HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-15, Page 10In Thun.day, April 15. 1921. Qua li ty as well as Price n most essential in Wallpaper Compote our values and ) ou will see that we can do Netter for you both in price and quality. Watch show windows for the latest creations.. Cheaper {papers from 10c to 25c. Imppoorted papers from 35c to 9(k. , - pwwwwsomosesesesesnesesess 4, The Groceteria Cor. North St. and Square The best of, all kinds" of groceries at tie lowest pt ices - FRESH DAIRY BAITER Another shipment just In of Bacon. This in- cludes Kincardine Bacon, Boneless Back and Break- fast. The test that can It' bought. FRUIT, Freak aid Dried -- Grapefruit, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Dates, Figs, masse and Apples, BREAD Mir I2c s loaf ;F:TTI\i: K►:.11►?, .1T THE U.i:UlOid. Winter Elect Will soon 'li,pel'sr on *hi Sluaater's Unitises.. Spring work 1, progressing on till' freighters stitch have N% tattered lid (iuderich 1uarbor, in preparation for detau•lure on the SPa41o11'. hh .I l as s.aln as sailing orders are r•eelved. Un nwrly all the bouts the engine -room staffs have been working for .11110 pure, and although 111 time of writ lug none of the captains has arrived some of them are rxpw tel within the text few days. lee conditions are still woaewhat wnertatu, atwl allot Iter Nettie whtep works for delay Is the railwaymen's strike iu tlw States, whu•h is holding hook loudness at the lake peri.. 10 the list of captains and 1•ugiu0ers given 11900. 1110 bsuts lying at this Vessel %V. (.riaut Norden •J. H. G.'Il:tgarty }:wperor •F:. It. •toss r. Midland I'riuee ('41111ng}Its11 •.V. 11. N1.1tthews •Mi:llan.l King • Met rtia 11 Sarni•n Sir Trevor-11.waon Stad:w ont Haddington Toiler l'atli n:4 T. P. Phelan Fuirfp.x l 14011111.1 Maplebili Jlaplrerove Sego i u to it t7 Pralke -. City of Ilatulltos Pity f e Wawa ltellev Ir 11 yon i ><; \ GRI %T (aenshee Glentsla •laenoreyoy I:lennnn:u4 :Irnlyoc GlrWthr' tactical ru G leustr i uw • :lenbra • (: hncp d.• u. \,•..1•I purl are marked • . 'chi, list 111114 lot hw•lttc&P the Glenwood. which belongs to yaw Montreal Tratisterrtaliou l'o. Hcr ppjritu Is \\'andell Brown, of Mir - ohs. and engineer (k4a. Firming. ut Kiva'.tun. Note• at the Heber. Th•• river breakwater shows signs tot the in•vere test it sustained at the time of the spring freshet. Sum; re- pairs will he neemaary. The Doty Engineering ('u, ham had most of the retail work o11 the lasts to do, and the plant in the l'. 1'. H. freight shed has 114'1 kept busy 00 this work for many weeks. It fa now almost completed, but the Ponoses has other work to keep Its plant busy during the summer. The steamer Hagarty last week un- loaded a portion of its cargo of wheat at the W. t'. 1'. M. elevator. Thos grain Is (ow4guexl to the Wheat Board. ('.%NAD.% STEAMSHIP LINES. Captain C. E. Robinson G. W. Pearson I). W. Burke J. 11. Hudson A. B. McIntyre Peter McKay A. F. McLennan N. Me4:lenuon It. Mrlutyr• H. 1'Fette H. U1nmlea 0, H. Page I It, J. Wilson -, W. H. Montgomery W. •Ikeatty E. J. Shannon H. Neffertu u K. Ii Hindi H. A. !Raney Herb. Brian 'W. Brian Ales.Wilson 'r: H :. Jhueroh 44. 1'ateuaudt+ .1. I.. 11ax1er• .1. J. Jarrell F:. Walkinshaw Engineer Jas. Me:r1'g1.1r ('has. 'tot.•rtsot Geo. N. Smith it. It. F11de J. A. Pickard li. J. Jack Reid l'Itas. !Arleta.. John I(•la t: Mten 1. J. 