HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-15, Page 51 1 THJ 5IOWA • GODER10 3, 0WE, IIIIIIfl$III'x IIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIII lr IIIIIIIIIIII , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ill1111M1.1111111111114,1111611114:1111111111142 1 You will be surprised at the difference a few weeks' treat- ment of iream, mnp.",11470: PALATABLE COD LIVER EXTRACT • will make in your appearance. This splendid body builder will enrich your blood, nourish your nerves, put new tissue where it is needed and build up your system to its former good health. Don't continue to endure weak tattle -by un - 4• poverished blood when you can get ' vitality and strength from this highly endorsed and body builder. • 1 You will be surprised at the1 pleasure to be derived from A Good Camera E We have a very well equip- ped cacrtra department and g can take care of all your needs in this respect. Prices are as low as quality r"'aj.. permits and satisfaction is guar- c anteed at all timer. Let us de- = Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Extract is sold by us velop and print your pictures 4 PERSONAL ' This Means YOU ! ! A m two generous sizes, at 50 cents and $1.00. Get also. yours now. IF \ CAMPBELL'S DRU "T?0 pegs/ar Store" 1 Nextit's Scotch Store 1 Phone 90 4J Come and join us next Sunday, April 18th, at the Baptist Church Montreal Street Where a hearty welcome awaits you. (ll What Kind of Religion Is Yours ? A "Scboor Religion ? 13 p. tn.l Bible School ( 7 p. m.) Why 1 Am a Baptist The "Experience" Reason (a p. m1 Young People's Meeting LOCAL TOPICS. Mrs. T. Rey Rry who is Uw entertainers to give their guests a right royal time. The patrutalssew were Meadames .1. Kidd, J. B. Kelly, J. l.. Killoran. ):. NT,T.aughlln. 1) ]t. O'Itrlei. W. A. 1'oulthura and J. A. Dalton. Mian (Ilford's Parer at O. E. A. Milo ('iIRuni of the (:alerlcb ('ui- heglll'te institute stuff read a paper entitled "The Task of the Moment" Iwfutw the English and lister m441014 of (he 1111411 rho Educatlotial .t+sa latlou on April It. The palter d,•uit w•11h the new! for apply tug to 1•,lu,ation In Omarlo the psychological law. devel- oped as a result of extensive roseate's work in the i urol.•an countries: and with the rt'fl effw•ts ell brain and tierce of fort -lug the ehlld thr.argh the ',oldie, school at slat early all age. it. fell SO •t the overpressure ler the High 14ehool.. By unanimous vide the section deelded to print the paler In the O. E. A. report. and to send s copy to the Minister of Educetlou with an ex- pressiou of the approval of the mem- lers. The Spring rea(itrat A large audit.' nee was present In the lecture realm of Knox chun'h on Fri- day evening to enjoy the "Spring Festival- provided by the Swastika ('Iib. The program was given entirely by tie y g ladles of the flub and couslstletl of drills and choruses and a fairy play. '•Tlw sleeping Princess:- In tire acts. This was ehurmiogly pre- sru11•11. the t•ostumerr tieing picturesque awl the whole weenie effect very pretty. The young Indies showed marked draltrrtic ability anti tail: their parts nil uud effeel•tively. and the play Nus cleverly managed throughout. re- flecting much credit upon the capable directness. Miss Josie Saunders. Riad i,.oIwl McNevtu gave valued pssistattey as accompanist. The p•rtortuaul•e was repeated ler the sum•• place on Satur- day afternoon. G. W. V. A. Notes. ,,-Thr G. W. V. A. held its regular meeting Thursday, April 4th. A mo- tion brought forward from the previous meeting raising the hes from '.:a• to :i(M per month was carried. A motion was also curried opposing any request for exeMpt' from taxation (or re- turned soldiers. A vote of than was mooted tot. ..tlie_telt1 etlk•fent, aelf- sucritiring and devoted work pads —T7meF by the Patriotic commltteee la the handling of the emertettcy:.relief forth. 