HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-22, Page 21 Thu rsda y. April 22. 111211 TEL SIGNAL GODERICN, ONT. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., Ltd. Publishers Thursday, April _', IlrM) EDITORIAL NOTES. Have you donned your overalls ? (Walt Mason says Holland refuses to give up the ex•Kaiser because it needs the wood he saws. They are talking of $4 wheat now • The world will have to learn to lean less heavily on the "staff of life' This is the fifth anniversary of one oI the great events of the war—the battle of St. Julien. in which the Germans first used poison gas and the Canadian troops saved the situation by a great display of resource and courage. The sheep -raising industry' in Ontario is suffering from the damage done by dogs *which worry and kill the animals. and the Legislature is trying to find some remedy for the trouble. More drastic provisions regarding the taxing and tagging of dogs will probably be enacted. The first division in the Legislature this session gate the Government a mai irity of forts -nine. The vote was on a bill reducing the property qualification of candidates for municipal office. Nearly all the Liberal members. including Mr. D' vitt,, voted with the Government. A cable despatch from London states that nearly 'se hundred thousand war trophies have been distributed among the Dominions to mpseums, regiments and public bodies Carlgda has received 1,175 guns and machine guns. What is being done to secure some off( these trophies fix Huron municipalities' The Globe argues that the Northern Railway cannot be able until it is linked up with t Trunk. Isn't this lust about the argunierif as was advanced when Grand Trunk Pacific was built: that t Western connection was necessary i.. A instead the Grand Trunk Pacific has ruined the old Grand Trunk' Canadian i e profit - Grand mel is the U. F. 0. Government making good ? The Provincial Treasurer holds. out no hope of a reduction of expenditure, but rather indicates the probability of an incresse. And continued votes fur Gov- ernment House give no sign of an inter; tion to do away with that monument of extr.vagance. If the people are in earn-. eat., the Governm'rnt will have to cut' doe i some of the unfruitful trees. The Orillia Packet quotes Brigadier General C. H. Mitchell, dean of thea Iacuity of applied scien,eand engineering, University of .•oronto. who.' speaking tae` iese* if --section of the Ontario Ed tional Association. said: "On my return - trona 'ive years at the war 1 was shocked at the loose. ungrammftical, slangy and extravazant English 1 heard. not only on the streets of Toronto. but about the pre cin:tsof the University. Let me.here make- s plea for better English. spoken and writ- ten, in all our sch•ols throughout the land." Whin potatoes reached the price of 87.50 a bushel at Detroit, the women took a hand in the game and boycotted the dealers. Within twenty-four hours the price began to fall, and a day or two later had got down to $1 a bushel. The high prices were artificial_ the result of speculation. some cars of pdtatoes in the rail say yards having changed hands half. a -dozen times, and each speculator in turn making a profit from t.he trensaction. When the people unitedly refuse to pay unnecessarily high prices, the high prices pill begin to disappear. Pure, Clean, I i Preserved 81 sold only in Sealed air -tight packets to preserve its native Economical I goodness. 