'loyalist' Get. :4•b ruler W. I.. Shay A. E. Kennedy }:awry Scott `- - llugh Myb•r Tilos. II. I lattle F. l'atters n John Holler Wm. Keith l'bas. Gray F. A. Mo4'auley A. E. 1'rostbwaite It- W. Flety 11'tu. l ►n nga n John Kennedy Geo. A. Sauce J. kirk LAKES TRANSPORTATION COMPANT. Captain It. .1. latvigiw J. Tindall F. Burke W. Taylor A. A. Hudson M. Stalker It. Garde 1.1' na ppobdel l 1t. Burke 0. Heoelery THE COLBORNE STORE OUR Ready,-to"Wear Department, which is just one month' old; has been • gratly appreciated by the many people who have visited it, EV"¢ryoie is surprised at the large range in every line, the pretty (decoration Of the department and the up-to-date manner in which the garments are kept. Engineer P. Golxlwiu I'. Eagles 0. I'ri.e J. SllvertI orae It. A: Sinclair j. A. Mt4'hristle .1. tiHbert E. Hurl A. Knight �. H. itrickenden ALGOMA-C174TBAL $TIA.MSHIP LINE. •Agnwa '- .1. L. :Smith W. l'.• €rwaa. 4 Jordan _ _ - _ _._ -_ A. M. Mc 'nitro J. Faster Taylor. D. ,Montgomery W. T. Re • Home Smith . _ *tyre D. McLeod Qsptaln Engineer ( ISH IND (' %RR% . M cFadyen Mr. James 4'ult. R•eve.of has piln•ha.v d idle boos• on avenue formerly (recopied by Mr. Jos )144'Iaebirty. and he ant Mrs, ('din will shortly beome residents of Code - rich. Mr 1Vr'sley Walker has pnr.•has41 4••nstur l'rululfeot's house. rortwr Elgin aveiuw' and Waterloo street, and he and hi, family will shortly remove SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. Twice during the Iasi week the prier. of •1'ietorp'kinds has ►i4•n adh'n4•l, the 1931 isetne ,lune remaining uneffected and mtlll available at :ti-TMC-tntrrest. - t• A win -hit opportunity is presented to those Dot sericxtsly _ •ffe4 ted by 1n41►me tae and owning iikni and 1407 bonds.' These people ran sell their *984 hen•br an,I reeeive $100.50 or aril the 'I and reepiv. Sur' and atetnaLlnterent. They can -then purelure- - est4 hind et 11t receiving ado -_w ULas.a bond for the,eame. amount ml the amine rate of interest -a ehPqur for $3.1.00 in the ease of 1403 Inds eh tone 79, $:.O W to the case of 146^,7 for Paean Won linifd so ehchanged. \ • T. R, HARRISON Irsaraaee is ail ka B1aselws S14 �' ► Wont *mai 1114)04' Godo• r i r li I l $4 h Thoas ars the ing features predominating our new Spring arrivals, Space will not permit `..`tom.. us to enumerate all the good things we would like to show you, but we quote a few lines which are representative of the best in 8hoedom. Ladies' Oxforda, in black and brown, kid and pat- ent leathers at $4.50 to $9.75. Ladies' Pumps, in kid and patent $3.00 to $8.00. Genta' Oxfords, in brown and black $8.00 to $11.00 Gents' Balmoral, in brown and black, kid and calf leathers $7.00 to $12.00. Boys', Girls' and Chil- dren's lines at corre- spondingly low prices. IIARMAN' W. REG. SHARMAN II 10 1t. the pporchane pr1t•e -iii 3:,000. Mr. Walker is to be congratulated upon the Requisition of this property, which '4s one of the most e'otufortaltle resi- dents -it in the town. Od1TUARl'. MeV IF:: -The death °marred at Alexamt hospital on Tueshly. April 0th, tY a`m Mc4itte, a well-known and tee ed resident of Goderich, after n ill •ss of ((bre• weeks Mr McNiff wa born near Pike Falls. (111111.17f I.