1n addition to a rote of 5100 towards tlw Wddiers Memorial Fund. the (p.W. V. A. has votril to give $25 fpr every thousand railed in for April fish can- vass. Tills will mean a gift of about 141711 altogether. To hely Mica thea am t Mr. J. W. [tengon0;the famous ('atadlan polftfrlll t•urtoin►Iat, R cent.; las leen engaged to give un entertain- i cent butter fat; Bisset Bros.. 4 perstent in Victoria 1 opera House on Mon - Death og• Mrs. Budge'', visit Mir in town. has received word of the death of her (laughter -in-law'. the wife of Mr. T. Hoy Itrydges. of Mulrhead. Alberta. ]�r Itrydges. Jr.. died on Easter Sim - day after a short Illness. She was _ married two years ago last Christmas: Exa11s1natiesn of Milk. to1eamtion Nflfl1'x-IIIIIIIIIIII x 111111111111+IIIA) 1111111U IIIN 1111 I+mums* m nlllll44e Mrs. R. Hawthorne has returned to her !some at Egmondvtlle after a, visit of 1 .,viral weeks with her sun. M.14alter i Mr. Lloyd W. Currell left on V ednes- Hawthnrne, here. \\ I day for Oshawa. where he has taken a Mrs. J. A. Fox. of Toronto„arrived is town on Saturday. on .a vieft - to her PERSONAL MENTION. E c I Of Cou re§e 1♦ daughter. '(ri."E. V. Fraser. of South . Mr. R. J. Megan• prdldent of the Board of 'trade. is away on a trip to ancouver and other Western points Mrs. Dr .l Sale and family and Miss \lathe'on have returned from a pleasant visit to" friends at London. Mrs. Atqos Fisher and Mrs. H. R. Long were at Clinton last week attending the formers mother and the fitter's grandmother. Mrs. Edward Turner, who had reached the great age of You Want First-class X ■ . Photographs. 1X funeral of the for We Make Them eighty.nine year il Mr. Wm. J. k and family have Xmoved to town from Leeburn and have s T.— - _ taken .tom house at the corner of Park - street and Cambnajsad formerly occu- XtVt pied by Mr..Hent' darter echo has tAr �o T. ��� movtYl to the other•side q( the street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wise have moved in from Colborne township old are oeev- pying their house on Nelson 'street.- Mr. ■X mi and- Mew bliss ars already- bell own in Goderich and are being warmly w•el- Dr. Hunter, M. O. li. reports, on date of April 11. result of examination of milk as repotted by Institute of Public Health, London; as follows Oke Bros., 3.ti0 per Thnraday, April I. I'Y:O W c5T?sls5HLLD 1 71 s e;IG4D Oenct HAMILTON THE Dominion Government is making _ special efforts this year to stimulate agricul- ture throughout Canada. The Bank of Hamilton will do everything possible to help the Government by its favorable attitude towards all legitimate requirements. BANKOFHAMILTON Goderich Branch—A. 3, MacKay, Manager rl7t>tflrrrlrlfln/lrlftiltllrtfltttf7tlftvfl xxxx xxxxxxli East Street Garage All kinds of Automobile Repair Work promptly ultelsbd to. flattery Charging and Repairing. Seriie•te and Salees Station for the well-known Canadian mad.' • 1'rest-4)-Lite Storage Ilatteriem. I1uy the Canadian goods and sate duty and exchange. The new spring models of Gray -Dort ('are are bees f er iaapFr- Son. IA' -'us give you a Ilemotistrat inn of these at . 'tee Sloe have on hand the Whalley Silver Ribbon and Red etas. A good line of Tire•tl, Uiis, Greases and A,•e•ea,oriea ways at your sert•iee. T. F. Holland coined by their many fnendr. Miss eta J. McM4nus. 3.60 r cent.: Beattie I (lay. April Lath. This will., be au ex - Wise. who teaches at Toronto. was here' Bros.. 3•7°‘per cent., . Fisher, 4 30 per celh•ut uttrlicti,al. Terson" holding to spend the Easter vacation with her cent. All samples show absence of any I tirkrts for the rant Ileei r'Irautatwplw.. parents. I preservatives. I cou.•1•rt course may use them. 