HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-22, Page 7• war THE slfilf.L - OODZBIOH, OXT. CHILDREN'S AID &ioCIET' 5LtTTF.R!i.l COUNTY AND DISTRICT'! The business dealt with at the monthly ' meeting of the Children's Aid Sudety last week was unusually interesting and 4 ri illh.0 i. lu li:ti.• a ,'.'1.'br.tl"tl un some of It of such a character as would W "r I [ lour make the ordinary citizen ask, "Can such 1 lit 1 1 tl roamed u( the at some rot 1 would prove a revelation h E even errs o[ live stock were shipped familiar with these things. In the routine business accounts were passed as follows: by the Walton Farmers' Club in February I County agent's expenses, i14.90. Shelter I, March, the value totalling over printing, $11.04: constable's items, $7.88; pr i 30,000• I expenses, $3. Sher Reynolds, as treas Gerrie mourns the death of Mrs. A. mer. reported cash balance of $74:$,;31, I E. 1'ulst •, a •nniei estrw114.1 r* id I but thtte are el many moon to pass r Owl . in,.,... "II„ •,used awuv Au it ( before the end of the year. The following' donations and subscriptiontt were reported 1'Ibe .,Ile of clgareti., iu H*ItWII ha things be in this county'" Attendance been prohibited .itt ey to a of the meetings of the Society ' clllage. n t0 t ,be Miss 'Catherine t' itorlu Smith died tut herhomue at Hen' Il'un Tuesday of 11114 week., aged sixt, -five- rear•. She 'formerly kept a mink ry shop at lien- w : rmstrung & ons, o • u ett. have purchased an additional 150 acres of and. making them owners of 4:10 ac`- one block. They are extensive farmers and holed some of the choicest land in the township. Many a bright, shiny -looking bicycle is a ay deceiver! It is merely built to sell. In a few short monthdit becomes a chipped, rusty - looking object that runs as hard as it looks. On the other hand. C. C. M. Bicycles re- tain their books and continue to run easily for years an years. Many in use for 10 to 20 311110”11.0 Still running well. _ C. C. M. Bicycles depreciate more slowly than ordinary bicycles because they are made of better materials. For e pie, C. \C. 11. case-hardened bearings ar so hard 11 ' le cannot cut them. That Is an,a urance of long years of easy running h. highly -polished nicke'.- oof code r and C. C. M. f, triple enamelling mean girt •AM with years of dux. since last meeting: Mrs. Wm. Proud[oot, dresser and toys; Mrs Wm. Andrews r rand Miss lsmay Thompson, each, clothing; W. M. S., Constance, eight quilts, clothgataendd mitts; John '.% . Millian, ba opoT Little. J. H. Milian, vegetable-; Mrs L. A.. mildew. --Hayfield Mettlsd quilt; Beduin/ L• A., Porter's et West Wawanah council, SIS: Colbortit ncil, S2S;M rs. W D Bentley, Nanti i Mutuality, April 22, 1020- T SAVED FROM LIFELONG MISERY And• Daae•rou• Operation, by Taking "FRUIT-A•TIV ES" Ov•eralls e Carhartt• • • • •• •• •• •• •• • mal, m • • Utah. ill' Mrs. 'John Hunter, Exeter. Vancouver, B.C.J. GORSE The house of W. B. Geiser. about e I C H• Perkins, Exeter. and Robert Hogg. $ Union St.,• mile north of Cred ton took Etre from I aeaforth each SI' Mrs. James Oke. Clan- "I suffered with all the symptoms tome unknown cause last Sunday after- I debo a $2, bine J. Keyes. Exeter, '.Sc:• of Female Trouble, with chrouiecons Ai noon and the upper story was Consider• j Mrs. G. W. Andrews. 111: Mea. U. Millar, 1 stipation and constant llea3ac es. ably damaged. Most of •the furniture f2; C. Seager, SI; Mrs• Boswell•Reid, M;' IP was raved, though damaged by hauling• • received on mahntenanceaccount, $117,43: 1 kmi pains Jew emit M Me bac °"d I • James Henry Hari, a former resident of Loyal Temperance Legion, Exeter`s was sides nj the ea*, I tried nnuua M Kitt died recently at Parry Sound I The usual routine of cases repot hoot lief, sod then cat $3.00 for One Week Only it is ottr aim to give the prupic tth.it the-) iv.