HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-29, Page 3,.last.... THJ SIGNAL - OODUIOH, ONT. ThuniqF, April .'9, 1920.--T n Sunlight Wash Days A Sunlight Wash Day is free from the toil and labour usually associated with washing because Sunlight Soap washes clothes beautifully clean and white without rub- bing or scrubbing. • Sunlight Soap being the surest,gentlest, purest 91 all cleansers ,is kind toThe clothes -they last ever so much longer -kind to the hands, too. Insist on getting the 8t0ap you ask for- -SUNLIGHT. Try S.f•dlttht J.. \ars.rss{i enol ails. 1 1A in -11110111.11.674'1 • linker, ot Chkmgu : airs. E. Mc - 1 I Mughlhi, of Vancouver; Mrs. 11. J. COUNTYAND DISTR1CTSt ca.---ca.---of itta•ativi rWMk.: Mrs.�. Geo. 'Taylor and Mrs. \W. C. Fartptlar. 11 II *of Clinton, a1a1 Miss May, of Parts. 'Morley Counter has gone to Dane Mrs Charles Hartleib, who removed iltou, .1(t tug takcu a Iw,..ition elft. front Zurich to Waterloo last fall, died at 111.1'T11. - the latter place on April kith, in her III ty The Huron Flax Co. is receiving large sixth year. shipments of fisx from Listowel and Brussels will have its weekly half- Brussels and it isexpected that the supply holiday on Thursdays this summer, com- will keep the mill running full capacity' mencing May 0th. Ripley also is to have until the new crop is ready. With lilyth's its weekly halt -holiday on Thursday. t..o flax mills, the industry here is becom- Wilson Berry, of Hensall, has gone to ing of ever-increasing dimensions and Windsor to take a position with a large indications are that this will still further investment corporation. He tad been multiply as the demand for the product accountant in the Sterling Bank itt Hen- sall for some time. The 100 -acre farm of the late Jame% Sinclair, 14th concession of Grey, wars sold by auction for $3,950. Robert Gbrdon being the buyer. Mrs. Sinclair will make her home at Detroit. The Zurich Herald says that potatoes are being shipp:d from that place to the city markets, the prices received being from 83.50 to 14.50 a bag. The U. F. O. shipped two carloads to Toronto. Janet Finlayson, widow of the late James McKay. died at her home in Tuckersmith on April 15th, in her eighty fifth year. She had been a resident of Tuckersmith over sixty years. Two sons and four daughters survive. The death occurred in the Orillirbe►' pital on the pith inst. of Francis Burgard. seventh son of Ferdinand Burgard, of Hamilton. formerly of Egmoodville,' He was twenty-two years of age, but had been an invalid from birth. IN SHOE POLISHES THE BiG V UE BOX Pastes for Black, Tan, Osbiolei tial $row's Shoe.' Whits Cake and Liquid foe WLk. Shoes , The F. F. DAILY CORPORATIONS LTD.. HAMILTON. CAN. increases. The auction sale at the Queen's hotel last wet k was well attended. notwith- standing that the weather threatened rain from early morning. There was a large quantity of goods sold. at very small pricers in many cases. The hotel property. which also was offered for sale, was pur- chased by a wrecking firm from London and it is expected that the work of de- molishing the et ructure will begin at once. It it really a pity that this building should have been disposed of in this way. but apparently none of our citizens seemed to see it as a revenue -maker for anything like the amount for which it was sold. It N understood the prie was $3.250. This property was purchased by Mrs. Mason, sr.,'some years ago at 814,000. WNY IS IT that chronic skin diseases which have defed all other treatments yield to Zam-But f It is because Zam-Buk le germi- cidal, and also has such power of penetration that it reaches disease In the underlying tissues and cures from the " root " up. That Is the only way ; permanent cure can be effected. Mr. H. C. Buckley of 401 E. Brood - way, Portland, Oregon, says: 'h'or chronic skin diseases there 16 nothing like Zam-13uk. For fifteen years I had eczema, and I tried an endless number ot so-called • eczema cures,' but nothing was capable of curing me permanently until I used Zam-Buk. Ten months' use ot Zam- Buk has effected a complete cure." For ulcera,' abscesses. boils. ring- worm, blood -poisoning. piles, burns, scalds and cuts, Zam-Buk 1s equally good. All dealers or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 50c. hoz. 3 tor $1.25. am•Buk ••w•wwww•ws,w••wfl,www••ww••• JWHAT ABOUT THAT SPRING ; i i #'�` ,,SUIT O R w • • . , • TOP COAT• • y 0 s • ! 