'Elie very successful euchre and dance held 1n file 461dfi11l0r"' Hall Friday night brought in a gosh sum" towards 111e mwmeurlal grant. �. cert N WS eM/Weo�� i,ii site THE M 'theatre Liable to a Penalty. The municipal assessor reports that income tax returns are coming in very. wells but there are still a considerable number of persons who have so far neg- lected to make their returns as required by law. Such persons are liable to a fine of 5100 and 510 a day additional for each day of default. and `the assessor states that he intends to tyke steps for the enforcement of the law. ' An Address on Bassist., A/t~1Va Rev. A. E. Million. FLA.. of Auburn., Divine service next Sunday morning 'was the guest of the toe I Ministerial I and evening in Knox church will be Association on Monday affernwn last, conducted by Rev. F. H. Larkin, D. D., gave an addres< on h s� I o Dunt be surprised -if you are turned down while waiting (Or something to turn up. - CHURCH NOTES. • MARTIN ,t IkeC.RO f ) WATCHMAKIR Corner East St. and Square Jewelry Always Appeals t,, women's instinctive love of beauty. The sort of Jewelry we offer is particularly compelling in both charm of design and beauty of finish. A gift selected from our erdlea-tion Is sure to be Minn wved ith the very highest appreciation of ft and it will be well worthy of that kind of reception. A Ith lt will reveal our splendid showing of dependable Jewelry at moderate prices. .-. RTSON IPrograin w kAer>i1-19 to 24- - MONDAI' sag TIIIBDAI . A PARAMOUNT PICTURE MAN. MARTIN Ua "LITTLE COMRADE" Also - _ - andi 'experiences. f Sea(orth. Sunday school and Bible and impressions while in Siberia. Mr. classes at 3 o'clock. Millson was about 4.000 miles inland and The themes( tit the Baptist church bis relating of experiences and impressions next Lord., illy will ht.,' is Yonro a ai he mingled in the Russian cities was 'i14•hor gelighm:•" Willi "The 'Expert - most Stteresting., His ideas of th condi. „lion d Russia and its possible: uture were moat enlightening. Presbyterian Summer-SehaooL The Presbyterian,- summer s•h will again be held In (h.lerieh t taming ,urnwer. a11,1 a meeting w•a. ell a' ('ttntrer-la.t- week to make the preliminary arrangepienfs. The dates originally deechled mein were -July 19 to 26. liar it was found that - these dates conflicted with other sebgsths, atut It has now been Ir441111(1 10 hater the w lleatl from. July. to 12. The ress(r,ns will be held in Knox church. as they were last year. G. W. N. A. Women's Auxiliary. --T?u-wm1i n'r -AAs-It fey et she L . W L. V. A. wi11 hold a *ps•tlul meeting ler' 1 Lia Wolta-qh1:, April 2Ist. A large attendance is requested to 4i-- rugge s srial bush.• -s. New members I will tea rordlally w•elcolue. At the hast inert int, April 7(11. officers were elected Dodd's Kidney EPISODE 1 OF "ADVENTURES OF RUTII" as follows President. firs. Jones - Bateman THE STOLEN PICTURE" Murray , v President. pres M V .1. I, ANi) JIi\L'P.i.l.1.R (:olerich, Ontario NE&DAY eta/ TMVDAY A PAIRAMOUPIT PfiTIi3RE JOHN BARRYMORE : s .. 2ndvice-president, Mrs. .1. eutbbertson: secretary. Mrs. J. Tonne - blot : treasurer. 3Trs. J. McKay. Next Tuesday Evening. The musical recital -and sacred cantata,. **Ruth." to be given in Knox church . next Tuesday evening will doubtless at- tract a large audience. The cantata is a very beautiful piece of music, and the opportunity of hearing it should he fully In appreciated by the people of Goderich. The first part' of til^ program will include I ther"Tannhauser" overture on the grand i organ, by Mr. Egener, a piano solo by Mir Nina Woollcombe. and a violin solo , by Mrs. Raymond :tiller. Some de- I ecription of the cantata is given on page 1 6 of this issue of 'the Signal. A ('ontraet for Aux Roubles Bridge. London, April 14.-Represent9tives of Lamhton and Huron county councils met et the Middlesex county buildings yester- in day and opened tenders for construction of a new bridge over the Aux Ssubles River, on the boundary between the two counties. The contract for steel super- structure was awarded to the Canadian Bridge Building Co.. of Walkerville. at 516,819. Engineer James A. Bell. of St. Thomas, will supervise the work. which is to commence scion. A recent court de- cision handed down at S.ntia requires the two counties to share the coat equally, K. et C. Darter. The local Knights of ('olnmlluue lull arranged for a dams, to be he14 February 111th, but owing to the in- fluenza epidemic ►r was postponed and did !Ng come off ,(tell Wednesday evening of ilii.' week. wlwn It large and brilliant gathering assembled in file (kkIfellow. 