►ut. McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors sad Gids' Fslfoisiera remedies wttr'e_ . jolt h THE SQUARE c n has forty ninth yar. The remains varied by three complaints, from different myself under a doctor s Care dad . were neraq t to Seahtr for interment. 'parts of the county, of cruelty to animals. the funeral `taking place friar) the res$• I the details of which would hardly be srlvised we to have u operative. 1 of G. D. C. Horn. brother-in-law of credited. and would lead one tbisay, why refused. • it-a- dence Theo, I started taking Fru the deceased. Ido not the local police Interfere . ,JiIstt does Bessie McDonald, wife of William Mc,' teem that where oanimals lae inare colds, uric tiers' ; and from the outset, I felt Id lye ro pt better, and ow mmiicine Ass completely Fadzean, of Walton. died on Tuesday. -April 13th. in her fortieth year. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lames iNIc• ? prwld. of a --18th-wofto d now starve not fit to print, there shoo D in ction by someone without asking adievai-att of all my misery and side _interference. But therelwas no suffering. 81y weight was only 143 township, an was married Thi year's models have the new Merest/ s Positive, Drive Brake -the Coaster Brake without a side arm. See themat your lo 1 dealer's. dation in agreeing at the meeting ' pounds and now itis 168 pounds. -t bereaved husband in June. 1918. that the county agent should act at once, am f of a and hell, a and the At the Presbyterian(1.isN ma s.young, I and this is being dere. on April 14th. Miss Norma Ross. Young• Several cases of neglects improper and terrible t'uastipatioa;and what sutved even criminal conditions in homes were me from misery is the splendid fruit et daughter of Iles David Ross, of ` discuteed and will be dealt with as soon medicine,'Fruit-a•tives'." Mclullop, became the bnde of John F. as possible. Of course these can only be couple an, of a their gen. ,,The young referred to here in an indefinite way'. but couple wilt make their home on the 9th concession of McKillop, where the groom has a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Win.Erin• r. w1no are tearing tt•oIesw,trtla 10 reside cat 'tut ton. were given a sendoff by their neigh - hop, utill friends. who gathered at their 11.1e LINT ,presented fir. Fra'~er with a gold watch and chain and Mrs. Fraser with u silver t•a servlre. Mr. Fraser was a member of tlw titer township remelt -fey t11te'itiyearn-lint Iteev • for • t• rut --- ASSE Y--PEJlf COLUMBIA a-100' - value. Co., Limited Wi.aipfa, V.aemewa r' m pl t are numerous enough to In order to improve the facilities for Fruit -a -tires Limited Ottawa. Ont. MRS. M. J. GORSE. SOe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. more than keep the county agent usy. such corn a c At all dealers or seat postpaid by 1 dealing with the animal cases. it was decided the County Society should affili- - - ate' w.th the Ontario Humane Society, els. but as delinquents who could be which has recently secured such changes i helped in a kindly and systematic wavy X Phone No, i b in the law as give wide powers for dealino 1 in counties where such an official has with this class of efj/ne. And it was also I been ap rated the work of C.A. Societies B• J $itdlts' residence Vv • W. Saulf res$dence agreed to continue active membership in has ben ratty aided and neglectful and No.2ili. No. 20'2 the Provincial C A Societies organization. and dMin stents started in a way •et • • • •• •• •• • -. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• + sx x a°° ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to be ahle to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of bard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to onr customers, who have been very patient during the stre'.e of the coal shortage, anti now that tt has been relieved we will Five -our ,old -tithe service and prompt delivery.. The Saults Coal Co Notice of motion to be consideredat next wayward qq - improved conditions. 1, meeting was $vers also that the Society that would tend to imp. petition the Ontario Government for • the Anyone willing to take an interest in judge, the work of the Society is reminded that' appointment of a Juvenile Court j the next monthly meeting will L a held on The hI • of sir. and Mrs. T.11a1oN at %Vroseter was the smile' of a Sappy f lust %reel an official who would be in a poet to tbe ,second Tuesday of May, the 11th, a event ou• ltwln.•sdnc o us visit any Part of the county andltlYlti- whet their ekkrt dattafderarri rptmt 415 p• m• :Meanwhile take a hint from „ gate cases or hold court is a ray -that the hit of contributions mentiotfed above. Moffatt, was united- in marriage Z brand the offenders as crimin- Archibald 'Wells. It, A.. Rf 'Toronto, I would not .formerly, of Blylfi. "'Thr• earemotty was m •rforitl Ins Itey._I'._MhI(olm iu the presence of 'fifty gte.-4s. Mr. uid Mi". Wells 's ill re-ide at Tonna.. Alexander MacMillan, who died at + eeswater on April lith, at the great age of one hundred years • and eleven months, was for some years a resident. of the toweship of Tuckersmilh. He had lived Culross township. Bruce county, ce 14613. until hie retirement to Tees - r. Myles MacMillan, of Lucknow. n, and there are four surviving en, thirty-four grandchildren and ven great-grandchildren. SEAFORTa j . 1 of flu• Lo -int^• place- in town i Ttsr 1 ,ii1' -r ', t r l = bars.- ,.r' +1-e- iieW 11a:-1.11I4E't'ot,-r, which w'11s u1o• .,t tl trig sa+-.•lst•w. of L.anb'p. England. s .1 \.•ir York .lnrutt tlw pnst r'-•a:i.eti., anal :ore luraugild '111515- i crony btsrklu ter tla• Iw\T f`,f .1tlww, d 1111Aa1: the 111,041 11 _ tire« place-Apr'+1 CL TOX, .t. N. Hamilton, who In will rlitr.irl r:u li 11 Clio• -da} after- noon 1111 May to Septetober. k rldr•4 11:1ttglite marriage t., i.e. Th, 41'n• 11.0- D. N. r+t Ipso will resift* psi wa is a daug ea: iroi;,•,I in thirty - 1. of F:dw10. ` ' iserTnrmnl cJnng j A, t' n•t 1-_Malk• I Jauws wirer fnrnl•r. when 3tev. of Mrs. Jaun•s II"'10117.4.1 Henden o •1. ; Exeter poultry I &L.w$•lathe. anti next aalltlal Conn y 1 herr•,.11i 11e•omtier. W1illr tit lountlnE wary hon here hist Thurs. I.11'ICN Mrs \.1 tine• I.lw ill •r litiigetnent of • her ,. ?Tareau. F p tic. -4..- EXETER. wldine took Once at the parsonage on April 14th, . .1,. Wilson united In tbingliter cant\ bt Exeter. and res $ton. u ve ort:uiized 50 hate the R• held j 4.111 r ,. he death ..r Ire! 171 !1; -tigj` 'en t the _position and 111th 'That..41 cat --,...n. at. Mow lily -four a t1-. `ins takilsg 4i-ta to ufTlie Tri The deices... l had 1 i a r•.id •cat of ,,,,,,,i reurr `nntk^'p..tsr..,- 1'llnt.•n fur about forty years. 11w T111 rsdsy. Nth Imst. at tlae h,.in' s•or,li wo.al 1'yai .1 1 •\,t 1i-'ittao of Mr. itud Mrs. 11. W. ;oultf, th.•ir I 1 it marriage t• 1 er-FTVT. tear. has elle farm - 'iv home` ' 'tt GET WEDDING STATIONERY AT THE SIGNAL Dangerous to Use Counterfeit Parts for the Thi. --. - _- mut , ttaepee - rlawja' fry ]!aiming fell In•tween the 041 • rant Moir and tt steel plate top of kiln. infli•-tine seven' 3 WINGHASL Stone has sold. lib* cat John mad 1'etlt st Pettigrew. of Lions Itichar.l Porter, es - if Bingham. cele - W. F. 1-a deuce. Cora* n• wets. to Ern Re. .t for R3. i :,i Mrs. te•Iao.l resident -.._ Itrateil tiit• sixty -see rid anniversary of tear welding last eek. They were i oriel cat timierirh can April 14th. 1 is, and 11,144• diced In _Ingham ever yin w. • s. Hugh 