0 • We have up -to -the minute styles in Spring and Summer • • Suits and Top Coats. • 0• •• EXETER: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Medd. who reside they were sold by the local freight agent near Clinton. and their daughter, Miss N. at 810 a bag. The Exeter papers have Medd, are coming to live in Exeter next been investigating the matter, but state chased the residence of there is little truth in the report. A car tau, having p1(. of lathes was sold in Detroit by an Mrs. A. McKenzie. of Kippen, narrowly Thomas Kastle on Main street. ExePrr lea 4'r, but the amount received escaped instant death while on a visit to Hensall. While crossing the railway Rev. S.F. SharA bronze tablet in memory of the late pewho died while minister was little over half of the amount stated. , stack her skirt was caught by thelot of of Caves Presbyter.an church, on April .__ WYLN(UIIAdl.-.. the engine. and only the prompt act on of the en ineer in applying the emergency 21, 1018. has been placed oil the wall of g �, the church and was unveiled byRev. S. 'brakes saved her. .m' Ranks Nelson. of Ramat n, before a St. Peter's church, Drysdale, was the crowded congregation. scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday. Exeter has a big building program for April 14th, when Edith, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Regis Denomme, Hay township. became the bride of Louis Durand, of the Sauhle line, Stanley. The happy couple will reside on the groom's farm in Stanley. Mrs, John Allison. a pioneer resident of the township of t'sborne, passed away on April Itith in her ninetieth year. She was a native of the Orkney Islands, her maiden name being Jane Chalmers. She came to Canada at the age of eighteen Years, and after her marriage to the late John Allison in the early fifties •ire came with him to the Thames Road dis- Dict. Mr. Allison died twelve years ago. Four sons and four daughters survive. 'A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kechnie. concession 2. East Wawanosh. on Wed- nesday afternoon. April 14th. when Mrs. Kechnie's youngest brother. Abner Josiah IscHt. was joined in wedlock to Bliss Vera Mary \ oight, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. R.J. McCormick, of Blyth. The young couple hail from the township of North Easthope. Pe1th county. They wil l spend part ofa heir honeymoon visiting relatives in thts locality, and will take up their residence on a farm in North East - hope. Mrs. Louise 1'. \Wcisnllller. 124 !howling sesame. Toronto, sok item - Misery and *smut . IWM Inez granted predate of the will made November 4 Mot by her husband, i►avidl \Wetswiller. former president 1,,iulon Mutual life Lwnrarne 4'nmpnny, and at 1(114' tion' well-kicrw'n Huron man. • echo died) at Toronto. February 24i. lear4ng $0 In personal 'effects. $21,013 'Us hook tk .4.i awe promissory toter, 114,343 in - enrollee. $1.383 cash, $11,0004 In twmdls a1141 debentures: 74 shares British 4'ul1(nhr Transportation 4'onionny. $;wr2: :d) hanker,; Fiiluneial Corpora- tion. preferritt. $4.740, and :is • . listed ns of no market valor: 1081 At- lantic Sugar ReliiwT1es. $12,:rat: a still acid property Iowa hi e°ntie•tlon with the 'rripure water Co., valmal at 7,1,1: and an Inter4'*T 1n a an1M11yia1on at St. Lambert. P.41.. *wider' to a (14414 of #12.4U). -amt In whirls the testator's equity is valued at t)/. In Nov.mlwr hast Mr. \V,'Ismiller transferred the lrrotwrty et 124 ihowling ave., valued et $'_1.41410. to his wife. this year. A number of new houses will be built and others will be remodelled. The London Advertiser had a story atkrut 1 farmer front the vicinity of Exeter who bad a stroke of good luck in connec- tion with a shipment of potatoes. They were consigned to Cleveland, at $4 a bass but owing to the railway strike were stalled in the Detroit freight yards, where