11x11 end enjoyed the mode and dancing until an early 1 In the .morning. The mutate was given in good style by the Goderich (►r1.IrPs- tn. Lunch was terve! tea done st. hy ails everything puna "TEST OF HONOR" Also ('HRINTIE SPECIAL COMEDY FAY FINCHER "WILD AND WESTERN" FRIDAY and SATURDAY A PARAMOUNT PICTURE PAUIJNE FREDERICK h "PAID IN FULL" Also A CHRISTiE COMEDY are the only medicine that will cure Dia- betes. Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in - arable until SDodd's Kidney Pills utod_lt- - Doctor. , theaiseTves conies snit without Dodd'+ Kidney Pills they are swedes% again., Dia• Peilaare tfie first medicine pleat ever cure Diabetes. imitations- box, name and pill, are ad vert ised to do so, but the medicine that dot: cure iabetes is podd's Kid•+ev Fills. Dodd', LIdnev ('ills are Elle cent' a bot at all d,4r jgista. tt••+mw Why 1 Am a BapWt. Rude school w1'3 mud 11. T. P. l . a o'clock. There will be anniversary services in Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Rev. W: H. Grabthn, B. A., president of the La1g10n Conference, will preach both morning and evening. Sunday school at 3 o'clock. North Street Methodist Church. - Classes and Mission Band will meet in North street church next Sunday morning i at 10 o'clock. At the same hour the Men's Club will discuss: "Can we have good character without Christ ?” Mr. Ernest Pritchard will introduce the topic. The pastor's momifl theme will be: The Beginning, God." Evening: "God and I. Visitors are oordially in- vited. Over a hundred of the younger ladles of North street Methodist church were banqueted by the W. M. S. on Monday evening. The elegant appointments of banquet•hall and tables reflected the fine, artistic culinary skill of the hostesses. Mrs. 1. 11. Colborne, president of the W. M. S.. presided. Mrs. W. H. Graham. of Stratford, wife of the president of the London Conference. gave an rnspinng address on "The Missionary Obligations of Canadian Womanhood," after which Mrs. S.E. Hick. district organizer, for K Caere of -forty -n.mbers. given by Mrs Nellie Colborne And by Mrs Gordon Haigmere of Kilt tither. Mise Laws Elliott presided at the Pants. 1 This is an exceptionally fine Circ and win give a good account of itself under the leadership of the following ollic•ers: Honorary president. Miss Mabel Bailee: president, Miss Beatrice Anderson; .vice- president, - Muss Lottie Robinson; secre- tary, Miss Nellie Colborne; -e secretary, at av Miss Ida Currie. - Tell OODERICH .MARNirtS, Twossaar. April lb. Wheat, per bu.h .911!0 to axes oat., per bush., .. 1.110 to I. Barley. psi ba.h .. lie to Lib Neer, perhush . .1.91 to xdl llsawheat, per bush- .... . .. 1.101e 17/ elour, retail', per cwt .. SAO to ala Ylo,,r, pelenl, per oat 6.15 in 7.ee 43 en to 4e.ee tihetiw per eau --_--_.. SD eo to ,a.M Per tell ,sir (o t10 HalYtrepe ..1 Dairybeets.. p 7144tin; - N re M Dalry Putter. per lb .A7 to .7e (leaser) Hu pert. per b O to .b prig-. recoil. per ase S. to 310 Pahl.Potato.trher. cholas: Nl. 11N (tattle. butrhe ,/ u,e pee 0111. a to bee Cattle, bucrMrd mMlu-.t-r cwt gore, live weight, per eel....... t ow $ mem Haw,pe r lb t;w, ler 2M tt See our select shtick of Ladies' Whitewear with the new pointed effects. Ladies' Collars and many other lines of WO - men' o -men's and children's wear. Remember that we have re- moved to a new stand on the south side of Square. Give us a call. Miss S. Noble Sostli Siete Squats - Goderich 1 flavors ftke ----the - -Pyramids --t? ----Because th ► are long-lasting. • \ And WRIGLEY'S is a beneficial as well as long-lasting treat. It helps appetite and digestion. keeps teeth clean and breath sweet. allays thirst. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL