. H. (;lover: The Btlluwral hotel property has (hautnd hands. Mr. J. H. Glover having sold It to Mr. Chas. ('ottrill. of Greenock. Mr. (:lover reta las pos.esst1111 until `epteiuhcr next. The Bellmore! Iuis become known as one of !UV best hotel. 111 the a ry, and 11u11 a large qa 1Iouage from the t-uw- wel•cial trade. It has Iwtolnr very difficult awl even Iwpus.iblr to obtain licit) for Mrs. (:lover in tlw dining room and kitchen. rind for that reason has derided to go out of business. fowusryoplu and the travelling public will regtwt the decision tory much. Thursday evening. ('all Edended.-At a joint meeting of the Presbyterian congregations of Dungannon and Port Albert, held This evening, it was decided to ettenl a tall to Rrc. Hilton R. ('ampbell. Ph. D.. of 'Formate. I)r. Campbell preached to these congregations on two recent Sunday s. r There are signs of activity in the Allen block, and Dungannon before long may again hart a butcher shop. Rev. John Currie. of Iwvudon. will again officiate next Sunday in the 1)uu- gauuou and !'ort Albert Presbyterian churches. The River Valley creamery luta re- sumed operations for the season anal the trucks are again on the road gather- ing athering cream. House•leeniug is the order, of_ihe dliy in our village. In the cities It MOMS to be the price of potatoes that is bothering them. A apechil service will be held In St. l'ast's church next Sunday. Rev. 1). OU hear a great deal about I D. Douglas will continue his dIscus- Y ••tire mileage" these days-� ohmof Thr Fatly (•hpnh•" I The Uungaunou lodge of the'. _the-anunal yope•ial service In Erskine church. Dungannon. on Sun- day evening. May 9, at 7 p. m. How about "wear mileage ?" Isn't the wear of clothes just as important as the wear of tires Doesn't it affect your po`ket just as much ? Vou get wear mileage when you buy a good 20th Century Brand suit. Keep this well in mind when choosing your clothes this Spring. Borsalino Hats --the world's best Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 A'OOOOOOOiO'000 BLYTH. 1.1111.1' .11.tti:ltT. Welaestlay. April 2. Briefs. -Mi- Jean MacKenzie, of Austin. Mae., is visiting with frieuds Kral relatives in the village Mr. and Ates. SA'illiaw 1lurvey and pan Lorne. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur- vey, of Morris township. motorail to Port Albert on Suuday and spent the iFey with lir. and Mrs. R..1. Hoy.- .. oy • - • • Mr. J. C. McMillan, of Detroit, Mich., Is re noilllg old atgtwlnt*uc•et�e In the burg Mr. Marvin Durnih had .a ploughing bee this week and a dance iu the Foresters' Hall afterw-ards.... _Mrs. Mrs. 1\-illiaw Grey. of Port Albert. is visiting at the rectory at Blyth. the guest of her brother, Rev. W. 1►rlukwater. of Lucknow. sIwnt Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ('oii.lus here. e TO WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE This Woman's Letter Tells You How To Pau The Crisis Safely. Altd gh the weather has leen very backward. the farmers are. getting a tousiderable amount of work dotw. A real warm spell would be welcome. J. R. McNabb has a uww Ford one ten truck for use in hos business. (tis its first trip it carried about 37(54 worth of eggs. it would be interest- ing to compute how hong it will take the truck ti; carry a million eggs. Mr. Robert 1►avidbob. ha ring petr- ehas•d the lila Davidson homestead from his brother James. has uxorel to It from G.olerlt Ii and will beowe a prothwer again, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson. whet had been Imre all winter, have gone to (:.slerleIi 10 lire. Death, of George Jehastones-Mlr. e;e/t'tzzee Johl.nln, of Telae- Valley diel Mulalav evening about st.a)' o'chw•k.' He hall twit been well for some tinge awl\ala►tnk two wetks ago had a stroke Wpdnestay, .April Ss. ' from\ whites he never recovered. He Mr.. Wm. Mason and family left was a.n.ttire of Ashfield and was fifty- Bd. week for London. where they will four years of age. I11 1Wt(i hr married Belle Mt Vhimwd and they morel to few faro! on 'Which they led sin' lived continuously. Mr. Johnston Twiir. Ia•sides his wife, thaw sons : aurae. Wilbert and !toward. and two dateghters t fear! and Marion. all at home: also fire brothers: Thoma11, of Dungannon, and Samuel. William. 