The Signal, 1920-4-15, Page 44—Thutwtay, April 13, 1000. t`/•••••••••••• A Talk to Mothers About Boys'Clothing T 1 DUNGANNON. a �1,holt• cotlgrrltatiou saw Isr=ael R, le pte►t•IN a l f Ills WisN1o1W I'\' ��1i11rrMlyg.. . , .1'he Iteth.4 totlgntgaf Iglicwill hold their .u11nual Iwmillet hint business, ' meeting on Friday evening of this week. Stinilar meet logs will be held at Itruwtllrr MI Welucsday eteatttt. April .1st. and %lou ou Thursday evening. April _:ud. These meetings will take the form of u tw,ii iti•t 1n each case anti every tururlwr of the cou- gn•gatlou and Sunday twitted Is Cor- dially invited to be preeleed 'ext Sunday the servile will he held at lieumiller at 11 it. w. 1t will' Iw eon- twxioual fund $outlay. The automat to Int raised by the Ik•umlller emigre - don and St. Marys. t Ration Is tyles. This is over and ithovt Rev. H. Campbell, Ph. D., of Toronto, 1 the amount sub+t•rlhed for tbe DFor- will will occupy the pulpit in Dungannon and tt.,rr,I Motvweut two. Port Albe•t Presbyterian church's on Wednesday. April 14. Mot Ilene do you know we Sunday, Del Inst. 1'he '•t111l1.1,Rrti•'• given in the hair lots of Boys' Clothing The Anglican people held a social even- churl Inst Thursday evening was 4P the -Orange Hall on Tuesday of wen attended, somewhere fu tow lwigh- carriecl over from former tins week. Supper was served from t3 to d 114,rhtswl of $13 bring the daWllcial seasons t You know what , o'clock. after which a short program of result. isolos and readings was elven. this being Jlhtt Maisie Walters is Roiug into this means. It makes it pos., followed by games and various other Go:tench hospital to le uteriitel oil Bible to sell oil Boys' Cloth- amueemseve Deedless to say, a very for appendicitis on, Thursday of this �' pleasant evening teas spent- week. We hope fo hear of a sutrrw- Mrs. Sam Treitaven as vtstting at her ins very much below pees; brother's, Mr, Thos. Shepherd'-,, Nile ful oiwyatlou and it speedy recovery. Mr. tester Walters, who visited his ent prices and much cheaper Mrs. J. Pattison. of Ninnggham, is visit• brorhrro herr for Easters and went than you can get through mg sister, Mrs. R. A. McKenzie. this luuurdiatety West. t•oritratled assallpox w`Kk•on arriving and La in au isolation boo- med order stores. Mr. Thomas Park hada very successful p=lat at $as►ra11►n. sale last Friday. Things generally Monsieur I,rt:rippe is lu the neigh - now are going up, so a._yhgt food prices- Hei is moving his hturlrttpl now is the best time to buy b`uaehold �� to the village. in the rho vacated by H. Bellamy. We are sal Mrs- J. W. Gledhill have house for present or future needs. glad ti, welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Park as returned from it visit to Toronto. citizen. Mr. D. Erritrgton. sr., is moving Mrs. Jacob Elsley was at Detroit the ('all and ie* what valuer: we to the holy' and farm vacated by Mr. past week attending the funeral of the hates .to offer- Park. We alio/wish the veteran farmer late Mrs. AIIin Elsley. of that city. who all the success passible in fus new abode. died on the 7th inst. We are pleased to know that Mr. R.. Davidson is abqut to return to the village ' KINTAIL- again, having purchased his brother N'Fa►:Esroivv, April 14. James fine farm adjacent to the village. St. Piuil's Vestry Meeting.—At abs Elwood Drennan is home from Windsor. 1111,+11141 iwri.h nn'eting_Of :it. 1.11111'+ Mrs.Nail Al Donald was in London for a few days last week. Miss Irene McDonald. who has been taking a course at the Conservatory of Music. returned borne, Miss Bessie Mackenzie has returned to Kinloss after spending her vacation at her home here. entry, titer a tr.rvoovatit+p-tif Mr the ehCharles McGregor. who was relit - the interior of the church be begun at ing his parents. has returned to Parry oar•, a step fu row wake of the For- Sound it — want Movement. to which the corlgrr- Nits. A. Evans, of Port Dover, is piton subscribed over L400. 