HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-15, Page 8atear••••••• •••.•••••••••020~•••••••••laNika. ,,,,91••••• j ' A -Thursday. April 13, ISIS. 111111.1.1=1.1.1M111111.111..a111.... ••••16111a,.. (1.INTON STUNK FAIL Heed Showing et Nereee--Theases Miles and Prot. Tiede illy' Addresses. A very earceeistui spring lair war held at Clinton on Thursday last and was largely &Deeded by people from all parts or the meaty. A feature of the day was the hsiiquet held in the town hall In the evening, at which Thos, litHilhao of Rented -lb, and Pro - tremor Toole ut the 0. A. t'., Guelph, were the principal speakers. There was a good eutry list of ex se -Sent quality and the judger hosed their task ISO siores.re. The remelts et Ow judging were as follows: Clydesdale& Clydesdale atallion, 3 years and over 1, Itedwrt Ifunkock, Brucedeld; 2 and 3, Thos. Mitchell & Sou, Seaforth. stailloo, 3 years and under- 1, Werley Nutt, tlisitosi; 2, Brorilfoot Brost., Seafortli. Istweepetakers - itirtwrt Murdock, Itrucedeld. Perelman& - Pere -heron mullion, 3 years •nd over --1, Joreph Eirber, Keaturth; 2, W11 liana. Brown, Clinton. z' Sweepetakes--Joiwp1V Fier, Sea - forth. Heavy draught brood mare, 3 years mid over --1 and 2, Broadfoot Bros.. liestortb; 3, A. Dale, Clinton; 4, Grey Bros., Blyth. Family Of three colts -Johnston McMichael, Clintou. Filly or geldiug, 3 yeah and over -1, Jobu Dale, Cliutou; 3, Artiste Pale, Clinton. Filly or gelding. 2 years and under 3-1, Grey Brox., Blyth; 2, Arthur Dale, Clinicl. Horse, colt or filly, under 1 year - I, Ed. Johustom ellzitou; g, Ed. John- ston, Ilintem; 3, Thos. ciliclusel, L'ilaton. Team tad ha Oodbolt. Exeter. Sweepstakes -Broadtoof 11 flea - fort h. Agrietdtural. Brood mare, :t years and ore Alex. Wright, Brioseield; 2, W. Falconer, tliusou; 3, J4411111 - Filly or gelding. 3 years and Over - e,\ 1, John Dale, Chilton; 2, It. T. Laker, \ Exeter. _ Filly or gelding. 2 years and nailer .101111 Dale, Horse colt or filly, 'miler 1 Pear- Joho Dale. Clinton. iu harness -1, Ilsrold Dale, Clintou; 2. L. Peisley, 4.1illhaa. • SWC4111naken-Alri. Wright, Bruer- Isle. I'll on. 1;ene purpose brood ware -,4. Filly or ee/pliug, 3 rears NMI mei,- 1, N. J. Tressarthis, elialore; 2, Ales. Wright. --- Trani in hareem -1. Chas. Stewart, Londesboro; 2, aweepstakes-.'..1. Trewartha. (*Up- ton.4. lied collect los rees--John Dale, Clinton. Sett matched tes - Harold Dixie, Elintom Tee uslilp prize went to Tuckersinith, ilroadfuut Seiiturth; J. Dale., Judge. John thwrilboule, Wertou, Dot. Carriage Horses. Carriage bores+ in harreess 1, E.I. Johnston, Clinton; 2, James 1aneg mond, Clinton; 3, Roy reentries'', Bay - need. Redd horse II hartseas-1, floe Mason Myth; 2, !Leary Glee -,('3 ton; 3. Bart Levis, (Mutat. Road team in haraess--Grorge Dale, „Slititon. Professioaal_hisly driver -1, Yea Dale, Cliuton; 2, Mrs. Van Esmond, Clinton. amateur lady driver --1, }ibis Mar- \ mei& )(Ileitis; 2, Mrst Bart LIT* Judge, Eelain Phipps, liarferd. - Cattle. ' Shorthorn Will. 3 yealit-lillraVer- JanJea Snell & Clinton. Short horn I.iill, uuder 1 year---FAI. * soil. flinton; 2, Ed. 13. Wiper * son, clinton. tivief•p3*INLY.-J111/14411 Snell 111 Son, Clinton Cow, 3 year* and or -1, James Kuril & 5.,n, CHOW.; 2,'14d. Wine tion, Clinton. Helfer, 2 yearw--11. 11 Wier 4 Son, Clintlin; 2, W. W. 1Thee, Clinton. Heifer. 1 year -1, N. Lelreell, Clin- ton; 2, Jewel Snell & Son, Clinton; 3, E. 11. Wise & Mon. Cliaton. Dairy granite helfer-1, J. 'hinds. Clinton; 2, E. Itoselle, Clinton; 3, A. Trick, 1'111614M. Dairy row -1, A. Tell*, flinton; 2, M. SlItTaggrart, Clinton; 3, John Wal- ton, Clinton. Best collect bin -Kir Wim.' & Son, Clinton. Judge, H. Smith. Exeter. • 1• MAKE SMALL LOANS TO HELP WORKERS. Dar Minims Dollars WUI Be= to Help Nlevassies freer(' Oldie( 'Auld. Beim LW its Skim of 'blood'. totA clam uI tuechillarS. artisan* and small trade.useen, ruined by tlw war, by ex - $1,0o0,000 through Kuban loans, le the ohm which Dr. Burls 1/. Bgen, lfliseetor-Getwral of Jewish relief work in Potent!, is new working en, as our of the mala features or the recon- etrwtive 1444114 program now twine elaMegi (ni In that l'Onntry. "l'ertect ailtuinistration ready to carry Hits work Dr. HOgra (41,4141 the Canadian J.' 11 Belief Committee. 'Title Is w lerful importunity (or eimportictise set -sive. - Heading a null toeutyrive relief workers. wiliek rep...tots. airriVed in Poland. Dr. !Sigel'. with beiiilqinirters la Warsaw, 11 gh his nail haS relief organizatiens ering pr.i.