1011 -td ani James, all of•Ashfirld, awl two sisters : Mrs- It. ('.Mans, cif ('ole Iwirne (4(10.11111. and Mrs. John Taylor, make their home for n white with Mro Frost Mason. - Mr. John (.•sham. of tualrrich. Was among those pre*ent at the funeral of the late John Bell on Monday. An effort is (wing made to reorganize the Myth brass band. (;.o. Powell arrived this week from A'anaouver, B. 4.'., and will he employed in his goo's grocery .store. Its th lust tine of its must esteemed v. itesideuts in the death on Thursl:ey' loft of Mrs. James Gillespie.-C'early sixty rears ago. in 1e'41. Mr. and Mr.. Oflle Ioio settle) in Hallett townq.higp- Thre• daughters s11r1'Ite : Mrs. W. J. sine-. of %Vingham : Mrs. W. J. Shef- A Id. of .Owen Sound, and Mlss Alice. at ho •. The funeral took place 00 flay last. the services being roll. by Her. It. J.' Me l'ortniek. as - y, Bev. S. Anderson of Clinton. Pat duet. elided 1 Do not antler mother day with Itching. lead- ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required, Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve yew at ono* and as -certainty cureou. enc. • nor; all dealers. or K imanwn. Dates & Ce.. Limited, Toronto.t� paper d encwi 2c. stamp oar �"+e. Garage Phone 83 -- -- Hogue Phone 336 Dav is'liarage SOUTH ST., GODERICH CHEVROLET We are the agents for the Chevrolet Autos. Call or send us word and we will demonstrate tl you. This is the Gouge fa save money on all Accessories, Oils, Gasoline and Dry Cells. s TIRES AND TUBES We have them in all makes at lowest prices. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is up-to-date with good nachanics, quick service and satis- faction guaranteed on all makes of cars. FOR SALE CHEAP ---TWO FORDS New tires, new tops. Have been ovethauled and are in good condition. We handle genuine Ford parts. 40. A COMPLETE LINE OF CHEVROLET PARTS Agent for the Willard Storage Battery AUTOS FOR HIRE T. M. DAVIS, W. McCLUSKEV. Mar and Sales, Repair Department. AUBUILN. 5000‘ Rills-W-a11paper All up-tt?-daterpatterns From 8c to 75c roll W. T. RIDDELL - Auburn P.Q.- "During the Change of Life 1 felt so weak and run down 1 could hardly do my work. The per- spiration would pour over my face so that I couldn't see what 1 was doing. We live on a farm, so there is lots to do, but many who felt as I did would have been in bed. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it did me • world of good. 1 tried other remedies but 1 put Vegetable Compound ahead of them all, and 1 tell every ons I know how much good it has done me."- Mrs. DUNCAN BROWN, Lascelles, Prov. Quebec. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headache[, backaches, dread of impending timidity sounds in the ear, pale of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable .p - petite, weakness and dizziness should be heeded by middle-aged women,C� let Lydia E. Pinkham'sN'egetable Com- pound carry them safely through this cris as it did Mrs. Brown. Toa ars invited Ir write for free aisles No other [Medicine has been so suc- cessful uscessful in relieving woman's suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free gdia pt khan Medicinful advice e Co.,.Lynn, Mathe il D.1•11 LLAP u SON let 0- "The Scotch Store" fi4 fat STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO b P. M. t SATURDAYS 9 P. Pe I,asoslles Phone 56 NNNVW� Here are a few special values in merchandise, all new and perfect goods. Come in and see them, and be convinced. • Mrs. AMOS Cornellusof Whtteehtuele: .3�ra_ Jtntttt tiytoftl.antt la, or London. Anions the floral tri uses were oiee from Hie family. amtone from the Perrin's biscuit factory.