3Ir. visiting at the home of her parents. 111+. Robert Introit' was elected nr•tor'N and Mrs. Robert Drennan. warden, and Mr. ('halve. Brown Misses Grace and Violet McLennan people's warden. Mr. William Carear entertained some of their friends one was appointed to represent the perish night last week. at the Synod, with Mr. Jams Maize _� t ' as substitute. The parish council ton- % gists of longus. David Glen. Thomas ♦U$tjlut ••••••••••.•• Smiley, J. 11: Young. W. I,. Bishop (treasurer i. the we Mem,. anti the terror as chairman. -- MR. N. F. WHYARD it the strut for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. 1 t)niers left with Mw for suhMrip- lloue. advertisements or job print- f 1 lug will receive prompt attention. i 1 Telephone (Gosh -deb Rural t r31. 1 I. THURSDAY, April 13. Miss Carrie McCann returned oil Thursday, after visiting friends at Lon- OODERIOH, 014T. Boils and Carbuncles Are Very Distressing Prices $12.00, $13.50 astil5.00 We also have a good stock of Hata. Caps, Shirts and Stockings for boys. church. held on Monday evening. April 5th, the treasurer reported all amounts putd and an appr.t table balance with which to start the new church year. It was saggt•sted by the .rector. Rev. D. D. ln.aigtti . and approved by the 1 was advised to Ilse, •'Hseeaw mdatweut for it earhu11tle 1111 WS right,• arum. I f 1 it drew it out clteau, lenrhti my oral perfectly will. 1 write this to let you know the value of "Metes." Walter C. Pridliam Phone 57 W. LA\'F:NI'F:Se IN, No. 211 Itruitawk•k Ave.. Toronto, nuts 25c -50c—$1.00-21,25 For sate by J. A. Campbell. Druggist. business in grocenes and general mer- chandise. Mr. R. R. Durnin leaves for the West tomorrow (Friday;. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mr. S. J. Young, Victoria street, and trust he will have an early recovery. Mrs. Gordon Haigmere, of Kitchener, and little da ter Betty are guests at the parental home, the North street parso cage. The monthly meeting of rhe Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. E.. wall be held at tbe Hhard of Trade rooms on Monday, April 19th. at 4 o'clock p. m. Mrs. U. M. Campbell, of Winnipeg. and Mrs. A.C. Fafrbatrn, of Regina. have returned to tbeir Western bones after visiting their parertts. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Cambria road. Mr. T. F. Holland has sold a Gray• Dort special to Mr. Chas. A. Reid and a Gray -Dort standard to Mr. Prink H. Martin. adding two more handsome cars to the number owned in Goderich. Major Donald MacKay. wbo has been viaitiog bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. MacKay. Britannia road. leaves tomorrow (Friday) for Vancouver. and will engage in land surveying for the Provincial Gov- ernment- He was in the same work in British Columbia before he went overseas as a member tel the Canadian forces, with whom he took a very successful part iu the war. His sister, Miss MacKay, ac- companied him on *brief visit to Toronto. Premature Promotions, THIS SOLDIER KNOWS 15000 Rto11S``Wallpaper l ABOI•T THE HOSPITAL. Premature promotlow.are always dem- WHAT' HELPED: iIK mental, finally, to the best interests of .. All up-to-date is (Contributed.) be pupil. True harts is only made by Otsi�s rim maned -i At a meeting of the hospital beard.. --` :—=Ailing thoroughr�tisfar better to spend C; t From l to 75C tall Id on tonday. April 12th. the •board two terms in a grade than that the pupil unanimously adopted the tecoaauen' - Itali be a drag through the remainder of I Cape - St.• George. Nfld.•April 12 W T. r u#w1'' Auburn ation of the enance committee that the the course.—"Canadian Teacher." April (Spenalt.— Eugene Cornett, keeper of the - of Godericb and surrounding 1.. 