-tic- illy every pert of stricken Polipuil, reperts, while couriers tire covering the reentry. delivering reusittaneee from Canadians to tlecir destitute relatives hi' Pole nd. In line with 1)r. Rogen's reronstroc- lion Pelicy..an appropriallos of E2:i0.- Mit for tier as Milian loans to aid in reluitillitatiou„ work was included In tlw %Iamb eipeoplituree of Silithou for Poland. hy Int` Joker Distributioe t'onnisittee, retie/ plIslwriting orgelliZa thin of tlw Jewish %Vat. ite lief opus' nig Mined leelles. DIFFERENT KINIIS OF SLACKERS. -.--- t'el. "Si" Peek: Y. C.. Skis Tiler? Wear • Some Overseas. - (Noma. April it ---Shicker" dis- frauchiserseirt •lalk, reeelVed th the Unionist caucus, today A black eye from the only Vii torla Chia* member 1.1' l'arliament in cenaile. Colonel "51 - Peck. In what is elesvriheel by his fellow-useguliers as use of the mogn forts rut sieve hex --lever-beeritt-in es he deelared that it was otw of the eel flit/bosh thing.' poesiltle to dra he ni . a IIII fast line lietW4.1•11 Men who w re pilaekers and those who were not. here 3. 344.4 ilille of its who eau look \boil: over (he War anal bOIWNtlY say i at lie did all he could all the thaw,- s \,.. aiil Ilse l'odiowWm l. "emust all teal that !Iwo. nen. ninny things 144. 1.011141\11aVe 114.11W 111111 WY did INA du- \. Coi. Perk declared ch., ir .3, wail ship did 11.,1 join the m r any for one reason or ,i/garter (Sere to lie called slackers. oleo ea. 1.. lie said of the turn Nil.. 14.111.4 rhe force's, Lint I11li1*- 41111.4 1py kitimoice or in--AluillP other way to he kept klyking their heels to Frew.' or England who hail seen to it. serstchein Frees*. tam job in F.ogiand for the and he bail Alpha 0 come back to Gee tiring - nine sorer'. It Would at•INI judge 3... Weide all tise me the front, in England or in who should I* ithifninchiseil slacker*. ••• • nit UOWAL - •••• •-•1T OODZRICR. 011T. POULTRY RAISING • AS A VOCATION int a Little Tired! DON'T WORRY! the Beginning of a Nervous Hacklalea "4 NI." a's Breakdown M simply a wenesetal prepasatioa for pi,- et Jaii Heart; drives out Pala. Ars& Seery aad the aisoselelle• te that gain ahem with diseases ot kis most Important orgaa. UPLN do -vitalises the whole beaky organ- isation sad Tea Must Have Sleep is order to build up your health and strength. If the Nerves are all a tingle and Jusapy, and the Brain Is to a state of unrest through Overwork. Worry or some Feuotesaal Disorder, a restful sleep will be didlealt to ob- tain. Do not dope yourself with "sleeping powders" or "heart depress- ents"-take Hacking's Heart sad Nerve Remedy *ad stilidared will follow. ugADAtini\ is Nature's Signal of disharmony la the humau body. It may come from impoverished blood, overtaxed bride. lose of sleep or it may be from Con- gestion followed by Inflammation. Nu matter what the cause may be Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy will help you. People who kave bees *Wag for years should not expect a Complete Cure In a few days but should per- sist in the treatment in order to ban - h th• underlying causes and to cor- t the evil conditions that bring t the trouble. You should be 14 to get Barking's ae no other kin will do. lie pieta:mkt about your 1c1r, as YOUR health is impor .44 . 4*3 sler 4 I sr "•• *4, o3 -k 'fif-kneW atter they 'got a they got ee sate est of fi/P war. -Ira Icier, with run -- an all-wbee either at Canada. r being Many a man refuses to trust in Lord as long as lie has a dollar in pocket. the 11 Although the value of poultry and poultry products In the three prairie provinces of.Canada amount- ed to more than twelve and a half million dollars' in 1919, it cannot be said that the poultry Industry In these provinces Is anything more than a side line with the majority of farmers. The high prices paid for eggs during the last few years. however. has caused farmers to turn their attention to the pos- sibilities uf poultry raising as a are harm' plym:ntb roclis. In 1918 : sunshiny days, and the absence of Mr. C. A. Croestield. who is in c::a-gelratn daring the hatching season of tho poultry section at the experi- mental station at Lethbridge. trap - nested at out 150 hens Of these 94 contribute greatly to the succsseful raising of strong and healthy chicks. The housin• of the 1. very hena which had laid more than LAP simple and can be dup ted at 113 - eggs during 1918. included 37 which tle expense by any farmer. or trY produced 200 and more, were ' anyone else as a matter of fact, who "elected. These were tested with might want to take up chicken rano cockerels of • good egg producine Ing as a profession. The floor of Attain. and 'out of the hatchings f in the pen is the ground end the roosts last spring 220 pullets were ta!:, are about three feet away from the These 22u birds were divided Into ground. The roosting space has a Manna of increasing their income. 