11 as» Used in Millions of Tea -Pots Daily his intention to his daughter. who fainted when she saw her father in the unusual garb. What the overallers will accomplish in the way of reducing prices of clothing remains to be seen. Already theextrav- ' agant tendency of the times has cropped out in connection with the new move- ment. and overalls with fancy fixings are being quoted all the way up to 845 a Pelt. t • A Faatastk Proplwl. Lomton fust. We may take it. • then. that the ('nitre( State,. {a'r'ias in maintaihlug reservations which auul.l wake her position . on the !wagon. of Nanous farcical. It has already been proix/s,l by unr euthusiasts that tier venire) fetal__ shrvhld ta' a.e•..{tt._i upon these terms : fu other words. that stir m10111,11 Iw allowed all the benefits and moue of the risks. She is to Iw admitted . on the understanding that she ran go home it it rains. Smith. the new pro- posal. ft Is humiliating: it is [aurae tic. It leave no illusion In the mind of any sensible man as to the future of the League of Nantes.. Keep the War Garden tieing. 1 ondou Advertiser. IMespite , pt,edictiou: from many quarter_ that following the cessation of hostilities the prices of foodstuffs would take a substaaria l drop. there is MI indi.•ati„u that such is `ming 10 be the rase. im foci thet'r i- ei err' PROMPT RELIEF for the arid-distresed t3teaasah.' try two 4r throe I�NoIDS after seals, diasdvad ea fir (vagus-- keep your atesaek avast-- try RI-s.Ide--ties M sail to dlfestfaa (mass sr scow • mamas or scams w'a,fuI t.. 15.11.•1.• ilia( prier's will cols• tion to ndvitute. It is well that 111e Individual (harem st Id realize this now when the period of preparation of the stardom is nt hand. The world's spplp c of tisslsduffs continues to he far: short of the demand. and the preerrit ws iah, {adlttivl and iuditstrla1 situatou 111 •5:11ro{te gives not promise of • this short tgo !wing made up for t1 !n•nluug•'•I period. Those who hare a garden should keep up the produc- tion sit the wee yearThat .cultiva- tion. while it was in forte for patriotic and practical purioses. supplied addi- tional Uaalstnffs to the nation in im• Intorno. quantities. The war crisis kept thousands to the vitally necessary task of increasing cultivation who txwrhaps ase he -lined axlw (0 1.1 down. (tut the Reed today is almost as Threat. T110 ngrteuttural eleyarnueut ut the ProvLRr of rjltehrc annrm nee that it Will eontlnue, as during the latter war year's, to provide public lauds. w here - ever feasible. for flu'use of the amateur gardener. untarto should do something along the manes lino to pro- mote greater pralectlou of food. It would help tremendously to destroy the spirit of discontent and unrest that the high cost of living tis evolving amongst those of limited income. ilttlt•U Ijrs- stat the Fars, London Free Prwes. -t, West Middlesex farusers club .i_ reporters to bare decided to make Wed- newlay afternoon a halt-hollday thriig(' the slimmer wtiifhs. It is not stated whether this Is seriously put forward or, is a bit of rural humor ie - trialed fur it. effect upon' the urban workers. Juke or not. the Olin -to coming when the farmers will refuse TO work tong hours--whflr tlweir prerhreu in tete rifles take an ever sbort_r tn.ur. If --the ewe is fee sages alien the*other will have to la• made Wo, -- Farmer. today re iseripleining *hal their tirhl2 costs are being raised large tart in,•nns' the workers in the citflh• are not doing their share. It Is gtlitr imts.ss11.1,' that the farmers should rs,71{a• {laying part et th',rests that are :Uldeel 11. {tri Iiiitltii when the city wiirker is employed fewer hours flow 14 tl.e fanner. This is not an arzl mint for newer factory hours. but for fair piny for the man w1... work- to the sanitary. • The