• rk. seventy-seven 3141 rm new Huliett township. in this 401111tch who 1 a young man and later to Nile, w arc• be loved for twenty yeses, and bout fifteen years ago retired from tlw arm and removed to this town.- •He in rv1ve1 by his wife, having 1 • at for agi' of ten years a811 their- only remaining ' child, Minnie 1 . Whitley e, having e diel ten yl.'atY_ -lost.. tall--a-lose , 44)11411 was reei7 eenly fel by the !wren veil parents. RPO. 1t. C. Me- Ik'ra,td, minister of Knox church. cow j ducted the funeral service at the rent deur, Elkin 444enue, on F'rlday last, and the intervent wort In Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers were Robt. 'nags l'lun. Mt'Hartly, Jas. Mitchell, 1Vw. Waite, W. .1. MiNevla and Wm. 111411,'. `Mr. Me1'Ittle is sui'rvicel by one brother and four slater..: EIlslha M,VIttle, of Rod�e}lt ; Mrs. Braithwaite, of Ieonlesbor4 ; Jtrs. Reid, of Toronto: Mrs. Thos. Shan, of Hultctt, and Mrs. w'm. Moon, in the Rest. A number of !kite relntivrs from Ilullett were ent at the funeral. (k11.lrrlic 11tPR.- After never �-eurs of failing pe•Ith, 34rs. Gold- ' thorpe, widow of the Iste Joseph Gold- } thoria., mooed away on Saturltsy In nt the loon. of her son -In -low and daughter, Mr. anal Mrs. H. J. A. Ma••- Ewon. Bruer street- The dceea.w•d. noose mnidPn name was Jane Me•- ieu•en, was born in the township of 1'auglmu. York county, and eagle with her Mishkin(' to ('ollsorne tnwnxhlp over sixty years ago. Mr. Goldthorpe diel twenty-two scars ago. Leaving the homestead. Mrs. Goldthorpe resided for sen•n v0I1r4 In Saltford and tot- the orthe Inst fifteen years In (kalerb•h. She leaves two sons and five daughters: Joseph T.. of New 1.Iskeor : Albert J., on taw homestead in ('ollrorne; JPatl- ettr. of Parkland, Alberta ; Malwl, of 'tondos, ons„ Alice. Emily and Hattie, of (;oclarlch. Three brothers and two dsters also survive : D. A. McLaren, Goderleh; Robert McLaren, of Prima -en, Micah.,: 1)11n•on McLaren, of Sault -cite. Marie, Mich.; Mrs. itolert ('ollln,au, of ('hIlllwaek, 11. 1'., anti Mrs. James Edward, of l'allfornla. Mrs. Goldthorpe was a woman of brunt). (olive Intelttlrene• anti even through the 3P44r•m of lilmers and soffer- lug which preedel her death she rnalatsinel a keen snd alert outlook upon taw world anti its events The funeral s'rvbes on Mnlalay afternoon were conducted by 'let. A. i.. 4:. ('larkee. rer•tor of St. George's ebnrrh. and the fin nen r'r•4 were MPn4rs. J. T. (101 A. J. Goldthorpe, 1'. J. and H. J. A. )lscgwon. The interment was In taw ('olt,nrtw cemetery. Among those present Mere Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Roth - ail!. of Toronto: Mr. Rota•rt McLaren. of Cromwell. Mlch.; Mrs. Angus Se.nrd, of dlnmllton, sod lar. anri Mn. ()deld. of Ihtnhs.. TIFF'IN.---.1 lady neeh esteemed by sal who kites' her, -lo the person of %Ilam Martha Mary Tiffin, passed to the reward of the faithful on April • If it is pouible that you have not visited this new department :1` we invite you to do so at your earliest convenience. We want every woman in Goderich and the surrounding country to know Colborne's Ready-to-wear Department thoroughly. Do not wait until you are needing a garment from this depart. ment, but come when it is convenient and inspect the lines we are carrying, so that you will knew where to get the right merchandise when the time comes for you to buy. Miss Colborne is concentrating all her energies on this department and will be glad to show the many lines of garments at your convenience. SWEATER 'OATS AND PULLOVERS The new. spring lines have arrived.,,r, They are \t-gnderful in the new designs and colorings. They come in plain colors r.r combinations of colors. 'Pullovers are shown fur ladies, tniase4 and girls in every color and at mane different prices. Ladies' ('oats in the new tuxedo with contrasting vest and belt. Light -weight ladies' Coats with revertible eotlar - in maw manly .1441'tl. • • They are n display in our new department. WHiTE SKIRTS AND EDDIES Ate.Qabardine :thins in all sizes 'and several designs,- te 'th pockets and button trimming un pockets, at $2.96 eabll. Middy oases come in plain white, white with nave aures light lue collars, or in all navy. eoleuhahren bine or min. .. y range from $1.90 to $5.00 each. HOUSE DRESSES • In all sizes from 34 to 44. in e�1lth�rae, figured gingham'," and prints. Man) ditfthent desires--- areetheil)4e_sshown wigs trimmed eollara and cuffs. A great many with white collars and eula. - - These are also slum gt ht our new department. SUITS They have been greatly admi stock is getting smaller. The styles a est creations and there is only one gar Tricotine, gabardine 'and that are shown in navy and black. Every day our fashion 's new-_ ent to a style. the cloths Tweeds and jersey cloth are also in the. range in lighter colors. awaissalii Many of these suits clave vests in silver and old cloth and jersey cloth. Others are shown without vet; s. A great deal of button trimming is used in eombinatio with military braid. These edits range ikcpriee from .i .O0 se $TSMO CORSETS S D. & A. and Goddess Corsets. D.,* A: la back laee and Goddess in.; front lace. The -showed models ;nave arrived. A special athletic model at $3.50 and $3.75 a pan. COTTON VOILES The most wonderful range we have ever shown. Mink from the best quality voiles in eo►nbinations of colorings that are new. Every shade is shown and the combinations are wonderful. They range- in -price frees 11.00 to $2.00 a yard and many are shown in cress lengths. • SILKS AND DRESSGOODS A great '. ariety of Silks iii alt a oior, it r.A'prio Navy bilk in�manv qualities - of duebeail satin from $2,50 to $5:00 a yard. Also sopenbagen blue, dark and light, brr.wn and greens in dneheesspallette, and habutai. wear. A large 'ranged black Silks in 4uebeaa, polle'lte and taffeta. Many qualities aero shown, from *10 IMP is yard. . • Ni-tyWoe and blaek serge, 64 in. 'wide. in lice `` boilinfireionti5.110 a yard. IVral a �1'wrl rcTairelot-b -dor .pl'lag-Sort. and Coat.. Fme Coating materials. in broadcloths, serge* and velour. these (loth* rowall wawtest_.adore. COATS ---- Eaeh day briny'. allear- er the rant tiara weather, It will be to roar advantage ,to early before the hest gar- ments are all gone. ---We--are carrying North - way 's Coats, which are well known to everyone as gar- Jments that girt_ _-perfei't_ satisfaction, for the•ty, are made well infr the •atflii'! -nrweat. -Aw-in the --we have only- one. to a -Nyle. - It -ill be a plestiure to show t eec Costs. at your conveiile J. H. COLBORN 1st nt the bona of her sister. Mrs. Joseph Taylor, Ltu•know. Miss Tiffin w•am born in the township of ('olbnne, near Nile, July 22nd, 1841, the third daughter of the late John Tiffin. For fifteen years she lived with