\f.ondon. The funeral Hook plat -e to t',.Itsorur rem- etery. the service being conducted by Itev. James Hamilton. awl lvas largely attended. $T. ACOLSTINE. \ Tuesday. -ip1k41 27. Brief+. -Mr. Miller. of Lond.lp. was in the vicinity on Ttle.day..... .las. Wilson. of Toroutu. i- vi icing friends in the hurg Alis1. Me- e'liuchey- visite! Iter sister. Airs. (' a. Itobluson. last week 1 hawu.y returned !meat, from Anew hey ou Set tardily night M Welnesitiy. .tpre1 . Beun•lt. of AVitgfham. called on frirnls Rv. R. J. Ito•- i'. 1-iating at Wood- here one day last week. stook this week. Mr. E. (:. Matthews. the geiaeral manager of the Sterling Bunk here. has rewired notice to more to Monk - ton. We ere sorry to lose this family after their three years of residence with us. We wish them anvwsa in their new field of business SHtTI'AMDT, IN. • Thursday. April 2J.` - Death of Mrs. Mattbewwn,-After a long peri.wl of i11 ewalr4.. Elizabeth Worthy. widow of the taro William Matthew -slow. died on 1V,due.day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. J. 1'.. /'lark owl A. Asquith Craven Young, of the Lake Shore rand. Ash- car'ef- Manitoba'oats unloading this fid. in her eighty -ditto pair. The - deceased had lived with her daughter. Mrs. Young. for many years. Two other daughters of the de•. aced live et Minneapolis and there are tire sons • (:.gorge, Joseph. Thomas. Alex, and Voiles 7Sc. • Plain Voiles, 38 in. wide, in white, black, pink, beige n gavy acid rose and grey. Prices 75c., $1.O0 and $1.25 a yard. Fancy Striped Voiles. 36 in. wide, -White only. Price $1.00 a yatd. Check and Plaid Voiles; 36 fn. wide, white, mauve, pink, Ni add black aid White. Prices $1.00 and $1.25.-• --. _- Fancy Colored Dress V les- Is light and dark grounds, lovely designs is the newest shades, 3€ in. wide. Just a 5- rd length of a pattern. Price $1.23, $1.50 ani n $1.75 a yd. Gabardine 89 week at $1.15 per bushel. Several from here attendee( the funeral .of Mr. William Flitter at.Clin- tog on Saturday. Three weeks per- vious ervious his wife eras laid to rest. They were •(.rarer reidents of our village. 1Villiam, the last-named (wing with Mr. and Mrs. 1 --nage The funeral A uunlwr nttendel the tuabi'al of the late Jelin 14.11 from the G. T. It.: takes place on Saturday afternoon to st.ltluu on Monday. The remains were the Colborne ceipetery. brought front Lloydminster. Sask.. - Mr. Bell was a former resident of.- WFSTFIF-LI e. The Brothe•rhowsl o, the We.sttleltl Msllst rhnreh intent holding Sun- day, May 'wird, as Itrotnerhlssl San- L.nwIes I e.rough. ItIN all I.1.ER. Wednesday. .April >. clay. Rev, A. E. Mills'', will preach Church Notes.-(luarterly'ruwmtnllon 814.1 the rest of the sorvi.w will Iw seri 1..• « ill k' twist in the Bethel Meth- tak,•n IAS men:th ere of the organisation. idiot . Inlrch un Sunday morning. May 04prini mush• by turn's choir at this _roil- at Itt:ls1 .clock The glair. ! service. The BrotIwrhlkwl extends a tele(}' ,I s•tal hoard will neer :1t Ittm-4 hearty invitation to i's ninny as can miller oil Tneslay evening next at Aldo so. to attend this service. r; , ,qe annrrnl tatsitle s!r stmt nR••o tint .tigrex i..a h.