iq.shot w111 I.e ever rising costs lot _ food. city cousuuers are shocked at haring tit pay $.7p, 411 end even $$ per lag fol• potatoes, but they will have alt laevwr used to these prates if the farms etre to g•i oh being depleted of labor due to the easier working con- ditions found it) the cities and towns. It is out ditlkult to se that the situa- tion is going to cure itself slater or Tater. Nut ererylaxly will he *Isle to pay these fust prices, sod then the fact will he rerliwvlert'l that "IL:IU '12411 eat by the sweat of his brow " 1l•hen, It Carne From. I:eriJ. : "Where flocs Mora get her tine .etwplexi from --her tattier or her wither Y " Bertha : "nths ti her father. lie's it druggist." i • 1• 111 Remarkable Sale of Floor Rugs l• 1N >r xllt ti X lr it l•Xii mi Xs a x st >• lt)r 1 >K 1I lr �)K I• R W. ACHESON & SON my5 r We place on sale at once about 200 a medium and fine quality British Floor * \ Rugs—Brussels, Tapestry, Brusselette • and Wilton. Prices are marked special X to ensure quick selling. Brasselette Reversible Seamless Rugs XAu co gad design, for au) room. III a 2 x 3 yards, ,50, for 0$1,03 xards, ..00, Cut =19 LI 3 x 4 yards, 82 .00, for..... $21 Taps, Lp llR_ TIUS question has - answered by many !tea` ands of women wl -bird found health and happiness f>e the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. aieeptaaswoaa. irrltablllty, nerve4116• masa, emotes forebodings et the futwre, doers/Ws and dlaoouraaet meat—thew are Soma of the Map* toms which tall of exhausted neeWMe Is Order to avoid nervous peeatra. tion ar lama form oft par•f7ide 1t !• well 1 get thyo building up prone* established tat once by tsa /K D e Chas.'s tsMerli ge od. e•eb a w; 4 for $1.75. all 4.sM4rs. 8a00. & C.., Ltd., .1 X Brussels Rugs, it extra heavy pile at# rich X ' 3 x 3 yards, special 325 ad $311 3 x 3+} yards, spacial ad $45 1 3 x 4 yardsspecial sad $50 3# x 4 'yards. special ga in a range ol\colorings and tweeMeeePsevoeseiseheis Women's Suits Good quality all -pure -wool Serges and Tricotines, tailor made. Some plain, others trimmed with military braid row upon row, and smartly button -trimmed. Price very special, $30, $35, *42.50 and $50. Women's Dresses Taffeta and Georgette Dresses, Silk. Duchess Silk, Poplins, Serges, and Jerseys. A large and very pleasing choice. One garment of a style. Well made and range in price $12, $15,120, $25, 130, 535, designs. $37.50 and $45.00. d1 x 3 yards, 819, ori17 • x 3f yards, 827, r .. i25 t x 4 yards, 83C, fo ...... 28 Stair Carpet Reversible U151N S0e, 65e $1.ZS Stair Oilcloth with heavy canvas back,. 10 l inch at 25c :2t -inch at Suiting Serges We continue special sale of 46 -inch French finest all -wool Suiting Serge, in navy. black, brown and purple. Send for sample if unable to see it in the piece. ' Worth $5.00, at per yard 53.95. MO. It Gossard Corsets x 1t X X 1 A very large new stock of th1 most popular end beautiful Corset now in. The Corset that improves every figure. It laced in front. The Corset that never loses its shape. Prices $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, *5.00 ata up. chesolltl (4' Scn }'inn Time. it's the _rat time 1i a definite ronclusiut Bier arrived at „ 1t'o1,l,1•r i- .i.