1920. tient and fog alarm here. and who alas country be invited to buy membership overseas with the Newfoundland forces tickets in the Hospital Association. This is a firm believer ui Dodd's Kidney Pills Wednesday. April 14. is a new departure. and out which the as a help for kidney disease and rheu— Jars. ltntwrt Currie returned to ber board thinks will have a tendency to ` autism. Mr. Correct states "i was home at Superior. 1'. S., 011 Waders - increase the popularity of our hospital by Jl ' treated for them in the hospitals in day. after ,pealing tato t weeke.„ria g getting people to take a personal Interest Egypt. But it was five boxes of Dodd's here. • in hospital affairs. Kidney Pills that cured me.” Mi,,s Minnie th,hi.. of Winnipeg. er- There is no question about the advent- Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely a'kidney ravel (tome on Fridny night. ages whack any community derives from remedy. By putting the kidneys in shape Mr. Peter Patterson returned to his having an up-to-date hospital in its to strain all the impurities out o: the 1 hone in Allwrta oil Monday. Mr. David midst. There has been. unfortunately, blood they remave the uric acid. the cause i'att.•reen, Mr. !humid Patterson. Jr.. a lot of unjust criticism of our hospital, • of rheumatism. Ask your neighbors about_ ,end Miss fern remaining with their due largely to a misunderstanding, and Dodd s Kidney Pills. 40..irents to asitlst In waiting en Mr. 1►. lack of definite knowledge as to the Patti•r••.n, sr.. who is not improving details of the management. It is this $ENIIILLER. at hi+ friends 'would like.•misunderstanding which the board desires --Mr. %Vur Lk.hjr has..haila i*rlo to remove by having as many citizen as :t her cat dlfft•reiw! • ire the a Tile flay al 1 m't is entitled to a vote at the annual meet- • Md.u. Nellie. F'I-her. t h•t n derweut attack of :opl»•ialiciri+. 11'e ore glad possible become members of the associr tons • la+tt u Itt-Hp rartntk,u In the - ' he au o oration for a , N•utlh as a few to' report a slight Ingiroo.alM,t. I tion. thus putting themselves in a position ,s d 11 The VV'. F. M. S. will hold a ids. Where they -.now what is being accomp- lay night. er lois esiel, his ing and to know the exact detail working io high f run11ldlrla: jest ttlP (r�Ae sat.ks itgt is able to he ill nit :aQlain.j Noels! in the - - - , member Nlalrir Walters eut'rerlhr Iatle-on V\edtws. cry salt `."t naN'•-'- 1t le rise a y rich hospital N'rdtlr iJuy. t+l _111 e e st _. ` _ 1a similar operation. 'slier many friends thin amlRrf to -wort:Mau- v pmpttte to F:. Pelelps anil E. laaeson,ofthe .ociety• Her also elects his repre- g•. wkttM'd' ' hops• for the Feet remits. a Mr. and Mrs. .Vilest 7tingfort. lav- an'd is going he spersl the nest of his i sentativs on the board of directors for the ns i I1 their farm are moving into '1.'t-as'in;t!i.• home for the sited :at ilia- (ensung arouse venatis greatear eteresy tthais n ha Just hip. vrhi.il ark*. _our picture "a lidos of beanty and a Joy forever.•. .tnd it is such adaptions that have made SMITH'S ART STORE the places to_bart; your pkt�tr Premed. -� nR s,, h n the r;atalit Iiaiti e•IN•IaI1Q11aR to Jt r. \\'w.h ales,• _. awl Nies. 1o1in ,Pfeffer leave l previously been -taken in hospital affairs. .eorletothener._xhere they have Each membership ticket entitles the n hnmt wad- will reside. We holder. or any dependent member of his ...wry ao Ise chino's like thi- family. to one weeks free hospital at- • lin. Their many friends wish tendance,subje'ct to the regular conditions prosperity in their urs home. covered by the bylaws. If five hundred tickets can be said, it itrendel. ronslder1nQ tit stormy d,3iii1ELP. will be possible for the board to either writhes rat first went: - -- - .2.. \ — -- - increase the service at the hospital or -Vii.. Edna Walters is In 1:0t1.