3oeku 04' tift ilv and peon4i covering of canvas which is placed This is shown by the lateral which together to the fall. over the opt Wogs at night to pre - f. being taken la • the trachillgs of One lot was ritileed in the pen Iasi; vent draughts. The beat from the the agricultural roller's and the October. , a month earlier than the hens Is thus confined to a small Dominion and Provincial Govern- rest. These fifty-five h, ns netted a space and no artificial beat is pro - meat experimental farms through- profit of $1 12 each during the month vided. Good clean straw covers the out the country. Farmers are look- of December. They latd 143 eges Ing for advice regarding poultry, and arachnid -raring to put into practice the valuable information made available by the agricultural colleges and experimental farms. The work that is betng done at the Domluion Experimental Farm at -,J ethbrtdge, Alt erta. is rharacteristic ',of what similar institutions through - "Out sage country are doing. and in- dicate( the enormous profit pos- sibiliges poultry raising in the prairie provinces offers, if the pro- fession it taken seriously. At this tarm t return of no less than 390 weekly is be.ng received from a flock of 220 hens which require but part of the title Of one man to look _atter them. The value of the poultry at the —1.Avtltbr1dee E'apertmental. Farm to Measured by the number of eggs a tea lays. Many of the best 'Ards at the farm would not stand very h4gbI. tbe eitimation of a judge at at a PiiiTiff Show. But they are cgg producers, and eggs mean more revenue to the farmer; and ft is the object of the Experiment's! Farm to kart the farmer methods that will produce more revenue. The flock which produces such aatisfartory results has been got to - /other tiv Intelligent selection of l.:.oed laying strains. The birds more than ninety dozen - ehich were sold who -resale -at 90e- a dozen. Every ben laid during the month One pullet laid.-tbtrty eggs la the non to their other feed which con - thirty -one days. Many others laid gists of oats, bras, shorts. and corn - twenty -five and twenty-six each in meat In equal parts. as well as the same period The average num- green. alfa I fa leaves, grit, oyster ber of eggs laid by the "" II.in awbeealtiherantrnand eat dhe echoare°41iwIhrationnwarmer this pen during the month was somewhat leas than twenty egs s Is reduced. Clean water Is always each. - available. The food Is given In The p• -ns for the other birds were hoppers "'eh are arranged • few not ready until the middle of inches from the ground. No- Durtzg the cold weather the bens are given a mixture of two parts of cbrn and six parts wheat In addi- It would be interesting to see what vember, acd the results In Deceenber. results could be obtained in Western Canada from specializing in poultry raising on a farm where the greater part..,if not the whole of the crops, would be grown tor feeding the Poultry. .011 account of the great variety of crop.' tlutt can he grown on an Irrigated farm It would seem that these farms offer special ad- vantages to anyone wanting to make poultry his profession. but tatiefactory resulte could undoubted- ly be obtained from almost anywhere In the prairie provinces. The pos- sibilities of the Industry are being reallted, however, and during the last ide months reports have been received of More than a dozen different people who )20# started, or who have planned to begin poultry raising oa a commercial scale. - - - were not quite so good In these pens as in the one just mentioned.They were, however, very satisfactory. All -bet Seventeen bens laid - One hen laid thirty eggs, yielding a gross return of 42 20 for the month. This is a good deal more than the cost of Its keep. which some farmers are well zatlkfied to get from their bens during the winter months. These pens were doing much better later and In January fourtee4dm,en egg's were being taken teem the tour pens daily. This works out at about one hundred dozen eggs a a cek, and at present prices means a return of 390 a week from po belie • Mr, Crosefleld realms there t. no great secret In getting such results as these from poultry In Southern Alberta. The dry ateneephere. the 'How often do we t hear people say "Oh, thees's nothing the