HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-22, Page 3•
*1 &Bpi
25 .r
Lie ITxp -MOUT
m C.CIDlaaitt
14011) ON
IGy lou l)undm.
Ottawa, April 17.- %VIII" sleeve.:
rolled up, as it ....rt., Parliament has
gull 110W11 to r-ul work. t;nue' are (he
days of nun-ruuleillone weaeuree
which could lw hurriedly skippetl
tllmugh,-and the real hard stud fast
fighting questions are rolling *p 0114'
after 11w illm r. lin tar It has se•wel,
in wane regards, a sort•of mutual back-
slratehhlg 11PMeen I:uvt•ruweut 111141
mpposition, and with nearly two
months of the erosion gone' one is apt
to hook hark and w her what' Iwo
been accomplished. It moist lw re-
member.l that only a couple of the
•1Iteat haus 41011w•m 'of the Franchise
II have passel: practically parte of
the Important .•,.tlulates lot re heel
den with. aid the Midget speech has
not , t (011111 fr the lips of Sir
Henry )taylult.
I'la% est orate still gullies the ship
of state, 'bile the sk}pp•r enjoys the
tweezes of wilder .lose, awl s4wta a
mesas -neer ow amt then with t`
to the officers and crew.
•u Is out expected back
ore weeks, and town
I actions are nil-.
ess•nlrer to fly 111
on. J, A. l'al(1rr,
a little !Hese.
heli he went
il ?ATH, spectator to women's and children'
themes, acute, chrome and DV,* WO diseases. eye
▪ nose and throat, partial dealnem. lumbago
sad rheumatic condittpns. Adenoids removed
without the knife. (Mice at rlatdence, corner
Yalaon and St. Andrew's *traria. t home o/bce
Monday., Tberadayaand Satudayo,goy evmmg
by spporotaaeot.
Graduate Toronto University. Graduate
a1 College of Dental Surgeons.
Seacer s to the late Malty Saie. Ohms comer
S quare and west tercel,(.oders b.
B M 17,Godertch. /i'I iruaruci00s by mad o,
tet at SgnalUawt ads be 4-14.mV11> site -1,41)d to
satltldence telephone 11v.
R. w
ssa• TEbn
cur. notary pabh . Ubcs
ligisrdtoe Sunt, (.udetah, shad door from
fewiseb luau funds to luau at lowest ton- •
sA1tit�:H SOUCITLsyittoL *Y
Oec.-Stet ng: Back bkta.1.ablaaaStreet
Our Wb. Telephone se. -_
Reel Owe, Loans and Ia await..
Dike on the :NAM e, .440014 idem( 1100 Hamel
se Motet, Gude-rub.
�- lands to krona( swat rates.'
K. G.. J+L..Kllue,ar
H. J. D. Coosa.
carry -on Wort
$Ir Itola'rt Bort11
for two or three
Iris movements 11
certain. Tia• hast
from the Soutll was
what iw lark again 111c,k
hale and hearty than
,t way. N'Iwther lir . ha
wont from the hinder to
has out yet been statist.
prolably 1• • at the next e
the meantime there has been
of gossip.
?ss $IcIAL
to the darkness 01 the middl • ages "when
bis return and will lay down for their I BROWN WAS FAST Ithe statutesrecugnlzed wig lien and dealt
*w a policy on Wife.' othe'g 11111\G J1UN'N HILL j with them and the penalty was death."
w*tU•rN, Whether lw mill Ile• slnnlg "We'll have to k.ok into this." re-
euough to regain his hold tut the helm About to quit Work But Taker Tan- marked Chief Ju 1 ce 51ertdititsas the
remains to he wen.- There la a feel- lac .,.1 s..Is Fine Now.cowl reselvtd judkmrut on th stated
hoc that .,c;se submitted un tehatl tit Mics Ma►gie
that -cense of the word, but, sin tow ••l teed my wife one day that if I didn't Faolleck, the Huru i county woman, who
other hard, the question arises of who find sca'ething pretty soon to help me 1 was convicted by Judge pitksol at
will step forth *s a leader strews would lust have to quit work." saw Gudcnch on a cheap of paaetrsing witch-
e•uough to hold tow party ,together. Bertram t'rown, (amil atiy. known to his paft aid sorcery at her brother a home
From time to tuts there are slight friendeas "Bett," who 16 tmpluyed by Kau Blyth, Ont. Sentence was postponed
evidences of this wrwher or that thrPierce-. -.only Company, and reaides petroirg the decision of the appellate
mtrattllllg at the leash. f
Thr tiov,flvulent ua•udwrs• du rot
think alike on tariff tatters. Neitllcr
are they united in regard to several of per the past two yeah 1 have suffered !)cath however, l o
the level -dons of the Fraw•hi.e lull.
lint they are willing to smooth 'over
Nose of their difficulties if they 'eau
secure other wive inures. 1)11 the
whole, the feeling within the Govern -
writ rank. is none tos, confident of
holding out, but neither 1: them any
great rush on the part of the l.11ieral
Opposition to tory the /:nvertaweut to
the country. if it could .1.. s..
Fight Over F tamblee Bt1I.
'In view of the p,resenl )imrtuluty.
It IN interesting to Irate' the att1111(1e of
riiriolis sections of tbe-' Hons.. uu the
Franchise Dili, at present - the motet pains they would almost draw me double
important measure before, the Hotter. and su. h a burning sensation that it ell
like there -was a coal of tire in my stom-
ach. 1 would have such severe attacks
of heartburn they, would ne. rly drive me
wild. 1 would Dave bJm ing hezdaches
and would sometimes bee e w dizzy 1
would just have to catch hold of some-
thing to keep irum taking. I was ex-
tremely nervous and could get but little
sleep. l would roll and toss Prem olit
side of the bed to the other all night long
at 4(i Maynard street. Halifax, N.S . while division as to the correctness u Judge
describing his, condition before taking Dickson's decitiui. Miss Pullock's fate
Tanlac. Continuing he said: now rests with the appellate division.
r is not the punishment
from the worst sort of stomach trouble, provided for the offeice by the Canadian
and finally became so weak ana felt so .aminal code today, one year's
lty.i prison
tired all the time that 1 ct uld hardly get )fent rn Ue maximum p
about. 1 had no appetite to speak of row appeared h r bliss 1'ulkeck and eE.
and could not rat the least thing without gayly, K. C., our the Crown.
simply being it dost,, and for a lung -Has 1111., woman been communicating
time 1 could not even do Lin; at breakfast
With the devil -or .,.recon. else ?
and would go for weeks wuhoot eating a queried sir. Vitlkam,
single mouthful in the morning, for 1 , Mr.Garruwexplained that under section
knew if I did I would suffer from it all oar 44, of tee t.rimwal Ct.de it -had been
long. What little I did manage to rat charged war Miss Politick "by skill or
would sour and ferment and I would knowledge in any occult or craft science
bloat terribly and my heart would poop pretet:ds 10 tell where arty goods lost or
irate dreadfully. 1 also had such cramping stolen may be fvuiid•"
Mr. Gamow told of the interview be-
tween miss Pollock and the seeker of
vanished oats.
"How much did all this cost ?" asked
Sir William.
"Fifty cents," returned Mr. Garrow.
"And they were periectly satisfied. They
telt that they got their money's worth."
Mr. Gamow asked whether it would be
an offence 11 the things stolen had been .
lletated thiough occult science. He urged.
that there was co prtteu e, the woman •
wan absolutely sin. e.
"What ditlrrencd can that make ?"
askt[I Sir \11111am. "'Pretend' here means
putting herself turward as being able to
do tans. It doesn t mean pretending
k_nowm: that shetan't d
Mr. Gamow declared that the man who'
had consulted Miss Pollock had nut been ,
deceived at ail.
Chief Justice Meredith: "We ought
not to strain the law to protect Giese
people who take money ,ur nothing."
Justice Magee r the y eyes in ther the
mere shut t inq,u
mood white imparting the information
prom the spit its indicated practice of any
occult science.
Justice Ferguson: "I don't think she
coy stomach. troubles, I have a fine pretended to any science at all. out in -
appetite and never suffer any had elks( is spirauun."
from anything I eat. My nerves are Justice tide 'asked where the line was
in ouch good condition 1 can sleep as to be drawn between this and Mime -
sound as a Ing all night long and always telling.
get up feeling greatly re.reshed. 1 am Mr. Gayly:•'11 don't know what 'occult
regaining my, lost weight and strength oe crafty science' nwa'ns,but 1 know the
yid my work is a pleasure to me. 1 have intention of the statute, which is to pre•
not had a headache isnce I began taking vent this sort ' f thing."
Tanlac and never become dizzy and 1 think Tanlac is the greatest medicine A report ort general trade co- nditions
ever put on sale in Canada and 1 aro wren out t.y the Federal Rvscon Board
nalwaysolea mmendin¢ it whenrver'I fee • att Washington, says manufacturers hold
an opportunity." the view that the peak of high pt ices has
Tuilar is odd m 1:,111''ri,•h nwid K beerireachef and Bre-expecting a gradual -
\1'iglr arlct -the I1iu1 elrtrllLlat la recession. In New et* City as in ether -- -
everl: town.
big centres. retail buy rs are :hosing
signs of a rebellion against high prices -
particularly as•re);ards boots, and shoes.
Thursday, April 2" 1W.() -:t
" Undergrad "
Qa4I. w
The Gee -eminent has expressed a will-
inglle•NN to wake all, reasonable o eon-
e•uNsious to les opponents. 111 order to
ma leo chi. •14111 .Clair to'' all. 7;he lib-
erals, therefore. have adioptrvl 41 give
and oak. attltwkr, w herriy they 'have
secured s•vr1111 elutllgr4 ill nil r
clauses. stat am getting nit •tlt{y 1'11
Their attitude at pot r•ntly lural% that
a eheeeins ae 1"118 Hi the I :rrvt•ruuig►t shuWN r
W ret mler't wtlliligiess to nisi then) halt-w•ay they 1 and would get up In the morning 1om-
1 pletely 'reed cut. 1 also suffered
J 1 1'11 11 t1.very way, dl
t It will I will keep their criticism within reason.
In 1 *1414' shoots. and to that w'14 they holo constipation and was simply in a bad fix
and for two months before i
to we err adt'aIItrgree n t w u whirl,
Will $lr Robert ('tors. Back ?
$ir•Rohert,' it is eonnde•itty
wttt colt the flock together anon -le
...... etc., Goder N:h
7 ER, artwuay, .e.lr.lw,
ned .1 lowest rates.
. 11,17C0(, merry, putpleee.end cuaveeyyancer.
e-CotHMI*.{{.atoede 00-121
IIISU CB, 160.115
.i ANCE Co. -Farm and notated town trop -
arty -ensured. Pity. (,odereahP. U
Oicera-Jas. Connolly,
jati Evans. Vice -Pres., lboachwood P. U.. Thomas
L HAY% Sec.-Treas.. Seallrth P.0
No. 1. Sea -
D V. ' Mei:,ttn.
44. 44 petit, John G. Grieve, No. 4. Nanton; William
Sk. KNo2. Seaford). John Bennewleo,
oeeI'yHlidr; Mohm
Mc -
Ru• es. Claim; James Evans, Beechwood. James
CennollY, Godetten. God1YKh: Aka. Leetch,
A�eriu. J. W. Yen.
L. R. No 1, Clinton; wdleala;Chdney.Sealorth,
L . HlnchieY. Seaforth. ' • -boldos can pa) at
payarn• and get their - rea,Pted at R. i•
Marrsh's Clothing Store. ; . H. Cott s
Grocery, Kmfslon street. tr1a11a't e' J. H,
Red's Genet al Store,
`' a started taking Tanlac there was hardly a
they ,•,l11{d Ielt fo1Yw thnmch. the minute when 1 Was (ere firm pain and I
s11. fight ata roti•. -Them, will 1w r 1 was so weak I could hardly stand to my
,,--_ fight. Inlw'ry1'r. and 111; real one, -whru
the House gots along' to the clauses
feet �yj talking to a friend pt
providing for ,the making of the lists ),int and 'telling him how bad 1 felt.
of voters. The followers of Mackenzie when he told me how much good Tanlac
11 tnotr s to sw in Utew• clause s a has dorsi him and advised me (0 go right
I we,a,w Tle'y .omen oro osier down to the drug store and get a bottle,
'elft or
n man e•Id1Rl vote as he felt sure it would do me good also.
'Blit or tn) ('ei(Iuti t by simply %Yell. I took his advice and 1 hadn't
• from one to another and ink- taken but a few doses when 1 could notice
oath 111 each, , • it wasebt Iping me. 1 have taken six
'atiatpti- tan.let'estl4cs.---4+r►- 1* betties altogether and I am entirely over
1, stalrrll' a tight mi clause
g (1outrlbntions tet ha11di-
be r puniest, unless hi -
malt Wel
pilltWel iniettnrs alone.
Ire+ prof,•ssel 110 4e1 In
drive *ghiust their
nus In the West. pmt
_ea/Lra)4% its ter -
low 1(1I to the
table fond by the
nlw"I 10 protide
Deeded Protection
Keep your body well au
nourished and strong and reit th
there is little danger. It's ' r?W r tl-
essential that you keep up nen, forldl
your resistance. There ate , 4111((•41 twat
thousands of families who Tla' cress -bei
would not dream of being t e•iarw• a
ser uryralllar
without the protection that - 4 thel?a- a.l,aalaeiis'
tit iu ronstitu.•IM
getIwring of a res
1l#' or which It .1-.
for candidates ex{a•u.
The Fainters' Organ':
1I. H. Gonad. A),NIIlthrtil
1111141 haying been raked
stitnrls•y, toy means elf
The right idea is toI ImIf toot sow to support his
told o1 this
ri his con -
dollar or
war ran -
MOD w -as enabled to give a
start in the fall with Scott's
Emulsion and be-pro-
epootected for a strenuous
winter. It's Scott's
Elslsdslsa you alt tsr.
& aswaa. teras. Oat.
for men at a
remarkable price
Mei s Tweed RaMmitu
coat is cut inithe single-
breasted style, aloose-
beelt with bucks -
34 to 42 at
$12.45 and $16
°Ott IY''tit
and sma • --
<Mate. Them was e t war r11uu(th I -
f it ine I*Ir{le'elt el a "he.'n• ,Iita'rt 1 with one another in denunciation of
1rT rbc !look. Sl r. (MuhlwruT7f Our'411rh a plan. surety chi+ .roti a yeas
etas told "f all agreeturut w'11Mh he anddanger. they urged. .t mai an. ...lit
signed wherel'y a cotumirtee at h, 110 Ottawa 10 r'IIrPs•11t 1111 4 Hili la and
W11,1 checking his actions herr, a1)41. f ' not one e11.sl1 1141s•y or a group lar that
'he failed to hew to the Blit', (1(11111 ea coistittu-ney. John 111•+1 1114.110.41 11
him 10 ae•puit. while forty Jwr tent. was 'fraud of the worst kind. to go out
of his ,---'tors ''011111 detuan I lits re- ming farmers and ru11w•t "their hunt'.et
slgm+rtion. a Mars when thiiy did
not know
"Horrible," wee the chums from the th'y might be ea11w1 spoon he sop{sort.
('sovernweut IN•tlrl(rm. Tum Tweed le r. (could diwttird the people were
l(.'alsaryl•- John (test 1 ihltrertu i and tors of 11laehila• {.(.litic. *154 sick of
J. A. Ilexsmith (Petri-11.mrl E.) vied sends g "rubber sunup" tnOttawn.
They anted their 1(5.11 repress' tatives
hem nee were willing to pay their
share hu. 0 rd g411 Ing them el. Icel.
This Mas ,Itis Idea of pore pulitten.
Campaign lb 'undo.
•'A huller IwD thou pale," deck
Dr. .1. W. I'.lwarels 1Frontetsel afl4
a certain se• nun of the Government.
Notches roared` approval. A. it. M4'
)Lester 1 Itroitai, from the Liberal
ranks. mover an amendment which
would allow only' \in dividuals to suh-
s•rilsr t0 Iarty or crouol1(111tes' funds
*1111 limit 111(1141(111x1 subscriptions to
1111.11)0. After a couple of hours de -
tette. Hun. Hugel Guthrie puncture(
the whole bubble by declaring that
what Mr. Its/Master .ought In him
i.uu•11dmleit had been haw for years.
*tool was already provided for In the
hill. wilt, thea.xeeption of the 110.(4*)
limit. Publication of funds and de-
tails of suhs•rlptione wen' ail provided
for. The chins' finally wowed with-
out amendment.
J. H. Burnham. a thoughtful though
at times rather erratic nieidier from
Pt•terlsiro, precipitated another debntr
oar ca1111Nliglt funds on s whit to reao-
luttoni w filch gave holo a ('11*n•e 10
sw-Illg 1 11 axe against Iter. Ben Spence,
the Y.M.('.A. and w•veral other organ -
teatime. Thera wits est interest
delate. in which much ground welt
ert•en•11. lack and forth and sideways'.
but that was 111N(1I1 all that came of
the resolption.
In the SpringTime
Any fool knows enough to carry
an umbrella irks it rains, but
the wise man is
he who carries
ne when it is
only CfOliar.
Any man will
send for a doctor
when he gets
bedfast, but the
wiser one is he
who adopts
proper measure&
before his ills
During a hard
Mei s Fawn Raincoats. Made
in single-breasted style,
double -stitched seams.
Sizes 34 to 46 at
• Tie Leading
Fusers! Directors
asd Embalmers
Ogen carefully f fit orad to
at all hours, nigbt
,_become serious.
winter or the following spring one
feels run-down, tired out, weak
and nervous. Probably you have
suffered from a cold, the Grip or
flu, which has left you thin, weak
f and pale. This is the time to put
.your system in order. TtTs Lime
for house-cleaning.
A good, old-faabioned alterative
"id temperance tole Ts one made'
of wild roots and barks, without
the uae of alcohol, and called DrPierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
in tablet or iiquig form. This is
rick Nature's tion., which, restores the
tone of the stomach, activity of
the liver and steadiness to the
nerves, strengthening the whole
ystem. First put up by Dr. Pierce
over 50 years ago, now procurable
SaatI Side Square
Fortunately, few people are mind
at any drug store; or send 10 cents
to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory, Bridge -
burg, Ont., for trial package.
Folio, --\\'Ion ore you to' be mar-
ried? - • t
M.nil --Tic dressmaker km -n t
cidel yet.-Itoeton Transcript.
sSNcE 61870mcoli
Differences in taste - are not
more varied than differences in
physical structure.
The tendencies and,. typpee of
men arepictured in the .Semi -
ready physique type _sysstem -
where allowance is made or- ` tinct
typrg., with 14 variatjons fr each type.
It covers the man'who says '1 -can't be
Tttted,for fie care-
areIn colours, in textures, in styles and in propor-
tions this eolle tion of SemiTeady tailored elothes
has the a !vantage of the worth price -label -in -the -
pocket, a value based on the cost of the fabric -
Touch up Your
Furniture and Floors
Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore.
11 the surface is spoiled, the article is considered use-
less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save a11.
The (:•T.R. Agreement Up .Again.
_- 11:414..mtstnke often has great c•on-
wenier(ee. in the agreement for the
aeptisitlon of the Grand Truk system
there were a couple of errors. As a
result the hill la again before Partin -
Meld and a great deal of old ground
Its% been 4'0%'4're1 In debase thereon.
The legality of the shareholders meet-
ing 111111 of the Government's egrt.-
Inent hos leen raised. x1111 Hon. Mnc-
k''nzic King drew from the Minister
of Railways the admission that If it
were not for theme two errors the
agreement rebuild have gone Into effect
without any fm•ther palaver. The
shareholders, said Mr. King, had each
heen given a ropy of the agreement
with the Government. but Parliament
W1114 11 4141 to ratify nn agreement al-
ready signed and which it had never
had n cite t• to dts•1l44 prgN•rly.
This; he protest.d, we. laid in prin-
(•Iph, and the MONO went over all the
grminil covered In the debate of last
session beton. the hill had proceeded
very far. irr. Reid teas nnd.r Iwasy
torr, hitt him head Sholthlerm are
ae•ll"tomel so 11141 v loads 81)41 he
carer up %lalling. There was te) 1111141-
tl0i of the final result. therefore th.•
load on the Minister's mind wax not
so heavy a% It might otlwrwlsr• hare
Attractive Spring Footwear
Our Spring Footwear comprises a shim iig of
the IntP"t de'tcns from the best makers.. You
will nil our pares Right, el nsisteut with Quality.
W11 Invite your ins1N'rtion. ,
Wonwn's Pumps. Colonials and (,*fords.
ranging from 12.75 to If 10.00.
Women's fine illgh Boots from $4.ss to 113.10.
For Men's Fine Boots and (!*fools WP beep
the most iip-tn-date In s.tyde, gnallty and price.
Remember this le where you get Quality 111
Repair Work.
111111 Slogs n Is -"All -este' HaMl,/artisn"
If Constipated, Bilious
or Headachy, take
Feel grandi Ho efficient! Don s
sick, bilious, headacl] constipated. Re-
move the liver and bowel emotes which
is keepingyour head dizzy. your tongue
1 coated, ur breath bad and your atom•
aeh soar. Why not get a small box of
Casear.ta and enjoy the nicest, gentlest
laxative -cathartic yogi ewer experienced?
(laaearets sewer gripe, sicken or ineon-
veni.aee ons lilts Smits, Oil, Calomel or
harsh pills. Caaeer.ts bet.g sunshine to
' dowdy minds sad ball -sick bodies. They
work while you Oar.
Visas sad furniture that are shabby can be made to
look as sew by using WOOD -LAC STAIN--+ durable,
besmilal finish for woodwork of all kinds -a combination
d ligi, grade varnish and permanent stains. it imparts
fa eaatnfoa wood surfaces the rich aiipearance of mors
ettpenaive woods such as mahogany, rosewood. cherry.
ate. Twelve beautiful shades -
Get A Sample
Bring the attached coupon and secure a trial can sufficient
to do ever • chair or small table. We will give you full
Iaetructioas how to use it. We want every householder t1
O('('l'I.TiSM i)ISC('SSED AT
Goderich, Ont.'�� ".
('ate of Huron ('minty Wonsan Re-
ceives Consideration et Judges.
Toronto, April 15.-- la the broad ligh
of noon today the appellate division a
Oigoode Hall had its attention directed