•rit l+ M c!;ae1 Niton. after spending a num- very materially to reduce the charges for for a few days this week ttssistiiig in ber of ye rs in Alberta, has come east for accommodation, thus bringing the ad - the lswtoAlr•. the summ r end is visiting his brothers in vantages of the institution within easy ' ('hurrh Notts.—Next Sunday after- Ashfield.• reach of a much larger number of people nam 1tpr11 1sth. Ives:. 11. F'. 1:.•nrtttly ' James Clakksort of Paramount, has sold than have heretofore availed themselves will gtre n missionary address to. t T1ds farm to \V 'm. McKenzie of Lucknow. of it. \ North Zion Smelay school at 1: and will retire rom farming. There are two definite objects in view: .:e •k uu ''Thu Life arait'ttatpms o \ First, to raise sufficient funds, in a : Loin:. 011 the cornor of the Fourth a... . Division line. The llltit.tratasl lantern entertain -1 n nit•uts giver by, tow- pastor. Rev. H. F. 1 In Kennedy. rat the several a•htlrt•t,Rs al 1 " the llritulller c=reme. were fairly well 1 ihtttt e People,- lllugtrat ng businesslike manner, to place our hospital i Ig `with n number of miuiatnre LOCAL m. els representing the vnrtmts stem- - • lwri►i i►f "ttitg Yin" fawUy. Thr 1 Miss Adelaide NM has returned from Toronto. TOPIC'S iN BRIEF. in a position where we can offer increased advantages at a reduced cost. Second. to arouse a personal interest in hospital affairs among those who have ibWtb ll 161, *VA'1'�1Mt�1 1�ii1�ir11iiL1if1b1t�11f� 100 Shares of 8 per cent. Preference Stock 3100 shares, at 595 1C 1F TO I NV E. 1 4 i 3 The Goderich Mercantile Company, Li offers Tim proceeds from the sale .1 this stock are to be `em• ployed in thr< purchase of raw material and otherwise for the extension of the Company's business, the demand for the Company's products being so great that additional cap- ital is necessary to enable the Company to take proper care of the business that is available. Tbih was Uf deck offered by the Company to the public, and it is commended to the attention of in- vestors as an unusual opportunity to emrloy their money advantageously- and safely, and at the same time aid in the extension of an industry which promises to become a sub- stantial factor in the industrial progress of the town. Let Mime, 0aerley, our business, onr workmen and our dividends at home. Prospectus on application. T. PRiTCHARD, President. W. T. MILLAR, Vito -President- E A. F. STURDY. S.rr.tary.Tr'easerer. II. G. CAMERON. LC., and WESLEY WALZER, Directors. !1tT TTT,TTTTT!WWl'P!1!! WPW Thomas ivai d from Tor - Miss Grace p onto ovet the holiday. previously been irdifferent, hundred of our Three out of every population receive some treatment at the Mr. George Strickland\ spent a few hospital during the year. We hope you in Toronto last week, -- will not be one of the three. but ask you s(tank.y hirers w up from to buy a ticket, and thus lighten the Tort to- for the Easter ho€they, burden for the three who ;re not so � fortunate as you are. Mt{ (leo W. 1}t.e l.h•r h Phone 56 M/Vatt•Vr D. M`'i I LLAI2 u SON 44 "The Scotch Store" .0 STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M, : SATURDAYS 9 P. M. Phone ,56 erM/VkA LINOLEUMS FOR CLEANLINESS Just a little mopping of the Linoleum, and presto ! it't clean. For - that reason it .is particularly desirable in Bathrooms and Kitchens. Spick and span tile patterns cam' out the cleanly Zook. 'Ilii, is the time to attend to Linoleum needs, all over the house. !n many houses bedrdome, halls and • clnsefs,have this cleanly covering. �� �� moderato prl0ea, This weak we show a large assortment of LINOLEUMS FOR THE KITCHEN Cleanliness in the kitchen it a matter of much unpleasant work. when it coiner to floors, unless they are covered with Linoleum. Our Canadian -made Linoleums • ire bright, ellaerltut- -and dttnble, covering readily kept spick au d span. 4 -varus -wide Linoleum. $1.50 square yard. BATHROOMFLOOR COVERINGS* Prettytile patterns in Oilcloths. white and blue or white and green. 