a (later at St. Thomas, Ont., but for a short time before her dPsth ohs- had been with her sister et Lowknow. She was a lifelong member of the Methodist church and by her constant faith and consistent life wan well prepared for the home efertuil. She !Paws. two brothers and thteer esters : John J. Tiffin, of town; Iter. Albert ('. TIMtI. of Watford; Mho Jeanette Tiffin. of St Thomas; Mrs. Joseph Taylor, of i.ncknnw•, and 31lsa Lizzie Tiffin, of town ,1 s'rtice was held by Rev. 1t. 1'. Irwin at Mr. Taylor's home, Ltu•IP now. 071 April 1st, and the remains vier.. then brought to the home of Jtr. J. J. Tiffin, town, .heave the funeral took place on April 3rd to the ('ole Morse cemetery, the services Meting con- ducted by Iter. H. 1). Moyer. Rev. J. E. Ford and Rev, J. F. Reycraft. The p llh arers were Mermen, 14. fbep- peed, Andrew Mellwaln, W. Melend •nd e'hsm. Glrvin. Those who at- tended. lw1i44.s the brothers and aim - term. Inelnded Mr. Joseph Taylor. M,ss Msrgsret and Mr. Ewart Taylor, of 1.n•knnw, and Mr. R. T. )'Incomb (111 (laughter, of Mt. Thomas Floral offer - Ings, in (ddltlon to those from rela- tives, were hent by the I'Ineomb family and the ruble clams of the }'drat Meth- odist ehnrch, St. Thomson. or:Arms.-After an Miasma of mPe' eral months,;eon Mel#an, wife of Mr. R'llllcm 1tiseom, Newgate 'Ftteet, poss4l nw•y on Sunday last, at the T -H -$--•--H-GU-S E 0.F --RE LI AB esrly ape of twenty -threw ,years: Be- sides the husland, three young chil- dren, two girls and • boy, are left in the lereaced hone. Mrs. Beacom waii a native of Letlibrhlge, Alberta, and she and Iwr husband had resided to Goderich the last four years. The funeral took place to Maitland cem- etery on Wednesday afternoon, net. J. F. Meyers ft ofik•Iatlog. IN►\(►VAN.- The follow Ing Is from The Seafortl Expositor of past work Mrs. ('stlwrinw Donovan died at Win- nipeg. Man., on Thursday. April 1at, aged seventy-six yemra. She had been 111 only Pleven days and had the ('on- sdatlon of being attended by 140n4d- gnorr ('herrler, of taw Immaculate ('on- eeption chnre•l,, In her 111 Pt moments. She leaves, M14kk•s her husband, three daughters, Mrs. James O'Leary, of Wint.lp•g: Mrs. James 1►•Iton, of (ioderteh, omit Mrs. Albert Fortune, of Sesforth; sol sit grandchildren. she had Men a remittent of Seaforth abort forty-five years. where mite was well loved by •11 who knew her, having been 11 kind and loving mother and • very gond neighbor. The remalas ar- rived here on Monday evening and wer,"taken to the remitlene of her daughter. Mrs. Albert Fortune. The (Intern' took platy on 11IPs1ay morn- ing at t%.:ttt at St. James' 1t. ('. ehnriM and the remains were laid to rest in Mt. .lames' cemetery. MPIatIvem from edit of town attending the funeral ware: Mr. sell kir*. (i•len ry and daughter. 4'ntherinr, of Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Jane,1 i)(Iton and mon, Harold, of (icnlerich ; Mina Mary' Cal- I,ghan, of iketroit, Mich , and Mian Kate Keh e. of Toledo. (Hilo. & CO. T;,1/- 1 I Chautauqua concert ticket holders may secure reserved siesta on presentation of ticket. The Famous Canadian f Cartoonist, will give an entertainment in VICTORIA OPERA H USE - on - MONDAY, APRIL under auspices of G. W. V. A. Proceed. to go to TSE- MEMORIAL FUND • The Goderich Orchestra have kindly offered their services