A report from Walkerton stated that action had been entered by a Walker- ton--larrist.r, on behalf of MII%M Jolla Nora Knowles of 1.tieknow. against John Sharman. pr,ehice dealer of Lon- don. for $1010181 for alleged breach of promise to marry. Miss Knowles, who 1s •n English girl, had been employed as It waitress 11t the Cain House, lnIeknww, for several years. I)tiring haat fall. d 1'. diol, the defendant made -- - thls hamar hie headquarters for some CONSTIPATION time, white engaged) In buying rep large enmities, of potatoes. While tlwn•! it - 60 tars yoNgrripATJON M arise either fafrmsteat, dillseh or la- is alleged. ho made himself very ts d tl. Lower Bowel friendly and gained the confidence and friendship of the plaintiff and later 111/111...• her an offer of marriage, with it she teromted. (In the ostrtongth of ttw offer of marriage, plaintiff state% that wtl..1 me...the metal Keep Them Growing IChildren who are over -thin, • listless or delicate, should take. S Emulsion regularly every day as an aid to growth and sturdiness. • Nothing surpasses Seott's o IEmulsion as a tonic -nutri- ent ent for a child of any age. l..o(t a Dowse, Tomato. out. 20-06, LatesiStyles The ymptoms are Headache. Modems. Meatal Sluggishness. Lack of (•eaoeatratbt4 Lassitude or a.'eeltg.of llo (*aklatwhich may (becoon,me dryeaand Coated Tongue, Loss e A.ppet e• Heart Palpitation, rough and Pimple* may appear. Sometimes there V ship left her situation and hxd leen Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion. 1 a. ilia ooadlt10a too to coneiderahle expense preparing ORTANT to erase Coastlpalfo■ trainee 1 for the Rent, to sty mthing of her IT 'amorally ieads to many sertou disordt n sleeting a preop•[ remelt: ordin- ary Cathartics sad Laxatives have a weakeslag effect upon" the system. other. Gripe and Purge sad Mineral 011s, If taken ewers! times a day may retard iwith the w rption of food. secretion et KIDNEY AND L VeR PILLS form an ideal forCoutlpettad its evil resells. We give 1Kewtth the iJYa PIi.IA lis order that you mactin* of the ay form your own °pintos as to the Talus of this wonderful medicine. IRO'S iIIDNNT AND CASCARA - Laxative, Carla • Tonle to tie !.Iver sue Intestines, does not rause Griping asaut symptoms• good for Chromic Costal - pa Ion *ben used in small and e (- ed ddses for a considerable period gine. MAT APPLE --Useful in Fevers, f tlle an 1 for orons 0.errol most every type of th. Liver aad yelper. For Inrlt;extioa. sun - dice, Plica. Constipation, Dropsy and Mils ]eruptions. Laxative Cl1I.VERT'S 1100T --A sad Towle. useful In Dyspepsia,un- Jfaun- dies. P11ea. Dtarhoea, Cadets Corrects Liver Troubles Gives tone retiv sep•rafesd vigor of c°Ithe ys- tem. to the Abe for inflammation of the twin. St au Obstinate Injured feelings. The London papers publish a statement said to be madd• by Sharman, to the effect that tlwre had ,wen n mlonuderstamling. He PtatP% that owing to pressure of business he was 11115(11e to arrive at Lneknow when Iw` wits Pxpesi.tl there, and that his prospwcttye bride became anxidnts at the delay In not hearing from him. ler. Sharman states that ■II mistunder- sad in combination wlth Intestinal Torpidity. This acts ( +tooling has leen c;alit saway. arnl ' that the wedding w•lit hel held III ThursolMv 4 today) at Lucknow. CLINTON. Mr. xndl Mrs. 07. 10. McTaggart an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter. .dean Dolmen', to Alastair John Cretin.. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 1'. D. ('reroor of Itamllton, the marriage to rake place May 13th. Mrs. Margaret Watt a the engagement of her els eat daugliter, .tnnir•M.. to 'Willett filen ('sok. the marriage to take pian• at an early date. !.lane. Manley A. Shipley, son of Mr. amt Mrs. oleo. Ithipey of the Hnron med. bee returned from wTPr•Meia, hav- ing been serving in 1n111a ,Ince July of 1914. hl (vas Wminded and spent gime hate In hospital. hof Is now In f.lrly gond health. William Flukey was found dead, G1MA00E-i101eA In d d the 'teasel. siting In his eh.ir at his home. on (:etsutiN 1oa aad Dropsies p Haeklug'n Kidney aad 1.Ivwt Thursdpay morning last. He had tern 1 ingredient healthy ad Line nor rn d ref w Fl k r net 'rises are ombinatlos 'r just thrvr weeks' •ons lest wile other drugs all herbs. HTOSCTANDS-Helpfel to the Kidneys. stops pstg. soothes the Nerves, lessens irritability of the Pal- pitationNerve Centres. For Functional of the Hesrt, helpful toho Mucus . Membrane employledeto and r♦ Rowels. in and to quiet Nervous ex- citement. CAPS!