•aat." "Ye.. mud Ontario's Best Bt1U4ama College CENTRAL A hill is before the House of Commons tcP provide for control of steamship rates by the Dominion Railway Commission, it is opposed on the ground that, whereas railways are of the nature of a monopoly, there can be no monopoly in water traffic. and therefore control is not necessary. Thie argument loses its effect, however, in the face of present-day conditions. The freight business on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes, after a succession of mergers, is in the hands of two or three companies, and these two or three may be reduced to one *hen the largest company is ready to swallow up its remaining competitors. Control by the Dominion Railway Commission --or by some other body clothed with the r.ecessary authority —may he the only way to deal with monopolistic conditions. A m ivement to defeat the high cost of clothing by wearing overalls appears to be spreading throughout the continent. it started in the United States and has reached Canada, and in many cities it is sow quite the thing for business men and professional men to belong to an Overalls Club and wear the blue jeans garb. ft is told that at Brantford a member of the overalls brigade attended church in his e1w comma without gluing warning of 48th ANNUAL STATEMENT 28th February, 1920 Bank of H WARD OF DIRECTORS : •in JOHN ftENDRIE. 1:.r al ,:.: C. V.O, Pr001M$j W,x-ireMdent C. C: DALTON - ROOT.' HOT180N W. 11. 2. SWEATS). K t7. J. TUR.NBLLL. W. �.SWEATS)..7 P: PELL, General1far.-.ger \ 1' E. KILVERT, l�eaterr, doperntendeat - %•PROFIT AND LOBS ACCOUNT. �>salence at credit of Profit and Lona room, 21_1, February.- 1919 sprouts for twelve months ended 211th ,Pe nary, 1920. after deducting charger ,pQ1 maligetaent, itl- $ u,114.69 \ terser accrued on deposits, rebate on urrent .viscounts• and making prOViaiwa , for bad and • doubtful debts . 547,104.91 Premium on Now Stock - i0tl•000.00 pproprlated as follows: Dividends Noe. 120, 121, 1.22, 123. at 12" per annate•• To Pendia Fund War Tax on Rank Note ('1renlatton Transferred to Rank Premises Account e Tranaflrred to Reserve Fund—From ('urrent Prollb From Woos a Profits carried forward lar. tlth Pebrwari. Int/ mlum on New (Stock nafarred from Prelim RESERVE FUND. • OIENIRAL LIASILIT1t1 To the Public: Notes of the Rank In Circulation 114.141...101 Cs Deposita not bearing Inter.._. $23,599,637.71 D•poelta hearing Interco. includ- ing interest accrued to date of Statement 44.973.157 11 4111.465.703 32 Ralancea due to nth._ Ranks In Canada.... 144,890.79 Balaneen due to Bank, and Ranking Corre- spondent" In the 'United Kingdom 62,137 21 Paleness due to Ranks and Ranking Corre- spondents elsewhere than in Canada And the United Kingdom 691.114 75 Aoeeptascse uadsr Utter* of credit 301,046 PO 315,71{,x4 47 Ts the Sharitheleers1 Capital• Block paid In Filed Biasses of Pleats carried forward Dividend Ne. 151, payable let Kaerh, 1110 termer Dl'4Asade unpaid 4,1I06 nun 00 4,200.000.00 56,249.74 119.925.03 1.255 60 IIN,1$4,141;34 STATEMENT, neon ,b). 00 1_1,432,211.45 411,113.64 40.317.91 37.4111.19 100,000.00 100.00o.4p'" 85.241,74 $ 1.422.211.41 $ 3,600,000.1e Soo,Os0.00 200.000.00 $ 4.2811,010.00 (1A$$LT$, 061 and current (70 1 929,015.34 withi 1mminion Oovernm.nt .)tr. 9,335.309.00 Deposit the•af infold - -,rt 1,760,000.00 Deposit with thee • 1 Penance for the purpaoes of the ('irculatt n Fund . . 200,000.00 Notes of other Banka cheques on other Rank_ 2,143121111016841556197 Balances due by other Ranks Canada5 Balances due by Banks and Baa Ing Cbrrs- spondenta elsewhere than 4x t.agada 710,912.55 curates. not exe.edtng market value • {15,1111,117,,816195.91.07 Dominion and Provincial Oovsrnmerlt ea. Canadlkn 8tuntrlpal tleeurltlee, and BF(t1.5, Porelgn and colonial Public flecurithe outer than Canadian 7.451.9x7 40 Railwayand other Ronde, Debentures and atnrk_, not exceeding market value 411,310.90 Call and Short /sans (not. exceeding thirty days) In Canada, on Ronda, Debentures' and Stock' 9.111,10614 314.447./51.43 Other Current Loan, and Discounts, In Canada fleea rebate of Intermit) 46.3g1i1.134 67 Real Fatale other than Rank Premises WAS. Overdue Tulsa, estimated lost provided for 171,084 79 (tank Premises. at not more than cost, lees amounts written off 2.101.212 14 Other Assets sot tnctuded in the foregoing 512,212.04 Liabilities of customers undo. Lefton of Credit as per Contra , 241,841.90 JOAN R RIENDRT15, Pwld•at J. P. R.L.I AUDITORS' REPORT, lianamee • in aw.rdanre with the ve.rlates. of RSh.a.rHema I1 and 20 of flaetlnn i1 of tit. Bank Art, w. report Se the aka •Irl/srs as follows. �. lave 'remained x11. above Marano* ahem with the Mcks and vouchers at Head Office and wtth the 01141 flag returns from the Rrsnrh•s, and we have obtained •ll t9. Inforrnatlon and •aplanatlons we have required sal ` ear elision the trwassetksns which have tem. under our notice have been within the powers of the bank • have rh4rked the ra.h and reveled the etwur4Uea of the Rank et the Chs.f (Mire and at aaveral of tie. ielfal Neanekr during the tweRre menthe oover•d by tele statement. as Will as on Pebruary atth, 1119, awl a•tamd that they agreed wttk this entries In the boooo of wr .M e4nn tb• fl l•ne. Sheet le properly drawn up too as too •tRNA t a n,.M and tetterert whew of tieo stat* Of the thank's aRaIrw anneediwg to the keel of our let rmatton and the explanattena Oran US. and as shelve by Me Woes et the Raab. 184.114,101 14 saaa flema. tsa 11a04k, tssa 1` R. i(`nTT, P.4 A •r r. a encu Cie R. . RttAn, C.A. at oars. A. Teuahe a Pe A Yonge and Charles S., Toronto p.,, supe, or framing for 'mown es uenow.phers. 5( 515 atcreuna aeeeaune( office ceras,:, era can- ' awc,al teacher.; Demand le our duares mare then ten lime, cur Open .1fln . Erma ear nae. Wnte fa Camin.*. W l.E -LOrr, Pnn_tpa 1 STRATFORD. ON T.. We give thotvxigl, rnnraee. We give individual Instruction. We have no summer vacation. Mtudents may enter at any time Commence your coupe now. We place graduates is position*- Write for our flee cat- alogtle. D. A, MCLACHLAN, Principal R O R Al ays at your service with the best goods at moat reasonable prices. J. J. McEWEN Smith Side Square Tekpisss 46 •••••••1141•.•• School of Commerce Ciliates aad Galericb, OMtaM Offers the following courses: H1 f41NES$ STENOGRAPHIC SE('RETARiAI. CIVIL SE11NICE and arranges Spec.al Courses for students. The following advantages : H tidy qualified t•ach.ng staff Actual business system of bookkeeping Credential typewriting tests Petitions guaraiwe.d Vsranoial Training Mood Ito dei thwart. hr r.,..renvet y�ai,a ane � e �551 t h, Seel".CAWRi-essitats.a( es Fa soma .w_ ante 8 A.M. . M.M A./TC.Si�e.�ia F. WARD. n4ot� 144 CLINTON spring term begins Tues., April 4,'S0 •«.,••••••• SYS U •'�•tgI" �)GRAND1 TRUNK EM The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may call in your troubles—the Plumber. We know our• business and are here to serve you. FRED: -HUNT .. THL. PLVM$tt*" $stnt15aA M/NS T PIl*sali tea i"iuntbtst Heisting Eevestaoughing Metal ork Double Track Route between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and HICAGO x'nexce ed dining car aereice Stooping c on night trains. and parlor ears on f rinctpat day trains. Full informs► on from any Grand Trunk Ticket A nt, or C. E. Htera- Ing, District P .anger Agent. To- to. 4'. In addition to' our lines of Wall Paper, Paints, etc., we handle all kinds of - GLASS — WINDOW CLASS BEVELLED GLASS PLATE GLASS MIRRORS, etc. if you are thinking of doing any decorating this year, call on us and let us give you an estimate. J. Cuthbertson