matter, pun a little rundown, that's all." This may be thee - beginning of a Ner- vous Breakdown and may soon be t lowed by Headache, Dlisinees, pokes1 he region of the Spine. Weak IM.t1oa and many other troubles. Hackles's Heart a Nerve Remedy is almost sere to p vent Nervous Collapse. It is Just t • right thing tor N Troubles f any Wad. When yoe "don't feel ri t," and the easily you should not de In taking this wonder remedy. as it 111 bring back the Vigor rued Vitali or flood Health. that you so much d re. It drives away Fear. New *lad Despondency and makes your Sleep more Restful and Kathityls ; it is a Tonic and Strengthener to he Heart, the Nerves, the Brain and t • Body. Don't Worry sod dotal give ap be- cause others medicines have failed to help you, buy a few boxes of Hark- ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy from your dealer to -day and an Improve- ment in your condition will quickly follow. Be sure that you get Hacking's. if your dealer does not keep It, we will gladty send it by mall Pries 60e a box, 6 for 12.16. Hacking's Limited. Listowel, Ont, t. Hack g's Heart and Nerve Remedy la sold b all first class druggists or by mall pt paid. Pries Ile a box. 11 boxes for 12.116. Hackies's Limited, Listowel. •• • Girls? Your haIr needs a little "Danderine"—that's all! When It becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35 -cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from P store, will save your hair. also double it's beauty. You cal have nice, thick hair, too Surprising ifinsaeit. Oil Promoter -Do you know what would happen if we struck an _ili. ,the well •' Frtend-'ou'd be the moei si lrprloed man in the world. -Judge. Sweetness and LW. pThere had been: difference of opinion to the preacher's family in which six-year- old Elisabeth thought she got the worst 01*3.. So at prayer -time she was unhappy and resentful toward the world in general and her own ministerial firstly in per - Ocular. But she knelt at her mother's knee as usual and went through her usual evening petitione. Finally she prayed: 'Ilk Lord. make all the had people Then as an afterthought she added: "And God, if you can, please make all the gond people nice." The Fate of Heroes. Father (endeavoring to blend instruc- tion and amusetnent)--"Yes. children. tAr. L)oyd George oared his countrY juit ggiatitnot Arc saved France." Chid -"And when are they go to burn Lloyd George, daddy r - Paring Shoo. Reaseeriag Her. A mike had been dlowing an old iadY ever a ism NAIL and, after thaaking Idea obi stoldaely remarked: like Mot. according to the ship's or - tips ese forbidden." east thee tweed to the valor atLawilla loot. answered: ma'am. so Were =wit ebe daTeien 01Eden."-Ez. • • You Can Buy the Best Gray -Dort Ever B THE Gray -Dort which your dealer has to -day is the best Gray -Dot ever built. More than that. It is the greatest Grai-Dort value. For $1,365 you get a Gray -Dort with ten major improvements and a dozen refinements. With a bigger gas tank, placed in the rear, with a new, extra -heavy, extra -safe steering gear. With the emergency brakeon a lever— and with Thermoid brake linings. A more convenient Gray -Dort, the side • Built in Canada by Sk curtains opening with the doors, with very much more leg -room in the tonneau and with more in the driving compartment be- cause of the shorter and smarter cowl. A Gray -Dort which has the good -looks of a smarter top, hand -tailored in our own shops, a smarter hood, with many long. narrow louvres. There are many more refinements which you will find when you drive the new Gray - Dort. Here you have the same powerful. finely - built motor with its big bore and long stroke. The same heavy crankshaft, many pounds heavier than on other light cars. illed Canadian Workers an 44 A rear axle built specially for us right here ; „. in Chatham. Long springs. built here, too. Westinghouse starting and lighting. Im- proved Carter carburetor. Every unit of • Ir • motor and chassis is bigger and stronger and higher quality than is usually consid- ered for light cars. Gray -Dort production has been doubled for this year. But our dealers tell us that this will not be sufficient to most the demand. It would be wias te see the Gray -Dort dealer to -day. PRICES 5 -Passenger Car—SI 365, Cols. Chatham. war to extra. 2 -Passenger Roadster is the same price. Gray -Dort Special—SI 50 extra on the standard. Gray -Dort Ac•—$255 deers en the standard. d Canadian' Capital Rolla — East Street Garage — Goderich - - Ontario G R_AY-DO T MOTORS barrio Chatham Ontario .•