(UM-Sttmwlaat and Ston - Acle, useful in Feeble and Languid Digestion. Dyspepsia. Colic acid Cholera. tnl Is Flatland PEPPERMINT --LIQ end Celle. nu, SpasmodicColc to PainsPain ock Nausea offt a Stomach ant Bothi . p *vests griping aad or Nentalgla Ilgasw loin. p attended t s o a dor urn. Mete it4' d the bit this ill produce • , p ly They pitta you will dud that itis rs and Rowels. oils. Lgalhes, pule 4'r PIM were marries' In Iran at Dungannon sf tie StlaeX-t Lever, Kidney and melded at Anmlrn for sPvenl Ne other drags r combination ere a drugs, iNG't1 KIDNWT AND LIVEN Nves Nis lave reel leneArtal erect as a• 1s eller 81.1 will dss year. Mfnre moTirye to (9111(011. Ore p are "'MN ly all dmilee. 1 h .at1. Haekb .1 to son aad five daughters ,arrive.: W. J. hl�� � jam, :lei 11.01. Mil • New Hats•ars-V.i y Very IWF \ . Old Portrait Ht* clouded with feathers or tulle, broad and drooping of brim, vie with wide , spreading t r i - corner cap like toques and British Admiral effects with busby mounts darting out_. fromone side, of flowers trim- ming the crows or brim. lllass less The death occurred in California on the 18th inst. of MTs. M,H. Mclndoo. lifter an illness of several months. The deceased and her husband were formerly residents. of Wingham. Mrs. Irvine. widow of the late Robert Irvine. and a former resident of Wingham, died at \Winnipeg on the 14th inst., at the age of eighty-six years. The- remains were brought to Wingham for interment. Two sons and a daughter survive, all lii)ing in rhe West. Rev. Horace W. Snell. of Winpham, has been elected grand chaplain of the Provincial Orange Lodge of -Ontario West: George Wright. of Smith's Falls. has betel engaged as leader of the Citizens' band. He was leader of the ItiOth (Bruce) Battalion band when it went overseas. • . Wilbert Wellwood has • lef1 on his twenty-sixth semi-annual - trip through Western Canada in tin interest• of the firm he represents, took- tiros. & Allen, Toronto. The Advance says: The pea -tic -school board at their last meeting atLed $50 to the salaries of Miss Reynolds and Miss Farquharson. These ladies have leen valued teachers in W ngham public school for a number of years. Miss Reynolds has taught in the W Ingham public school ever since she secured her certificate thirty-four years ago. Miss Farquharson has taught in the school here for the past lw my -seven years. • • The place to get that Shirt you have been wanting, • in fact, anything that goes to make the j "WELL-DRESSED MAN" • • • McLEAN BROS. • • • • Semi -steady Tailors and Gents' Furnishers • THE SQUARE 'owsw••wewwww•wwww•••www••. • GODERICH • • Kingston Si. - Gsllsricl l� t SPRAYING. i Experimental faros Note.) If the fruit -grower, vegetable -grower or flower -grower does not spray nowadays, he is almost certain to have intrriot products in hs orchard, small Iruit plantation and garden. There are so many injurious insects and diseases which affect a large {irilportion of the plants he grows that if they are uncontrolled there will either be no crop left or else the value of the crop will be very much reduced_ Thereare few of these m?ects which cannot be w II controlled by some of the remedies which have been discovered during the past twenty-five or thirty years and which have been well tested by many ext eriments. Spraying must, however, be thoroughly d tie it good results ate to be obtained. Materials are expensive, and the cost of labor is highs and money will be wasted if the work is improperly done or not at the right time. The early sprayings are, as a rule, the Most Important, and those whereontem• plate spraying, as all should who have orchards or gardens. should get every- thing in readiness to begin at the right time, as delay may. mean'much loss. spray calendars are issued by heDo - inion and Provincial Departmentsof Agriculture, II which several sprayings ate recommended to be app.led at certain stages in the aevelopment of the leaves, flowers and fruit. In the case of fruit trees the spray should he applied so that tveryieril bud and fruit wit. if possible. receive some of the material. not only on one part of it but as nearly all over as possible. Every leaf, flower and bud or young fruit missed mania possible start- ing point for (fixate or inset pests. in the case of vegetab'es. promptness in the application of a good spray is just as important as with fruits. One does not need to be convinced of the value of promptness in using poison in controlling the Colorado potato b•.etle, as the results o the ,pr.1y are immediately apparent in the death of the "hugs," but more faith i - required when dealing with diseases and insects which are not so readily seen but which do much harm, and usually the grower is well rewarded for such faith. The formulae for the mixtures and solutions recommended should be followed as closely as possible. 1f a man knows the chemical composition of the materials he uses, and has made a study of spray- ing. he may alter them slightly to meet c• dein circumstance., hut if he knows little about them he should follow closely the instructions glean or, the spray cal- endar. He should, al e, sp' ay as nearly as possible at the tim• suggested A delay of a few days may mean practically the loss of the mixture or monition used. os there might be no return for the- labor or expense Write to either he Dominion or Provincial Departments f Agriculture for a spray intender. W T MACAWS, Dominion Hosticultudet. ANNOUNCEMENT are pleased to be able to inform the public that w are no In a position to supply any quantity of hard cos in all stztl6�_Also any quantity of softcoal for domestic use. a We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and • now that it has been relieved we will give out old-time >t service and prompt delivery. tai The Saults Coal Co Phone No w w 13. J Saul' residence. \\'. W. Sault;;' residence No. 20'2 se cx XXXX Xxx x i01, cesfe'- RO ERI"WILSON is still in business for the pur- poste of looking after the wants of the tanner. We supply Binders. Blowers, Ferbliser Drills, Cultivators, Harrows, Rollers, Cream Sep sraten, Maitre Spreaders, Gas Ea!i.es, Tractors, Delco Light and Power Plants, Bushey Incubators and ftraoders. Then we have thousands of rods of Frost Wevea Fee - cies, Barbed aad Sum& Wire. Tons of the blest of Chemical Namealways carried on hand. Hay, Shaw w Weed delivered to any part of town. MASSEY-HARRIS STORE PHONtt Ills Harms. St. Gtwderia Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"-that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or- loses its.lustre; when ugly dandruff appear:, or your hair falls out, a 3S -cent bottle of delightful depefdat! "Danderine" from anti wilt sav't tour Lain also double it's beauty. Try ,•DanderinV'airld-sect-•- - v Herne Felly. The mineworkers' leader was pointing out the folly of further cool strikes. "We mule stop striking, boys." he said, "or the common people. the great con- suming public, won't listen to us when we talk to them about the idle rich. instead of listening to us they•il yell: "The idle rich be dtancd! Now about the empty grate?" nn. , _ tY .�►�9 w� �ttlrilliN P ti r' .r If 4 (if .r4 i 1. e .:y1 J est) ,q, d1.,1I f ( In the Rush of Hardest' THERE'S NOTHING _ THERE'S makes a man so downright mad as to have twine run uneven. Stopping a binder once on this account is simply a nui- sance, but such twine means constant interruptions -a seri. oto s7pittor. Uwe only LY -MM,_' GO MEDAL BINDER TWINE snit be rid of such trouble forever. Plymouth MADE Ile CANADA is more even in size and stronger than other brands. It runs full length. ties atom bundles and doves not left deers. Buy Owtwine die's "drewgoad • and order worry. Therms good quality is ford i. GOLD MEDAL Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope r N" BBS GOLD MEDAL. rotor. km•.teaall-claw des rs ' • GET WEDDING STAnONERY At T SIGNAL