2 yards wide. Priiie peer square yard 85c, $L00. CARPET RUGS A ti rstrate selection of Tapestry, Hrusselette. Brussels and Wilton Rugs. in sizes 2'4'1x3, Net=s :iz3 -sect .:tri, Alt very moderately priced. LINOLEUM RUGS As all economical floor covering, see our , 1.: lentil Rugs. These come in Oriental carpet effects, and are of splendid wearlaag quality. -nom:j-?id 1d[ttrlsun► Biwa at 211.50• 2l,4 3-y'd. Linoleum Ruga at $14.50. 3x3yd. Linoleum Ruga at $17,50. jx3•-yd. Linoleum Rugs at $19.75. 3x4-jrd; Linoleum Rugs at $22.50. �. FLOOR OILCLOTHS A splendid assortment of Canadian - made Oileloths,_in pretty designs of tiles, blocks, and floral. 1 -yard -wide Oilcloth, per yard Siii. 114 -yard -wide Oilcloth, per yard $1.0t• 1_•yard-Wide Oilcloth, par T 2 -yard -wide Oilcloth, per yard $1.70. ARE YOUR WINDOWS INTERESTING? -- 4 Have you seen Windows t.o interestingly curtained that you were sure they were merely a suggestion of the atm sphere pervading the whole hapset To secure perfect harmony between wind�(r' and shades, draperies and tains, inspect thoroughly our wide eollevtiaa of fabrics, rich in color, t and quality. • NEW CASEMENT CLOT -Fast color Duplex ('asement ('laths. beautifedly figured. in ver- ehoiee esal,r- ings. 45 i11. wide. i'or over•curtains or fur sou s=tints. Price $1.95 a yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS All grades of Voiles. Scrim an.1 Mar gitutettea, in fresh clean. stocks, liewr.t effects. Curtain Scrim at 29c, 45c, 50c - a yd. Fancy Bordered Scrim 50e, 75c, 85c tl yd. Fancy Bordered Marquisette• 60c, 75c, 90c a _yd- ('olored Bordered Scrims 30c .l V1 a are shelving nous - of the nest hbndss Net C' essir,peeu in Bob - rich. Yr w �.: 2 Culla front $2.75 to $7.50 ir, a (boa* Net _Curtain, $8.50 to $12.50 a pair. CURTAIN NETS These are very popular ('nrtainings turd are eeououliehl, beeau.e you tiny only what yon require. Beautiful new Nets. reasonably priced. Special Curtain Nets. bee, 60c to 75c a yd. Kura- finality. Curtain. Nets. 95c, $1.25 and $1.50 a yd. ,1 �- ORDERS WY PHONE AND MAiL -RECEIVE FiRST MID REST ATTENTION 11 >ILA illar's Scotch The Leading Phone and Mair Order Store PHONE S day$ „roe Think this proposition over, talk it tom HawNtou for an Easter \left. over with your neighbor. if there is Diss. (Tunis niel Miss Mary t,'hn,tia. anything about it you don't understand, of 'Loualon, spent the Durst wick\with call up either the president, secretary or fri.-utls' In town. -' treasurer of the hospital board, who will Mrs..l. S. Hume, of Philadelphia. Pa., gladly explain anything you wish. is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. In the meantime do what you can to A Nairn boost our hospital. and Mrs e Mrs. Alex. JleNevin was called to This is an experiment in community co Galt last !reek owing to the illness of her sister. Mrs. R. 11. Iteynolig. Bedford Greene, of Detroit. Mich , was granted a divorce on the grounds of cruelty and desertion from his wife. Laura A. Greene, of Toronto, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. !taker. of Water- dokn. announce the engagement of theft ss•ond daughter. Hazel Lillian, to Victor Art Patton, son of Mr. and Nits. W, 3, Patton. of linderich. the marriage to take plaee gwietly In April. Mr. W. J. Symonds, Sanford, has bought the stock of Richard Walters, and has moved it to his own place on the op- posite corner. where he has opened out a Do not seta soother day with Itehing, Ateeeedd-- Ina. or• ria Pile..... 14 No satgleal spew a l 1l o ts required, Dr. Chow'. Otataamit will relkve Yeo at ones and re tat .t*a wile rea. ( a sot; owter+..w gAtsttsattsse. BaW • Os. T=tad= .00ta $aayte bez tree ►1 t+ew mosso. titM Apar a.4 $osteo lb. $trip fo Af ps SM• operation which. so far as we know, has riot yet been tried out ehewhere. Let us get tdgether and show our neighbors what we can do is Godetich. The Government inspector of hospitals, Mr. Me* McKay. and tbe Government architect. Mr. Govan, area to be in town some day nett week to inspect the former Cameron prowl. Y. now be• longing to the hospital board. and to advise regarding its calvenlon to hospital purposes. Signal Battalion 10 Be Fsraseel• Plans have been formed for the estab- lishing of a signal battalion in military district No. 1. The establishment will probably consist of thirty-one officers and 657 other ranks, comprising signal bat- talion headquarters, lour officers and fifteen other ranks, with three cnnsp.nies each of s strength of nine officers and 214 other ranks. The work will consist of visual and line telegraphy, wireless tai - graphy despatch riding and Olson Mr - vice. A course of training will he put on in this district for all ranks. The Com -1 panies and sections of the battalion *ill be so distributed that all those who aze keen on signalling. wherever they mat reside, will have a chance to join arid' participate in the work. Any person in ` this locality who is interested in the new battalion may obtain further information` by communicating with Major H. C. Dunlop, Goderich. : Lil'ED IN (IO0S CHMIAMI YZAIIII . Granny BaweriM Vow. in tl<sr Monday, April 12.—Nearly fair years pastthe venters mark, Granny Beaver. easily the oldest inmate. diel Matnrriny morning at the Aged Wo- mPn's Home•. itclu+mtt street. In spite of her age she displayed ron.ldt•rable mental anti pl.ysical activity sonnet float the .lay or her death. IH a fain- tly of four .,,,is 111111 three daughters. only one ,Ianzhter. Mrs. Thos. Bennett of Hamilton. sem hes. Margaret Ik'rtuird heaver was horn on May 10, 15111, at Montreal. She WWI adopted when a iwail and taken by her foster -parents to )(orbs'. Point on Lake Stmt•te. whence she went later to (ltxierirll. The trip was math through 'melee rel hnsh, tilled at that thine with wild animals. In 1$.111 she married ler first huilwnl, Capt. le aneis Tron•hv. who was drowned two yearn later on lake Huron. /Sub- sequently she became the wife of Joseph Bearer. with whoa* she lived In the Newmarket and Uxbridge Ma- n -lent until his death about forty years ago. roar years ago, whoa she eeltbratel her hundredth birthday, Men, heaver Heed et 44 Bathnrst ltrtttt, and was able to walk to church trees ber home. A year later she leassdlsitttd to One. hospital. and a year ago taken to the home off literaowt street. During twenty-five yesra of her r !seidenee in Toronto, until just before renching the tr•utury mark. nhe.spent the summers picking fruit near St. Cuth:rines. she spent much of her time making quilts. mime of wMrh were exhibited at the Toronto iCshit:in:in. sinal dnr- the war knitted, many pairs :If ,i(i•les. She never wore glsttse.. ptiwi wittra w keen toe nit ••t:rsnny" Bet had many Interesting re•ol- lecti a of pioneer days. Slw remem- bered vivi.lip the first steamboat on Lake *mune, and revelled seeing her foster -father dealing sit nations to e'oloa•1 MaiNab's troops 111 the Mats kenzie rebellion. She knew the lone- liness or the twttler't' We 111 (IN• un- broken hush where. as a child. she learned to make friends of the wild ahiinals. \\'h•n elght_r years old she Joined the Srlyrthm Army, Iter funeral tiUI take plate today from Rates & lhwkb' nndertakitgt PN- tabllahwen t. 1t will be it,ntla'teil by 11e.. R. J. Koffen . snp'riuteaMnt of F:vat►srl 11.11. where •Branny" for rears earrlerd on the quilting work by tt hitch the supported herself. Gonichi Board .of Trade NOTICE The next regulart of the Camel! �cil of m the Board of Trade will be held in the Board Room at the Masonic Temple on Monday evening. April 19th. at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to attend. G. L PARSONS, Acting President. April 16th, 1920. W. S. RowDEN, for Secretary.