• rets Is t.,.. L. fi Twill 65c. good firm weave. Prices d. euncHAK or Voile Waists * A very ne assortment of these waists in sizes 36 to 44, all of the newest styles and very daintily trimmed, all white only. Prices $3.25, $3.75, $4.25, 14.50 and 115.50. • - White with satin, stripe, 38 inch wide, heavy weight. a fiatrate quality. Price a yard: - - Pique 75c. Extra good quality. medium rib, 36 in.' wide, 73c. a yard. A splendid solution of good quality, Crape and Cambric Kimonos, in lovely Jap- anese and floral designs. All sizes in stock. newest colorings. Prices ranging from $2.50 to $5.95. • to suit all tastes itt Silk Poplin. Serge, Gabar- dine and Tricotine; in black, navy, taupe. nigger, also Tartan Plaids and Shepherd's Checks, all sizes, ini,,luding out size, 36 in. Prices ranging from 64\85 to $13.50. " Grastex " Mats' and Rugs A really splendid covering for Verandahs, of Japanese manufacture, pI to the eye, very dyable, and easily Beamed ; pretty designs is various aeries& SIZES -1}z8 ft. 206ft. 33E6 ft. 41:71 ft. $s9 ft. Gni . gie4 h.- _ 8 49. 9112 ft. PRICES - The. , $1.96 2,25 • $3.95 9.50 0.00 '110 110 $15 34 Sb wide Matting: _- Price 65C._t it Nr,rtii /AIM unto Ito oils c. + mor.- Iwl.1 14+4 w.r•k and GODEAICII TOWNSHIP. Cowman HAu..-A public mist received slw.wel I'orh will be held in the.. nton church OP , iw in-_lr ..plrn.tt.}_mnF . May 4th. at p. m.. to ' thssrishing t'..too1 l.n. 1 the erection of the props sed community k Preseo Thio,--Tlo•re was a Lar• hall• All those interested are Invited tO teiraw,nt on Tio*.E•t�t• evening •:f tliistcome prepared to speak on the subject week - at the Itenrfltler church. The It is hoped there will be a full discussion. pnt•pers.• of the meeting wits ten -full. It was de-ioled to hold 1. monster. EBti\EZER. Victoiria ay festival on the evening of May 24th. in the form of a ,limper A box social and entertainment is to be arid- lilgll-a•lroa. entertai..ment. Full !lqt ld on the eveningg of Wednesday, Msy annolutremont of program will be given 15th at Ebenezer. -Admission. adults hater. After the b11..lta•ss was trans- Ichi4Qren 25c. Remember the date. 2 aerie! Mr. mid Mrs. It. H. Mew am Miss Fanny Mew were calked to the front of the ehurclr and a very appro- prlate address was read to theta fir= Mrs. •S. Gardiner. air. NIew- was pre• wonted- with a txenm'tfpt rhatr, Jh'w" Mew ,•melted n lovely brass jardiniere amt alias 4.01110' was presented with a handsome framed picture. Mr. Mew made s very touching reply. Hp and ods family Intend tooting into Go.lerlch in -a 4sotnt one w'eek's time. COLBORNE. Monday. -April 211. OpinionsWanted.- The 14terary Vfuh of the Maitland einteesstnf held` Ira weekly meeting In the Ieiio01 house on Wednesday evening, April 21st. for the purview of cow -inning the diw•ns- ston on consolidated erhnols. Flow- erer, the people lire nnde•idel. and It is very t►eessary that If persoible Peery• one shnn111 attend these meetings and express his or her opinion on this Inn - portant question, so that H definite (IP - 44A011 Iw reached. During the meet• ing a motion was Parried to the effect that people of other•Cecfiens ate heart- ily invited to ertend- The late John Rarket•-A well- known resident of this Township was 'removed ht- the death oh April 1'th of John 11. starker. of the ialke Shore road, who ens seventy-one year. of age. Mr. Barker was road' foreman for the township and exerriswl mneh dillgene ani energy In the prnwtrtitIon of hid duties. He is survived b, six daughters, Mrs. Geo. F. Bean, of (Loy- al : Mrs. Fred Imre, of Goderieh : MM. Sam Westlake, of God.rleh township; 11NCE 1870 30191SICOUGILS EAST WAWANDEH. The tale R. (i. McGowan.-Mem107, pith lust. the re -idents of East AVawe- xiost -anrt rh-iwtty were eelted open to pay the last tribute of respect to a lifelong remittent, It. G. Metiowan, who pllswa(1 away at his residenee. lot ft eoneestiou 2. East Wnwartosh. on the `94n1 Inst.. after u short illness of three weeks. Mr. M.•(:owilu was born on ofci, t bomi'stead, hof I!a, eonstrh s 'r 111/0• IMe011114 for his brother. Me,.. where he spent his youthful day*. Abwlt thirty years ago he purchasefarm tett the (arwhich he slame raided,, front iia iin,le. Robert, efbff then morel to Oregon. A few year* later he married MIs. i•itaaheth Scott, daughter of the late Waiter Scott. ton- cessiclli (t, Kai; W4%4%1 1104111. who sur- vives hien. TO Ahem wore given a flintily of tiro"'girls and nue boy - Annie i:.. deh.sd freebie; James and Walter at home. and Maggie. who died ten Fears ago. It. O., as hr was familiarly knoEn. was endowed with a genial, friendfrilisposttion. a kine and obliging neighbor. wits a keen bulgi- ness ability-. Most of his tlnrine(was sgwnt on his fine form, which he brought up to • high state of produc- tion. equipped with house and borne second to none In the netghborhoodt: Mr. Meowan was on' two different cw•i•asione a member of the eonnell board of the township; he also did servlre as school trustee for mererill years, and wad agent for the Formosa fire insurance ('o. in religion he was Presbyterian end serve) on the board of management a number of years. in politica he was LIberal and • member of (bort ivy Leaf. Independent order of Forester,. The .releforeleg,at the booms was conducted by Rev. G. Telford. M. A., B. D., assisted by Rev. Mr. 'they Mears.of Nile. The pallbearers were Mears. Wm., Alex., R. C. and It B. Mr(:owan, John Scott and Fred Toll. Those from a distance attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. RlehaM Moore. and Mr. and Slits McLaren. Torodto; John dad Wm. Scott. Mr. McCall. Moore, ('haries Sisat, M Richmond. Lionduu--Ill Returned.m Mr. and Mose . Not ie Re Returned. mMillol," ill her sister. ton: M.•h'ille• "Barker and his bride are pretty "I know 1 tom -t.'• said Eii Standard. lucky one way. • - I've still got the mark- on "How do you mean -SPRING ANCY WOR A NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN. BEAUTIFULLY STAMPED. -"All of their as -ditto= presents were given them by people already mg* r- riol." l niaue ('hrtstening. bout a tmmte was talking at wheerip Was christened. "Yvon don't r, member tieing le; "cwt cess -7-11 Rai at Reggie. - 11 ts-That stunning l.o,kltsg • NK tote has tarn gazing at ! e the Ins( tell 111111141,, She mast -trying to make its lin 'res.1.ln Mico Kern -Very likely : fsople grswrally nor something soft for that purpose.-- Boston Trnsweript. be Nightgowns, Dry Snips, Dresser _awnless. Towels, Pillow.1- Library Scarfs and Centres. All shades in Embroidery Silks, Crochet Silks and Threads. Everything for Fancy Work. Phonemilers prompt 1 y 10144 CANADIAN PACIFIC THE TRANS -CANADA (Re -established effective May 2. 1910 ) ' I SWTWS ART S O E Wad 6s. Phone 19$ See our select stock of Ladies' Whitewear with the new pointed effects. Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. Remember that we have re- moved to a new stand on the south side of Square. Give us a call. Miss S. Noble Seel Sid. Spee - Galeria 11 1 RONTO TO VANCOUVER IM £,OMTY-a:10HT HOURS Fort'illia a 26, Winnipeg in 37, Calgary_ in 61, and Vancouver\Vln- hours. . The fastest traascoatiasatal train imtwarm t naiab i. America; saves a busiess day for passengers to Winnipeg and all cities to the Pa ific Ceaat. Leaves Tor .to (Union Station) at 9 p.m. daily. POB ST , : • SLEEPING -CAR, PASSRNGERB ONLY , NII apply M gar sant of the i CANA • IAN PACIFIC ileneral Change ofTime, May 2, 1920 \ • There a e Tires and Tires When you buy tires why not make them Dominion tires and be sure of their service in an emerg- ency 1 In repairing tires we have found them the best built tire, built of the heaviest and best fab- rics, which is the whole support of your tire. Call and sea them. VULCANIZING AND RETRLADiNG H. J. FISHER