1'umminge. seventy-one year of cage. lil.ssdd away April 12111 at hr 1 • here. Her I014ba141 pre - dere her M•vernl yairw. Before 1-,9ntngrtn town- dw family lived to East %Yawatstsh. O. MI (*lumen. n: wlio Linn air htbeen e, has operator rntoor r St the .1.T.R. promoted to the position of agent at Hrnssels station and takes over his new .duties immediately. l - The remarry:-- of ttlp Atte -lags Brooks. }formerly a reaident of the towlwhip of Morris. • wen• brought here ,on itatnr- day front London for interment in 11•fngbaln cemetery. BRUSSELS. GeOrge Lott has purchased a resi- dence at Wingham and is removing to that town. James Irwwin. formerly, of Brussels, died at Toronto on the 11th Inst.. aged alzty-lire years. For few years he published The Bntssels Herald, now defntwt. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1►evldwon. of Brussels. recently celebratedi the fifty- fifth n11111versa ry of their welding. They were married at Searbori Murch 31st, 1x11. • HOE POLISHES; THE GREAT HOME Leather hSHIeNE Pastes for Black. Tan, Oxblood.Brown Shoes White Sh s White Cake and Liquid for HAMILTON. CAN. Tim P. P. ISALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. 1 -_- USe Less Powder- Getjetter Balling 6• - Rowing your garage than to use imitation ppar i' s only invite repeated- repair 1 S • •airing your car you not o *pea •serious breaado' 1 sot a s and more ger your`own life and the lives of 'others. liable oand se accidents ar of a very connection with the steering control ar serious nature. Genuine Ford Springs versus You Risk Youtr+Life Whe- You Use • Imitation Springs Inniti3ti<gn Spindles In a recent test the tensile s ength_ Genuine Ford front and rear spring's of thegenuinerd. Vona 3 ium are vin made a 6f Va sad. um sP i 214t e1 Ste el spindle arms found + hounds- r square- and 0 over 100", more than that of -pinch, and counterfeit machine -steel park• ne la tic_ nit of fiord 00,. s tested The . arms were submitted to h 1 ' cat are and the counterfeit arm broke ,in the factory. pr it springs of 18re at a putting force -ecp !valent souk to 11.425 pounds applied to a croweection• unds. In the fatigue test the averagegin- The Led to areorres- pig wilt stan,1 60,000 simkes before same pulling forcenapp i ponding. cross section of a genuine Ford breaking. Rear springs are subjectede average spind10 arm did not even change its original pressure of 2000ouring nds a d0the average s size or shape. In order to separate the genuine before brnuine aking. spindle arm it was necessary to apply a pulling. force of 25,000 pounds. Imitation sp-ings are generally made of car-' The spindle arm is `one of the vital parts en- boon steel havingr t ee str ength and an tof o nly tering into the control of a car, and by using places,astie Ford owners are limit of only 115,000 pounds. In ordinary spurious parts in such service they soon flatten out. risking lives and property. You are merely protecting yourself and avoiding repeated'repair.bills when you demand genuine Ford parts. _ Only' Genuine Ford Parts Can be Used wit Safety ASHFiELD. Stewart Jtnbertson, of Parlamenti). lune Isinght the term of Donalfarming Fergu- son. who 1s glclt• 5 tap time. :11r. and 'lrs. Alfred Sherwood, of -Deaner, have been bereaved by the death of their Istby danthter, Marion Elizabeth, who was in her fourth month. Follow the directions on the label E.g O Baking Powder Co., Limited, Haniltos, Cassia ss e • Look for the Sign It has been interested that the bscbelor should have a separate title to distinguish him from the married man, in the same way that Mrs. and Mist are used among women. It is felt that his present Of "lucky devil" is lacking in dignity Genuine ,v c7arts For Sale Here • P. J. MacEWAN, De r . Goderich I • •,-... r '